def download_tgss_image(url): """Download an image for TGSS. Parameters ---------- url: url of the image. Returns ------- file_url: Url of the newly downloaded file. """ # parsing ra and dec from the url query = urlparse(url).query h_pos = parse_qs(query)['hPOS'][0] ra, dec = h_pos.split(',') # name of the temporary tar file to be saved locally local_file_name = '{}_{}.tar'.format(ra, dec) # getting the tar file downloaded request = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(local_file_name, 'wb') as f: for chunk in request.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush() tar = members = tar.getmembers() # temp folder for the fits file temp_folder = local_file_name.replace('.tar', '') tar.extract(member=members[0], path=temp_folder) # removing the temporary file os.remove(local_file_name) fits_image = temp_folder + '/' + members[0].name hdu_list = stretch = vis.AsinhStretch(0.01) + vis.MinMaxInterval() file_url = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'database_images/' + temp_folder + '_tgss.png' image_data = hdu_list[0].data[0, 0] try: imsave(file_url, stretch(image_data), cmap='copper') except OSError:"Something is wrong with the fits file for url = {}".format(url)) logger.error(OSError) file_url = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'database_images/no_image.png' hdu_list.close() shutil.rmtree(temp_folder) return file_url
def image_norm(image_data, stretch=viz.AsinhStretch): """ Create the ImageNormalize object based on the desired stretch and pixel value range. See """ interval = viz.MinMaxInterval() vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(image_data.flatten()) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=stretch()) return norm
def plot_norm(self, stretch='linear', power=1.0, asinh_a=0.1, min_cut=None, max_cut=None, min_percent=None, max_percent=None, percent=None, clip=True): """Create a matplotlib norm object for plotting. This is a copy of this function that will be available in Astropy 1.3: `astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.simple_norm` See the parameter description there! Examples -------- >>> image = SkyImage() >>> norm = image.plot_norm(stretch='sqrt', max_percent=99) >>> image.plot(norm=norm) """ import astropy.visualization as v from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize if percent is not None: interval = v.PercentileInterval(percent) elif min_percent is not None or max_percent is not None: interval = v.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(min_percent or 0., max_percent or 100.) elif min_cut is not None or max_cut is not None: interval = v.ManualInterval(min_cut, max_cut) else: interval = v.MinMaxInterval() if stretch == 'linear': stretch = v.LinearStretch() elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch = v.SqrtStretch() elif stretch == 'power': stretch = v.PowerStretch(power) elif stretch == 'log': stretch = v.LogStretch() elif stretch == 'asinh': stretch = v.AsinhStretch(asinh_a) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch: {0}.'.format(stretch)) vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits( return ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=stretch, clip=clip)
def download_first_image(url, galaxy): """ Download first image from the url :param url: link of the image :param galaxy: galaxy object :return: url of the saved image """ stretch = vis.AsinhStretch(0.01) + vis.MinMaxInterval() file_url = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'database_images/' + galaxy.first + '.png' try: imsave(file_url, stretch(, cache=True))[0].data), cmap='inferno') except OSError:"Something is wrong with the fits file for url = {}".format(url)) logger.error(OSError) file_url = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'temp_images/no_image.png' return file_url
def plot_image_and_lines(cube, wavs, xrange, yrange, Hbeta_ref=None, title='', filename=None, include_OIII=False): zpix = np.arange(0, cube.shape[0]) lambda_delta = 5 hbeta_z = np.where((np.array(wavs) > h_beta_std.value-lambda_delta)\ & (np.array(wavs) < h_beta_std.value+lambda_delta))[0] image = np.mean(cube[min(hbeta_z):max(hbeta_z) + 1, :, :], axis=0) spect = [ np.mean(cube[z, yrange[0]:yrange[1] + 1, xrange[0]:xrange[1] + 1]) for z in zpix ] i_peak = spect.index(max(spect)) background_0 = models.Polynomial1D(degree=2) H_beta_0 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=500, mean=4861, stddev=1., bounds={ 'mean': (4855, 4865), 'stddev': (0.1, 5) }) OIII4959_0 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=100, mean=4959, stddev=1., bounds={ 'mean': (4955, 4965), 'stddev': (0.1, 5) }) OIII5007_0 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=200, mean=5007, stddev=1., bounds={ 'mean': (5002, 5012), 'stddev': (0.1, 5) }) fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() if include_OIII is True: model0 = background_0 + H_beta_0 + OIII4959_0 + OIII5007_0 else: model0 = background_0 + H_beta_0 model0.mean_1 = wavs[i_peak] model = fitter(model0, wavs, spect) residuals = np.array(spect - model(wavs)) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8)) plt.subplot(1, 4, 1) plt.title(title) norm = v.ImageNormalize(image, interval=v.MinMaxInterval(), stretch=v.LogStretch(1)) plt.imshow(image, origin='lower', norm=norm) region_x = [ xrange[0] - 0.5, xrange[1] + 0.5, xrange[1] + 0.5, xrange[0] - 0.5, xrange[0] - 0.5 ] region_y = [ yrange[0] - 0.5, yrange[0] - 0.5, yrange[1] + 0.5, yrange[1] + 0.5, yrange[0] - 0.5 ] plt.plot(region_x, region_y, 'r-', alpha=0.5, lw=2) plt.subplot(1, 4, 2) if Hbeta_ref is not None: Hbeta_velocity = (model.mean_1.value * u.Angstrom).to( / u.s, equivalencies=u.doppler_optical(Hbeta_ref)) title = f'H-beta ({model.mean_1.value:.1f} A, v={Hbeta_velocity.value:.1f} km/s)' else: title = f'H-beta ({model.mean_1.value:.1f} A, sigma={model.stddev_1.value:.3f} A)' plt.title(title) w = [l for l in np.arange(4856, 4866, 0.05)] if Hbeta_ref is not None: vs = [(l * u.Angstrom).to( / u.s, equivalencies=u.doppler_optical(Hbeta_ref)).value for l in wavs] plt.plot(vs, spect, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='data') vs = [(l * u.Angstrom).to( / u.s, equivalencies=u.doppler_optical(Hbeta_ref)).value for l in w] plt.plot(vs, model(w), 'r-', alpha=0.7, label='Fit') plt.xlabel('Velocity (km/s)') plt.xlim(-200, 200) else: plt.plot(wavs, spect, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='data') plt.plot(w, model(w), 'r-', alpha=0.7, label='Fit') plt.xlabel('Wavelength (angstroms)') plt.xlim(4856, 4866) plt.grid() plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(1, 4, 3) if include_OIII is True: title = f'OIII 4959 ({model.mean_2.value:.1f} A, sigma={model.stddev_2.value:.3f} A)' else: title = f'OIII 4959' plt.title(title) plt.plot(wavs, spect, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='data') w = [l for l in np.arange(4954, 4964, 0.05)] plt.plot(w, model(w), 'r-', alpha=0.7, label='Fit') plt.xlabel('Wavelength (angstroms)') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlim(4954, 4964) plt.subplot(1, 4, 4) if include_OIII is True: title = f'OIII 5007 ({model.mean_3.value:.1f} A, sigma={model.stddev_3.value:.3f} A)' else: title = f'OIII 5007' plt.title(title) plt.plot(wavs, spect, drawstyle='steps-mid', label='data') w = [l for l in np.arange(5002, 5012, 0.05)] plt.plot(w, model(w), 'r-', alpha=0.7, label='Fit') plt.xlabel('Wavelength (angstroms)') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlim(5002, 5012) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.10) else: return spect, model
def stretchInterval(self): if self._stretchInterval is None: print('Using default MinMaxInterval stretch interval') return astrovis.MinMaxInterval() return self._stretchInterval
def set_normalization(self, stretch=None, interval=None, stretchkwargs={}, intervalkwargs={}, perm_linear=None): if stretch is None: if self.stretch is None: stretch = 'linear' else: stretch = self.stretch if isinstance(stretch, str): print(stretch, ' '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in stretchkwargs.items()])) if is None: #can not calculate objects yet self.stretch_kwargs = stretchkwargs else: kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs( self.stretch_kws_defaults[stretch], self.stretch_kwargs, stretchkwargs) if perm_linear is not None: perm_linear_kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs( self.stretch_kws_defaults['linear'], perm_linear) print( 'linear', ' '.join([ f'{k}={v}' for k, v in perm_linear_kwargs.items() ])) if stretch == 'asinh': # arg: a=0.1 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.AsinhStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'contrastbias': # args: contrast, bias stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.ContrastBiasStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'histogram': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.HistEqStretch(, **kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'log': # args: a=1000.0 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LogStretch(**kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'powerdist': # args: a=1000.0 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.PowerDistStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'power': # args: a stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.PowerStretch(**kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'sinh': # args: a=0.33 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.SinhStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.SqrtStretch(), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'square': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.SquaredStretch()) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch:' + stretch) else: if stretch == 'linear': # args: slope=1, intercept=0 stretch = vis.LinearStretch(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch:' + stretch) self.stretch = stretch if interval is None: if self.interval is None: interval = 'zscale' else: interval = self.interval if isinstance(interval, str): print(interval, ' '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in intervalkwargs.items()])) kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs(self.interval_kws_defaults[interval], self.interval_kwargs, intervalkwargs) if is None: self.interval_kwargs = intervalkwargs else: if interval == 'minmax': interval = vis.MinMaxInterval() elif interval == 'manual': # args: vmin, vmax interval = vis.ManualInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'percentile': # args: percentile, n_samples interval = vis.PercentileInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'asymetric': # args: lower_percentile, upper_percentile, n_samples interval = vis.