コード例 #1
    def test_from_hcrs(self):
        # test scalar transform
        transformed = self.sun_hcrs_t1.transform_to(ICRS())
        separation = transformed.separation_3d(self.sun_icrs_scalar)
        assert_allclose(separation, 0 * u.km, atol=self.tolerance)

        # test non-scalar positions and times
        transformed = self.sun_hcrs_tarr.transform_to(ICRS())
        separation = transformed.separation_3d(self.sun_icrs_arr)
        assert_allclose(separation, 0 * u.km, atol=self.tolerance)
コード例 #2
def test_3d_separations():
    Test 3D separation functionality
    c1 = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg, dec=1 * u.deg, distance=9 * u.kpc)
    c2 = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg, dec=1 * u.deg, distance=10 * u.kpc)

    sep3d = c2.separation_3d(c1)

    assert isinstance(sep3d, Distance)
    assert_allclose(sep3d - 1 * u.kpc, 0 * u.kpc, atol=1e-12 * u.kpc)
コード例 #3
def test_skyoffset_functional_ra_dec():
    # we do the 12)[1:-1] business because sometimes machine precision issues
    # lead to results that are either ~0 or ~360, which mucks up the final
    # comparison and leads to spurious failures.  So this just avoids that by
    # staying away from the edges
    input_ra = np.linspace(0, 360, 12)[1:-1]
    input_dec = np.linspace(-90, 90, 12)[1:-1]
    input_ra_rad = np.deg2rad(input_ra)
    input_dec_rad = np.deg2rad(input_dec)
    icrs_coord = ICRS(ra=input_ra * u.deg,
                      dec=input_dec * u.deg,
                      distance=1. * u.kpc)

    for ra in np.linspace(0, 360, 10):
        for dec in np.linspace(-90, 90, 5):
            # expected rotation
            dec_rad = -np.deg2rad(dec)
            ra_rad = np.deg2rad(ra)
            expected_x = (-np.sin(input_dec_rad) * np.sin(dec_rad) +
                          np.cos(input_ra_rad) * np.cos(input_dec_rad) *
                          np.cos(dec_rad) * np.cos(ra_rad) +
                          np.sin(input_ra_rad) * np.cos(input_dec_rad) *
                          np.cos(dec_rad) * np.sin(ra_rad))
            expected_y = (
                np.sin(input_ra_rad) * np.cos(input_dec_rad) * np.cos(ra_rad) -
                np.cos(input_ra_rad) * np.cos(input_dec_rad) * np.sin(ra_rad))
            expected_z = (np.sin(input_dec_rad) * np.cos(dec_rad) +
                          np.sin(dec_rad) * np.cos(ra_rad) *
                          np.cos(input_ra_rad) * np.cos(input_dec_rad) +
                          np.sin(dec_rad) * np.sin(ra_rad) *
                          np.sin(input_ra_rad) * np.cos(input_dec_rad))
            expected = SkyCoord(x=expected_x,
            expected_xyz = expected.cartesian.xyz

            # actual transformation to the frame
            skyoffset_frame = SkyOffsetFrame(
                origin=ICRS(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg))
            actual = icrs_coord.transform_to(skyoffset_frame)
            actual_xyz = actual.cartesian.xyz

            # back to ICRS
            roundtrip = actual.transform_to(ICRS())

            # Verify
            assert_allclose(actual_xyz, expected_xyz, atol=1E-5 * u.kpc)
            assert_allclose(icrs_coord.ra, roundtrip.ra, atol=1E-4 * u.deg)
            assert_allclose(icrs_coord.dec, roundtrip.dec, atol=1E-5 * u.deg)
                            atol=1E-5 * u.kpc)
コード例 #4
def test_faux_lsr(dt, symmetric):
    class LSR2(LSR):
        obstime = TimeAttribute(default=J2000)

    def icrs_to_lsr(icrs_coo, lsr_frame):
        dt = lsr_frame.obstime - J2000
        offset = lsr_frame.v_bary * dt.to(u.second)
        return lsr_frame.realize_frame(icrs_coo.data.without_differentials() +

    def lsr_to_icrs(lsr_coo, icrs_frame):
        dt = lsr_coo.obstime - J2000
        offset = lsr_coo.v_bary * dt.to(u.second)
        return icrs_frame.realize_frame(lsr_coo.data - offset)

