コード例 #1
def test_structured_masked_column_roundtrip():
    mc = table.MaskedColumn([(1., 2.), (3., 4.)],
                            mask=[(False, False), (False, False)],
    assert len(mc.dtype.fields) == 2
    mc2 = table.MaskedColumn(mc)
    assert_array_equal(mc2, mc)
コード例 #2
def test_string_truncation_warning_masked():
    Test warnings associated with in-place assignment to a string
    to a masked column, specifically where the right hand side
    contains np.ma.masked.

    # Test for strings, but also cover assignment of np.ma.masked to
    # int and float masked column setting.  This was previously only
    # covered in an unrelated io.ascii test (test_line_endings) which
    # showed an unexpected difference between handling of str and numeric
    # masked arrays.
    for values in (['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [1.0, 2.0]):
        mc = table.MaskedColumn(values)

        with catch_warnings() as w:
            mc[1] = np.ma.masked
            assert len(w) == 0
            assert np.all(mc.mask == [False, True])

            mc[:] = np.ma.masked
            assert len(w) == 0
            assert np.all(mc.mask == [True, True])

    mc = table.MaskedColumn(['aa', 'bb'])

    with catch_warnings() as w:
        mc[:] = [np.ma.masked,
                 'ggg']  # replace item with string that gets truncated
        assert mc[1] == 'gg'
        assert np.all(mc.mask == [True, False])
        assert len(w) == 1
        assert ('truncated right side string(s) longer than 2 character(s)'
                in str(w[0].message))
コード例 #3
ファイル: inputData.py プロジェクト: kmhess/HISS
    def __fill_catalogue(self, table, cattable, colname, n, colnumlist=None):

        if colnumlist is None:
            colnum = input(
                "Please enter the column number of %s (if this column isn't necessary, please leave blank): "
                % colname)
            if type(colnumlist[n]) != str:
                colnum = str(colnumlist[n])
                colnum = colnumlist[n]
        if len(colnum) == 0:
            newcol = asttab.MaskedColumn(name=colname,
                                         mask=[True] * len(table))
            return table
            if colnum.isalnum():
                m = int(eval(colnum))
                cattablecolnames = cattable.colnames
                newcol = asttab.MaskedColumn(
                    mask=[False] * len(table))
                return table
                    "There was a problem understanding the column number, please try again."
                return self.__fill_catalogue(table, colname, n, colnum)
コード例 #4
def internal_coordmatch(d, racol, deccol, conrad, verbose=False):
    Perform an internal crossmatch by sky coordinates on an astropy table d,
    whereas the column names for the coordinates have to be provided as well
    as the cone radius (conrad) in arcsec. Match rows are marked by a
    "groupID" column  of groupsize equal to the possible matches (not involved

    ntot = len(d)

    coords = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=d[racol] * u.degree,
                                  dec=d[deccol] * u.degree)

    idxr, idxl, sep, _ = coords.search_around_sky(coords, conrad * u.arcsec)

    sep = sep.value * 3600

    groupids, _, _, _ = _identify_groups(idxl,

    if "groupID" not in d.colnames:
            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(ntot, dtype=int), name="groupID"))
            "INTERNAL_COORDMATCH: WARNING: column 'groupID' already present. Will overwrite..."

    if "groupsize" not in d.colnames:
            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(ntot, dtype=int), name="groupsize"))
            "INTERNAL_COORDMATCH: WARNING: column 'groupsize' already present. Will overwrite..."

    d["groupID"][:] = np.ma.masked
    d["groupsize"][:] = np.ma.masked

    d["groupID"][idxl] = groupids[idxl]

    # --- the group size needs to be calculated a new because the one returned from
    #     the identify_groups routine is not applicable for an internal match
    ngroups = np.ma.max(d["groupID"])

    for i in range(ngroups):
        ids = np.where(d["groupID"] == i + 1)[0]

        d["groupsize"][ids] = len(ids)

    if verbose:
        print("INTERNAL_COORDMATCH: Real largest groupsize: ",
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_column.py プロジェクト: dstansby/astropy
def test_getitem_metadata_regression():
    Regression test for #1471: MaskedArray does not call __array_finalize__ so
    the meta-data was not getting copied over. By overloading _update_from we
    are able to work around this bug.

    # Make sure that meta-data gets propagated with __getitem__

    c = table.Column(data=[1, 2], name='a', description='b', unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})
    assert c[1:2].name == 'a'
    assert c[1:2].description == 'b'
    assert c[1:2].unit == 'm'
    assert c[1:2].format == '%i'
    assert c[1:2].meta['c'] == 8

    c = table.MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='a', description='b',
                           unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})
    assert c[1:2].name == 'a'
    assert c[1:2].description == 'b'
    assert c[1:2].unit == 'm'
    assert c[1:2].format == '%i'
    assert c[1:2].meta['c'] == 8

    # As above, but with take() - check the method and the function

    c = table.Column(data=[1, 2, 3], name='a', description='b',
                     unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})
    for subset in [c.take([0, 1]), np.take(c, [0, 1])]:
        assert subset.name == 'a'
        assert subset.description == 'b'
        assert subset.unit == 'm'
        assert subset.format == '%i'
        assert subset.meta['c'] == 8

    # Metadata isn't copied for scalar values
    for subset in [c.take(0), np.take(c, 0)]:
        assert subset == 1
        assert subset.shape == ()
        assert not isinstance(subset, table.Column)

    c = table.MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2, 3], name='a', description='b',
                           unit='m', format="%i", meta={'c': 8})
    for subset in [c.take([0, 1]), np.take(c, [0, 1])]:
        assert subset.name == 'a'
        assert subset.description == 'b'
        assert subset.unit == 'm'
        assert subset.format == '%i'
        assert subset.meta['c'] == 8

    # Metadata isn't copied for scalar values
    for subset in [c.take(0), np.take(c, 0)]:
        assert subset == 1
        assert subset.shape == ()
        assert not isinstance(subset, table.MaskedColumn)
コード例 #6
def test_info_serialize_method():
    Unit test of context manager to set info.serialize_method.  Normally just
    used to set this for writing a Table to file (FITS, ECSV, HDF5).
    t = table.Table({
        'tm': time.Time([1, 2], format='cxcsec'),
        'sc': coordinates.SkyCoord([1, 2], [1, 2], unit='deg'),
        'mc': table.MaskedColumn([1, 2], mask=[True, False]),
        'mc2': table.MaskedColumn([1, 2], mask=[True, False])

    origs = {}
    for name in ('tm', 'mc', 'mc2'):
        origs[name] = deepcopy(t[name].info.serialize_method)

