def make_linefrac(self, band, lines=['NeIII3870', 'NeIII3969', 'Hg', 'Hb', 'OIII4960', 'OIII5008', 'OI6302', 'OI6366'], tofixOIIIratio=True, overwrite=False): """ make file spec_linefrac.csv that contains the fraction each of the strong lines have in a specific band. Columns: f_{band}_{line}, T_{band}_{line}, w_{band}_{line}, frac_{band}_{line} The fraction is based on the f*T*w of the line. Only the strong lines are listed. If tofixOIIIratio = True, then the ratio between OIII5008 and OIII4960 is fixed to the theoretical ratio of 2.98, see Storey + 2000. Params ------ band lines=['NeIII3870', 'NeIII3969', 'Hg', 'Hb', 'OIII4960', 'OIII5008', 'OI6302', 'OI6366'] tofixOIIIratio=True overwrite=False Return ------ status """ fn = self.fp_spec_linefrac self.make_lineflux(overwrite=overwrite) if not os.path.isfile(fn) or overwrite: print("[spector] making spec_linefrac") tab = at.Table([[band]], names=['lineband']) fwt_sum = 0. for line in lines: f, __ = self._get_line_flux(line=line, wunit=False) w = self._get_line_obs_wave(line=line, wunit=False) T = self._get_norm_trans(wavelength=w, band=band, bounds_error=False) fwt = max(f*w*T, 0) fwt_sum = fwt_sum + fwt col_new = at.Table([[f], [w], [T], [fwt]], names=['f_{}'.format(line), 'w_{}'.format(line), 't_{}'.format(line), 'fwt_{}'.format(line)]) tab = at.hstack([tab, col_new]) for line in lines: frac = tab['fwt_{}'.format(line)][0] / fwt_sum col_new = at.Table([[frac]], names=['frac_{}'.format(line)]) tab = at.hstack([tab, col_new]) if tofixOIIIratio: r = 2.98 frac_OIIItotal = tab['frac_OIII4960'] + tab['frac_OIII5008'] tab['frac_OIII5008'] = frac_OIIItotal * r / (1.+r) tab['frac_OIII4960'] = frac_OIIItotal * 1. / (1.+r) tab.write(fn, format='ascii.csv', overwrite=overwrite) else: print("[spector] skip making spec_linefrac as file exists") status = os.path.isfile(fn) return status
def test_hstack(table_types): """ Hstack tables with mixin cols. Use column "i" as proxy for what the result should be for each mixin. """ t1 = table_types.Table() t1['i'] = table_types.Column([0, 1, 2, 3]) for name, col in MIXIN_COLS.items(): t1[name] = col t1[name].info.description = name t1[name].info.meta = {'a': 1} for join_type in ('inner', 'outer'): for chop in (True, False): t2 = table_types.Table(t1) if chop: t2 = t2[:-1] if join_type == 'outer': with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc: t12 = hstack([t1, t2], join_type=join_type) assert 'hstack requires masking column' in str(exc.value) continue t12 = hstack([t1, t2], join_type=join_type) idx1 = t12['i_1'] idx2 = t12['i_2'] for name, col in MIXIN_COLS.items(): name1 = name + '_1' name2 = name + '_2' assert_table_name_col_equal(t12, name1, col[idx1]) assert_table_name_col_equal(t12, name2, col[idx2]) for attr in ('description', 'meta'): assert getattr(t1[name].info, attr) == getattr(t12[name1].info, attr) assert getattr(t2[name].info, attr) == getattr(t12[name2].info, attr)
def des_joinbands(tile=None, release=None, suffix='r2587p01'): infile = '/data/desardata/'+release+'/'+tile+'/'+tile+'_g_cat.fits' if release == 'Y3A1': infile = '/data/desardata/' + release + '/' + tile + '/' + tile+ '_' + suffix + '_g_cat.fits' g = infile = '/data/desardata/'+release+'/'+tile+'/'+tile+'_r_cat.fits' if release == 'Y3A1': infile = '/data/desardata/' + release + '/' + tile + '/' + tile+ '_' + suffix + '_r_cat.fits' r = infile = '/data/desardata/'+release+'/'+tile+'/'+tile+'_i_cat.fits' if release == 'Y3A1': infile = '/data/desardata/' + release + '/' + tile + '/' + tile+ '_' + suffix + '_i_cat.fits' i = infile = '/data/desardata/'+release+'/'+tile+'/'+tile+'_z_cat.fits' if release == 'Y3A1': infile = '/data/desardata/' + release + '/' + tile + '/' + tile+ '_' + suffix + '_z_cat.fits' z = infile = '/data/desardata/'+release+'/'+tile+'/'+tile+'_Y_cat.fits' if release == 'Y3A1': infile = '/data/desardata/' + release + '/' + tile + '/' + tile+ '_' + suffix + '_Y_cat.fits' Y = # stack all the columns across the DES wavebands t = hstack([g,r,i,z,Y], table_names=['G','R','I','Z','Y']) t.write('/data/desardata/'+release+'/'+tile+'/'+tile+'_merged_cat.fits', overwrite=True) print(release, tile, 'done')
def save_zphot(self, file_out, path_output, overwrite=False): """Save the output of photoz code (z_best, chi^2, pdz) into astropy table.""" # Duplicates the zbins vector for each object. # It is redundant information but astropy tables need each field to have the # same size. Or maybe I'm missing something. zbins = N.tile(self.pdz_zbins, (len(self.kwargs['id']), 1)) # Converts LePhare or BPZ likelihood to actual probability density for i in N.arange(len(self.pdz_val.T)): norm = N.trapz(self.pdz_val[:, i], self.pdz_zbins) new_pdz_val = self.pdz_val[:, i] / norm self.pdz_val[:, i] = new_pdz_val # Creates astropy table to be saved in path_output of file_out new_tab = hstack([Table([self.kwargs['id']]), Table([self.kwargs['ra']]), Table([self.kwargs['dec']]), Table(self.data_dict), Table([zbins], names=['zbins']), Table([self.pdz_val.T], names=['pdz'])], join_type='inner') # Rename BPZ Z_B to Z_BEST to match LePhare if 'Z_B' in new_tab.keys(): new_tab.rename_column('Z_B', 'Z_BEST') # overwrite keyword of data.write(file,path) does not only overwrites # the data in path, but the whole file, i.e. (we lose all other # paths in the process) --> overwrite_or_append (see above) cutils.overwrite_or_append(file_out, path_output, new_tab, overwrite=overwrite) print("INFO: ", self.code, "data saved in", file_out, "as", path_output)
def add_DEScat(tile, outdir, filename_suffix='_WISEfp', radius_match=5.0, overwrite=False): from astropy.table import Table, hstack import numpy as np import match_lists config = configparser.RawConfigParser() release = config.get("des", "release") infile = datapath + tile + "/" + tile + ".fits" logger.debug('Read: %s', infile) t_cat = t_fp = + tile + "_WISEfp.fits") dists, inds = match_lists.match_lists( t_cat["ALPHAWIN_J2000_G"].data, t_cat["DELTAWIN_J2000_G"].data, t_fp["RA_CALC_G"].data, t_fp["DEC_CALC_G"].data, radius_match / 3600.0, 1) ids = np.where((inds != len(t_fp)))[0] t_cat = t_cat[ids] t_fp = t_fp[inds[ids]] t_out = hstack([t_fp, t_cat]) t_out.write(outdir + tile + "_WISEfp_DEScat.fits", overwrite=overwrite)
def __init__(self,stripeindex=None): if stripeindex == None: BCfile = MISTFILE_default else: BCfile = '/n/regal/conroy_lab/pac/MISTFILES/MIST_full_{0}.h5'.format(stripeindex) # read in MIST hdf5 table MISTh5 = h5py.File(BCfile,'r') # determine the BC datasets BCTableList = [x for x in MISTh5.keys() if x[:3] == 'BC_'] # read in each BC dataset and pull the photometric information for BCT in BCTableList: BCTABLE = Table(np.array(MISTh5[BCT])) if BCT == BCTableList[0]: BC = BCTABLE.copy() else: BCTABLE.remove_columns(['Teff', 'logg', '[Fe/H]', 'Av', 'Rv']) BC = hstack([BC,BCTABLE]) BC_AV0 = BC[BC['Av'] == 0.0] self.bands = BC.keys() [self.bands.remove(x) for x in ['Teff', 'logg', '[Fe/H]', 'Av', 'Rv']] self.redintr = LinearNDInterpolator( (BC['Teff'],BC['logg'],BC['[Fe/H]'],BC['Av']), np.stack([BC[bb] for bb in self.bands],axis=1), rescale=True ) self.redintr_0 = LinearNDInterpolator( (BC_AV0['Teff'],BC_AV0['logg'],BC_AV0['[Fe/H]']), np.stack([BC_AV0[bb] for bb in self.bands],axis=1), rescale=True )
def calculate_fluxes(self,stardata,apertures,aper_annulus): ''' Calculates the photon flux in an aperture, and an annulus around the aperture to subtract the background. As far as I can tell, the output value is still just a 'photon count', not technically a photon flux. Possible modifications will start here, maybe uncommenting the apertures.area() which calculates the aperture phot_count divided by area of aperture. giving photons per area. I think we would further have to supplement that by dividing by the exposure time, and some other wavelength value I cant think of, to get PHOTON FLUX ( photons per sec per cm^2 per wavelength) ''' flux_table = aperture_photometry(stardata, apertures) bkg_table = aperture_photometry(stardata, aper_annulus) phot_table = hstack([flux_table, bkg_table], table_names=['raw','bkg']) bkg_mean = phot_table['aperture_sum_bkg'] / aper_annulus.area() bkg_sum = bkg_mean * apertures.area() final_sum = phot_table['aperture_sum_raw'] - bkg_sum phot_table['residual_aperture_sum'] = final_sum #phot_table['res_aper_div_area'] = final_sum/apertures.area() #print(phot_table) return self.cut_vals(phot_table)
def catalog_match(pubcat_file, erscat_file, match_out_file, match_tol = 1.0): ''' matches combined NED/SIMBAD file to ERS source list ''' pubcat =, format = 'fits') erscat =, format='ascii.commented_header') # construct coordinates needed for matching pub_coo = SkyCoord(ra=pubcat['RA'], dec=pubcat['Dec']) ers_coo = SkyCoord(ra=erscat['ra']*, dec=erscat['dec']* # do the matching # closest_2to1, sep2d_2to1, sep3d = match_coordinates_sky(coord1, coord2) # location in coord2 for closest match to each coord1. len = len(coord1) closest, sep2d, sep3d = match_coordinates_sky(pub_coo, ers_coo) # location in coord2 for closest match to each coord1. len = len(coord1) matched = sep2d < match_tol*u.arcsec # matched_ers, matched_pub, ers_only, pub_only = symmetric_match_sky_coords(ers_coo, pub_coo, match_tol*u.arcsec) # generate the matched table keeplist = ['id_','ra','dec'] tmpcat = Table(erscat[keeplist]) matchtab = hstack([tmpcat[closest][matched], pubcat[matched]], join_type = 'outer') # write the matched catalog to a file matchtab.write(match_out_file, format = 'ascii.commented_header') return
def _get_tab_measurements_from_contours(self, contours, xc, yc): """ calculate iso measurements from contours, return a table like: """ tab = polytools.ShapeParamsTab_from_contours(contours, xc, yc) # unit conversion area_ars = tab['area_pix'][0]*(self.pixsize/u.arcsec)**2 dmax_ars = self._pix_to_theta(tab['dmax_pix'][0], wunit=False) rmax_ars = self._pix_to_theta(tab['rmax_pix'][0], wunit=False) dper_ars = self._pix_to_theta(tab['dper_pix'][0], wunit=False) kpc_per_arcsec = np.array(self._get_kpc_proper_per_arcsec()) area_kpc = area_ars * kpc_per_arcsec**2 dmax_kpc = dmax_ars * kpc_per_arcsec rmax_kpc = rmax_ars * kpc_per_arcsec dper_kpc = dper_ars * kpc_per_arcsec tab_converted = at.Table(names=['area_kpc', 'dmax_kpc', 'rmax_kpc', 'dper_kpc', 'area_ars', 'dmax_ars', 'rmax_ars', 'dper_ars', ]) tab_converted.add_row([area_kpc, dmax_kpc, rmax_kpc, dper_kpc, area_ars, dmax_ars, rmax_ars, dper_ars, ]) tabout = at.hstack([tab_converted, tab]) return tabout
def assign_num(args): """Assigns individual identification number to each object""" seed =122 np.random.seed(seed) print "Assigning number" names = ('SEG_ID', 'NUMBER', 'IDENT') dtype = ('string', 'int', 'int') index_table = Table(names=names, dtype = dtype) ident = 0 #objects detected are same in all filters. So getting objects in first filter #is sufficient filt = args.filter_names[0] all_seg_ids = np.loadtxt(args.seg_list_file, delimiter=" ",dtype='S2') for seg_id in all_seg_ids: file_name = args.main_path + seg_id + '/' + filt + '_with_pstamp.fits' catalog =, format='fits') idents = range(ident,ident+len(catalog)) seg_ids = [seg_id]*len(catalog) numbers = catalog['NUMBER'] temp = Table([seg_ids, numbers,idents],names=names, dtype = dtype) index_table = vstack([index_table,temp]) ident+=len(catalog) shuffle_idents = range(len(index_table)) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_idents) index_table= index_table[shuffle_idents] order_idents = range(len(index_table)) file_nums = np.array(order_idents)/1000 + 1 hdus= np.zeros(len(order_idents)) names = ('ORDER', 'FILE_NUM', 'HDU') dtype = ('int' ,'int', 'int') temp = Table([order_idents,file_nums,hdus], names=names, dtype=dtype) index_table = hstack([index_table,temp]) cat_name = args.main_path + 'index_table_' + args.cat_name.replace('filter', '') return index_table
def join_cats(tile, outdir, overwrite=False): """ """ from astropy.table import Table, hstack logger = logging.getLogger() t_out = + tile + "_WISEfp_g_cal.fits") for col in t_out.columns: t_out.rename_column(col, col + "_G") for band in ["r", "i", "z", "Y"]: fp_file = outdir + tile + "_WISEfp_" + band + "_cal.fits" t = for col in t.columns: t.rename_column(col, col + "_" + band.upper()) # stack onto end of the table t_out = hstack([t_out, t]) outfile = outdir + tile + "_WISEfp.fits" # add a counter to the WISE list t_out["WISE_NUM"] = np.arange(1, len(t_out) + 1) t_out.write(outfile, overwrite=overwrite) logger.debug('Join complete: %s', outfile)
def append_tabdata_to_tabout(tabdata, tbandconfig, tabout): tabrow = at.hstack([tbandconfig, tabdata]) if len(tabout)==0: tabout=tabrow else: tabout=at.vstack([tabout,tabrow]) return tabout
def add_kernel_DEScat(tile, outdir, kernel_path, suffix_for_kernelcats): from astropy.table import Table, hstack import numpy as np import match_lists import as fits import subprocess import os config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() tile_header ='/data/desardata/Y1A1/'+str(tile)+'/'+str(tile)+'_g.fits.fz')[1].header RA_centre = tile_header['CRVAL1'] DEC_centre = tile_header['CRVAL2'] colours = ["g","r","i","z","Y"] for colour in colours: if not os.path.exists('/data/desardata/Y1A1/'+str(tile)+'/'+str(tile)+'_'+str(colour)+'.fits'):['bash','/data/cl522/WISE2DES/kernelised_extraction/','/data/desardata/Y1A1/'+str(tile)+'/'+str(tile)+'_'+str(colour)+'.fits.fz'])['bash','/data/cl522/WISE2DES/kernelised_extraction/',str(tile),str(RA_centre),str(DEC_centre),str(kernel_path),str(suffix_for_kernelcats),str(outdir)]) for (n, band) in enumerate(["G", "R", "I", "Z"]): #, "Y"]): removed because final fits file must have < 1000 columns :/ if n!=4: t ="/"+tile+"_"+band.lower()+"_cat"+suffix_for_kernelcats+".fits") if n==4: t ="/"+tile+"_"+band+"_cat"+suffix_for_kernelcats+".fits") for col in t.columns: t.rename_column(col, col + "_" + band) if n == 0: t_cat = t else: t_cat = hstack([t_cat, t]) t_cat.write(outdir+"/"+tile+suffix_for_kernelcats+".fits", overwrite = True) release = config.get("des", "release") t_cat ="/"+tile+suffix_for_kernelcats+".fits") t_fp = + tile + "_WISEfp.fits") dists, inds = match_lists.match_lists(t_cat["ALPHAWIN_J2000_G"].data, t_cat["DELTAWIN_J2000_G"].data, t_fp["RA_CALC_G"].data, t_fp["DEC_CALC_G"].data, 5.0/3600.0, 1) ids = np.where( (inds <> len(t_fp)) )[0] t_cat = t_cat[ids] t_fp = t_fp[inds[ids]] t_out = hstack([t_fp, t_cat]) t_out.write(outdir + "/" + tile + "_WISEfp_DEScat"+suffix_for_kernelcats+".fits", overwrite = True)
def apply_selection_fun(fileName,verbose=0,redo=False,procMap=None,nsplit=1): xdFile = fileName.replace('.fits','__xdtmp.fits') qsos = if 'PQSO' not in qsos.colnames or redo: if nsplit == 1: run_xdqso( (fileName,xdFile,verbose) ) xdqso = os.remove(xdFile) else: splits = np.array_split(np.arange(len(qsos)),nsplit) procArgs = [] for i,split in enumerate(splits): tmpFn = fileName.replace('.fits','__%02d.fits'%i) tmpXdFn = xdFile.replace('.fits','__%02d.fits'%i) qsos[split].write(tmpFn,overwrite=True) procArgs.append( (tmpFn,tmpXdFn,verbose) ) procMap(run_xdqso,procArgs) xdqso = [] for i,(tmpFn,tmpXdFn,_) in enumerate(procArgs): xdqso.append( ) os.remove(tmpFn) os.remove(tmpXdFn) xdqso = vstack(xdqso) if redo and 'PQSO' in qsos.colnames: qsos.remove_columns(xdqso.colnames) for col in xdqso.colnames: xdqso[col] = xdqso[col].astype(np.float32) qsos = hstack([qsos,xdqso]) b = BandIndexes(qsos) # populate the fields needed for the mid-IR-optical color cuts qsos = get_sim_optwise_mags(qsos) # sel = True if verbose: print("{:7d} quasars at start".format(len(qsos))) # roughly the FIBER2MAG i>17 cut sel &= qsos['obsMag'][:,b('i')] > 17 if verbose: print("{:7d} after fiberMag_i>17 cut".format(sel.sum())) # g < 22 OR r < 22 sel &= ( (qsos['obsMag'][:,b('g')] < 22) | (qsos['obsMag'][:,b('r')] < 22) ) if verbose: print("{:7d} after g<22 OR r<22 cut".format(sel.sum())) # XDQSOz probability cut sel &= qsos['PQSO'] > 0.2 if verbose: print("{:7d} after XDQSOz cut".format(sel.sum())) # optical--mid-IR color cut sel &= ( qsos['f_WISE']*qsos['obsFlux'][:,b('g')] > qsos['f_opt']*qsos['obsFlux'][:,b('i')]*10**(3.0/2.5) ) if verbose: print("{:7d} after optical--mid-IR color cut".format(sel.sum())) # qsos['selected'] = sel qsos.write(fileName,overwrite=True)
