def observed_fetch(self, table=None, red=True, blu=True): """Read a fields_observed.dat file and save the contents. Arguments to be passed: table (default=None) : path of fields_observed file - default behaviour is to look in package data directory for fields_observed.dat. red (default=True) : boolean which when true specifies that details of the red concats should be read. blu (default=True) : boolean which when true specifies that details of the blue concats should be read. """ # Ensure date columns always read in as strings - makes it # possible to validate values that are empty against "". conv = {"Hari_dat" : [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], "ugr_dat" : [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]} if table==None: try: self.observed ='/fields_observed.dat', converters=conv) except: print ("Error: No table specified, and no " "fields_observed.dat") print " in module data directory." return 0 else: self.observed =, converters=conv) self.bool_red = red self.bool_blu = blu return
def read(inputfile): """Read the given input file and return parsed Astropy Table.""" # NOTE: You can replace this with meaningful column names if you want. colnames = ['col_01', 'col_02', 'col_03', 'col_04', 'col_05', 'col_06', 'col_07', 'col_08', 'col_09', 'col_10'] # NOTE: You can change the data types here for each col as you see fit. # ps. Tried using defaultdict magic but didn't work, not sure why. # So, we have to define the dictionary explicitly here. # This converts everything to float. It uses INTERNAL column names. converters = {'col1': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col2': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col3': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col4': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col5': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col6': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col7': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col8': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col9': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col10': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)]} tab =, format='no_header', guess=False, Inputter=RuiterInputter, data_start=0, names=colnames, converters=converters) # Now you can science with this data! return tab
def __init__(self, definition_file): self._dqcol = 'DQFLAG' self._sdcol = 'short' # SHORT_DESCRIPTION self._ldcol = 'long' # LONG_DESCRIPTION # Need to replace ~ with $HOME =, names=(self._dqcol, self._sdcol, self._ldcol), converters={ self._dqcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.uint16)], self._sdcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], self._ldcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)] }) # Another table to store metadata self.metadata =['comments'], delimiter='=', format='no_header', names=['key', 'val']) # Ensure table has OK flag to detect good pixel self._okflag = 0 if self._okflag not in[self._dqcol]:[self._okflag, 'OK', 'Good pixel']) # Sort table in ascending order # Compile a list of flags self._valid_flags =[self._dqcol]
def observed_fetch(self, table=None, red=True, blu=True): """Read a fields_observed.dat file and save the contents. Arguments to be passed: table (default=None) : path of fields_observed file - default behaviour is to look in package data directory for fields_observed.dat. red (default=True) : boolean which when true specifies that details of the red concats should be read. blu (default=True) : boolean which when true specifies that details of the blue concats should be read. """ # Ensure date columns always read in as strings - makes it # possible to validate values that are empty against "". conv = { "Hari_dat": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], "ugr_dat": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)] } if table == None: try: self.observed = + '/fields_observed.dat', converters=conv) except: print( "Error: No table specified, and no " "fields_observed.dat") print " in module data directory." return 0 else: self.observed =, converters=conv) self.bool_red = red self.bool_blu = blu return
def __init__(self, definition_file): self._dqcol = 'DQFLAG' self._sdcol = 'short' # SHORT_DESCRIPTION self._ldcol = 'long' # LONG_DESCRIPTION # Need to replace ~ with $HOME = os.path.expanduser(definition_file), names = (self._dqcol, self._sdcol, self._ldcol), converters = {self._dqcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.uint16)], self._sdcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], self._ldcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) # Another table to store metadata self.metadata =['comments'], delimiter='=', format='no_header', names=['key', 'val']) # Ensure table has OK flag to detect good pixel self._okflag = 0 if self._okflag not in[self._dqcol]:[self._okflag, 'OK', 'Good pixel']) # Sort table in ascending order # Compile a list of flags self._valid_flags =[self._dqcol]
def _convert_csv_to_coordinates(_csv_file, _ra, _dec): #Converters for CSV reading converters = {'col1': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)], 'col2': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)]} _data =, converters=converters) for i in range(len(_data)): _ra.append(_data['ra'][i]) _dec.append(_data['dec'][i])
def _search_nearby_of_tess_target(tic_id): # To avoid warnings / overflow error in attempting to convert GAIA DR2, TIC ID, TOI # as int32 (the default) in some cases return"{tic_id}&output=csv", format="csv", fast_reader=False, converters={ "GAIA DR2": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], "TIC ID": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], "TOI": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], })
def test_types_from_dat(): converters = {'a': [ascii.convert_numpy(float)], 'e': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)]} dat =['a b c d e', '1 1 cat 2.1 4.2'], Reader=ascii.Basic, converters=converters) assert dat['a'].dtype.kind == 'f' assert dat['b'].dtype.kind == 'i' assert dat['c'].dtype.kind in ('S', 'U') assert dat['d'].dtype.kind == 'f' assert dat['e'].dtype.kind in ('S', 'U')
def makeEmptyTable(): """ Returns an empty sky model table. """ outlines = ['Z, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0\n'] colNames = ['Name', 'Type', 'Ra', 'Dec', 'I'] converters = {} nameCol = 'col{0}'.format(colNames.index('Name')+1) converters[nameCol] = [ascii.convert_numpy('{}100'.format(numpy_type))] typeCol = 'col{0}'.format(colNames.index('Type')+1) converters[typeCol] = [ascii.convert_numpy('{}100'.format(numpy_type))] table =, guess=False, format='ascii.no_header', delimiter=',', names=colNames, comment='#', data_start=0, converters=converters) table.remove_rows(0) return table
def from_leap_seconds_list(cls, file): """Create a table from a file like the IETF ``leap-seconds.list``. Parameters ---------- file : path-like, optional Full local or network path to the file holding leap-second data in a format consistent with that used by IETF. Up to date versions can be retrieved from ``iers.IETF_LEAP_SECOND_URL``. Notes ----- The file *must* contain the expiration date in a comment line, like '# File expires on: 28 June 2020' """ from import convert_numpy # Here to avoid circular import names = ['ntp_seconds', 'tai_utc', 'comment', 'day', 'month', 'year'] # Note: ntp_seconds does not fit in 32 bit, so causes problems on # 32-bit systems without the np.int64 converter. self = cls._read_leap_seconds( file, names=names, include_names=names[:2], converters={'ntp_seconds': [convert_numpy(np.int64)]}) self['mjd'] = (self['ntp_seconds']/86400 + 15020).round() # Note: cannot use Time.ymdhms, since that might require leap seconds. isot = Time(self['mjd'], format='mjd', scale='tai').isot ymd = np.array([[int(part) for part in t.partition('T')[0].split('-')] for t in isot]) self['year'], self['month'], self['day'] = ymd.T return self
def get_ifot(event_type, start=None, stop=None, props=[], columns=[], timeout=TIMEOUT, types={}): start = DateTime('1998:001' if start is None else start) stop = DateTime(stop) event_props = '.'.join([event_type] + props) params = odict(r='home', t='qserver', format='tsv',,, e=event_props, ul='7', ) if columns: params['columns'] = ','.join(columns) # Get the TSV data for the iFOT event table url = ROOTURL + URLS['ifot'] response = requests.get(url, auth=get_auth(), params=params, timeout=timeout) # For Py2 convert from unicode to ASCII str text = response.text text = re.sub(r'\r\n', ' ', text) lines = [x for x in text.split('\t\n') if x.strip()] converters = {key: [ascii.convert_numpy(getattr(np, type_))] for key, type_ in types.items()} dat =, format='tab', guess=False, converters=converters, fill_values=None) return dat
def load_sao() -> Table: """Load the SAO-TYC2 cross match.""" print('Loading SAO-TYC2 cross match') xmatch_files = [ 'sao_tyc2_xmatch.csv', 'sao_tyc2_suppl1_xmatch.csv', 'sao_tyc2_suppl2_xmatch.csv', ] data = vstack( [ XMATCH_DIR/f, include_names=['SAO', 'TYC1', 'TYC2', 'TYC3', 'angDist', 'delFlag'], format='csv', converters={'delFlag': [io_ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}, ) for f in xmatch_files ], join_type='exact', ) data = data[data['delFlag'].mask] data.remove_column('delFlag') parse_tyc_cols(data) data = unique(data.group_by(['TYC', 'angDist']), keys=['TYC']) data.remove_column('angDist') data.add_index('TYC') return data
def get_ifot(event_type, start=None, stop=None, props=[], columns=[], timeout=TIMEOUT, types={}): start = DateTime('1998:001' if start is None else start) stop = DateTime(stop) event_props = '.'.join([event_type] + props) params = odict(r='home', t='qserver', format='tsv',,, e=event_props, ul='7', ) if columns: params['columns'] = ','.join(columns) # Get the TSV data for the iFOT event table url = ROOTURL + URLS['ifot'] response = requests.get(url, auth=get_auth(), params=params, timeout=timeout) # For Py2 convert from unicode to ASCII str text = response.text.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if six.PY2 else response.text text = re.sub(r'\r\n', ' ', text) lines = [x for x in text.split('\t\n') if x.strip()] converters = {key: [ascii.convert_numpy(getattr(np, type_))] for key, type_ in types.items()} dat =, format='tab', guess=False, converters=converters, fill_values=None) return dat
def return_line_labels(wl, tol=1): """Given a wl array, return the nearest n line labels next to the line, that are within tolerance = 1 Ang of each point.""" # for linelist_air.dat, col_starts=[3, 20], col_ends=[17, 28] # for linelist_kurucz.dat, col_starts=[3, 13], col_ends=[10, 20] lines = "linelist_kurucz.dat", Reader=ascii.FixedWidth, col_starts=[3, 13], col_ends=[10, 20], converters={"line": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], "element": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}, guess=False, ) lines["line"] = 10 * lines["line"] # Convert from nanometers to AA # truncate list to speed execution ind = (lines["line"] >= np.min(wl) - tol) & (lines["line"] <= np.max(wl) + tol) lines = lines[ind] # for each wl, query all known lines that are within tol, add these to the set of known lines line_labels = [] for w in wl: # Find nearby wl lines within tol ind = (w - tol <= lines["line"]) & (lines["line"] <= w + tol) # Truncated lines lines_trunc = lines[ind] # Sort them by closeness to current pixel distances = np.abs(w - lines_trunc["line"]) distance_ind = np.argsort(distances) # Sort lines by closest label lines_sort = lines_trunc[distance_ind] # Take only 6 lines lines_clip = lines_sort[:6] # Create a new set labels = "\n".join(["{} {:.2f}".format(label, line) for line, label in lines_clip]) line_labels.append(labels) return line_labels
def read_detector_pars(filename): """Read detector parameters from ASCII file. Table must contain 4 columns without header. Comment lines are allowed and will be ignored. Columns are automatically named: #. ``OBSMODE`` - Observation mode. #. ``SCALE`` - Pixel scale in arcseconds. #. ``NX`` - X dimension in pixels. #. ``NY`` - Y dimension in pixels. Example:: # DETECTORS.DAT -- Comments. # More comments. acs,hrc 0.027 1024 1024 acs,sbc 0.032 1024 1024 stis,g140l 0.0244 1024 1024 stis,g140m 0.0290 1024 1024 Parameters ---------- filename : str Detector parameters filename. Must be ASCII format. Returns ------- data : `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. """ return, guess=False, format='no_header', delimiter=r'\s', names=('OBSMODE', 'SCALE', 'NX', 'NY'), converters={ 'OBSMODE': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)], 'SCALE': [ascii.convert_numpy(float)], 'NX': [ascii.convert_numpy(int)], 'NY': [ascii.convert_numpy(int)] })
def __getitem__(self, k): func, type_ = convert_numpy(str) def convert_func(vals): """Lowercase the conversion""" results = func(vals) results = [result.lower() for result in results] return results return [(convert_func, type_)]
def _convert_to_str(): func, type_ = convert_numpy(str) def convert_func(vals): """Lowercase the conversion""" results = func(vals) results = [result.lower() for result in results] return results return [(convert_func, type_)]
def compare_backstop_history(history, state_key, compare_val=True): hist =, guess=False, format='no_header', converters={'col1': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) start = DateTime(hist['col1'][0], format='greta') - 1 / 86400. stop = DateTime(hist['col1'][-1], format='greta') + 1 / 86400. sts = states.get_states(start=start, stop=stop, state_keys=state_key) sts = sts[1:] # Drop the first state (which is continuity at start time) assert len(sts) == len(hist) assert np.all(DateTime(sts['datestart']).greta == hist['col1']) if compare_val: assert np.all(sts[state_key] == hist['col3'])
def makeEmptyTable(): """ Returns an empty sky model table. """ outlines = ['Z, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0\n'] colNames = ['Name', 'Type', 'Ra', 'Dec', 'I'] converters = {} nameCol = 'col{0}'.format(colNames.index('Name') + 1) converters[nameCol] = [ascii.convert_numpy('{}100'.format(numpy_type))] typeCol = 'col{0}'.format(colNames.index('Type') + 1) converters[typeCol] = [ascii.convert_numpy('{}100'.format(numpy_type))] table =, guess=False, format='ascii.no_header', delimiter=',', names=colNames, comment='#', data_start=0, converters=converters) table.remove_rows(0) return table
def identify_lines(wi, temp, logg, Z): lines ="linelist.dat", Reader=ascii.FixedWidth, col_starts=[3,17], col_ends=[16,27], converters={'line': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'element': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) print(lines.dtype) wl = pt.w ind = (wl >= wi[0]) & (wl <= wi[1]) wl = wl[ind] combinations = [[temp[0], logg[0], Z[0]], [temp[0], logg[0], Z[1]], [temp[0], logg[1], Z[0]], [temp[0], logg[1], Z[1]], [temp[1], logg[0], Z[0]], [temp[1], logg[0], Z[1]], [temp[1], logg[1], Z[0]], [temp[1], logg[1], Z[1]]] #[print(comb) for comb in combinations] fluxes = [pt.load_flux_full(*comb, norm=True)[pt.ind][ind] for comb in combinations] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FSF("%.0f")) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1.)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.2)) ind2 = (lines['line'] >= wi[0]) & (lines['line'] <= wi[1]) for line, label in lines[ind2]: ax.axvline(float(line), color="0.5") ax.annotate(label, (line, 0.9), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'), rotation='vertical', ha='center', va='center') for i, fl in enumerate(fluxes): ax.plot(wl, fl, label="%s %s %s" % tuple(combinations[i])) ax.legend() pass
