コード例 #1
 def test_quantity_output(self):
     q = 500.25 * u.day
     dt = TimeDelta(q)
     assert dt.to(u.day) == q
     assert dt.to(u.second).value == q.to_value(u.second)
     with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
コード例 #2
 def test_quantity_output(self):
     q = 500.25*u.day
     dt = TimeDelta(q)
     assert dt.to(u.day) == q
     assert dt.to(u.second).value == q.to_value(u.second)
     with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
コード例 #3
 def test_quantity_output(self):
     q = 500.25 * u.day
     dt = TimeDelta(q)
     assert dt.to(u.day) == q
     assert dt.to_value(u.day) == q.value
     assert dt.to_value('day') == q.value
     assert dt.to(u.second).value == q.to_value(u.second)
     assert dt.to_value(u.second) == q.to_value(u.second)
     assert dt.to_value('s') == q.to_value(u.second)
     # Following goes through "format", but should be the same.
     assert dt.to_value('sec') == q.to_value(u.second)
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: mireianievas/gammapy
def sample_times(
    dead_time=TimeDelta(0, format="sec"),
    """Make random times assuming a Poisson process.

    This function can be used to test event time series,
    to have a comparison what completely random data looks like.

    Can be used in two ways (in either case the return type is `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`):

    * ``return_delta=False`` - Return absolute times, relative to zero (default)
    * ``return_delta=True`` - Return time differences between consecutive events.

    size : int
        Number of samples
    rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Event rate (dimension: 1 / TIME)
    dead_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`, optional
        Dead time after event (dimension: TIME)
    return_diff : bool
        Return time difference between events? (default: no, return absolute times)
    random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`}
        Defines random number generator initialisation.
        Passed to `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state`.

    time : `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`
        Time differences (second) after time zero.

    Example how to simulate 100 events at a rate of 10 Hz.
    As expected the last event occurs after about 10 seconds.

    >>> from astropy.units import Quantity
    >>> from gammapy.utils.random import sample_times
    >>> rate = Quantity(10, 'Hz')
    >>> times = sample_times(size=100, rate=rate, random_state=0)
    >>> times[-1]
    <TimeDelta object: scale='None' format='sec' value=9.186484131475074>
    random_state = get_random_state(random_state)

    dead_time = TimeDelta(dead_time)
    scale = (1 / rate).to("s").value
    time_delta = random_state.exponential(scale=scale, size=size)
    time_delta += dead_time.to("s").value

    if return_diff:
        return TimeDelta(time_delta, format="sec")
        time = time_delta.cumsum()
        return TimeDelta(time, format="sec")
コード例 #5
ファイル: simulate.py プロジェクト: adonath/gammapy
def random_times(
    dead_time=TimeDelta(0, format="sec"),
    """Make random times assuming a Poisson process.

    This function can be used to test event time series,
    to have a comparison what completely random data looks like.

    Can be used in two ways (in either case the return type is `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`):

    * ``return_delta=False`` - Return absolute times, relative to zero (default)
    * ``return_delta=True`` - Return time differences between consecutive events.

    size : int
        Number of samples
    rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Event rate (dimension: 1 / TIME)
    dead_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`, optional
        Dead time after event (dimension: TIME)
    return_diff : bool
        Return time difference between events? (default: no, return absolute times)
    random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`}
        Defines random number generator initialisation.
        Passed to `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state`.

    time : `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`
        Time differences (second) after time zero.

    Example how to simulate 100 events at a rate of 10 Hz.
    As expected the last event occurs after about 10 seconds.

    >>> from astropy.units import Quantity
    >>> from gammapy.time import random_times
    >>> rate = Quantity(10, 'Hz')
    >>> times = random_times(size=100, rate=rate, random_state=0)
    >>> times[-1]
    <TimeDelta object: scale='None' format='sec' value=9.186484131475076>
    random_state = get_random_state(random_state)

    dead_time = TimeDelta(dead_time)
    scale = (1 / rate).to("s").value
    time_delta = random_state.exponential(scale=scale, size=size)
    time_delta += dead_time.to("s").value

    if return_diff:
        return TimeDelta(time_delta, format="sec")
        time = time_delta.cumsum()
        return TimeDelta(time, format="sec")
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_delta.py プロジェクト: Cadair/astropy
    def test_scales_for_delta_scale_is_none(self, scale, op):
        """T(X) +/- dT(None) or T(X) +/- Quantity(time-like)

