def test_exec_sync(): # save results in a file # create the VOTable result # example from votable = VOTableFile() resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) table.fields.extend([ Field(votable, name="filename", datatype="char", arraysize="*"), Field(votable, name="matrix", datatype="double", arraysize="2x2")]) table.create_arrays(2) table.array[0] = ('test1.xml', [[1, 0], [0, 1]]) table.array[1] = ('test2.xml', [[0.5, 0.3], [0.2, 0.1]]) buffer = BytesIO() votable.to_xml(buffer) cadc = Cadc(auth_session=requests.Session()) response = Mock() response.to_table.return_value = buffer.getvalue() = Mock(return_value=response) output_file = '{}/test_vooutput.xml'.format(tempfile.tempdir) cadc.exec_sync('some query', output_file=output_file) actual = parse(output_file) assert len(votable.resources) == len(actual.resources) == 1 assert len(votable.resources[0].tables) ==\ len(actual.resources[0].tables) == 1 actual_table = actual.resources[0].tables[0] try: # TODO remove when astropy LTS upgraded from astropy.utils.diff import report_diff_values assert report_diff_values(table, actual_table, fileobj=sys.stdout) except ImportError: pass
def table_from_scratch(): from import VOTableFile, Resource, Table, Field # Create a new VOTable file... votable = VOTableFile() # ...with one resource... resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) # ... with one table table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) # Define some fields table.fields.extend([ Field(votable, ID="filename", datatype="char"), Field(votable, ID="matrix", datatype="double", arraysize="2x2")]) # Now, use those field definitions to create the numpy record arrays, with # the given number of rows table.create_arrays(2) # Now table.array can be filled with data table.array[0] = ('test1.xml', [[1, 0], [0, 1]]) table.array[1] = ('test2.xml', [[0.5, 0.3], [0.2, 0.1]]) # Now write the whole thing to a file. # Note, we have to use the top-level votable file object out = io.StringIO() votable.to_xml(out)
def _run_test_from_scratch_example(): from import VOTableFile, Resource, Table, Field # Create a new VOTable file... votable = VOTableFile() # ...with one resource... resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) # ... with one table table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) # Define some fields table.fields.extend([ Field(votable, name="filename", datatype="char", arraysize="*"), Field(votable, name="matrix", datatype="double", arraysize="2x2")]) # Now, use those field definitions to create the numpy record arrays, with # the given number of rows table.create_arrays(2) # Now table.array can be filled with data table.array[0] = ('test1.xml', [[1, 0], [0, 1]]) table.array[1] = ('test2.xml', [[0.5, 0.3], [0.2, 0.1]]) assert table.array[0][0] == 'test1.xml'
def createTableFromObject(data, path="", names=[], dtypes=[], sizes=[]): path_tmp = "/Users/cjimenez/Documents/PHD/data/tmp/" # Create a new VOTable file... votable = VOTableFile() # ...with one resource... resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) # ... with one table table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) # Define some fields fields = [] for idx, val in enumerate(names): fields.append(Field(votable, name=val, datatype=dtypes[idx])) table.fields.extend(fields) # Now, use those field definitions to create the numpy record arrays, with # the given number of rows table.create_arrays(len(data)) # Now table.array can be filled with data for idx, val in enumerate(data): table.array[idx] = val # Now write the whole thing to a file. # Note, we have to use the top-level votable file object votable.to_xml(path_tmp + path)
def exportData( dataTuple ,name): dataK, labelK, data_errorK, dataL, labelL = dataTuple # concatenate all arrays from dataTuple and add labels for errors data_full = np.concatenate( (np.concatenate( ( dataK, data_errorK ) , axis = 1 ), dataL), axis = 1 ) error_label = [] for i in labelK: error_label += [i + "_error"] label_full = labelK + error_label + labelL votable = VOTableFile() resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) fields = [] for i in range( data_full.shape[1] ): fields += [Field( votable, name = label_full[i], datatype='float' )] table.fields.extend( fields ) table.create_arrays( data_full.shape[0] ) for i in range( data_full.shape[0] ): table.array[i] = tuple( data_full[i,:] ) votable.to_xml(name +".xml")
