コード例 #1
def time_to_mjd_string(t, prec=15):
    """Print an MJD time with lots of digits (number is 'prec').

    astropy does not seem to provide this capability (yet?).

    if t.format == 'pulsar_mjd':
        (imjd, fmjd) = day_frac(t.jd1 - DJM0, t.jd2)
        imjd = int(imjd)
        if fmjd < 0.0:
            imjd -= 1
        y, mo, d, hmsf = d2dtf('UTC', 9, t.jd1, t.jd2)

        if hmsf[0].size == 1:
            hmsf = np.array([list(hmsf)])
        fmjd = (hmsf[..., 0] / 24.0 + hmsf[..., 1] / 1440.0 +
                hmsf[..., 2] / 86400.0 + hmsf[..., 3] / 86400.0e9)
        (imjd, fmjd) = day_frac(t.jd1 - DJM0, t.jd2)
        imjd = int(imjd)
        assert np.fabs(fmjd) < 2.0
        while fmjd >= 1.0:
            imjd += 1
            fmjd -= 1.0
        while fmjd < 0.0:
            imjd -= 1
            fmjd += 1.0

    fmt = "%." + "%sf" % prec
    return str(imjd) + (fmt % fmjd)[1:]
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: demorest/PINT
def time_to_mjd_string(t, prec=15):
    """Print an MJD time with lots of digits (number is 'prec').

    astropy does not seem to provide this capability (yet?).
    if t.format == 'pulsar_mjd':
        (imjd, fmjd) = day_frac(t.jd1 - DJM0, t.jd2)
        imjd = int(imjd)
        if fmjd<0.0: 
            imjd -= 1
        y, mo, d, hmsf = d2dtf('UTC',9,t.jd1,t.jd2)
        fmjd = (hmsf[...,0]/24.0 + hmsf[...,1]/1440.0 
                + hmsf[...,2]/86400.0 + hmsf[...,3]/86400.0e9)
        (imjd, fmjd) = day_frac(t.jd1 - DJM0, t.jd2)
        imjd = int(imjd)
        assert np.fabs(fmjd) < 2.0
        if fmjd >= 1.0:
            imjd += 1
            fmjd -= 1.0
        if fmjd < 0.0:
            imjd -= 1
            fmjd += 1.0

    fmt = "%." + "%sf" % prec
    return str(imjd) + (fmt % fmjd)[1:]
コード例 #3
def test_day_frac_harmless():
    with decimal.localcontext(decimal.Context(prec=40)):
        i, f = 65536, 3.637978807091714e-12
        a = Decimal(i) + Decimal(f)
        i_d, f_d = day_frac(i, f)
        a_d = Decimal(i_d) + Decimal(f_d)
        assert (abs(a - a_d) * u.day).to(u.ns) < 1 * u.ns
コード例 #4
ファイル: pulsar_mjd.py プロジェクト: scottransom/PINT
 def set_jds(self, val1, val2):
     if self._scale == 'utc':
         # To get around leap second issues, first convert to YMD,
         # then back to astropy/ERFA-convention jd1,jd2 using the 
         # ERFA dtf2d() routine which handles leap seconds.
         v1, v2 = day_frac(val1, val2)
         (y,mo,d,f) = erfa.jd2cal(erfa.DJM0+v1,v2)
         # Fractional day to HMS.  Uses 86400-second day always.
         # Seems like there should be a ERFA routine for this.. 
         h = numpy.floor(f*24.0)
         m = numpy.floor(numpy.remainder(f*1440.0,60))
         s = numpy.remainder(f*86400.0,60)
         self.jd1, self.jd2 = erfa.dtf2d('UTC',y,mo,d,h,m,s)
         self.jd1, self.jd2 = day_frac(val1, val2)
         self.jd1 += erfa.DJM0
コード例 #5
 def set_jds(self, val1, val2):
     if self._scale == 'utc':
         # To get around leap second issues, first convert to YMD,
         # then back to astropy/ERFA-convention jd1,jd2 using the
         # ERFA dtf2d() routine which handles leap seconds.
         v1, v2 = day_frac(val1, val2)
         (y, mo, d, f) = erfa.jd2cal(erfa.DJM0 + v1, v2)
         # Fractional day to HMS.  Uses 86400-second day always.
         # Seems like there should be a ERFA routine for this..
         h = numpy.floor(f * 24.0)
         m = numpy.floor(numpy.remainder(f * 1440.0, 60))
         s = numpy.remainder(f * 86400.0, 60)
         self.jd1, self.jd2 = erfa.dtf2d('UTC', y, mo, d, h, m, s)
         self.jd1, self.jd2 = day_frac(val1, val2)
         self.jd1 += erfa.DJM0
コード例 #6
ファイル: phase.py プロジェクト: rikvl/baseband-tasks
    def from_angles(cls, phase1, phase2=None, factor=None, divisor=None,
        """Create a Phase instance from two angles.

