コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: griffin-h/lcogtgemini
def tofits(filename, data, hdr=None, clobber=False):
    """simple pyfits wrapper to make saving fits files easier."""
    hdu = PrimaryHDU(data)
    if not (hdr is None):
        hdu.header += hdr
    hdulist = HDUList([hdu])
    hdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=clobber, output_verify='ignore')
コード例 #2
ファイル: trim.py プロジェクト: michaelJwilson/LBGCMB
def trim_throughput(indir, outdir):
    '''downsample throughput files'''
    assert os.path.basename(indir) == 'throughput'
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    for targettype in ('elg', 'lrg', 'perfect', 'qso', 'sky', 'star'):
        filename = 'fiberloss-{}.dat'.format(targettype)
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(indir, filename),
                    os.path.join(outdir, filename))

    for filename in ['thru-b.fits', 'thru-r.fits', 'thru-z.fits']:
        fx = fits.open(indir + '/' + filename)
        hdus = HDUList()
        hdus.append(BinTableHDU(fx[1].data[::20], header=fx[1].header))
        hdus.append(BinTableHDU(fx[2].data[::20], header=fx[2].header))
        hdus.writeto(outdir + '/' + filename)

    for filename in [
            'DESI-0347_blur.ecsv', 'DESI-0347_offset.ecsv',
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(indir, filename),
                    os.path.join(outdir, filename))
コード例 #3
def export_visibility_to_fits(vis: Visibility, fits_file: str):

    hdu = HDUList([
    with open(fits_file, "w") as f:
        hdu.writeto(f, checksum=True)
コード例 #4
ファイル: trim.py プロジェクト: rpanman/desimodel
def trim_quickpsf(indir, outdir, filename):
    assert os.path.abspath(indir) != os.path.abspath(outdir)
    infile = os.path.join(indir, filename)
    outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
    fx = fits.open(infile)
    hdus = HDUList()
    for i in [1,2,3]:
        d = fx[i].data
        hdus.append(BinTableHDU(d[::10], header=fx[i].header))
    hdus.writeto(outfile, clobber=True)
コード例 #5
ファイル: trim.py プロジェクト: rpanman/desimodel
def trim_psf(indir, outdir, filename):
    assert os.path.abspath(indir) != os.path.abspath(outdir)
    infile = os.path.join(indir, filename)
    outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename)

    fx = fits.open(infile)
    hdus = HDUList()

    #- HDU 0 XCOEFF - data unchanged but update keywords for less samples
    xcoeff = fx[0].data
    hdr = fx[0].header
    hdr['NWAVE'] = 3    #- down from 11
    hdr['CRPIX1'] = 23  #- 23=45//2+1, down from 113=225//2+1
    hdr['CRPIX1'] = 23
    hdr['CDELT1'] = 0.005   #- 5mm instead of 1mm
    hdr['CDELT2'] = 0.005   #- 5mm instead of 1mm
    hdr['PIXSIZE'] = 0.005   #- 5mm instead of 1mm

    hdus.append(PrimaryHDU(xcoeff, header=hdr))

    #- subsample spots
    inspots = fx['SPOTS'].data
    spots = np.zeros((3,3,45,45))
    spots[0,0] = rebin_image(inspots[0,0], 5)
    spots[1,0] = rebin_image(inspots[5,0], 5)
    spots[2,0] = rebin_image(inspots[10,0], 5)
    spots[0,1] = rebin_image(inspots[0,5], 5)
    spots[1,1] = rebin_image(inspots[5,5], 5)
    spots[2,1] = rebin_image(inspots[10,5], 5)
    spots[0,2] = rebin_image(inspots[0,10], 5)
    spots[1,2] = rebin_image(inspots[5,10], 5)
    spots[2,2] = rebin_image(inspots[10,10], 5)
    hdus.append(ImageHDU(spots, header=fx['SPOTS'].header))

