コード例 #1
def old_plot_fieldmaps(astra_input, sections=['cavity', 'solenoid'], fieldmap_dict = {}, verbose=False):
    Plots Cavity and Solenoid fielmaps.

    TODO: quadrupoles


    if fieldmap_dict:
        fmaps = fieldmap_dict
        fmaps = load_fieldmaps(astra_input, sections=sections, verbose=verbose)

    assert len(sections) == 2, 'TODO: more general'

    fig, ax0 = plt.subplots()

    # Make RHS axis for the solenoid field.
    ax1 = ax0.twinx()
    ax = [ax0, ax1]

    ylabel = {'cavity': '$E_z$ (MV/m)', 'solenoid':'$B_z$ (T)'}
    color = {'cavity': 'green', 'solenoid':'blue'}

    for i, section in enumerate(sections):
        a = ax[i]
        ixlist = find_fieldmap_ixlist(astra_input, section)
        for ix in ixlist:
            dat = fieldmap_data(astra_input, section=section, index=ix, fieldmaps=fmaps, verbose=verbose)
            label = f'{section}_{ix}'
            c = color[section]
            a.plot(*dat.T, label=label, color=c)
    ax0.set_xlabel('$z$ (m)')
コード例 #2
def hack_plot_fieldmaps(astra_input, sections=['cavity', 'solenoid'], fieldmaps = {}, verbose=False):
    Plots Cavity and Solenoid fielmaps.
    return: plot figure and axis objects

    TODO: quadrupoles

    fmaps = load_fieldmaps(astra_input, sections=sections, verbose=verbose)

    assert len(sections) == 2, 'TODO: more general'
#     plt.figure(figsize = (12,8))
    fig, ax0 = plt.subplots(figsize = (20,4))
    # Make RHS axis for the solenoid field.
    ax1 = ax0.twinx()
    ax = [ax0, ax1]

    ylabel = {'cavity': '$E_z$ (MV/m)', 'solenoid':'$B_z$ (T)'}
    color = {'cavity': 'green', 'solenoid':'blue'}

    for i, section in enumerate(sections):
        a = ax[i]
        ixlist = find_fieldmap_ixlist(astra_input, section)
        for ix in ixlist:
            dat = fieldmap_data(astra_input, section=section, index=ix, fieldmaps=fmaps, verbose=verbose)
            label = f'{section}_{ix}'
            c = color[section]
            dat2plot = dat.T
#             a.plot(*dat.T, label=label, color=c)
            a.plot(dat2plot[0],abs(dat2plot[1]), label=label, color=c)
    ax0.set_xlabel('$z$ (m)')

    # TODO: is this the correct thing to return?
    return fig, ax
コード例 #3
def plot_stats(astra_object, keys=['norm_emit_x', 'sigma_z'], sections=['cavity', 'solenoid'], fieldmaps = {}, verbose=False):
    Plots stats, with fieldmaps plotted from seections. 
    TODO: quadrupoles
    astra_input = astra_object.input
    fmaps = load_fieldmaps(astra_input, sections=sections, verbose=verbose)
    assert len(sections) == 2, 'TODO: more general'
    nplots = len(keys) + 1
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(nplots)
    # Make RHS axis for the solenoid field. 
    xdat = astra_object.stat('mean_z')
    xmin = min(xdat)
    xmax = max(xdat)
    for i, key in enumerate(keys):
        ax = axs[i]
        unit = astra_object.units(key)
        ydat = astra_object.stat(key)
        ndat, factor, prefix = nice_array(ydat)
        label = f'{key} ({prefix}{unit})'
        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
        ax.plot(xdat, ndat)

    ax1 = axs[-1]
    ax1rhs = ax1.twinx()  
    ax = [ax1, ax1rhs]
    ylabel = {'cavity': '$E_z$ (MV/m)', 'solenoid':'$B_z$ (T)'}
    color = {'cavity': 'green', 'solenoid':'blue'}
    for i, section in enumerate(sections):
        a = ax[i]
        ixlist = find_fieldmap_ixlist(astra_input, section)
        for ix in ixlist:
            dat = fieldmap_data(astra_input, section=section, index=ix, fieldmaps=fmaps, verbose=verbose)
            label = f'{section}_{ix}'
            c = color[section]
            a.plot(*dat.T, label=label, color=c)
    ax1.set_xlabel('$z$ (m)')
    ax1.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
コード例 #4
def add_fieldmaps_to_axes(astra_object, axes, bounds=None,
                           sections=['cavity', 'solenoid'],
    Adds fieldmaps to an axes.


    astra_input = astra_object.input


    if astra_object.fieldmap:
        fmaps = astra_object.fieldmap
        fmaps = load_fieldmaps(astra_input, sections=sections, verbose=verbose)
    ax1 = axes

    ax1rhs = ax1.twinx()
    ax = [ax1, ax1rhs]

    ylabel = {'cavity': '$E_z$ (MV/m)', 'solenoid':'$B_z$ (T)'}
    color = {'cavity': 'green', 'solenoid':'blue'}

    for i, section in enumerate(sections):
        a = ax[i]
        ixlist = find_fieldmap_ixlist(astra_input, section)
        for ix in ixlist:
            dat = fieldmap_data(astra_input, section=section, index=ix, fieldmaps=fmaps, verbose=verbose)
            label = f'{section}_{ix}'
            c = color[section]
            a.plot(*dat.T, label=label, color=c)
    ax1.set_xlabel('$z$ (m)')

    if bounds:
        ax1.set_xlim(bounds[0], bounds[1])