    # Test setting by name and getting back to originals
    with serialize_method_as(t, {'tm': 'test_tm', 'mc': 'test_mc'}):
        for name in ('tm', 'mc'):
            assert all(t[name].info.serialize_method[key] == 'test_' + name
                       for key in t[name].info.serialize_method)
        assert t['mc2'].info.serialize_method == origs['mc2']
        assert not hasattr(t['sc'].info, 'serialize_method')

    for name in ('tm', 'mc', 'mc2'):
        assert t[name].info.serialize_method == origs[name]  # dict compare
    assert not hasattr(t['sc'].info, 'serialize_method')

    # Test setting by name and class, where name takes precedence.  Also
    # test that it works for subclasses.
    with serialize_method_as(t, {
            'tm': 'test_tm',
            'mc': 'test_mc',
            table.Column: 'test_mc2'
        for name in ('tm', 'mc', 'mc2'):
            assert all(t[name].info.serialize_method[key] == 'test_' + name
                       for key in t[name].info.serialize_method)
        assert not hasattr(t['sc'].info, 'serialize_method')

    for name in ('tm', 'mc', 'mc2'):
        assert t[name].info.serialize_method == origs[name]  # dict compare
    assert not hasattr(t['sc'].info, 'serialize_method')

    # Test supplying a single string that all applies to all columns with
    # a serialize_method.
    with serialize_method_as(t, 'test'):
        for name in ('tm', 'mc', 'mc2'):
            assert all(t[name].info.serialize_method[key] == 'test'
                       for key in t[name].info.serialize_method)
        assert not hasattr(t['sc'].info, 'serialize_method')

    for name in ('tm', 'mc', 'mc2'):
        assert t[name].info.serialize_method == origs[name]  # dict compare
    assert not hasattr(t['sc'].info, 'serialize_method')
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_column.py プロジェクト: dstansby/astropy
def test_masked_column_serialize_method_propagation():
    mc = table.MaskedColumn([1., 2., 3.], mask=[True, False, True])
    assert mc.info.serialize_method['ecsv'] == 'null_value'
    mc.info.serialize_method['ecsv'] = 'data_mask'
    assert mc.info.serialize_method['ecsv'] == 'data_mask'
    mc2 = mc.copy()
    assert mc2.info.serialize_method['ecsv'] == 'data_mask'
    mc3 = table.MaskedColumn(mc)
    assert mc3.info.serialize_method['ecsv'] == 'data_mask'
    mc4 = mc.view(table.MaskedColumn)
    assert mc4.info.serialize_method['ecsv'] == 'data_mask'
    mc5 = mc[1:]
    assert mc5.info.serialize_method['ecsv'] == 'data_mask'
コード例 #8
def test_masked_col_unicode_sandwich():
    Create a bytestring MaskedColumn and ensure that it works in Python 3 in
    a convenient way like in Python 2.
    c = table.MaskedColumn([b'abc', b'def'])
    c[1] = np.ma.masked
    assert isinstance(c[:0], table.MaskedColumn)
    assert isinstance(c[0], str)

    assert c[0] == 'abc'
    assert c[1] is np.ma.masked

    assert isinstance(c[:], table.MaskedColumn)
    assert c[:].dtype.char == 'S'

    ok = c == ['abc', 'def']
    assert ok[0] == True
    assert ok[1] is np.ma.masked
    assert np.all(c == [b'abc', b'def'])
    assert np.all(c == np.array(['abc', 'def']))
    assert np.all(c == np.array([b'abc', b'def']))

    for cmp in ('abc', b'abc'):
        ok = c == cmp
        assert type(ok) is np.ma.MaskedArray
        assert ok[0] == True
        assert ok[1] is np.ma.masked
コード例 #9
    def test_array_wrap(self):
        """Test that the __array_wrap__ method converts a reduction ufunc
        output that has a different shape into an ndarray view.  Without this a
        method call like c.mean() returns a Column array object with length=1."""
        # Mean and sum for a 1-d float column
        c = table.Column(name='a', data=[1., 2., 3.])
        assert np.allclose(c.mean(), 2.0)
        assert isinstance(c.mean(), (np.floating, float))
        assert np.allclose(c.sum(), 6.)
        assert isinstance(c.sum(), (np.floating, float))

        # Non-reduction ufunc preserves Column class
        assert isinstance(np.cos(c), table.Column)

        # Sum for a 1-d int column
        c = table.Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])
        assert np.allclose(c.sum(), 6)
        assert isinstance(c.sum(), (np.integer, int))

        # Sum for a 2-d int column
        c = table.Column(name='a', data=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        assert c.sum() == 21
        assert isinstance(c.sum(), (np.integer, int))
        assert np.all(c.sum(axis=0) == [5, 7, 9])
        assert c.sum(axis=0).shape == (3, )
        assert isinstance(c.sum(axis=0), np.ndarray)

        # Sum and mean for a 1-d masked column
        c = table.MaskedColumn(name='a', data=[1., 2., 3.], mask=[0, 0, 1])
        assert np.allclose(c.mean(), 1.5)
        assert isinstance(c.mean(), (np.floating, float))
        assert np.allclose(c.sum(), 3.)
        assert isinstance(c.sum(), (np.floating, float))
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_column.py プロジェクト: dstansby/astropy
 def test_col_and_masked_col(self):
     c1 = table.Column(name='a', dtype=int, unit='mJy', format='%i',
                       description='test column', meta={'c': 8, 'd': 12})
     c2 = table.MaskedColumn(name='a', dtype=int, unit='mJy', format='%i',
                             description='test column', meta={'c': 8, 'd': 12})
     assert c1.attrs_equal(c2)
     assert c2.attrs_equal(c1)
コード例 #11
def test_unicode_sandwich_masked_compare():
    """Test the fix for #6839 from #6899."""
    c1 = table.MaskedColumn(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
                            mask=[True, False, True, False])
    c2 = table.MaskedColumn([b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd'],
                            mask=[True, True, False, False])