def read_wavecat(filename): """Read wavelength catalog from ASCII file. Table must contain two columns without header. Comment lines are allowed and will be ignored. Columns are automatically named: #. ``OBSMODE`` - Observation mode. #. ``FILENAME`` - Corresponding wavelength table filename or parameters. Example:: # WAVECAT.DAT -- Comments. # More comments. cos,fuv (900.0,3000.0,1.0) cos,nuv (1000.0,12000.0,1.0) acs,hrc synphot$wavecats/acs.dat acs,wfc1 synphot$wavecats/acs.dat Parameters ---------- filename : str Wavelength catalog filename. Must be ASCII format. Returns ------- data : `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. """ return, names=('OBSMODE', 'FILENAME'), guess=False, format='no_header', converters={ 'OBSMODE': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)], 'FILENAME': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)] })
def readDataFile(nanvals, read_mode, id_col, data_file): """ Read input data file. """ # TODO to separate IDs (strings) from the rest of the data, I read the file # twice. This is very slow for large files. # Identify all these strings as invalid entries. fill_msk = [('', '0')] + [(_, '0') for _ in nanvals] # Store IDs as strings. if read_mode == 'num': # Read IDs as strings, not applying the 'fill_msk' data =, converters={id_col: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}, format='no_header') # Store IDs id_data = data[id_col] # Read rest of the data applying the mask data =, fill_values=fill_msk, format='no_header') # Replace IDs column data[id_col] = id_data elif read_mode == 'nam': # Read IDs as strings, not applying the 'fill_msk' data =, converters={id_col: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) # Store IDs try: id_data = data[id_col] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "ERROR: the '{}' key could not be found. Check that \n" "the 'id' name is properly written, and that all columns \n" "have *unique* names\n".format(id_col)) # Read rest of the data applying the mask data =, fill_values=fill_msk) # Replace IDs column data[id_col] = id_data return data
def read(inputfile): """Read the given input file and return parsed Astropy Table.""" # NOTE: You can replace this with meaningful column names if you want. colnames = [ 'col_01', 'col_02', 'col_03', 'col_04', 'col_05', 'col_06', 'col_07', 'col_08', 'col_09', 'col_10' ] # NOTE: You can change the data types here for each col as you see fit. # ps. Tried using defaultdict magic but didn't work, not sure why. # So, we have to define the dictionary explicitly here. # This converts everything to float. It uses INTERNAL column names. converters = { 'col1': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col2': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col3': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col4': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col5': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col6': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col7': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col8': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col9': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)], 'col10': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float)] } tab =, format='no_header', guess=False, Inputter=RuiterInputter, data_start=0, names=colnames, converters=converters) # Now you can science with this data! return tab
def __init__(self, definition_file): self._dqcol = 'DQFLAG' self._sdcol = 'SHORT_DESCRIPTION' self._ldcol = 'LONG_DESCRIPTION' = definition_file, names = (self._dqcol, self._sdcol, self._ldcol), converters = {self._dqcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.uint16)], self._sdcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], self._ldcol: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) self.metadata =['comments'], delimiter='=', format='no_header', names=['key', 'val']) # Ensure table has OK flag to detect good pixel self._okflag = 0 if self._okflag not in[self._dqcol]:[self._okflag, 'OK', 'Good pixel']) # Sort table in ascending order # Compile a list of flags self._valid_flags =[self._dqcol] self._total_flags = int(self._valid_flags.sum())
def _read_table(filename, ext, dtypes): """Generic table reader. Parameters ---------- filename : str Table filename. If suffix is not 'fits' or 'fit', assume ASCII format. ext : int Data extension. This is ignored for ASCII file. dtypes : dict Dictionary that maps column names to data types. Returns ------- data : `` or `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Failure to parse table. """ # FITS if filename.endswith('.fits') or filename.endswith('.fit'): with as f: data = f[ext].data.copy() err_str = '' for key, val in dtypes.items(): if not np.issubdtype(data[key].dtype, val): err_str += 'Expect {0} to be {1} but get {2}.\n'.format( key, val, data[key].dtype) if err_str: raise synexceptions.SynphotError(err_str) # ASCII else: # pragma: no cover converters = dict( [[k, ascii.convert_numpy(v)] for k, v in dtypes.items()]) data =, converters=converters) return data
def _read_table(filename, ext, dtypes): """Generic table reader. Parameters ---------- filename : str Table filename. If suffix is not 'fits' or 'fit', assume ASCII format. ext : int Data extension. This is ignored for ASCII file. dtypes : dict Dictionary that maps column names to data types. Returns ------- data : `` or `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Failure to parse table. """ # FITS if filename.endswith('.fits') or filename.endswith('.fit'): with as f: data = f[ext].data.copy() err_str = '' for key, val in dtypes.items(): if not np.issubdtype(data[key].dtype, val): err_str += 'Expect {0} to be {1} but get {2}.\n'.format( key, val, data[key].dtype) if err_str: raise synexceptions.SynphotError(err_str) # ASCII else: # pragma: no cover converters = dict([[k, ascii.convert_numpy(v)] for k, v in dtypes.items()]) data =, converters=converters) return data
def get_converters(headline, delimiter=','): """Return a list of new names and a dict table of converter functions for the columns Column descriptions should look like [name]:datatype Returns names (list) and converters (dict) ## Arguments * `headline` (str): First line of sql output with column info in format "[name]:datatype" ## Keyword Arguments * `delimiter` (str): delimiter between columns ## Returns * `names` (list), `converters` (dict) """ pat = re.compile(r'\[(?P<name>[^[]+)\]:(?P<datatype>.+)$') # probably need a boolean datatype in this list tmap = defaultdict(lambda: numpy.str, int=numpy.int32, smallint=numpy.int16, tinyint=numpy.uint8, bigint=numpy.int64, integer=numpy.int64, bit=numpy.uint8, float=numpy.float64, decimal=numpy.float64, real=numpy.float32, datetime=numpy.datetime64) cols = headline.split(delimiter) converters = {} names = [] for c in cols: m = pat.match(c) if not m: print("Unable to parse column name '{}'".format(c)) else: newname ='name') names.append(newname) numpy_type = tmap['datatype').lower()] converters[newname] = [ascii.convert_numpy(numpy_type)] return names, converters
def read_distortion_coeffs_file(filename): """Read the file containing the table of distortion coefficients Example: # NIRCAM distortion coefficient file # Source file: jw01144001001_01101_00001_nrcb4_cal.fits # Aperture: NRCB4_FULL # Filter/Pupil: F200W/CLEAR # Generated 2022-01-25T16:16:04.533 utc # by verap # AperName , siaf_index , exponent_x , exponent_y , Sci2IdlX , Sci2IdlY , Idl2SciX , Idl2SciY NRCB4_FULL , 00 , 0 , 0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 NRCB4_FULL , 10 , 1 , 0 , 0.031281790934487304 , 0.00014142457551002174 , 31.967141087158005 , -0.14404661727118445 NRCB4_FULL , 11 , 0 , 1 , 0.0 , 0.031447520345431045 , 3.469446951953614e-18 , 31.79851632221204 NRCB4_FULL , 20 , 2 , 0 , -6.709581883542899e-08 , 6.38422037163669e-08 , 0.00215373180436267 , -0.0020935324940174927 NRCB4_FULL , 21 , 1 , 1 , -2.1509448922459775e-07 , -9.112311025594254e-08 , 0.00702920876108879 , 0.0028750871441249734 Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of text file containing the data. Returns ------- tab : astropy.table.Table Table containing distortion coefficients. """ converters = {'siaf_index': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)]} tab =, format='csv', header_start=7, data_start=8, converters=converters) # Catch if the file format changes if 'Sci2IdlX' not in tab.colnames: raise ValueError( "distortion_coeffs_file was not read correctly. You may need to adjust header and data starting lines." ) return tab
def read_waveset(filename, wave_unit=u.AA): """Read wavelength table from ASCII file. Table must contain a single column without header. Comment lines are allowed and will be ignored. Column is automatically named ``WAVELENGTH``. Example:: # ACS.DAT -- Comments. # More comments. 1000. 2000. 5000. 9000. Parameters ---------- filename : str Wavelength table filename. Must be ASCII format. wave_unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Wavelength unit. Returns ------- waveset : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength set array. """ wave_unit = units.validate_wave_unit(wave_unit) data =, guess=False, format='no_header', names=('WAVELENGTH', ), converters={'WAVELENGTH': [ascii.convert_numpy(float)]}) waveset = data['WAVELENGTH'].data if not isinstance(waveset, u.Quantity): waveset = waveset * u.AA return waveset
def test_read_fixed_width_format(): """Test reading with pandas read_fwf() """ tbl = """\ a b c 1 2.0 a 2 3.0 b""" buf = StringIO() buf.write(tbl) # Explicitly provide converters to avoid casting 'a' to int32. # See t =, format='ascii', guess=False, converters={'a': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int64)]}) t2 =, format='pandas.fwf') assert t.colnames == t2.colnames assert np.all(t == t2)
def test_write_with_mixins(): """Writing a table with mixins just drops them via to_pandas() This also tests passing a kwarg to pandas read and write. """ sc = SkyCoord([1, 2], [3, 4], unit='deg') q = [5, 6] * u.m qt = QTable([[1, 2], q, sc], names=['i', 'q', 'sc']) buf = StringIO() qt.write(buf, format='pandas.csv', sep=' ') exp = ['i q sc.ra sc.dec', '1 5.0 1.0 3.0', '2 6.0 2.0 4.0'] assert buf.getvalue().splitlines() == exp # Read it back qt2 =, format='pandas.csv', sep=' ') # Explicitly provide converters to avoid casting 'i' to int32. # See exp_t =, converters={'i': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int64)]}) assert qt2.colnames == exp_t.colnames assert np.all(qt2 == exp_t)
def photRead(final_phot, nanvals, col_IDs): """ Select a file with photometry to read and compare with APASS. """ id_id, x_id, y_id, V_id = col_IDs fill_msk = [('', '0')] + [(_, '0') for _ in nanvals] # Read IDs as strings, not applying the 'fill_msk' phot =, converters={id_id: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) # Store IDs id_data = phot[id_id] # Read rest of the data applying the mask phot =, fill_values=fill_msk) # Replace IDs column phot[id_id] = id_data # # Final calibrated photometry # fill_msk = [(_, np.nan) for _ in nanvals] # phot = # final_phot, fill_values=fill_msk, format="ascii", # converters={id_col: [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) # # Mask stars with no valid V magnitude. # try: # Vmsk = ~phot['V']._mask # phot = phot[Vmsk] # except AttributeError: # pass x_p, y_p, Vmag = phot[x_id], phot[y_id], phot[V_id] # Remove meta data to avoid phot.meta = {} return phot, x_p, y_p, Vmag
"perc": u.percent, "pi_E": None, "pi_EE": None, "pi_EN": None, "pi_rel": None, "ppm": cds.ppm, "seconds": u.s, "Solar mass": u.M_sun, "solarradius": u.R_sun, "Solar Radius": u.R_sun, "log10(cm/s**2)": u.dex( / u.s**2), "dex": u.dex(None), "sexagesimal": None } CONVERTERS = dict(koi_quarters=[ascii.convert_numpy(str)]) # 'ps' and 'pscomppars' are the main tables of detected exoplanets. # Calls to the old tables ('exoplanets', 'compositepars', 'exomultpars') will # return errors and urge the user to call the 'ps' or 'pscomppars' tables OBJECT_TABLES = { "ps": "pl_", "pscomppars": "pl_", "exoplanets": "pl_", "compositepars": "fpl_", "exomultpars": "mpl_" } MAP_TABLEWARNINGS = { "exoplanets": "Planetary Systems (PS)", "compositepars": "Planetary System Composite Parameters table (PSCompPars)",
'D:/mask/MDPL2/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/MDPL2-NewMDCLUSTER_0001*AHF_halos') #print(namestr[0]) red_shift = [float(namestr[57:-10]) for namestr in namestr] print(red_shift) ##sort to red_shift and save as h5py file redshift = np.sort(red_shift) with h5py.File('redshift_DMO.h5', 'w') as f: f['a'] = np.array(redshift) #print(redshift) ##next step,try to read the analysis catalogue from the data,and save as h5py files ###firstly,read the halo mass and the red_shift ##get the number of main halo main_value = 'D:/mask/MDPL2/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/MDPL2-NewMDCLUSTER_0001.z0.000.AHF_mtree_idx', converters={ 'col1': [asc.convert_numpy(np.int64)], 'col2': [asc.convert_numpy(np.int64)] }) N = len(main_value['col1']) M = len(redshift) main_tree = np.zeros((N, M), dtype=np.int64) #save the link to main progenitor with h5py.File('main_tree_DMO.h5', 'w') as f: f['a'] = np.array(main_tree) for k in range(0, len(redshift) - 1): if redshift[k] <= 9.75: id_value = 'D:/mask/MDPL2/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/MDPL2-NewMDCLUSTER_0001.z%.3f.AHF_mtree_idx' % redshift[k], converters={ 'col1': [asc.convert_numpy(np.int64)], 'col2': [asc.convert_numpy(np.int64)]
def __getitem__(self, k): return [convert_numpy(str)]
