コード例 #1
def n_merge(z1, z2, r_list, m_sat, m_cen):
    t_between = WMAP9.lookback_time(z1).value - WMAP9.lookback_time(z2).value
    # t_merge_list = merge_est_k(r_list, m_cen, z1)
    t_merge_list = merge_est_j(r_list, m_sat, m_cen)

    # merge
    m_sat = m_sat[t_merge_list < t_between]
    m_merge = sum(10**(m_sat - 8))
    n_merge = sum(np.ones(len(r_list)) * t_merge_list / t_between)

    # alternatively
    # n_merge = r_list[t_merge_list<t_between]

    return n_merge, m_merge
コード例 #2
ファイル: hscUtils.py プロジェクト: dr-guangtou/hs_hsc
def cosmoLookBack(redshift,
    Get the Look-back Time at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    lbt = cosmo.lookback_time(redshift)

    if not Myr:
        return lbt.value
        return lbt.to(u.Myr).value
コード例 #3
def cosmoLookBack(redshift,
    Get the Look-back Time at redshift=z.

    This is simply a wrapper of astropy.cosmology
    The input redsfhit can be an array
    if WMAP9:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    elif Planck15:
        from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)

    lbt = cosmo.lookback_time(redshift)

    if not Myr:
        return lbt.value
        return lbt.to(u.Myr).value
コード例 #4
ファイル: read_in_galaxies.py プロジェクト: peeples/beetle
def make_scattered_galaxy(filename, **kwargs):
    print "attempting to read in ", filename

    input_galaxy = ascii.read(filename)

    galaxy = initialize_galaxy(len(input_galaxy))
    dt = 1.e7
    print "assuming timestep is 1.e7 years!!!!!"
    galaxy['dt'] += 1.e7*u.yr

    galaxy['sfr'] = np.power(10.0,input_galaxy['SFR']) * u.Msun/u.yr
    galaxy['dMrdt'] = np.power(10.0,input_galaxy['Mrec'])* u.Msun / galaxy['dt']
    # galaxy['dMrdt'].unit = u.Msun / u.yr

    ## Need to get gas masses from Gergo's code
    fake_radius = 3000. + np.zeros(len(galaxy['sfr']))
    gas = ig.gas_masses(galaxy['sfr'], input_galaxy['Ms'], fake_radius)
    Mgas, Mhi, Mh2 = gas[0], gas[1], gas[2]

    galaxy['Mg'] = Mgas * HELIUM_CORR * u.Msun
    galaxy['Mhi'] = Mhi * u.Msun
    galaxy['Mh2'] = Mh2 * u.Msun
    galaxy['Ms'] = np.power(10.0,input_galaxy['Ms']) * u.Msun

    col_dummy = Column(name='z',data=input_galaxy['z'])

    age = cosmo.age(galaxy['z'])  ### THIS COSMOLOGY IS WRONG
    galaxy['age'] = age

    tlb = cosmo.lookback_time(galaxy['z'])
    galaxy['lookback'] = tlb


    ## check to make sure sorted so earlier is earlier

    print galaxy

    return galaxy
コード例 #5
ファイル: read_in_galaxies.py プロジェクト: peeples/beetle
def read_in_galaxy(filename, index):
    print "attempting to read in",filename

    if ".pkl" in filename:
        print "assuming that",filename,"is a pickle file with only a dict of galaxies in it"
        galaxies = pickle.load(open(filename,"r"))
        print "for now we're only dealing with one galaxy at a time; taking galaxy #",index
        assert(index in galaxies.keys()), "index %i not in file :-(" % index
        galaxy = galaxies[index]
        col_z = Column(name='z',data=galaxies['z'])
    elif "peter" in filename:
        print "assuming that",filename,"is an ascii file from peter behroozi and gergo popping with Mh,Ms,dMhdt,sfr,Mg,Mhi,Mh2"
        print "also assuming that",filename,"only has one iteration"
        z,Mh,Ms,dMhdt,sfr,Mg,Mhi,Mh2 = np.loadtxt(filename,usecols=(0,7*index+1,7*index+2,7*index+3,7*index+4,7*index+5,7*index+6,7*index+7),unpack=True)
        galaxy = QTable([z,Mh,Ms,dMhdt,sfr,Mg,Mhi,Mh2],names=('z','Mh','Ms','dMhdt','sfr','Mg','Mhi','Mh2'))

