コード例 #1
def ObjectFinder(frames, data, RA = None, Dec = None, radiusOfSearch=10, usePsfFit=False):
    This allows the user to determine the exact positioning of a star withing a given frame, given that
    the star exists in two frames. two images pop up, if they contain the same star, click on it in both images,
    and the exact pixel positioning will be determine via centroiding. Some parts are fudged for now.

        frames - This is an array of images corresponding to the various frames used for the mosaic. note that 
                 the way this is written as of now requires that the first  and last frame include the same star. 
                 I think this is typical so it should not be a problem.

        data - this is an array of dictionaries corresponding to each frame. This is generated from
               getFrameDict() which I have included in the ObsFileSeq class. This is required.

        RA/Dec - these are not used as of now.
        all the parameters that are needed for setRm()

    Ben also suggested that a cross-correlating technique may be useful for matching frames with no star in them.
    What do you guys think? I need to look into it more but I believe that this code can be expanded to also do
    cross-correlation. - Neil

    offsRA = []
    offsDec = []
    iframe = [] 
    meanTime = []  
    for i in range(len(data)):

    offsRA = np.array(offsRA)
    offsDec = np.array(offsDec)
    iframe = np.array(iframe)
    meanTime = np.array(meanTime)
    dpp = []
    ang = []
    for i in range(1, len(frames)):
        images = np.array([frames[i-1], frames[i]])    
        oRA = np.array([offsRA[i-1], offsRA[i]])
        oDec = np.array([offsDec[i-1], offsDec[i]])
        print 'Looking for matching Stars...'

        print 'frame: ', iframe[i-1], 'Offset RA: ', offsRA[i-1], 'Offset Dec: ', offsDec[i-1]
        print 'frame: ', iframe[i], 'Offset RA: ', offsRA[i], 'Offset Dec: ', offsDec[i]         
        xyguesses, flagList = getUserObjectGuess(images)

        if flagList[1]==0 and flagList[0]==0:
            print 'match found! - determining centroid positions'
            #xycenter1, flag1 
            cenDict1 = cc.centroidImage(images[1], xyguesses[1], radiusOfSearch=radiusOfSearch, doDS9=False, usePsfFit=usePsfFit)
            #xycenter0, flag0 
            cenDict0 = cc.centroidImage(images[0], xyguesses[0], radiusOfSearch=radiusOfSearch, doDS9=False, usePsfFit=usePsfFit)
            print 'Success! Matching stars at: ', cenDict0['xycenter'], cenDict1['xycenter']                
            #rc1 = np.array(xycenter1)
            #rc0 = np.array(xycenter0)
            rc1 = np.array(cenDict1['xycenter'])
            rc0 = np.array(cenDict0['xycenter'])
            dCol = rc1[0] - rc0[0]
            dRow = rc1[1] - rc0[1]                
            dPix = math.sqrt(((rc1-rc0)**2).sum())

            #center ra,dec of fram calculated from offsets
            dRA = oRA[1]-oRA[0] #arcseconds
            dDec = oDec[1]-oDec[0]
            dDeg = math.sqrt(dRA**2+dDec**2)/3600 #degrees
            degPerPix = dDeg/dPix #plate scale
            thetaPix = math.atan2(dCol,dRow) #angle from verticle
            thetaSky = math.atan2(dRA, dDec) #angle from north
            theta = thetaPix-thetaSky        #degrees
        elif flagList[1]==1 or flagList[0]==1:
            print 'no star found' 

    dpp = np.array(dpp)
    #print dpp
    degPerPix = np.mean(dpp)
    #print degPerPix
    ang = np.array(ang)
    print ang
    theta = np.mean(ang)  
    print theta  
    ## Pick two frames where the ra,dec offset is zero,
    # usually the beginning and ending frames
    print 'Matching stars from the first and last frames'    
    images = [frames[0], frames[-1]]

    print 'frame: ', iframe[0], 'Offset RA: ', offsRA[0], 'Offset Dec: ', offsDec[0]
    print 'frame: ', iframe[-1], 'Offset RA: ', offsRA[-1], 'Offset Dec: ', offsDec[-1]  
    xyguesses, flagList = getUserObjectGuess(images)
    #xycenter1, flag1 
    cenDict1 = cc.centroidImage(images[1], xyguesses[1], radiusOfSearch=radiusOfSearch, doDS9=False, usePsfFit=usePsfFit)
    #xycenter0, flag0 
    cenDict0 = cc.centroidImage(images[0], xyguesses[0], radiusOfSearch=radiusOfSearch, doDS9=False, usePsfFit=usePsfFit)
    print 'Success! Matching stars at: ', cenDict0['xycenter'], cenDict1['xycenter']        
    #start here
    rcA = np.array(cenDict0['xycenter'])
    rcB = np.array(cenDict1['xycenter'])
    sct = math.cos(theta)*degPerPix    
    sst = math.sin(theta)*degPerPix
    # This rotation matrix converts from row,col to ra,dec in degrees
    rm = np.array([[sct,-sst],[sst,sct]])
    rdA = rm.dot(rcA)
    rdB = rm.dot(rcB)
    deltaRa = rdB[0]-rdA[0]
    deltaTime = meanTime[-1] - meanTime[0]
    raArcsecPerSec = 3600*deltaRa/deltaTime
    return degPerPix, theta, raArcsecPerSec