def __spectrum_to_votable(self, spectrum): # Create a new VOTable file... votable = VOTableFile() # ...with one resource... resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) # ... with one table table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) # Define some fields waveobs = Field(votable, name="waveobs", datatype="double", unit="nm", ucd="em.wl") flux = Field(votable, name="flux", datatype="double", unit="Jy", ucd="phot.flux") err = Field(votable, name="err", datatype="double", ucd="stat.error;phot.flux") table.fields.extend([waveobs, flux, err]) table.groups.extend([Group([flux, err])]) #import ipdb #ipdb.set_trace() # Now, use those field definitions to create the numpy record arrays, with # the given number of rows table.create_arrays(len(spectrum)) # Now table.array can be filled with data table.array['waveobs'] = spectrum['waveobs'] table.array['flux'] = spectrum['flux'] table.array['err'] = spectrum['err'] #votable.set_all_tables_format('binary') # VOSpec does not understand binary format return votable
def addCoords(table): "Take the fragmented ra and dec and create a decimal ra and dec field pair for each row" print "Adding coords to table" print "Original first table row: ", table.array[0] #print table.array['RAh'] raField = Field(votable, name="ra_deg", datatype="float", precision="6", unit="deg", ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main", width="12") decField = Field(votable, name="dec_deg", datatype="float", precision="6", unit="deg", ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main", width="13") raVal = np.zeros(table.array.size) decVal = np.zeros(table.array.size) table.array = recfunctions.append_fields(table.array, "ra_deg", raVal) table.array = recfunctions.append_fields(table.array, "dec_deg", decVal) table.fields.append(raField) table.fields.append(decField) #print table.array[0] for row in table.array: raStr = "%sh%sm%ss" % (row['RAh'], row['RAm'], row['RAs']) decStr = "%s%sd%sm%ss" % (row['DE_sign'], row['DEd'], row['DEm'], row['DEs']) coord = SkyCoord(raStr, decStr, frame='icrs') row['ra_deg'] = coord.ra.deg row['dec_deg'] = print "Final first table row: ", table.array[0]
# Confirm that the data are 64-bit floats. assert hdr['BITPIX'] == -64 fits_pixel_type = '' if hdr['BITPIX'] == -64: fits_pixel_type = 'double' elif hdr['BITPIX'] == -32: fits_pixel_type = 'float' else: raise RuntimeError('Unrecognized BITPIX value for file converstion') # Create the FIELD elements f1 = Field(t, name='wavenumber', datatype=fits_pixel_type, ucd='em.wavenumber;em.MIR', unit='cm-1') f1.description = 'wavenumber merged over orders' f2 = Field(t, name='intensity', datatype=fits_pixel_type, ucd='phot.flux.density;em.MIR', unit='') f3 = Field(t, name='intensity_err', datatype=fits_pixel_type, ucd='stat.error;phot.flux.density;em.MIR', unit='')
def _to_table(self, vo_table): ''' Return the current table as a VOT object ''' table = VOTable(vo_table) # Add keywords for key in self.keywords: if isinstance(self.keywords[key], basestring): arraysize = '*' else: arraysize = None param = Param(table, name=key, ID=key, value=self.keywords[key], arraysize=arraysize) table.params.append(param) # Define some fields n_rows = len(self) fields = [] for i, name in enumerate(self.names): data =[name] unit = self.columns[name].unit description = self.columns[name].description dtype = self.columns[name].dtype column_type = smart_dtype(dtype) if data.ndim > 1: arraysize = str(data.shape[1]) else: arraysize = None if column_type in type_dict: datatype = type_dict[column_type] elif column_type == np.int8: warnings.warn("int8 unsupported - converting to int16") datatype = type_dict[np.int16] elif column_type == np.uint16: warnings.warn("uint16 unsupported - converting to int32") datatype = type_dict[np.int32] elif column_type == np.uint32: warnings.warn("uint32 unsupported - converting to int64") datatype = type_dict[np.int64] elif column_type == np.uint64: raise Exception("uint64 unsupported") else: raise Exception("cannot use numpy type " + str(column_type)) if column_type == np.float32: precision = 'E9' elif column_type == np.float64: precision = 'E17' else: precision = None if datatype == 'char': if arraysize is None: arraysize = '*' else: raise ValueError("Cannot write vector string columns to VO files") field = Field(vo_table, ID=name, name=name, \ datatype=datatype, unit=unit, arraysize=arraysize, \ precision=precision) field.description = description fields.append(field) table.fields.extend(fields) table.create_arrays(n_rows) # Character columns are stored as object columns in the vo_table # instance. Leaving the type as string should work, but causes # a segmentation fault on MacOS X with Python 2.6 64-bit so # we force the conversion to object type columns. for name in self.names: dtype = self.columns[name].dtype