    ## need to add units
    galaxy['Mh'].unit = u.Msun
    galaxy['Ms'].unit = u.Msun
    galaxy['Mg'].unit = u.Msun
    galaxy['Mhi'].unit = u.Msun
    galaxy['Mh2'].unit = u.Msun
    galaxy['dMhdt'].unit = u.Msun / u.yr
    if 'dMrdt' in galaxy.colnames:
        galaxy['dMrdt'].unit = u.Msun / u.yr
    galaxy['sfr'].unit = u.Msun / u.yr

    ### Helium is not included in the gas masses!!
    galaxy['Mg'] = galaxy['Mg'] * HELIUM_CORR

    ### Let's make a CGM! ###
    galaxy['Mcgm'] = galaxy['Mh']*cosmo.Ob0/cosmo.Om0 - galaxy['Ms'] - galaxy['Mg']

    age = cosmo.age(galaxy['z'])
    col_age = Column(name='age', data=age)

    tlb = cosmo.lookback_time(galaxy['z'])
    col_tlb = Column(name='lookback', data=tlb)

    ## check to make sure sorted so earlier is earlier

    return galaxy
コード例 #6
                            chival = np.sum((obj_fluxes/obj_fluxerrs - const*th_fluxes/obj_fluxerrs)**2)
                            print chival
                            if chival < output[m,7]:
                                output[m,:] = np.array([m+1, all_obj_specz[m], z, ages[j], float(tauvals[l]), EBV, const, chival])
                print "Age: " + str(ages[j]) + ", tau: " + tauvals[l] + ", redshift: " + str(z)
                np.savetxt("photoz_grid84876.txt", output, header="obj_no spec_z phot_z age tau EBV norm chi")

#the chi squared array is now 2D over EBV and the different objects

for j in range(128): 
    for l in range(3):
        th_mag_array = np.loadtxt("synmags_T" + tauvals[l] + "/synmags/synmags_age_" + str(ages[j]) + ".txt", usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12))
        for i in range(1, 501): 
            z = 0.01*i
            th_mags = th_mag_array[i-1,:]
            if ages[j]*(10**-9) < 14.00 - WMAP9.lookback_time(z).value:
                for k in range(41):
                    EBV = 0.05*k
                    th_fluxes = 10**((23.9 - EBV*coef - th_mags)/2.5) #microjanskys
                    const =  np.sum(fulldet_obj_fluxes*th_fluxes/fulldet_obj_fluxerrs**2, axis=1)/np.sum(th_fluxes**2/fulldet_obj_fluxerrs**2, axis=1)
                    chival = np.sum((fulldet_obj_fluxes/fulldet_obj_fluxerrs - (const*(th_fluxes/fulldet_obj_fluxerrs).T).T)**2, axis=1)
                    for m in range(len(fulldet_obj_fluxes)):
                        if chival[m] < output[m,7]:
                            output[m,:] = np.array([m+1, all_obj_specz[m], z, ages[j], float(tauvals[l]), EBV, const[m], chival[m]])
                print "Age: " + str(ages[j]) + ", tau: " + tauvals[l] + ", redshift: " + str(z)
                np.savetxt("photoz_grid86548.txt", output, header="obj_no spec_z phot_z age tau EBV norm chi")

コード例 #7
        offset_errs[0, i, 0] = 0.

all_obj_fluxes = all_obj_fluxes + offsets
all_obj_fluxerrs = np.sqrt(all_obj_fluxerrs**2 + offset_errs**2)

### Build array for photometric redshift and parameter outputs
output = np.zeros(len(all_obj_fluxes)*8, dtype="float")
output.shape = (len(all_obj_fluxes), 8)
output[:,7] = 9999999999.

