コード例 #1
def mm_attach(a):
        a.fg_wz_intref = asss.reg_interface(WZFlagGame(), a)
        a.fg_wz_cbref1 = asss.reg_callback(asss.CB_FLAGONMAP, flagonmap, a)
        a.fg_wz_cbkill1 = asss.reg_callback(asss.CB_KILL, onkill, a)
        a.fg_wz_freqman = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN, a)
コード例 #2
ファイル: hs_fg_wz.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
def mm_attach(a):
    a.fg_wz_intref = asss.reg_interface(WZFlagGame(), a)
    a.fg_wz_cbref1 = asss.reg_callback(asss.CB_FLAGONMAP, flagonmap, a)
    a.fg_wz_cbkill1 = asss.reg_callback(asss.CB_KILL, onkill, a)
    a.fg_wz_freqman = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN, a)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fm_password.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
def mm_attach(a):
	# set up interface
	a.fpwd_oldfm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN, a)
	a.fpwd_myint = asss.reg_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN, (initial, shipch, freqch), a)

	# set up command
	a.fpwd_joinpwd_cmd = asss.add_command("joinpwd", c_joinpwd, a)
	a.fpwd_freqpwd_cmd = asss.add_command("freqpwd", c_freqpwd, a)

	# data
	a.fpwd_fpwds = {}
コード例 #4
def mm_attach(a):
    # set up interface
    a.fpwd_oldfm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN, a)
    a.fpwd_myint = asss.reg_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN,
                                      (initial, shipch, freqch), a)

    # set up command
    a.fpwd_joinpwd_cmd = asss.add_command("joinpwd", c_joinpwd, a)
    a.fpwd_freqpwd_cmd = asss.add_command("freqpwd", c_freqpwd, a)

    # data
    a.fpwd_fpwds = {}
コード例 #5
# dist: public

# this module implements password-protected freqs.
# anyone on a private freq can set a password for it, which can be empty.
# anyone can also set their own "joining password".
# to join a freq with a non-empty password, your joining password must
# match the freq's password.

import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
cfg = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)

# utilities

def count_freq(a, f):
    count = [0]

    def each_player(p):
        if p.arena == a and p.freq == f:
            count[0] += 1

    return count[0]

# freq manager

def initial(p, ship, freq):
コード例 #6
ファイル: hs_picker.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
## Automated Team Picker
## D1st0rt, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Last Updated 2008-08-03
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
game = asss.get_interface(asss.I_GAME)
pd = asss.get_interface(asss.I_PLAYERDATA)

def shipchange(p, ship, freq):
	if p.name in p.arena.hs_picker_picks: #they have been picked
		pfreq = p.arena.hs_picker_picks[p.name]
		if freq != pfreq:
			chat.SendMessage(p, 'Sorry, you have been picked to play on frequency %d' % pfreq)
			game.SetFreq(p, pfreq)

def clear(a):
	a.hs_picker_capts = []
	a.hs_picker_picks = {}
	a.hs_picker_turn = None

def c_capt(cmd, params, p, target):
	"""Module: hs_picker
Targets: player or arena
Args: <frequency> (only if sent to player)
If sent to arena, displays current captains. If sent to player,
assigns them as captain of the specified frequency
コード例 #7
ファイル: exec.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
env['clientset'] = try_interface(asss.I_CLIENTSET)
env['config'] = try_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)
env['fake'] = try_interface(asss.I_FAKE)
env['filetrans'] = try_interface(asss.I_FILETRANS)
env['flagcore'] = try_interface(asss.I_FLAGCORE)
env['game'] = try_interface(asss.I_GAME)
env['jackpot'] = try_interface(asss.I_JACKPOT)
env['logman'] = try_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)
env['mapdata'] = try_interface(asss.I_MAPDATA)
env['objects'] = try_interface(asss.I_OBJECTS)
env['playerdata'] = try_interface(asss.I_PLAYERDATA)
env['redirect'] = try_interface(asss.I_REDIRECT)
env['stats'] = try_interface(asss.I_STATS)
env['arenaToPlayerList'] = arenaToPlayerList

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
orig_sys_stdout = sys.stdout

def c_py(cmd, params, player, targ):
Module: <py> exec
Targets: any
Args: <python code>
Executes arbitrary python code. The code runs in a namespace containing
all of the asss module, plus three helpful preset variables: {me} is
yourself, {t} is the target of the command, and {a} is the current
arena. You can write multi-line statements by separating lines with
semicolons (be sure to get the indentation correct). Output written to
stdout (e.g., with print) is captured and displayed to you, as are any
exceptions raised in your code.
コード例 #8
ファイル: hs_picker.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
## Automated Team Picker
## D1st0rt, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Last Updated 2008-08-03
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
game = asss.get_interface(asss.I_GAME)
pd = asss.get_interface(asss.I_PLAYERDATA)

def shipchange(p, ship, freq):
    if p.name in p.arena.hs_picker_picks:  #they have been picked
        pfreq = p.arena.hs_picker_picks[p.name]
        if freq != pfreq:
                'Sorry, you have been picked to play on frequency %d' % pfreq)
            game.SetFreq(p, pfreq)