def plot(args): import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Set date to tonight if not specified ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- now = DateString = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") if not = DateString ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define File Names ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- LogFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', 'PlotLog_'".txt") PlotFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator',".png") DataFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator',".txt") ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create logger object ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ## Set up console output LogConsoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() if args.verbose: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) LogFormat = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)23s %(levelname)8s: %(message)s') LogConsoleHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogConsoleHandler) ## Set up file output LogFileHandler = logging.FileHandler(LogFile) LogFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LogFileHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogFileHandler)" invoked with --plot option")" Making plot for day of {}".format( ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Read Data ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- if os.path.exists(DataFile):" Found data file: {}".format(DataFile)) data =, guess=False, header_start=0, data_start=1, Reader=ascii.basic.Basic, converters={ 'date': [ascii.convert_numpy('S10')], 'time': [ascii.convert_numpy('S12')], 'AmbTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp1': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp2': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp3': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'RH': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'AH': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'status': [ascii.convert_numpy('S11')], }) datetime_objects = [datetime.datetime.strptime(x['time'], '%H:%M:%S HST') for x in data] time_decimal = [(x.hour + x.minute/60. + x.second/3600.) for x in datetime_objects] DecimalTime = max(time_decimal) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Make Plot ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot_upper_temp = 45 plot_lower_temp = 29 pyplot.ioff() plotpos = [ [0.05, 0.59, 0.65, 0.40], [0.73, 0.59, 0.21, 0.40],\ [0.05, 0.52, 0.65, 0.07], [0.73, 0.52, 0.21, 0.07],\ [0.05, 0.25, 0.65, 0.24], [0.73, 0.25, 0.21, 0.24],\ [0.05, 0.05, 0.65, 0.18], [0.73, 0.05, 0.21, 0.18],\ ] if len(data) > 1:" Generating plot {} ... ".format(PlotFile)) dpi = 100 pyplot.figure(figsize=(14,8), dpi=dpi) ## Plot Temperature for This Day logger.debug(" Rendering Temperature Plot.") TemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[0], xticklabels=[]) pyplot.title("Kegerator Temperatures for " pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp'], 'ko', label="Median Temp.", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp1'], 'bo', label="Temp. 1", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp2'], 'go', label="Temp. 2", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp3'], 'yo', label="Temp. 3", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100,100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Kegerator Temp. (F)") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,2)) pyplot.ylim(plot_lower_temp, plot_upper_temp) pyplot.grid() pyplot.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 10}) TemperatureAxes.axhline(32, color='red', lw=4) TemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_low, color='blue', lw=4) TemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_high, color='blue', lw=4) ## Plot Temperature for Last Hour logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Temperature Plot.") RecentTemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.title("Last Hour") pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp'], 'ko', label="Kegerator Temp", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp1'], 'bo', label="Kegerator Temp 1", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp2'], 'go', label="Kegerator Temp 2", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp3'], 'yo', label="Kegerator Temp 3", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100,100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,0.25)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime-1.0, DecimalTime+0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0,1.1) pyplot.ylim(plot_lower_temp, plot_upper_temp) pyplot.grid() RecentTemperatureAxes.axhline(32, color='red', lw=4) RecentTemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_low, color='blue', lw=4) RecentTemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_high, color='blue', lw=4) ## Plot Relay State translator = {'On': 1, 'Off': 0, 'unknown': -0.25} relay_state = [translator[val] for val in data['status']] logger.debug(" Rendering Relay Status Plot.") RelayAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[2], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, relay_state, 'ko-', markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-1,2], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Relay") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.yticks([0,1]) pyplot.ylim(-0.5,1.5) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,2)) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Relay State for Last Hour logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Relay State Plot.") RecentRelayAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[3], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, relay_state, 'ko-', markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-1,2], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,0.25)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime-1.0, DecimalTime+0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0,1.1) pyplot.yticks([0,1]) pyplot.ylim(-0.5,1.5) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Humidity for This Day HumidityAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[4], xticklabels=[]) logger.debug(" Rendering Humidity Plot.") pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['RH'], 'bo', label="Humidity", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [0,100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Humidity (%)") pyplot.xlabel("Time (Hours HST)") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.ylim(30,100) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,2)) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Humidity for Last 2 Hours logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Humidity Plot.") RecentHumidityAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[5], yticklabels=[], xticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['RH'], 'bo', label="Humidity", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [0,100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,0.25)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime-1.0, DecimalTime+0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0,1.1) pyplot.ylim(30,100) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Case Temperature for This Day logger.debug(" Rendering Case Temperature Plot.") AmbTemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[6]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['AmbTemp'], 'ro', label="Ambient Temp", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100,100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Case Temp. (F)") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,2)) pyplot.yticks(np.arange(60,100,5)) pyplot.ylim(math.floor(min(data['AmbTemp'])-6), math.ceil(max(data['AmbTemp'])+6)) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Case Temperature for Last Hour logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Case Temperature Plot.") RecentAmbTemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[7], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['AmbTemp'], 'ro', label="Ambient Temp", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100,100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0,24,0.25)) pyplot.yticks(np.arange(60,100,5)) pyplot.ylim(math.floor(min(data['AmbTemp'])-6), math.ceil(max(data['AmbTemp'])+6)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime-1.0, DecimalTime+0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0,1.1) pyplot.grid() logger.debug(" Saving plot to file: {}".format(PlotFile)) pyplot.savefig(PlotFile, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05)" done.") else:"Could not find data file: {}".format(DataFile)) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create Daily Symlink if Not Already ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- LinkFileName = 'latest.png' LinkFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', LinkFileName) if not os.path.exists(LinkFile):'Making {} symlink to {}'.format(LinkFile, PlotFile)) os.symlink(PlotFile, LinkFile)"Done")
def pca_gal(**kwargs): """Wrapper on pca_solve to handle galaxy eigenspectra. Parameters ---------- inputfile : :class:`str`, optional The list of spectra to use. If not specified, $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/tempates/eigeninput_gal.dat will be used. wavemin : :class:`float`, optional Minimum wavelength for the template. If not specified 1850 Å will be used. wavemax : :class:`float`, optional Maximum wavelength for the template. If not specified 10000 Å will be used. niter : :class:`int`, optional Number of iterations. The default is 10. dump : :class:`str`, optional If set, save input data in a Python pickle file. flux : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True`` make some additional QA plots of the input spectra. The default is ``False``. Returns ------- None Notes ----- Creates spEigenGal-MJD.fits and some associated QA plots. """ import os import os.path import pickle import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") # Non-interactive back-end import pylab from import ascii, fits import numpy as np from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager, FontProperties from ...goddard.astro import get_juldate from ...pydlutils.image import djs_maskinterp from ...pydlutils.math import djs_median from . import pca_solve, plot_eig, readspec, skymask, wavevector if "inputfile" in kwargs: inputfile = kwargs["inputfile"] else: inputfile = os.path.join(os.getenv("IDLSPEC2D_DIR"), "templates", "eigeninput_gal.dat") if "wavemin" in kwargs: wavemin = kwargs["wavemin"] else: wavemin = 1850.0 if "wavemax" in kwargs: wavemax = kwargs["wavemax"] else: wavemax = 10000.0 snmax = 100.0 if "niter" in kwargs: niter = kwargs["niter"] else: niter = 10 nkeep = 4 minuse = 10 # # Name the output files. # jd = get_juldate() outfile = "spEigenGal-%d" % int(jd - 2400000.5) # # Read the input spectra # converters = { "plate": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int32)], "mjd": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int32)], "fiber": [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int32)], } input_data =, names=["plate", "mjd", "fiber", "zfit"], converters=converters) plate = input_data["plate"].data mjd = input_data["mjd"].data fiber = input_data["fiber"].data zfit = input_data["zfit"].data if "dump" in kwargs: dumpfile = kwargs["dump"] else: dumpfile = "this-file-does-not-exist" if os.path.exists(dumpfile): print("Loading data from {0}.".format(dumpfile)) f = open(dumpfile) pcaflux = pickle.load(f) f.close() else: spplate = readspec(plate, fiber, mjd=mjd, **kwargs) # # Insist that all of the requested spectra exist. # missing = spplate["plugmap"]["FIBERID"] == 0 if missing.any(): imissing = missing.nonzero()[0] for k in imissing: print("Missing plate={0:d} mjd={1:d} fiber={2:d}".format(plate[k], mjd[k], fiber[k])) raise ValueError("{0:d} missing object(s).".format(missing.sum())) # # Do not fit where the spectrum may be dominated by sky-sub residuals. # objinvvar = skymask(spplate["invvar"], spplate["andmask"], spplate["ormask"]) ifix = spplate["flux"] ** 2 * objinvvar > snmax ** 2 if ifix.any(): objinvvar[ifix.nonzero()] = (snmax / spplate["flux"][ifix.nonzero()]) ** 2 # # Set the new wavelength mapping here. If the binsz keyword is not set, # then bin size is determined from the first spectrum returned by readspec. # This is fine in the case where all spectra have the same bin size # (though their starting wavelengths may differ). However, this may not # be a safe assumption in the future. # if "binsz" in kwargs: objdloglam = kwargs["binsz"] else: objdloglam = spplate["loglam"][0, 1] - spplate["loglam"][0, 0] newloglam = wavevector(np.log10(wavemin), np.log10(wavemax), binsz=objdloglam) # # Do PCA solution. # pcaflux = pca_solve( spplate["flux"], objinvvar, spplate["loglam"], zfit, niter=niter, nkeep=nkeep, newloglam=newloglam, aesthetics="mean", ) # # Fill in bad data with a running median of the good data. # qgood = pcaflux["usemask"] >= minuse medflux = np.zeros(pcaflux["flux"].shape, dtype=pcaflux["flux"].dtype) if not qgood.all(): for i in range(nkeep): medflux[i, qgood] = djs_median(pcaflux["flux"][i, qgood], width=51, boundary="nearest") medflux[i, :] = djs_maskinterp(medflux[i, :], ~qgood, const=True) pcaflux["flux"][:, ~qgood] = medflux[:, ~qgood] # # Dump input fluxes to a file for debugging purposes. # if "dump" in kwargs: f = open(kwargs["dump"], "w") pickle.dump(pcaflux, f) f.close() # # Make plots # colorvec = ["k", "r", "g", "b", "m", "c"] smallfont = FontProperties(size="xx-small") nspectra = pcaflux["newflux"].shape[0] if "flux" in kwargs: nfluxes = 30 separation = 5.0 nplots = nspectra / nfluxes if nspectra % nfluxes > 0: nplots += 1 for k in range(nplots): istart = k * nfluxes iend = min(istart + nfluxes, nspectra) - 1 fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for l in range(istart, iend + 1): p = ax.plot( 10.0 ** pcaflux["newloglam"], pcaflux["newflux"][l, :] + separation * (l % nfluxes), "%s-" % colorvec[l % len(colorvec)], linewidth=1, ) ax.set_xlabel(r"Wavelength [$\AA$]") ax.set_ylabel(r"Flux [$\mathsf{10^{-17} erg\, cm^{-2} s^{-1} \AA^{-1}}$] + Constant") ax.set_title("Galaxies: Input Spectra %4d-%4d" % (istart + 1, iend + 1)) ax.set_ylim( pcaflux["newflux"][istart, :].min(), pcaflux["newflux"][iend - 1, :].max() + separation * (nfluxes - 1) ) fig.savefig("%s.flux.%04d-%04d.png" % (outfile, istart + 1, iend + 1)) pylab.close(fig) fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p = ax.plot(10.0 ** pcaflux["newloglam"], (pcaflux["newivar"] == 0).sum(0) / float(nspectra), "k-") ax.set_xlabel(r"Wavelength [$\AA$]") ax.set_ylabel("Fraction of spectra with missing data") ax.set_title("Missing Data") fig.savefig(outfile + ".missing.png") pylab.close(fig) aratio10 = pcaflux["acoeff"][:, 1] / pcaflux["acoeff"][:, 0] aratio20 = pcaflux["acoeff"][:, 2] / pcaflux["acoeff"][:, 0] aratio30 = pcaflux["acoeff"][:, 3] / pcaflux["acoeff"][:, 0] fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p = ax.plot(aratio10, aratio20, marker="None", linestyle="None") for k in range(len(aratio10)): t = ax.text( aratio10[k], aratio20[k], "%04d-%04d" % (plate[k], fiber[k]), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", color=colorvec[k % len(colorvec)], fontproperties=smallfont, ) # ax.set_xlim([aratio10.min(),aratio10.max]) # ax.set_xlim([aratio20.min(),aratio20.max]) ax.set_xlabel("Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_1/a_0$") ax.set_ylabel("Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_2/a_0$") ax.set_title("Galaxies: Eigenvalue Ratios") fig.savefig(outfile + ".a2_v_a1.png") pylab.close(fig) fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p = ax.plot(aratio20, aratio30, marker="None", linestyle="None") for k in range(len(aratio10)): t = ax.text( aratio20[k], aratio30[k], "%04d-%04d" % (plate[k], fiber[k]), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", color=colorvec[k % len(colorvec)], fontproperties=smallfont, ) # ax.set_xlim([aratio10.min(),aratio10.max]) # ax.set_xlim([aratio20.min(),aratio20.max]) ax.set_xlabel("Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_2/a_0$") ax.set_ylabel("Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_3/a_0$") ax.set_title("Galaxies: Eigenvalue Ratios") fig.savefig(outfile + ".a3_v_a2.png") pylab.close(fig) # # Save output to FITS file. # if os.path.exists(outfile + ".fits"): os.remove(outfile + ".fits") hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(pcaflux["flux"]) hdu1 = fits.new_table( fits.ColDefs( [ fits.Column(name="plate", format="J", array=plate), fits.Column(name="mjd", format="J", array=mjd), fits.Column(name="fiber", format="J", array=fiber), fits.Column(name="redshift", format="D", array=zfit), ] ) ) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1]) hdulist[0].header.update("OBJECT", "GALAXY") hdulist[0].header.update("COEFF0", pcaflux["newloglam"][0]) hdulist[0].header.update("COEFF1", pcaflux["newloglam"][1] - pcaflux["newloglam"][0]) hdulist[0].header.update("IDLUTILS", "pydlutils", "Version of idlutils") hdulist[0].header.update("SPEC2D", "eigenspectra", "Version of idlspec2d") hdulist[0].header.update("RUN2D", os.getenv("RUN2D"), "Version of 2d reduction") hdulist[0].header.update("RUN1D", os.getenv("RUN1D"), "Version of 1d reduction") for i in range(len(pcaflux["eigenval"])): hdulist[0].header.update("EIGEN%d" % i, pcaflux["eigenval"][i]) hdulist[1].header.update("FILENAME", inputfile) hdulist.writeto(outfile + ".fits") plot_eig(outfile + ".fits") return