### Perform model fitting using a 2D chi squared array over object and redshift with max age of stellar pop physically determined
tauvals = np.array([0.05, 1, 10], dtype="str")
zarr = np.arange(0.01, 5.001, 0.01)
lbtarr = WMAP9.lookback_time(zarr).value
EBVarr = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, 1.50001, 0.025), axis=0), axis=0), axis=0)
for j in range(minage, maxage+1): 
    arg = 0
    while ages[j]*(10**-9) < 14.0 - lbtarr[arg] and arg < 499:
        arg = arg+1
    for l in range(3):
        print "Age: " + str(ages[j]) + ", fitting to redshift " + str((arg+1)*0.01) + ", with tau: " + tauvals[l]
        th_mag_array = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.loadtxt("models/" + tauvals[l] + "/synmags_age_" + str(ages[j]) + ".txt", usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12))[0:arg, :].T, axis=0), axis=3)
        print "th_mag_array computed"
        print th_mag_array.nbytes
        th_flux_array = (10**((23.9 - EBVarr*coef - th_mag_array)/2.5)) #microjanskys
        print "th_flux_array computed"
        print th_flux_array.nbytes
        const =  np.expand_dims(np.sum(all_obj_fluxes*th_flux_array/all_obj_fluxerrs**2, axis=1)/np.sum(th_flux_array**2/all_obj_fluxerrs**2, axis=1), axis=1)
コード例 #8
PROTONMASS = 1.67262178e-27
#Thomson constant
THOMPSON = 6.65245873e-29
#1e8 Solar units
E8MSUN = 1.989e38
#Seconds per year
SECPERYEAR = 3.15569e7
#Solar mass
SOLARMASS = 1.989e30

#Standard units
unitsstd = {'M': 1.989e40, 'L': 3.08568e19, 'T': 3.15569e16, 'V': 1000.}

#Creating time for cosmological setups
atmp = np.arange(0.001, 1.02, 0.001)
t_tmp = WMAP9.lookback_time(1.0 / atmp[0] -
                            1) - WMAP9.lookback_time(1.0 / atmp - 1)

def physical_time(a):
    time = np.interp(a, atmp, t_tmp)
    return time

#RK4 integrator
def RK4_step(f, r, v, t, dt):
    #Creating solutions
    K0r, K0v = f(r, v, t)
    K1r, K1v = f(r + 0.5 * dt * K0r, v + 0.5 * dt * K0v, t + 0.5 * dt)
コード例 #9
        ):  # exclude central gals which has larger mass companion

        # cat_neighbors = cat_neighbors[cat_neighbors['MASS_BEST']>8]
        coord_neighbors = SkyCoord(cat_neighbors['RA'] * u.deg,
                                   cat_neighbors['DEC'] * u.deg)
        radius_list = coord_neighbors.separation(
            coord_gal).degree / 180. * np.pi * dis * 1000  # in kpc
        mass_list = cat_neighbors['MASS_BEST']

        # t_merge_list = merge_est_k(radius_list, mass_list, z)
        t_merge_list = merge_est_j(radius_list, mass_list, gal['MASS_BEST'])

        # select companions that merge with central in the next redshift bin
        t_merge_h = WMAP9.lookback_time(
            gal['ZPHOT']).value - WMAP9.lookback_time(z - 0.2).value
        t_merge_l = WMAP9.lookback_time(
            gal['ZPHOT']).value - WMAP9.lookback_time(z).value
        mass_grow_list = mass_list[np.absolute(t_merge_list -
                                               (t_merge_h + t_merge_l) / 2.) <
                                   (t_merge_h - t_merge_l) / 2.]

