コード例 #1
def run():
    dataDir = "Data/"
    message = MailMessage()

    message.subject = "Creating Message with Friendly Email Address."

    # A To address with a friendly name can also be specified like this
    message.to.append(MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Kyle Huang"))

    # Specify Cc and Bcc email address along with a friendly name
    message.cc.append(MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Guangzhou Team"))
    message.bcc.append(MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Ammad ulHaq "))

    message.save(dataDir + "MessageWithFrienlyName_out.eml",
コード例 #2
def run():
    dataDir = "Data/"
    #ExStart: CreatingAndSavingOutlookMSG
    eml = MailMessage()

    # Set from, to, subject and body properties
    eml.from_address = "*****@*****.**"
    eml.subject = "This is test message"
    eml.body = "This is test body"

    # Create an instance of the MapiMessage class and pass MailMessage as argument
    outlookMsg = MapiMessage.from_mail_message(eml)

    # Save the message (MSG) file
    strMsgFile = "CreatingAndSavingOutlookMessages_out.msg"
    outlookMsg.save(dataDir + strMsgFile)
コード例 #3
def run():
    dataDir = "Data/"
    #ExStart: AddingMSGAttachments
    eml = MailMessage()

    # Set from, to, subject and body properties
    eml.from_address = "*****@*****.**"
    eml.subject = "This is test message"
    eml.body = "This is test body"

    #Add attachments to MailMessage
    eml.add_attachment(Attachment(dataDir + "1.jpg"))
    eml.add_attachment(Attachment(dataDir + "1.doc"))
    eml.add_attachment(Attachment(dataDir + "1.pdf"))

    # Create an instance of the MapiMessage class and pass MailMessage as argument
    outlookMsg = MapiMessage.from_mail_message(eml)

    # Save the message (MSG) file
    strMsgFile = "AddingMSGAttachments_out.msg"
    outlookMsg.save(dataDir + strMsgFile)