コード例 #1
def test_wfst_decoder_normal_transition():
    phoneme_table = PhonemeTable()

    fst_compiler = _FstCompiler()
    eps = phoneme_table.get_epsilon_id()
    blank = phoneme_table.get_blank_id()
    a = phoneme_table.get_label_id('a')
    i = phoneme_table.get_label_id('i')
    fst_compiler.add_arc(0, 1, blank, eps, 0.2)
    fst_compiler.add_arc(1, 2, a, eps, 0.1)
    fst_compiler.add_arc(1, 3, i, eps, 0.2)
    fst = fst_compiler.compile()

    wfst_decoder = WFSTDecoder(fst)
    prev_paths = {
        0: wfst_decoder.Path(score=0,
    curr_paths = {}
    wfst_decoder.normal_transition(prev_paths, curr_paths, 0, blank)
    assert 1 in curr_paths
    assert round(curr_paths[1].score, 6) == 0.2
    assert round(curr_paths[1].prev_path.score, 6) == 0
    prev_paths = curr_paths
    curr_paths = {}
    wfst_decoder.normal_transition(prev_paths, curr_paths, 1, a)
    assert 2 in curr_paths
    assert round(curr_paths[2].score, 6) == 0.3
    assert curr_paths[2].frame_index == 1
    assert round(curr_paths[2].prev_path.score, 6) == 0.2
コード例 #2
def test_lexicon_create_fst_without_homophones(workdir,
    vocab = get_vocabulary_table(workdir, words_without_homophones)
    lexicon = get_lexicon(words_without_homophones)

    phoneme_table = PhonemeTable()
    epsilon_id = phoneme_table.get_epsilon_id()
    a = phoneme_table.get_label_id('a')
    i = phoneme_table.get_label_id('i')
    o = phoneme_table.get_label_id('o')

    fst = lexicon.create_fst(phoneme_table, vocab, min_freq=0)
    assert (fst.num_states() == 7)
    aux0 = phoneme_table.get_auxiliary_label_id('#0')

    state = 0
    assert (fst.num_arcs(0) == 2)
    gen = fst.arcs(state)
    arc = next(gen)
    is_expected_arc(arc, a, vocab.get_label_id('愛'), 1)
    arc = gen.__next__()
    is_expected_arc(arc, a, vocab.get_label_id('青'), 4)

    state = 1
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 1)
    arc = next(fst.arcs(state))
    is_expected_arc(arc, i, epsilon_id, 2)

    state = 2
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 1)
    arc = next(fst.arcs(state))
    is_expected_arc(arc, aux0, epsilon_id, 3)

    state = 3
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 1)
    arc = next(fst.arcs(state))
    is_expected_arc(arc, epsilon_id, epsilon_id, 0)

    state = 4
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 1)
    arc = next(fst.arcs(state))
    is_expected_arc(arc, o, epsilon_id, 5)

    state = 5
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 1)
    arc = next(fst.arcs(state))
    is_expected_arc(arc, aux0, epsilon_id, 6)

    state = 6
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 1)
    arc = next(fst.arcs(state))
    is_expected_arc(arc, epsilon_id, epsilon_id, 0)
コード例 #3
def test_token_create_fst_with_auxiliary_labels():
    phoneme_table = PhonemeTable()
    phoneme_table.add_labels(['a', 'i'])
    epsilon_id = phoneme_table.get_epsilon_id()
    blank_id = phoneme_table.get_blank_id()
    a = phoneme_table.get_label_id('a')
    i = phoneme_table.get_label_id('i')
    aux0 = phoneme_table.get_auxiliary_label_id('#0')
    aux1 = phoneme_table.get_auxiliary_label_id('#1')