def make_spec_mag(self, overwrite=False): """ make table spec_mag.csv that contains the convolved spectral magnitude and fnu in each band Params ------ self overwrite=False Return ------ status """ #========================================================================== fn = self.fp_spec_mag self.make_spec_decomposed_ecsv(overwrite=False) if not os.path.isfile(fn) or overwrite: print("[spector] making spec_mag") tabmag = at.Table() tabfnu = at.Table() for component in ['all', 'cont', 'line', 'contextrp']: for band in self.bands: colfnu = self.__get_specmag_colname(band, component=component, fluxquantity='fnu') colmag = self.__get_specmag_colname(band, component=component, fluxquantity='mag') try: fnu = self._calc_Fnu_in_band(band=band, component=component) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) except: print(("[spector] skip calculating fnu of {} in band {}".format(component, band))) else: mag = fnu_nm = tabmag[colmag] = [mag.value] tabfnu[colfnu] = [fnu_nm.value] tab = at.hstack([tabmag, tabfnu]) tab.meta['comments'] = [ "survey_photo: {}".format(self.survey), "survey_spec: {}".format(self.survey_spec), "unit_mag: ABmag", "unit_fnu: nanomaggy", ] tab.write(fn, comment='#', format='ascii.csv', overwrite=overwrite) else: print("[spector] skip making spec_mag as file exists") status = os.path.isfile(fn) return status
def table(self): """A :class:`MultiPixelChain` representing the Gibbs chain. The intention is for the library sampler to have a data output similar to the MH-in-Gibbs sampler. """ meta = OrderedDict(( ('observed_bands', self.model.observed_bands), ('instruments', self.model.instruments), ('computed_bands', self.model.library_bands), ('msun_ab', self.model.msun_ab), ('band_indices', self.model.band_indices), ('theta_params', self.model.theta_params), ('meta_params', self.model.meta_params), ('sed', self.model._seds), ('sed_err', self.model._errs), ('pixels', self.model.pixel_metadata), ('area', self.model._areas), ('d', self.model.d))) # Make tables for theta chain, B chain, and blob chain (that includes # SED and M/L datasets) # TODO we should probably just change the chain dtypes instead # original table - (step, pixel, parameter) # output table - (step, parameter, pixel) theta_table = Table(np.swapaxes(self.theta_chain, 1, 2), names=self.model.theta_params, meta=meta) background_names = ["B__{0}__{1}".format(n, b) for n, b in zip(self.model.instruments, self.model.observed_bands)] B_table = Table(self.B_chain, names=background_names) meta_table = Table(np.swapaxes(self.blob_chain, 1, 2), names=self.model.meta_params) # model_sed column is of shape (step, pixel, band) # conforms to MultiPixelChain standard meta_table.add_column(Column(name='model_sed', data=self.sed_chain)) # output table (step, band, pixel) # name columns to be different from flux ml_names = ["logML_{0}".format(b) for b in self.model.library_bands] ml_table = Table(np.swapaxes(self.ml_chain, 1, 2), names=ml_names) tbl = MultiPixelChain(hstack((theta_table, B_table, meta_table, ml_table))) return tbl
def summarize(fn_in, fn_out, columns=[], condi={}, overwrite=False): """ Summarize the table 'fn_in' and write the results to 'fn_out'. For each of the column in columns, take the mean, std, median, and 16%, 84% quantile. All the other columns that are not specified in columns and condi are ignored. Params ------ fn_in fn_out columns=[] (list of string) list of column names, e.g., ['area_ars', 'dmax_ars']. Default: all columns. condi={} conditions, e.g. {'imgtag': 'OIII5008_I'} overwrite=False Return ------ status (bool) """ if not os.path.isfile(fn_out) or overwrite: tab_in = if len(condi)>0: tab_select = tab_extract_row(tab_in, condi=condi) tab_sum = tab_select[list(condi.keys())][0] # creating headers else: tab_select = tab_in tab_sum = at.Table() # no headers if len(columns)==0: columns = tab_in.colnames # calculation for col in columns: if not col in list(condi.keys()): arr = tab_select[col] if arr.dtype in [float, int]: var_mean = np.mean(arr) var_std = np.std(arr) var_median = np.median(arr) var_p16 = np.percentile(arr, 16) var_p84 = np.percentile(arr, 84) tab_stat = at.Table([[var_mean], [var_std], [var_median], [var_p16], [var_p84], ], names=[col+tag for tag in ['_mean', '_std', '_median', '_p16', '_p84']]) tab_sum = at.hstack([tab_sum, tab_stat]) tab_sum.write(fn_out, overwrite=overwrite) else: print("[tabtools] skip summarizing as files exist") return os.path.isfile(fn_out)
def table(self): """An :class:`astropy.table.Table` with the chain.""" msuns = np.array([fsps.get_filter(n).msun_ab for n in self._model.computed_bands]) theta_f_accept = json.dumps(dict(zip(self._model.theta_params, self.median_theta_faccept))) phi_f_accept = json.dumps(dict(zip(self._model.phi_params, self.phi_faccept))) meta = OrderedDict(( ('theta_f_accept', theta_f_accept), ('phi_f_accept', phi_f_accept), ('observed_bands', self._model.observed_bands), ('instruments', self._model.instruments), ('computed_bands', self._model.computed_bands), ('msun_ab', msuns), ('band_indices', self._model.band_indices), ('theta_params', self._model.theta_params), ('phi_params', self._model.phi_params), ('theta_proposal_sigma', self._theta_prop), ('phi_proposal_sigma', self._theta_prop), ('sed', self._model._seds), ('sed_err', self._model._errs), ('pixels', self._model.pixel_metadata), ('area', self._model._areas))) # Make tables for individual chains; stack later # FIXME should axis order be changed for theta throughout the sampler? # or I can just continue to swarp aces here theta_table = Table(np.swapaxes(self.theta, 1, 2), names=self._model.theta_params, meta=meta) phi_table = Table(self.phi, names=self._model.phi_params) background_names = ["B__{0}__{1}".format(n, b) for n, b in zip(self._model.instruments, self._model.observed_bands)] B_table = Table(self.B, names=background_names) blob_table = Table(self.blobs) tbl = MultiPixelChain(hstack((theta_table, phi_table, B_table, blob_table))) # Add M/L computations for each computed band. for i, (band_name, msun) in enumerate(zip(self._model.computed_bands, msuns)): logLsol = micro_jy_to_luminosity(tbl['model_sed'][:, :, i], msun, np.atleast_2d(tbl['d']).T) ml = tbl['logMstar'] - logLsol colname = "logML_{0}".format(band_name) tbl.add_column(Column(name=colname, data=ml)) return tbl
def _do_photometry(self, n_start=1): """ Helper function which performs the iterations of the photometry process. Parameters ---------- n_start : int Integer representing the start index of the iteration. It is 1 if positions are None, and 2 otherwise. Returns ------- output_table : `~astropy.table.Table` or None Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. None is returned if no sources are found in ``image``. """ output_table = Table([[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], names=('x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0', 'id', 'group_id', 'iter_detected', 'x_fit', 'y_fit', 'flux_fit'), dtype=('f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'i4', 'i4', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8')) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image) n = n_start while(len(sources) > 0 and (self.niters is None or n <= self.niters)): apertures = CircularAperture((sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']), r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry(self._residual_image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] init_guess_tab = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['aperture_flux']]) star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guess_tab) table, self._residual_image = super(IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry, self).nstar(self._residual_image, star_groups) table = hstack([init_guess_tab, table]) table['iter_detected'] = n*np.ones(table['x_fit'].shape, output_table = vstack([output_table, table]) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image) n += 1 return output_table
def to_table(self, **kwargs): """Return `~astropy.table.Table` containing all results only SpectrumStats and SpectrumFitResult are taken into account """ temp = [self.stats,] val = [_ for _ in temp if _] l = list() for result in val: if result is not None: l.append(result.to_table(**kwargs)) return hstack(l)
def _create_empty_list_table(self): """ Return an empty table with columns ra, dec, obj_name and those in args_to_list """ d = np.dtype([('ra', 'float64'), ('dec', 'float64'), ('obj_name', 'S64')]) tab0 = at.Table(dtype=d) if len(self.args_to_list) > 0: tab1 = at.Table(dtype=self.args_to_list_dtype) tab = at.hstack([tab0, tab1]) else: tab = tab0 return tab
def compare_dickey_2003(magmo_coords, magmo_table): print("## Comparing with Dickey et al 2003 ##") dickey_table ='../Dickey_2003_sources.txt') dickey_coords = SkyCoord(dickey_table['RA'], dickey_table['Dec'], frame='fk5', unit="deg") matches = find_best_matches(magmo_coords, dickey_coords, 2.16 * u.arcmin, magmo_table) t1 = dickey_table[matches[:, 0].astype(int)] t2 = magmo_table[matches[:, 1].astype(int)] combined = hstack([t1, t2], join_type='exact') dist_col = Column(name='Separation', data=matches[:, 2], combined.add_column(dist_col) combined.sort('Name_1') combined.write('dm-combined.vot', format='votable', overwrite=True)
def match_target_tab(paperdir=None,obsdir=None): zcat = read_s82_catalog() if obsdir is None: obsdir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],'research','LSST', 'Stripe82','2014October') cans =,'cfhtw4_candidates_v3.fits')) cans = cans[ (cans['dec']<1.25) & (cans['mags'][:,3]>21.5) & (cans['mags'][:,3]<22.5) ] c1 = SkyCoord(cans['ra'],cans['dec'],unit=(u.deg,u.deg)) c2 = SkyCoord(zcat['ra'],zcat['dec'],unit=(u.deg,u.deg)) idx,d2d,d3c = match_coordinates_sky(c1,c2) ii = np.where(d2d.arcsec < 3.0)[0] assert np.all(ii == np.arange(len(cans)) ) cfhtw4 = hstack([cans,zcat['M1450','z','obsdate','name'][idx[ii]]]) cfhtw4.write('cfhtw4qsos.fits',overwrite=True)
def build_pixels_table(self, n_pixels=None): """Build the ``pixels`` table, which is built from the `'pixels'` metadata of individual chains. """ with h5py.File(self._filepath, 'a') as f: if 'pixels' in f: del f['pixels'] pixel_ids = self.pixel_ids if len(pixel_ids) == 0: return pixel_ids.sort() if n_pixels is None: # Hack to ensure pixel grid is at least big enough n_pixels = max(pixel_ids) + 1 assert n_pixels > max(pixel_ids) # Get schema for the pixel metadata chain0 = self.read_chain(0) n_bands = len(chain0.meta['sed']) obs_bands = chain0.meta['observed_bands'] instruments = chain0.meta['instruments'] pixels_dtype = chain0.meta['pixels'].dtype pixel_data = np.empty(n_pixels, dtype=pixels_dtype) pixel_data.fill(np.nan) sed_data = np.empty( n_pixels, dtype=np.dtype([('sed', np.float, n_bands), ('sed_err', np.float, n_bands)])) sed_data.fill(np.nan) for pixel_id in pixel_ids: chain = self.read_chain(pixel_id) for colname in pixels_dtype.names: pixel_data[colname][pixel_id] = chain.meta['pixels'][colname] sed_data['sed'][pixel_id] = chain.meta['sed'] sed_data['sed_err'][pixel_id] = chain.meta['sed_err'] meta = {"observed_bands": obs_bands, "instruments": instruments} pixel_table = Table(pixel_data, meta=meta) sed_table = Table(sed_data) pixel_table = hstack([pixel_table, sed_table], join_type='exact') pixel_table.write(self._filepath, path="pixels", format="hdf5", append=True, overwrite=True)
def paint(self,Nmax=None,verbose=False,lrg_input_cat='$OM10_DIR/data/LRGo.txt',qso_input_cat='$OM10_DIR/data/QSOo.txt'): ## read data from SDSS f=open(os.path.expandvars(lrg_input_cat),'r') lrg=loadtxt(f) f.close() #print lrg[0,0],lrg.shape g=open(os.path.expandvars(qso_input_cat),'r') qso=loadtxt(g) g.close() #print qso[0,0],qso.shape ###MY OWN REDSHIFT ONLY MATCHING HERE: lens_props = ['MAGG_LENS','MAGR_LENS','MAGI_LENS','MAGZ_LENS', \ 'MAGW1_LENS','MAGW2_LENS','MAGW3_LENS','MAGW4_LENS', 'SDSS_FLAG_LENS'] src_props = ['MAGG_SRC','MAGR_SRC','MAGI_SRC','MAGZ_SRC', \ 'MAGW1_SRC','MAGW2_SRC','MAGW3_SRC','MAGW4_SRC', 'SDSS_FLAG_SRC'] tmp_lens = Table(np.zeros((len(self.sample),len(lens_props)),dtype='f8'),names=lens_props) tmp_src = Table(np.zeros((len(self.sample),len(src_props)),dtype='f8'),names=src_props) if verbose: print 'setup done' lrg_sort = lrg[np.argsort(lrg[:,0]),:] qso_sort = qso[np.argsort(qso[:,0]),:] lens_count = 0 for lens in self.sample: #paint lens ind = np.searchsorted(lrg_sort[:,0],lens['ZLENS']) if ind >= len(lrg_sort): ind = len(lrg_sort) - 1 tmp_lens[lens_count] = lrg_sort[ind,6:] - lrg_sort[ind,8] + lens['APMAG_I'] #assign colors, not mags #paint source qso_ind = np.searchsorted(qso_sort[:,0],lens['ZSRC']) if qso_ind >= len(qso_sort): qso_ind = len(qso_sort) - 1 tmp_src[lens_count] = qso_sort[qso_ind,1:] - qso_sort[qso_ind,3] + lens['MAGI'] lens_count += 1 self.sample = hstack([self.sample,tmp_lens,tmp_src]) return
def phot(self, image, objpos, aper): """ Aperture photometry using Astropy's photutils. Parameters ---------- image : numpy array 2D image array objpos : list of tuple Object poistions as list of tuples aper : float Aperture radius in pixels Returns ------- phot_table : astropy table Output table with stellar photometry """ try: from astropy.table import hstack from photutils import aperture_photometry, CircularAnnulus, CircularAperture except ImportError: pass apertures = CircularAperture(objpos, r = aper) annulus_apertures = CircularAnnulus(objpos, r_in = self.inner_radius, r_out = self.outer_radius) rawflux_table = aperture_photometry(image, apertures = apertures, method = self.method) bkgflux_table = aperture_photometry(image, apertures = annulus_apertures, method = self.method) phot_table = hstack([rawflux_table, bkgflux_table], table_names = ["raw", "bkg"]) bkg = phot_table["aperture_sum_bkg"] / annulus_apertures.area() phot_table["msky"] = bkg phot_table["area"] = apertures.area() phot_table["nsky"] = annulus_apertures.area() bkg_sum = bkg * apertures.area() final_sum = phot_table["aperture_sum_raw"] - bkg_sum phot_table["flux"] = final_sum return phot_table
