コード例 #1
def test_c_projections_shaped():
    nx, ny = (5, 2)
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
    y = np.linspace(0, 1, ny)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    model = projections.Pix2Sky_TAN()

    phi, theta = model(xv, yv)

                    [[0., 90., 90., 90., 90.],
                     [180., 165.96375653, 153.43494882, 143.13010235, 135.]])

        [[90., 89.75000159, 89.50001269, 89.25004283, 89.00010152],
         [89.00010152, 88.96933478, 88.88210788, 88.75019826, 88.58607353]])
コード例 #2
def convert_wcs(fitswcs):
    Accepts an astropy.wcs wcs object (based on the FITS standard).

    Returns the GWCS equivalent WCS object.
    # this first version only handles non distorted ra,dec tangent projections
    # check that it is that case
    radesys_dict = {
        'ICRS': coord.ICRS,
        'FK5': coord.FK5,
        'FK4': coord.FK4,
    projection_dict = {
        'TAN': projections.Pix2Sky_TAN(),
        'SIN': projections.Pix2Sky_SIN()
    fctypes = fitswcs.wcs.ctype
    fcrval = fitswcs.wcs.crval
    fcrpix = fitswcs.wcs.crpix
    if fitswcs.naxis != 2:
        raise ValueError("currently only handles 2d images")
    ptypes = [ct[5:8] for ct in fctypes]
    for ptype in ptypes:
        if ptype not in ['TAN', 'SIN']:
            raise ValueError("currently only supports TAN and SIN projections")
        tptype = ptype  # temporary since this part is only for celestial coordinates
    if fitswcs.cpdis1 or fitswcs.cpdis2:  ### error here
        raise ValueError("currently doesn't support distortion")

    # Check for SIP correction
    fsip = fitswcs.sip
    if fsip:
        sipa = Polynomial2D(fsip.a_order)
        sipb = Polynomial2D(fsip.b_order)
        assign_coefficients(sipa, fsip.a)
        assign_coefficients(sipb, fsip.b)
        # now the inverse, if it exists
        if fsip.ap_order and fsip.bp_order:
            sipap = Polynomial2D(fsip.ap_order)
            sipbp = Polynomial2D(fsip.bp_order)
            assign_coefficients(sipap, fsip.ap)
            assign_coefficients(sipbp, fsip.bp)
            sipap = None
        siptrans = Identity(2) + (Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (sipa & sipb))
        if sipap:
            siptrans.inverse = Identity(2) + (Mapping(
                (0, 1, 0, 1)) | (sipap & sipbp))
    # construct transformation
    if fitswcs.wcs.has_cd():
        trans1 = (Shift(-fcrpix[0]) & Shift(-fcrpix[1]))
        trans2 = (projections.AffineTransformation2D(fitswcs.wcs.cd)
                  | projection_dict[tptype] | rotations.RotateNative2Celestial(
                      fcrval[0], fcrval[1], 180.))
    elif fitswcs.wcs.has_pc():
        trans1 = (Shift(-fcrpix[0]) & Shift(-fcrpix[1]))
        pcmatrix = np.array(fitswcs.wcs.cdelt) * fitswcs.wcs.pc
        trans2 = (projections.AffineTransformation2D(pcmatrix)
                  | projection_dict[tptype] | rotations.RotateNative2Celestial(
                      fcrval[0], fcrval[1], 180.))
        cdelt = fitswcs.wcs.cdelt
        crota2 = fitswcs.wcs.crota[1] * np.pi / 180  # unware of any crota1 case
        pscale_ratio = cdelt[1] / cdelt[0]
        pcmatrix = np.array(
            [[np.cos(crota2) * cdelt[0], -np.sin(crota2) * cdelt[1]],
             [np.sin(crota2) * cdelt[0],
              np.cos(crota2) * cdelt[1]]])
        trans1 = (Shift(-fcrpix[0]) & Shift(-fcrpix[1]))
        trans2 = (projections.AffineTransformation2D(pcmatrix)
                  | projection_dict[tptype] | rotations.RotateNative2Celestial(
                      fcrval[0], fcrval[1], 180.))
    if fsip:
        trans = trans1 | siptrans | trans2
        trans = trans1 | trans2
    detector_frame = cf.Frame2D(name="detector",
                                axes_names=('x', 'y'),
                                unit=(u.pix, u.pix))
    # Now see if a standard frame is referenced.
    if fitswcs.wcs.radesys:
        if fitswcs.wcs.radesys in radesys_dict:
            reference_frame = radesys_dict[fitswcs.wcs.radesys]()
            sky_frame = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=reference_frame,
        sky_frame = ''  # or None?

    wcsobj = ggwcs.WCS(forward_transform=trans,
    return wcsobj