def plotcontrast(img): """ """ vistypes = (None, LogNorm(), vis.AsinhStretch(), vis.ContrastBiasStretch(1, 0.5), vis.HistEqStretch(img), vis.LinearStretch(), vis.LogStretch(), vis.PowerDistStretch(a=10.), vis.PowerStretch(a=10.), vis.SinhStretch(), vis.SqrtStretch(), vis.SquaredStretch()) fg, ax = subplots(4, 3, figsize=(10, 10)) ax = ax.ravel() for i, v in enumerate(vistypes): #a = figure().gca() a = ax[i] if v and not isinstance(v, LogNorm): norm = ImageNormalize(stretch=v) a.set_title(str(v.__class__).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0]) else: norm = v a.set_title(str(v).split('.')[-1].split(" ")[0]) a.imshow(img, origin='lower', cmap='gray', norm=norm) a.axis('off') fg.suptitle('Matplotlib/AstroPy normalizations')
def plot_norm(self, stretch='linear', power=1.0, asinh_a=0.1, min_cut=None, max_cut=None, min_percent=None, max_percent=None, percent=None, clip=True): """Create a matplotlib norm object for plotting. This is a copy of this function that will be available in Astropy 1.3: `astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.simple_norm` See the parameter description there! Examples -------- >>> image = SkyImage() >>> norm = image.plot_norm(stretch='sqrt', max_percent=99) >>> image.plot(norm=norm) """ import astropy.visualization as v from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize if percent is not None: interval = v.PercentileInterval(percent) elif min_percent is not None or max_percent is not None: interval = v.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(min_percent or 0., max_percent or 100.) elif min_cut is not None or max_cut is not None: interval = v.ManualInterval(min_cut, max_cut) else: interval = v.MinMaxInterval() if stretch == 'linear': stretch = v.LinearStretch() elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch = v.SqrtStretch() elif stretch == 'power': stretch = v.PowerStretch(power) elif stretch == 'log': stretch = v.LogStretch() elif stretch == 'asinh': stretch = v.AsinhStretch(asinh_a) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch: {0}.'.format(stretch)) vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits( return ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=stretch, clip=clip)
def plotPrior(xdgmm, ax, c='black', lw=1, stretch=False): for gg in range(xdgmm.n_components): points = drawEllipse.plotvector([gg], xdgmm.V[gg]) if stretch: Stretch = av.PowerStretch(1. / 5) alpha = np.power(xdgmm.weights[gg] / np.max(xdgmm.weights), 1. / 10) else: alpha = xdgmm.weights[gg] / np.max(xdgmm.weights) ax.plot(points[0, :], testXD.absMagKinda2absMag(points[1, :]), c, lw=lw, alpha=alpha)
def get_offset(self, fitsobj, calcFFTs=False): """INPUT: instance of FITS FNUC: gets pixel offset between fits objects """'Calculating alignment offset %s <-- %s' % (self, fitsobj)) if calcFFTs: self.get_fft() fitsobj.get_fft() convolution = np.multiply(self.fft, np.conj(fitsobj.fft)) inverse = np.fft.ifft2(convolution) stretch = viz.PowerStretch(0.4) stretch = lambda x: x plt.imshow(stretch(np.real(inverse)), cmap='pink') plt.xlabel("Offset [pix]") plt.ylabel("Offset [pix]") a = np.argmax(inverse) r = len([0]) dx = a / r dy = a % r if dx >= 0.5 * self.size[0]: dx = dx - self.size[0] if dy >= 0.5 * self.size[1]: dy = dy - self.size[1] return (dx, dy)
def create_figure(self, frameno=0, binning=1, dpi=None, stretch='log', vmin=1, vmax=5000, cmap='gray', data_col='FLUX', annotate=True, time_format='ut', show_flags=False, label=None): """Returns a matplotlib Figure object that visualizes a frame. Parameters ---------- frameno : int Image number in the target pixel file. binning : int Number of frames around `frameno` to co-add. (default: 1). dpi : float, optional [dots per inch] Resolution of the output in dots per Kepler CCD pixel. By default the dpi is chosen such that the image is 440px wide. vmin : float, optional Minimum cut level (default: 1). vmax : float, optional Maximum cut level (default: 5000). cmap : str, optional The matplotlib color map name. The default is 'gray', can also be e.g. 'gist_heat'. raw : boolean, optional If `True`, show the raw pixel counts rather than the calibrated flux. Default: `False`. annotate : boolean, optional Annotate the Figure with a timestamp and target name? (Default: `True`.) show_flags : boolean, optional Show the quality flags? (Default: `False`.) label : str Label text to show in the bottom left corner of the movie. Returns ------- image : array An array of unisgned integers of shape (x, y, 3), representing an RBG colour image x px wide and y px high. """ # Get the flux data to visualize flx = self.flux_binned(frameno=frameno, binning=binning, data_col=data_col) # Determine the figsize and dpi shape = list(flx.shape) shape = [shape[1], shape[0]] if dpi is None: # Twitter timeline requires dimensions between 440x220 and 1024x512 # so we make 440 the default dpi = 440 / float(shape[0]) # libx264 require the height to be divisible by 2, we ensure this here: shape[0] -= ((shape[0] * dpi) % 2) / dpi # Create the figureand display the flux image using matshow fig = pl.figure(figsize=shape, dpi=dpi) # Display the image using matshow ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if self.verbose: print('{} vmin/vmax = {}/{} (median={})'.format( data_col, vmin, vmax, np.nanmedian(flx))) if stretch == 'linear': stretch_fn = visualization.LinearStretch() elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch_fn = visualization.SqrtStretch() elif stretch == 'power': stretch_fn = visualization.PowerStretch(1.0) elif stretch == 'log': stretch_fn = visualization.LogStretch() elif stretch == 'asinh': stretch_fn = visualization.AsinhStretch(0.1) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch: {0}.'