    ic = ICRS(ra=12.3 * u.deg,
              dec=45.6 * u.deg,
              distance=7.8 * u.au,
              pm_ra_cosdec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
              pm_dec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
              radial_velocity=0 * u.km / u.s)
    lsrc = ic.transform_to(LSR2())

    assert quantity_allclose(ic.cartesian.xyz, lsrc.cartesian.xyz)

    idiff = ic.cartesian.differentials['s']
    ldiff = lsrc.cartesian.differentials['s']
    change = (ldiff.d_xyz - idiff.d_xyz).to(u.km / u.s)
    totchange = np.sum(change**2)**0.5
    assert quantity_allclose(totchange, np.sum(lsrc.v_bary.d_xyz**2)**0.5)

    ic2 = ICRS(ra=120.3 * u.deg,
               dec=45.6 * u.deg,
               distance=7.8 * u.au,
               pm_ra_cosdec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
               pm_dec=10 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
               radial_velocity=1000 * u.km / u.s)
    lsrc2 = ic2.transform_to(LSR2())
    ic2_roundtrip = lsrc2.transform_to(ICRS)

    tot = np.sum(lsrc2.cartesian.differentials['s'].d_xyz**2)**0.5
    assert np.abs(tot.to('km/s') - 1000 * u.km / u.s) < 20 * u.km / u.s

    assert quantity_allclose(ic2.cartesian.xyz, ic2_roundtrip.cartesian.xyz)
コード例 #5
def test_shorthand_attributes():
    # Check that attribute access works

    # for array data:
    n = 4
    icrs1 = ICRS(ra=np.random.uniform(0, 360, n) * u.deg,
                 dec=np.random.uniform(-90, 90, n) * u.deg,
                 distance=100 * u.pc,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=np.random.normal(0, 100, n) * u.mas / u.yr,
                 pm_dec=np.random.normal(0, 100, n) * u.mas / u.yr,
                 radial_velocity=np.random.normal(0, 100, n) * u.km / u.s)
    v = icrs1.velocity
    pm = icrs1.proper_motion
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[0], icrs1.pm_ra_cosdec)
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[1], icrs1.pm_dec)

    # for scalar data:
    icrs2 = ICRS(ra=37.4 * u.deg,
                 dec=-55.8 * u.deg,
                 distance=150 * u.pc,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=-21.2 * u.mas / u.yr,
                 pm_dec=17.1 * u.mas / u.yr,
                 radial_velocity=105.7 * u.km / u.s)
    v = icrs2.velocity
    pm = icrs2.proper_motion
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[0], icrs2.pm_ra_cosdec)
    assert quantity_allclose(pm[1], icrs2.pm_dec)

    # check that it fails where we expect:

    # no distance
    rv = 105.7 * u.km / u.s
    icrs3 = ICRS(ra=37.4 * u.deg,
                 dec=-55.8 * u.deg,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=-21.2 * u.mas / u.yr,
                 pm_dec=17.1 * u.mas / u.yr,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert hasattr(icrs3, 'radial_velocity')
    assert quantity_allclose(icrs3.radial_velocity, rv)

    icrs4 = ICRS(x=30 * u.pc,
                 y=20 * u.pc,
                 z=11 * u.pc,
                 v_x=10 * u.km / u.s,
                 v_y=10 * u.km / u.s,
                 v_z=10 * u.km / u.s,
コード例 #6
def test_transform():
    This test just makes sure the transform architecture works, but does *not*
    actually test all the builtin transforms themselves are accurate
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK4, FK5, Galactic
    from astropy.time import Time

    i = ICRS(ra=[1, 2] * u.deg, dec=[3, 4] * u.deg)
    f = i.transform_to(FK5)
    i2 = f.transform_to(ICRS)

    assert i2.data.__class__ == r.UnitSphericalRepresentation

    assert_allclose(i.ra, i2.ra)
    assert_allclose(i.dec, i2.dec)

    i = ICRS(ra=[1, 2] * u.deg, dec=[3, 4] * u.deg, distance=[5, 6] * u.kpc)
    f = i.transform_to(FK5)
    i2 = f.transform_to(ICRS)

    assert i2.data.__class__ != r.UnitSphericalRepresentation

    f = FK5(ra=1 * u.deg, dec=2 * u.deg, equinox=Time('J2001'))
    f4 = f.transform_to(FK4)
    f4_2 = f.transform_to(FK4(equinox=f.equinox))