    fst = Token().create_fst(phoneme_table)
    assert (fst.num_states() == 5)
    # start state
    state = 0
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 3)
    gen_arc = fst.arcs(state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), blank_id, epsilon_id, state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), a, a, 3)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), i, i, 4)
    # second state
    state = 1
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 2)
    gen_arc = fst.arcs(state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), blank_id, epsilon_id, state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), epsilon_id, epsilon_id, 2)
    # final(auxiliary) state
    state = 2
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 3)
    gen_arc = fst.arcs(state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), epsilon_id, epsilon_id, 0)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), epsilon_id, aux0, state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), epsilon_id, aux1, state)
    # a
    state = 3
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 2)
    gen_arc = fst.arcs(state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), a, epsilon_id, state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), epsilon_id, epsilon_id, 1)
    # b
    state = 4
    assert (fst.num_arcs(state) == 2)
    gen_arc = fst.arcs(state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), i, epsilon_id, state)
    is_expected_arc(next(gen_arc), epsilon_id, epsilon_id, 1)
コード例 #4
def test_wfst_decoder_epsilon_transition():
    phoneme_table = PhonemeTable()

    fst_compiler = _FstCompiler()
    eps = phoneme_table.get_epsilon_id()
    a = phoneme_table.get_label_id('a')
    fst_compiler.add_arc(0, 1, eps, eps, 0.1)
    fst_compiler.add_arc(1, 2, eps, eps, 0.2)
    fst_compiler.add_arc(1, 3, eps, eps, 0.3)
    fst_compiler.add_arc(0, 2, eps, eps, 0.15)
    fst_compiler.add_arc(0, 3, eps, eps, 0.5)
    fst_compiler.add_arc(0, 4, a, eps, 0.15)
    fst = fst_compiler.compile()

    wfst_decoder = WFSTDecoder(fst)
    paths = {
        0: wfst_decoder.Path(score=0,
    frame_index = 0
    wfst_decoder.epsilon_transition(paths, phoneme_table, frame_index)
    # check new state 1 is added to paths
    # TODO: state:1が残るのは果たしてよいのか?無限ループしそう
    assert 1 in paths
    assert round(paths[1].score, 6) == 0.1
    assert paths[1].prev_path.score == 0
    # check existing state 2 is updated via better path
    assert 2 in paths
    assert round(paths[2].score, 6) == 0.15
    assert paths[2].prev_path.score == 0
    # check existing state 3 is not updated
    assert round(paths[3].score, 6) == 0.4
    assert round(paths[3].prev_path.score, 6) == 0.1
    assert paths[3].prev_path.prev_path.score == 0
    # check new state 4 is not added to paths
    # because it's not epsilon transition
    assert 4 not in paths
コード例 #5
def test_phoneme_table_get_epsilon_id():
    phoneme_table = PhonemeTable()
    assert phoneme_table.get_epsilon_id() == 0
    assert phoneme_table.get_label_id('<epsilon>') == 0
    assert phoneme_table.get_label(0) == '<epsilon>'
コード例 #6
parser.add_argument('workdir', help='Directory path where files are saved')
parser.add_argument('wav_files', nargs='*', help='wave files to recognize')
parser.add_argument('--vocabulary-symbol-file', type=str, default='vocab.syms',
                    help='Vocabulary symbol file name')
parser.add_argument('--feature-params-file', type=str,
                    help='Feature params file name')
parser.add_argument('--model-file', type=str, default='model.bin',
                    help='model file name')
parser.add_argument('--decoder-fst-file', type=str, default='decoder.fst',
                    help='Decoder FST file name')
args = parser.parse_args()

phoneme_table = PhonemeTable()
epsilon_id = phoneme_table.get_epsilon_id()
print('Loading model ...')
model_path = os.path.join(args.workdir, args.model_file)
model = EESENAcousticModel.load(model_path)
feature_params_path = os.path.join(args.workdir, args.feature_params_file)
feature_params = FeatureParams.load(feature_params_path)
batch = []
for wav_file in args.wav_files:
    data = extract_feature_from_wavfile(wav_file, feature_params)
output = model.predict(pad_sequence(batch))
for idx, wav_file in enumerate(args.wav_files):
    print('Decoding {} ... '.format(wav_file))
    frame_labels = [int(frame_label) for frame_label in output[:, idx]]
    print('  acoustic labels = {}'.format(' '.join(
        [phoneme_table.get_label(frame_label) for frame_label in frame_labels