        This is always allowed and just adds JDs, i.e., the scale of
        the TimeDelta or time-like Quantity will be taken to be X.
        The one exception is again for X=UTC, where TAI is assumed instead,
        so that a day is always defined as 86400 seconds.
        dt_none = TimeDelta([0., 1., -1., 1000.], format='sec')
        assert dt_none.scale is None
        q_time = dt_none.to('s')

        dt = self.dt[scale]
        dt1 = op(dt, dt_none)
        assert dt1.scale == dt.scale
        assert allclose_jd(dt1.jd, op(dt.jd, dt_none.jd))
        dt2 = op(dt_none, dt)
        assert dt2.scale == dt.scale
        assert allclose_jd(dt2.jd, op(dt_none.jd, dt.jd))
        dt3 = op(q_time, dt)
        assert dt3.scale == dt.scale
        assert allclose_jd(dt3.jd, dt2.jd)

        t = self.t[scale]
        t1 = op(t, dt_none)
        assert t1.scale == t.scale
        assert allclose_jd(t1.jd, op(t.jd, dt_none.jd))
        if op is operator.add:
            t2 = op(dt_none, t)
            assert t2.scale == t.scale
            assert allclose_jd(t2.jd, t1.jd)
        t3 = op(t, q_time)
        assert t3.scale == t.scale
        assert allclose_jd(t3.jd, t1.jd)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_delta.py プロジェクト: lpsinger/astropy
    def test_scales_for_delta_scale_is_none(self, scale, op):
        """T(X) +/- dT(None) or T(X) +/- Quantity(time-like)

        This is always allowed and just adds JDs, i.e., the scale of
        the TimeDelta or time-like Quantity will be taken to be X.
        The one exception is again for X=UTC, where TAI is assumed instead,
        so that a day is always defined as 86400 seconds.
        dt_none = TimeDelta([0., 1., -1., 1000.], format='sec')
        assert dt_none.scale is None
        q_time = dt_none.to('s')

        dt = self.dt[scale]
        dt1 = op(dt, dt_none)
        assert dt1.scale == dt.scale
        assert allclose_jd(dt1.jd, op(dt.jd, dt_none.jd))
        dt2 = op(dt_none, dt)
        assert dt2.scale == dt.scale
        assert allclose_jd(dt2.jd, op(dt_none.jd, dt.jd))
        dt3 = op(q_time, dt)
        assert dt3.scale == dt.scale
        assert allclose_jd(dt3.jd, dt2.jd)

        t = self.t[scale]
        t1 = op(t, dt_none)
        assert t1.scale == t.scale
        assert allclose_jd(t1.jd, op(t.jd, dt_none.jd))
        if op is operator.add:
            t2 = op(dt_none, t)
            assert t2.scale == t.scale
            assert allclose_jd(t2.jd, t1.jd)
        t3 = op(t, q_time)
        assert t3.scale == t.scale
        assert allclose_jd(t3.jd, t1.jd)
コード例 #8
 def test_quantity_output_errors(self):
     dt = TimeDelta(250., format='sec')
     with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
     with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
     with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                        match=("not one of the known formats.*"
                               "failed to parse as a unit")):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         dt.to_value('sec', unit=u.s)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         # TODO: would be nice to make this work!
         dt.to_value(u.s, subfmt='str')
コード例 #9
 def test_valid_quantity_operations2(self):
     """Check that TimeDelta is treated as a quantity where possible."""
     t0 = TimeDelta(100000., format='sec')
     f = 1. / t0
     assert isinstance(f, u.Quantity)
     assert f.unit == 1. / u.day
     g = 10. * u.m / u.second**2
     v = t0 * g
     assert isinstance(v, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(v, t0.sec * g.value * u.m / u.second)
     q = np.log10(t0 / u.second)
     assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity)
     assert q.value == np.log10(t0.sec)
     s = 1. * u.m
     v = s / t0
     assert isinstance(v, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(v, 1. / t0.sec * u.m / u.s)
     t = 1. * u.s
     t2 = t0 * t
     assert isinstance(t2, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(t2, t0.sec * u.s**2)
     t3 = [1] / t0
     assert isinstance(t3, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(t3, 1 / (t0.sec * u.s))
     # broadcasting
     t1 = TimeDelta(np.arange(100000., 100012.).reshape(6, 2), format='sec')
     f = np.array([1., 2.]) * u.cycle * u.Hz
     phase = f * t1
     assert isinstance(phase, u.Quantity)
     assert phase.shape == t1.shape
     assert u.allclose(phase, t1.sec * f.value * u.cycle)
     q = t0 * t1
     assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity)
     assert np.all(q == t0.to(u.day) * t1.to(u.day))
     q = t1 / t0
     assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity)
     assert np.all(q == t1.to(u.day) / t0.to(u.day))
コード例 #10
 def test_valid_quantity_operations2(self):
     """Check that TimeDelta is treated as a quantity where possible."""
     t0 = TimeDelta(100000., format='sec')
     f = 1./t0
     assert isinstance(f, u.Quantity)
     assert f.unit == 1./u.day
     g = 10.*u.m/u.second**2
     v = t0 * g
     assert isinstance(v, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(v, t0.sec * g.value * u.m / u.second)
     q = np.log10(t0/u.second)
     assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity)
     assert q.value == np.log10(t0.sec)
     s = 1.*u.m
     v = s/t0
     assert isinstance(v, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(v, 1. / t0.sec * u.m / u.s)
     t = 1.*u.s
     t2 = t0 * t
     assert isinstance(t2, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(t2, t0.sec * u.s ** 2)
     t3 = [1] / t0
     assert isinstance(t3, u.Quantity)
     assert u.allclose(t3, 1 / (t0.sec * u.s))
     # broadcasting
     t1 = TimeDelta(np.arange(100000., 100012.).reshape(6, 2), format='sec')
     f = np.array([1., 2.]) * u.cycle * u.Hz
     phase = f * t1
     assert isinstance(phase, u.Quantity)
     assert phase.shape == t1.shape
     assert u.allclose(phase, t1.sec * f.value * u.cycle)
     q = t0 * t1
     assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity)
     assert np.all(q == t0.to(u.day) * t1.to(u.day))
     q = t1 / t0
     assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity)
     assert np.all(q == t1.to(u.day) / t0.to(u.day))
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_delta.py プロジェクト: Cadair/astropy
    def test_delta_day_is_86400_seconds(self, scale):
        """TimeDelta or Quantity holding 1 day always means 24*60*60 seconds