def set_columns(filename, fileformat=None): """ Meat of the program: takes the columns from the input table and matches them to the columns provided by the user in the column form. Then, assigns units and column information and does all the proper file ingestion work. """ if fileformat is None and 'fileformat' in request.args: fileformat = request.args['fileformat'] # This function needs to know about the filename or have access to the # table; how do we arrange that? table =['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename), format=fileformat) column_data = \ {field:{'Name':value} for field,value in request.form.items() if '_units' not in field} for field,value in request.form.items(): if '_units' in field: column_data[field[:-6]]['unit'] = value units_data = {} for key, pair in column_data.items(): if key not in dimensionless_column_names and pair['Name'] not in dimensionless_column_names: units_data[pair['Name']] = pair['unit'] mapping = {filename: [column_data, units_data]} # Parse the table file, step-by-step rename_columns(table, {k: v['Name'] for k,v in column_data.items()}) set_units(table, units_data) table = fix_bad_types(table) convert_units(table) add_name_column(table, column_data.get('Username')['Name']) add_filename_column(table, filename) timestamp = add_timestamp_column(table, timestamp) add_generic_ids_if_needed(table) if column_data.get('issimulated') is None: add_is_sim_if_needed(table, False) else: add_is_sim_if_needed(table, True) if column_data.get('isgalactic') is None: add_is_gal_if_needed(table, False) else: add_is_gal_if_needed(table, True) # Detect duplicate IDs in uploaded data and bail out if found seen = {} for row in table: name = row['Names'] id = row['IDs'] if id in seen: raise InvalidUsage("Duplicate ID detected in table: username = {0}, id = {1}. All IDs must be unique.".format(name, id)) else: seen[id] = name # If merged table already exists, then append the new entries. # Otherwise, create the table merged_table_name = os.path.join(app.config['DATABASE_FOLDER'], 'merged_table.ipac') if os.path.isfile(merged_table_name): merged_table =, converters={'Names': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IDs': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IsSimulated': [ascii.convert_numpy('S5')], 'IsGalactic': [ascii.convert_numpy('S5')]}, format='ascii.ipac') if 'IsGalactic' not in merged_table.colnames: # Assume that anything we didn't already tag as Galactic is probably Galactic add_is_gal_column(merged_table, True) if 'Timestamp' not in merged_table.colnames: # Create a fake timestamp for the previous entries if they don't already have one fake_timestamp = datetime.min add_timestamp_column(merged_table, fake_timestamp) else: # Maximum string length of 64 for username, ID -- larger strings are silently truncated # TODO: Adjust these numbers to something more reasonable, once we figure out what that is, # and verify that submitted data obeys these limits merged_table = Table(data=None, names=['Names','IDs','SurfaceDensity', 'VelocityDispersion','Radius','IsSimulated', 'IsGalactic', 'Timestamp'], dtype=[('str', 64),('str', 64),'float','float','float','bool','bool',('str', 26)]) set_units(merged_table) table = reorder_columns(table, merged_table.colnames) append_table(merged_table, table) Table.write(merged_table, merged_table_name, format='ascii.ipac') username = column_data.get('Username')['Name'] branch,timestamp = commit_change_to_database(username) time.sleep(2) pull_request(branch, username, timestamp) if not os.path.isdir('static/figures/'): os.mkdir('static/figures') if not os.path.isdir('static/jstables/'): os.mkdir('static/jstables') outfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] myplot = plotData_Sigma_sigma(timeString(), table, os.path.join(app.config['MPLD3_FOLDER'], outfilename)) tablecss = "table,th,td,tr,tbody {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}" write_table_jsviewer(table, 'static/jstables/{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename), css=tablecss, jskwargs={'use_local_files':False}, table_id=outfilename) return render_template('show_plot.html', imagename='/'+myplot, tablefile='{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename))
def build_poller_table(input, log_level): """Create a poller file from dataset names. Parameters ----------- input : str, list Filename with list of dataset names, or just a Python list of dataset names, provided by the user. Returns -------- poller_table : Table Astropy table object with the same columns as a poller file. """ log.setLevel(log_level) # Check the input file is not empty if not os.path.getsize(input): log.error('Input poller manifest file, {}, is empty - processing is exiting.'.format(input)) sys.exit(0) datasets = [] is_poller_file = False obs_converters = {'col4': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]} if isinstance(input, str): input_table =, format='no_header', converters=obs_converters) if len(input_table.columns) == len(POLLER_COLNAMES): # We were provided a poller file # Now assign column names to table for i, colname in enumerate(POLLER_COLNAMES): input_table.columns[i].name = colname # Convert to a string column, instead of int64 input_table['obset_id'] = input_table['obset_id'].astype(np.str) is_poller_file = True elif len(input_table.columns) == 1: input_table.columns[0].name = 'filename' is_poller_file = False # Since a poller file was the input, it is assumed all the input # data is in the locale directory so just collect the filenames. datasets = input_table[input_table.colnames[0]].tolist() filenames = list(input_table.columns[0]) elif isinstance(input, list): filenames = input else: id = '[poller_utils.build_poller_table] ' log.error("{}: Input {} not supported as input for processing.".format(id, input)) raise ValueError # At this point, we have a poller file or a list of filenames. If the latter, then any individual # filename can be a singleton or an association name. We need to get the full list of actual # filenames from the association name. if not is_poller_file: for filename in filenames: # Look for dataset in local directory. if "asn" in filename or not os.path.exists(filename): # This retrieval will NOT overwrite any ASN members already on local disk # Return value will still be list of all members files = aqutils.retrieve_observation([filename[:9]], suffix=['FLC'], clobber=False) if len(files) == 0: log.error("Filename {} not found in archive!!".format(filename)) log.error("Please provide ASN filename instead!") raise ValueError else: files = [filename] datasets += files # Each image, whether from a poller file or from an input list needs to be # analyzed to ensure it is viable for drizzle processing. If the image is not # viable, it should not be included in the output "poller" table. usable_datasets = analyze.analyze_wrapper(datasets) if not usable_datasets: log.warning("No usable images in poller file or input list for drizzling. The processing of this data is ending.") sys.exit(0) cols = OrderedDict() for cname in POLLER_COLNAMES: cols[cname] = [] cols['filename'] = usable_datasets # If processing a list of files, evaluate each input dataset for the information needed # for the poller file if not is_poller_file: for d in usable_datasets: with as dhdu: hdr = dhdu[0].header cols['program_id'].append(d[1:4].upper()) cols['obset_id'].append(str(d[4:6])) cols['proposal_id'].append(hdr['proposid']) cols['exptime'].append(hdr['exptime']) cols['detector'].append(hdr['detector']) cols['pathname'].append(os.path.abspath(d)) # process filter names if d[0] == 'j': # ACS data filters = processing_utils.get_acs_filters(dhdu, all=True) elif d[0] == 'i': filters = hdr['filter'] cols['filters'].append(filters) # Build output table poller_data = [col for col in cols.values()] poller_table = Table(data=poller_data, dtype=('str', 'int', 'str', 'str', 'float', 'object', 'str', 'str')) # Now assign column names to obset_table for i, colname in enumerate(POLLER_COLNAMES): poller_table.columns[i].name = colname # The input was a poller file, so just keep the viable data rows for output else: good_rows = [] for d in usable_datasets: for i, old_row in enumerate(input_table): if d == input_table['filename'][i]: good_rows.append(old_row) poller_table = Table(rows=good_rows, names=input_table.colnames, dtype=('str', 'int', 'str', 'str', 'float', 'object', 'str', 'str')) return poller_table
def set_columns(filename, fileformat=None, testmode=False): """ Meat of the program: takes the columns from the input table and matches them to the columns provided by the user in the column form. Then, assigns units and column information and does all the proper file ingestion work. """ log.debug("Beginning set_columns.") if fileformat is None and 'fileformat' in request.args: fileformat = request.args['fileformat'] if 'testmode' in request.args: if request.args['testmode'].lower() == 'skip': testmode = 'skip' else: testmode = request.args['testmode'].lower() == 'true' if testmode: loglevel = log.level log.setLevel(10) log.debug("Test mode = {0}.".format(testmode)) log.debug("Reading table {0}".format(filename)) try: table =['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename), format=fileformat) except Exception as ex: return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) # Have to fix the column reading twice fix_bad_colnames(table) log.debug("Parsing column data.") log.debug("form: {0}".format(request.form)) column_data = {field: {'Name': value} for field, value in request.form.items() if '_units' not in field} log.debug("Looping through form items.") for field, value in request.form.items(): if '_units' in field: column_data[field[:-6]]['unit'] = value log.debug("Looping through column_data.") units_data = {} for key, pair in column_data.items(): if (key not in dimensionless_column_names and pair['Name'] not in dimensionless_column_names): units_data[pair['Name']] = pair['unit'] log.debug("Created mapping.") mapping = {filename: [column_data, units_data]} # Not used?? log.debug("Further table handling.") key_rename_mapping = {k: v['Name'] for k, v in column_data.items()} log.debug("Mapping: {0}".format(key_rename_mapping)) # Parse the table file, step-by-step rename_columns(table, key_rename_mapping) set_units(table, units_data) table = fix_bad_types(table) try: convert_units(table) except Exception as ex: if testmode: raise ex else: return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) add_repeat_column(table, column_data.get('Username')['Name'], 'Names') if 'ADS_ID' not in table.colnames: add_repeat_column(table, request.form['adsid'], 'ADS_ID') if 'Publication_DOI_or_URL' not in table.colnames: add_repeat_column(table, request.form['doi'], 'Publication_DOI_or_URL') if 'DataURL' not in table.colnames: add_repeat_column(table, request.form['dataurl'], 'DataURL') if 'synthimURL' not in table.colnames: add_repeat_column(table, request.form['synthimurl'], 'synthimURL') timestamp = add_repeat_column(table, timestamp, 'Timestamp') add_generic_ids_if_needed(table) if column_data.get('ObsSim')['Name'] == 'IsObserved': add_is_sim_if_needed(table, False) else: add_is_sim_if_needed(table, True) if column_data.get('GalExgal')['Name'] == 'IsExtragalactic': add_is_gal_if_needed(table, False) else: add_is_gal_if_needed(table, True) # Rename the uploaded file to something unique, and store this name # in the table extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] full_filename_old = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) with open(full_filename_old) as file: unique_filename = \ hashlib.sha1([0:36 - len(extension)] + \ extension full_filename_new = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], unique_filename) os.rename(full_filename_old, full_filename_new) add_repeat_column(table, unique_filename, 'Filename') log.debug("Table column names after add_filename_column: ", table.colnames) store_form_data(request, fileformat, unique_filename) handle_email(request.form['Email'], unique_filename) # Detect duplicate IDs in uploaded data and bail out if found seen = {} for row in table: name = row['Names'] id = row['IDs'] if id in seen: raise InvalidUsage("Duplicate ID detected in table: username = {0}" ", id = {1}. All IDs must be" " unique.".format(name, id)) else: seen[id] = name # If merged table already exists, then append the new entries. # Otherwise, create the table merged_table_name = os.path.join(app.config['DATABASE_FOLDER'], 'merged_table.ipac') if os.path.isfile(merged_table_name): merged_table =, converters={'Names': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IDs': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IsSimulated': [ascii.convert_numpy('S5')], 'IsGalactic': [ascii.convert_numpy('S5')], 'Filename': [ascii.convert_numpy('S36')]}, format='ascii.ipac') if 'IsGalactic' not in merged_table.colnames: # Assume that anything we didn't already tag as Galactic is # probably Galactic add_repeat_column(merged_table, True, 'IsGalactic') if 'Timestamp' not in merged_table.colnames: # Create a fake timestamp for the previous entries if they don't # already have one fake_timestamp = datetime.min add_repeat_column(merged_table, fake_timestamp, "Timestamp") if 'Filename' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown add_repeat_column(merged_table, 'Unknown' + ' ' * 29, 'Filename') if 'ADS_ID' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown add_repeat_column(merged_table, 'Unknown' + ' ' * 13, 'ADS_ID') if 'Publication_DOI_or_URL' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown add_repeat_column(merged_table, 'Unknown' + ' ' * 57, 'Publication_DOI_or_URL') if 'DataURL' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown add_repeat_column(merged_table, 'Unknown' + ' ' * 57, 'DataURL') if 'synthimURL' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown add_repeat_column(merged_table, 'Unknown' + ' ' * 57, 'synthimURL') else: # Maximum string length of 64 for username, ID -- larger strings are # silently truncated # TODO: Adjust these numbers to something more reasonable, once we # figure out what that is, and verify that submitted data obeys # these limits names = ['Names', 'IDs', 'SurfaceDensity', 'VelocityDispersion', 'Radius', 'IsSimulated', 'IsGalactic', 'Timestamp', 'Filename', 'ADS_ID', 'Publication_DOI_or_URL', 'DataURL', 'synthimURL'] col_dtypes = [('str', 64), ('str', 64), 'float', 'float', 'float', 'bool', 'bool', ('str', 26), ('str', 36), ('str', 20), ('str', 64), ('str', 64), ('str', 64)] merged_table = Table(data=None, names=names, dtype=col_dtypes) # dts = merged_table.dtype # Hack to force fixed-width: works only on strings # merged_table.add_row(["_"*dts[ind].itemsize if dts[ind].kind=='S' # else False if dts[ind].kind == 'b' # else np.nan # for ind in range(len(dts))]) set_units(merged_table) table = reorder_columns(table, merged_table.colnames) print("Table column names after reorder_columns: ", table.colnames) print("Merged table column names after reorder_columns: ", merged_table.colnames) # Detect whether any username, ID pairs match entries already in the # merged table duplicates = {} for row in merged_table: name = row['Names'] id = row['IDs'] if id in seen: if name == seen[id]: duplicates[id] = name handle_duplicates(table, merged_table, duplicates) append_table(merged_table, table) username = column_data.get('Username')['Name'] if testmode != 'skip': try: link_pull_database, link_pull_uploads = \ create_pull_request(username=username, merged_table=merged_table, merged_table_name=merged_table_name, table_widths=table_widths, unique_filename=unique_filename, testmode=testmode) except Exception as ex: if testmode: raise ex else: return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) if isinstance(link_pull_database, Exception): ex = link_pull_database return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) else: link_pull_database, link_pull_uploads = 'placeholder', 'placeholder' outfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] log.debug("Creating plot {0}.".format(outfilename)) myplot_html, myplot_png = \ plotData_Sigma_sigma(timeString(), table, outfilename, html_dir=app.config['MPLD3_FOLDER'], png_dir=app.config['PNG_PLOT_FOLDER']) log.debug("Creating table.") tablecss = "table,th,td,tr,tbody {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}" table_name = os.path.join(TABLE_FOLDER, '{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename)) write_table_jsviewer(table, table_name, css=tablecss, jskwargs={'use_local_files': False}, table_id=outfilename) if myplot_html is None: assert myplot_png is None # should be both or neither imagename = None png_imagename = None else: imagename = '/' + myplot_html png_imagename = "/" + myplot_png return render_template('show_plot.html', imagename=imagename, png_imagename=png_imagename, tablefile='{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename), link_pull_uploads=link_pull_uploads, link_pull_database=link_pull_database)
