コード例 #1
def duet_fluence_to_abmag(fluence, duet_no, duet=None, bandpass=None):
    Convert AB magnitude for a source into the number of source counts.

    fluence: float
        fluence in the bandpass that you're using in units (ph / cm2 / sec)

    duet_no: int, 1 or 2
        DUET channel

    Other parameters
    duet : `astroduet.config.Telescope` object
        if None, allocate a new Telescope object

    bandpass: array
        DUET bandpass you're using

    AB magnitude in the band (ABmag)

    >>> funit = u.ph / u.cm**2/u.s
    >>> abmag = duet_fluence_to_abmag(0.01*funit, 1)
    >>> np.isclose(abmag.value,  18.54584301)

    from astroduet.config import Telescope
    if duet is None:
        duet = Telescope()

    band = getattr(duet, f'band{duet_no}')
    spec = [1] * u.ph / (u.s * u.cm**2 * u.AA)
    wave = [band['eff_wave'].to(u.AA).value] * u.AA
    if bandpass is None:
        bandpass = band['eff_width'].to(u.AA)
    scale = (duet.apply_filters(wave, spec, duet_no)).value[0]

    fluence_corr = fluence / scale

    ABmag = (fluence_corr / bandpass).to(u.ABmag,

    return ABmag
コード例 #2
def duet_abmag_to_fluence(ABmag, duet_no, duet=None, bandpass=None):
    Convert AB magnitude for a source into the number of source counts.

    ABmag: float
        AB magnitude in the bandpass that you're using

    duet_no: int, 1 or 2
        DUET channel

    Other parameters
    duet : `astroduet.config.Telescope` object
        if None, allocate a new Telescope object

    bandpass: array
        DUET bandpass you're using

    Fluence in the band (ph / cm2 / sec)

    >>> fluence = duet_abmag_to_fluence(20*u.ABmag, 1)
    >>> np.isclose(fluence.value, 0.00262022)

    import numpy as np
    from astroduet.config import Telescope
    if duet is None:
        duet = Telescope()

    band = getattr(duet, f'band{duet_no}')
    spec = [1] * u.ph / (u.s * u.cm**2 * u.AA)
    wave = [band['eff_wave'].to(u.AA).value] * u.AA
    if bandpass is None:
        bandpass = band['eff_width'].to(u.AA)
    scale = (duet.apply_filters(wave, spec, duet_no)).value[0]

    funit = u.ph / u.cm**2 / u.s / u.AA  # Spectral radiances per Hz or per angstrom

    fluence = bandpass * ABmag.to(
        funit, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(band['eff_wave'].to(u.AA)))

    return fluence * scale
コード例 #3
ファイル: bbmag.py プロジェクト: mheida/duet-astro
def bb_abmag_fluence(val=False, duet=None, **kwargs):
    Take a blackbody with a certain temperature and convert to photon rate in a band.

    Other Parameters

    val : boolean
        Retrurns AB mags without units (False, default) or with Astropy units

    duet: ``astroduet.conifg.Telescope() object``
        If you've already instanced a duet telecope object, feed it in here.
        Currently allows the use of the default bandpasses.

    umag : float
        Must have astropy AB units
        Apparent U-band AB mag. Only used if other values not provided?

    siwftmag : float
        Must have astropy AB units. Apparent Swift magnitude (default is 22*u.ABmag)

    ref : string
        Band to use for reference magnitude; options are 'u', 'swift' ('swift')

    bbtemp : float
        Blackbody temperature to use (20000*ur.K)

    dist : float
        Distance of the source. swiftmags are assumed to be given at a reference
        distance of 10 pc (I think?)

    bolflux : float
        Bolometric flux; if not 1, refmag and distance are ignored. Should have
        units like (1*ur.erg/ur.cm**2/ur.s)

    diag : boolean
        SHow diagnostic inforamtion

    ABmag1, ABmag2


    import astropy.units as ur
    import astropy.constants as cr
    from astropy.modeling import models
    from astropy.modeling.blackbody import FLAM
    import numpy as np
    from astroduet.config import Telescope

    if duet is None:
        duet = Telescope()

    bbtemp = kwargs.pop('bbtemp', 20000. * ur.K)
    umag = kwargs.pop('umag', 22 * ur.ABmag)
    swiftmag = kwargs.pop('swiftmag', 22 * ur.ABmag)
    dist = kwargs.pop('dist', 10 * ur.pc)
    ref = kwargs.pop('ref', 'swift')
    diag = kwargs.pop('diag', False)
    dist0 = 10 * ur.pc
    bolflux = kwargs.pop('bolflux', 1. * ur.erg / (ur.cm**2 * ur.s))

    bandu = [340, 380] * ur.nm  # For comparison purposes
    bandsw = [
        172.53, 233.57
    ] * ur.nm  # Swift UVW2 effective band (lambda_eff +/- 0.5 width_eff)

    wav = np.arange(1000, 9000) * ur.AA  # Wavelength scale in 1 Angstrom steps
    bb = models.BlackBody1D(
        bolometric_flux=bolflux)  # Load the blackbody model
    flux = bb(wav).to(FLAM, ur.spectral_density(wav))