def clear(a):
    a.hs_picker_capts = []
    a.hs_picker_picks = {}
    a.hs_picker_turn = None

def c_capt(cmd, params, p, target):
    """Module: hs_picker
コード例 #9
def mm_attach(a):
    a.fhsos_oldfm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN, a)
    a.fhsos_myint = asss.reg_interface(HS_OwnedShip(), a)
コード例 #10
## Hyperspace Owned Ships Frequency Manager
## D1st0rt, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Last Updated 2008-12-28
## Sets everyone to spec upon entering, and prevents them from getting
## into ships they do not own. Technically this is achieved by checking
## to see if they have any items on their ship so if they only own the
## hull they will not be able to enter.
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
cfg = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)
items = asss.get_interface(asss.I_HSCORE_ITEMS)

shipNames = {
    0: 'Warbird',
    1: 'Javelin',
    2: 'Spider',
    3: 'Leviathan',
    4: 'Terrier',
    5: 'Weasel',
    6: 'Lancaster',
    7: 'Shark',
    8: 'Spectator'

class HS_OwnedShip:
コード例 #11
# dist: public

import asss
import sys

lm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)

# log uncaught exceptions using logman
def excepthook(type, value, tb):
	import traceback
	tblines = traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb)
	for line in tblines:
		lm.Log(asss.L_ERROR, "<pymod> "+line)
	sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback)
sys.excepthook = excepthook
コード例 #12
ファイル: exceptlogging.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
# dist: public

import asss
import sys

lm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)

# log uncaught exceptions using logman
def excepthook(type, value, tb):
    import traceback
    tblines = traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb)

    for line in tblines:
        lm.Log(asss.L_ERROR, "<pymod> "+line)
    sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback)

sys.excepthook = excepthook
コード例 #13
# dist: public

import asss

flagcore = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FLAGCORE)
mapdata = asss.get_interface(asss.I_MAPDATA)
cfg = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)


# flag game

class TurfFlagGame:
    iid = asss.I_FLAGGAME

    def Init(me, a):
        # get settings
        a.fg_turf_fc = fc = mapdata.GetFlagCount(a)
        a.fg_turf_persist = cfg.GetInt(a.cfg, "Flag", "PersistentTurfOwners",

        # set up turf game
        flagcore.SetCarryMode(a, asss.CARRY_NONE)
        flagcore.ReserveFlags(a, fc)

        # set up initial flags
        f = asss.flaginfo()
        f.state = asss.FI_ONMAP
        f.freq = -1
        for i in xrange(fc):
コード例 #14
def mm_attach(a):
    a.fhsos_oldfm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN, a)
    a.fhsos_myint = asss.reg_interface(HS_OwnedShip(), a)
コード例 #15
## Hyperspace Owned Ships Frequency Manager
## D1st0rt, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Last Updated 2008-12-28
## Sets everyone to spec upon entering, and prevents them from getting
## into ships they do not own. Technically this is achieved by checking
## to see if they have any items on their ship so if they only own the
## hull they will not be able to enter.
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
cfg = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)
items = asss.get_interface(asss.I_HSCORE_ITEMS)

shipNames = {
    0: "Warbird",
    1: "Javelin",
    2: "Spider",
    3: "Leviathan",
    4: "Terrier",
    5: "Weasel",
    6: "Lancaster",
    7: "Shark",
    8: "Spectator",

class HS_OwnedShip:
コード例 #16
## Hyperspace 1v1 Dueling
## D1st0rt, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Created: 2009-06-05
## Updated: 2009-06-09
## 1v1 5-kill, win by 2, no count for double kills
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
config = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)
game = asss.get_interface(asss.I_GAME)
stats = asss.get_interface(asss.I_STATS)
lm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)
sql = asss.get_interface(asss.I_RELDB)

def dbcb_noop(status, res):

class HS_Duel:
    def __init__(self, arena):
        self.arena = arena
        self.cbs = []
        self.cmds = []

        self.start_timer = None
        self.dk_timer = None
コード例 #17
## Hyperspace Team Lancaster Notification
## D1st0rt, monkey, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Last Updated 2013-11-04
## Provides a command that allows players to see which of their team
## members are currently in a lancaster, and also if they have a
## summoner equipped.
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
items = asss.get_interface(asss.I_HSCORE_ITEMS)

def c_lancs(cmd, params, p, targ):
    """Module: <py> hs_lancs
Targets: none
Args: none
Tells you the names of the lancasters on your team. (S) indicates summoner."""
    f = p.freq
    a = p.arena
    lancs = []

    if not a.hs_lanc_item_summoner:
        a.hs_lanc_item_summoner = items.getItemByName('Summoner', a)