        This holds true for all timescales but UTC, for which leap-second
        days are longer or shorter by one second.
        t = self.t[scale]
        dt_day = TimeDelta(1., format='jd')
        q_day = dt_day.to('day')

        dt_day_leap = t[-1] - t[0]
        # ^ = exclusive or, so either equal and not UTC, or not equal and UTC
        assert allclose_jd(dt_day_leap.jd, dt_day.jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')

        t1 = t[0] + dt_day
        assert allclose_jd(t1.jd, t[-1].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
        t2 = q_day + t[0]
        assert allclose_jd(t2.jd, t[-1].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
        t3 = t[-1] - dt_day
        assert allclose_jd(t3.jd, t[0].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
        t4 = t[-1] - q_day
        assert allclose_jd(t4.jd, t[0].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_delta.py プロジェクト: lpsinger/astropy
    def test_delta_day_is_86400_seconds(self, scale):
        """TimeDelta or Quantity holding 1 day always means 24*60*60 seconds

        This holds true for all timescales but UTC, for which leap-second
        days are longer or shorter by one second.
        t = self.t[scale]
        dt_day = TimeDelta(1., format='jd')
        q_day = dt_day.to('day')

        dt_day_leap = t[-1] - t[0]
        # ^ = exclusive or, so either equal and not UTC, or not equal and UTC
        assert allclose_jd(dt_day_leap.jd, dt_day.jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')

        t1 = t[0] + dt_day
        assert allclose_jd(t1.jd, t[-1].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
        t2 = q_day + t[0]
        assert allclose_jd(t2.jd, t[-1].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
        t3 = t[-1] - dt_day
        assert allclose_jd(t3.jd, t[0].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
        t4 = t[-1] - q_day
        assert allclose_jd(t4.jd, t[0].jd) ^ (scale == 'utc')
コード例 #13
    curtime = starttime
    while curtime <= endtime:
        tpos, tvel = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, curtime)

        # convert positions to light seconds

        # convert velocities to light seconds per second

        # calculate accelerations (using velocities +/- dt/2 around the current time)
        ctminus = curtime - dt/2.
        _, mvel = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, ctminus)
        ctplus = curtime + dt/2.
        _, pvel = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, ctplus)    

        curtime += dt

    # set output header
    headdic = {}
    headdic['exec'] = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    headdic['author'] = __author__
    headdic['gitid'] = __id__
    headdic['gitbranch'] = __branch__
    headdic['gitdate'] = __date__
    headdic['command'] = ' '.join([os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])]+sys.argv[1:])
    headdic['ephem'] = args.ephemeris.upper()
    headdic['ephemurl'] = ephemfile

    outfile = args.output
コード例 #14
hpc_x = np.zeros_like(hpc_y)