def read_ascii_table(label, key, path='.'): """Read an ASCII table as described by the label. Only fixed length records are supported. Parameters ---------- label : dict The label, as read by `read_label`. key : string The label key of the object that describes the table. path : string, optional Directory path to label/table. Returns ------- table : astropy Table Raises ------ NotImpementedError ValueError """ import numpy as np from import ascii # The table object description. desc = label[key] if not isinstance(desc['COLUMN'], list): # For tables with a single column, desc['COLUMN'] needs to be a list desc['COLUMN'] = [desc['COLUMN']] # Setup table column formats n = desc['COLUMNS'] col_starts = [] col_ends = [] converters = dict() def repeat(dtype, col): n = col.get('ITEMS', 1) return dtype if n == 1 else (dtype,) * n for i in range(n): col = desc['COLUMN'][i] col_starts.append(col['START_BYTE'] - 1) col_ends.append(col_starts[-1] + col['BYTES'] - 1) if col['DATA_TYPE'] == 'ASCII_REAL': dtype = repeat(np.float, col) elif col['DATA_TYPE'] == 'ASCII_INTEGER': dtype = repeat(, col) elif col['DATA_TYPE'] == 'CHARACTER': dtype = repeat('S{}'.format(col['BYTES']), col) else: raise ValueError("Unknown data type: ", col['DATA_TYPE']) converters['col{}'.format(i+1)] = [ascii.convert_numpy(dtype)] nrows = desc['ROWS'] # Open the file object, and skip ahead to the start of the table, # if needed. Read the table. if isinstance(label['^' + key], tuple): filename, start = label['^' + key] start = int(start) - 1 filename = _find_file(filename, path=path) if 'RECORD_BYTES' in label: record_bytes = label['RECORD_BYTES'] else: record_bytes = desc['RECORD_BYTES'] #inf = open(filename, 'r') * start) else: filename = _find_file(label['^' + key], path=path) start = 0 #inf = open(filename, 'r') table =, format='fixed_width_no_header', data_start=start, data_end=nrows+start, col_starts=col_starts, col_ends=col_ends, converters=converters, guess=False) #inf.close() # Mask data for i in range(n): col = desc['COLUMN'][i] missing_constant = col.get('MISSING_CONSTANT', None) if missing_constant is None: continue j = table.columns[i] == missing_constant if np.any(j): table.columns[i].mask = j # Save column meta data. for i in range(n): for j in range(desc.get('ITEMS', 1)): col = desc['COLUMN'][i] table.columns[i].name = col['NAME'] if 'DESCRIPTION' in col: table.columns[i].description = col['DESCRIPTION'] # Save table meta data. for k, v in desc.items(): if k is not 'COLUMN': table.meta[k] = v return table
def get_data(z_value, haloid): z = z_value tr_halo = haloid #save the ID need to trace ###firstly,read the data at redshift,and save to review halo_list = 'D:/mask/MUSIC/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/GadgetMUSIC-NewMDCLUSTER_0001.z%.3f.AHF_halos' % z, converters={ 'col1': [asc.convert_numpy(np.int64)], 'col2': [asc.convert_numpy(np.int64)] }) cNFW = np.array(halo_list['col43']) Mhalo = np.array(halo_list['col4']) Mstar = np.array(halo_list['col65']) Nstar = np.array(halo_list['col64']) #star mass and number Mgas = np.array(halo_list['col45']) Ngas = np.array(halo_list['col44']) #gas mass and number xhalo = np.array(halo_list['col6']) yhalo = np.array(halo_list['col7']) zhalo = np.array(halo_list['col8']) #x,y,z: position of halo Rvir = np.array(halo_list['col12']) #virial radius of halo locpeak = np.array(halo_list['col14']) #loc_peak means the entral of potential Npart = np.array(halo_list['col5']) #the number of particles of the halo Nbins = np.array(halo_list['col37']) #calculate the mass of a star particle and gasparticle ARRAY = np.array([ cNFW, Mhalo, Mstar, Nstar, Mgas, Ngas, xhalo, yhalo, zhalo, Rvir, locpeak, Npart, Nbins ]) #for ARRAY,each rows response one property,et. row 1--cNFW M = ARRAY.shape[0] #read the hosthalo value,and the ID value,and then compare to find the number of halo belong to a give ID Host = np.array(halo_list['col2']) Host = np.int64(Host) ID = np.array(halo_list['col1']) ID = np.int64(ID) ID_save = np.array([ID, Host]) with h5py.File( 'D:/python1/pydocument/O_Scatter/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/halo_ID_%.0f.%.3f.h5' % (tr_halo, z), 'w') as f: f['a'] = np.array(ID_save) with h5py.File( 'D:/python1/pydocument/O_Scatter/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/halo_ID_%.0f.%.3f.h5' % (tr_halo, z)) as f: for t in range(len(ID_save)): f['a'][t, :] = ID_save[t, :] #get the rows of the array with h5py.File( 'D:/python1/pydocument/O_Scatter/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/halo_data_%.0f.%.3f.h5' % (tr_halo, z), 'w') as f: f['a'] = np.array(ARRAY) with h5py.File( 'D:/python1/pydocument/O_Scatter/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/halo_data_%.0f.%.3f.h5' % (tr_halo, z)) as f: for t in range(M): f['a'][t, :] = ARRAY[t, :] halo_profile = pd.read_table( 'D:/mask/MUSIC/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/GadgetMUSIC-NewMDCLUSTER_0001.z%.3f.AHF_profiles' % z, dtype=np.float) r = np.array(halo_profile['#r(1)']) r = np.abs(r) #to make sure that r is positive n_part = np.array(halo_profile['npart(2)']) m_in_r = np.array(halo_profile['M_in_r(3)']) m_star = np.array(halo_profile['M_star(26)']) m_gas = np.array(halo_profile['M_gas(25)']) dens = np.array(halo_profile['dens(5)']) ovdens = np.array(halo_profile['ovdens(4)']) BRRAY = np.array([r, n_part, m_in_r, m_star, m_gas, dens, ovdens]) #for BRRAY,each rows response one property,et. row 1--r N = BRRAY.shape[0] with h5py.File( 'D:/python1/pydocument/O_Scatter/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/profile_data_%.0f.%.3f.h5' % (tr_halo, z), 'w') as f: f['a'] = np.array(BRRAY) with h5py.File( 'D:/python1/pydocument/O_Scatter/MUSIC_reshift/NewMDCLUSTER_0001/profile_data_%.0f.%.3f.h5' % (tr_halo, z)) as f: for t in range(N): f['a'][t, :] = BRRAY[t, :] return ARRAY, BRRAY
def main(args): # temp_high = 42.0 # temp_low = 38.0 status = 'unknown' GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create logger object ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ## Set up console output LogConsoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() if args.verbose: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) LogFormat = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)23s %(levelname)8s: %(message)s') LogConsoleHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogConsoleHandler) ## Set up file output now = DateString = '{}'.format(now.strftime('%Y%m%d')) TimeString = '{} HST'.format(now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) LogFileName = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', 'Log_{}.txt'.format(DateString)) LogFileHandler = logging.FileHandler(LogFileName) LogFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LogFileHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogFileHandler) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get Temperature and Humidity Values ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------'#### Reading Temperature and Humidity Sensors ####') temperatures_F = [] try: logger.debug('Reading DHT22') DHT = DHT22.DHT22(pin=18) logger.debug(' Temperature = {:.3f} F, Humidity = {:.1f} %'.format( DHT.temperature_F, DHT.humidity)) temperatures_F.append(DHT.temperature_F) RH = DHT.humidity AH = humidity.relative_to_absolute_humidity(DHT.temperature_C, DHT.humidity) logger.debug(' Absolute Humidity = {:.2f} g/m^3'.format(AH)) except: RH = float('nan') AH = float('nan') logger.debug('Reading DS18B20') sensor = DS18B20.DS18B20() for temp in sensor.temperatures_C: logger.debug(' Temperature = {:.3f} F'.format(temp * 9. / 5. + 32.)) temperatures_F.append(temp * 9. / 5. + 32.) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Record Values to Table ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- datafile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', '{}.txt'.format(DateString)) logger.debug( "Preparing astropy table object for data file {}".format(datafile)) if not os.path.exists(datafile):"Making new astropy table object") SummaryTable = table.Table(names=('date', 'time', 'AmbTemp', 'KegTemp', 'KegTemp1', 'KegTemp2', 'KegTemp3', 'RH', 'AH', 'status'), \ dtype=('S10', 'S12', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'S8') ) else: logger.debug( "Reading astropy table object from file: {0}".format(datafile)) try: SummaryTable = datafile, guess=False, header_start=0, data_start=1, Reader=ascii.basic.Basic, converters={ 'date': [ascii.convert_numpy('S10')], 'time': [ascii.convert_numpy('S12')], 'AmbTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp1': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp2': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp3': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'hum': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'AH': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'status': [ascii.convert_numpy('S11')], }) except: logger.critical("Failed to read data file: {0} {1} {2}".format( sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Turn Kegerator Relay On or Off Based on Temperature ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- temperatures_F.sort() ambient_temperature = temperatures_F.pop() assert ambient_temperature > max(temperatures_F)'Ambient Temperature = {:.1f}'.format(ambient_temperature)) for temp in temperatures_F:'Kegerator Temperatures = {:.1f} F'.format(temp)) temperature = np.median(temperatures_F)'Median Temperature = {:.1f} F'.format(temperature)) if temperature > temp_high: status = 'On' 'Temperature {:.1f} is greater than {:.1f}. Turning freezer {}.'. format(temperature, temp_high, status)) GPIO.output(23, True) elif temperature < temp_low: status = 'Off' 'Temperature {:.1f} is less than {:.1f}. Turning freezer {}.'. format(temperature, temp_low, status)) GPIO.output(23, False) else: if len(SummaryTable) > 0: status = SummaryTable['status'][-1] else: status = 'unknown' 'Temperature if {:.1f}. Taking no action. Status is {}'.format( temperature, status)) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Add row to data table ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger.debug("Writing new row to data table.") while len(temperatures_F) < 4: temperatures_F.append(float('nan')) SummaryTable.add_row((DateString, TimeString, ambient_temperature, temperature, \ temperatures_F[0], temperatures_F[1], temperatures_F[2], \ RH, AH, status)) ## Write Table to File logger.debug(" Writing new data file.") ascii.write(SummaryTable, datafile, Writer=ascii.basic.Basic) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Log to Carriots ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sending Data to Carriots') logger.debug(' Creating Device object') Device = Carriots.Client(device_id="kegerator@joshwalawender") logger.debug(' Reading api key') Device.read_api_key_from_file( file=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~joshw'), '.carriots_api')) data_dict = {'Temperature': temperature, \ 'Status': status } logger.debug(' Data: {}'.format(data_dict)) Device.upload(data_dict)'Done')
def plot(args): import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Set date to tonight if not specified ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- now = DateString = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") if not = DateString ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define File Names ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- LogFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', 'PlotLog_' + + ".txt") PlotFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', + ".png") DataFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', + ".txt") ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create logger object ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ## Set up console output LogConsoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() if args.verbose: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) LogFormat = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)23s %(levelname)8s: %(message)s') LogConsoleHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogConsoleHandler) ## Set up file output LogFileHandler = logging.FileHandler(LogFile) LogFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LogFileHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogFileHandler)" invoked with --plot option")" Making plot for day of {}".format( ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Read Data ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- if os.path.exists(DataFile):" Found data file: {}".format(DataFile)) data =, guess=False, header_start=0, data_start=1, Reader=ascii.basic.Basic, converters={ 'date': [ascii.convert_numpy('S10')], 'time': [ascii.convert_numpy('S12')], 'AmbTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp1': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp2': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp3': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'RH': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'AH': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'status': [ascii.convert_numpy('S11')], }) datetime_objects = [ datetime.datetime.strptime(x['time'], '%H:%M:%S HST') for x in data ] time_decimal = [(x.hour + x.minute / 60. + x.second / 3600.) for x in datetime_objects] DecimalTime = max(time_decimal) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Make Plot ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot_upper_temp = 45 plot_lower_temp = 29 pyplot.ioff() plotpos = [ [0.05, 0.59, 0.65, 0.40], [0.73, 0.59, 0.21, 0.40],\ [0.05, 0.52, 0.65, 0.07], [0.73, 0.52, 0.21, 0.07],\ [0.05, 0.25, 0.65, 0.24], [0.73, 0.25, 0.21, 0.24],\ [0.05, 0.05, 0.65, 0.18], [0.73, 0.05, 0.21, 0.18],\ ] if len(data) > 1:" Generating plot {} ... ".format(PlotFile)) dpi = 100 pyplot.figure(figsize=(14, 8), dpi=dpi) ## Plot Temperature for This Day logger.debug(" Rendering Temperature Plot.") TemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[0], xticklabels=[]) pyplot.title("Kegerator Temperatures for " + pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp'], 'ko', label="Median Temp.", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp1'], 'bo', label="Temp. 1", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp2'], 'go', label="Temp. 2", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp3'], 'yo', label="Temp. 3", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100, 100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Kegerator Temp. (F)") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 2)) pyplot.ylim(plot_lower_temp, plot_upper_temp) pyplot.grid() pyplot.