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'zscale': # args: nsamples=1000, contrast=0.25, max_reject=0.5, min_npixels=5, krej=2.5, max_iterations=5 interval = vis.ZScaleInterval(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown interval:' + interval) self.interval = interval if self.img is not None: self.img.set_norm( vis.ImageNormalize(, interval=self.interval, stretch=self.stretch, clip=True))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import fits import astropy.visualization as viz image_name = input("Please enter the name of the file : ") hdul = header_number = int(input("Enter Header number whose data you want view : ")) image = hdul[header_number].data hdul.close() ##stretching and normalizing using LogStretch() and MinMaxInterval() like in DS9 log_param = float(input("Enter base value for logrithmic stretch : ")) norm = viz.ImageNormalize(image, interval=viz.MinMaxInterval(), stretch=viz.LogStretch()) plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
import random import keract"seaborn-darkgrid") DATA_CSV = '/full/path/to/csv' IMG_FOLD = '/full/path/to/images' #for me, ends with /Public/EUC_VIS/ DES_IMG_SIZE = 200 NUM_IMAGES = 50000 # can go up to nearly 100000, but there are a few entries with now images BATCHSIZE = 200 EPOCHS = 20 # I liked doing 20 for quick ones, 40 for longer. maybe we should try more epochs? # Creating the two normalization objects which # can also work as functions later on in the # data preprocessing norm = avis.MinMaxInterval() stretch = avis.AsinhStretch(0.010) def read_csv(filename: str, num_images: int, to_skip: list[int] = []) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Reads in the csv and trims it down to just the desired size and necessary columns. Also adds a column of booleans corresponding to whether a particular observation has been assigned to the training or testing pool. Training corresponding to True. """ df = pd.read_csv(filename, skiprows=26) df = df[["ID", "n_sources", "n_source_im", "mag_eff", "n_pix_source"]] df["should_detect"] = ((df["n_source_im"] > 0) & (df["mag_eff"] > 1.6) &
def rgbfig( figfilename="SgrB2N_RGB.pdf", lims=[([266.83404223, 266.83172659]), ([-28.373138, -28.3698755])], scalebarx=coordinates.SkyCoord(266.833545 * u.deg, -28.37283819 * u.deg), redfn=paths.Fpath('SGRB2N-2012-Q.DePree_K.recentered.fits'), greenfn=paths. Fpath('sgr_b2m.N.B3.allspw.continuum.r0.5.clean1000.image.tt0.pbcor.fits'), bluefn=paths. Fpath('sgr_b2m.N.B6.allspw.continuum.r0.5.clean1000.image.tt0.pbcor.fits'), redpercentile=99.99, greenpercentile=99.99, bluepercentile=99.99, stretch=visualization.AsinhStretch(), ): header = fits.getheader(redfn) celwcs = wcs.WCS(header).celestial redhdu = greenhdu = bluehdu = greendata, _ = reproject.reproject_interp( (greenhdu[0].data, wcs.WCS(greenhdu[0].header).celestial), celwcs, shape_out=redhdu[0].data.squeeze().shape) bluedata, _ = reproject.reproject_interp( (bluehdu[0].data, wcs.WCS(bluehdu[0].header).celestial), celwcs, shape_out=redhdu[0].data.squeeze().shape) #def rescale(x): # return (x-np.nanmin(x))/(np.nanmax(x) - np.nanmin(x)) redrescale = visualization.PercentileInterval(redpercentile) greenrescale = visualization.PercentileInterval(greenpercentile) bluerescale = visualization.PercentileInterval(bluepercentile) rgb = np.array([ stretch(redrescale(redhdu[0].data.squeeze())), stretch(greenrescale(greendata)), stretch(bluerescale(bluedata)), ]).swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(0, 1) norm = visualization.ImageNormalize( rgb, interval=visualization.MinMaxInterval(), stretch=stretch) fig1 = pl.figure(1) fig1.clf() ax = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=celwcs) pl.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='none', norm=norm) (x1, x2), (y1, y2) = celwcs.wcs_world2pix(lims[0], lims[1], 0) ax.axis((x1, x2, y1, y2)) visualization_tools.make_scalebar(ax, left_side=scalebarx, length=1.213 * u.arcsec, label='0.05 pc') pl.savefig(paths.fpath(figfilename), bbox_inches='tight')
position = (x, y) imData = fileData[0].data[0][0] #Shape it correctly. Assumes 4D. Might rewrite to generalise. cutout = Cutout2D(imData, position, size, mode='partial') #Anything past the border filled with NaN image = np.array( #Get the image data as a np array. empty = np.isnan(image) #Get all NaN pixels and replace with normalised noise. image[empty] = np.random.normal(loc=np.mean(image[~empty]), scale=np.std(image[~empty]), size=image.shape)[empty] # replace missing values with noise image = image - np.min(image) #Set base intensity to 0 # clip background image = np.clip(image, clip_threshold*np.std(image), 1e10) # Normalize using minmax mminterval = vis.MinMaxInterval() image = mminterval(image) image.astype('f').tofile(output) #Write to the Binary file #Append the info to our catalogue entry = [] entry.append(str(ra)) entry.append(str(dec)) entry.append(files_on_hand[i]) file = album + str(count) + '-' + str(int(round(ra))) + ':' + str(int(round(dec))) + '.stamp.fits' entry.append(file) info.append(entry) #Create a FITS image of the stamp hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()