column_type = smart_dtype(dtype) # Add data to the table # At the moment, null values in VO table are dealt with via a # 'mask' record array if column_type == np.string_: table.array[name] =[name].astype(np.object_) if self._masked: table.array.mask[name] =[name].mask.astype(np.object_) else: if[name].dtype.type == np.bytes_ and type(self.columns[name].null) != bytes: table.array.mask[name] = ([name] == \ self.columns[name].null.encode('utf-8')).astype(np.object_) else: table.array.mask[name] = ([name] == \ self.columns[name].null).astype(np.object_) else: table.array[name] =[name] if self._masked: table.array.mask[name] =[name].mask else: table.array.mask[name] =[name] == \ self.columns[name].null = self.table_name return table
def sort_write(sortname, spect, fitsdict, filesort, space=3): """ Write out an xml and ascii file that contains the details of the file sorting. By default, the filename is printed first, followed by the filetype. After these, all parameters listed in the 'keyword' item in the settings file will be printed Parameters ---------- sortname : str The filename to be used to save the list of sorted files spect : dict Properties of the spectrograph. fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files filesort : dict Details of the sorted files space : int Keyword to set how many blank spaces to place between keywords """"Preparing to write out the data sorting details") nfiles = fitsdict['filename'].size # Specify which keywords to print after 'filename' and 'filetype' prord = ['filename', 'frametype', 'target', 'exptime', 'naxis0', 'naxis1', 'filter1', 'filter2'] prdtp = ["char", "char", "char", "double", "int", "int", "char", "char"] # Now insert the remaining keywords: fkey = spect['keyword'].keys() for i in fkey: if i not in prord: prord.append(i) # Append the type of value this keyword holds typv = type(fitsdict[i][0]) if typv is int or typv is np.int_: prdtp.append("int") elif isinstance(fitsdict[i][0], basestring) or typv is np.string_: prdtp.append("char") elif typv is float or typv is np.float_: prdtp.append("double") else: msgs.bug("I didn't expect useful headers to contain type {0:s}".format(typv).replace('<type ', '').replace('>', '')) # Open a VOTable for writing votable = VOTableFile() resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) # Define VOTable fields tabarr=[] # Insert the filename and filetype first for i in xrange(len(prord)): tabarr.append(Field(votable, name=prord[i], datatype=prdtp[i], arraysize="*")) table.fields.extend(tabarr) table.create_arrays(nfiles) filtyp = filesort.keys() for i in xrange(nfiles): values = () for pr in prord: if pr == 'frametype': addval = "" for ft in filtyp: if i in filesort[ft]: if len(addval) != 0: addval += "," addval += ft addval = (addval,) else: addval = (fitsdict[pr][i],) values = values + addval table.array[i] = values #osspl = sortname.split('.') #if len(osspl) > 1: # fname = sortname #else: fname = sortname+'.xml' votable.to_xml(fname)"Successfully written sorted data information file:"+msgs.newline() + "{0:s}".format(fname)) # ASCII file (JXP) jxpord = ['filename', 'date', 'frametype', 'target', 'exptime', 'binning', 'dichroic', 'disperser', 'cdangle', 'decker'] # Generate the columns clms = [] for pr in jxpord: try: lidx = prord.index(pr) except ValueError: msgs.warn('{:s} keyword not used'.format(pr)) else: clm = [] for i in xrange(nfiles): clm.append(table.array[i][lidx]) clms.append(Column(clm, name=pr)) # Create Table jxp_tbl = tTable(clms) # Write jxp_name = fname.replace('.xml', '.lst') jxp_tbl.write(jxp_name, format='ascii.fixed_width') return
name="imageFile", ucd="meta.file;meta.fits", datatype="char", arraysize="255", value="atlas-cdfs.fits"), Param(votable, name="Reference frequency", ucd="em.freq;meta.main", datatype="float", unit="Hz", value="1.408e+08") ]) table.fields.extend([ Field(votable, name="island_id", datatype="char", unit="--", arraysize="15"), Field(votable, name="component_id", datatype="char", unit="--", arraysize="4"), Field(votable, name="component_name", datatype="char", unit="", arraysize="26"), Field(votable, name="ra_hms_cont", datatype="char",