    #- subsample spots x,y locations
    dx = fx['SPOTX'].data
    hdus.append(ImageHDU(dx[::5, ::5], header=fx['SPOTX'].header))
    dy = fx['SPOTY'].data
    hdus.append(ImageHDU(dy[::5, ::5], header=fx['SPOTY'].header))

    #- Fiberpos unchanged

    #- Subsample SPOTPOS and SPOTWAVE
    d = fx['SPOTPOS'].data
    hdus.append(ImageHDU(d[::5], header=fx['SPOTPOS'].header))
    d = fx['SPOTWAVE'].data
    hdus.append(ImageHDU(d[::5], header=fx['SPOTWAVE'].header))

    hdus.writeto(outfile, clobber=True)
コード例 #6
    def save_fits(self, folder: str) -> str:
        data = self.data.copy()

        assert data.dtype == np.float32 and data.max() <= 1.0 and data.min() >= 0.0, f"{data.dtype} {data.max()} {data.min()}"

        hdu = PrimaryHDU(
        l = HDUList([hdu])
        path = join(folder, f"{self.key}.fits")
        l.writeto(path, overwrite=True)
        return path
コード例 #7
    async def write_fits(self, filename: str, hdulist: fits.HDUList,
                         *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Convenience function for writing an Image to a FITS file.

            filename: Name of file to write.
            hdulist: hdu list to write.

        # open file
        async with self.open_file(filename, "wb") as f:
            with io.BytesIO() as bio:
                hdulist.writeto(bio, *args, **kwargs)
                await f.write(bio.getvalue())
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_fitsdiff.py プロジェクト: shreyasbapat/astropy
    def test_ignore_hdus_report(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        b = a.copy() + 1
        ha = Header([('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 3)])
        phdu_a = PrimaryHDU(header=ha)
        phdu_b = PrimaryHDU(header=ha)
        ihdu_a = ImageHDU(data=a, name='SCI')
        ihdu_b = ImageHDU(data=b, name='SCI')
        hdulist_a = HDUList([phdu_a, ihdu_a])
        hdulist_b = HDUList([phdu_b, ihdu_b])
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b, "-u", "SCI"])
        assert numdiff == 0
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "testa.fits" in out
        assert "testb.fits" in out
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_fitsdiff.py プロジェクト: Cadair/astropy
    def test_ignore_hdus_report(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        b = a.copy() + 1
        ha = Header([('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 3)])
        phdu_a = PrimaryHDU(header=ha)
        phdu_b = PrimaryHDU(header=ha)
        ihdu_a = ImageHDU(data=a, name='SCI')
        ihdu_b = ImageHDU(data=b, name='SCI')
        hdulist_a = HDUList([phdu_a, ihdu_a])
        hdulist_b = HDUList([phdu_b, ihdu_b])
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b, "-u", "SCI"])
        assert numdiff == 0
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "testa.fits" in out
        assert "testb.fits" in out
コード例 #10
class TestMultipleHDU:
    def setup_class(self):
        self.data1 = np.array(list(
            zip([1, 2, 3, 4], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9])),
                              dtype=[('a', int), ('b', 'U1'), ('c', float)])
        self.data2 = np.array(list(
            zip([1.4, 2.3, 3.2, 4.7], [2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9])),
                              dtype=[('p', float), ('q', float)])
        self.data3 = np.array(list(zip([1, 2, 3, 4], [2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9])),
                              dtype=[('A', int), ('B', float)])
        hdu0 = PrimaryHDU()
        hdu1 = BinTableHDU(self.data1, name='first')
        hdu2 = BinTableHDU(self.data2, name='second')
        hdu3 = ImageHDU(np.ones((3, 3)), name='third')
        hdu4 = BinTableHDU(self.data3)

        self.hdus = HDUList([hdu0, hdu1, hdu2, hdu3, hdu4])
        self.hdusb = HDUList([hdu0, hdu3, hdu2, hdu1])
        self.hdus3 = HDUList([hdu0, hdu3, hdu2])
        self.hdus2 = HDUList([hdu0, hdu1, hdu3])
        self.hdus1 = HDUList([hdu0, hdu1])