    for cmp in ((c1 == c2), (c2 == c1)):
        assert cmp[0] is np.ma.masked
        assert cmp[1] is np.ma.masked
        assert cmp[2] is np.ma.masked
        assert cmp[3]

    for cmp in ((c1 != c2), (c2 != c1)):
        assert cmp[0] is np.ma.masked
        assert cmp[1] is np.ma.masked
        assert cmp[2] is np.ma.masked
        assert not cmp[3]
コード例 #12
 def test_insert_string_masked_values(self):
     c = table.MaskedColumn(['a', 'b'])
     c1 = c.insert(0, np.ma.masked)
     assert np.all(c1 == ['', 'a', 'b'])
     assert np.all(c1.mask == [True, False, False])
     assert c1.dtype == 'U1'
     c2 = c.insert(1, np.ma.MaskedArray(['ccc', 'dd'], mask=[True, False]))
     assert np.all(c2 == ['a', 'ccc', 'dd', 'b'])
     assert np.all(c2.mask == [False, True, False, False])
     assert c2.dtype == 'U3'
コード例 #13
ファイル: read_data.py プロジェクト: alexji/alexmods
def parse_dwarf_table(alpha=False,
                      table_path=datapath +
    def _process_column(d, elem):
        N = len(d)
        if elem not in d.colnames:
            raise ValueError(elem)
        old_col = d[elem]
        ul_col = table.MaskedColumn(data=np.zeros(N),
                                    name='ul_' + elem,
        if old_col.dtype == np.float:
            return old_col, ul_col

        new_col = table.MaskedColumn(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float),
        for i in range(N):
            if np.ma.is_masked(old_col[i]):
                new_col[i] = np.ma.masked
                ul_col[i] = np.ma.masked
            elif old_col[i][0] == '<':
                new_col[i] = np.float(old_col[i][1:])
                ul_col[i] = 1
                new_col[i] = np.float(old_col[i])
        return new_col, ul_col

    d = table.Table(ascii.read(table_path))
    elems = d.colnames[2:-4]
    for elem in elems:
        elem_col, ul_col = _process_column(d, elem)
    if alpha:
        col = table.MaskedColumn(np.nanmean([d['Mg'], d['CaI'], d['TiII']],
        col = table.MaskedColumn(np.zeros(len(d)), name='ul_alpha', dtype=int)
    return d
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_column.py プロジェクト: dstansby/astropy
def test_column_value_access():
    """Can a column's underlying data consistently be accessed via `.value`,
    whether it is a `Column`, `MaskedColumn`, `Quantity`, or `Time`?"""
    data = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    tbl = table.QTable({'a': table.Column(data),
                        'b': table.MaskedColumn(data),
                        'c': u.Quantity(data),
                        'd': time.Time(data, format='mjd')})
    assert type(tbl['a'].value) == np.ndarray
    assert type(tbl['b'].value) == np.ma.MaskedArray
    assert type(tbl['c'].value) == np.ndarray
    assert type(tbl['d'].value) == np.ndarray
コード例 #15
ファイル: wcsimage.py プロジェクト: sosey/jwst
    def calc_xyref(self, refcat):
        Compute x- and y-positions of the sources from the image catalog
        in the reference image plane. This create the following
        columns in the catalog's table: ``'xref'`` and ``'yref'``.

        if 'RA' not in self._catalog.colnames or \
           'DEC' not in self._catalog.colnames:
            raise RuntimeError("'recalc_catalog_radec()' should have been run "
                               "prior to calc_xyref()")

        # compute x & y in the reference WCS:
        xref, yref = refcat.all_world2pix(self.catalog['RA'],
        self._catalog['xref'] = table.MaskedColumn(
            xref, name='xref', dtype=np.float64, mask=False
        self._catalog['yref'] = table.MaskedColumn(
            yref, name='yref', dtype=np.float64, mask=False
コード例 #16
ファイル: read_data.py プロジェクト: alexji/alexmods
    def _process_column(d, elem):
        N = len(d)
        if elem not in d.colnames:
            raise ValueError(elem)
        old_col = d[elem]
        ul_col = table.MaskedColumn(data=np.zeros(N),
                                    name='ul_' + elem,
        if old_col.dtype == np.float:
            return old_col, ul_col

        new_col = table.MaskedColumn(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float),
        for i in range(N):
            if np.ma.is_masked(old_col[i]):
                new_col[i] = np.ma.masked
                ul_col[i] = np.ma.masked
            elif old_col[i][0] == '<':
                new_col[i] = np.float(old_col[i][1:])
                ul_col[i] = 1
                new_col[i] = np.float(old_col[i])
        return new_col, ul_col
コード例 #17
ファイル: tobool_columns.py プロジェクト: danielasmus/tables
def tobool_column(table, colname, trueval='true'):

    Little helper function to convert columns (back) to bool type, e.g., when
    written by Topcat (which uses 'true' instead of 'True')

    # --- test if the column is already in bool:
    if table[colname].dtype != bool:
        n = len(table)
        newcol = T.MaskedColumn(np.zeros(n, dtype=bool), name=colname)
        idt = table[colname] == trueval
        newcol[idt] = True
        table.replace_column(colname, newcol)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_column.py プロジェクト: dstansby/astropy
    def test_insert_masked_multidim(self):
        c = table.MaskedColumn([[1, 2],
                                [3, 4]], name='a', dtype=int)

        c1 = c.insert(1, [100, 200], mask=True)
        assert np.all(c1.data.data == [[1, 2], [100, 200], [3, 4]])
        assert np.all(c1.data.mask == [[False, False], [True, True], [False, False]])

        c1 = c.insert(1, [100, 200], mask=[True, False])
        assert np.all(c1.data.data == [[1, 2], [100, 200], [3, 4]])
        assert np.all(c1.data.mask == [[False, False], [True, False], [False, False]])

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            c1 = c.insert(1, [100, 200], mask=[True, False, True])
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_column.py プロジェクト: dstansby/astropy
    def test_insert_masked(self):
        c = table.MaskedColumn([0, 1, 2], name='a', fill_value=9999,
                               mask=[False, True, False])