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 10}) TemperatureAxes.axhline(32, color='red', lw=4) TemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_low, color='blue', lw=4) TemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_high, color='blue', lw=4) ## Plot Temperature for Last Hour logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Temperature Plot.") RecentTemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.title("Last Hour") pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp'], 'ko', label="Kegerator Temp", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp1'], 'bo', label="Kegerator Temp 1", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp2'], 'go', label="Kegerator Temp 2", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['KegTemp3'], 'yo', label="Kegerator Temp 3", markersize=2, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.6) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100, 100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 0.25)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime - 1.0, DecimalTime + 0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0, 1.1) pyplot.ylim(plot_lower_temp, plot_upper_temp) pyplot.grid() RecentTemperatureAxes.axhline(32, color='red', lw=4) RecentTemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_low, color='blue', lw=4) RecentTemperatureAxes.axhline(temp_high, color='blue', lw=4) ## Plot Relay State translator = {'On': 1, 'Off': 0, 'unknown': -0.25} relay_state = [translator[val] for val in data['status']] logger.debug(" Rendering Relay Status Plot.") RelayAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[2], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, relay_state, 'ko-', markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-1, 2], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Relay") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.yticks([0, 1]) pyplot.ylim(-0.5, 1.5) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 2)) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Relay State for Last Hour logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Relay State Plot.") RecentRelayAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[3], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, relay_state, 'ko-', markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-1, 2], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 0.25)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime - 1.0, DecimalTime + 0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0, 1.1) pyplot.yticks([0, 1]) pyplot.ylim(-0.5, 1.5) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Humidity for This Day HumidityAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[4], xticklabels=[]) logger.debug(" Rendering Humidity Plot.") pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['RH'], 'bo', label="Humidity", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [0, 100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Humidity (%)") pyplot.xlabel("Time (Hours HST)") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.ylim(30, 100) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 2)) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Humidity for Last 2 Hours logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Humidity Plot.") RecentHumidityAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[5], yticklabels=[], xticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['RH'], 'bo', label="Humidity", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [0, 100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 0.25)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime - 1.0, DecimalTime + 0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0, 1.1) pyplot.ylim(30, 100) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Case Temperature for This Day logger.debug(" Rendering Case Temperature Plot.") AmbTemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[6]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['AmbTemp'], 'ro', label="Ambient Temp", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100, 100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.ylabel("Case Temp. (F)") pyplot.xlim(0, 24) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 2)) pyplot.yticks(np.arange(60, 100, 5)) pyplot.ylim(math.floor(min(data['AmbTemp']) - 6), math.ceil(max(data['AmbTemp']) + 6)) pyplot.grid() ## Plot Case Temperature for Last Hour logger.debug(" Rendering Recent Case Temperature Plot.") RecentAmbTemperatureAxes = pyplot.axes(plotpos[7], yticklabels=[]) pyplot.plot(time_decimal, data['AmbTemp'], 'ro', label="Ambient Temp", markersize=3, markeredgewidth=0) pyplot.plot([DecimalTime, DecimalTime], [-100, 100], 'g-', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 0.25)) pyplot.yticks(np.arange(60, 100, 5)) pyplot.ylim(math.floor(min(data['AmbTemp']) - 6), math.ceil(max(data['AmbTemp']) + 6)) if DecimalTime > 1.0: pyplot.xlim(DecimalTime - 1.0, DecimalTime + 0.1) else: pyplot.xlim(0, 1.1) pyplot.grid() logger.debug(" Saving plot to file: {}".format(PlotFile)) pyplot.savefig(PlotFile, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05)" done.") else:"Could not find data file: {}".format(DataFile)) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create Daily Symlink if Not Already ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- LinkFileName = 'latest.png' LinkFile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', LinkFileName) if not os.path.exists(LinkFile):'Making {} symlink to {}'.format(LinkFile, PlotFile)) os.symlink(PlotFile, LinkFile)"Done")
import astropy.coordinates as coord import astropy.units as u from import ascii from astropy.time import Time from astropy.table import Table, Column, join import numpy as np # Project from streams.coordinates import sex_to_dec from streams.observation.time import gmst_to_utc, lmst_to_gmst from streams.observation.rrlyrae import time_to_phase, phase_to_time from streams.util import project_root data_file = os.path.join(project_root, "data", "catalog", "TriAnd_RRLyr.txt") stars =, converters={'objectID' : [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}, header_start=0, data_start=1, delimiter=" ") # Need to wrap so RA's go 22,23,24,0,1,etc. ras = np.array(stars['ra']) ras[ras > 90.] = ras[ras > 90.] - 360. idx = np.argsort(ras) stars = stars[idx] names = ["TriAndRRL{0}".format(ii+1) for ii in range(len(stars))] stars.add_column(Column(names, name='name')) # Read in RR Lyrae standards RRLyr_stds1 ="/Users/adrian/Documents/GraduateSchool/Observing/Std RR Lyrae/nemec_RRLyrae.txt")
def main(args): # temp_high = 42.0 # temp_low = 38.0 status = 'unknown' GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create logger object ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ## Set up console output LogConsoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() if args.verbose: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) LogFormat = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)23s %(levelname)8s: %(message)s') LogConsoleHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogConsoleHandler) ## Set up file output now = DateString = '{}'.format(now.strftime('%Y%m%d')) TimeString = '{} HST'.format(now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) LogFileName = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', 'Log_{}.txt'.format(DateString)) LogFileHandler = logging.FileHandler(LogFileName) LogFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LogFileHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) logger.addHandler(LogFileHandler) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get Temperature and Humidity Values ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------'#### Reading Temperature and Humidity Sensors ####') temperatures_F = [] try: logger.debug('Reading DHT22') DHT = DHT22.DHT22(pin=18) logger.debug(' Temperature = {:.3f} F, Humidity = {:.1f} %'.format(DHT.temperature_F, DHT.humidity)) temperatures_F.append(DHT.temperature_F) RH = DHT.humidity AH = humidity.relative_to_absolute_humidity(DHT.temperature_C, DHT.humidity) logger.debug(' Absolute Humidity = {:.2f} g/m^3'.format(AH)) except: RH = float('nan') AH = float('nan') logger.debug('Reading DS18B20') sensor = DS18B20.DS18B20() for temp in sensor.temperatures_C: logger.debug(' Temperature = {:.3f} F'.format(temp*9./5.+32.)) temperatures_F.append(temp*9./5.+32.) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Record Values to Table ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- datafile = os.path.join('/', 'var', 'log', 'Kegerator', '{}.txt'.format(DateString)) logger.debug("Preparing astropy table object for data file {}".format(datafile)) if not os.path.exists(datafile):"Making new astropy table object") SummaryTable = table.Table(names=('date', 'time', 'AmbTemp', 'KegTemp', 'KegTemp1', 'KegTemp2', 'KegTemp3', 'RH', 'AH', 'status'), \ dtype=('S10', 'S12', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'S8') ) else: logger.debug("Reading astropy table object from file: {0}".format(datafile)) try: SummaryTable =, guess=False, header_start=0, data_start=1, Reader=ascii.basic.Basic, converters={ 'date': [ascii.convert_numpy('S10')], 'time': [ascii.convert_numpy('S12')], 'AmbTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp1': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp2': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'KegTemp3': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'hum': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'AH': [ascii.convert_numpy('f4')], 'status': [ascii.convert_numpy('S11')], }) except: logger.critical("Failed to read data file: {0} {1} {2}".format(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Turn Kegerator Relay On or Off Based on Temperature ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- temperatures_F.sort() ambient_temperature = temperatures_F.pop() assert ambient_temperature > max(temperatures_F)'Ambient Temperature = {:.1f}'.format(ambient_temperature)) for temp in temperatures_F:'Kegerator Temperatures = {:.1f} F'.format(temp)) temperature = np.median(temperatures_F)'Median Temperature = {:.1f} F'.format(temperature)) if temperature > temp_high: status = 'On''Temperature {:.1f} is greater than {:.1f}. Turning freezer {}.'.format(temperature, temp_high, status)) GPIO.output(23, True) elif temperature < temp_low: status = 'Off''Temperature {:.1f} is less than {:.1f}. Turning freezer {}.'.format(temperature, temp_low, status)) GPIO.output(23, False) else: if len(SummaryTable) > 0: status = SummaryTable['status'][-1] else: status = 'unknown''Temperature if {:.1f}. Taking no action. Status is {}'.format(temperature, status)) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Add row to data table ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- logger.debug("Writing new row to data table.") while len(temperatures_F) < 4: temperatures_F.append(float('nan')) SummaryTable.add_row((DateString, TimeString, ambient_temperature, temperature, \ temperatures_F[0], temperatures_F[1], temperatures_F[2], \ RH, AH, status)) ## Write Table to File logger.debug(" Writing new data file.") ascii.write(SummaryTable, datafile, Writer=ascii.basic.Basic) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Log to Carriots ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sending Data to Carriots') logger.debug(' Creating Device object') Device = Carriots.Client(device_id="kegerator@joshwalawender") logger.debug(' Reading api key') Device.read_api_key_from_file(file=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~joshw'), '.carriots_api')) data_dict = {'Temperature': temperature, \ 'Status': status } logger.debug(' Data: {}'.format(data_dict)) Device.upload(data_dict)'Done')
def createTable(outlines, metaDict, colNames, colDefaults): """ Creates an astropy table from inputs. Parameters ---------- outlines : list of str Input lines metaDict : dict Input meta data colNames : list of str Input column names colDefaults : list Input column default values Returns ------- table : astropy.table.Table object """ # Before loading table into an astropy Table object, set lengths of Name, # Patch, and Type columns to 100 characters log = logging.getLogger('LSMTool.Load') converters = {} nameCol = 'col{0}'.format(colNames.index('Name')+1) converters[nameCol] = [ascii.convert_numpy('{}100'.format(numpy_type))] typeCol = 'col{0}'.format(colNames.index('Type')+1) converters[typeCol] = [ascii.convert_numpy('{}100'.format(numpy_type))] if 'Patch' in colNames: patchCol = 'col{0}'.format(colNames.index('Patch')+1) converters[patchCol] = [ascii.convert_numpy('{}100'.format(numpy_type))] log.debug('Creating table...') table ='\n'.join(outlines), guess=False, format='ascii.no_header', delimiter=',', names=colNames, comment='#', data_start=0, converters=converters) # Convert spectral index values from strings to arrays. if 'SpectralIndex' in table.keys(): log.debug('Converting spectral indices...') specOld = table['SpectralIndex'].data.tolist() specVec = [] maskVec = [] maxLen = 0 for l in specOld: try: if type(l) is float or type(l) is int: maxLen = 1 else: specEntry = [float(f) for f in l.split(';')] if len(specEntry) > maxLen: maxLen = len(specEntry) except: pass log.debug('Maximum number of spectral-index terms in model: {0}'.format(maxLen)) for l in specOld: try: if type(l) is float or type(l) is int: specEntry = [float(l)] specMask = [False] else: specEntry = [float(f) for f in l.split(';')] specMask = [False] * len(specEntry) while len(specEntry) < maxLen: specEntry.append(0.0) specMask.append(True) specVec.append(specEntry) maskVec.append(specMask) except: specVec.append([0.0]*maxLen) maskVec.append([True]*maxLen) specCol = MaskedColumn(name='SpectralIndex', data=np.array(specVec, dtype=np.float)) specCol.mask = maskVec specIndx = table.keys().index('SpectralIndex') table.remove_column('SpectralIndex') table.add_column(specCol, index=specIndx) # Convert RA and Dec to Angle objects log.debug('Converting RA...') RARaw = table['Ra'].data.tolist() RACol = Column(name='Ra', data=RA2Angle(RARaw)) def raformat(val): return Angle(val, unit='degree').to_string(unit='hourangle', sep=':') RACol.format = raformat RAIndx = table.keys().index('Ra') table.remove_column('Ra') table.add_column(RACol, index=RAIndx) log.debug('Converting Dec...') DecRaw = table['Dec'].data.tolist() DecCol = Column(name='Dec', data=Dec2Angle(DecRaw)) def decformat(val): return Angle(val, unit='degree').to_string(unit='degree', sep='.') DecCol.format = decformat DecIndx = table.keys().index('Dec') table.remove_column('Dec') table.add_column(DecCol, index=DecIndx) def fluxformat(val): return '{0:0.3f}'.format(val) table.columns['I'].format = fluxformat # Set column units and default values for i, colName in enumerate(colNames): log.debug("Setting units for column '{0}' to {1}".format( colName, allowedColumnUnits[colName.lower()])) table.columns[colName].unit = allowedColumnUnits[colName.lower()] if hasattr(table.columns[colName], 'filled') and colDefaults[i] is not None: fillVal = colDefaults[i] if colName == 'SpectralIndex': while len(fillVal) < maxLen: fillVal.append(0.0) log.debug("Setting default value for column '{0}' to {1}". format(colName, fillVal)) table.columns[colName].fill_value = fillVal table.meta = metaDict return table