# Let's define how many days in the future we want to rotate to.

dt = TimeDelta(4 * u.day)
future_date = aia_map.date + dt

# Now let's plot the original and rotated positions on the AIA map.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=aia_map)
aia_map.plot(axes=ax, clip_interval=(1, 99.99) * u.percent)
ax.set_title('The effect of {} days of differential rotation'.format(

for this_hpc_x, this_hpc_y in zip(hpc_x, hpc_y):
    start_coord = SkyCoord(this_hpc_x,
    rotated_coord = solar_rotate_coordinate(start_coord, time=future_date)
    coord = SkyCoord([start_coord.Tx, rotated_coord.Tx],
                     [start_coord.Ty, rotated_coord.Ty],
    ax.plot_coord(coord, 'o-')
ax.set_ylim(0, aia_map.data.shape[1])
ax.set_xlim(0, aia_map.data.shape[0])

コード例 #15
class MSParset(object):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.msname = 'noname.ms'
        self.savepath = ''
        self.antennatable = 'nenufar'
        self.ra = 0 * u.deg
        self.dec = 90 * u.deg
        self.f0 = 50 * u.MHz
        self.df = 0.1953125 * u.MHz
        self.nf = 16
        self.nbands = 16
        self.t0 = Time.now()
        self.dt = TimeDelta(1, format='sec')
        self.nt = 10

    # --------------------------------------------------------- #
    # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- #
    def msname(self):
        return self._msname
    def msname(self, m):
        if basename(m) != m:
            raise ValueError(
                'Just provide the MS name, path is `savepath`'
        if not m.endswith('.ms'):
            raise ValueError(
                'msname should ends with .ms'
        self._msname = m

    def savepath(self):
        return self._savepath
    def savepath(self, s):
        s = abspath(s)
        if not isdir(s):
            raise NotADirectoryError(
                '{} not found'.format(s)
        self._savepath = s

    def antennatable(self):
        return self._antennatable
    def antennatable(self, a):
        if a.lower() == 'nenufar':
            a = nenufar_antennas
            raise ValueError(
                'Unexpected antenna distribution'
        self._antennatable = a

    def nbands(self):
        return self._nbands
    def nbands(self, n):
        if not isinstance(n, int):
            raise TypeError(
                'nbands should be integer'
        self._nbands = n

    def nf(self):
        return self._nf
    def nf(self, n):
        if not isinstance(n, int):
            raise TypeError(
                'nf should be integer'
        self._nf = n

    def nt(self):
        return self._nt
    def nt(self, n):
        if not isinstance(n, int):
            raise TypeError(
                'nt should be integer'
        self._nt = n

    def t0(self):
        return self._t0
    def t0(self, t):
        if not isinstance(t, Time):
            t = Time(t)
        self._t0 = t

    def dt(self):
        return self._dt
    def dt(self, d):
        if not isinstance(d, TimeDelta):
            d = TimeDelta(d, format='sec')
        self._dt = d

    def ra(self):
        return self._ra
    def ra(self, r):
        if not isinstance(r, u.Quantity):
            r = float(r)
            r *= u.deg
        self._ra = r.to(u.deg)

    def dec(self):
        return self._dec
    def dec(self, d):
        if not isinstance(d, u.Quantity):
            d = float(d)
            d *= u.deg
        self._dec = d.to(u.deg)

    def f0(self):
        return self._f0
    def f0(self, f):
        if not isinstance(f, list):
            f = [f]
        if not all([isinstance(fi, u.Quantity) for fi in f]):
            f = [float(fi) * u.MHz for fi in f]
        self._f0 = [fi.to(u.Hz) for fi in f]

    def df(self):
        return self._df
    def df(self, d):
        if not isinstance(d, u.Quantity):
            d =  float(d)
            d *= u.MHz
        self._df = d.to(u.Hz)