    def teardown_class(self):
        del self.hdus

    def setup_method(self, method):

    def test_read(self, tmpdir):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read.fits'))
        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning,
                          match=r"hdu= was not specified but multiple tables "
                          r"are present, reading in first available "
                          r"table \(hdu=1\)"):
            t = Table.read(filename)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_2.fits'))
        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning,
                          match=r"hdu= was not specified but multiple tables "
                          r"are present, reading in first available "
                          r"table \(hdu=2\)"):
            t3 = Table.read(filename)
        assert equal_data(t3, self.data2)

    def test_read_with_hdu_0(self, tmpdir):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_0.fits'))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            Table.read(filename, hdu=0)
        assert exc.value.args[0] == 'No table found in hdu=0'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [1, 'first'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_1(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_1.fits'))
        t = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 'second'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_2(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_2.fits'))
        t = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data2)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [3, 'third'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_3(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_3.fits'))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='No table found in hdu=3'):
            Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)

    def test_read_with_hdu_4(self, tmpdir):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_4.fits'))
        t = Table.read(filename, hdu=4)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data3)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 3, '1', 'second', ''])
    def test_read_with_hdu_missing(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_warn_with_hdu_1.fits'))
        with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning,
                          match=rf"Specified hdu={hdu} not found, "
                          r"reading in first available table \(hdu=1\)"):
            t1 = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t1, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [0, 2, 'third'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_warning(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_warn_with_hdu_2.fits'))
        with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning,
                          match=rf"No table found in specified hdu={hdu}, "
                          r"reading in first available table \(hdu=1\)"):
            t2 = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t2, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [0, 1, 'third'])
    def test_read_in_last_hdu(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_warn_with_hdu_3.fits'))
        with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning,
                          match=rf"No table found in specified hdu={hdu}, "
                          r"reading in first available table \(hdu=2\)"):
            t3 = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t3, self.data2)

    def test_read_from_hdulist(self):
        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning,
                          match=r"hdu= was not specified but multiple tables "
                          r"are present, reading in first available "
                          r"table \(hdu=1\)"):
            t = Table.read(self.hdus)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning,
                          match=r"hdu= was not specified but multiple tables "
                          r"are present, reading in first available "
                          r"table \(hdu=2\)"):
            t3 = Table.read(self.hdusb)
        assert equal_data(t3, self.data2)

    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_0(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=0)
        assert exc.value.args[0] == 'No table found in hdu=0'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [1, 'first', None])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_single_table(self, hdu):
        t = Table.read(self.hdus1, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [1, 'first'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_1(self, hdu):
        t = Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 'second'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_2(self, hdu):
        t = Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t, self.data2)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [3, 'third'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_3(self, hdu):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='No table found in hdu=3'):
            Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=hdu)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [0, 2, 'third'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_warning(self, hdu):
        with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning,
                          match=rf"No table found in specified hdu={hdu}, "
                          r"reading in first available table \(hdu=1\)"):
            t2 = Table.read(self.hdus2, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t2, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 3, '1', 'second', ''])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_missing(self, hdu):
        with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning,
                          match=rf"Specified hdu={hdu} not found, "
                          r"reading in first available table \(hdu=1\)"):
            t1 = Table.read(self.hdus1, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t1, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [0, 1, 'third'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_in_last_hdu(self, hdu):
        with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning,
                          match=rf"No table found in specified hdu={hdu}, "
                          r"reading in first available table \(hdu=2\)"):
            t3 = Table.read(self.hdus3, hdu=hdu)
        assert equal_data(t3, self.data2)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [None, 1, 'first'])
    def test_read_from_single_hdu(self, hdu):
        t = Table.read(self.hdus[1])
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_connect.py プロジェクト: astrofrog/astropy
class TestMultipleHDU:

    def setup_class(self):
        self.data1 = np.array(list(zip([1, 2, 3, 4],
                                       ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
                                       [2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9])),
                              dtype=[(str('a'), int), (str('b'), str('U1')), (str('c'), float)])
        self.data2 = np.array(list(zip([1.4, 2.3, 3.2, 4.7],
                                       [2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9])),
                              dtype=[(str('p'), float), (str('q'), float)])
        hdu1 = PrimaryHDU()
        hdu2 = BinTableHDU(self.data1, name='first')
        hdu3 = BinTableHDU(self.data2, name='second')

        self.hdus = HDUList([hdu1, hdu2, hdu3])

    def teardown_class(self):
        del self.hdus

    def setup_method(self, method):

    def test_read(self, tmpdir):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read.fits'))
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(filename)
        assert len(l) == 1
        assert str(l[0].message).startswith(
            'hdu= was not specified but multiple tables are present, reading in first available table (hdu=1)')
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    def test_read_with_hdu_0(self, tmpdir):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_0.fits'))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            Table.read(filename, hdu=0)
        assert exc.value.args[0] == 'No table found in hdu=0'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [1, 'first'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_1(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_1.fits'))
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 'second'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_2(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_2.fits'))
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data2)

    def test_read_from_hdulist(self):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus)
        assert len(l) == 1
        assert str(l[0].message).startswith(
            'hdu= was not specified but multiple tables are present, reading in first available table (hdu=1)')
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_0(self, tmpdir):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=0)
        assert exc.value.args[0] == 'No table found in hdu=0'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [1, 'first'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_1(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 'second'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_2(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data2)

    def test_read_from_single_hdu(self):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus[1])
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_connect.py プロジェクト: kgc85/astropy
class TestMultipleHDU:
    def setup_class(self):
        self.data1 = np.array(list(
            zip([1, 2, 3, 4], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9])),
                              dtype=[('a', int), ('b', 'U1'), ('c', float)])
        self.data2 = np.array(list(
            zip([1.4, 2.3, 3.2, 4.7], [2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9])),
                              dtype=[('p', float), ('q', float)])
        hdu1 = PrimaryHDU()
        hdu2 = BinTableHDU(self.data1, name='first')
        hdu3 = BinTableHDU(self.data2, name='second')

        self.hdus = HDUList([hdu1, hdu2, hdu3])

    def teardown_class(self):
        del self.hdus

    def setup_method(self, method):

    def test_read(self, tmpdir):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read.fits'))
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(filename)
        assert len(l) == 1
        assert str(l[0].message).startswith(
            'hdu= was not specified but multiple tables are present, reading in first available table (hdu=1)'
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    def test_read_with_hdu_0(self, tmpdir):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_0.fits'))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            Table.read(filename, hdu=0)
        assert exc.value.args[0] == 'No table found in hdu=0'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [1, 'first'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_1(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_1.fits'))
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 'second'])
    def test_read_with_hdu_2(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_read_with_hdu_2.fits'))
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(filename, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data2)

    def test_read_from_hdulist(self):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus)
        assert len(l) == 1
        assert str(l[0].message).startswith(
            'hdu= was not specified but multiple tables are present, reading in first available table (hdu=1)'
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_0(self, tmpdir):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=0)
        assert exc.value.args[0] == 'No table found in hdu=0'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [1, 'first'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_1(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('hdu', [2, 'second'])
    def test_read_from_hdulist_with_hdu_2(self, tmpdir, hdu):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus, hdu=hdu)
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data2)

    def test_read_from_single_hdu(self):
        with catch_warnings() as l:
            t = Table.read(self.hdus[1])
        assert len(l) == 0
        assert equal_data(t, self.data1)
コード例 #13
ファイル: Reducer.py プロジェクト: aleksthethird/astroproject
    def reduce(self, has_sets):


        #new directory within directory containing raw images to store
        #program output in
        newdir = self.directory + Constants.working_directory

        #creates new directory if not already exists
        if not os.path.exists(newdir):

        #new directory within directory defined above to contain processed
        newdir = newdir + Constants.image_directory