>>> run -i compare_grating_moves >>> print kadi_mta_bad >>> print mta_kadi_bad """ import numpy as np import Ska.Numpy from astropy.table import Table from import ascii from kadi import events from Chandra.Time import DateTime kadi_moves = events.grating_moves.filter(start='2000:160', stop='2014:008', grating__contains='ETG').table mta_moves ='mta_grating_moves.dat', format='ascii', converters={'START_TIME': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)], 'STOP_TIME': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]}) mta_moves.sort('START_TIME') kadi_starts = kadi_moves['tstart'] mta_starts = DateTime(mta_moves['START_TIME'], format='greta').secs # Kadi to nearest MTA indexes = np.arange(len(mta_starts)) i_nearest = Ska.Numpy.interpolate(indexes, mta_starts, kadi_starts, sorted=True, method='nearest') mta_nearest = mta_moves[i_nearest] mta_nearest_starts = mta_starts[i_nearest] dt = kadi_moves['tstart'] - mta_nearest_starts kadi_mta = Table([i_nearest, kadi_moves['start'], mta_nearest['START_TIME'], dt],
def set_columns(filename, fileformat=None): """ Meat of the program: takes the columns from the input table and matches them to the columns provided by the user in the column form. Then, assigns units and column information and does all the proper file ingestion work. """ if fileformat is None and 'fileformat' in request.args: fileformat = request.args['fileformat'] # This function needs to know about the filename or have access to the # table; how do we arrange that? table =['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename), format=fileformat) column_data = \ {field:{'Name':value} for field,value in request.form.items() if '_units' not in field} for field,value in request.form.items(): if '_units' in field: column_data[field[:-6]]['unit'] = value units_data = {} for key, pair in column_data.items(): if pair['Name'] != "Ignore" and pair['Name'] != "IsSimulated" and key != "Username": units_data[pair['Name']] = pair['unit'] # Parse the table file, step-by-step rename_columns(table, {k: v['Name'] for k,v in column_data.items()}) set_units(table, units_data) table = fix_bad_types(table) convert_units(table) add_name_column(table, column_data.get('Username')['Name']) add_filename_column(table, filename) add_generic_ids_if_needed(table) if column_data.get('issimulated') is None: add_is_sim_if_needed(table, False) else: add_is_sim_if_needed(table, True) # If merged table already exists, then append the new entries. # Otherwise, create the table merged_table_name = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], 'merged_table.ipac') if os.path.isfile(merged_table_name): merged_table =, converters={'Names': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IDs': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IsSimulated': [ascii.convert_numpy('S5')]}, format='ascii.ipac') else: # Maximum string length of 64 for username, ID -- larger strings are silently truncated # TODO: Adjust these numbers to something more reasonable, once we figure out what that is, # and verify that submitted data obeys these limits merged_table = Table(data=None, names=['Names','IDs','SurfaceDensity', 'VelocityDispersion','Radius','IsSimulated'], dtype=[('str', 64),('str', 64),'float','float','float','bool']) set_units(merged_table) table = reorder_columns(table, merged_table.colnames) append_table(merged_table, table) Table.write(merged_table, merged_table_name, format='ascii.ipac') if not os.path.isdir('static/figures/'): os.mkdir('static/figures') if not os.path.isdir('static/jstables/'): os.mkdir('static/jstables') outfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] myplot = plotData_Sigma_sigma(timeString(), table, 'static/figures/'+outfilename) tablecss = "table,th,td,tr,tbody {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}" write_table_jsviewer(table, 'static/jstables/{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename), css=tablecss, jskwargs={'use_local_files':False}, table_id=outfilename) return render_template('show_plot.html', imagename='/'+myplot, tablefile='{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename))
def build_poller_table(input, log_level, poller_type='svm'): """Create a poller file from dataset names. Parameters ----------- input : str, list Filename with list of dataset names, or just a Python list of dataset names, provided by the user. Returns -------- poller_table : Table Astropy table object with the same columns as a poller file. """ log.setLevel(log_level) is_poller_file = False # Check the input file is not empty if not isinstance(input, list) and not os.path.getsize(input): log.error( 'Input poller manifest file, {}, is empty - processing is exiting.' .format(input)) sys.exit(0) if poller_type == 'mvm': poller_colnames = MVM_POLLER_COLNAMES poller_dtype = MVM_POLLER_DTYPE else: poller_colnames = POLLER_COLNAMES poller_dtype = POLLER_DTYPE datasets = [] obs_converters = {'col4': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.str)]} if isinstance(input, str): input_table =, format='no_header', converters=obs_converters) if len(input_table.columns) == len(poller_colnames): # We were provided a poller file # Now assign column names to table for i, colname in enumerate(poller_colnames): input_table.columns[i].name = colname # Convert to a string column, instead of int64 input_table['obset_id'] = input_table['obset_id'].astype(np.str) # Convert string column into a Bool column # The input poller file reports True if it has been reprocessed. # This code interprets that as False since it is NOT new, so the code # inverts the meaning from the pipeline poller file. if poller_type == 'mvm': input_table['skycell_new'] = [ int(not BOOL_STR_DICT[str(val).upper()]) for val in input_table['skycell_new'] ] is_poller_file = True elif len(input_table.columns) == 1: input_table.columns[0].name = 'filename' is_poller_file = False # Since a poller file was the input, it is assumed all the input # data is in the locale directory so just collect the filenames. # datasets = input_table[input_table.colnames[0]].tolist() filenames = list(input_table.columns[0]) elif isinstance(input, list): filenames = input else: id = '[poller_utils.build_poller_table] ' log.error("{}: Input {} not supported as input for processing.".format( id, input)) raise ValueError # At this point, we have a poller file or a list of filenames. If the latter, then any individual # filename can be a singleton or an association name. We need to get the full list of actual # filenames from the association name. if not is_poller_file: for filename in filenames: # Look for dataset in local directory. if "asn" in filename or not os.path.exists(filename): # This retrieval will NOT overwrite any ASN members already on local disk # Return value will still be list of all members files = aqutils.retrieve_observation([filename[:9]], suffix=['FLC'], clobber=False) if len(files) == 0: log.error( "Filename {} not found in archive!!".format(filename)) log.error("Please provide ASN filename instead!") raise ValueError else: files = [filename] datasets += files else: datasets = filenames # Each image, whether from a poller file or from an input list needs to be # analyzed to ensure it is viable for drizzle processing. If the image is not # viable, it should not be included in the output "poller" table. usable_datasets = analyze.analyze_wrapper(datasets) if not usable_datasets: log.warning( "No usable images in poller file or input list for drizzling. The processing of this data is ending." ) sys.exit(0) cols = OrderedDict() for cname in poller_colnames: cols[cname] = [] cols['filename'] = usable_datasets if poller_type == 'mvm': # determine sky-cell ID for input exposures now... scells = cell_utils.get_sky_cells(usable_datasets) scell_files = cell_utils.interpret_scells(scells) # If processing a list of files, evaluate each input dataset for the information needed # for the poller file if not is_poller_file: for d in usable_datasets: with as dhdu: hdr = dhdu[0].header cols['program_id'].append(d[1:4].upper()) cols['obset_id'].append(str(d[4:6])) cols['proposal_id'].append(hdr['proposid']) cols['exptime'].append(hdr['exptime']) cols['detector'].append(hdr['detector']) cols['pathname'].append(os.path.abspath(d)) # process filter names if d[0] == 'j': # ACS data filters = processing_utils.get_acs_filters(dhdu, all=True) elif d[0] == 'i': filters = hdr['filter'] cols['filters'].append(filters) if poller_type == 'mvm': # interpret_scells returns: # {'filename1':{'<sky cell id1>': SkyCell1, # '<sky cell id2>':SkyCell2, # 'id': "<sky cell id1>;<sky cell id2>"}, # 'filename2': ...} # This preserves 1 entry per filename, while providing info on # multiple SkyCell's for each filename as appropriate. # cols['skycell_id'] = [ scell_files[fname]['id'] for fname in cols['filename'] ] cols['skycell_new'] = [1] * len(cols['filename']) # # Build output table # poller_data = [col for col in cols.values()] poller_names = [colname for colname in cols] poller_table = Table(data=poller_data, names=poller_names, dtype=poller_dtype) # The input was a poller file, so just keep the viable data rows for output else: good_rows = [] for d in usable_datasets: for i, old_row in enumerate(input_table): if d == input_table['filename'][i]: good_rows.append(old_row) poller_table = Table(rows=good_rows, names=input_table.colnames, dtype=poller_dtype) # # If 'mvm' poller file, expand any multiple skycell entries into separate rows # if poller_type == 'mvm': # A new row will need to be added for each additional SkyCell that the # file overlaps... # poller_table['skycell_obj'] = [None] * len(poller_table) # # Make a copy of the original poller_table # new_poller_table = poller_table[poller_table['filename'] != None] for name in scell_files: for scell_id in scell_files[name]: if scell_id != 'id': scell_obj = scell_files[name][scell_id] for indx, row in enumerate(poller_table): if row['filename'] != name: continue if new_poller_table[indx]['skycell_obj'] is None: new_poller_table[indx]['skycell_obj'] = scell_obj new_poller_table[indx]['skycell_id'] = scell_id else: poller_rows = poller_table[poller_table['filename'] == name] sobj0 = poller_rows['skycell_obj'][0] # Select only 1 row regardless of how many we have already # added for this filename (in case file overlapped more than # 2 sky cells at once). poller_row = poller_rows[poller_rows['skycell_obj'] == sobj0] # make copy of row for this filename # assign updated values to skycell columns poller_row['skycell_id'] = scell_id poller_row['skycell_obj'] = scell_obj # append new row to table new_poller_table.add_row(poller_row[0]) poller_table = new_poller_table return poller_table
def __getitem__(self, k): return [convert_numpy(np_str)]
def hmf_gal(**kwargs): """Wrapper on hmf_solve analogous to pca_gal and pca_solve. Parameters ---------- inputfile : :class:`str`, optional The list of spectra to use. If not specified, $IDLSPEC2D_DIR/tempates/eigeninput_gal.dat will be used. wavemin : :class:`float`, optional Minimum wavelength for the template. If not specified 1900 Å will be used. wavemax : :class:`float`, optional Maximum wavelength for the template. If not specified 10000 Å will be used. K : :class:`int`, optional Number of templates to calculate. The default is 4. nonnegative : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True`` use nonnegative HMF. The default is ``False``. epsilon : :class:`float`, optional Value of regularization parameter to use. The default is 0.0, which means it is not used. flux : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True`` make some additional QA plots of the input spectra. The default is ``False``. Returns ------- None Notes ----- Creates spEigenGal-MJD.fits and some associated QA plots. These files will be created in the same directory as the inputfile (see above). The :envvar:`RUN2D` environment variable must be set. This routine will search for a pickle file of the form ``eigeninput_gal_$RUN2D.dump``. If this file is not found, it will be created. """ import os import os.path import pickle import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') # Non-interactive back-end import pylab from import ascii, fits import numpy as np # from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager, FontProperties from ...goddard.astro import get_juldate from ...pydlutils.image import djs_maskinterp from ...pydlutils.math import djs_median, find_contiguous from import ascii from . import plot_eig, readspec, skymask, wavevector, hmf_solve from ..spec2d import combine1fiber if 'inputfile' in kwargs: inputfile = kwargs['inputfile'] else: inputfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('IDLSPEC2D_DIR'), 'templates','eigeninput_gal.dat') outdir = os.path.dirname(inputfile) if 'wavemin' in kwargs: wavemin = kwargs['wavemin'] else: # Almost everything below 1900 is missing wavemin = 1900.0 # wavemin = 1850.0 if 'wavemax' in kwargs: wavemax = kwargs['wavemax'] else: wavemax = 10000.0 snmax = 100.0 if 'K' in kwargs: K = kwargs['K'] else: K = 4 if 'nonnegative' in kwargs: nonnegative = kwargs['nonnegative'] else: nonnegative = False if 'epsilon' in kwargs: epsilon = kwargs['epsilon'] else: epsilon = 0.0 if 'flux' in kwargs: plot_flux = kwargs['flux'] else: plot_flux = False # # Name the output files. # jd = get_juldate() outfile = os.path.join(outdir,"spEigenGal-{0:d}".format(int(jd - 2400000.5))) # # Read the input spectra # converters = {'plate': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int32)], 'mjd': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int32)], 'fiber': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int32)] } input_data =,names=['plate','mjd','fiber','zfit'],converters=converters) plate = input_data['plate'].data mjd = input_data['mjd'].data fiber = input_data['fiber'].data zfit = input_data['zfit'].data # # Run combine1fiber # dump = os.path.join(outdir,'eigeninput_gal_{0}.dump'.format(os.getenv('RUN2D'))) if os.path.exists(dump): print("Loading data from {0}.".format(dump)) f = open(dump) foo = pickle.load(f) newflux = foo['newflux'] newivar = foo['newivar'] newloglam = foo['newloglam'] f.close() else: spplate = readspec(plate,fiber,mjd=mjd,**kwargs) # # Insist that all of the requested spectra exist. # missing = spplate['plugmap']['FIBERID'] == 0 if missing.any(): imissing = missing.nonzero()[0] for k in imissing: print("Missing plate={0:d} mjd={1:d} fiber={2:d}".format(plate[k],mjd[k],fiber[k])) raise ValueError("{0:d} missing object(s).".format(missing.sum())) # # Do not fit where the spectrum may be dominated by sky-sub residuals. # objinvvar = skymask(spplate['invvar'],spplate['andmask'],spplate['ormask']) ifix = spplate['flux']**2 * objinvvar > snmax**2 if