def get_main_catalog(args, index_table): """Makes main catalog containing information on all selected galaxies. Columns are identical to COSMOS Real Galaxy catalog""" print "Creating main catalog" all_seg_ids = np.loadtxt(args.seg_list_file, delimiter=" ",dtype='S2') for f, filt in enumerate(args.filter_names): final_table = main_table() complete_table=Table() for seg_id in all_seg_ids: file_name = args.main_path + seg_id + '/' + filt + '_with_pstamp.fits' seg_cat =, format='fits') q, = np.where(index_table['SEG_ID'] == seg_id) indx_seg = index_table[q] temp = join(seg_cat, indx_seg, keys='NUMBER') col = Column(temp['HDU'], name='PSF_HDU') temp.add_column(col) temp.rename_column('MAG_AUTO', 'MAG') temp.rename_column('HDU', 'GAL_HDU') p_scales = np.ones(len(q))*0.03 weights = np.ones(len(q)) im = [args.gal_im_name.replace('filter', args.file_filter_name[f])]*len(q) im_names = [im[i].replace('umber',str(temp['FILE_NUM'][i])) for i in range(len(im))] psf = [args.psf_im_name.replace('filter', args.file_filter_name[f])]*len(q) psf_names = [psf[i].replace('umber',str(temp['FILE_NUM'][i])) for i in range(len(psf))] noise_names=[args.noise_file_name.replace('filter', args.file_filter_name[f])]*len(q) names = ('WEIGHT','GAL_FILENAME', 'PSF_FILENAME', 'PIXEL_SCALE', 'NOISE_FILENAME') dtype =('f8', 'S256', 'S288', 'f8', 'S208') tab = [weights, im_names, psf_names, p_scales, noise_names] temp2 = Table(tab, names=names, dtype=dtype) temp = hstack([temp,temp2]) final_table = vstack([final_table,temp], join_type='inner') complete_table = vstack([complete_table,temp]) path = args.main_path + args.out_dir cat_name = args.cat_name.replace('filter', args.file_filter_name[f]) index_table.sort('ORDER') ord_indx = [np.where(i_t==final_table['IDENT'])[0][0] for i_t in index_table['IDENT']] final_table[ord_indx].write(path + cat_name, format='fits', overwrite=True) print "Savings fits file at ", path + cat_name cat_name = 'complete_' + args.cat_name.replace('filter', args.file_filter_name[f]) complete_table[ord_indx].write(args.main_path + cat_name, format='fits', overwrite=True)
def _recalc_catalog_xy(self, catalog): colnames = catalog.colnames if 'xref' not in colnames and 'yref' not in colnames: x, y = self._rd2xyref(catalog) txy = table.Table([x, y], names=('xref', 'yref'), dtype=(np.float64, np.float64)) catalog = table.hstack([catalog, txy], join_type='exact') elif 'xref' in colnames and 'yref' in colnames: x, y = self._rd2xyref(catalog) catalog['xref'] = x catalog['yref'] = y else: raise ValueError("Reference catalog must either have or not " "have *both* 'x' and 'y' columns.") return catalog
def ns_combine(ned_name, simbad_name, ns_combine, final_tab, match_tol = 1.0): # match_tol in arcsec ned_in = simbad_in = # prelim processing ned_proc = reformat_cat(ned_in, old_name='Object Name', new_name='Name_N', old_type='Type', new_type='Type_N', keepcols=['Object Name','RA(deg)','DEC(deg)','Type']) sim_proc = reformat_cat(simbad_in, old_name='MAIN_ID', new_name='Name_S', old_type='OTYPE', new_type='Type_S') # construct coordinates needed for matching ned_coo = SkyCoord(ra=ned_proc['RA(deg)'], dec=ned_proc['DEC(deg)']) sim_coo = SkyCoord(ra=sim_proc['RA_d'], dec=sim_proc['DEC_d']) # do the matching matched_ned, matched_sim, ned_only, sim_only = symmetric_match_sky_coords(ned_coo, sim_coo, match_tol*u.arcsec) # generate the matched table # hstack is "horizontal stack", ie put the NED and SIMBAD columns for matched objects in the same row matchtab = hstack([ned_proc[matched_ned], sim_proc[matched_sim]], join_type = 'outer') # find the secure matches, save these as intermediate results matchtab2 = process_match(matchtab) matchtab2.write(ns_combine, format='fits') # process the secure match catalog keeplist = ['Name_N','RA(deg)','DEC(deg)','Type_N'] matchtab3 = process_unmatch(Table(matchtab2[keeplist]), src='NS', rename_cols = ned_rename) #process the catalogs containing NED-only and SIMBAD-only objects nedcat = process_unmatch(ned_proc[ned_only], src = 'N', rename_cols= ned_rename) simcat = process_unmatch(sim_proc[sim_only], src = 'S', rename_cols = sim_rename) # add the secure matches to the NED-only and SIMBAD-only catalogs # NB: I think this implies that the "insecure" matches just get thrown away - is that what we want? finaltab = vstack([matchtab3, nedcat, simcat],join_type = 'outer') # save the result finaltab.write(final_tab, format='fits') return
def make_lineflux(self, lines=['NeIII3870', 'NeIII3969', 'Hg', 'Hb', 'OIII4960', 'OIII5008', 'OI6302', 'OI6366'], u_flux=u.Unit("1E-17 erg cm-2 s-1"), overwrite=False): """ make file spec_lineflux.csv that contains the flux of the specified lines. The fluxes are calculated by integrating the line component of the spectrum over a window of +/- 1400 km/s. WARNING: currently only Hb, and OIII lines are supported. For lines that are overlapped, e.g., Ha and NII, the current implemenation will double count the flux. Params ------ lines=['Hb', 'OIII4960', 'OIII5008'] u_flux=u.Unit("1E-17 erg cm-2 s-1") the unit of the output overwrite=False Return ------ status (bool) """ fn = self.fp_spec_lineflux self.make_spec_decomposed_ecsv(overwrite=False) if not os.path.isfile(fn) or overwrite: print("[spector] making spec_lineflux") tab = at.Table() for line in lines: f, ferr = self._calc_line_flux(line=line, u_flux=u_flux, wunit=False) col_new = at.Table([[f], [ferr]], names=['f_{}'.format(line), 'ferr_{}'.format(line)]) tab = at.hstack([tab, col_new]) tab.meta['comments'] = ["unit_flux: {}".format(u_flux.to_string()),] tab.write(fn, comment='#', format='ascii.csv', overwrite=overwrite) else: print("[spector] skip making spec_lineflux as file exists") status = os.path.isfile(fn) return status
def load_catalog(catalog, doFermi=False, doSimbad=False, doField=False, field=-1, algorithm='ECE', filt="g"): customSimbad = Simbad() customSimbad.add_votable_fields("otype(V)") customSimbad.add_votable_fields("otype(3)") customSimbad.add_votable_fields("otype(N)") customSimbad.add_votable_fields("otype(S)") if doFermi: filenames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(catalog,"*/*.dat")))[::-1] + \ sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(catalog,"*/*.h5")))[::-1] elif doField: filenames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(catalog,"%d_*.dat" % field)))[::-1] + \ sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(catalog,"%d_*.h5" % field)))[::-1] + \ sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(catalog,"data_%04d_*.h5" % field)))[::-1] else: filenames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(catalog,"*.dat")))[::-1] + \ sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(catalog,"*.h5")))[::-1] h5names = [ "objid", "ra", "dec", "stats0", "stats1", "stats2", "stats3", "stats4", "stats5", "stats6", "stats7", "stats8", "stats9", "stats10", "stats11", "stats12", "stats13", "stats14", "stats15", "stats16", "stats17", "stats18", "stats19", "stats20", "stats21" ] h5periodnames = [ "objid", "period", "sig", "pdot", "periodicstats0", "periodicstats1", "periodicstats2", "periodicstats3", "periodicstats4", "periodicstats5", "periodicstats6", "periodicstats7", "periodicstats8", "periodicstats9", "periodicstats10", "periodicstats11", "periodicstats12", "periodicstats13" ] bands = {'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3} filter_id = bands[filt] cnt = 0 data = [] #filenames = filenames[:500] for ii, filename in enumerate(filenames): if np.mod(ii, 100) == 0: print(filename) print('Loading file %d/%d' % (ii, len(filenames))) filenameSplit = filename.split("/") catnum = filenameSplit[-1].replace(".dat", "").replace(".h5", "").split("_")[-1] try: with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: name = f['names'][()] filters = f['filters'][()] stats = f['stats'][()] periodic_stats = f['stats_%s' % algorithm][()] except: continue data_tmp = Table(rows=stats, names=h5names) data_tmp['name'] = name data_tmp['filt'] = filters data_period_tmp = Table(rows=periodic_stats, names=h5periodnames) data_period_tmp.remove_column('objid') data_tmp = hstack([data_tmp, data_period_tmp], join_type='inner') if len(data_tmp) == 0: continue #data_tmp.add_index('name') if doField: idx = np.where(filter_id != data_tmp['filt'].astype(int))[0] data_tmp.remove_rows(idx) if len(data_tmp) == 0: continue data_tmp['name'] = data_tmp['name'].astype(str) data_tmp['filt'] = data_tmp['filt'].astype(str) data_tmp['catnum'] = int(catnum) * np.ones(data_tmp["ra"].shape) coord = SkyCoord(data_tmp["ra"], data_tmp["dec"], simbad = ["N/A"] * len(coord) if doSimbad: print('Querying simbad: %d/%d' % (ii, len(filenames))) doQuery = True result_table = None nquery = 1 while doQuery and (not ii == 1078): try: result_table = customSimbad.query_region(coord, radius=2 * u.arcsecond) doQuery = False nquery = nquery + 1 except: nquery = nquery + 1 time.sleep(10) continue if nquery >= 3: break if not result_table is None: ra = result_table['RA'].filled().tolist() dec = result_table['DEC'].filled().tolist() ra = Angle(ra, unit=u.hour) dec = Angle(dec, unit=u.deg) coords2 = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, frame='icrs') idx, sep, _ = coords2.match_to_catalog_sky(coord) for jj, ii in enumerate(idx): simbad[ii] = result_table[jj]["OTYPE_S"] data_tmp['simbad'] = simbad data_tmp['simbad'] = data_tmp['simbad'].astype(str) if cnt == 0: data = copy.copy(data_tmp) else: data = vstack([data, data_tmp]) cnt = cnt + 1 if len(data) == 0: print('No data in %s available...' % catalog) return [] sig = data["sig"] idx = np.arange(len(sig)) / len(sig) sigsort = idx[np.argsort(sig)] data["sigsort"] = sigsort return data
def _attach_header_columns_to_tab(fn, theader): tab = tab = at.hstack([theader, tab]) tab.write(fn, overwrite=True)
# Get the meta for tilt1, tilt2, phi12 meta_tilt1 = tuple(data.columns.items())[tilt1_id][1].meta meta_tilt2 = tuple(data.columns.items())[tilt2_id][1].meta meta_phi12 = tuple(data.columns.items())[phi12_id][1].meta meta_f_ref = tuple(data.columns.items())[f_ref_id][1].meta # Create an astropy table with the evolved spin samples tilts_evol = Table([ Column(tilt1_evol, name='tilt1' + label, meta=meta_tilt1), Column(tilt2_evol, name='tilt2' + label, meta=meta_tilt2), Column(phi12_evol, name='phi12' + label, meta=meta_phi12) ]) # Append the columns to the existing astropy table of samples from the HDF5 file data_joined = hstack([data, tilts_evol]) if v_final != "ISCO": vfinal_col = Table([ Column(v_final * np.ones_like(tilt1_evol), name='vfinal', meta=meta_f_ref) ]) data_joined = hstack([data_joined, vfinal_col]) _remap_colnames(data_joined) f = h5py.File(hdf_pos_file, 'r') path = '/lalinference/' + run_identifier + '/posterior_samples' level = f[path] arrt = level.attrs
def nstar(self, image, star_groups): """ Fit, as appropriate, a compound or single model to the given ``star_groups``. Groups are fitted sequentially from the smallest to the biggest. In each iteration, ``image`` is subtracted by the previous fitted group. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray Background-subtracted image. star_groups : `~astropy.table.Table` This table must contain the following columns: ``id``, ``group_id``, ``x_0``, ``y_0``, ``flux_0``. ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` are initial estimates of the centroids and ``flux_0`` is an initial estimate of the flux. Additionally, columns named as ``<param_name>_0`` are required if any other parameter in the psf model is free (i.e., the ``fixed`` attribute of that parameter is ``False``). Returns ------- result_tab : `~astropy.table.Table` Astropy table that contains photometry results. image : numpy.ndarray Residual image. """ result_tab = Table() for param_tab_name in self._pars_to_output.keys(): result_tab.add_column(Column(name=param_tab_name)) unc_tab = Table() for param, isfixed in self.psf_model.fixed.items(): if not isfixed: unc_tab.add_column(Column(name=param + "_unc")) y, x = np.indices(image.shape) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') for n in range(len(star_groups.groups)): group_psf = get_grouped_psf_model(self.psf_model, star_groups.groups[n], self._pars_to_set) usepixel = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.bool) for row in star_groups.groups[n]: usepixel[overlap_slices(large_array_shape=image.shape, small_array_shape=self.fitshape, position=(row['y_0'], row['x_0']), mode='trim')[0]] = True fit_model = self.fitter(group_psf, x[usepixel], y[usepixel], image[usepixel]) param_table = self._model_params2table(fit_model, len(star_groups.groups[n])) result_tab = vstack([result_tab, param_table]) if 'param_cov' in self.fitter.fit_info.keys(): unc_tab = vstack([ unc_tab, self._get_uncertainties(len(star_groups.groups[n])) ]) try: from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError except ImportError: raise ImportError("astropy 1.1 or greater is required in " "order to use this class.") # do not subtract if the fitting did not go well try: image = subtract_psf(image, self.psf_model, param_table, subshape=self.fitshape) except NoOverlapError: pass if 'param_cov' in self.fitter.fit_info.keys(): result_tab = hstack([result_tab, unc_tab]) return result_tab, image
t1.write('newtable.fits', overwrite=True) # for a different format t1.write('newtable.dat', format='ascii') # there are TONS of formats available for both reading in and writing out, # including latex tables, sextractor catalogs, machine readable tables # that astronomy journals require, etc. # see here: # ### stacking tables # let's say you have two tables and you already know they line up exactly # i.e., 0th row corresponds to 0th row, etc. (NOTE that this is not the case # with t1 and t2) # you can stack the tables horizontally: from astropy.table import hstack new = hstack([t1, t2]) # new has the same number of rows as t1 and t2, but now includes all columns # from both tables together. # you'll notice that columns with the same names have been renamed # so field is now field_1 and field_2 because it appears in both tables # if you have two tables with at least a few column names in common, you can # vertically stack them: from astropy.table import vstack new2 = vstack([t1, t2]) # new2 has one copy of all unique columns from the two tables, and has # the number of rows in t1 + rows in t2 # you'll see that where one of the tables didn't have a column in the other, # the value is --. for example, t1 did not have a 'z' column, so in new2 there # are a bunch of --'s associated with 'z' for the objects in t1. # These represent data that is masked out or missing. Astropy Table is