        # Basic insert
        c1 = c.insert(1, 100)
        assert np.all(c1.data.data == [0, 100, 1, 2])
        assert c1.fill_value == 9999
        assert np.all(c1.data.mask == [False, False, True, False])
        assert type(c) is type(c1)

        for mask in (False, True):
            c1 = c.insert(1, 100, mask=mask)
            assert np.all(c1.data.data == [0, 100, 1, 2])
            assert np.all(c1.data.mask == [False, mask, True, False])
コード例 #20
def test_data_info():
    Test getting info for just a column.
    cols = [table.Column([1.0, 2.0, np.nan], name='name',
                         description='description', unit='m/s'),
            table.MaskedColumn([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], name='name',
                               description='description', unit='m/s',
                               mask=[False, False, True])]
    for c in cols:
        # Test getting the full ordered dict
        cinfo = c.info(out=None)
        assert cinfo == OrderedDict([('name', 'name'),
                                     ('dtype', 'float64'),
                                     ('shape', ''),
                                     ('unit', 'm / s'),
                                     ('format', ''),
                                     ('description', 'description'),
                                     ('class', type(c).__name__),
                                     ('n_bad', 1),
                                     ('length', 3)])

        # Test the console (string) version which omits trivial values
        out = StringIO()
        exp = ['name = name',
               'dtype = float64',
               'unit = m / s',
               'description = description',
               'class = {0}'.format(type(c).__name__),
               'n_bad = 1',
               'length = 3']
        assert out.getvalue().splitlines() == exp

        # repr(c.info) gives the same as c.info()
        assert repr(c.info) == out.getvalue()

        # Test stats info
        cinfo = c.info('stats', out=None)
        assert cinfo == OrderedDict([('name', 'name'),
                                     ('mean', '1.5'),
                                     ('std', '0.5'),
                                     ('min', '1.0'),
                                     ('max', '2.0'),
                                     ('n_bad', 1),
                                     ('length', 3)])
コード例 #21
ファイル: wcsimage.py プロジェクト: sosey/jwst
    def create_group_catalog(self):
        Combine member's image catalogs into a single group's catalog.


        group_catalog : astropy.table.Table
            Combined group catalog.

        catalogs = []
        catno = 0
        for image in self._images:

            catlen = len(image.catalog)

            if image.name is None:
                catname = 'Catalog #{:d}'.format(catno)
                catname = image.name

            col_catname = table.MaskedColumn(catlen * [catname],
            col_imcatidx = table.MaskedColumn(catlen * [catno],
            col_id = table.MaskedColumn(image.catalog['id'])
            col_x = table.MaskedColumn(image.catalog['x'], dtype=np.float64)
            col_y = table.MaskedColumn(image.catalog['y'], dtype=np.float64)
            ra, dec = image.all_pix2world(
                image.catalog['x'], image.catalog['y']
            col_ra = table.MaskedColumn(ra, dtype=np.float64, name='RA')
            col_dec = table.MaskedColumn(dec, dtype=np.float64, name='DEC')

            cat = table.Table(
                [col_imcatidx, col_catname, col_id, col_x,
                 col_y, col_ra, col_dec],

            catno += 1

        return table.vstack(catalogs, join_type='exact')
コード例 #22
ファイル: ipac.py プロジェクト: GreatBallacuda/SELPythonLibs
    def tbl_to_astropy(tbl):
        typedict = { "int": "i4", \
                         "long": "i8", \
                         "float": "f4", \
                         "double": "f8", \
                         "real": "f8", \
                         "char": "S", \
                         "date": "S" }

        collist = []
        for n in tbl.colnames:
            col = tbl.cols[n]
            longtype = IPACExpandType(col.type)

            m = [not x for x in col.mask]
            newC = aptb.MaskedColumn( col.data, name=n, \
                                          mask=m, dtype=typedict[longtype] )


        newT = aptb.Table(collist)

        return newT
コード例 #23
 def test_masked_multidim_as_list(self):
     data = np.ma.MaskedArray([1, 2], mask=[True, False])
     c = table.MaskedColumn([data])
     assert c.shape == (1, 2)
     assert np.all(c[0].mask == [True, False])
コード例 #24
ファイル: wcsimage.py プロジェクト: sosey/jwst
    def match2ref(self, refcat, minobj=15, searchrad=1.0,
                  searchunits='arcseconds', separation=0.5,
                  use2dhist=True, xoffset=0.0, yoffset=0.0, tolerance=1.0):
        """ Uses xyxymatch to cross-match sources between this catalog and
            a reference catalog.


        refcat : RefCatalog
            A `RefCatalog` object that contains a catalog of reference sources
            as well as a valid reference WCS.

        minobj : int, None, optional
            Minimum number of identified objects from each input image to use
            in matching objects from other images. If the default `None` value
            is used then `align` will automatically deternmine the minimum
            number of sources from the value of the `fitgeom` parameter.

        searchrad : float, optional
            The search radius for a match.

        searchunits : str, optional
            Units for search radius.

        separation : float, optional
            The  minimum  separation for sources in the input and reference
            catalogs in order to be considered to be disctinct sources.
            Objects closer together than 'separation' pixels
            are removed from the input and reference coordinate lists prior
            to matching. This parameter gets passed directly to
            :py:func:`~stsci.stimage.xyxymatch` for use in matching the object
            lists from each image with the reference image's object list.

        use2dhist : bool, optional
            Use 2D histogram to find initial offset?

        xoffset : float, optional
            Initial estimate for the offset in X between the images and the
            reference frame. This offset will be used for all input images
            provided. This parameter is ignored when `use2dhist` is `True`.

        yoffset : float (Default = 0.0)
            Initial estimate for the offset in Y between the images and the
            reference frame. This offset will be used for all input images
            provided. This parameter is ignored when `use2dhist` is `True`.

        tolerance : float, optional
            The matching tolerance in pixels after applying an initial solution
            derived from the 'triangles' algorithm.  This parameter gets passed
            directly to :py:func:`~stsci.stimage.xyxymatch` for use in
            matching the object lists from each image with the reference
            image's object list.


        colnames = self._catalog.colnames

        if 'xref' not in colnames or 'yref' not in colnames:
            raise RuntimeError("'calc_xyref()' should have been run prior "
                               "to match2ref()")

        im_xyref = np.asanyarray([self._catalog['xref'],
        refxy = np.asanyarray([refcat.catalog['xref'],

        log.info("Matching sources from '{}' with sources from reference "
                 "{:s} '{}'".format(self.name, 'image', refcat.name))