.format(stretch)) transform = (stretch_fn + visualization.ManualInterval(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) flx_transform = 255 * transform(flx) # Make sure to remove all NaNs! flx_transform[~np.isfinite(flx_transform)] = 0 ax.imshow(flx_transform.astype(int), aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, norm=NoNorm()) if annotate: # Annotate the frame with a timestamp and target name? fontsize = 3. * shape[0] margin = 0.03 # Print target name in lower left corner if label is None: label = self.objectname txt = ax.text(margin, margin, label, family="monospace", fontsize=fontsize, color='white', transform=ax.transAxes) txt.set_path_effects([ path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=fontsize / 6., foreground='black'), path_effects.Normal() ]) # Print a timestring in the lower right corner txt2 = ax.text(1 - margin, margin, self.timestamp(frameno, time_format=time_format), family="monospace", fontsize=fontsize, color='white', ha='right', transform=ax.transAxes) txt2.set_path_effects([ path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=fontsize / 6., foreground='black'), path_effects.Normal() ]) # Print quality flags in upper right corner if show_flags: flags = self.quality_flags(frameno) if len(flags) > 0: txt3 = ax.text(margin, 1 - margin, '\n'.join(flags), family="monospace", fontsize=fontsize * 1.3, color='white', ha='left', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes, linespacing=1.5, backgroundcolor='red') txt3.set_path_effects([ path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=fontsize / 6., foreground='black'), path_effects.Normal() ]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis('off') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=1.0, top=1.0, bottom=0.0) fig.canvas.draw() return fig
def set_normalization(self, stretch=None, interval=None, stretchkwargs={}, intervalkwargs={}, perm_linear=None): if stretch is None: if self.stretch is None: stretch = 'linear' else: stretch = self.stretch if isinstance(stretch, str): print(stretch, ' '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in stretchkwargs.items()])) if is None: #can not calculate objects yet self.stretch_kwargs = stretchkwargs else: kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs( self.stretch_kws_defaults[stretch], self.stretch_kwargs, stretchkwargs) if perm_linear is not None: perm_linear_kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs( self.stretch_kws_defaults['linear'], perm_linear) print( 'linear', ' '.join([ f'{k}={v}' for k, v in perm_linear_kwargs.items() ])) if stretch == 'asinh': # arg: a=0.1 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.AsinhStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'contrastbias': # args: contrast, bias stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.ContrastBiasStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'histogram': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.HistEqStretch(, **kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'log': # args: a=1000.0 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LogStretch(**kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'powerdist': # args: a=1000.0 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.PowerDistStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'power': # args: a stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.PowerStretch(**kwargs), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'sinh': # args: a=0.33 stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.SinhStretch(**kwargs)) elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.SqrtStretch(), vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs)) elif stretch == 'square': stretch = vis.CompositeStretch( vis.LinearStretch(**perm_linear_kwargs), vis.SquaredStretch()) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch:' + stretch) else: if stretch == 'linear': # args: slope=1, intercept=0 stretch = vis.LinearStretch(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch:' + stretch) self.stretch = stretch if interval is None: if self.interval is None: interval = 'zscale' else: interval = self.interval if isinstance(interval, str): print(interval, ' '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in intervalkwargs.items()])) kwargs = self.prepare_kwargs(self.interval_kws_defaults[interval], self.interval_kwargs, intervalkwargs) if