# First column is time, second frequency and third phase start = Time(date + start_time) end = start + dt * fh.shape[0] total_t = (end - start).to(u.s) print("Length of time chunk:", (end - start).to(u.s)) total_tbins = np.int((total_t / subint).value) + 1 folded = np.zeros(shape=(total_tbins, fh.shape[1], n_phase)) counts = np.zeros(shape=(total_tbins, fh.shape[1], n_phase)) print("Shape of output is:", folded.shape) # Set values for current time, current time bin and time array start = Time(date + start_time) t = start.copy() time = [] current_time_bin = Time(date + start_time, precision=-1) current_time_bin = Time(current_time_bin.__str__()) time.append(current_time_bin) t_bin = 0 p0 = psr_polyco(t).value # Loop through each data point for i in range(fh.shape[0]): p = psr_polyco(t).value # Calculate which index if t >= current_time_bin + subint: t_bin += 1 current_time_bin += subint time.append(current_time_bin) phase = np.int(np.floor((p % 1) * n_phase)) # Populate arrays folded[t_bin, :, phase] += fh[i]
period_start = Time('2021-01-02T00:00:00.000', scale='utc') period_end = Time('2021-01-03T00:00:00.000', scale='utc') # define image search interval cadence and width interval_cadence = 2 * u.hour del_interval = 30 * u.minute # define target times over download period using interval_cadence (image times in astropy Time() format) target_times = Time(np.arange(period_start, period_end, interval_cadence)) # generate DataFrame that defines synchronic target times as well as min/max limits synch_times = pd.DataFrame({ 'target_time': target_times, 'min_time': target_times - del_interval, 'max_time': target_times + del_interval }) # specify path and filename for download_results file download_results_filename = "download_results_" + period_start.__str__() pickle_file = os.path.join(App.APP_HOME, "test_data", download_results_filename) # data-file dirs raw_data_dir = App.RAW_DATA_HOME hdf_data_dir = App.PROCESSED_DATA_HOME # database location database_dir = App.DATABASE_HOME # give the sqlite file a unique name sqlite_filename = App.DATABASE_FNAME # designate which database to connect to use_db = "mysql-Q" # 'sqlite' Use local sqlite file-based db # 'mysql-Q' Use the remote MySQL database on Q user = "******" # only needed for remote databases.