    # make sure attributes are copied over correctly
    assert f4.equinox == FK4.get_frame_attr_names()['equinox']
    assert f4_2.equinox == f.equinox

    # make sure self-transforms also work
    i = ICRS(ra=[1, 2] * u.deg, dec=[3, 4] * u.deg)
    i2 = i.transform_to(ICRS)

    assert_allclose(i.ra, i2.ra)
    assert_allclose(i.dec, i2.dec)

    f = FK5(ra=1 * u.deg, dec=2 * u.deg, equinox=Time('J2001'))
    f2 = f.transform_to(FK5)  # default equinox, so should be *different*
    assert f2.equinox == FK5().equinox
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert_allclose(f.ra, f2.ra)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert_allclose(f.dec, f2.dec)

    # finally, check Galactic round-tripping
    i1 = ICRS(ra=[1, 2] * u.deg, dec=[3, 4] * u.deg)
    i2 = i1.transform_to(Galactic).transform_to(ICRS)

    assert_allclose(i1.ra, i2.ra)
    assert_allclose(i1.dec, i2.dec)
コード例 #7
def test_differential_type_arg():
    Test passing in an explicit differential class to the initializer or
    changing the differential class via set_representation_cls
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
                dec=60 * u.deg,
                pm_ra=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
                pm_dec=-11 * u.mas / u.yr,
    assert icrs.pm_ra == 10 * u.mas / u.yr

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
                dec=60 * u.deg,
                pm_ra=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
                pm_dec=-11 * u.mas / u.yr,
                differential_type={'s': r.UnitSphericalDifferential})
    assert icrs.pm_ra == 10 * u.mas / u.yr

    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
                dec=60 * u.deg,
                pm_ra_cosdec=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
                pm_dec=-11 * u.mas / u.yr)
    assert quantity_allclose(icrs.pm_ra, 20 * u.mas / u.yr)

    # incompatible representation and differential
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg,
             dec=60 * u.deg,
             v_x=1 * u.km / u.s,
             v_y=-2 * u.km / u.s,
             v_z=-2 * u.km / u.s,

    # specify both
    icrs = ICRS(x=1 * u.pc,
                y=2 * u.pc,
                z=3 * u.pc,
                v_x=1 * u.km / u.s,
                v_y=2 * u.km / u.s,
                v_z=3 * u.km / u.s,
    assert icrs.x == 1 * u.pc
    assert icrs.y == 2 * u.pc
    assert icrs.z == 3 * u.pc
    assert icrs.v_x == 1 * u.km / u.s
    assert icrs.v_y == 2 * u.km / u.s
    assert icrs.v_z == 3 * u.km / u.s
コード例 #8
def test_converting_units():
    import re
    from astropy.coordinates.baseframe import RepresentationMapping
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK5

    # this is a regular expression that with split (see below) removes what's
    # the decimal point  to fix rounding problems
    rexrepr = re.compile(r'(.*?=\d\.).*?( .*?=\d\.).*?( .*)')

    # Use values that aren't subject to rounding down to X.9999...
    i2 = ICRS(ra=2. * u.deg, dec=2. * u.deg)
    i2_many = ICRS(ra=[2., 4.] * u.deg, dec=[2., -8.1] * u.deg)

    # converting from FK5 to ICRS and back changes the *internal* representation,
    # but it should still come out in the preferred form

    i4 = i2.transform_to(FK5).transform_to(ICRS)
    i4_many = i2_many.transform_to(FK5).transform_to(ICRS)

    ri2 = ''.join(rexrepr.split(repr(i2)))
    ri4 = ''.join(rexrepr.split(repr(i4)))
    assert ri2 == ri4
    assert i2.data.lon.unit != i4.data.lon.unit  # Internal repr changed

    ri2_many = ''.join(rexrepr.split(repr(i2_many)))
    ri4_many = ''.join(rexrepr.split(repr(i4_many)))

    assert ri2_many == ri4_many
    assert i2_many.data.lon.unit != i4_many.data.lon.unit  # Internal repr changed

