def compare_M(X, y, k=1):
    # if k is less than 1, throw an error
    assert k > 0

    # Create Xremain, which we will begin to slice columns out of
    Xremain = X

    # Create list M, which we will store each model Mi
    M = []

    # Create list orig_indices, so we can keep track of how each model was
    # built
    orig_indices = []

    for i in range(k):

        # get the index of the best column, and get it's cost
        ind, cost = compare(Xremain, y)

        # extract this best column
        Xnext = Xremain[:, ind].reshape(-1, 1)

        # add the extracted column to the new best matrix
            Xbest = np.c_[Xbest, Xnext]
            Xbest = Xnext

        # Extend the best matrix, this is Mi
        Xe = amf.extended_matrix(Xbest)

        # Get betas using normal equation of Mi
        betas = lirf.normal_equation(Xe, y)

        # Get Cost of Mi
        normal_eq_cost = lirf.cost_function(Xe, betas, y)

        # Get the original index of the extracted column
        orig_index = np.where(Xnext == X)[1][0]

        # Add the index to the originals list

        # Append the Mi model to the Models list. Attach some meta data for
        # later use
        M.append({"model": Xbest})

        # Remove the extracted column from the Xremain matrix
        Xremain = np.c_[Xremain[:, 0:ind], Xremain[:, ind + 1:X.shape[1]]]

    return (orig_indices, M)
コード例 #2
def predict_gradient(X, zx, betas):
    # Step 1 - Combine the predication to your other data
    X_plus_z = np.append(X, zx, 0)

    # Step 2 - Normalize the combined data
    X_plus_z_normalized = amf.feature_normalization(X_plus_z)

    # Step 3 - Extract the normalized prediction data
    z_normalized = np.array([X_plus_z_normalized[-1]])

    # Step 4 - Predict the y
    zy = predict(amf.extended_matrix(z_normalized), betas[-1])

    return zy
def cost(X, y, j):

    # 1 - Extract the J column
    Xreduced = X[:, j].reshape(-1, 1)

    #2 - Extend Xn
    Xe = amf.extended_matrix(Xreduced)

    # 3 - Get betas using normal equation
    betas = lirf.normal_equation(Xe, y)

    # 4 - Get Cost
    normal_eq_cost = lirf.cost_function(Xe, betas, y)

    return normal_eq_cost
コード例 #4
def exerciseA_1_gradient():
    print("\nExercise A.1 Gradient")

    # Load Data
    X, y = load_data()

    ### Gradient
    # Step 1 - Normalize and Extend X
    Xe_n = amf.extended_matrix(amf.feature_normalization(X))

    # Step 2 - Calculate betas using gradient descent
    betas = lirf.gradient_descent(Xe_n, y, alpha=.001, n=1000)

    # Step 3 - Calculate cost function for each beta
    J_gradient = []
    for i, j in enumerate(betas):
        J_grad = lirf.cost_function(Xe_n, betas[i], y)

    # Step 4 - Plot the cost over iterations
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    fig.suptitle('Ex A.1 Gradient Descent, alpha = .001', fontsize=14)
    ax1.set(xlabel="Number of iterations = " + str(len(betas)),
            ylabel="Cost J, min = " + str(round(J_gradient[-1], 3)))
    ax1.plot(np.arange(0, len(betas)), J_gradient)
    plt.xlim(0, len(betas))

    # Step 5 - Predict arbitrary height

    # 5a) Place in matrix
    heights_to_predict = np.array([[65, 70]])

    # 5b) Place in matrix
    y_parents_grad = lirf.predict_gradient(X, heights_to_predict, betas)

    print("==> The predicted height for a girl with parents (65.70) is:\n",
          round(y_parents_grad[0], 2))
コード例 #5
def exercise1_1():
    print("\nExercise 1 - Normal Equation")
    # Step 1 - Load Data
    Csv_data = np.loadtxt("./A2_datasets_2020/GPUBenchmark.csv",
                          delimiter=',')  # load csv

    X = Csv_data[:, :-1]
    y = Csv_data[:, 6]

    # Step 2 - Normalize Data
    Xn = amf.feature_normalization(X)

    # Step 3 - Plot data
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3)
    fig.suptitle('Ex 1.1, Multivariate Data Sets', fontsize=14)
    fig.tight_layout(pad=1.0, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
    titles = [
        "CudaCores", "BaseClock", "BoostClock", "MemorySpeed", "MemoryConfig",
        "MemoryBandwidth", "BenchmarkSpeed"