    if not a.hs_lanc_item_evoker:
        a.hs_lanc_item_evoker = items.getItemByName('Evoker', a)
コード例 #18
ファイル: hs_lancs.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
## Hyperspace Team Lancaster Notification
## D1st0rt, monkey, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Last Updated 2013-11-04
## Provides a command that allows players to see which of their team
## members are currently in a lancaster, and also if they have a
## summoner equipped.
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
items = asss.get_interface(asss.I_HSCORE_ITEMS)

def c_lancs(cmd, params, p, targ):
    """Module: <py> hs_lancs
Targets: none
Args: none
Tells you the names of the lancasters on your team. (S) indicates summoner."""
    f = p.freq
    a = p.arena
    lancs = []
    if not a.hs_lanc_item_summoner:
        a.hs_lanc_item_summoner = items.getItemByName('Summoner', a)
    if not a.hs_lanc_item_evoker:
        a.hs_lanc_item_evoker = items.getItemByName('Evoker', a)
    def print_lancs(lanc):
コード例 #19
ファイル: watchgreen.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
# dist: public

import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)

greenmap = {
	1: "Recharge",
	2: "Energy",
	3: "Rotation",
	4: "Stealth",
	5: "Cloak",
	6: "XRadar",
	7: "Warp",
	8: "Gun",
	9: "Bomb",
	10: "Bounce",
	11: "Thrust",
	12: "Speed",
	13: "FullCharge",
	14: "Shutdown",
	15: "MultiFire",
	16: "Prox",
	17: "Super",
	18: "Shield",
	19: "Shrap",
	20: "AntiWarp",
	21: "Repel",
	22: "Burst",
	23: "Decoy",
コード例 #20
# dist: public

import math
import asss
import random


flagcore = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FLAGCORE)
mapdata = asss.get_interface(asss.I_MAPDATA)
cfg = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)
lm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)
prng = asss.get_interface(asss.I_PRNG)
game = asss.get_interface(asss.I_GAME)
chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)

# utils

def clip(v, bottom, top):
    if v < bottom:
        return bottom
    elif v > top:
        return top
        return v

def wrap(v, bottom=0, top=1023):
    while 1:
        if v < bottom:
コード例 #21
ファイル: exec.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
def try_interface(name):
        return asss.get_interface(name)
        return None
コード例 #22
ファイル: exec.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
def try_interface(name):
		return asss.get_interface(name)
		return None
コード例 #23
ファイル: hs_fg_wz.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
# dist: public

import math
import asss
import random


flagcore = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FLAGCORE)
mapdata = asss.get_interface(asss.I_MAPDATA)
cfg = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)
lm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)
prng = asss.get_interface(asss.I_PRNG)
game = asss.get_interface(asss.I_GAME)
chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)

# utils

def clip(v, bottom, top):
  if v < bottom:
    return bottom
  elif v > top:
    return top
    return v

def wrap(v, bottom = 0, top = 1023):
  while 1:
    if v < bottom:
      v = 2 * bottom - v
コード例 #24
ファイル: hs_duel.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
## Hyperspace 1v1 Dueling
## D1st0rt, SSCE Hyperspace
## License: MIT/X11
## Created: 2009-06-05
## Updated: 2009-06-09
## 1v1 5-kill, win by 2, no count for double kills
import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
config = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)
game = asss.get_interface(asss.I_GAME)
stats = asss.get_interface(asss.I_STATS)
lm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)
sql = asss.get_interface(asss.I_RELDB)

def dbcb_noop(status, res):

class HS_Duel:
    def __init__(self, arena):
        self.arena = arena
        self.cbs = []
        self.cmds = []

        self.start_timer = None
        self.dk_timer = None

        self.p1 = None
コード例 #25
ファイル: pub_lib.py プロジェクト: GreenishDSB/dsb
# Module: pub_lib.py 
# Prefix: lib_
# Contributors: Fly,
# Notes: 
# Not much going on here yet. 

import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
game = asss.get_interface(asss.I_GAME)
capman = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CAPMAN)
lm = asss.get_interface(asss.I_LOGMAN)

#freqman = asss.get_interface(asss.I_FREQMAN)
#objs = asss.get_interface(asss.I_OBJECTS) not found..

def dev(targ, msg):

	"""Provides chat function for development. Must be Mod+ to view.
	On client-> profile-> auto (underneath chats), or ?devmode in game. 
	Targ can be either p or arena."""

	list = asss.PlayerListType()
	if isinstance(targ, asss.PlayerType):
コード例 #26
ファイル: fm_password.py プロジェクト: Ceiu/hyperspace-asss
# dist: public

# this module implements password-protected freqs.
# anyone on a private freq can set a password for it, which can be empty.
# anyone can also set their own "joining password".
# to join a freq with a non-empty password, your joining password must
# match the freq's password.

import asss

chat = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CHAT)
cfg = asss.get_interface(asss.I_CONFIG)

# utilities

def count_freq(a, f):
	count = [0]
	def each_player(p):
		if p.arena == a and p.freq == f:
			count[0] += 1
	return count[0]

# freq manager

def initial(p, ship, freq):
	return p.arena.fpwd_oldfm.InitialFreq(p, ship, freq)