    # but that *shouldn't* hold if we turn off units for the representation
    class FakeICRS(ICRS):
        frame_specific_representation_info = {
            'spherical': [
                RepresentationMapping('lon', 'ra', u.hourangle),
                RepresentationMapping('lat', 'dec', None),
                RepresentationMapping('distance', 'distance')
            ]  # should fall back to default of None unit

    fi = FakeICRS(i4.data)
    ri2 = ''.join(rexrepr.split(repr(i2)))
    rfi = ''.join(rexrepr.split(repr(fi)))
    rfi = re.sub('FakeICRS', 'ICRS', rfi)  # Force frame name to match
    assert ri2 != rfi

    # the attributes should also get the right units
    assert i2.dec.unit == i4.dec.unit
    # unless no/explicitly given units
    assert i2.dec.unit != fi.dec.unit
    assert i2.ra.unit != fi.ra.unit
    assert fi.ra.unit == u.hourangle
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_frames.py プロジェクト: makotosawada/astropy
def test_sep():
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    i1 = ICRS(ra=0*u.deg, dec=1*u.deg)
    i2 = ICRS(ra=0*u.deg, dec=2*u.deg)

    sep = i1.separation(i2)
    assert sep.deg == 1

    i3 = ICRS(ra=[1, 2]*u.deg, dec=[3, 4]*u.deg, distance=[5, 6]*u.kpc)
    i4 = ICRS(ra=[1, 2]*u.deg, dec=[3, 4]*u.deg, distance=[4, 5]*u.kpc)

    sep3d = i3.separation_3d(i4)
    assert_allclose(sep3d.to(u.kpc), np.array([1, 1])*u.kpc)

    # check that it works even with velocities
    i5 = ICRS(ra=[1, 2]*u.deg, dec=[3, 4]*u.deg, distance=[5, 6]*u.kpc,
              pm_ra_cosdec=[1, 2]*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=[3, 4]*u.mas/u.yr,
              radial_velocity=[5, 6]*u.km/u.s)
    i6 = ICRS(ra=[1, 2]*u.deg, dec=[3, 4]*u.deg, distance=[7, 8]*u.kpc,
              pm_ra_cosdec=[1, 2]*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=[3, 4]*u.mas/u.yr,
              radial_velocity=[5, 6]*u.km/u.s)

    sep3d = i5.separation_3d(i6)
    assert_allclose(sep3d.to(u.kpc), np.array([2, 2])*u.kpc)

    # 3d separations of dimensionless distances should still work
    i7 = ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=2*u.deg, distance=3*u.one)
    i8 = ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=2*u.deg, distance=4*u.one)
    sep3d = i7.separation_3d(i8)
    assert_allclose(sep3d, 1*u.one)

    # but should fail with non-dimensionless
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
コード例 #10
def test_skyoffset(inradec, expectedlatlon, tolsep, originradec=(45, 45)*u.deg):
    origin = ICRS(*originradec)
    skyoffset_frame = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=origin)

    skycoord = SkyCoord(*inradec, frame=ICRS)
    skycoord_inaf = skycoord.transform_to(skyoffset_frame)
    assert hasattr(skycoord_inaf, 'lon')
    assert hasattr(skycoord_inaf, 'lat')
    expected = SkyCoord(*expectedlatlon, frame=skyoffset_frame)

    assert skycoord_inaf.separation(expected) < tolsep
    # Check we can also transform back (regression test for gh-11254).
    roundtrip = skycoord_inaf.transform_to(ICRS())
    assert roundtrip.separation(skycoord) < 1*u.uas
コード例 #11
def test_roundtrip_scalar():
    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg, dec=2 * u.deg, distance=3 * u.au)
    gcrs = GCRS(icrs.cartesian)

    bary = icrs.transform_to(BarycentricMeanEcliptic())
    helio = icrs.transform_to(HeliocentricMeanEcliptic())
    geo = gcrs.transform_to(GeocentricMeanEcliptic())

    bary_icrs = bary.transform_to(ICRS())
    helio_icrs = helio.transform_to(ICRS())
    geo_gcrs = geo.transform_to(GCRS())

    assert quantity_allclose(bary_icrs.cartesian.xyz, icrs.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(helio_icrs.cartesian.xyz, icrs.cartesian.xyz)
    assert quantity_allclose(geo_gcrs.cartesian.xyz, gcrs.cartesian.xyz)
コード例 #12
def test_altaz_diffs():
    time = Time('J2015') + np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000) * u.day
    loc = get_builtin_sites()['greenwich']
    aa = AltAz(obstime=time, location=loc)

    icoo = ICRS(np.zeros_like(time) * u.deg,
                10 * u.deg,
                100 * u.au,
                pm_ra_cosdec=np.zeros_like(time) * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                pm_dec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                radial_velocity=0 * u.km / u.s)

    acoo = icoo.transform_to(aa)