def find_src_imsad(cfg_par): """Finds the continuum sources according to the options set in the source_finder sub-keys The function stores the sources as a raw txt file straight from miriad, a formatted csv file and a karma annotation file. Parameters ---------- cfg_par : str Parameter file loaded with sharpener Returns ------- src_list : str csv table of continuum sources (output of MIRIAD imsad) """ print('# Find continuum sources ') # Getting directories and convert files if necessary # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ os.chdir(cfg_par['general']['workdir']) sharpDir = 'sharpOut/' cont_im_mir = sharpDir + os.path.basename( cfg_par['general']['mircontname']) cont_im = cfg_par['general']['shortContname'] # cannot use cfg_par, probably because file name would be too long for miriad src_imsad_out = cfg_par['general']['absdir'] + 'mir_src_sharp.txt' #src_imsad_out = '{0:s}mir_src_sharp.txt'.format( # 'sharpOut/abs/') key = 'source_finder' if os.path.exists(cont_im_mir) == False and os.path.exists( cont_im) == True: fits = lib.miriad('fits') fits.op = 'xyin' fits.in_ = cont_im fits.out = cont_im_mir fits.go(rmfiles=True) elif os.path.exists(cont_im) == False and os.path.exists( cont_im_mir) == True: fits = lib.miriad('fits') fits.op = 'xyout' fits.in_ = cont_im_mir fits.out = cont_im fits.go(rmfiles=True) # Run IMSAD in Miriad to get the source # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ imsad = lib.miriad('imsad') imsad.in_ = cont_im_mir imsad.out = src_imsad_out imsad.clip = cfg_par[key]['clip'] #imsad.region = 'boxes\('+self.abs_ex_imsad_region+'\)' imsad.options = cfg_par[key]['options'] imsad.go(rmfiles=True) # It seems that the length of a line in the Miriad # output file from imsad can vary depending on the flags. # It is necessary to check for this and adjust the length check_miriad_output(src_imsad_out) # Modify output of imsad to save it as csv # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # changed to use functionality # src_list = open(src_imsad_out,'r') # lines = src_list.readlines() # len_lines = len(lines) # ra_tmp = [] # dec_tmp = [] # peak_tmp = [] # for i in xrange (0,len_lines): # lines[i] = lines[i].strip() # tmp = lines[i].split(' ') # ra_tmp.append(str(tmp[3])) # dec_tmp.append(str(tmp[4])) # peak_tmp.append(str(tmp[6])) # ra_tmp = np.array(ra_tmp) # dec_tmp = np.array(dec_tmp) # peak_tmp = np.array(peak_tmp) # #ID # ids = np.array(np.arange(1,len_lines+1,1),dtype=str) # #J2000 # #convert ra # ra_vec = [] # for i in xrange (0, len_lines): # line = ra_tmp[i].split(':') # last_dig = int(round(float(line[2]),0)) # if last_dig < 10: # last_dig = '0'+str(last_dig) # ra_vec.append(line[0]+line[1]+str(last_dig)) # #convert dec # dec_vec = [] # dec_coord = [] # for i in xrange (0, len_lines): # line = dec_tmp[i].split(':') # first_dig = line[0][-2:] # last_dig = int(round(float(line[2]),0)) # dec_vec.append(first_dig[1]+line[1]+str(last_dig)) # if line[0][-3] == '-': # dec_coord.append('-'+first_dig+':'+line[1]+':'+str(last_dig)) # J2000_tmp = np.array([ a+'-'+b for a,b in zip(ra_vec,dec_vec)]) # if line[0][-3] == '+': # dec_coord.append('+'+first_dig+':'+line[1]+':'+str(last_dig)) # J2000_tmp = np.array([ a+'+'+b for a,b in zip(ra_vec,dec_vec)]) # dec_coord = np.array(dec_coord) # read in data and rename columns src_list =, include_names=[ 'col3', 'col4', 'col5', 'col6', 'col7', 'col8', 'col9', 'col10', 'col11', 'col12' ]) src_list.rename_column('col3', 'ra') src_list.rename_column('col4', 'dec') src_list.rename_column('col5', 'peak') src_list.rename_column('col6', 'flux_int') src_list.rename_column('col7', 'beam_major_decon') src_list.rename_column('col8', 'beam_minor_decon') src_list.rename_column('col9', 'beam_pang_decon') src_list.rename_column('col10', 'FLAG') src_list.rename_column('col11', 'DFLAG') src_list.rename_column('col12', 'FFLAG') n_src = np.size(src_list['ra']) # correct the miriad bug src_list['dec'] = np.array( [src.replace('+0+', '+') for src in src_list['dec']]) # create two new columns # column 1: ID will be filled after sorting the columns src_id = np.zeros(n_src) # column 2: Source name j2000 = np.array([ "{0:s}{1:s}".format(src_list['ra'][k].replace(':', ''), src_list['dec'][k].replace(':', '')) for k in range(n_src) ]) # create a table and merge it new_columns = Table([src_id, j2000], names=('ID', 'J2000')) src_list = hstack([new_columns, src_list]) # sort the sources after source names src_list = src_list.group_by('J2000') # now assign ID src_list['ID'] = np.arange(n_src) + 1 ### Find pixels of sources in continuum image #open continuum image # if 'CTYPE4' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CTYPE4'] # if 'CDELT4' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CDELT4'] # if 'CRVAL4' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CRVAL4'] # if 'CUNIT4' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CUNIT4'] # if 'CRPIX4' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CRPIX4'] # if 'CTYPE3' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CTYPE3'] # if 'CDELT3' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CDELT3'] # if 'CRVAL3' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CRVAL3'] # if 'CRPIX3' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CRPIX3'] # if 'CUNIT3' in prihdr: # del prihdr['CUNIT3'] # if 'NAXIS3' in prihdr: # del prihdr['NAXIS3'] # if 'NAXIS' in prihdr: # del prihdr['NAXIS'] # prihdr['NAXIS']=2 hdulist = # read input # read data and header #what follows works for wcs, but can be written better prihdr = hdulist[0].header w = wcs.WCS(prihdr) # RS: the rest of the function requires only 2 axis images if w.naxis == 4: w = w.dropaxis(3) w = w.dropaxis(2) img = hdulist[0].data[0][0] elif w.naxis == 3: w = w.dropaxis(2) img = hdulist[0].data[0] coord_list = coord.SkyCoord(src_list['ra'], src_list['dec'], unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='fk5') px_ra = np.zeros(n_src, dtype=int) px_dec = np.zeros(n_src, dtype=int) for k in range(n_src): px_ra[k], px_dec[k] = w.wcs_world2pix(coord_list[k].ra, coord_list[k].dec, 1) px_ra[k] = int(round(px_ra[k], 0)) px_dec[k] = int(round(px_dec[k], 0)) # create a table and merge it new_columns = Table([px_ra, px_dec], names=('pixel_ra', 'pixel_dec')) src_list = hstack([src_list, new_columns]) # print(src_list) # print(cfg_par['general'].get('absdir')) src_list.write('{0:s}mir_src_sharp.csv'.format( cfg_par['general'].get('absdir')), format='csv', overwrite=True) # create a karma annotation file create_karma_annotation_file(coord_list, cfg_par) if cfg_par['abs_plot']['plot_contImage']: abs_plot.plot_continuum(cfg_par) # pixels_cont=np.zeros([ra_tmp.shape[0],2]) # ra_list_tmp = np.zeros([ra_tmp.shape[0]]) # for i in xrange (0,ra_tmp.shape[0]): # ra_deg_tmp = conv_units.ra2deg(ra_tmp[i]) # dec_deg_tmp = conv_units.dec2deg(dec_coord[i]) # px,py=w.wcs_world2pix(ra_deg_tmp,dec_deg_tmp,0) # pixels_cont[i,0]= str(round(px,0)) # pixels_cont[i,1]= str(round(py,0)) # #make csv file with ID, J2000, Ra, Dec, Pix_y, Pix_y, Peak[Jy] # tot = np.column_stack((ids,J2000_tmp,ra_tmp,dec_coord, # pixels_cont[:,0],pixels_cont[:,1],peak_tmp)) # write_src_csv(tot,cfg_par) hdulist.close() print('# Continuum sources found #') return src_list
def cross_matching(ref_catalogue, pre_snr_tar_catalogue, original_dist_tar_catalogue, confidence_percentile, single_candidate_confidence, log, options, run, already_cross_matched=None, snr_restriction=False, flux_match=True, final_run=False): """ Take the updated reference and target catalogues to perform a cross match within a resolution radius. Allows user to define a restriction on the SNR threshold of source, how tightly the fluxes should match and a normalisation factor for fluxes between the two catalogues. :param ref_catalogue: the reference catalogue with only un-cross-matched sources remaining in it :param pre_snr_tar_catalogue: the target catalogue with only un-cross-matched source remaining in it, which hasn't been filtered by SNR yet. :param original_dist_tar_catalogue: same sources as pre_snr_tar_catalogue but with original positions of all target sources :param confidence_percentile: float between 0 and 1 to indicate the required confidence interval for a match :param snr_restriction: an integer or float that defines some lower limit on SNR. Only target sources above this SNR will be cross matched (optional, default is False) :param flux_match: If this condition is True matching probability will be altered by how close the sources match in flux (optional, default is True) :param final_run: argument required for comb_prob to override the set confidence percentile :return: target catalogue with modelled offsets applied """ if final_run == True: "Returning most likely match to remaining {0} unmatched sources". format(len(pre_snr_tar_catalogue))) else:"Initialising match of {0} target sources".format( len(pre_snr_tar_catalogue))) #applying snr filter if it is specified if snr_restriction != False: snr_filter = np.where( (pre_snr_tar_catalogue['peak_flux'] / pre_snr_tar_catalogue['local_rms']) >= snr_restriction) tar_catalogue = pre_snr_tar_catalogue[snr_filter] else: tar_catalogue = pre_snr_tar_catalogue #we're going to cast a wide net of 10' to find multiple matches per target source limiting_res = 600.0 / 3600.0 * #Using SkyCoord package to prepare the ref and tar catalogues for the cross match ref_cat = SkyCoord(ref_catalogue['ra'], ref_catalogue['dec'],, frame='icrs') tar_cat = SkyCoord(tar_catalogue['ra'], tar_catalogue['dec'],, frame='icrs') ref_cat_uuid = [] tar_cat_uuid = [] gross_matched_idx_ref, gross_matched_idx_tar, gross_matched_sep, dum = tar_cat.search_around_sky( ref_cat, limiting_res) if snr_restriction != False: tar_cat_matched_within_resolution = original_dist_tar_catalogue[ snr_filter][gross_matched_idx_tar] else: tar_cat_matched_within_resolution = original_dist_tar_catalogue[ gross_matched_idx_tar] #this is because the probability determination uses the adjusted positions tar_cat_for_prob = tar_catalogue[gross_matched_idx_tar] ref_cat_matched_within_resolution = ref_catalogue[gross_matched_idx_ref] for item in tar_cat_for_prob: if np.any(np.isin(tar_cat_uuid, item['uuid'])) == False: reference_matches = ref_cat_matched_within_resolution[np.where( tar_cat_for_prob['uuid'] == item['uuid'])] match = prob_comb(reference_matches, item, confidence_percentile, single_candidate_confidence, flux_match, final_run) if match != False: tar_uuid = match[0] ref_uuid = match[1] target_entry_idx = np.where( original_dist_tar_catalogue['uuid'] == tar_uuid) target_entry = original_dist_tar_catalogue[target_entry_idx] reference_entry_idx = np.where( ref_catalogue['uuid'] == ref_uuid) entry = hstack([ original_dist_tar_catalogue[target_entry_idx], ref_catalogue[reference_entry_idx] ], table_names=['tar', 'ref'], uniq_col_name='{table_name}_{col_name}') entry.add_columns([ Column([match[2]], name='pos_prob'), Column([match[3]], name='flux_prob'), Column([match[4]], name='total_prob'), Column([match[5]], name='norm_prob'), Column([match[6]], name='num_of_candidates') ]) try: cross_matched_table = vstack([cross_matched_table, entry]) except (NameError, TypeError): cross_matched_table = entry ref_cat_uuid.append(ref_uuid) tar_cat_uuid.append(tar_uuid) random.shuffle(tar_cat_uuid) rejected_match_idx = [] if len(cross_matched_table) > 0 and final_run == False: for i in range(0, len(tar_cat_uuid)): try: passed_catalogue = vstack( [already_cross_matched, cross_matched_table]) except TypeError: passed_catalogue = cross_matched_table if reject_outliers(passed_catalogue, tar_cat_uuid[i]) == 'reject': rejected_match_idx.append(i) rejected_entry_idx = np.where( cross_matched_table['tar_uuid'] == tar_cat_uuid[i])[0][0] rejected_entry = copy(cross_matched_table[rejected_entry_idx]) try: rejected_catalogue.add_row(rejected_entry) except (NameError, TypeError): rejected_catalogue = Table(rejected_entry) cross_matched_table.remove_row( np.where(cross_matched_table['tar_uuid'] == tar_cat_uuid[i])[0][0]) if final_run == False: if options.plotting == True: try: plot_rejections( vstack([already_cross_matched, cross_matched_table]), rejected_catalogue, run, options) except TypeError: plot_rejections(cross_matched_table, rejected_catalogue, run, options) tar_cat_uuid = np.array(tar_cat_uuid) tar_cat_uuid = tar_cat_uuid[np.delete(np.arange(0, len(tar_cat_uuid)), rejected_match_idx)] #remove the correctly cross matched sources from the modelled position target catalogue and original position target catalogue new_tar_index_list = np.delete( np.arange(0, len(pre_snr_tar_catalogue)), np.arange(0, len(pre_snr_tar_catalogue))[np.isin( pre_snr_tar_catalogue['uuid'], tar_cat_uuid)]) new_tar_catalogue = pre_snr_tar_catalogue[new_tar_index_list] new_original_dist_tar_catalogue = original_dist_tar_catalogue[ new_tar_index_list] return cross_matched_table, ref_catalogue, new_tar_catalogue, new_original_dist_tar_catalogue
def process(self):'Processing has been started') for image in self.images_list:'Processing image: {}'.format( apertures, sigma_values_table = self._create_apertures( image, self.stars_coordinates[str(image.savart)], image.shape) out_table = [] counts_tab = [] counts_error_tab = [] for aperture, sigma_value in zip(apertures, sigma_values_table): rawflux_table = aperture_photometry(, aperture[0]) bkgflux_table = aperture_photometry(, aperture[1]) phot_table = hstack([rawflux_table, bkgflux_table], table_names=['raw', 'bkg']) if self.config_section.get('bkg_annulus'): 'Mean background value from annulus has been used.') bkg_mean = phot_table['aperture_sum_bkg'] / aperture[ 1].area() bkg_sum = bkg_mean * aperture[0].area()'Mean background value\n {}'.format(bkg_mean)) else:'Mean background value from mask \ sigma clipped stats has been used.') bkg_mean = sigma_value.median bkg_sum = bkg_mean * aperture[0].area()'Mean background value\n {}'.format(bkg_mean)) final_sum = phot_table['aperture_sum_raw'] - bkg_sum phot_table['residual_aperture_sum'] = final_sum final_sum_error = self._calc_phot_error( image.hdr, aperture, phot_table, bkgflux_table, sigma_value.std) phot_table.add_column( Column(name='residual_aperture_err_sum', data=[final_sum_error])) phot_table['xcenter_raw'].shape = 1 phot_table['ycenter_raw'].shape = 1 phot_table['xcenter_bkg'].shape = 1 phot_table['ycenter_bkg'].shape = 1 out_table.append(phot_table) counts_tab.append(final_sum) counts_error_tab.append(final_sum_error) out_table = vstack(out_table) # self.measurements.append( # SavartCounts(image.savart, image.jd, # counts_tab, counts_error_tab)) if image.savart not in self.measurements: self.measurements[image.savart] = [ SavartCounts(image.savart, image.jd, counts_tab, counts_error_tab) ] else: self.measurements[image.savart].append( SavartCounts(image.savart, image.jd, counts_tab, counts_error_tab)) if self.config_section.get('plot_images'): self._make_image_plot(, apertures, self._save_image_output(out_table, + '.csv') self.measurements = OrderedDict(sorted(self.measurements.items())) self._save_polarizaton_results()
orig_to_obs = dict(zip(('inds','sep','_'), c_obs.match_to_catalog_sky(c_inp))) obs_to_orig = dict(zip(('inds','sep','_'), c_inp.match_to_catalog_sky(c_obs))) print("Observations match {0} out of {1} of the original leaves to 1 arcsec" .format((obs_to_orig['sep'] < 1*u.arcsec).sum(), len(pruned_orig_ppcat))) print("Of the observations, {0} out of {1} have <1 arcsec matches to original sources" .format((obs_to_orig['sep'] < 1*u.arcsec).sum(), len(pruned_ppcat))) print("Input has {0} out of {1} matches to the observed leaves within 1 arcsec" .format((orig_to_obs['sep'] < 1*u.arcsec).sum(), len(pruned_orig_ppcat))) pruned_ppcat.add_column(Column(data=orig_to_obs['inds'], name='match_inds')) pruned_ppcat.add_column(Column(data=orig_to_obs['sep'], name='match_separation')) temporary = pruned_orig_ppcat[pruned_ppcat['match_inds']] merged_orig_onto_obs = table.hstack([pruned_ppcat, temporary]) # ds9 -multiframe ../analysis/*perseus*.fits ../perseus_synth/perseus_250_2_model_tclean_clean_noise.fits -lock frames image -frame 2 -scale minmax -cmap sls -frame 3 -frame delete -frame 7 -frame delete -frame 6 -cmap sls -frame 8 -cmap sls -frame 4 -cmap sls -frame 5 -cmap value 8.5 0.05 -frame 9 -cmap value 12 0.03 -frame 1 -cmap value 8.5 0.05 -lock crosshairs image & import pylab as pl from astropy.visualization import (MinMaxInterval, ManualInterval, AsinhStretch, ImageNormalize) norm = ImageNormalize(data_original, interval=ManualInterval(-0.002,0.03), stretch=AsinhStretch()) fig = pl.figure(1) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], projection=mywcs) ax.imshow(data_original, cmap='gray_r', origin='lower', interpolation='none', norm=norm) ax.plot(orig_ppcat['x_cen'], orig_ppcat['y_cen'], 'o', markeredgecolor='r', markerfacecolor='none', transform=ax.get_transform('world'))