        mass_growth_bkg = bkg(gal['RA'], cat_all_z_slice, t_merge_h, t_merge_l,
                              z, gal['MASS_BEST'])
            sum(10**(mass_grow_list - 10)) - mass_growth_bkg)

        print(len(mass_grow_list), len(mass_list),
              sum(10**(mass_grow_list - 10)), mass_growth_bkg)

    mass_growth_z_median = np.median(mass_growth_gal)
コード例 #10
    filter_bounds, filter_widths = make_bins(filter[:,0], make_rhs="True")
    top = np.zeros(len(spec_widths)*len(filter_widths))
    bottom = np.copy(top)

    top = (np.expand_dims(filter_bounds[1:], axis=1) - np.expand_dims(spec_bounds[:-1], axis=0))/np.expand_dims(filter_widths, axis=1)
    bottom = (np.expand_dims(spec_bounds[1:], axis=0) - np.expand_dims(filter_bounds[:-1], axis=1))/np.expand_dims(filter_widths, axis=1)
    part1 = np.logical_and(top>=1, bottom>=1).astype("float")
    part2 = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(0<top, top<1), bottom>=1).astype("float")
    part3 = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(0<bottom, bottom<1), top>=1).astype("float")
    part4 = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(0<top, top<1), np.logical_and(0<bottom, bottom<1)).astype("float")
    crossover = part1 + top*part2 + bottom*part3 + (top+bottom-1)*part4 
    flux_total = np.sum(np.sum(crossover*np.expand_dims(filter[:,1], axis=1)*np.expand_dims(spec[:,1], axis=0)*np.expand_dims(filter_widths, axis=1), axis=1), axis=0)
    return flux_total
zarr = np.arange(0.01, 7.001, 0.01)
lbtarr = cosmo.lookback_time(zarr).value
D = np.loadtxt("../IGM_Da_Db.txt")

### Load up the data necessary to build the "filter" to rebin the model spectra onto

hdulist1 = fits.open("../../VANDELS_data/spectra/sc_206806_UDS_P1M1_MR_Q1_029_1.fits")
wavzpt = hdulist1[0].header["CRVAL1"]
dwav = hdulist1[0].header["CDELT1"]
fluxes1 = hdulist1[4].data

maxwav = wavzpt + dwav*(len(fluxes1))

objwavs_nobin = np.arange(wavzpt, maxwav, dwav)

objwavs = specbin(objwavs_nobin, 2)
コード例 #11
    filter_bounds, filter_widths = make_bins(filter[:,0], make_rhs="True")
    top = np.zeros(len(spec_widths)*len(filter_widths))
    bottom = np.copy(top)

    top = (np.expand_dims(filter_bounds[1:], axis=1) - np.expand_dims(spec_bounds[:-1], axis=0))/np.expand_dims(filter_widths, axis=1)
    bottom = (np.expand_dims(spec_bounds[1:], axis=0) - np.expand_dims(filter_bounds[:-1], axis=1))/np.expand_dims(filter_widths, axis=1)
    part1 = np.logical_and(top>=1, bottom>=1).astype("float")
    part2 = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(0<top, top<1), bottom>=1).astype("float")
    part3 = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(0<bottom, bottom<1), top>=1).astype("float")
    part4 = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(0<top, top<1), np.logical_and(0<bottom, bottom<1)).astype("float")
    crossover = part1 + top*part2 + bottom*part3 + (top+bottom-1)*part4 
    flux_total = np.sum(np.sum(crossover*np.expand_dims(filter[:,1], axis=1)*np.expand_dims(spec[:,1], axis=0)*np.expand_dims(filter_widths, axis=1), axis=1), axis=0)
    return flux_total
zarr = np.arange(0.01, 5.001, 0.01)
lbtarr = cosmo.lookback_time(zarr).value

### Load up the data necessary to build the "filter" to rebin the model spectra onto

hdulist1 = fits.open("../VANDELS_data/spectra/sc_206806_UDS_P1M1_MR_Q1_029_1.fits")
wavzpt = hdulist1[0].header["CRVAL1"]
dwav = hdulist1[0].header["CDELT1"]
fluxes1 = hdulist1[4].data#*10**19
print wavzpt
print dwav

maxwav = wavzpt + dwav*(len(fluxes1))
objwavs_nobin = np.arange(wavzpt, maxwav, dwav)
tauvals = np.array([0.05, 1, 10], dtype="str")