    # iterate over columns of Xn by using the Transpose of Xn
    i, j = 0, 0
    for ind, xi in enumerate(Xn.T):
        ax[i][j].scatter(xi, y)
        #ax[i][j].set_xlim([xi.min()-1.5, xi.max()+1.5])
        j += 1
        if j == 3: i, j = 1, 0

    # Step 4 - Get extended matrix
    Xe = amf.extended_matrix(X)

    # Step 5 - Get betas using normal equation
    betas = lirf.normal_equation(Xe, y)

    # Step 6 - Create prediction matrix
    pred = np.array([[2432, 1607, 1683, 8, 8, 256]])

    # Step 7 - Make prediction
    y_pred = lirf.predict(amf.extended_matrix(pred), betas)[0]
        "Predicted benchmark:",
        " \tActual benchmark: 114",

    # Step 9 - What is the cost J(β) when using the β computed by
    # the normal equation above?
    normal_eq_cost = lirf.cost_function(Xe, betas, y)
    print("Cost:", normal_eq_cost)

    print("\nExercise 1 - Gradient Descent")
    # Gradient - Step 1 - Normalize and Extend X
    Xe_n = amf.extended_matrix(amf.feature_normalization(X))

    # Step 2 - Calculate betas using gradient descent
    alpha, n = .01, 1000
    betas = lirf.gradient_descent(Xe_n, y, alpha, n)

    # Step 3 - Calculate cost function for each beta
    J_gradient = []
    for i, j in enumerate(betas):
        J_grad = lirf.cost_function(Xe_n, betas[i], y)

    grad_cost = J_gradient[-1]
    print("alpha =", str(alpha), " n =", str(n))
    print("Cost:", str(grad_cost))
        "Gradient cost within",
        str(round(100 * abs(grad_cost - normal_eq_cost) / normal_eq_cost, 5)) +
        "% of normal cost -> This is less than 1%!")

    # Step XXX - Predict benchmark
    y_parents_grad = lirf.predict_gradient(
        X, np.array([[2432, 1607, 1683, 8, 8, 256]]), betas)

    print("Predicted benchmark:", y_parents_grad[0])
コード例 #6
def predict(to_predict, X, b):
    all_data = np.append(X, to_predict, 0)
    all_data_normalized = amf.feature_normalization(all_data)
    to_pred_normalized = np.array([all_data_normalized[-1]])
    return sigmoid(amf.extended_matrix(to_pred_normalized), b)[-1]
コード例 #7
def exerciseA_1():
    print("\nExercise A.1")

    # Load Data
    global X, y
    X, y = load_data()

    # A1.1 - Plot Data
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, sharex=True)
    fig.suptitle('Ex A.1, Girl Height in inches', fontsize=14)
    ax1.set(xlabel="Mom Height", ylabel="Girl Height")
    ax2.set(xlabel="Dad Height")
    ax1.scatter(X[:, 0], y, c='#e82d8f', marker='1')
    ax2.scatter(X[:, 1], y, c='#40925a', marker='2')

    # A1.2 - Compute Extended Matrix
    Xe_parents = amf.extended_matrix(X)
    print("Extended Matrix of Parent's Heights\n", Xe_parents, "\n")

    # A1.3 - Compute Normal Equation and Make a Prediction
    Beta_normal_parents = lirf.normal_equation(Xe_parents, y)
    y_parents_normal_eq = lirf.predict(
        amf.extended_matrix(np.array([[65, 70]])), Beta_normal_parents)
    print("==> Prediction of girl height with parental heights of 65,70\n",
          y_parents_normal_eq[0], "\n")

    # A1.4 - Apply Feature Normalization, plot dataset,
    # heights should be centered around 0 with a standard deviation of 1.
    X_feature_normalized_heights = amf.feature_normalization(X)
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, sharex=True)
    fig.suptitle('Ex A.1, Girl Height in inches', fontsize=14)
    ax1.set(xlabel="Mom Height Normalized", ylabel="Girl Height")
    ax2.set(xlabel="Dad Height Normalized")
    ax1.scatter(X_feature_normalized_heights[:, 0], y, c='#e82d8f', marker='1')
    ax2.scatter(X_feature_normalized_heights[:, 1], y, c='#40925a', marker='2')