def find_close_objs(lo, lbcs, tolerance=5.): ## first filter the LBCS data on Flags lbcs_idx = np.where( np.logical_or(lbcs['Flags'] == 'O', lbcs['Flags'] == 'A' ) ) lbcs = lbcs[lbcs_idx] ## get rid of anything with only X's nump = [] nums = [] for xx in range(len(lbcs)): nump.append(count_p(lbcs['Goodness'][xx])) nums.append(count_s(lbcs['Goodness'][xx])) print( np.array(nump) + np.array(nums) ) lbcs_idx = np.where( np.array(nump)+np.array(nums) > 0 )[0] lbcs = lbcs[lbcs_idx] ## get RA and DEC for the catalogues lotss_coords = SkyCoord( lo['RA'], lo['DEC'], frame='icrs', unit='deg' ) lbcs_coords = SkyCoord( lbcs['RA'], lbcs['DEC'], frame='icrs', unit='deg' ) ## search radius search_rad = 5. / 60. / 60. * u.deg ## loop through the lbcs coordinates -- this will be much faster than looping through lotss lotss_idx = [] lbcs_idx = [] for xx in range(len(lbcs)): seps = lbcs_coords[xx].separation(lotss_coords) match_idx = np.where( seps < search_rad )[0] if len( match_idx ) == 0: # there's no match, move on to the next source m_idx = [-1] pass else: if len( match_idx ) == 1: ## there's only one match m_idx = match_idx[0] lbcs_idx.append(xx) lotss_idx.append(m_idx) if len( match_idx ) > 1: ## there's more than one match, pick the brightest tmp = lo[match_idx] m_idx = np.where( tmp['Total_flux'] == np.max( tmp['Total_flux'] ) )[0] if not isinstance(m_idx,int): m_idx = m_idx[0] lbcs_idx.append(xx) lotss_idx.append(m_idx) lbcs_matches = lbcs[lbcs_idx] lotss_matches = lo[lotss_idx] combined = hstack( [lbcs_matches, lotss_matches], join_type='exact' ) ## check if there are duplicate lbcs observations for a lotss source if len( np.unique( combined['Source_id'] ) ) != len( combined ): # there are duplicates print( 'There are duplicate LBCS sources, selecting the best candidate(s).' ) src_ids = np.unique( combined['Source_id'] ) good_idx = [] for src_id in src_ids: idx = np.where( combined['Source_id'] == src_id )[0] if len(idx) > 1: ## multiple matches found. Count P's first and then break ties with Goodness_FT num_P = [] total_ft = [] for yy in range( len( idx ) ): tmp = combined[idx[yy]]['Goodness'] num_P.append( count_p( tmp ) ) tmp = combined[idx[yy]]['FT_Goodness'] total_ft.append( sum_digits( tmp ) ) ## check that the total_ft values are non-zero before looking for a best cal if np.max( total_ft ) > 0: ## pick the one with the highest number of P's -- if tie, use total_ft best_idx = np.where( num_P == np.max( num_P ) )[0] ## this is an array if len( best_idx ) == 1: good_idx.append(idx[best_idx][0]) ## idx[best_idx][0] is a number if len( best_idx ) > 1: currentmax = 0.0 for i in range(0,len(best_idx)): if total_ft[best_idx[i]] > currentmax: currentmax = total_ft[best_idx[i]] ft_idx = i good_idx.append( idx[best_idx[ft_idx]] ) else: print( 'Duplicate sources have total_ft = 0, removing from results.' ) else: good_idx.append(idx[0]) result = combined[good_idx] else: print( 'No duplicate sources found' ) result = combined ## rename RA columns result.rename_column('RA_1','RA_LBCS') result.rename_column('DEC_1','DEC_LBCS') result.rename_column('RA_2','RA') result.rename_column('DEC_2','DEC') return result
def supplement(self, service='jplhorizons', id_field='targetname', epoch_field='epoch', location='500', modify_fieldnames='obs', **kwargs): """Supplement observational data with ephemerides queried from the selected service. Parameters ---------- service : str, optional Service from which to acquire data: ``'jplhorizons'``, ``'mpc'``, or ``'miriade'``, corresponding to the `JPL Horizons system <>`_ (using ``), the `Minor Planet Center ephemeris service <>`_ (using ``), and the `IMCCE Miriade service <>`_ (using ``). Default: ``'jplhorizons'`` id_field : str, optional Field name that corresponds to a suitable target identifier in this `` object. Default: ``'targetname'`` epoch_field : str, optional Field name that corresponds to a suitable epoch identifier in this `` object. The corresponding column must be of type `~astropy.time.Time`. Default: ``'epoch'`` location : str, optional Location of the observer for the data stored in this `` object. Default: ``'500'`` (geocenter) modify_fieldnames : str, optional Defines whether field names in this `` object (``'obs'``) or in the supplemental data to be queried (``'eph'``) will be modified by adding a suffix in case of field name collisions. Default: ``'obs'`` **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to the corresponding ephemerides query service. Returns ------- `~Obs` object The resulting object will contain all data from this `` object as well as the queried ephemeris data. Notes ----- * Not all available service are equally suited for this kind of query: only the JPL Horizons system enables quick queries for a large number of epochs. Queries using the other services may take a long time depending on the number of epochs and targets. Examples -------- >>> from import Obs >>> obs = Obs.from_mpc('2019 AA', id_type='asteroid designation') # doctest: +SKIP >>> data = obs.supplement(id_field='designation') # doctest: +SKIP >>> data.field_names # doctest: +SKIP <TableColumns names=('number','desig','discovery','note1','note2','epoch','RA_obs','DEC_obs','mag','band','observatory','target','RA','DEC','delta','V','alpha','elong','RAcosD_rate','DEC_rate','delta_rate')> """ try: targetids = set(self[id_field]) except (TypeError, KeyError): raise QueryError('cannot use field {} as id_field.'.format( id_field)) all_obs = None all_eph = None for targetid in targetids: if all_obs is None: all_obs = self.table[self[id_field] == targetid] else: all_obs = vstack([all_obs, self.table[self[id_field] == targetid]]) if service == 'jplhorizons': eph = Ephem.from_horizons( targetid, epochs=self[self[id_field] == targetid][epoch_field], location=location, **kwargs) eph.table.remove_column('epoch') elif service == 'mpc': eph = Ephem.from_mpc( targetid, epochs=self[self[id_field] == targetid][epoch_field], location=location, **kwargs) eph.table.remove_column('Date') elif service == 'miriade': eph = Ephem.from_miriade( targetid, epochs=self[self[id_field] == targetid][epoch_field], location=location, **kwargs) eph.table.remove_column('epoch') else: raise QueryError('service {} not known.'.format(service)) if all_eph is None: all_eph = eph.table else: all_eph = vstack([all_eph, eph.table]) # identify field names that both obs and eph have in common fieldnames_intersect = set(all_eph.columns).intersection( all_obs.columns) for fieldname in fieldnames_intersect: if modify_fieldnames == 'obs': all_obs.rename_column(fieldname, fieldname+'_obs') elif modify_fieldnames == 'eph': all_eph.rename_column(fieldname, fieldname+'_eph') return Obs.from_table(hstack([all_obs, all_eph]), meta=self.meta)
def _consolidateFitsData(cls, dcrHdu, ifHdu): """Given DCR and IF HDU objects, pull out the information needed to perform calibration into a single Astropy Table, then return it""" # STATE describes the phases in use dcrStateTable = cls.getTableByName(dcrHdu, 'STATE') # DATA contains the actual data recorded by the DCR dcrDataTable = cls.getTableByName(dcrHdu, 'DATA') # How many unique CAL states are there? calStates = numpy.unique(dcrStateTable['CAL']) # There should be only 1 or 2 possible states if list(calStates) not in [[0], [1], [0, 1]]: raise ValueError( "Invalid CAL states detected in DCR.RECEIVER.CAL: {}".format( calStates)) # How many unique SIGREF states are there? sigRefStates = numpy.unique(dcrStateTable['SIGREF']) # There should be only 1 or 2 possible states if list(sigRefStates) not in [[0], [1], [0, 1]]: raise ValueError("Invalid SIGREF states detected in " "DCR.RECEIVER.SIGREF: {}".format(sigRefStates)) # DCR data from IF table ifDcrDataTable = cls.getIfDataByBackend(ifHdu) if len(numpy.unique(ifDcrDataTable['RECEIVER'])) != 1: raise ValueError("There must only be one RECEIVER per scan!") ifDcrDataTable.meta['RECEIVER'] = ifDcrDataTable['RECEIVER'][0] # Strip out unneeded/misleading columns filteredIfTable = ifDcrDataTable['FEED', 'RECEPTOR', 'POLARIZE', 'CENTER_SKY', 'BANDWDTH', 'PORT', 'HIGH_CAL'] # Each of these rows actually has a maximum of four possible states: # | `SIGREF` | `CAL` | Phase key | Phase index | # |----------|-------|----------------------|-------------| # | 0 | 0 | `Signal / No Cal` | 0 | # | 0 | 1 | `Signal / Cal` | 1 | # | 1 | 0 | `Reference / No Cal` | 2 | # | 1 | 1 | `Reference / Cal` | 3 | # So, let's get the number of states for this specific dataset # by querying the DCR STATE table. Note that this is a scalar value # that indicates how many phases the data from each port has been # taken during numPhasesPerPort = len(numpy.unique(dcrStateTable['SIGREF', 'CAL'])) # Then we can stack our IF table n times, where n is numPhasesPerPort filteredIfTable = vstack([filteredIfTable] * numPhasesPerPort) filteredIfTable.sort('PORT') # We now have a table that is the correct final size. # But, it does not yet have the SIGREF and CAL columns # Before we add those, we need to make them the right length. # We do that by stacking a slice of the state table containing only # those two columns n times, where n is the number of rows in the IF # DCR table. try: expandedStateTable = vstack([dcrStateTable['SIGREF', 'CAL']] * len(ifDcrDataTable)) except TypeError: logger.error( "Could not stack DCR table. Is length of ifDcrDataTable 0? {}". format(len(ifDcrDataTable))) logger.error(ifDcrDataTable) raise # Delete this meta key; we don't need it and it # results in a warning del expandedStateTable.meta['EXTNAME'] # We now have two tables, both the same length, and they can be simply # stacked together horizontally. filteredIfTable = hstack([filteredIfTable, expandedStateTable]) # We now have a table that maps physical attributes to the different # states in which data was taken. That is, for each feed we have rows # that map it to the various SIGREF and CAL states that were active at # some point during the scan. # So, we now need to map these physical attributes to the actual data! # Get the sets of unique SIGREF and CAL states. Note that this could # _probably_ be done by simply grabbing the whole column from # dcrStateTable, but this way we guarantee uniqueness. uniquePorts = numpy.unique(filteredIfTable['PORT']) uniqueSigRefStates = numpy.unique(filteredIfTable['SIGREF']) uniqueCalStates = numpy.unique(filteredIfTable['CAL']) phaseStateTable = dcrStateTable['SIGREF', 'CAL'] phaseStateTable.add_column( Column(name='PHASE', data=numpy.arange(len(phaseStateTable)))) filteredIfTable.add_column( Column(name='DATA', dtype=dcrDataTable['DATA'].dtype, shape=dcrDataTable['DATA'].shape[0], length=len(filteredIfTable))) # This is a reasonable assert to make, but it will fail when the IF FITS # only has a *subset* of the ports used by the DCR. Sparrow ignores ports # NOT specified by the IF FITS file, wo we'll do the same #assert len(uniquePorts) == dcrDataTable['DATA'].shape[1] if len(uniquePorts) != dcrDataTable['DATA'].shape[1]: logger.warning("IF ports are only a subset of DCR ports used") # TODO: I wonder if there is a way to avoid looping here altogether? for portIndex, port in enumerate([port + 1 for port in uniquePorts]): # TODO: Combine these into one? for sigRefStateIndex, sigRefState in enumerate(uniqueSigRefStates): for calStateIndex, calState in enumerate(uniqueCalStates): phaseMask = ((phaseStateTable['SIGREF'] == sigRefState) & (phaseStateTable['CAL'] == calState)) # Assert that the mask doesn't match more than one row if numpy.count_nonzero(phaseMask) != 1: raise ValueError("PHASE could not be unambiguously " "determined from given SIGREF ({}) " "and CAL ({})".format( sigRefState, calState)) phase = phaseStateTable[phaseMask]['PHASE'][0] # Calculate the index of our 1D column from where we are # in our 3D data dataColumnIndex = ( (portIndex * (len(uniqueSigRefStates) * len(uniqueCalStates))) + (sigRefStateIndex * len(uniqueCalStates)) + calStateIndex) # Slice out our data. We want data from every row of DATA (::), # but we only want the data in the nth dimension of the # mth dimension, where m = portIndex and n = phase dataRow = dcrDataTable['DATA'][::, portIndex, phase] filteredIfTable['DATA'][dataColumnIndex] = dataRow projPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dcrHdu.filename())) filteredIfTable.meta['PROJPATH'] = os.path.realpath(projPath) return filteredIfTable
def do_photometry(self, image, positions=None): """ Perform PSF photometry in ``image``. This method assumes that ``psf_model`` has centroids and flux parameters which will be fitted to the data provided in ``image``. A compound model, in fact a sum of ``psf_model``, will be fitted to groups of stars automatically identified by ``group_maker``. Also, ``image`` is not assumed to be background subtracted. If positions are not ``None`` then this method performs forced PSF photometry, i.e., the positions are assumed to be known with high accuracy and only fluxes are fitted. If the centroid positions are set as ``fixed`` in the PSF model ``psf_model``, then the optimizer will only consider the flux as a variable. Otherwise, ``positions`` will be used as initial guesses for the centroids. Parameters ---------- image : 2D array-like, ``, `` Image to perform photometry. positions: `~astropy.table.Table` Positions (in pixel coordinates) at which to *start* the fit for each object. Columns 'x_0' and 'y_0' must be present. 'flux_0' can also be provided to set initial fluxes. Returns ------- outtab : `~astropy.table.Table` Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. residual_image : array-like, ``, `` Residual image calculated by subtracting the fitted sources and the original image. """ if self.bkg_estimator is None: residual_image = image.copy() else: residual_image = image - self.bkg_estimator(image) if self.aperture_radius is None: if hasattr(self.psf_model, 'fwhm'): self.aperture_radius = self.psf_model.fwhm.value elif hasattr(self.psf_model, 'sigma'): self.aperture_radius = (self.psf_model.sigma.value * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm) if positions is None: if self.finder is None: raise ValueError('Finder cannot be None if positions are ' 'not given.') outtab = Table([[], [], [], [], [], []], names=('id', 'group_id', 'iter_detected', 'x_fit', 'y_fit', 'flux_fit'), dtype=('i4', 'i4', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8')) intab = Table([[], [], []], names=('x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'), dtype=('f8', 'f8', 'f8')) sources = self.finder(residual_image) apertures = CircularAperture( (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']), r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry( residual_image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] n = 1 while (len(sources) > 0 and (self.niters is None or n <= self.niters)): init_guess_tab = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[ sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['aperture_flux'] ]) intab = vstack([intab, init_guess_tab]) star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guess_tab) result_tab, residual_image = self.nstar( residual_image, star_groups) result_tab['iter_detected'] = \ n*np.ones(result_tab['x_fit'].shape, outtab = vstack([outtab, result_tab]) sources = self.finder(residual_image) if len(sources) > 0: apertures = CircularAperture( (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']), r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = \ aperture_photometry(residual_image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] n += 1 outtab = hstack([intab, outtab]) else: if 'flux_0' not in positions.colnames: apertures = CircularAperture( (positions['x_0'], positions['y_0']), r=self.aperture_radius) positions['flux_0'] = aperture_photometry( residual_image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] intab = Table( names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[positions['x_0'], positions['y_0'], positions['flux_0']]) star_groups = self.group_maker(intab) outtab, residual_image = self.nstar(residual_image, star_groups) outtab = hstack([intab, outtab]) return outtab, residual_image