        # convert tolerance from units of arcseconds to pixels, as needed
        if searchunits == 'arcseconds':
            searchrad /= refcat.pscale

        xyoff = (xoffset, yoffset)

        if use2dhist:
            # Determine xyoff (X,Y offset) and tolerance
            # to be used with xyxymatch:
            zpxoff, zpyoff, flux, zpqual = matchutils.build_xy_zeropoint(

            if zpqual is not None:
                xyoff = (zpxoff, zpyoff)
                # set tolerance as well
                # This value allows initial guess to be off by 1 in both and
                # still pick up the identified matches
                tolerance = 1.5

        matches = xyxymatch(

        nmatches = len(matches)
        self._catalog.meta['nmatches'] = nmatches
        minput_idx = matches['input_idx']

        catlen = len(self._catalog)

        # matched_ref_id:
        if 'matched_ref_id' not in colnames:
            c = table.MaskedColumn(name='matched_ref_id', dtype=int,
                                   length=catlen, mask=True)
            self._catalog['matched_ref_id'].mask = True
        self._catalog['matched_ref_id'][minput_idx] = \
        self._catalog['matched_ref_id'].mask[minput_idx] = False

        # this is needed to index reference catalog directly without using
        # astropy table indexing which at this moment is experimental:
        if '_raw_matched_ref_idx' not in colnames:
            c = table.MaskedColumn(name='_raw_matched_ref_idx',
                                   dtype=int, length=catlen, mask=True)
            self._catalog['_raw_matched_ref_idx'].mask = True
        self._catalog['_raw_matched_ref_idx'][minput_idx] = \
        self._catalog['_raw_matched_ref_idx'].mask[minput_idx] = False

        log.info("Found {:d} matches for '{}'...".format(nmatches, self.name))

        return matches
コード例 #25
def crossmatch_tables(d1,
                      join_type="1 and 2",
                      match_sel="best for both",
    Crossmatch two astropy tables by coordinates. At the moment all matches
    are considered not only the closest.
    If the vizier flag is set, then d1 has to be the local
    table, while d2 has to be the vizier ID of the online table (in this case,
    obviously, the options "1 or 2" and "2 not 1" do not work).

    # --- make sure the tables support masking
    dN = T.Table(d1, masked=True)
    nN = len(dN)

    ncolsN = len(dN.columns)

    #    print(dN.columns)

    join_type = join_type.lower()
    match_sel = match_sel.lower()

    joins = [
        "1 and 2", "1 not 2", "2 not 1", "1 or 2", "all from 1", "all from 2"
    matches = ["best for both", "best for 1", "best for 2", "all"]

    if join_type not in joins:
        print("CROSSMATCH_TABLES: ERROR: selected join type not valid: ",
        print("  - available types are: ", joins)
        return (-1)

    if match_sel not in matches:
        print("CROSSMATCH_TABLES: ERROR: selected match selection not valid: ",
        print("  - available selections are: ", matches)
        return (-1)

    if not vizier:

        dC = T.Table(d2, masked=True)

        nC = len(dC)
        ncolsC = len(dC.columns)

        if np.sum(dC[ra2].mask) + np.sum(dC[dec2].mask) > 0:
                "CROSSMATCH_TABLES: ERROR: Table 2 contains empty coordinates! Aborting..."
            return (-1)

        coordsN = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=dN[ra1] * u.degree,
                                       dec=dN[dec1] * u.degree)
        coordsC = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=dC[ra2] * u.degree,
                                       dec=dC[dec2] * u.degree)

    if verbose:
        print(timestamp() + ": CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Input parameters: ")
        print("                       - input rows (left): ", nN)
        if not vizier:
            print("                       - input rows (right): ", nC)
        print("                       - join type: ", join_type)
        print("                       - match selection: ", match_sel)
        print("                       - cone radius: ", conrad)
        print("                       - vizier XMATCH: ", vizier)
        print("                       - RA 1: ", ra1)
        print("                       - DEC 1: ", dec1)
        print("                       - RA 2: ", ra2)
        print("                       - DEC 2: ", dec2)
        print("                       - output file: ", fout)

    # --- the crossmatch can not handle masked coordinates!
    if np.sum(dN[ra1].mask) + np.sum(dN[dec1].mask) > 0:
            "CROSSMATCH_TABLES: ERROR: Table 1 contains empty coordinates! Aborting..."
        return (-1)

    if verbose:
        print(timestamp() + ": CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Doing the crossmatch...")

    # --- in case of the online XMATCH with vizier table:
    if vizier:

        if join_type == "1 or 2" or join_type == "2 not 1":
                "CROSSMATCH_TABLES: ERROR: For XMATCH with VISIR '1 or 2' and '2 not 1' are not available! Aborting..."
            return (-1)

        # --- crerate small table for upload (the columns can not be of masked
        #     type either)
        dtemp = T.Table({
            "UniID": range(nN),
            ra1: np.array(dN[ra1]),
            dec1: np.array(dN[dec1])

        dC = XMatch.query(cat1=dtemp,
                          max_distance=conrad * u.arcsec,

        idxl = np.array(dC["UniID"])
        idxr = np.array(range(len(dC)))
        sep = dC["angDist"]

        nC = len(dC)

        del dC[ra1]
        del dC[dec1]
        del dC["UniID"]
        del dC["angDist"]

        ncolsC = len(dC.columns)

        # --- now we need to reconstruct the right side table
        if d2_unicol is not None:

            d2IDs = np.array(dC[d2_unicol])
            d2unique = np.unique(d2IDs)
            nrunique = len(d2unique)

            d2IDs = None

        idxr, idxl, sep, _ = coordsN.search_around_sky(coordsC,
                                                       conrad * u.arcsec)

        nrunique = len(np.unique(idxr))
        sep = sep.value * 3600
        d2IDs = None

    nmatch = len(idxr)

    #nmatch_vol = np.sum(dN['NEDredshift'][idxr] < zlim)

    lunique = np.unique(idxl)

    nlunique = len(lunique)

    if verbose:
            timestamp() +
            ": CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Total number of found matches: ", nmatch)
            "                     CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Number of unique left sources match: ",
            "                     CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Number of unique right sources match: ",