    # Get Swift reference AB mag
    fluxden_sw = np.mean(flux[(wav >= bandsw[0].to(ur.AA))
                              & (wav <= bandsw[1].to(ur.AA))])
    magsw = fluxden_sw.to(ur.ABmag,

    # Conver to flux AB mags across the band.
    flux_ab = flux.to(ur.ABmag, equivalencies=ur.spectral_density(wav))

    # Distance modulus
    distmod = (5 * np.log10(dist / dist0)).value * ur.mag

    # Set up input:
    magoff = swiftmag - magsw

    # Apply the distance modulus and the Swift reference offset
    if (bolflux == 1. * ur.erg / (ur.cm**2 * ur.s)):
        flux_mag = flux_ab + magoff + distmod
        flux_mag = flux_ab

    # Convert back to flux
    flux_conv = flux_mag.to(FLAM, equivalencies=ur.spectral_density(wav))
    dw = 1 * ur.AA
    ph_energy = (cr.h.cgs * cr.c.cgs / wav.cgs) / ur.ph

    # Convert to photon flux.
    ph_flux = flux_conv * dw / ph_energy

    # Apply filters, QE, etc.
    band1_fluence = duet.apply_filters(wav, ph_flux, diag=diag, **kwargs).sum()
    band2_fluence = duet.apply_filters(wav,

    if diag:
        print('Compute ABmags in TD bands for blackbody')
        print('Blackbody temperature: {}'.format(bbtemp))
        print('Reference UVW2-band magnitude: {}'.format(swiftmag))
        print('Distance: {} (Reference distance is 10 pc)'.format(dist))
        print('Flux density Swift: {}'.format(fluxden_sw))
        print('Distance modulus: {}'.format(distmod))
        print('Raw ABmag Swift: {}'.format(magsw))
        print('Offset from Swift band: {}'.format(magoff))
        print('Fluence band one: {}'.format(band1_fluence))
        print('Fluence band two: {}'.format(band2_fluence))

    if val:
        return band1_fluence.value, band2_fluence.value
        return band1_fluence, band2_fluence
コード例 #4
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: mheida/duet-astro
def filter_parameters(duet=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Construct the effective central wavelength and the effective bandpass
    for the filters.


    Other parameters
    vega : conditional, default False
        Use the Vega spetrum (9.8e3 K blackbody) to compute values. Otherwise computed
        "flat" values if quoting AB mags.

    diag : conditional, default False
        Show the diagnostic info on the parameters.

    >>> band1, band2 = filter_parameters()
    >>> allclose(band1['eff_wave'].value, 198.63858525)

    from astroduet.config import Telescope

    if duet is None:
        duet = Telescope()

    from astropy.modeling import models
    from astropy.modeling.blackbody import FNU, FLAM
    from astropy import units as u
    import numpy as np

    vega = kwargs.pop('vega', False)
    diag = kwargs.pop('diag', False)

    wave = np.arange(1000, 10000) * u.AA
    if vega:
        temp = 9.8e3 * u.K
        bb = models.BlackBody1D(temperature=temp)
        flux = bb(wave).to(FLAM, u.spectral_density(wave))
        flat_model = np.zeros_like(wave.value)
        flat_model += 1
        flat_model *= FNU
        flux = flat_model.to(FLAM, u.spectral_density(wave))

    band1 = duet.apply_filters(wave, flux, band=1, **kwargs)
    band2 = duet.apply_filters(wave, flux, band=2, **kwargs)

    λ_eff1 = ((band1 * wave).sum() / (band1.sum())).to(u.nm)
    λ_eff2 = ((band2 * wave).sum() / (band2.sum())).to(u.nm)

    dλ = wave[1] - wave[0]
    t1 = band1 / flux
    t2 = band2 / flux

    w1 = (dλ * t1.sum() / t1.max()).to(u.nm)
    w2 = (dλ * t2.sum() / t2.max()).to(u.nm)

    band1 = {'eff_wave': λ_eff1, 'eff_width': w1}
    band2 = {'eff_wave': λ_eff2, 'eff_width': w2}

    if diag:
        print('Band1: {0:0.2f} λ_eff, {1:0.2f} W_eff'.format(λ_eff1, w1))
        print('Band2: {0:0.2f} λ_eff, {1:0.2f} W_eff'.format(λ_eff2, w2))

    return band1, band2