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # normalize spectra # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if parallaxes_tgas: file_name = 'apogee_spectra_norm.pickle' else: file_name = 'apogee_spectra_norm_hip.pickle' destination = './data/' + file_name if not os.path.isfile(destination): data_norm, continuum = LoadAndNormalizeData(apogee_data['FILE'], file_name, destination='./data/spectra/') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save files! # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if parallaxes_tgas: apogee_data = Table(apogee_data) tgas_data = Table(tgas_data) training_labels = hstack([apogee_data, tgas_data]) f = open('data/training_labels_apogee_tgas.pickle', 'w') pickle.dump(training_labels, f) f.close() else: f = open('data/training_labels_apogee_hip.pickle', 'w') pickle.dump(apogee_data, f) f.close() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------'''
def measure_specvels(spectra, profile, linewl, l2=0., viewwidth=20., corner=False): params = [] if profile == 'two': nparams = 6 figsize = (5, 15) elif profile == 'pcyg': nparams = 6 figsize = (5, 15) elif profile == 'emis': nparams = 4 figsize = (5, 10) elif profile == 'bc' or profile == 'rc': nparams = 5 figsize = (5, 12.5) elif profile == 'pcygbc': nparams = 7 figsize = (5, 15) elif profile == 'twobc': nparams = 7 figsize = (5, 15) else: raise ValueError('unrecognized profile type') hr = [4] + [1] * nparams gs = GridSpec(nparams + 1, 2, height_ratios=hr) for spec in spectra: good = ~np.isnan(spec['flux']) wl = spec['wl'][good] flux = spec['flux'][good] yshown = flux[(wl > linewl - viewwidth) & (wl < linewl + viewwidth)] if len(yshown) == 0: print('out of range for', spec['filename'], '(phase = {:+.1f})'.format(spec['phase'])) params.append([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) continue f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0:2]) ax1.step(wl, flux) ax1.axvline(linewl, color='k', linestyle='-.', zorder=0) ax1.axis([linewl - viewwidth, linewl + viewwidth, np.min(yshown), np.max(yshown)]) ax1.xaxis.tick_top() ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('both') l = plt.Line2D([], []) ax1.add_artist(l) ax2 = [plt.subplot(gs[2])] ax3 = [plt.subplot(gs[3])] for row in range(2, nparams + 1): ax2.append(plt.subplot(gs[2 * row], sharex=ax2[0])) ax3.append(plt.subplot(gs[2 * row + 1], sharex=ax3[0])) for ax in ax3: ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') for ax in ax2[:-1] + ax3[:-1]: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.11, right=0.89, top=0.97, bottom=0.03, hspace=0, wspace=0) dr = LinePlot(l, wl, flux, ax2, ax3, profile, linewl, l2, corner) dr.connect() # cont = input('Press enter to accept these values or r to reject them.\n') # plt.clf() # if dr.corner: # plt.figure(1) # plt.clf() # if cont == 'r': # print('fit rejected') # params.append([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) # else: params.append(dr.params) tparams = Table(rows=params, names=('v', 'dv', 'EW', 'dEW', 'flux', 'dflux')) for col in tparams.colnames: tparams[col].format = '%.3e' tout = hstack([spectra[['filename', 'date', 'telescope', 'instrument', 'phase']], tparams]) tout[['filename', 'v', 'EW', 'flux']].pprint(max_width=-1, max_lines=-1) plot_results(tout) return tout
def do_photometry(self, image, init_guesses=None): """ Perform PSF photometry in ``image``. This method assumes that ``psf_model`` has centroids and flux parameters which will be fitted to the data provided in ``image``. A compound model, in fact a sum of ``psf_model``, will be fitted to groups of stars automatically identified by ``group_maker``. Also, ``image`` is not assumed to be background subtracted. If ``init_guesses`` are not ``None`` then this method uses ``init_guesses`` as initial guesses for the centroids. If the centroid positions are set as ``fixed`` in the PSF model ``psf_model``, then the optimizer will only consider the flux as a variable. Parameters ---------- image : 2D array-like, ``, `` Image to perform photometry. init_guesses: `~astropy.table.Table` Table which contains the initial guesses (estimates) for the set of parameters. Columns 'x_0' and 'y_0' which represent the positions (in pixel coordinates) for each object must be present. 'flux_0' can also be provided to set initial fluxes. If 'flux_0' is not provided, aperture photometry is used to estimate initial values for the fluxes. Additional columns of the form '<parametername>_0' will be used to set the initial guess for any parameters of the ``psf_model`` model that are not fixed. Returns ------- output_tab : `~astropy.table.Table` or None Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. Uncertainties on the fitted parameters are reported as columns called ``<paramname>_unc`` provided that the fitter object contains a dictionary called ``fit_info`` with the key ``param_cov``, which contains the covariance matrix. If ``param_cov`` is not present, uncertanties are not reported. """ if self.bkg_estimator is not None: image = image - self.bkg_estimator(image) if self.aperture_radius is None: if hasattr(self.psf_model, 'fwhm'): self.aperture_radius = self.psf_model.fwhm.value elif hasattr(self.psf_model, 'sigma'): self.aperture_radius = (self.psf_model.sigma.value * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm) if init_guesses is not None: # make sure the code does not modify user's input init_guesses = init_guesses.copy() if init_guesses is not None: if self.aperture_radius is None: if 'flux_0' not in init_guesses.colnames: raise ValueError( 'aperture_radius is None and could not be ' 'determined by psf_model. Please, either ' 'provided a value for aperture_radius or ' 'define fwhm/sigma at psf_model.') if self.finder is not None: warnings.warn( 'Both init_guesses and finder are different than ' 'None, which is ambiguous. finder is going to ' 'be ignored.', AstropyUserWarning) if 'flux_0' not in init_guesses.colnames: apertures = CircularAperture( (init_guesses['x_0'], init_guesses['y_0']), r=self.aperture_radius) init_guesses['flux_0'] = aperture_photometry( image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] else: if self.finder is None: raise ValueError('Finder cannot be None if init_guesses are ' 'not given.') sources = self.finder(image) if len(sources) > 0: apertures = CircularAperture( (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']), r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry( image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] init_guesses = Table(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[ sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['aperture_flux'] ]) self._define_fit_param_names() for p0, param in self._pars_to_set.items(): if p0 not in init_guesses.colnames: init_guesses[p0] = len(init_guesses) * [ getattr(self.psf_model, param).value ] star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guesses) output_tab, self._residual_image = self.nstar(image, star_groups) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') output_tab = hstack([star_groups, output_tab]) return output_tab
def match(cat1, cat2, path, write, properties=None): if not os.path.isfile(cat1): cat1 = cat1.replace(cat1.split('_')[-1], 'z0.20.fits') # use as dummy to get columns HI = False else: HI = True cat_name_HI = cat1 cat_name_cont = cat2 cat_fits_HI = cat_fits_cont = cat_HI = cat_fits_HI[1].data cat_cont = cat_fits_cont[1].data cols_HI = cat_fits_HI[1].columns.names cols_cont = cat_fits_cont[1].columns.names cat_HI_table =, format='fits') cat_cont_table = for i in range(len(cols_cont)): if cols_cont[i] in cols_HI: cols_cont[i] = cols_cont[i] + '_1' # how to convert a recarray or fits table to np array: cat_HI_np = np.array(cat_HI_table).view(np.float32).reshape( (np.array(cat_HI_table).shape + (-1, ))) cat_cont_np = np.array(cat_cont_table).view(np.float32).reshape( (np.array(cat_cont_table).shape + (-1, ))) print(cols_cont, cols_HI) if HI: print('cat lengths', cat1.split('/')[-1], len(cat_HI), len(cat_cont)) MHI_HI = cat_HI['MHI'] MH_HI = cat_HI['Mh'] #r_HI_HI = cat_HI['HI size'] line_flux_HI = cat_HI['HI flux'] / 1000 # from mJy to Jy incl_HI = cat_HI['inclination'] z_HI = cat_HI['redshift'] OptClass_HI = cat_HI['OptClass'] MHI_cont = cat_cont['MHI_pred'] MH_cont = cat_cont['Mh_1'] #r_HI_cont = cat_cont['HI size'] incl_cont = cat_cont['inclination_1'] z_cont = cat_cont['redshift_1'] mass_function = 0 if mass_function: cont_optclasses = [ MHI_cont[cat_cont['RadioClass'] == 1], MHI_cont[cat_cont['RadioClass'] > 3] ] labels = ['late-type', 'late-type + AGN'] colors = ['red', 'pink'] plt.clf() norm = False #plt.hist(MHI_HI,range = (7.5, 12), bins = 100,log=True, histtype='step', fill=False,label = 'MHI', alpha = 1, normed=norm) #plt.hist(cont_optclasses,range = (7.5, 12),stacked = True, histtype='step', fill=False,bins = 100, log=True, alpha = 1, normed=norm, color = colors, label = labels) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r'log MHI (M$_{\odot}$)') plt.ylabel('N sources') plt.title(cat2.split('_')[-1].split('.fits')[0]) plt.savefig('cross/plots/HI_number_counts%s.png' % cat2.split('_')[-1].split('.fits')[0]) return #work out line_flux_pred from MHI_pred and dont match any continuum sources with line_flux_pred below line flux count H = 67.0 M = 0.32 L = 0.68 c = 2.99792458e8 G = 6.67408e-11 cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=H, Om0=M, Ode0=L) D_L_cont = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z_cont).value # Mpc line_flux_cont = 10**MHI_cont / (49.8 * D_L_cont**2) print(MHI_cont) print(len(cat_cont), 'continuum sources') print(len(cat_cont[line_flux_cont >= line_flux_cut]), 'continuum sources predict HI flux above HI cut') print(len(cat_cont[line_flux_cont < line_flux_cut]), 'continuum sources will not be matched with HI') print(len(cat_HI), 'HI sources') print( len(cat_HI) - len(cat_cont[line_flux_cont >= line_flux_cut]), 'HI sources will not be matched with continuum') print( len(cat_cont) + len(cat_HI) - len(cat_cont[line_flux_cont >= line_flux_cut]), 'unique sources in catalogue') unmatched_cont = cat_cont_np[line_flux_cont < line_flux_cut] unmatched_cont_empty = np.zeros( (unmatched_cont.shape[0], cat_HI_np.shape[1])) - 100 unmatched_cont_stack = np.hstack( (unmatched_cont_empty, unmatched_cont)) matched_cat_cont_np = cat_cont_np[line_flux_cont >= line_flux_cut] # find lowest N MHI sources in HI cat, where N is the number of surplus HI sources after matching # with all continuum sources with predicted flux over HI flux threshold N_unmatched_HI = len(cat_HI) - len( cat_cont[line_flux_cont >= line_flux_cut]) print('N_unmatched_HI', N_unmatched_HI) # catch values less than zero N_unmatched_HI = np.max((N_unmatched_HI, 0)) print('N_unmatched_HI', N_unmatched_HI) print(line_flux_cont.shape) print(line_flux_HI.shape) # value of MHI_HI of Nth lowest source after sorting in order of MHI_HI sorted_line_flux_HI = np.sort(line_flux_HI) HI_cat_line_flux_cut = sorted_line_flux_HI[N_unmatched_HI] print('all HI sources with line flux below', HI_cat_line_flux_cut, 'Jy will not be matched') unmatched_HI = cat_HI_np[line_flux_HI < HI_cat_line_flux_cut] unmatched_HI_empty = np.zeros( (unmatched_HI.shape[0], cat_cont_np.shape[1])) - 100 unmatched_HI_stack = np.hstack((unmatched_HI, unmatched_HI_empty)) matched_cat_HI_np = cat_HI_np[line_flux_HI >= HI_cat_line_flux_cut] all_cols = cols_HI + cols_cont unmatched_HI_table = Table() for i, col in enumerate(all_cols): unmatched_HI_table[col] = unmatched_HI_stack[:, i] unmatched_cont_table = Table() for i, col in enumerate(all_cols): unmatched_cont_table[col] = unmatched_cont_stack[:, i] matched_MHI_HI = MHI_HI[line_flux_HI >= HI_cat_line_flux_cut] matched_MHI_cont = MHI_cont[line_flux_cont >= line_flux_cut] print(matched_MHI_HI.shape, matched_MHI_cont.shape) sorted_matched_MHI_HI = matched_MHI_HI[np.argsort(matched_MHI_HI)] sorted_matched_MHI_cont = matched_MHI_cont[np.argsort( matched_MHI_cont)] for i in range(len(sorted_matched_MHI_HI)): print(sorted_matched_MHI_HI[i], sorted_matched_MHI_cont[i]) print(sorted_matched_MHI_cont.shape) print(sorted_matched_MHI_HI.shape) both = np.vstack((sorted_matched_MHI_HI, sorted_matched_MHI_cont)) print(both) matched_cat_HI_np = matched_cat_HI_np[np.argsort(matched_MHI_HI)] newcat2 = matched_cat_cont_np[np.argsort(matched_MHI_cont)] # now only need to match the matched catalogues, and reserve the unmatched to stack at the end matching_cat_HI_table = Table() for i, col in enumerate(cols_HI): matching_cat_HI_table[col] = matched_cat_HI_np[:, i] elif not HI: # make a numpy array for now newcat1 = np.zeros((cat_cont_np.shape[0], cat_HI_np.shape[1])) - 100 matching_cat_HI_table = Table() for i, col in enumerate(cols_HI): matching_cat_HI_table[col] = newcat1[:, i] newcat2 = cat_cont_np # might need to make HI table from np array here as it is reordered # make it into a fits table cat = Table() for i, col in enumerate(cols_cont): cat[col] = newcat2[:, i] t_new = hstack([matching_cat_HI_table, cat]) plt.clf() plt.scatter(t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 2]['MHI'], t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 2]['MHI_pred'], label='spirals') plt.scatter(t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 1]['MHI'], t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 1]['MHI_pred'], label='ellipticals') plt.xlabel(r'log MHI (M$_{\odot}$)') plt.ylabel(r'log MHI_pred (M$_{\odot}$)') plt.legend() plt.savefig(path + 'plots/MHI_pred_vs_MHI%s.png' % cat2.split('_')[-1].split('.fits')[0]) plt.clf() plt.scatter(t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 2]['MHI'], t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 2]['MHI'] - t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 2]['MHI_pred'], label='spirals') plt.scatter(t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 1]['MHI'], t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 1]['MHI'] - t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 1]['MHI_pred'], label='ellipticals') plt.xlabel(r'log MHI (M$_{\odot}$)') plt.ylabel(r'log MHI - log MHI_pred (M$_{\odot}$)') plt.legend() plt.savefig(path + 'plots/MHI_pred_vs_MHI_res%s.png' % cat2.split('_')[-1].split('.fits')[0]) if HI: # vstack the unmatched here t_new_all = vstack([t_new, unmatched_HI_table, unmatched_cont_table]) else: t_new_all = t_new plot_MHI_dist = 0 if plot_MHI_dist: plt.clf() plt.hist(t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 2]['MHI_pred'], alpha=0.5, label='spirals') plt.hist(t_new[t_new['OptClass_1'] == 1]['MHI_pred'], alpha=0.5, label='ellipticals') plt.xlabel(r'log MHI_pred (M$_{\odot}$)') plt.ylabel('N') plt.legend() plt.savefig('MHI_pred%s.png' % cat2.split('_')[-1].split('.fits')[0]) plt.clf() plt.hist(t_new[(t_new['RadioClass'] == 1)]['MHI_pred'], alpha=0.5, label='SFG-late') plt.hist(t_new[(t_new['RadioClass'] == 2)]['MHI_pred'], alpha=0.5, label='SFG-early') plt.hist(t_new[(t_new['RadioClass'] > 3)]['MHI_pred'], alpha=0.5, label='AGN') plt.xlabel(r'log MHI_pred (M$_{\odot}$)') plt.ylabel('N') plt.legend() plt.savefig('MHI_pred_radioclass%s.png' % cat2.split('_')[-1].split('.fits')[0]) plt.clf() outf = (path + cat2.split('/')[-1].replace("continuum", "X")) print('writing to.. ', outf) if write: t_new_all.write(outf, format='fits', overwrite=True)