    # --- if we are only interested in the non-matches we are done here:
    if join_type == "1 not 2":

        # --- ids of those not in the match
        idNnomatch = [x for x in range(nN) if x not in idxl]
        dout = dN[idNnomatch]

        if fout is not None:
                       fill_values=[(ascii.masked, '')],

        if verbose:
            print("CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Number of non-matches from 1: ",

        return (dout)

    elif join_type == "2 not 1":

        # --- ids of those not in the match
        idCnomatch = [x for x in range(nC) if x not in idxr]
        dout = dC[idCnomatch]

        if fout is not None:
                       fill_values=[(ascii.masked, '')],

        if verbose:
            print("CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Number of non-matches from 2: ",

        return (dout)

    # --- Groups and Duplicates

    # --- get allleft side duplicates
    id_uni_l, lcounts = np.unique(idxl, return_counts=True)
    id_dupl_l = np.array(id_uni_l[lcounts > 1])
    n_dupl_l = len(id_dupl_l)

    # --- get all right side duplicates
    if vizier and d2_unicol is not None:

        id_uni_r, rcounts = np.unique(d2IDs, return_counts=True)
        id_dupl_r = np.array(id_uni_r[rcounts > 1])
        n_dupl_r = len(id_dupl_r)

        id_uni_r, rcounts = np.unique(idxr, return_counts=True)
        id_dupl_r = id_uni_r[rcounts > 1]
        n_dupl_r = len(id_dupl_r)

    # --- In case of best matches only select correspondingly

    select = np.ones(nmatch, dtype=bool)

    if match_sel == "best for both" or match_sel == "best for 1":

        if verbose:
            print(timestamp() +
                  "CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Finding best match on the left side...")

        for i in tqdm(range(n_dupl_l)):
            ids = np.where(idxl == id_dupl_l[i])[0]

            exclude = np.where(sep[ids] > np.nanmin(sep[ids]))[0]

            keep = np.where(sep[ids] == np.nanmin(sep[ids]))[0]

            if len(keep) > 1:
                if verbose:
                        " - WARNING: more than 1 object at minimum separation: ",

            select[ids[exclude]] = False

#            print(i, idxl[ids], np.nanmin(sep[idxl[ids]]), exclude, idxl[ids[exclude]])

    if match_sel == "best for both" or match_sel == "best for 2":

        if verbose:
            print(timestamp() +
                  "CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Finding best match on the right side...")

        for i in tqdm(range(n_dupl_r)):
            ids = np.where(idxr == id_dupl_r[i])[0]

            exclude = np.where(sep[ids] > np.nanmin(sep[ids]))[0]

            select[ids[exclude]] = False

    if verbose:
        print("CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Number of excluded matches: ",

    idxl = idxl[select]
    idxr = idxr[select]
    sep = sep[select]

    if vizier:
        #        idxr = np.array(range(len(idxr)))
        d2IDs = d2IDs[select]

    # --- Group business is only requierd if multiple matches are allowed
    if match_sel != "best for both" and mark_groups:

        # --- Add the columns of the tables to each other
        if verbose:
            print(timestamp() + ": CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Adding columns...")

        for i in range(ncolsN):
            if dN.columns[i].name not in dC.columns:
                    T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nC, dtype=dN.columns[i].dtype),

                dC[dN.columns[i].name] = np.ma.masked

    #            print(" Added column: ", dN.columns[i].name)

            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nC, dtype=float), name="separation_as"))
        dC["separation_as"] = np.ma.masked

            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nC, dtype=int), name="groupID"))
            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nC, dtype=int), name="groupsize"))

        for i in range(ncolsC):
            if dC.columns[i].name not in dN.columns:
                    T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nN, dtype=dC.columns[i].dtype),

                dN[dC.columns[i].name] = np.ma.masked

#        print(dN.columns)
            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nN, dtype=float), name="separation_as"))
        dN["separation_as"] = np.ma.masked

            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nN, dtype=int), name="groupID"))
            T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nN, dtype=int), name="groupsize"))

        # --- now identify the groups
        if verbose:
            print(timestamp() + ": CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Identifying groups...")

        lgroupids, lgroupsizes, rgroupids, rgroupsizes = _identify_groups(

        dN['groupID'][idxl] = lgroupids[idxl]
        dC['groupID'][idxr] = rgroupids[idxr]

        dN['groupsize'][idxl] = lgroupsizes[idxl]
        dC['groupsize'][idxr] = rgroupsizes[idxr]

    # --- then we build a table with the matches
    dmatch = dN[idxl]

    for i in range(ncolsC):
        dmatch[dC.columns[i].name] = dC[dC.columns[i].name][idxr]

    # --- fill in the separations
    dmatch['separation_as'] = sep

    #for i in range(len(dmatch)): print(dmatch['NEDname'][i], " <--> ", dmatch['CDSname'][i])

    if verbose:
        print(timestamp() + ": CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Preparing output...")

    # --- now the output options:
    if join_type == "1 or 2":

        # --- ids of those not in the match
        idNnomatch = [x for x in range(nN) if x not in idxl]
        idCnomatch = [x for x in range(nC) if x not in idxr]
        dout = T.vstack([dN[idNnomatch], dmatch, dC[idCnomatch]])

    elif join_type == "all from 1":

        # --- ids of those not in the match
        idNnomatch = [x for x in range(nN) if x not in idxl]
        dout = T.vstack([dN[idNnomatch], dmatch])

    elif join_type == "all from 2":

        # --- ids of those not in the match
        idCnomatch = [x for x in range(nC) if x not in idxr]
        dout = T.vstack([dC[idCnomatch], dmatch])

    else:  #  out == "1 and 2"

        dout = dmatch

    # --- mask the empy values
    if 'groupID' in dout.colnames:
        idnull = dout['groupID'] == 0
        dout['groupID'][idnull] = np.ma.masked
        dout['groupsize'][idnull] = np.ma.masked

    if fout is not None:
                   fill_values=[(ascii.masked, '')],

    if verbose:

        print(timestamp() + ": CROSSMATCH_TABLES: Number of output lines: ",

    return (dout, idxl, idxr)
コード例 #26
def read_res_file(d, database, ids, i, infile, inname, inra, indec, fail,
                  found_by_name=None, found_by_coord=None,
                  racol=None, deccol=None, typecol=None,
                  preftypes=None, verbose=False):