    # --------------------------------------------------------- #
    # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
    def check_conformity(self):
        """ Once all attributes are set, this verifies that
            everything is convenient for being a makems parset.
        conform = True
        if self.nf % self.nbands != 0:
                'nf must be divisible by nbands'
            conform *= False
            phase_center = to_skycoord((self.ra, self.dec))
        except ValueError:
                'ra and dec are not properly set'
            conform *= False
        if self.antennatable.endswith('.zip'):
            with zipfile.ZipFile(self.antennatable) as zipf:
            self._anttable = join(
                basename(self.antennatable).replace('.zip', '')
                'Antenna table {} created.'.format(
                'antenna table is expected as a zip file'
            conform *= False
        if (len(self.f0) != 1) and (len(self.f0) != self.nbands):
                'f0 sould either have a length=1 or =nbands'
            conform *= False
        return bool(conform)

    def write_parset(self):
        if not self.check_conformity():
            raise Exception(
                'Attributes are not properly filled.'
            'Parameters conform for empty MS creation'
        config = {
            'MSName': join(self.savepath, self.msname),
            'VDSPath': self.savepath,
            'AntennaTableName': self._anttable,
            'WriteImagerColumns': 'T',
            'WriteAutoCorr': 'T',
            'Declination': '{}rad'.format(
            'RightAscension': '{}rad'.format(
            'StartFreq': [fi.to(u.Hz).value for fi in self.f0],
            'StepFreq': self.df.to(u.Hz).value,
            'NFrequencies': self.nf,
            'NBands': self.nbands,
            'StartTime': self.t0.isot.replace('T', '/'),
            'StepTime': self.dt.to(u.s).value,
            'NTimes': self.nt
        parsetfile = join(self.savepath, 'makems.cfg')
        parset = open(parsetfile, 'w')
        for key in config.keys():
                '{} = {}\n'.format(key, config[key])
            'Parset {} written'.format(parsetfile)

    # --------------------------------------------------------- #
    # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ #
    def _fill_attr(self, kwargs):
        for key, val in kwargs.items():
            if hasattr(self, key):
                setattr(self, key, val)
コード例 #16
hpc_y = np.arange(-700, 800, 100) * u.arcsec
hpc_x = np.zeros_like(hpc_y)

# Let's define how many days in the future we want to rotate to

dt = TimeDelta(4*u.day)
future_date = aia_map.date + dt

# Now let's plot the original and rotated positions on the AIA map.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(projection=aia_map)
ax.set_title('The effect of {} days of differential rotation'.format(dt.to(u.day).value))

for this_hpc_x, this_hpc_y in zip(hpc_x, hpc_y):
    start_coord = SkyCoord(this_hpc_x, this_hpc_y, frame=aia_map.coordinate_frame)
    rotated_coord = solar_rotate_coordinate(start_coord, time=future_date)
    coord = SkyCoord([start_coord.Tx, rotated_coord.Tx],
                     [start_coord.Ty, rotated_coord.Ty],
    ax.plot_coord(coord, 'o-')

plt.ylim(0, aia_map.data.shape[1])
plt.xlim(0, aia_map.data.shape[0])
コード例 #17
    while curtime <= endtime:
        tpos, tvel = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, curtime)

        # convert positions to light seconds
        pos.append(tpos.xyz.to('m') / const.c)

        # convert velocities to light seconds per second
        vel.append(tvel.xyz.to('m/s') / const.c)

        # calculate accelerations (using velocities +/- dt/2 around the current time)
        ctminus = curtime - dt / 2.
        _, mvel = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, ctminus)
        ctplus = curtime + dt / 2.
        _, pvel = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, ctplus)
            ((pvel.xyz.to('m/s') - mvel.xyz.to('m/s')) / const.c) / dt.to('s'))

        curtime += dt

    # set output header
    headdic = {}
    headdic['exec'] = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    headdic['author'] = __author__
    headdic['gitid'] = __id__
    headdic['gitbranch'] = __branch__
    headdic['gitdate'] = __date__
    headdic['command'] = ' '.join([os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] +
    headdic['ephem'] = args.ephemeris.upper()
    headdic['ephemurl'] = ephemfile
コード例 #18
hpc_y = u.Quantity(np.arange(-700, 800, 100), u.arcsec)
hpc_x = np.zeros_like(hpc_y)

# Let's define how many days in the future we want to rotate to

dt = TimeDelta(4*u.day)
future_date = aia_map.date + dt

# Now let's plot the original and rotated positions on the AIA map.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(projection=aia_map)
ax.set_title('The effect of {0} days of differential rotation'.format(dt.to(u.day).value))

for this_hpc_x, this_hpc_y in zip(hpc_x, hpc_y):
    start_coord = SkyCoord(this_hpc_x, this_hpc_y, frame=aia_map.coordinate_frame)
    rotated_coord = solar_rotate_coordinate(start_coord, time=future_date)
    coord = SkyCoord([start_coord.Tx, rotated_coord.Tx],
                     [start_coord.Ty, rotated_coord.Ty],
    ax.plot_coord(coord, 'o-')

plt.ylim(0, aia_map.data.shape[1])
plt.xlim(0, aia_map.data.shape[0])