def paint(self, Nmax=None, verbose=False, lrg_input_cat='$OM10_DIR/data/LRGo.txt', qso_input_cat='$OM10_DIR/data/QSOo.txt', synthetic=False): """ Add new columns to the table, for the magnitudes in various filters. Parameters ---------- synthetic : boolean Use `lenspop` to make synthetic magnitudes in various filters target : string Paint lenses ('lens') or sources ('source') lrg_input_cat : string Name of LRG catalog, if not using synthetic paint qso_input_cat : string Name of QSO catalog, if not using synthetic paint verbose : boolean print progress to stdout Notes ----- * Synthetic painting is very slow, as we loop over each object. * The treatment of QSOs may be flawed: the offset calculation has not been tested. """ if synthetic == False: # read data from SDSS f = open(os.path.expandvars(lrg_input_cat), 'r') lrg = loadtxt(f) f.close() g = open(os.path.expandvars(qso_input_cat), 'r') qso = loadtxt(g) g.close() ###MY OWN REDSHIFT ONLY MATCHING HERE: lens_props = ['MAGG_LENS','MAGR_LENS','MAGI_LENS','MAGZ_LENS', \ 'MAGW1_LENS','MAGW2_LENS','MAGW3_LENS','MAGW4_LENS', 'SDSS_FLAG_LENS'] src_props = ['MAGG_SRC','MAGR_SRC','MAGI_SRC','MAGZ_SRC', \ 'MAGW1_SRC','MAGW2_SRC','MAGW3_SRC','MAGW4_SRC', 'SDSS_FLAG_SRC'] tmp_lens = Table(np.zeros((len(self.sample), len(lens_props)), dtype='f8'), names=lens_props) tmp_src = Table(np.zeros((len(self.sample), len(src_props)), dtype='f8'), names=src_props) if verbose: print('setup done') lrg_sort = lrg[np.argsort(lrg[:, 0]), :] qso_sort = qso[np.argsort(qso[:, 0]), :] lens_count = 0 for lens in self.sample: #paint lens ind = np.searchsorted(lrg_sort[:, 0], lens['ZLENS']) if ind >= len(lrg_sort): ind = len(lrg_sort) - 1 tmp_lens[lens_count] = lrg_sort[ind, 6:] - lrg_sort[ ind, 8] + lens['APMAG_I'] #assign colors, not mags #paint source qso_ind = np.searchsorted(qso_sort[:, 0], lens['ZSRC']) if qso_ind >= len(qso_sort): qso_ind = len(qso_sort) - 1 tmp_src[lens_count] = qso_sort[qso_ind, 1:] - qso_sort[qso_ind, 3] + lens['MAGI'] lens_count += 1 self.sample = hstack([self.sample, tmp_lens, tmp_src]) if synthetic == True: lens_count = 0 total = len(self.sample) Rfilter = tools.filterfromfile('r_SDSS') Ufilter = tools.filterfromfile('u_SDSS') # sort the Ufilter array Ufilterarg = np.sort(Ufilter[1]) Ufilter = (Ufilter[0], Ufilterarg, 1) Gfilter = tools.filterfromfile('g_SDSS') Ifilter = tools.filterfromfile('i_SDSS') Zfilter = tools.filterfromfile('z_SDSS') self.Nlenses = len(self.sample) bands = ('r_SDSS_lens', 'g_SDSS_lens', 'i_SDSS_lens', 'z_SDSS_lens', 'u_SDSS_lens', 'r_SDSS_quasar', 'g_SDSS_quasar', 'i_SDSS_quasar', 'z_SDSS_quasar', 'u_SDSS_quasar') if verbose: print( 'OM10: computing synthetic magnitudes in the following bands: ', bands) # call a distance class constructor d = distances.Distance() # number of data in the table of calculated magnitude totalEntrees = self.Nlenses * 10.0 t = Table(np.arange(totalEntrees).reshape(self.Nlenses, 10), names=bands) Lsed = tools.getSED('BC_Z=1.0_age=9.000gyr') Qsed = tools.getSED('agn') from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3) lenspop_constructor = population_functions.LensPopulation_() for lens in self.sample: # calculate the quasar magnitude redshift = lens['ZSRC'] RF_Imag_app_q = lens['MAGI_IN'] Qoffset = RF_Imag_app_q - tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Ifilter, Qsed, redshift) RF_Rmag_app_q = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Rfilter, Qsed, redshift) + Qoffset RF_Gmag_app_q = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Gfilter, Qsed, redshift) + Qoffset RF_Zmag_app_q = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Zfilter, Qsed, redshift) + Qoffset if (redshift < 3.9): RF_Umag_app_q = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Ufilter, Qsed, redshift) + Qoffset elif (redshift >= 3.9): RF_Umag_app_q = 99 # calculate the lens magnitude veldisp = np.atleast_1d(lens['VELDISP']) redshift = lens['ZLENS'] # Reference Frame Absolute R magnitude RF_RMag_abs, _ = lenspop_constructor.EarlyTypeRelations( veldisp) RMag_abs = tools.ABFilterMagnitude(Rfilter, Lsed, redshift) distMod = cosmo.distmod(redshift).value Rmag_app = RMag_abs + distMod offset_abs_app = RMag_abs - Rmag_app offset_RF_abs = RF_RMag_abs - RMag_abs RF_Rmag_app = RF_RMag_abs - offset_abs_app # Get filters and calculate magnitudes for each filter: RF_Umag_app = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Ufilter, Lsed, redshift) + offset_RF_abs + distMod RF_Gmag_app = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Gfilter, Lsed, redshift) + offset_RF_abs + distMod RF_Imag_app = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Ifilter, Lsed, redshift) + offset_RF_abs + distMod RF_Zmag_app = tools.ABFilterMagnitude( Zfilter, Lsed, redshift) + offset_RF_abs + distMod t['u_SDSS_lens'][lens_count] = RF_Umag_app t['r_SDSS_lens'][lens_count] = RF_Rmag_app t['g_SDSS_lens'][lens_count] = RF_Gmag_app t['i_SDSS_lens'][lens_count] = RF_Imag_app t['z_SDSS_lens'][lens_count] = RF_Zmag_app t['u_SDSS_quasar'][lens_count] = RF_Umag_app_q t['r_SDSS_quasar'][lens_count] = RF_Rmag_app_q t['g_SDSS_quasar'][lens_count] = RF_Gmag_app_q t['i_SDSS_quasar'][lens_count] = RF_Imag_app_q t['z_SDSS_quasar'][lens_count] = RF_Zmag_app_q lens_count = lens_count + 1 dot = np.mod(lens_count, total / np.min([79, total])) == 0 if verbose and dot: print('.', end="") # Update the sample by adding the table of calculated magnitude self.sample.add_columns(t.columns.values()) self.lenses = self.sample.copy() return
def time_hstack(self): hstack([self.table, self.other_table_2])
def main(argv=None): """ Main Function """ parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) print('Combining catalogs') global source_table print(args.dsky, args.version) source_table = create_source_catalog(version=args.version, dsky=args.dsky) # source_table.write('source_cat_tmp.fits', overwrite=True) # source_table ='source_cat_tmp.fits') # add source name source_name = [] for row in source_table: source_name.append(get_source_name(row["ra_mean"], row["dec_mean"])) try: source_table.add_column(source_name, name="source_name", index=1) except: print('messed up source name again') # match to SDSS source_table_coords = SkyCoord(source_table['ra_mean'], source_table['dec_mean'], unit='deg') sdssfile = op.join(config.imaging_dir, 'sdss', 'specObj-dr16-trim.fits') sdsstab = sdsstab = sdss_coords = SkyCoord(ra=sdsstab['PLUG_RA'], dec=sdsstab['PLUG_DEC'], unit='deg') idx, d2d, d3d = source_table_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(sdss_coords) catalog_matches = sdsstab[idx] catalog_matches['sdss_dist'] = d2d.to_value(u.arcsec) catalog_matches.rename_column('PLUG_RA', 'ra_sdss') catalog_matches.rename_column('PLUG_DEC', 'dec_sdss') catalog_matches.rename_column('CLASS', 'sdss_class') catalog_matches.rename_column('Z', 'z_sdss') catalog_matches.rename_column('Z_ERR', 'z_sdss_err') matched_catalog = hstack([source_table, catalog_matches]) sel_remove = matched_catalog['sdss_dist'] > 5 matched_catalog['ra_sdss'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['dec_sdss'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['sdss_dist'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['sdss_class'][sel_remove] = '' matched_catalog['z_sdss'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['z_sdss_err'][sel_remove] = np.nan source_table = matched_catalog # match band-merged WISE catalog wise_catalog ='wise-hetdexoverlap.fits') source_table_coords = SkyCoord(source_table['ra_mean'], source_table['dec_mean'], unit='deg') wise_coords = SkyCoord(ra=wise_catalog['ra'], dec=wise_catalog['dec'], unit='deg') idx, d2d, d3d = source_table_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(wise_coords) catalog_matches = wise_catalog[idx] catalog_matches['wise_dist'] = d2d.to_value(u.arcsec) keep_wise = catalog_matches['ra', 'dec', 'primary', 'unwise_objid', 'flux', 'wise_dist'] keep_wise.rename_column('flux', 'wise_fluxes') keep_wise.rename_column('ra', 'ra_wise') keep_wise.rename_column('dec', 'dec_wise') matched_catalog = hstack([source_table, keep_wise]) w1 = [] w2 = [] for row in matched_catalog: w1.append(row['wise_fluxes'][0]) w2.append(row['wise_fluxes'][1]) matched_catalog['flux_w1'] = w1 matched_catalog['flux_w2'] = w2 matched_catalog.remove_column('wise_fluxes') sel_close = matched_catalog['wise_dist'] < 5 #arcsec print('There are {} wise matches'.format( np.size(np.unique(matched_catalog['source_id'][sel_close])))) # remove column info for WISE matches more than 5 arcsec away sel_remove = matched_catalog['wise_dist'] > 5 #arcsec matched_catalog['ra_wise'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['dec_wise'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['wise_dist'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['primary'][sel_remove] = -1 matched_catalog['unwise_objid'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['flux_w1'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['flux_w2'][sel_remove] = np.nan source_table = matched_catalog # add z_spec from other catlogs if it exists: goods_z ='catalogs/goods_n_specz_1018_no_header.txt', names=[ 'ra_zspec', 'dec_zspec', 'zspec', 'z_quality', 'zspec_catalog', 'Symbol' ], format='ascii.no_header') #DEIMOS 10k (Hasinger et al. 2018) z_spec up to ~6 # deimos ='catalogs/deimos_redshifts.tbl', format='ascii') deimos.rename_column('Ra', 'ra_zspec') deimos.rename_column('Dec', 'dec_zspec') deimos['zspec_catalog'] = 'CosmosDeimos' #Kriek et al. (2015) # mosdef ='catalogs/mosdef_zcat.final_slitap.fits') mosdef.rename_column('RA', 'ra_zspec') mosdef.rename_column('DEC', 'dec_zspec') mosdef.rename_column('Z_MOSFIRE', 'zspec') mosdef['zspec_catalog'] = 'MOSFIRE' #VUDS (Tasca et al. 2017), z_spec up to ~6 # zcosbright = 'catalogs/cesam_zcosbrightspec20k_dr3_catalog_1616073679.txt', format='ascii') zcosbright.rename_column('zpec', 'zspec') zcosbright.rename_column('ra', 'ra_zspec') zcosbright.rename_column('dec', 'dec_zspec') zcosbright['zspec_catalog'] = 'zCosmosBright' deep_specz = 'catalogs/', format='ascii', data_start=100) deep_specz.rename_column('col1', 'zCOSMOS-deepID') deep_specz.rename_column('col2', 'zspec') deep_specz.rename_column('col3', 'flag') deep_specz.rename_column('col4', 'zphot') deep_specz.rename_column('col5', 'ra_zspec') deep_specz.rename_column('col6', 'dec_zspec') deep_specz['zspec_catalog'] = 'DEEP_zcosmos' sdssfile = op.join(config.imaging_dir, 'sdss', 'specObj-dr16-trim.fits') sdss_specz = sdss_specz.rename_column('PLUG_RA', 'ra_zspec') sdss_specz.rename_column('PLUG_DEC', 'dec_zspec') sdss_specz.rename_column('CLASS', 'sdss_class') sdss_specz.rename_column('Z', 'zspec') sdss_specz.rename_column('Z_ERR', 'z_sdss_err') sdss_specz['zspec_catalog'] = 'sdss-dr16' specz_catalogs = vstack([ goods_z['zspec', 'ra_zspec', 'dec_zspec', 'zspec_catalog'], deimos['zspec', 'ra_zspec', 'dec_zspec', 'zspec_catalog'], mosdef['zspec', 'ra_zspec', 'dec_zspec', 'zspec_catalog'], zcosbright['zspec', 'ra_zspec', 'dec_zspec', 'zspec_catalog'], deep_specz['zspec', 'ra_zspec', 'dec_zspec', 'zspec_catalog'], sdss_specz['zspec', 'ra_zspec', 'dec_zspec', 'zspec_catalog'], ]) sel = specz_catalogs['zspec'] >= 0 specz_catalogs = specz_catalogs[sel] specz_coords = SkyCoord(ra=specz_catalogs['ra_zspec'], dec=specz_catalogs['dec_zspec'], unit='deg') source_coords = SkyCoord(ra=source_table['ra'], dec=source_table['dec'], unit='deg') idx, d2d, d3d = source_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(specz_coords) catalog_matches = specz_catalogs[idx] catalog_matches['zspec_dist'] = d2d.to_value(u.arcsec) matched_catalog = hstack([source_table, catalog_matches]) sel_close = matched_catalog['zspec_dist'] < 5 #u.arcsec print('There are {} zspec matches within 5 arcsec'.format( np.size(np.unique(matched_catalog['source_id'][sel_close])))) sel_remove = matched_catalog['zspec_dist'] > 5 #u.arcsec matched_catalog['zspec'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['ra_zspec'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['dec_zspec'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['zspec_dist'][sel_remove] = np.nan matched_catalog['zspec_catalog'][sel_remove] = '' #add desi confirmed redshifts dtab ='catalogs/desi-hetdex.fits') sel_good_hetdex = (dtab['artifact_flag'] == 0) * (dtab['wave'] >= 3610) sel_good_desi = (dtab['FIBERSTATUS'] == 0) sel_sample = sel_good_desi * sel_good_hetdex sel_conf = dtab['VI_quality'] >= 1 hetdex_coords = SkyCoord(ra=dtab['ra'], dec=dtab['dec'], unit='deg') desi_coords = SkyCoord(ra=dtab['TARGET_RA'], dec=dtab['TARGET_DEC'], unit='deg') dtab['zspec_dist'] = hetdex_coords.separation(desi_coords).arcsec zspec = [] zspec_dist = [] desi_matches = dtab['detectid'][sel_sample * sel_conf] for row in dtab[sel_sample * sel_conf]: if row['VI_z'] > 1.9: wave_z = (1 + row['VI_z']) * wavelya if (np.abs(wave_z - row['wave']) < 10): zspec.append(row['VI_z']) zspec_dist.append(row['zspec_dist']) else: zspec.append(np.nan) zspec_dist.append(np.nan) elif row['VI_z'] < 0.5: wave_z = (1 + row['VI_z']) * waveoii if (np.abs(wave_z - row['wave']) < 10): zspec.append(row['VI_z']) zspec_dist.append(row['zspec_dist']) else: zspec.append(np.nan) zspec_dist.append(np.nan) else: zspec.append(np.nan) zspec_dist.append(np.nan) for i in np.arange(len(desi_matches)): sel_det = matched_catalog['detectid'] == desi_matches[i] matched_catalog['zspec'][sel_det] = zspec[i] matched_catalog['zspec_dist'][sel_det] = zspec_dist[i] matched_catalog['zspec_catalog'][sel_det] = 'DESI' source_table = matched_catalog # Clear up memory for name in dir(): if source_table: continue elif not name.startswith('_'): del name import gc gc.collect() # sort table closest to group mean position # so unique will produce the closest match src_coord = SkyCoord(ra=source_table['ra_mean'], dec=source_table['dec_mean'], unit='deg') det_coord = SkyCoord(ra=source_table['ra'], dec=source_table['dec'], unit='deg') source_table['src_separation'] = det_coord.separation(src_coord) source_table.sort(['src_separation']) print('Filling masked values with NaNs') for col in source_table.columns: try: source_table[col] = source_table[col].filled(np.nan) print('yes', col) except: pass #print('no', col) #remove nonsense metadata source_table.meta = {} source_table.write("source_catalog_{}.fits".format(args.version), overwrite=True)
def _do_photometry(self, param_tab, n_start=1): """ Helper function which performs the iterations of the photometry process. Parameters ---------- param_names : list Names of the columns which represent the initial guesses. For example, ['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], for intial guesses on the center positions and the flux. n_start : int Integer representing the start index of the iteration. It is 1 if init_guesses are None, and 2 otherwise. Returns ------- output_table : `~astropy.table.Table` or None Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. """ output_table = Table() self._define_fit_param_names() for (init_param_name, fit_param_name) in zip(self._pars_to_set.keys(), self._pars_to_output.keys()): output_table.add_column(Column(name=init_param_name)) output_table.add_column(Column(name=fit_param_name)) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image) n = n_start while (len(sources) > 0 and (self.niters is None or n <= self.niters)): apertures = CircularAperture( (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']), r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry( self._residual_image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] init_guess_tab = Table(names=['id', 'x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[ sources['id'], sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['aperture_flux'] ]) for param_tab_name, param_name in self._pars_to_set.items(): if param_tab_name not in (['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0']): init_guess_tab.add_column( Column(name=param_tab_name, data=getattr(self.psf_model, param_name) * np.ones(len(sources)))) star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guess_tab) table, self._residual_image = super( IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry, self).nstar(self._residual_image, star_groups) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') table = hstack([star_groups, table]) table['iter_detected'] = n * np.ones(table['x_fit'].shape, dtype=np.int32) output_table = vstack([output_table, table]) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image) n += 1 return output_table