    Helper routine to load the results of a query from a file and add them to a

    # --- check whether there is a matching file with the query results
    if not os.path.isfile(infile):

        fail[i] = 1

        if verbose:
            print(" - WARNING: No results found for object: ", i, inname)



        res =  ascii.read(infile, header_start=0, delimiter=',', guess=False)

        nres = len(res)

        if nres == 0:
            fail[i] = 1

            if verbose:
                print(" - WARNING: Length of results = 0: ", i, inname)


        # --- convert types into correct strings
        for j in range(nres):
            res[typecol][j] = res[typecol][j].replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")

        # --- the SDSS query at the moment is still not astroquery
        #     conform and does not return the separation so that
        #     we have to calculate it

        if "Separation" not in res.colnames:
            res.add_column(T.MaskedColumn(np.ma.zeros(nres, dtype=float),

            if database != "SDSS":
                found_by_name[i] = 1
                found_by_coord[i] = 1

        # --- it seems to be added but empty in fact

            # --- if it exists, make sure the column has right type
            res['Separation'] =res['Separation'].astype(float)

            if  T.MaskedColumn(res['Separation']).mask[0]:
                found_by_name[i] = 1

                found_by_coord[i] = 1

        # --- just to be sure, (re)compute the separations
        for j in range(nres):
            res['Separation'][j] = ang_dist(inra, indec,

        # --- sort the results by separation so that the closest comes first
        res = res[np.argsort(res['Separation'])]

        # --- get the objects in the result table with preferred type
        idg =  [x for x, t in enumerate(res[typecol])
                if t in preftypes]

        if len(idg) > 0:
            sel = idg[0]
            # --- if no preferred object is available, just take the closest
            sel = 0

            if verbose:
                print(" - WARNING: No object of preferred type found: ", i, inname[i])

        if verbose:
            print(inname, " ---> " ,res[sel])

        # --- fill the corresponding table values
        if database == "NED":

            d["NED_name"][ids[i]] = res['Object Name'][sel].replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")

            if not T.MaskedColumn(res["Redshift"]).mask[sel]:
                d["NED_redshift"][ids[i]] = float(res["Redshift"][sel])

            d["NED_RA_deg"][ids[i]] = float(res[racol][sel])
            d["NED_DEC_deg"][ids[i]] = float(res[deccol][sel])
            d["NED_type"][ids[i]] = res[typecol][sel]

        elif database == "SIMBAD":

            d["CDS_name"][ids[i]] = res['MAIN_ID'][sel]

            if "b'" in d["CDS_name"][ids[i]]:
                d["CDS_name"][ids[i]] = d["CDS_name"][ids[i]].replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
            elif 'b"' in d["CDS_name"][ids[i]]:
                d["CDS_name"][ids[i]] = d["CDS_name"][ids[i]].replace('"b""', "").replace('"""', "")

            if not T.MaskedColumn(res["Z_VALUE"]).mask[sel]:
                d["CDS_redshift"][ids[i]] = float(res["Z_VALUE"][sel])

            d["CDS_RA_deg"][ids[i]] = float(res[racol][sel])
            d["CDS_DEC_deg"][ids[i]] = float(res[deccol][sel])
            d["CDS_type"][ids[i]]  = res[typecol][sel]

        elif database == "SDSS":

            # --- construct the SDSS name
            coords = coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=res[racol][sel]*u.degree,

            d["SDSS_name"][ids[i]] = 'SDSS J{0}{1}'.format(coords.ra.to_string(

            if not T.MaskedColumn(res["z"]).mask[sel]:
                d["SDSS_redshift"][ids[i]] = float(res["z"][sel])

            d["SDSS_RA_deg"][ids[i]] = float(res[racol][sel])
            d["SDSS_DEC_deg"][ids[i]] = float(res[deccol][sel])
            d["SDSS_spectype"][ids[i]] = res[typecol][sel]
            d["SDSS_specID"][ids[i]] = res['specobjid'][sel]
            if not T.MaskedColumn(res['subclass']).mask[sel]:
                d["SDSS_specclass"][ids[i]] = res['subclass'][sel].replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
            d["SDSS_warn"][ids[i]] = res['zWarning'][sel]
            d["SDSS_redshift_unc"][ids[i]] = res['zErr'][sel]

            if res['type'][sel] == 3:
                d["SDSS_phottype"][ids[i]] = "GALAXY"

            elif res['type'][sel] == 6:
                d["SDSS_phottype"][ids[i]] = "STAR"

        # --- associate the right coordinate offsets
        if database == "NED":
            if d["origin"][ids[i]] == "SIMBAD":
                d["NED-CDS_sep_as"][ids[i]] = res['Separation'][sel]
            elif d["origin"][ids[i]] == "SDSS":
                d["NED-SDSS_sep_as"][ids[i]] = res['Separation'][sel]
            elif d["origin"][ids[i]] == "2MRS":
                d["NED-2MRS_sep_as"][ids[i]] = res['Separation'][sel]
            elif d["origin"][ids[i]] == "B70":
                d["NED-B70_sep_as"][ids[i]] = res['Separation'][sel]

        elif database == "SIMBAD":
            if d["origin"][ids[i]] == "NED":
                d["NED-CDS_sep_as"][ids[i]] = res['Separation'][sel]

        elif database == "SDSS":
            if d["origin"][ids[i]] == "NED":
                d["NED-SDSS_sep_as"][ids[i]] = res['Separation'][sel]

コード例 #27
def simplify_catalog(mastercat, quickld=True):
    Removes most of the unnecessary columns from the master catalog and joins
    fields where relevant

    mastercat : astropy.table.Table
        The table from initial_catalog
    quickld : bool
        If True, means do the "quick" version of the luminosity distance
        calculation (takes <1 sec as opposed to a min or so, but is only good
        to a few kpc)
    from astropy import table

    from astropy.constants import c

    ckps = c.to(u.km / u.s).value

    tab = table.Table()

    # use NSA unless it's missing, in which case use LEDA
    ras = mastercat['al2000'] * 15
    ras[~mastercat['RA'].mask] = mastercat['RA'][~mastercat['RA'].mask]
    decs = mastercat['de2000']
    decs[~mastercat['DEC'].mask] = mastercat['DEC'][~mastercat['DEC'].mask]