    # Make sure the change in radial velocity over ~2 days isn't too much
    # more than the rotation speed of the Earth - some excess is expected
    # because the orbit also shifts the RV, but it should be pretty small
    # over this short a time.
    assert np.ptp(acoo.radial_velocity) / 2 < (2 * np.pi * constants.R_earth /
                                               u.day) * 1.2  # MAGIC NUMBER

    cdiff = acoo.data.differentials['s'].represent_as(CartesianDifferential,

    # The "total" velocity should be > c, because the *tangential* velocity
    # isn't a True velocity, but rather an induced velocity due to the Earth's
    # rotation at a distance of 100 AU
    assert np.all(np.sum(cdiff.d_xyz**2, axis=0)**0.5 > constants.c)
コード例 #13
def test_vel_transformation_obstime_err():
    # TODO: replace after a final decision on PR #6280
    from astropy.coordinates.sites import get_builtin_sites

    diff = r.CartesianDifferential([.1, .2, .3]*u.km/u.s)
    rep = r.CartesianRepresentation([1, 2, 3]*u.au, differentials=diff)

    loc = get_builtin_sites()['example_site']

    aaf = AltAz(obstime='J2010', location=loc)
    aaf2 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime + 3*u.day, location=loc)
    aaf3 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime + np.arange(3)*u.day, location=loc)
    aaf4 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime, location=loc)

    aa = aaf.realize_frame(rep)

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
    assert 'cannot transform' in exc.value.args[0]

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
    assert 'cannot transform' in exc.value.args[0]


コード例 #14
def test_realizing():
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK5
    from astropy.time import Time

    rep = r.SphericalRepresentation(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg, 3 * u.kpc)

    i = ICRS()
    i2 = i.realize_frame(rep)

    assert not i.has_data
    assert i2.has_data

    f = FK5(equinox=Time('J2001'))
    f2 = f.realize_frame(rep)

    assert not f.has_data
    assert f2.has_data

    assert f2.equinox == f.equinox
    assert f2.equinox != FK5.get_frame_attr_names()['equinox']

    # Check that a nicer error message is returned:
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:

    assert ('Class passed as data instead of a representation'
            in excinfo.value.args[0])
コード例 #15
def test_frame_with_velocity_without_distance_can_be_transformed():
    frame = CIRS(1 * u.deg,
                 2 * u.deg,
                 pm_dec=1 * u.mas / u.yr,
                 pm_ra_cosdec=2 * u.mas / u.yr)
    rep = frame.transform_to(ICRS())
    assert "<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec, distance) in" in repr(rep)
コード例 #16
def test_arraytransforms():
    Test that transforms to/from ecliptic coordinates work on array coordinates
    (not testing for accuracy.)
    ra = np.ones((4, ), dtype=float) * u.deg
    dec = 2 * np.ones((4, ), dtype=float) * u.deg
    distance = np.ones((4, ), dtype=float) * u.au

    test_icrs = ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, distance=distance)
    test_gcrs = GCRS(test_icrs.data)

    bary_arr = test_icrs.transform_to(BarycentricTrueEcliptic)
    assert bary_arr.shape == ra.shape

    helio_arr = test_icrs.transform_to(HeliocentricTrueEcliptic)
    assert helio_arr.shape == ra.shape

    geo_arr = test_gcrs.transform_to(GeocentricTrueEcliptic)
    assert geo_arr.shape == ra.shape

