コード例 #1
ファイル: hosts.py プロジェクト: sagasurvey/erik
    def disterr(self):
        Distance error (given WMAP7 cosmology/H0)
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP7

        dist = WMAP7.luminosity_distance(self.zdist)
        dp = abs(dist - WMAP7.luminosity_distance(self.zdist + self.zdisterr))
        dm = abs(dist - WMAP7.luminosity_distance(self.zdist - self.zdisterr))

        return (dp + dm) / 2
コード例 #2
ファイル: hosts.py プロジェクト: sagasurvey/erik
    def dist(self):
        Distance to host (given WMAP7 cosmology/H0)
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP7

        return WMAP7.luminosity_distance(self.zdist)
コード例 #3
    def getAbsMag(self, z, appmag, Lbol, Filter):
	    # Calculate value of fractions in K-correction
	    tempflux, zeroflux = self.getFluxes(z, Lbol, Filter)[2:]
	    frac1 = 10**(-0.4*appmag)
	    frac2 = zeroflux/tempflux

	    # Calculate K-correction
	    KQR = -2.5 * np.log10(frac1*frac2)

	    # Calculate distance modulus
	    DLpc = WMAP7.luminosity_distance(z).to_value(u.pc)
	    DM   = 5 * np.log10(0.1 * DLpc)

	    # Calculate apparent magnitude based on the apparent-absolute magnitude relationship
	    absMag = appmag - DM - KQR
	    return absMag
コード例 #4
    def getFluxes(self, z, Lbol, Filter):
	    # Redshift to object's z
	    DLcm  = WMAP7.luminosity_distance(z).to_value(u.cm)
	    waveZ = self.QSOtemp['Wave']*(1.+z)
	    filtZ = np.interp(waveZ, Filter['lambda'], Filter['trans'])

	    # Normalise spectral densities
	    L5100 = Lbol / (9.*5100.)
	    lum   = L5100 * self.QSOtemp['FluxD']/self.QSOtemp['FluxD'][4300]
	    flux  = lum / (4*np.pi*DLcm*DLcm * (1.+z))

	    # Compute flux through filter
	    tempflux = igrt.trapz(waveZ * flux * filtZ, x=waveZ)
	    zeroflux = igrt.trapz(self.c/waveZ * self.AB * filtZ, x=waveZ)

	    return waveZ, lum, tempflux, zeroflux
コード例 #5
 def getQSOmag(self, Lbol, z, Filter):
     # Return apparent magnitude of QSO at redshift z in filter
     # Redshift the QSO to z
     waveZ = self.QSOTemplate['Wave'] * (1.0+z)
     # Normalise spectrum from relative to absolute flux units
     # Index 4300 is 5100.5 Angstroms
     L5100 = Lbol/(5100.0*9.0)
     lumZ  = self.QSOTemplate['FluxD'] * L5100 / self.QSOTemplate['FluxD'][4300]
     # Calculate fluxes based on luminosity distance DL in cm
     DL = WMAP7.luminosity_distance(z) * 1.0e6 * 3.0857e18   # cm
     fluxZ = lumZ / (4*np.pi*DL.value**2)                    # ergs/s/cm^2
     # Convolve with Filter and report flux in AB mag
     return self.QSOConv(waveZ, fluxZ, Filter)
コード例 #6
ファイル: redshifting.py プロジェクト: JohannesBuchner/cigale
    def _init_code(self):
        """Compute the age of the Universe at a given redshift
        self.redshift = float(self.parameters["redshift"])

        # Raise an error when applying a negative redshift. This module is
        # not for blue-shifting.
        if self.redshift < 0.:
            raise Exception("The redshift provided is negative <{}>."

        self.universe_age = cosmology.age(self.redshift).value * 1000.
        if self.redshift == 0.:
            self.luminosity_distance = 10. * parsec
            self.luminosity_distance = (
                cosmology.luminosity_distance(self.redshift).value * 1e6 *
        # We do not define the values of the IGM attenuation component yet.
        # This is because we need the wavelength grid for that first. This
        # will be assigned on the first call.
        self.igm_attenuation = {}
コード例 #7
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as clr
import h5py
import dtk
import sys

from astropy.cosmology import WMAP7 as cosmo
import time
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

h = 0.702
stepz = dtk.StepZ(200, 0, 500)
zs = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 1000)
z_to_dl = interp1d(zs, cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs))
step2nan_str_z = {}

