コード例 #1
ファイル: py2stdlib.py プロジェクト: xacprod/ve1
def infer_named_tuple(node, context=None):
    """Specific inference function for namedtuple CallFunc node"""
    # node is a CallFunc node, class name as first argument and generated class
    # attributes as second argument
    if len(node.args) != 2:
        # something weird here, go back to class implementation
        raise UseInferenceDefault()
    # namedtuple list of attributes can be a list of strings or a
    # whitespace-separate string
        name = node.args[0].value
            attributes = node.args[1].value.split()
        except AttributeError:
            attributes = [const.value for const in node.args[1].elts]
    except AttributeError:
        raise UseInferenceDefault()
    # we want to return a Class node instance with proper attributes set
    class_node = nodes.Class(name, 'docstring')
    # set base class=tuple
    # XXX add __init__(*attributes) method
    for attr in attributes:
        fake_node = nodes.EmptyNode()
        fake_node.parent = class_node
        class_node.instance_attrs[attr] = [fake_node]
    # we use UseInferenceDefault, we can't be a generator so return an iterator
    return iter([class_node])
コード例 #2
ファイル: py2stdlib.py プロジェクト: chetan51/nupic-darwin64
def infer_named_tuple(node, context=None):
    """Specific inference function for namedtuple CallFunc node"""
    def infer_first(node):
            value = node.infer().next()
            if value is YES:
                raise UseInferenceDefault()
                return value
        except StopIteration:
            raise InferenceError()

    # node is a CallFunc node, class name as first argument and generated class
    # attributes as second argument
    if len(node.args) != 2:
        # something weird here, go back to class implementation
        raise UseInferenceDefault()
    # namedtuple list of attributes can be a list of strings or a
    # whitespace-separate string
        name = infer_first(node.args[0]).value
        names = infer_first(node.args[1])
            attributes = names.value.split()
        except AttributeError:
            attributes = [infer_first(const).value for const in names.elts]
    except (AttributeError, exceptions.InferenceError):
        raise UseInferenceDefault()
    # we want to return a Class node instance with proper attributes set
    class_node = nodes.Class(name, 'docstring')
    class_node.parent = node.parent
    # set base class=tuple
    # XXX add __init__(*attributes) method
    for attr in attributes:
        fake_node = nodes.EmptyNode()
        fake_node.parent = class_node
        class_node.instance_attrs[attr] = [fake_node]

    fake = AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build('''
class %(name)s(tuple):
    def _asdict(self):
        return self.__dict__
    def _make(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len):
        return new(cls, iterable)
    def _replace(_self, **kwds):
        result = _self._make(map(kwds.pop, %(fields)r, _self))
        if kwds:
            raise ValueError('Got unexpected field names: %%r' %% list(kwds))
        return result
    ''' % {
        'name': name,
        'fields': attributes
    class_node.locals['_asdict'] = fake.body[0].locals['_asdict']
    class_node.locals['_make'] = fake.body[0].locals['_make']
    class_node.locals['_replace'] = fake.body[0].locals['_replace']
    # we use UseInferenceDefault, we can't be a generator so return an iterator
    return iter([class_node])
コード例 #3
 def visit_class(self, node, parent):
     """visit a Class node to become astroid"""
     newnode = new.Class(node.name, None)
     _lineno_parent(node, newnode, parent)
     _init_set_doc(node, newnode)
     newnode.bases = [self.visit(child, newnode) for child in node.bases]
     newnode.body = [self.visit(child, newnode) for child in node.body]
     if 'decorator_list' in node._fields and node.decorator_list:# py >= 2.6
         newnode.decorators = self.visit_decorators(node, newnode)
     newnode.parent.frame().set_local(newnode.name, newnode)
     return newnode
コード例 #4
ファイル: rebuilder.py プロジェクト: Luobata/.vim
 def visit_class(self, node, parent):
     """visit a Class node to become astroid"""
     newnode = new.Class(node.name, None)
     _lineno_parent(node, newnode, parent)
     _init_set_doc(node, newnode)
     newnode.bases = [self.visit(child, newnode) for child in node.bases]
     newnode.body = [self.visit(child, newnode) for child in node.body]
     if 'decorator_list' in node._fields and node.decorator_list:  # py >= 2.6
         newnode.decorators = self.visit_decorators(node, newnode)
     metaclass = self._metaclass.pop()
     if not newnode.bases:
         # no base classes, detect new / style old style according to
         # current scope
         newnode._newstyle = metaclass == 'type'
     newnode.parent.frame().set_local(newnode.name, newnode)
     return newnode
コード例 #5
ファイル: py2stdlib.py プロジェクト: MaraKovalcik/Flask
def infer_enum(node, context=None):
    """ Specific inference function for enum CallFunc node. """
    enum_meta = nodes.Class("EnumMeta", 'docstring')
    class_node = infer_func_form(node, enum_meta, context=context,
    return iter([class_node.instanciate_class()])
コード例 #6
ファイル: py2stdlib.py プロジェクト: MaraKovalcik/Flask
def infer_func_form(node, base_type, context=None, enum=False):
    """Specific inference function for namedtuple or Python 3 enum. """
    def infer_first(node):
            value = next(node.infer(context=context))
            if value is YES:
                raise UseInferenceDefault()
                return value
        except StopIteration:
            raise InferenceError()

    # node is a CallFunc node, class name as first argument and generated class
    # attributes as second argument
    if len(node.args) != 2:
        # something weird here, go back to class implementation
        raise UseInferenceDefault()
    # namedtuple or enums list of attributes can be a list of strings or a
    # whitespace-separate string
        name = infer_first(node.args[0]).value
        names = infer_first(node.args[1])
            attributes = names.value.replace(',', ' ').split()
        except AttributeError:
            if not enum:
                attributes = [infer_first(const).value for const in names.elts]
                # Enums supports either iterator of (name, value) pairs
                # or mappings.
                # TODO: support only list, tuples and mappings.
                if hasattr(names, 'items') and isinstance(names.items, list):
                    attributes = [
                        infer_first(const[0]).value for const in names.items
                        if isinstance(const[0], nodes.Const)
                elif hasattr(names, 'elts'):
                    # Enums can support either ["a", "b", "c"]
                    # or [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ...], but they can't
                    # be mixed.
                    if all(
                            isinstance(const, nodes.Tuple)
                            for const in names.elts):
                        attributes = [
                            for const in names.elts
                            if isinstance(const, nodes.Tuple)
                        attributes = [
                            infer_first(const).value for const in names.elts
                    raise AttributeError
                if not attributes:
                    raise AttributeError
    except (AttributeError, exceptions.InferenceError) as exc:
        raise UseInferenceDefault()
    # we want to return a Class node instance with proper attributes set
    class_node = nodes.Class(name, 'docstring')
    class_node.parent = node.parent
    # set base class=tuple
    # XXX add __init__(*attributes) method
    for attr in attributes:
        fake_node = nodes.EmptyNode()
        fake_node.parent = class_node
        class_node.instance_attrs[attr] = [fake_node]
    return class_node, name, attributes