    # A1.5 - Compute the extended matrix Xe and apply the Normal equation
    # on the normalized version of (65.70). The prediction should
    # still be 65.42 inches.
    Xe_feature_normalized_heights = amf.extended_matrix(
    Beta_normal_parents_normalized = lirf.normal_equation(
        Xe_feature_normalized_heights, y)
    heights_to_predict = np.array([[65, 70]])
    Heights_plus_pred = np.append(X, heights_to_predict, 0)
    Normalized_heights_plus_pred = amf.feature_normalization(Heights_plus_pred)
    Normalized_heights_to_pred = np.array([Normalized_heights_plus_pred[-1]])
    y_parents_pred = lirf.predict(
        "==> Prediction of girl height with normalized parental heights of 65,70\n",
        y_parents_pred[0], "\n")

    # A1.6 - Implement the cost function J(β) = n1 (Xeβ − y)T (Xeβ − y) as a
    # function of parameters Xe,y,β. The cost for β from the Normal
    # equation should be 4.068.
    cost_function_normalized = lirf.cost_function(
        Xe_feature_normalized_heights, Beta_normal_parents_normalized, y)
    print("==> Cost Function (normalized)\n", cost_function_normalized, "\n")

    cost_function = lirf.cost_function(Xe_parents, Beta_normal_parents, y)
    print("==> Cost Function not-normalized\n", cost_function, "\n")
def exerciseB_1():
    print("\nExercise B - Logistic Regression")

    # Ex B.1

    # Normalize Data
    Xn = amf.feature_normalization(X)

    # Plot data
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    fig.suptitle('Ex B.1, Logistic Regression (normalized data)', fontsize=14)
    fig.tight_layout(pad=1.0, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])

        Xn[y > 0, 0],  # plot first col on x 
        Xn[y > 0, 1],  # plot second col on y
        c='1',  # use the classes (0 or 1) as plot colors
        edgecolors='r'  # optional, add a border to the dots
        Xn[y == 0, 0],  # plot first col on x 
        Xn[y == 0, 1],  # plot second col on y
        c='0',  # use the classes (0 or 1) as plot colors
        label="Not Admitted",
        edgecolors='r'  # optional, add a border to the dots
    ax1.legend(loc='upper right')

    # Ex B.2

    print("\nB.2, sigmoid", lorf.sigmoid_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])))

    # Ex B.3

    print("\nB.3, Xe", amf.extended_matrix(X))

    # Ex B.4

    beta = np.zeros(Xe_n.shape[1])
    lcf = lorf.cost_function(Xe_n, beta, y)

    print("\nB.4, logistic cost, beta=[0,0,0]::", lcf,
          "\n(solution [0,0,0] / .6931)")

    # Ex B.5
    global lgd
    lgd = lorf.gradient_descent(
        amf.extended_matrix(amf.feature_normalization(X)), y, .005, 1)
    print("\nB.5, gradient_descent alpha=.005 n=1::beta=", lgd, "cost=",
          lorf.cost_function(Xe_n, lgd, y),
          "\n(solution B1=[.05,0.141,0.125] / J=.6217)")

    # Ex B.6

    lgd = lorf.gradient_descent(
        amf.extended_matrix(amf.feature_normalization(X)), y, .005, 1000)
    print("\nB.6, gradient_descent alpha=.005 n=1000::beta=", lgd, "cost=",
          lorf.cost_function(Xe_n, lgd, y),
          "\n(solution Bn=[1.686,3.923,3.657] / J=.2035)")