ifix.any(): objinvvar[ifix.nonzero()] = (snmax/spplate['flux'][ifix.nonzero()])**2 # # Set the new wavelength mapping here. If the binsz keyword is not set, # then bin size is determined from the first spectrum returned by readspec. # This is fine in the case where all spectra have the same bin size # (though their starting wavelengths may differ). However, this may not # be a safe assumption in the future. # if 'binsz' in kwargs: objdloglam = kwargs['binsz'] else: objdloglam = spplate['loglam'][0,1] - spplate['loglam'][0,0] newloglam = wavevector(np.log10(wavemin),np.log10(wavemax), binsz=objdloglam) nobj, npix = spplate['flux'].shape # # The redshift of each object in pixels would be logshift/objdloglam. # logshift = np.log10(1.0 + zfit) # # Determine the new wavelength mapping. # fullloglam = newloglam dloglam = fullloglam[1] - fullloglam[0] nnew = fullloglam.size fullflux = np.zeros((nobj,nnew),dtype='d') fullivar = np.zeros((nobj,nnew),dtype='d') # # Shift each spectrum to z = 0 and sample at the output wavelengths # if spplate['loglam'].ndim == 1: indx = spplate['loglam'] > 0 rowloglam = loglam[indx] for iobj in range(nobj): print("OBJECT {0:5d}".format(iobj)) if spplate['loglam'].ndim > 1: if spplate['loglam'].shape[0] != nobj: raise ValueError('Wrong number of dimensions for loglam.') indx = spplate['loglam'][iobj,:] > 0 rowloglam = spplate['loglam'][iobj,indx] flux1,ivar1 = combine1fiber(rowloglam-logshift[iobj],spplate['flux'][iobj,indx], objinvvar[iobj,indx],newloglam=fullloglam,binsz=dloglam,aesthetics='mean') # ,verbose=True) fullflux[iobj,:] = flux1 fullivar[iobj,:] = ivar1 # # Find the columns out side of which there is no data at all # # nzi = fullivar.nonzero() # firstcol = nzi[1].min() # lastcol = nzi[1].max() # newflux = fullflux[:,firstcol:lastcol+1] # newivar = fullivar[:,firstcol:lastcol+1] # newloglam = fullloglam[firstcol:lastcol+1] # nnew = newloglam.size newflux = fullflux newivar = fullivar newloglam = fullloglam foo = dict() foo['newflux'] = newflux foo['newivar'] = newivar foo['newloglam'] = newloglam f = open(dump,'w') pickle.dump(foo,f) f.close() # # Find the columns out side of which there is no data at all # si = newflux*newivar zerocol = (newflux.sum(0) == 0) | (newivar.sum(0) == 0) | (si.sum(0) == 0) # # Find the largest set of contiguous pixels # goodcol = find_contiguous(~zerocol) newflux = newflux[:,goodcol] newivar = newivar[:,goodcol] # si = si[:,goodcol] newloglam = newloglam[goodcol] N,M = newflux.shape # # Run the HMF iteration # a,g = hmf_solve(newflux,newivar, K=K,nonnegative=nonnegative,epsilon=epsilon) # # Make plots # colorvec = ['k','r','g','b','m','c'] # smallfont = FontProperties(size='xx-small'); nspectra = N if plot_flux: nfluxes = 30 separation = 5.0 nplots = nspectra/nfluxes if nspectra % nfluxes > 0: nplots += 1 for k in range(nplots): istart = k*nfluxes iend = min(istart+nfluxes,nspectra) - 1 fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for l in range(istart,iend+1): p = ax.plot(10.0**pcaflux['newloglam'],pcaflux['newflux'][l,:]+separation*(l%nfluxes), '%s-'%colorvec[l%len(colorvec)],linewidth=1) ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'Flux [$\mathsf{10^{-17} erg\, cm^{-2} s^{-1} \AA^{-1}}$] + Constant') ax.set_title('Galaxies: Input Spectra %4d-%4d' % (istart+1,iend+1)) ax.set_ylim(pcaflux['newflux'][istart,:].min(),pcaflux['newflux'][iend-1,:].max()+separation*(nfluxes-1)) fig.savefig('%s.flux.%04d-%04d.png'%(outfile,istart+1,iend+1)) pylab.close(fig) fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p = ax.plot(10.0**newloglam,(newivar == 0).sum(0)/float(nspectra),'k-') ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]') ax.set_ylabel('Fraction of spectra with missing data') ax.set_title('Missing Data') fig.savefig(outfile+'.missing.png') pylab.close(fig) # aratio10 = pcaflux['acoeff'][:,1]/pcaflux['acoeff'][:,0] # aratio20 = pcaflux['acoeff'][:,2]/pcaflux['acoeff'][:,0] # aratio30 = pcaflux['acoeff'][:,3]/pcaflux['acoeff'][:,0] # fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # p = ax.plot(aratio10,aratio20,marker='None',linestyle='None') # for k in range(len(aratio10)): # t = ax.text(aratio10[k],aratio20[k],'%04d-%04d'%(plate[k],fiber[k]), # horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', # color=colorvec[k%len(colorvec)], # fontproperties=smallfont) # ax.set_xlim([aratio10.min(),aratio10.max]) # ax.set_xlim([aratio20.min(),aratio20.max]) # ax.set_xlabel('Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_1/a_0$') # ax.set_ylabel('Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_2/a_0$') # ax.set_title('Galaxies: Eigenvalue Ratios') # fig.savefig(outfile+'.a2_v_a1.png') # pylab.close(fig) # fig = pylab.figure(dpi=100) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # p = ax.plot(aratio20,aratio30,marker='None',linestyle='None') # for k in range(len(aratio10)): # t = ax.text(aratio20[k],aratio30[k],'%04d-%04d'%(plate[k],fiber[k]), # horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', # color=colorvec[k%len(colorvec)], # fontproperties=smallfont) # ax.set_xlim([aratio10.min(),aratio10.max]) # ax.set_xlim([aratio20.min(),aratio20.max]) # ax.set_xlabel('Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_2/a_0$') # ax.set_ylabel('Eigenvalue Ratio, $a_3/a_0$') # ax.set_title('Galaxies: Eigenvalue Ratios') # fig.savefig(outfile+'.a3_v_a2.png') # pylab.close(fig) # # Save output to FITS file. # if os.path.exists(outfile+'.fits'): os.remove(outfile+'.fits') hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(g) hdu1 = fits.new_table(fits.ColDefs([ fits.Column(name='plate',format='J',array=plate), fits.Column(name='mjd',format='J',array=mjd), fits.Column(name='fiber',format='J',array=fiber), fits.Column(name='redshift',format='D',array=zfit)])) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) hdulist[0].header.update('OBJECT','GALAXY','Type of template') hdulist[0].header.update('COEFF0',newloglam[0],'ln(lambda) of the first spectral pixel') hdulist[0].header.update('COEFF1',newloglam[1]-newloglam[0],'Delta ln(lambda)') hdulist[0].header.update('NONNEG',nonnegative,'Was nonnegative HMF used?') hdulist[0].header.update('EPSILON',epsilon,'Regularization parameter used.') hdulist[0].header.update('IDLUTILS','pydlutils','Version of idlutils') hdulist[0].header.update('SPEC2D','hmf','Version of idlspec2d') hdulist[0].header.update('RUN2D',os.getenv('RUN2D'),'Version of 2d reduction') hdulist[0].header.update('RUN1D',os.getenv('RUN1D'),'Version of 1d reduction') # for i in range(len(pcaflux['eigenval'])): # hdulist[0].header.update("EIGEN%d" % i,pcaflux['eigenval'][i]) hdulist[1].header.update('FILENAME',inputfile,'Original input file') hdulist.writeto(outfile+'.fits') plot_eig(outfile+'.fits') return
# read in sinks sinks = [] for i in xrange(nsinks): line = f.readline() sl = line.split() # id, mass, x, y, z, u, v, w sinkline = [int(sl[0]),float(sl[1]),float(sl[2]),float(sl[3]), float(sl[4]),float(sl[5]),float(sl[6]),float(sl[7])] # only take sinks greater than 0.1 Msun if sinkline[1] > 0.1: sinks.append(sinkline) f.close() return np.array(sinks) sinkcolumnnames = ['ID', 'mass', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'age'] sinkconverters = {'ID': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.int8)], 'mass': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)], 'x': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)], 'y': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)], 'z': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)], 'vx': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)], 'vy': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)], 'vz': [ascii.convert_numpy(np.float32)]} def get_time(infofile): f = open(infofile) for i in xrange(9): line = f.readline() sl = line.split() time = float(sl[2]) for i in xrange(9):
def set_columns(filename, fileformat=None): """ Meat of the program: takes the columns from the input table and matches them to the columns provided by the user in the column form. Then, assigns units and column information and does all the proper file ingestion work. """ log.debug("Beginning set_columns.") if fileformat is None and 'fileformat' in request.args: fileformat = request.args['fileformat'] log.debug("Reading table {0}".format(filename)) try: table =['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename), format=fileformat) except Exception as ex: return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) # Have to fix the column reading twice fix_bad_colnames(table) log.debug("Parsing column data.") log.debug("form: {0}".format(request.form)) column_data = {field:{'Name':value} for field,value in request.form.items() if '_units' not in field} log.debug("Looping through form items.") for field,value in request.form.items(): if '_units' in field: column_data[field[:-6]]['unit'] = value log.debug("Looping through column_data.") units_data = {} for key, pair in column_data.items(): if key not in dimensionless_column_names and pair['Name'] not in dimensionless_column_names: units_data[pair['Name']] = pair['unit'] log.debug("Created mapping.") mapping = {filename: [column_data, units_data]} log.debug("Further table handling.") # Parse the table file, step-by-step rename_columns(table, {k: v['Name'] for k,v in column_data.items()}) set_units(table, units_data) table = fix_bad_types(table) try: convert_units(table) except Exception as ex: return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) add_name_column(table, column_data.get('Username')['Name']) if 'ADS_ID' not in table.colnames: table.add_column(table.Column(name='ADS_ID', data=[request.form['adsid']]*len(table))) if 'DOI_or_URL' not in table.colnames: table.add_column(table.Column(name='DOI_or_URL', data=[request.form['doi']]*len(table))) timestamp = add_timestamp_column(table, timestamp) add_generic_ids_if_needed(table) if column_data.get('ObsSim')['Name'] == 'IsObserved': add_is_sim_if_needed(table, False) else: add_is_sim_if_needed(table, True) if column_data.get('GalExgal')['Name'] == 'IsExtragalactic': add_is_gal_if_needed(table, False) else: add_is_gal_if_needed(table, True) # Rename the uploaded file to something unique, and store this name in the table extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] full_filename_old = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) with open(full_filename_old) as file: unique_filename = hashlib.sha1([0:36-len(extension)] + extension full_filename_new = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], unique_filename) os.rename(full_filename_old, full_filename_new) add_filename_column(table, unique_filename) log.debug("Table column names after add_filename_column: ",table.colnames) handle_email(request.form['Email'], unique_filename) # Detect duplicate IDs in uploaded data and bail out if found seen = {} for row in table: name = row['Names'] id = row['IDs'] if id in seen: raise InvalidUsage("Duplicate ID detected in table: username = {0}, id = {1}. All IDs must be unique.".format(name, id)) else: seen[id] = name # If merged table already exists, then append the new entries. # Otherwise, create the table merged_table_name = os.path.join(app.config['DATABASE_FOLDER'], 'merged_table.ipac') if os.path.isfile(merged_table_name): merged_table =, converters={'Names': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IDs': [ascii.convert_numpy('S64')], 'IsSimulated': [ascii.convert_numpy('S5')], 'IsGalactic': [ascii.convert_numpy('S5')], 'Filename': [ascii.convert_numpy('S36')]}, format='ascii.ipac') if 'IsGalactic' not in merged_table.colnames: # Assume that anything we didn't already tag as Galactic is probably Galactic add_is_gal_column(merged_table, True) if 'Timestamp' not in merged_table.colnames: # Create a fake timestamp for the previous entries if they don't already have one fake_timestamp = datetime.min add_timestamp_column(merged_table, fake_timestamp) if 'Filename' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown add_filename_column(merged_table, 'Unknown'+' '*29) if 'ADS_ID' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown merged_table.add_column(table.Column(name='ADS_ID', data=['Unknown'+' '*13]*len(merged_table))) if 'DOI_or_URL' not in merged_table.colnames: # If we don't know the filename, flag it as unknown merged_table.add_column(table.Column(name='DOI_or_URL', data=['Unknown'+' '*57]*len(merged_table))) else: # Maximum string length of 64 for username, ID -- larger strings are silently truncated # TODO: Adjust these numbers to something more reasonable, once we figure out what that is, # and verify that submitted data obeys these limits merged_table = Table(data=None, names=['Names','IDs','SurfaceDensity', 'VelocityDispersion','Radius','IsSimulated', 'IsGalactic', 'Timestamp', 'Filename', 'ADS_ID', 'DOI_or_URL'], dtype=[('str', 64),('str', 64),'float','float','float','bool','bool', ('str', 26),('str', 36), ('str',20), ('str',64)]) dts = merged_table.dtype # Hack to force fixed-width: works only on strings # merged_table.add_row(["_"*dts[ind].itemsize if dts[ind].kind=='S' # else False if dts[ind].kind == 'b' # else np.nan # for ind in range(len(dts))]) set_units(merged_table) table = reorder_columns(table, merged_table.colnames) print("Table column names after reorder_columns: ",table.colnames) print("Merged table column names after reorder_columns: ",merged_table.colnames) # Detect whether any username, ID pairs match entries already in the merged table duplicates = {} for row in merged_table: name = row['Names'] id = row['IDs'] if id in seen: if name == seen[id]: duplicates[id] = name handle_duplicates(table, merged_table, duplicates) append_table(merged_table, table) ipac_writer(merged_table, merged_table_name, widths=table_widths) username = column_data.get('Username')['Name'] print("Re-fetching the databases.") check_authenticate_with_github() print("Committing changes") # Add merged data to database try: branch_database,timestamp = commit_change_to_database(username) # Adding raw file to uploads branch_uploads,timestamp = commit_change_to_database(username, tablename=unique_filename, workingdir='uploads/', database='uploads', branch=branch_database, timestamp=timestamp) except Exception as ex: cleanup_git_directory('uploads/', allow_fail=False) cleanup_git_directory('database/', allow_fail=False) return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) try: log.debug("Creating pull requests") response_database, link_pull_database = pull_request(branch_database, username, timestamp) response_uploads, link_pull_uploads = pull_request(branch_database, username, timestamp, database='uploads') except Exception as ex: cleanup_git_directory('uploads/', allow_fail=False) cleanup_git_directory('database/', allow_fail=False) return render_template('error.html', error=str(ex), traceback=traceback.format_exc(ex)) log.debug("Creating plot.") outfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] myplot = plotData_Sigma_sigma(timeString(), table, os.path.join(app.config['MPLD3_FOLDER'], outfilename)) log.debug("Creating table.") tablecss = "table,th,td,tr,tbody {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}" write_table_jsviewer(table, os.path.join(TABLE_FOLDER, '{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename)), css=tablecss, jskwargs={'use_local_files':False}, table_id=outfilename) return render_template('show_plot.html', imagename='/'+myplot, tablefile='{fn}.html'.format(fn=outfilename), link_pull_uploads=link_pull_uploads, link_pull_database=link_pull_database, )