        #creates image directory if not already exists
        if not os.path.exists(newdir):

        #length of image name regex
        strlen = len(self.image_names)

        i = 0
        #loop througheach file in directory
        for file in os.listdir(self.directory):
            #if the first strlen characters are the image name regex then
            #this file is an image to be processed
            if file[:
                    strlen] == self.image_names and Constants.fits_extension in file:
                #get image filter value
                filter = getval(self.directory + file,

                #if the filter of the image matches the required filter then
                if filter[:1] == self.fil or filter == self.fil:

                    #get image data and header
                    data = getdata(self.directory + file,

                    Constants.image_width = len(data)
                    Constants.image_height = len(data[0])

                    #subtract bias from image
                    data = data - self.master_bias

                    #divide image by flatfield divided by median of flatfield
                    data = data / (self.master_flat / self.flat_median)

                    head = getheader(self.directory + file,

                    #build filepath of processed image
                    filepath = newdir + Constants.reduced_prefix + self.image_names
                    #if raw images are stored in sets
                    if (has_sets):

                        #if has sets, then files are stored with the following
                        #suffix format 'name_1_001', 'name_3_020' etc. The
                        #following code splits the name string to find the
                        #set number and image number

                        array = file.split("_")
                        set = int(array[len(array) - 2])
                        i = int(array[len(array) - 1].split(".")[0])

                        #finds the maximum set size and image number
                        #encountered, so the program in subsequent steps
                        #knows to iterate from 1 to n_sets and 1 to set_size
                        #when processing the image data

                        if i > self.set_size:
                            self.set_size = i

                        if set > self.n_sets:
                            self.n_sets = set

                        filepath += "_" + str(
                            set) + "_" + Utilities.format_index(i)


                        i += 1

                        #length of image number
                        n_length = len(str(i))

                        #format image number string to format '001', '025', '312'

                        for j in range(3 - n_length):
                            filepath += "0"

                        filepath += i

                    filepath += Constants.fits_extension

                    # =============================================================================
                    #                     if set == 1 and i == 1:
                    #                         pf = PositionFinder.PositionFinder(newdir, hdul)
                    #                         pf.getWCS()
                    #                         return
                    # =============================================================================

                    if True:

                        width = len(data)
                        height = len(data[0])

                        x = int((width * 0.1) + ((set * 50 + i) / 400) *
                                (0.7 * width))
                        y = int(height / 2)

                        print(x, y, set, i)
                        for k in range(-3, 3, 1):
                            for l in range(-3, 3, 1):

                                n = (k**2 + l**2)**0.5
                                if n == 0:
                                    n = 1

                                data[x + k][y + l] = 4.2 / n * 8000

                        #export processed image to file
                    hdu = PrimaryHDU(data, head)
                    hdul = HDUList([hdu], None)
                    hdul.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True)
コード例 #14
    def reduce(self, has_sets):
        newdir = self.objdir + Constants.working_directory
        if not os.path.exists(newdir):
        newdir = newdir + Constants.image_directory
        if not os.path.exists(newdir):
        i = 0        
        for file in os.listdir(self.objdir):
            if file[:strlen]==self.image_names:
                print(filter, self.fil)
                if filter[:1]==self.fil or filter == self.fil:
                    data=(getdata(self.objdir+file,ignore_missing_end=True) - self.bias) / self.flat
                    hdu = PrimaryHDU(data, head)
                    hdul = HDUList([hdu], None)
                    filepath = newdir + Constants.reduced_prefix + self.image_names
                        array = file.split("_")
                        set = array[1]
                        i = array[2].split(".")[0]
                        if i > self.set_size:
                            self.set_size = i
                        if set > n_sets:
                            n_sets = set
                        filepath += "_" + set + "_" + i
                        n_length = len(str(i))
                        for j in range(3-n_length):
                            filepath += "0"
                        filepath += i
                    filepath += Constants.fits_extension

                    hdul.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True)