    # Plot also the linear decision boundary

    # Plot also the logistic decision boundary
    Xn = amf.feature_normalization(X)
    X1 = Xn[:, 0]
    X2 = Xn[:, 1]
    #Xe_n2 = amf.mapFeature(Xn[:,0], Xn[:,1], 2)
    h = .01  # stepsize in the mesh
    x_min, x_max = X1.min() - 0.1, X1.max() + 0.1
    y_min, y_max = X2.min() - 0.1, X2.max() + 0.1
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h),
                         np.arange(y_min, y_max, h))  # Mesh Grid
    x1, x2 = xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()  # Turn to two Nx1 arrays
    XXe = amf.mapFeature(x1, x2, 2)  # Extend matrix for degree 2
    lgd2 = lorf.gradient_descent(amf.mapFeature(X1, X2, 2), y, .005, 1000)
    p = lorf.sigmoid(XXe, lgd2)  # classify mesh ==> probabilities
    classes = p > 0.5  # round off probabilities
    clz_mesh = classes.reshape(xx.shape)  # return to mesh format

    cmap_light = ListedColormap(["#FFAAAA", "#AAFFAA", "#AAAAFF"])  # mesh plot
    cmap_bold = ListedColormap(["#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF"])  # colors

    plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, clz_mesh, cmap=cmap_light)
    plt.scatter(X1, X2, c=y, marker=".", cmap=cmap_bold)

    # Ex B.7
    predict = lorf.predict(np.array([[45, 85]]), X, lgd)

    # Compute training errors
    errors = lorf.get_errors(Xe_n, lgd, y)
    print("\nB.7, predict [45 85]::", predict, "training errors::", errors,
          "\n(solution predict=.77, errors=11")
@author: Derek Yadgaroff, [email protected]


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import assignment2_logistic_regression_functions as lorf
import assignment2_matrix_functions as amf
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

# Load Data
Csv_data = np.loadtxt("./A2_datasets_2020/admission.csv",
                      delimiter=',')  # load csv
X = Csv_data[:, 0:2]
y = Csv_data[:, -1]
Xe = amf.extended_matrix(X)
Xe_n = amf.extended_matrix(amf.feature_normalization(X))

def exerciseB_1():
    print("\nExercise B - Logistic Regression")

    # Ex B.1

    # Normalize Data
    Xn = amf.feature_normalization(X)

    # Plot data
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    fig.suptitle('Ex B.1, Logistic Regression (normalized data)', fontsize=14)
    fig.tight_layout(pad=1.0, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
def exercise3_1():

    print("\nExercise 3")

    # Ex 3.1 Part A

    # import data
    data = np.loadtxt("./A2_datasets_2020/breast_cancer.csv",
                      delimiter=',')  # load csv
    X = data[:, 0:9]
    y = data[:, -1]  # benign = 2, malignant = 4

    # Ex 3.1 Part B

    # Split data -
    # @NOTE - Using this method was approved on Slack by TA
    test_size = 0.2
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,

    # Ex 3.2

    # Modify labels
    for i in range(len(y_train)):
        y_train[i] = 0 if y_train[i] == 2 else 1

    for i in range(len(y_test)):
        y_test[i] = 0 if y_test[i] == 2 else 1

    # Ex 3.3

    X_train_extended_normalized = amf.extended_matrix(
    alpha, n = .0001, 10000
    betas = lorf.gradient_descent(X_train_extended_normalized,
    costs = []
    for i, beta in enumerate(betas):
            lorf.cost_function(X_train_extended_normalized, beta, y_train)

    # Plot data
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    fig.suptitle('Ex 3.3, Linear Logistic Regression Cost - α = ' +
                 str(alpha) + ' n = ' + str(n),
    fig.tight_layout(pad=1.0, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
    c0 = np.array(costs)[:, 0]
    c1 = np.array(costs)[:, 1]

    ax1.plot(c0, c1)
    ax1.set_xlabel("N Iterations")

    #print("\nEx 3.3 - See plot")

    # Ex 3.4

    # Compute training errors
    errors = lorf.get_errors(X_train_extended_normalized, beta, y_train)
    correct = len(X_train_extended_normalized) - errors
    accuracy = (correct - errors) / len(X_train_extended_normalized)

    print("\nEx 3.4")
    print("Train:: Errors =", errors, "Correct =", correct, "Accuracy =",

    # Ex 3.5

    # Compute training errors
    X_test_extended_normalized = amf.extended_matrix(
    test_errors = lorf.get_errors(X_test_extended_normalized, beta, y_test)
    test_correct = len(X_test_extended_normalized) - test_errors
    test_accuracy = (test_correct -
                     test_errors) / len(X_test_extended_normalized)
    print("\nEx 3.5")
    print("Test:: Errors =", test_errors, "Correct =", test_correct,
          "Accuracy =", test_accuracy)