def visibility(request): now = html = "<html><body>It is now %s.</body></html>" % now # Create a new VOTable file... votable = VOTableFile() # ...with one resource... resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) # ... with one table table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) resource.description ="European Space Astronomy Centre. INTEGRAL SOC - " \ "Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol (ObjVisSAP)" resource.infos.append(Info(name="QUERY_STATUS", value="OK")) resource.infos.append(Info(name="SERVICE PROTOCOL", value="1.0")) resource.infos.append(Info(name="REQUEST", value="queryData")) resource.infos.append( Info(name="s_ra", value="%s" % request.GET.get("s_ra"))) resource.infos.append( Info(name="s_dec", value="%s" % request.GET.get("s_dec"))) resource.infos.append( Info(name="t_min", value="%s" % request.GET.get("t_min"))) resource.infos.append( Info(name="t_max", value="%s" % request.GET.get("t_max"))) # Define some fields # table.fields.extend([ # Field(votable, name="filename", datatype="char", arraysize="*"), # Field(votable, name="matrix", datatype="double", arraysize="2x2")]) table.fields.extend([ Field(votable, name="t_start", datatype="double", ucd="time.start", utype="Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.StartTime"), Field(votable, name="t_stop", datatype="double", ucd="time.start", utype="Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.StartTime"), Field(votable, name="t_visibility", datatype="double", ucd="time.start", utype="Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.StartTime"), ]) results = VisibilityCalculator.getVisibilityIntervals( request.GET.get("s_ra"), request.GET.get("s_dec"), request.GET.get("t_min"), request.GET.get("t_max")) number_of_intervals = len(results) table.create_arrays(number_of_intervals) for i in range(0, number_of_intervals): table.array[i] = (results[i][0], results[i][1], results[i][2]) # Now write the whole thing to a file to be streamed # Note, we have to use the top-level votable file object xml_now = "/tmp/new_votable_%s.xml" % now votable.to_xml(xml_now) stream = open(xml_now).read() os.remove(xml_now) return HttpResponse(stream, content_type='text/xml')
def VOGetCapabilities(filename, outfile): votable = VOTableFile() parser = ElementTree.XMLParser(recover=True) f =, 'r', 'utf-8') string = string = bytes(bytearray( string, encoding='utf-8')) ## force utf-8 encoding even if xml says otherwise root = ElementTree.fromstring(string, parser) for element in root: res = element.tag resid = str(res).split('}')[-1:][ 0] # MM, note that we have to convert res to string first # logger.debug(resid) ## debug # if (res!=ElementTree.Comment): if (resid != str(ElementTree.Comment)): # MM # resid=re.sub(':','_',res) resid = re.sub(':', '_', resid) resource = Resource(name=res, ID=resid) votable.resources.append(resource) table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) for param in element: par = param.tag parid = str(par).split('}')[-1:][0] # MM value = param.text if value is None: listvalue = param.items() value = listvalue dt = type(value).__name__ if (dt == "str"): dt = "char" arraysize = "*" table.params.extend([ # Param(votable, name=par, datatype=dt, value=value)]) Param(votable, name=parid, datatype=dt, value=value) ]) elif (dt == "list"): if (len(value) > 0): for tup in value: table.params.extend([ # Param(votable, name=tup[0], datatype="char", value=tup[1])]) Param(votable, name=tup[0].split('}')[-1:][0], datatype="char", value=tup[1]) ]) # if (par=="Layer"): if (parid == "Layer"): # lresource = Resource(name=par,ID=par) lresource = Resource(name=par, ID=parid) # MM votable.resources.append(lresource) ltable = Table(votable) lresource.tables.append(ltable) j = 0 data = [] for layer in param: lay = layer.tag layid = str(lay).split('}')[-1:][0] # MM datalay = [] # if (lay=="Layer"): if (layid == "Layer"): # MM for field in layer: fieldid = str(field.tag).split('}')[-1:][0] if (j == 0): ltable.fields.extend([ # Field(votable, name=field.tag, datatype="char", arraysize="*")]) Field(votable, name=fieldid, datatype="char", arraysize="*") ]) else: try: # ltable.get_field_by_id_or_name(field.tag) ltable.get_field_by_id_or_name(fieldid) except: ltable.fields.extend([ # Field(votable, name=field.tag, datatype="char", arraysize="*")]) Field(votable, name=fieldid, datatype="char", arraysize="*") ]) if field.text == None: field.text = "Empty" datalay.append(field.text) try: i = i + 1 except: i = 0 j = 1 if datalay != []: data.append(datalay) l = len(ltable.fields) # nl = int(math.ceil((i)/l)+1) #this will only work if there are no nested layers # print(nl) # so i'm commenting this out and replacing with simple len(data) nl = len(data) #MM # logger.debug(nl) ## debug dim = nl * l - 1 for x in range(0, nl): while len(data[x]) < l: data[x].append('Empty') try: ltable.create_arrays(dim) ltable.array = (, dtype='str')) ltable.array.mask = False except: raise votable.to_xml(outfile)