# make new file stars.to_csv(output_stars, mode='w', index=False) stars_counter += 1 else: # append to existing file stars.to_csv(output_stars, mode='a', index=False, header=False) new_metadata_columns = Table({ 'file_name': [file_name], 'zooniverse_subject_id': [subject_id], 'number_galaxy_centers': [len(centers)], 'number_foreground_stars': [len(stars)], 'observed': [manga_id in observed_ids] }) new_metadata = hstack([new_metadata_columns, metadata]) new_metadata = new_metadata.to_pandas() if metadata_counter == 0: # make new file new_metadata.to_csv(output_metadata, mode='w', index=False) metadata_counter += 1 else: # append to existing file new_metadata.to_csv(output_metadata, mode='a', index=False, header=False) # strip user_name and user_id for hdu_index in [8, 9, 10]:
if len(r_ness) % 5000 == 0: print(len(r_ness)) r_ness = Column(r_ness, name='richness') rand.add_column(r_ness) rand.write(indir + '5_random_catalog_richness_' + str(aper) + '.list', format='ascii', overwrite=True) #%% """ CALCULATING RATIO OF GOOD-TOTAL PIXELS AROUND EACH RANDOM SIGNPOST """ rand = + '5_random_catalog_richness_' + str(aper) + '.list', format='ascii') pixel_dict = gpf(rand, mask_image, aper) # ~50 minutes #%% """Constructing New Table of Random Points with Upscaled Richness """ pix_tab = Table(np.column_stack( [pixel_dict['tpix'], pixel_dict['gpix'], pixel_dict['gpf']]), names=('tot_pix', 'good_pix', 'gpf')) rand_new = hstack([rand, pix_tab]) rand_upscaled = upscaling(rand_new) rand_upscaled.write(indir + '5_random_catalog_with_upscaled_richness' + str(aper) + '.list', format='ascii', overwrite=True) #%%
def warped_xmatch( incat=None, refcat=None, ra1="ra", dec1="dec", ra2="RAJ2000", dec2="DEJ2000", radius=2 / 60.0, ): """ Create a cross match solution between two catalogues that accounts for bulk shifts and image warping. The warping is done in pixel coordinates, not sky coordinates. :param image: Fits image containing the WCS info for sky->pix conversion (Ideally the image which was used to create incat. :param incat: The input catalogue which is to be warped during the cross matching process. :param ref_cat: The reference image which will remain unwarped during the cross matching process :param ra1, dec1: column names for ra/dec in the input catalogue :param ra2, dec2: column names for ra/dec in the reference catalogue :param radius: initial matching radius in degrees :return: """ # check for incat/refcat as as strings, and load the file if it is incat = refcat = # The data attribute is needed in case either table carries with it a unit metavalue. If # it can not be parsed then the below will fail without the data, as SkyCoord ignores the # specified unit target_cat = SkyCoord(incat[ra1].data, incat[dec1].data, unit=(,, frame="icrs") ref_cat = SkyCoord(refcat[ra2].data, refcat[dec2].data, unit=(,, frame="icrs") center = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=SkyCoord( np.mean(target_cat.ra), np.mean(target_cat.dec), frame="icrs")) tcat_offset = target_cat.transform_to(center) rcat_offset = ref_cat.transform_to(center) # crossmatch the two catalogs idx, dist, _ = tcat_offset.match_to_catalog_sky(rcat_offset) # accept only matches within radius distance_mask = np.where( < radius) # this mask is into tcat_offset match_mask = idx[distance_mask] # this mask is into rcat_offset print(len(match_mask)) # calculate the ra/dec shifts dlon = rcat_offset.lon[match_mask] - tcat_offset.lon[distance_mask] dlat =[match_mask] -[distance_mask] # remake the offset catalogue with the bulk shift included tcat_offset = SkyCoord(tcat_offset.lon + np.mean(dlon), + np.mean(dlat), frame=center) # now do this again 3 more times but using the Rbf for i in range(3): # crossmatch the two catalogs idx, dist, _ = tcat_offset.match_to_catalog_sky(rcat_offset) # accept only matches within radius distance_mask = np.where( < radius) # this mask is into cat match_mask = idx[distance_mask] # this mask is into tcat_offset if len(match_mask) < 1: break # calculate the ra/dec shifts dlon = ([match_mask] -[distance_mask]) dlat = ([match_mask] -[distance_mask]) # use the following to make some models of the offsets dlonmodel = interpolate.Rbf([distance_mask],[distance_mask], dlon, function="linear", smooth=3, ) dlatmodel = interpolate.Rbf([distance_mask],[distance_mask], dlat, function="linear", smooth=3, ) # remake/update the tcat_offset with this new model. tcat_offset = SkyCoord( tcat_offset.lon + dlonmodel(, *, + dlatmodel(, *, frame=center, ) # final crossmatch to make the xmatch file idx, dist, _ = tcat_offset.match_to_catalog_sky(rcat_offset) # accept only matches within radius distance_mask = np.where( < radius) # this mask is into cat match_mask = idx[distance_mask] # this mask is into tcat_offset # print("Final mask {0}".format(len(match_mask))) xmatch = hstack([incat[distance_mask], refcat[match_mask]]) # return a warped version of the target catalogue and the final cross matched table tcat_corrected = tcat_offset.transform_to(target_cat) incat[ra1] = incat[dec1] = return incat, xmatch
def load_z(fibermap_files, zbest_files=None, outfil=None): '''Load input and output redshift values for a set of exposures Parameters ---------- fibermap_files: list List of fibermap files; None of these should be calibration.. zbest_files: list, optional List of zbest output files Slurped from fibermap info if not provided outfil: str, optional Output file for the table Returns ------- simz_tab: astropy.Table Merged table of simpsec data zb_tab: astropy.Table Merged table of zbest output ''' # imports log = get_logger() # Init if zbest_files is None: flag_load_zbest = True zbest_files = [] else: flag_load_zbest = False # Load up fibermap and simspec tables fbm_tabs = [] sps_tabs = [] for fibermap_file in fibermap_files: # zbest? if flag_load_zbest: fibermap_data = zbest_files += find_zbest_files(fibermap_data)'Reading: {:s}'.format(fibermap_file)) # Load simspec (for fibermap too!) simspec_file = fibermap_file.replace('fibermap', 'simspec') sps_hdu = # Make Tables fbm_tabs.append(Table(sps_hdu['FIBERMAP'].data, masked=True)) sps_tabs.append(Table(sps_hdu['TRUTH'].data, masked=True)) sps_hdu.close() # Stack fbm_tab = vstack(fbm_tabs) sps_tab = vstack(sps_tabs) del fbm_tabs, sps_tabs # Add the version number header keywords from fibermap_files[0] hdr = fits.getheader(fibermap_files[0].replace('fibermap', 'simspec')) for key, value in sorted(hdr.items()): if key.startswith('DEPNAM') or key.startswith('DEPVER'): fbm_tab.meta[key] = value # Drop to unique univ, uni_idx = np.unique(np.array(fbm_tab['TARGETID']), return_index=True) fbm_tab = fbm_tab[uni_idx] sps_tab = sps_tab[uni_idx] # Combine + Sort sps_tab.remove_column('TARGETID') # It occurs in both tables sps_tab.remove_column('MAG') # It occurs in both tables simz_tab = hstack([fbm_tab, sps_tab], join_type='exact') simz_tab.sort('TARGETID') # Cleanup some names #simz_tab.rename_column('OBJTYPE_1', 'OBJTYPE') #simz_tab.rename_column('OBJTYPE_2', 'TRUETYPE') # Update QSO naming qsol = np.where(match_otype(simz_tab, 'QSO') & (simz_tab['TRUEZ'] >= 2.1))[0] simz_tab['TEMPLATETYPE'][qsol] = 'QSO_L' qsot = np.where(match_otype(simz_tab, 'QSO') & (simz_tab['TRUEZ'] < 2.1))[0] simz_tab['TEMPLATETYPE'][qsot] = 'QSO_T' # Load up zbest files zb_tabs = [] for zbest_file in zbest_files: try: zb_hdu = except FileNotFoundError: log.error("zbest file {} not found".format(zbest_file)) else: zb_tabs.append(Table(zb_hdu[1].data)) # Stack zb_tab = vstack(zb_tabs) univ, uni_idx = np.unique(np.array(zb_tab['TARGETID']), return_index=True) zb_tab = zb_tab[uni_idx] # Return return simz_tab, zb_tab
def query_region(self, coords, radius=3.5 * u.arcsec, shotid=None, return_index=False, return_flags=True): """ Function to retrieve the indexes of the FiberIndex table for a specific region Parameters ---------- self the FiberIndex class for a specific survey coords center coordinate you want to search. This should be an astropy SkyCoord object radius radius you want to search. An astropy quantity object shotid Specific shotid (dtype=int) you want return_index: bool Option to return row index values for slicing. Default is False return_flags: bool Option to return mask info. Default is True Returns ------- table: astropy table An astropy table of Fiber infomation in queried aperture table_index: optional an optional array of row coordinates corresponding to the retrieved fiber table """ Nside = 2**15 ra_obj = coords.ra.deg dec_obj = coords.dec.deg ra_sep = + 3.0 / 3600.0 vec = hp.ang2vec(ra_obj, dec_obj, lonlat=True) pix_region = hp.query_disc(Nside, vec, (ra_sep * np.pi / 180)) seltab = Table() table_index = [] for hpix in pix_region: if shotid: h_tab, h_tab_index = self.get_fib_from_hp(hpix, shotid=shotid, return_index=True) else: h_tab, h_tab_index = self.get_fib_from_hp(hpix, return_index=True) seltab = vstack([seltab, h_tab]) table_index.extend(h_tab_index) fibcoords = SkyCoord(seltab["ra"] *, seltab["dec"] *, frame="icrs") idx = coords.separation(fibcoords) < radius selected_index = np.array(table_index)[idx] if return_flags: if self.fibermaskh5 is None: print('No fiber mask file found') else: mask_table = Table( self.fibermaskh5.root.Flags.read_coordinates( selected_index)) selected_index = np.array(table_index)[idx] fiber_table = hstack([seltab[idx], mask_table]) #check fibers match for row in fiber_table: if row['fiber_id_1'] == row['fiber_id_2']: continue else: print('Something is wrong. Mismatcheded fiber:{} and {}'. format(row['fiber_id_1'], row['fiber_id_2'])) fiber_table.rename_column('fiber_id_1', 'fiber_id') fiber_table.remove_column('fiber_id_2') else: fiber_table = seltab[idx] if return_index: try: return fiber_table, selected_index except TypeError: return None, None else: return fiber_table
nalpha, ndelta, nuv_mag, nuv_fwhm = zip(*refined_set) confined_set = [ (nm, al, de, nf) for al, de, nm, nf in zip(nalpha, ndelta, nuv_mag, nuv_fwhm) if cel_separation(al, de) <= field_radius[instrument] * u.arcsec ] nd = np.array(sorted(confined_set))[0:5] cat_nuv_counts = countnuv(nd[:, 0]) cat_nuv_res = format_nuv(cat_nuv_counts) # To convert ra_deg and dec_deg to ra_hms and dec_dms. xy_tab = deg_to_hms(nd[:, 1], nd[:, 2]) cat_nuv_res = hstack([xy_tab, cat_nuv_res]) balance = cat_nuv_res['ra_hms', 'dec_dms', 'Mag'] balance.rename_column('Mag', 'CAT_Mag') balance['fwhm'] = nd[:, 3] balance['fwhm'].format = '4.4f' # FUV fuv_mag = hdu[1].data['fuv_mag'] fuv_absent = 'no' if len(np.unique(fuv_mag)) == 1: # when FUV data is absent. fd = nd warning = '\nFUV observations seem to be absent! Using M_fuv = M_nuv - 1.65.' print(warning) fuv_absent = 'yes'
def __init__(self, survey=LATEST_HDR_NAME, load_fiber_table=False, loadall=False): """ Initialize the Fiber class for a given data release Parameters ---------- survey : string Data release you would like to load, i.e., 'hdr1','HDR2' This is case insensitive. load_fiber_table : bool Option to read in all fibers. This takes about a minute and will use a lot of memory. Returns ------- FiberIndex class object """ self.survey = survey if self.survey == "hdr1": print("Sorry there is no FiberIndex for hdr1") return None global config config = HDRconfig(survey=survey.lower()) self.filename = config.fiberindexh5 self.hdfile = tb.open_file(self.filename, mode="r") self.fiber_table = None try: self.fibermaskh5 = tb.open_file(config.fibermaskh5, 'r') except: print('Could not find fiber mask file in {}'.format( config.fibermaskh5)) self.fibermaskh5 = None if load_fiber_table: self.fiber_table = Table( self.coords = SkyCoord( self.fiber_table["ra"] *, self.fiber_table["dec"] *, frame="icrs", ) # add masking info if found if self.fibermaskh5 is not None: self.mask_table = Table( self.fiber_table = hstack([self.fiber_table, self.mask_table]) for row in self.fiber_table: if row['fiber_id_1'] == row['fiber_id_2']: continue else: print( 'Something is wrong. Mismatcheded fiber:{} and {}'. format(row['fiber_id_1'], row['fiber_id_2'])) self.fiber_table.rename_column('fiber_id_1', 'fiber_id') self.fiber_table.remove_column('fiber_id_2')
from utilities import * from astropy.table import Table, vstack, hstack import glob import numpy as np import astropy.units as u import astropy.constants as cnst c=cnst.c source = 'SgrB2S' sourcepath=sourcedict[source] sgrb2sz=0.000234806 mom0home=sourcepath+'mom0/*masked.fits' txtfile=sourcepath+'mastereuksqnsfreqsdegens.txt' array=np.genfromtxt(txtfile,dtype=str) transitions=array[:,1] freqs=(array[:,2].astype(np.float)*u.Hz).to('GHz') freqs=[str(round((x.value*(1+sgrb2sz)),5)) for x in freqs] stack=hstack([transitions,freqs]) table=Table(stack,names=['Transition','Frequency']) table.write('methanoltransitiontable.fits',overwrite=True) table.write('methanoltransitiontable.csv',overwrite=True) #mom0s=glob.glob(mom0home) print(freqs)
def ns_combine(ned_name, simbad_name, ns_combine, final_tab, match_tol=1.0): # match_tol in arcsec ned_in = simbad_in = # prelim processing ned_proc = reformat_cat( ned_in, old_name='Object Name', new_name='Name_N', old_type='Type', new_type='Type_N', keepcols=['Object Name', 'RA(deg)', 'DEC(deg)', 'Type']) sim_proc = reformat_cat(simbad_in, old_name='MAIN_ID', new_name='Name_S', old_type='OTYPE', new_type='Type_S') # construct coordinates needed for matching # ***** MATT - created SkyCoord's w correct unit columns ned_coo = SkyCoord(ra=ned_proc['RA(deg)'], dec=ned_proc['DEC(deg)']) sim_coo = SkyCoord(ra=sim_proc['RA_d'], dec=sim_proc['DEC_d']) # do the matching # ***** MATT - Returns indices of matched col's for ned+sim tables matched_ned, matched_sim, ned_only, sim_only = symmetric_match_sky_coords( ned_coo, sim_coo, match_tol * u.arcsec) print("Matched NED column:") print(ned_proc[matched_ned]) print("Matched SIMBAD column:") print(sim_proc[matched_sim]) print("Unmatched NED:") print(ned_proc[ned_only]) print("Unmatched SIMBAD:") print(sim_proc[sim_only]) # generate the matched table matchtab = hstack([ned_proc[matched_ned], sim_proc[matched_sim]], join_type='outer') # mark the really good matches matchtab2 = process_match(matchtab) matchtab2.write(ns_combine, format='fits') # rename some columns nedcat = process_unmatch(ned_proc[ned_only], src='N', rename_cols=ned_rename) simcat = process_unmatch(sim_proc[sim_only], src='S', rename_cols=sim_rename) keeplist = ['Name_N', 'RA(deg)', 'DEC(deg)', 'Type_N'] matchtab3 = process_unmatch(Table(matchtab2[keeplist]), src='NS', rename_cols=ned_rename) # add on the unmatched objects finaltab = vstack([matchtab3, nedcat, simcat], join_type='outer') # save the result finaltab.write(final_tab, format='fits') return