param = dtk.Param(sys.argv[1])
output = param.get_string('output')
output_mod = output.replace('.hdf5', '_mod.hdf5')

hfile = h5py.File(output_mod, 'a')

redshift = hfile['galaxyProperties/redshiftHubble'].value
dl = z_to_dl(redshift)
print "done getting the luminosity distance..."
adjust = -2.5 * np.log10(1 + redshift) + 5 * np.log10(dl) + 25.0

def recal_obs(hgroup):
コード例 #8
def dLum(z):
    return cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).value * h  #in Mpc/h
コード例 #9
                g = np.array(f[ch[1] + p])
                b = np.array(f[ch[2] + p])

                if plot:
                    print(np.max(np.dstack((r, g, b))))
                            (r[96:160, 96:160] / np.max(r[96:160, 96:160]),
                             g[96:160, 96:160] / np.max(g[96:160, 96:160]),
                             b[96:160, 96:160] / np.max(b[96:160, 96:160]))))
                    print('Pixel size of', round(px, 3), ' arcsec at z =',
                #correct brightness for distance
                d_redsh = cosmo.luminosity_distance(
                r *= (d_eagle * d_eagle) / (d_redsh * d_redsh)
                g *= (d_eagle * d_eagle) / (d_redsh * d_redsh)
                b *= (d_eagle * d_eagle) / (d_redsh * d_redsh)
                #Convert from maggies to mJy (do now to prevent overflow)
                r *= 3.631e6
                g *= 3.631e6
                b *= 3.631e6
                #Scale to match g-band observations
                r *= scale
                g *= scale
                b *= scale
                r = np.array(f[ch[0] + p])  #Load data
                g = np.array(f[ch[1] + p])
                b = np.array(f[ch[2] + p])
コード例 #10
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP7 as cosmo
from astroML.stats import binned_statistic_2d
import matplotlib as mpl

plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=16)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=16)
plt.rc('xtick', direction='inout')
plt.rc('ytick', direction='inout')
plt.rc('axes', linewidth=1.5)
plt.rc('font', family='sans-serif')
plt.rc('font', size=16)

f1 = fits.open(
data1 = f1[1].data
dL = cosmo.luminosity_distance(data1['Z'])

Ns = 9
zmin = 0.11
zmax = 0.9
M_min = -16.
M_max = -23.5
b = 30  #N of bins LF
dM = abs(M_max - M_min) / b
zbins = np.linspace(0.11, 0.9, Ns, endpoint=True)

# =============================================================================
# f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(7,6))
# ax.hist(data1['M_I'],bins=b,color='r',histtype='step',label='Mock')
# ax.set_yscale('log')
# ax.vlines(M_min,1,len(data1['M_I']),linestyles='--',colors='k')
コード例 #11
                F_in[c] *= ((dx2 - abs(Ix[c] - xi)) / dx)
            elif (0 < (xi - Ix[c]) < dx2):
                F_in[c] *= ((dx2 + abs(Ix[c] - xi)) / dx)
        if c == len(Ix) - 1:
            if (0 < (xf - Ix[c]) < dx2):
                F_in[c] *= ((dx2 - abs(Ix[c] - xf)) / dx)
            elif (0 < (Ix[c] - xf) < dx2):
                F_in[c] *= ((dx2 + abs(Ix[c] - xf)) / dx)
    P_B.append(np.sum(F_in * dx) / dx0)
PB = np.array(P_B)
PAUS_BLUE = PB[(table[:, 2] < 0.9) & (table[:, 2] > 0.11)]
new_table = table[(table[:, 2] < 0.9) & (table[:, 2] > 0.11)]
mB = -2.5 * np.log10(
) - 48  # from flux to PAUS magnitud                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 e
dL = cosmo.luminosity_distance(new_table[:, 2]).value * cosmo.h
MB = mB - 25 - 5 * np.log10(dL)
new_table = np.vstack([new_table.T, MB]).T
t = Table(
        'RA', 'DEC', 'Z', 'SDSS_g', 'SDSS_i', 'SDSS_r', 'SDSS_u', 'SDSS_G',
        'SDSS_I', 'SDSS_R', 'SDSS_U', 'SFR Mdot', 'MB'
print "saving data from " + str(len(MB)) + " of " + str(
) + "galaxies in fits format... at /cosma/home/durham/jarmijo/PAU_test/catalogs/mocks_MBlue_SDSSphot.fits\n"
    + icut + 'cut.fits',