        The two angles will be added, and possibly multiplied by a factor or
        divided by a divisor, preserving precision using two doubles, one for
        the integer part and one for the remainder.

        Note that this class method is mostly meant for internal use.

        phase1 : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
             With angular units.
        phase2 : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None`
             With angular units.
        factor : float or complex
             Posisble factor to multiply the angles with.
        divisor : float or complex
             Posisble divisor to divide the angles by.

            If the result is not purely real or purely imaginary
        phase1, imaginary = check_imaginary(phase1)
        if phase2 is not None:
            phase2, im2 = check_imaginary(phase2)
            if im2 is not imaginary:
                raise ValueError("phase1 and phase2 must either be both "
                                 "real or both imaginary.")
        if factor is not None:
            factor, imf = check_imaginary(factor)
            imaginary ^= imf
        if divisor is not None:
            divisor, imd = check_imaginary(divisor)
            if imd and not imaginary:
                divisor = -divisor
            imaginary ^= imd

        # TODO: would be nice if day_frac had an out parameter.
        phase1_value = phase1.to_value(cls._unit)
        if phase2 is None:
            phase2_value = 0.
            phase2_value = phase2.to_value(cls._unit)
        count, fraction = day_frac(phase1_value, phase2_value,
                                   factor=factor, divisor=divisor)
        if out is None:
            value = np.empty(count.shape, cls._phase_dtype)
            out = value.view(cls)
            value = out.view(np.ndarray)
        value['int'] = count
        value['frac'] = fraction
        out.imaginary = imaginary
        return out
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_precision.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/astropy
def test_day_frac_round_to_even(jd1, jd2):
    t_jd1, t_jd2 = day_frac(jd1, jd2)
    assert (abs(t_jd2) == 0.5) and (t_jd1 % 2 == 0)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_precision.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/astropy
def test_day_frac_always_less_than_half(jds):
    jd1, jd2 = jds
    t_jd1, t_jd2 = day_frac(jd1, jd2)
    assert np.all(t_jd1 % 1 == 0)
    assert np.all(abs(t_jd2) <= 0.5)
    assert np.all((abs(t_jd2) < 0.5) | (t_jd1 % 2 == 0))
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_precision.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/astropy
def test_mjd_initialization_precise(i, f):
    t = Time(val=i, val2=f, format="mjd", scale="tai")
    jd1, jd2 = day_frac(i + erfa.DJM0, f)
    jd1_t, jd2_t = day_frac(t.jd1, t.jd2)
    assert (abs((jd1 - jd1_t) + (jd2 - jd2_t)) * u.day).to(u.ns) < 1 * u.ns
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_precision.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/astropy
def test_day_frac_idempotent(i, f):
    i_d, f_d = day_frac(i, f)
    assert (i_d, f_d) == day_frac(i_d, f_d)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_precision.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/astropy
def test_day_frac_exact(i, f):
    assume(abs(f) < 0.5 or i % 2 == 0)
    i_d, f_d = day_frac(i, f)
    assert i == i_d
    assert f == f_d
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_precision.py プロジェクト: stjordanis/astropy
def test_day_frac_harmless(i, f):
    with decimal.localcontext(decimal.Context(prec=40)):
        a = Decimal(i) + Decimal(f)
        i_d, f_d = day_frac(i, f)
        a_d = Decimal(i_d) + Decimal(f_d)
        assert_almost_equal(a, a_d, atol=Decimal(tiny), rtol=Decimal(0))
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_custom_formats.py プロジェクト: gpdf/astropy
 def value(self):
     mjd1, mjd2 = day_frac(self.jd1 - DJM0, self.jd2)
     return np.longdouble(mjd1) + np.longdouble(mjd2)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_custom_formats.py プロジェクト: gpdf/astropy
 def set_jds(self, val, val2):
     mjd1 = np.float64(np.floor(val))
     mjd2 = np.float64(val - mjd1)
     self.jd1, self.jd2 = day_frac(mjd1 + DJM0, mjd2)
コード例 #15
def test_mjd_initialization_precise():
    i, f = 65536, 3.637978807091714e-12  # Found using hypothesis
    t = Time(val=i, val2=f, format="mjd", scale="tai")
    jd1, jd2 = day_frac(i + erfa.DJM0, f)
    jd1_t, jd2_t = day_frac(t.jd1, t.jd2)
    assert (abs((jd1 - jd1_t) + (jd2 - jd2_t)) * u.day).to(u.ns) < 1 * u.ns
コード例 #16
def test_day_frac_idempotent():
    i, f = 65536, 3.637978807091714e-12
    i_d, f_d = day_frac(i, f)
    assert i_d, f_d == day_frac(i_d, f_d)