    # now check that we also can go back the other way without shape problems
    bary_icrs = bary_arr.transform_to(ICRS)
    assert bary_icrs.shape == test_icrs.shape

    helio_icrs = helio_arr.transform_to(ICRS)
    assert helio_icrs.shape == test_icrs.shape

    geo_gcrs = geo_arr.transform_to(GCRS)
    assert geo_gcrs.shape == test_gcrs.shape
コード例 #17
def test_cirs_icrs():
    Test CIRS<->ICRS transformations, including self transform
    t = Time("J2010")
    MOONDIST = 385000 * u.km  # approximate moon semi-major orbit axis of moon
    MOONDIST_CART = CartesianRepresentation(3**-0.5 * MOONDIST,
                                            3**-0.5 * MOONDIST,
                                            3**-0.5 * MOONDIST)

    loc = EarthLocation(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=0 * u.deg)
    cirs_geo_frame = CIRS(obstime=t)
    cirs_topo_frame = CIRS(obstime=t, location=loc)

    moon_geo = cirs_geo_frame.realize_frame(MOONDIST_CART)
    moon_topo = moon_geo.transform_to(cirs_topo_frame)

    # now check that the distance change is similar to earth radius
    assert 1000 * u.km < np.abs(moon_topo.distance - moon_geo.distance).to(
        u.au) < 7000 * u.km

    # now check that it round-trips
    moon2 = moon_topo.transform_to(moon_geo)
    assert_allclose(moon_geo.cartesian.xyz, moon2.cartesian.xyz)

    # now check ICRS transform gives a decent distance from Barycentre
    moon_icrs = moon_geo.transform_to(ICRS())
    assert_allclose(moon_icrs.distance - 1 * u.au,
                    0.0 * u.R_sun,
                    atol=3 * u.R_sun)
コード例 #18
def test_galactocentric():
    # when z_sun=0, transformation should be very similar to Galactic
    icrs_coord = ICRS(ra=np.linspace(0, 360, 10) * u.deg,
                      dec=np.linspace(-90, 90, 10) * u.deg,
                      distance=1. * u.kpc)

    g_xyz = icrs_coord.transform_to(Galactic).cartesian.xyz
    with galactocentric_frame_defaults.set('pre-v4.0'):
        gc_xyz = icrs_coord.transform_to(Galactocentric(z_sun=0 *
    diff = np.abs(g_xyz - gc_xyz)

    assert allclose(diff[0], 8.3 * u.kpc, atol=1E-5 * u.kpc)
    assert allclose(diff[1:], 0 * u.kpc, atol=1E-5 * u.kpc)

    # generate some test coordinates
    g = Galactic(l=[0, 0, 45, 315] * u.deg,
                 b=[-45, 45, 0, 0] * u.deg,
                 distance=[np.sqrt(2)] * 4 * u.kpc)
    with galactocentric_frame_defaults.set('pre-v4.0'):
        xyz = g.transform_to(
            Galactocentric(galcen_distance=1. * u.kpc,
                           z_sun=0. * u.pc)).cartesian.xyz
    true_xyz = np.array([[0, 0, -1.], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0]
                         ]).T * u.kpc
    assert allclose(xyz.to(u.kpc), true_xyz.to(u.kpc), atol=1E-5 * u.kpc)

    # check that ND arrays work

    # from Galactocentric to Galactic
    x = np.linspace(-10., 10., 100) * u.kpc
    y = np.linspace(-10., 10., 100) * u.kpc
    z = np.zeros_like(x)

    # from Galactic to Galactocentric
    l = np.linspace(15, 30., 100) * u.deg
    b = np.linspace(-10., 10., 100) * u.deg
    d = np.ones_like(l.value) * u.kpc

    with galactocentric_frame_defaults.set('latest'):
        g1 = Galactocentric(x=x, y=y, z=z)
        g2 = Galactocentric(x=x.reshape(100, 1, 1),
                            y=y.reshape(100, 1, 1),
                            z=z.reshape(100, 1, 1))

        g1t = g1.transform_to(Galactic)
        g2t = g2.transform_to(Galactic)

        assert_allclose(g1t.cartesian.xyz, g2t.cartesian.xyz[:, :, 0, 0])

        g1 = Galactic(l=l, b=b, distance=d)
        g2 = Galactic(l=l.reshape(100, 1, 1),
                      b=b.reshape(100, 1, 1),
                      distance=d.reshape(100, 1, 1))

        g1t = g1.transform_to(Galactocentric)
        g2t = g2.transform_to(Galactocentric)