is None: self.interval_kwargs = intervalkwargs else: if interval == 'minmax': interval = vis.MinMaxInterval() elif interval == 'manual': # args: vmin, vmax interval = vis.ManualInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'percentile': # args: percentile, n_samples interval = vis.PercentileInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'asymetric': # args: lower_percentile, upper_percentile, n_samples interval = vis.AsymmetricPercentileInterval(**kwargs) elif interval == 'zscale': # args: nsamples=1000, contrast=0.25, max_reject=0.5, min_npixels=5, krej=2.5, max_iterations=5 interval = vis.ZScaleInterval(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown interval:' + interval) self.interval = interval if self.img is not None: self.img.set_norm( vis.ImageNormalize(, interval=self.interval, stretch=self.stretch, clip=True))
def get_image(data, fmt='JPEG', norm='percentile', lo=None, hi=None, zcontrast=0.25, nsamples=1000, krej=2.5, max_iterations=5, stretch='linear', a=None, bias=0.5, contrast=1, cmap=None, dpi=100, **kwargs): u""" Return a byte array containing image in the given format Image scaling is done using `~astropy.visualization`. It includes normalization of the input data (mapping to [0, 1]) and stretching - optional non-linear mapping [0, 1] -> [0, 1] for contrast enhancement. A colormap can be applied to the normalized data. Conversion to the target image format is done by matplotlib or Pillow. :param array_like data: input 2D image data :param str fmt: output image format :param str norm: data normalization mode:: "manual": lower and higher clipping limits are set explicitly "minmax": limits are set to the minimum and maximum data values "percentile" (default): limits are set based on the specified fraction of pixels "zscale": use IRAF ZScale algorithm :param int | float lo:: for ``norm`` == "manual", lower data limit for ``norm`` == "percentile", lower percentile clipping value, defaulting to 10 for ``norm`` == "zscale", lower limit on the number of rejected pixels, defaulting to 5 :param int | float hi:: for ``norm`` == "manual", upper data limit for ``norm`` == "percentile", upper percentile clipping value, defaulting to 98 for ``norm`` == "zscale", upper limit on the number of rejected pixels, defaulting to data.size/2 :param float zcontrast: for ``norm`` == "zscale", the scaling factor, 0 < zcontrast < 1, defaulting to 0.25 :param int nsamples: for ``norm`` == "zscale", the number of points in the input array for determining scale factors, defaulting to 1000 :param float krej: for ``norm`` == "zscale", the sigma clipping factor, defaulting to 2.5 :param int max_iterations: for ``norm`` == "zscale", the maximum number of rejection iterations, defaulting to 5 :param str stretch: [0, 1] → [0, 1] mapping mode:: "asinh": hyperbolic arcsine stretch y = asinh(x/a)/asinh(1/a) "contrast": linear bias/contrast-based stretch y = (x - bias)*contrast + 0.5 "exp": exponential stretch y = (a^x - 1)/(a - 1) "histeq": histogram equalization stretch "linear" (default): direct mapping "log": logarithmic stretch y = log(ax + 1)/log(a + 1) "power": power stretch y = x^a "sinh": hyperbolic sine stretch y = sinh(x/a)/sinh(1/a) "sqrt": square root stretch y = √x "square": power stretch y = x^2 :param float a: non-linear stretch parameter:: for ``stretch`` == "asinh", the point of transition from linear to logarithmic behavior, 0 < a <= 1, defaulting to 0.1 for ``stretch`` == "exp", base of the exponent, a != 1, defaulting to 1000 for ``stretch`` == "log", base of the logarithm minus 1, a > 0, defaulting to 1000 for ``stretch`` == "power", the power index, defaulting to 3 for ``stretch`` == "sinh", a > 0, defaulting to 1/3 :param float bias: for ``stretch`` == "contrast", the bias parameter, defaulting to 0.5 :param float contrast: for ``stretch`` == "contrast", the contrast parameter, defaulting to 1 :param str cmap: optional matplotlib colormap name, defaulting to grayscale; when a non-grayscale colormap is specified, the conversion is always done by matplotlib, regardless of the availability of Pillow; see for more info on matplotlib colormaps and [name for name in if not name.endswith('_r')] to list the available colormap names :param int dpi: target image resolution in dots per inch :param kwargs: optional format-specific keyword arguments passed to Pillow, e.g. "quality" for JPEG; see ` image-file-formats.html`_ :return: a bytes object containing the image in the given format :rtype: bytes """ data = asanyarray(data) # Normalize image data if norm == 'manual': if lo is None: raise ValueError( 'Missing lower clipping boundary for norm="manual"') if hi is None: raise ValueError( 'Missing upper clipping boundary for norm="manual"') elif norm == 'minmax': lo, hi = data.min(), data.max() elif norm == 'percentile': if lo is None: lo = 10 elif not 0 <= lo <= 100: raise ValueError( 'Lower clipping percentile must be in the [0,100] range') if hi is None: hi = 98 elif not 0 <= hi <= 100: raise