def test_data_file(self): wh().get().RESULTS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) test_log("Testing the initialization...", self) job_id = 1 fname = "test_data.dat" model = results_model.objects.filter(job_id=job_id) self.assertFalse(model) d = data_file(1) model = results_model.objects.filter(job_id=job_id) self.assertEqual(len(model), 1) test_log("Testing a simple file creation...", self) file_name = os.path.join(wh().get().RESULTS_PATH, fname) f = d.file(fname) f.write("test") f.close() model = results_model.objects.filter(job_id=job_id) self.assertEqual(wh().get().RESULTS_PATH, model[0].resources.all().filter(name=fname)[0].path) self.assertEqual(fname, model[0].resources.all().filter(name=fname)[0].name) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(file_name)) f = open(file_name) fdata = f.close() self.assertEqual(fdata, "test") os.remove(file_name) test_log("Testing a plot addition...", self) plot = plot_model.objects.create(name="test_plot", job_id=job_id, alg_name="test", script="", html="") self.assertFalse(model[0].plots.all().filter(name="test_plot")) d.add_plot(plot) self.assertEqual(len(model[0].plots.all().filter(name="test_plot")), 1) test_log("Testing a FITS file storage...", self) n = np.arange(100.0) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(n) hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu]) d.save_fits(fname, hdul) self.assertEqual(len(model[0].resources.all().filter(name=fname)), 2) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(file_name)) os.remove(file_name) test_log("Testing a VOTable file storage...", self) votable = VOTableFile() resource = Resource() votable.resources.append(resource) table = Table(votable) resource.tables.append(table) table.fields.extend([ Field(votable, name="filename", datatype="char", arraysize="*"), Field(votable, name="matrix", datatype="double", arraysize="2x2") ]) table.create_arrays(2) table.array[0] = ('test_1', [[1, 0], [0, 1]]) table.array[1] = ('test_2', [[0.5, 0.3], [0.2, 0.1]]) d.save_vot(fname, votable) self.assertEqual(len(model[0].resources.all().filter(name=fname)), 3) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(file_name)) os.remove(file_name)
def _to_table(self, vo_table): ''' Return the current table as a VOT object ''' table = VOTable(vo_table) # Add keywords for key in self.keywords: if isinstance(self.keywords[key], basestring): arraysize = '*' else: arraysize = None param = Param(table, name=key, ID=key, value=self.keywords[key], arraysize=arraysize) table.params.append(param) # Define some fields n_rows = len(self) fields = [] for i, name in enumerate(self.names): data =[name] unit = self.columns[name].unit description = self.columns[name].description dtype = self.columns[name].dtype column_type = smart_dtype(dtype) if data.ndim > 1: arraysize = str(data.shape[1]) else: arraysize = None if column_type in type_dict: datatype = type_dict[column_type] elif column_type == np.int8: warnings.warn("int8 unsupported - converting to int16") datatype = type_dict[np.int16] elif column_type == np.uint16: warnings.warn("uint16 unsupported - converting to int32") datatype = type_dict[np.int32] elif column_type == np.uint32: warnings.warn("uint32 unsupported - converting to int64") datatype = type_dict[np.int64] elif column_type == np.uint64: raise Exception("uint64 unsupported") else: raise Exception("cannot use numpy type " + str(column_type)) if column_type == np.float32: precision = 'F9' elif column_type == np.float64: precision = 'F17' else: precision = None if datatype == 'char': if arraysize is None: arraysize = '*' else: raise ValueError( "Cannot write vector string columns to VO files") field = Field(vo_table, ID=name, name=name, \ datatype=datatype, unit=unit, arraysize=arraysize, \ precision=precision) field.description = description fields.append(field) table.fields.extend(fields) table.create_arrays(n_rows) # Character columns are stored as object columns in the vo_table # instance. Leaving the type as string should work, but causes # a segmentation fault on MacOS X with Python 2.6 64-bit so # we force the conversion to object type columns. for name in self.names: dtype = self.columns[name].dtype column_type = smart_dtype(dtype) # Add data to the table # At the moment, null values in VO table are dealt with via a # 'mask' record array if column_type == np.string_: table.array[name] =[name].astype(np.object_) if self._masked: table.mask[name] =[name].mask.astype(np.object_) else: table.mask[name] = ([name] == \ self.columns[name].null).astype(np.object_) else: table.array[name] =[name] if self._masked: table.mask[name] =[name].mask else: table.mask[name] =[name] == \ self.columns[name].null = self.table_name return table