                                       g2t.cartesian.xyz.value[:, :, 0, 0])
コード例 #19
def test_distance_change():

    ra = Longitude("4:08:15.162342", unit=u.hour)
    dec = Latitude("-41:08:15.162342", unit=u.degree)
    c1 = ICRS(ra, dec, Distance(1, unit=u.kpc))

    oldx = c1.cartesian.x.value
    assert (oldx - 0.35284083171901953) < 1e-10

    # first make sure distances are immutible
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        c1.distance = Distance(2, unit=u.kpc)

    # now x should increase with a bigger distance increases
    c2 = ICRS(ra, dec, Distance(2, unit=u.kpc))
    assert c2.cartesian.x.value == oldx * 2
コード例 #20
def test_lsr_loopback(frame):
    xyz = CartesianRepresentation(1, 2, 3) * u.AU
    xyz = xyz.with_differentials(CartesianDifferential(4, 5, 6) * u.km / u.s)

    v_bary = CartesianDifferential(5, 10, 15) * u.km / u.s

    # Test that the loopback properly handles a change in v_bary
    from_coo = frame(xyz)  # default v_bary
    to_frame = frame(v_bary=v_bary)

    explicit_coo = from_coo.transform_to(ICRS()).transform_to(to_frame)
    implicit_coo = from_coo.transform_to(to_frame)

    # Confirm that the explicit transformation changes the velocity but not the position
    assert allclose(explicit_coo.cartesian.xyz,
    assert not allclose(
        explicit_coo.velocity.d_xyz, from_coo.velocity.d_xyz, rtol=1e-10)

    # Confirm that the loopback matches the explicit transformation
    assert allclose(explicit_coo.cartesian.xyz,
    assert allclose(explicit_coo.velocity.d_xyz,
コード例 #21
def test_all_arg_options(kwargs):
    # Above is a list of all possible valid combinations of arguments.
    # Here we do a simple thing and just verify that passing them in, we have
    # access to the relevant attributes from the resulting object
    icrs = ICRS(**kwargs)
    gal = icrs.transform_to(Galactic)
    repr_gal = repr(gal)

    for k in kwargs:
        if k == 'differential_type':
        getattr(icrs, k)

    if 'pm_ra_cosdec' in kwargs:  # should have both
        assert 'pm_l_cosb' in repr_gal
        assert 'pm_b' in repr_gal
        assert 'mas / yr' in repr_gal

        if 'radial_velocity' not in kwargs:
            assert 'radial_velocity' not in repr_gal

    if 'radial_velocity' in kwargs:
        assert 'radial_velocity' in repr_gal
        assert 'km / s' in repr_gal

        if 'pm_ra_cosdec' not in kwargs:
            assert 'pm_l_cosb' not in repr_gal
            assert 'pm_b' not in repr_gal
コード例 #22
def test_skyoffset_names():
    origin1 = ICRS(45 * u.deg, 45 * u.deg)
    aframe1 = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=origin1)
    assert type(aframe1).__name__ == 'SkyOffsetICRS'

    origin2 = Galactic(45 * u.deg, 45 * u.deg)
    aframe2 = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=origin2)
    assert type(aframe2).__name__ == 'SkyOffsetGalactic'
コード例 #23
def test_nodata_error():
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    i = ICRS()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:

    assert 'does not have associated data' in str(excinfo.value)
コード例 #24
def test_getitem_representation():
    Make sure current representation survives __getitem__ even if different
    from data representation.
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS
    c = ICRS([1, 1] * u.deg, [2, 2] * u.deg)
    c.representation_type = 'cartesian'
    assert c[0].representation_type is r.CartesianRepresentation
コード例 #25
def test_negative_distance():
    """ Regression test: #7408
    Make sure that negative parallaxes turned into distances are handled right

    RA = 150 * u.deg
    DEC = -11 * u.deg
    c = ICRS(ra=RA,
             distance=(-10 * u.mas).to(u.pc, u.parallax()),
             pm_ra_cosdec=10 * u.mas / u.yr,
             pm_dec=10 * u.mas / u.yr)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.ra, RA)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.dec, DEC)

    c = ICRS(ra=RA, dec=DEC, distance=(-10 * u.mas).to(u.pc, u.parallax()))
    assert quantity_allclose(c.ra, RA)
    assert quantity_allclose(c.dec, DEC)
コード例 #26
def test_api():
    # transform observed Barycentric velocities to full-space Galactocentric
    gc_frame = Galactocentric()
    icrs = ICRS(ra=151.*u.deg, dec=-16*u.deg, distance=101*u.pc,
                pm_ra_cosdec=21*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=-71*u.mas/u.yr,