    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='RA', data=ras, unit=u.deg))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='Dec', data=decs, unit=u.deg))

    pgc = mastercat['pgc'].copy()
    pgc.mask = mastercat['pgc'] < 0
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='PGC#', data=pgc))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='NSAID', data=mastercat['NSAID']))
    #do these in order of how 'preferred' the object name is.
    nameorder = ('Objname', 'Name_eddkk', 'objname', 'Name_2mass'
                 )  # this is: EDD, KK, LEDA, 2MASS
    #need to figure out which has the *largest* name strings, because we have a fixed number of characters
    largestdt = np.dtype('S1')
    for nm in nameorder:
        if mastercat.dtype[nm] > largestdt:
            largestdt = mastercat.dtype[nm]
            largestdtnm = nm
    names = mastercat[largestdtnm].copy(
    )  # these will all be overwritten - just use it for shape
    for nm in nameorder:
        msk = ~mastercat[nm].mask
        names[msk] = mastercat[nm][msk]
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='othername', data=names))

    #After this, everything should have either an NSAID, a PGC#, or a name (or more than one)

    #start with LEDA
    vs = mastercat['v'].astype(float)
    v_errs = mastercat['e_v'].astype(float)

    #Now add vhelio from the the EDD
    eddvhel = mastercat['Vhel_eddkk']
    vs[~eddvhel.mask] = eddvhel[~eddvhel.mask]
    #EDD has no v-errors, so mask them
    v_errs[~eddvhel.mask] = 0
    v_errs.mask[~eddvhel.mask] = True

    #then the NSA *observed* velocity, if available (NOT the same as distance)
    vs[~mastercat['Z'].mask] = mastercat['Z'][~mastercat['Z'].mask] * ckps
    v_errs.mask[~mastercat['Z'].mask] = True
    #v_errs[~mastercat['Z_ERR'].mask] = mastercat['Z_ERR'][~mastercat['Z_ERR'].mask] * ckps

    #finally, KK when present if its not available from one of the above
    kkvh = mastercat['Vh']
    vs[~kkvh.mask] = kkvh[~kkvh.mask]
    #KK has no v-errors, so mask them
    v_errs[~kkvh.mask] = 0
    v_errs.mask[~kkvh.mask] = True

    #start with all inf, and all masked
    dist = np.ones_like(mastercat['Dist_edd']) * np.inf
    dist.mask[:] = True

    #first populate those that are in EDD with CMD-based distance
    msk = mastercat['So_eddkk'] == 1
    dist[msk] = mastercat['Dist_edd'][msk]

    #now populate from the NSA if not in the above
    msk = (dist.mask) & (~mastercat['ZDIST'].mask)
    dist[msk] = mastercat['ZDIST'][msk] * ckps / WMAP9.H(0).value

    #finally, add in anything in the KK that's not elsewhere
    msk = (dist.mask) & (~mastercat['Dist_kk'].mask)
    dist[msk] = mastercat['Dist_kk'][msk]

    # #for those *without* EDD or KK, use the redshift's luminosity distance
    # premsk = dist.mask.copy()
    # zs = vs[premsk]/ckps
    # if quickld:
    #     ldx = np.linspace(zs.min(), zs.max(), 1000)
    #     ldy = WMAP9.luminosity_distance(ldx).to(u.Mpc).value
    #     ld = np.interp(zs, ldx, ldy)
    # else:
    #     ld = WMAP9.luminosity_distance(zs).to(u.Mpc).value
    # dist[premsk] = ld
    # dist.mask[premsk] = vs.mask[premsk]

    distmod = 5 * np.log10(dist) + 25  # used in phot section

    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio', data=vs))
    #decided to remove v-errors
    #tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio_err', data=v_errs))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='distance', data=dist, unit=u.Mpc))

        table.MaskedColumn(name='r', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_r'] + distmod))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='i', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_i'] + distmod))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='z', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_z'] + distmod))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='I', data=mastercat['it']))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='K', data=mastercat['K_tc']))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='K_err', data=mastercat['e_K']))

    #Stellar mass/SFR
                           data=mastercat['MASS'] *
                           (WMAP9.H(0).value / 100)**-2))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='SFR_B300', data=mastercat['B300']))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='SFR_B1000', data=mastercat['B1000']))

    return tab
コード例 #28
def add_6df(simplifiedmastercat, sixdf, tol=1 * u.arcmin):
    Adds entries in the catalog for the 6dF survey, or updates v when missing
    from astropy import table
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy.constants import c

    ckps = c.to(u.km / u.s).value

    catcoo = SkyCoord(simplifiedmastercat['RA'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg,
                      simplifiedmastercat['Dec'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg)
    sixdfcoo = SkyCoord(sixdf['obsra'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg,
                        sixdf['obsdec'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg)

    idx, dd, d3d = sixdfcoo.match_to_catalog_sky(catcoo)
    msk = dd < tol

    sixdfnomatch = sixdf[~msk]

    t = table.Table()
    t.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='RA', data=sixdfnomatch['obsra']))
    t.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='Dec', data=sixdfnomatch['obsdec']))
                           data=-np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=int),
                           mask=np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=bool)))
                           data=-np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=int),
                           mask=np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=bool)))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='othername', data=sixdfnomatch['targetname']))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio', data=sixdfnomatch['z_helio'] * ckps))
    #t.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio_err', data=sixdfnomatch['zfinalerr']*ckps))

    #fill in anything else needed with -999 and masked
    for nm in simplifiedmastercat.colnames:
        if nm not in t.colnames:
                    data=-999 * np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=int),
                    mask=np.ones(len(sixdfnomatch), dtype=bool)))

    t = table.vstack([simplifiedmastercat, t], join_type='exact')

    #now update anything that *did* match but doesn't have another velocity
    tcoo = SkyCoord(t['RA'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg,
                    t['Dec'].view(np.ndarray) * u.deg)

    idx, dd, d3d = sixdfcoo.match_to_catalog_sky(tcoo)
    msk = dd < tol

    catmatch = t[idx[msk]]
    sixdfmatch = sixdf[msk]

    msk2 = t['vhelio'][idx[msk]].mask
    t['vhelio'][idx[msk & msk2]] = sixdf['z_helio'][msk2] * ckps

    return t