ValueError( 'Upper clipping percentile must be in the [0,100] range') if hi < lo: raise ValueError( 'Upper clipping percentile must be greater or equal to ' 'lower percentile') lo, hi = percentile(data, [lo, hi]) elif norm == 'zscale': if lo is None: lo = 5 if hi is None: hi = 0.5 else: hi /= data.size lo, hi = apy_vis.ZScaleInterval( nsamples, zcontrast, hi, lo, krej, max_iterations).get_limits(data) else: raise ValueError('Unknown normalization mode "{}"'.format(norm)) data = clip((data - lo)/(hi - lo), 0, 1) # Stretch the data if stretch == 'asinh': if a is None: a = 0.1 apy_vis.AsinhStretch(a)(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'contrast': if bias != 0.5 or contrast != 1: apy_vis.ContrastBiasStretch(contrast, bias)(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'exp': if a is None: a = 1000 apy_vis.PowerDistStretch(a)(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'histeq': apy_vis.HistEqStretch(data)(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'linear': pass elif stretch == 'log': if a is None: a = 1000 apy_vis.LogStretch(a)(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'power': if a is None: a = 3 apy_vis.PowerStretch(a)(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'sinh': if a is None: a = 1/3 apy_vis.SinhStretch(a)(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'sqrt': apy_vis.SqrtStretch()(data, out=data) elif stretch == 'square': apy_vis.SquaredStretch()(data, out=data) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch mode "{}"'.format(stretch)) buf = BytesIO() try: # Choose the backend for making an image if cmap is None: cmap = 'gray' if cmap == 'gray': try: # noinspection PyPackageRequirements,PyPep8Naming from PIL import Image as pil_image except ImportError: pil_image = None else: pil_image = None if pil_image is not None: # Use Pillow for grayscale output if available; flip the image to # match the bottom-to-top FITS convention and convert from [0,1] to # unsigned byte pil_image.fromarray( (data[::-1]*255 + 0.5).astype(uint8), ).save(buf, fmt, dpi=(dpi, dpi), **kwargs) else: # Use matplotlib for non-grayscale colormaps or if PIL is not # available # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from matplotlib import image as mpl_image if fmt.lower() == 'png': # PNG images are saved upside down by matplotlib, regardless of # the origin parameter data = data[::-1] # noinspection PyTypeChecker mpl_image.imsave( buf, data, cmap=cmap, format=fmt, origin='lower', dpi=dpi) return buf.getvalue() finally: buf.close()
def create_figure(self, output_filename, survey, stretch='log', vmin=1, vmax=None, min_percent=1, max_percent=95, cmap='gray', contour_color='red', data_col='FLUX'): """Returns a matplotlib Figure object that visualizes a frame. Parameters ---------- vmin : float, optional Minimum cut level (default: 0). vmax : float, optional Maximum cut level (default: 5000). cmap : str, optional The matplotlib color map name. The default is 'gray', can also be e.g. 'gist_heat'. raw : boolean, optional If `True`, show the raw pixel counts rather than the calibrated flux. Default: `False`. Returns ------- image : array An array of unisgned integers of shape (x, y, 3), representing an RBG colour image x px wide and y px high. """ # Get the flux data to visualize # Update to use TPF flx = self.TPF.flux_binned() # print(np.shape(flx)) # calculate cut_levels if vmax is None: vmin, vmax = self.cut_levels(min_percent, max_percent, data_col) # Determine the figsize shape = list(flx.shape) # print(shape) # Create the figure and display the flux image using matshow fig = plt.figure(figsize=shape) # Display the image using matshow # Update to generate axes using WCS axes instead of plain axes ax = plt.subplot(projection=self.TPF.wcs) ax.set_xlabel('RA') ax.set_ylabel('Dec') if self.verbose: print('{} vmin/vmax = {}/{} (median={})'.format( data_col, vmin, vmax, np.nanmedian(flx))) if stretch == 'linear': stretch_fn = visualization.LinearStretch() elif stretch == 'sqrt': stretch_fn = visualization.SqrtStretch() elif stretch == 'power': stretch_fn = visualization.PowerStretch(1.0) elif stretch == 'log': stretch_fn = visualization.LogStretch() elif stretch == 'asinh': stretch_fn = visualization.AsinhStretch(0.1) else: raise ValueError('Unknown stretch: {0}.'.format(stretch)) transform = (stretch_fn + visualization.ManualInterval(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) ax.imshow((255 * transform(flx)).astype(int), aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, norm=NoNorm()) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) current_ylims = ax.get_ylim() current_xlims = ax.get_xlim() pixels, header = surveyquery.getSVImg(self.TPF.position, survey) levels = np.linspace(np.min(pixels), np.percentile(pixels, 95), 10) ax.contour(pixels, transform=ax.get_transform(WCS(header)), levels=levels, colors=contour_color) ax.set_xlim(current_xlims) ax.set_ylim(current_ylims) fig.canvas.draw() plt.savefig(output_filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) return fig