    # transform a set of ICRS proper motions to Galactic
    icrs = ICRS(ra=151.*u.deg, dec=-16*u.deg,
                pm_ra_cosdec=21*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=-71*u.mas/u.yr)

    # transform a Barycentric RV to a GSR RV
    icrs = ICRS(ra=151.*u.deg, dec=-16*u.deg, distance=1.*u.pc,
                pm_ra_cosdec=0*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=0*u.mas/u.yr,
コード例 #27
def test_transform_to_nonscalar_nodata_frame():
    # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/5254#issuecomment-241592353
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK5
    from astropy.time import Time
    times = Time('2016-08-23') + np.linspace(0, 10, 12) * u.day
    coo1 = ICRS(ra=[[0.], [10.], [20.]] * u.deg,
                dec=[[-30.], [30.], [60.]] * u.deg)
    coo2 = coo1.transform_to(FK5(equinox=times))
    assert coo2.shape == (3, 12)
コード例 #28
def test_obstime():
    Checks to make sure observation time is
    accounted for at least in FK4 <-> ICRS transformations
    b1950 = Time('B1950')
    j1975 = Time('J1975')

    fk4_50 = FK4(ra=1*u.deg, dec=2*u.deg, obstime=b1950)
    fk4_75 = FK4(ra=1*u.deg, dec=2*u.deg, obstime=j1975)

    icrs_50 = fk4_50.transform_to(ICRS())
    icrs_75 = fk4_75.transform_to(ICRS())

    # now check that the resulting coordinates are *different* - they should be,
    # because the obstime is different
    assert icrs_50.ra.degree != icrs_75.ra.degree
    assert icrs_50.dec.degree != icrs_75.dec.degree
コード例 #29
def test_skyoffset_velocity():
    c = ICRS(ra=170.9*u.deg, dec=-78.4*u.deg,
    skyoffset_frame = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=c)
    c_skyoffset = c.transform_to(skyoffset_frame)

    assert_allclose(c_skyoffset.pm_lon_coslat, c.pm_ra_cosdec)
    assert_allclose(c_skyoffset.pm_lat, c.pm_dec)
コード例 #30
def test_gcrs_diffs():
    time = Time('2017-01-01')
    gf = GCRS(obstime=time)
    sung = get_sun(time)  # should have very little vhelio

    # qtr-year off sun location should be the direction of ~ maximal vhelio
    qtrsung = get_sun(time - .25 * u.year)

    # now we use those essentially as directions where the velocities should
    # be either maximal or minimal - with or perpendiculat to Earh's orbit
    msungr = CartesianRepresentation(-sung.cartesian.xyz).represent_as(
    suni = ICRS(ra=msungr.lon,
                distance=100 * u.au,
                pm_ra_cosdec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                pm_dec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                radial_velocity=0 * u.km / u.s)
    qtrsuni = ICRS(ra=qtrsung.ra,
                   distance=100 * u.au,
                   pm_ra_cosdec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                   pm_dec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                   radial_velocity=0 * u.km / u.s)

    # Now we transform those parallel- and perpendicular-to Earth's orbit
    # directions to GCRS, which should shift the velocity to either include
    # the Earth's velocity vector, or not (for parallel and perpendicular,
    # respectively).
    sung = suni.transform_to(gf)
    qtrsung = qtrsuni.transform_to(gf)

    # should be high along the ecliptic-not-sun sun axis and
    # low along the sun axis
    assert np.abs(qtrsung.radial_velocity) > 30 * u.km / u.s
    assert np.abs(qtrsung.radial_velocity) < 40 * u.km / u.s
    assert np.abs(sung.radial_velocity) < 1 * u.km / u.s

    suni2 = sung.transform_to(ICRS)
    assert np.all(
        np.abs(suni2.data.differentials['s'].d_xyz) < 3e-5 * u.km / u.s)
    qtrisun2 = qtrsung.transform_to(ICRS)
    assert np.all(
        np.abs(qtrisun2.data.differentials['s'].d_xyz) < 3e-5 * u.km / u.s)