def fits2png(filename: Union[str, Path], sh: SizeHint, hdu_index=1): with timeit(f'fits2png({filename})'): with timeit(''): with as hdul: data = hdul[hdu_index].data[::-1] # type: ignore assert len(data.shape) == 2 factor = max( (data.shape[0] - 1) // sh.max_height + 1 if sh.max_height else 0, (data.shape[1] - 1) // sh.max_width + 1 if sh.max_width else 0, sh.factor or 0, ) with timeit('resize'): data = skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean( data, (factor, factor)) zscale = ZScaleInterval() with timeit('zscale'): vmin, vmax = zscale.get_limits(data) with timeit('convert2uint'): data8 = numpy.array(255 * numpy.clip( (data - vmin) / (vmax - vmin), 0., 1.), dtype=numpy.uint8) img = Image.fromarray(data8) buffer = io.BytesIO(), format='png') return buffer.getvalue()
def __init__(self, data, XWIN_IMAGE, YWIN_IMAGE, FLUX_AUTO, FLUXERR_AUTO, zscaleNsamp=200, zscaleContrast=1., minGoodVal=None): self.XWIN_IMAGE = XWIN_IMAGE self.YWIN_IMAGE = YWIN_IMAGE self.FLUX_AUTO = FLUX_AUTO self.FLUXERR_AUTO = FLUXERR_AUTO = data self.minGoodVal = minGoodVal mask = np.ones(, dtype=bool) if self.minGoodVal is not None: w = np.where( < self.minGoodVal) mask[w] = 0 zscale = ZScaleInterval(nsamples=zscaleNsamp, contrast=zscaleContrast) (self.z1, self.z2) = zscale.get_limits([mask]) self.normer = interval.ManualInterval(self.z1, self.z2) self._increment = 0
def plot_aper_mask(fluxes,rad,aper_shape,contrast=0.1,epic=None): stacked = np.nansum(fluxes,axis=0) mask = make_mask(fluxes, rad = rad, shape=aper_shape) y,x = centroid_com(stacked) fig, ax = pl.subplots(1,1) interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=contrast) zmin,zmax = interval.get_limits(stacked) cb = ax.imshow(stacked, origin='bottom', interpolation=None) ax.imshow(mask, alpha=0.3) if aper_shape == 'round': circ = pl.Circle((x,y),rad,color='w',alpha=0.2,lw=5,label='r={}'.format(rad)) ax.add_artist(circ) ax.plot(x,y,'r+',ms=20, lw=10,label='centroid') pl.colorbar(cb, ax=ax) pl.xlabel('X') pl.ylabel('Y') pl.legend() if epic is not None: pl.title('EPIC {}'.format(epic)) return fig
def __init__(self, parent, controller): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) # change 'figure_width': 1920, 'figure_height': 1080 =(19.2,10.8) f = Figure(figsize=(8, 6)) a = f.add_subplot(111) f.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0.005, right=1, top=1) a.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) a.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # add axes for sliders ax_norma = f.add_axes([0.81, 0.1, 0.15, 0.025]) ax_contr = f.add_axes([0.81, 0.05, 0.15, 0.025]) hdu_list = img = hdu_list[0].data # interval = MinMaxInterval() contrast=0.15 interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=contrast) vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(img) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=PowerStretch(power_normalise)) a.imshow(img, origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap='cividis')#, vmax=max_saturation) # Embedding In Tk canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, self) # import code; code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals())) canvas.draw() canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) # Show ToolBar toolbar = NavigationToolbar(canvas, self) toolbar.update() # Activate Zoom toolbar.zoom(self) canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) delta_f = 0.1 # add sliders s_norma = Slider(ax_norma, 'Normalise', 0.1, 5.0, valinit=power_normalise, valstep=delta_f) s_contr = Slider(ax_contr, 'Contrast', 0.1, 1.0, valinit=contrast) def update(val): n_norma = s_norma.val n_contr = s_contr.val # assign new values to contrast and normalise interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=n_contr) vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(img) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=PowerStretch(n_norma)) a.imshow(img, origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap='cividis') canvas.draw_idle() s_norma.on_changed(update) s_contr.on_changed(update) hdu_list.close()
def create_jpg_from_fits(self, fits_filepath, outdir): ''' Basic convert fits primary data to jpg. Instrument subclasses can override this function. ''' #get image data hdu =, ignore_missing_end=True) data = hdu[0].data hdr = hdu[0].header #form filepaths basename = os.path.basename(fits_filepath).replace('.fits', '') jpg_filepath = f'{outdir}/{basename}.jpg' #create jpg interval = ZScaleInterval() vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(data) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=AsinhStretch()) dpi = 100 width_inches = hdr['NAXIS1'] / dpi height_inches = hdr['NAXIS2'] / dpi fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width_inches, height_inches), frameon=False, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) #this forces no border padding plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(data, cmap='gray', origin='lower', norm=norm) plt.savefig(jpg_filepath, quality=92) plt.close()
def plot_image(image, width=800, downsample=2, title=None): """ plots image downsampled, returning bokeh figure of requested width """ #- Downsample image 2x2 (or whatever downsample specifies) ny, nx = image.shape image2 = downsample_image(image, downsample) #- Default image scaling zscale = ZScaleInterval() zmin, zmax = zscale.get_limits(image2) #- Experimental: rescale to uint8 to save space u8img = (255 * (image2.clip(zmin, zmax) - zmin) / (zmax - zmin)).astype( np.uint8) colormap = LinearColorMapper(palette=gray(256), low=0, high=255) #- Create figure fig = bk.figure(width=width, height=width - 50, active_drag='box_zoom', active_scroll='wheel_zoom') fig.image([ u8img, ], 0, 0, nx, ny, color_mapper=colormap) fig.x_range.start = 0 fig.x_range.end = nx fig.y_range.start = 0 fig.y_range.end = ny if title is not None: fig.title.text = title return fig
def make_jpg(self): ''' Converts HIRES FITS file to JPG image Output filename = KOAID_CCD#_HDU##.jpg # = 1, 2, 3... ## = 01, 02, 03... ''' # TODO: Can we utilize instrument.make_jpg() to reduce duplicate code? # Perhaps add an 'ext' param to make_jpg(). # file to convert is lev0Dir/KOAID koaid = self.get_keyword('KOAID') filePath = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dirs['lev0']): if koaid in files: filePath = ''.join((root, '/', koaid)) if not filePath or not os.path.isfile(filePath): self.log_warn('MAKE_JPG_ERROR') return False koaid = filePath.replace('.fits', '') for ext in range(1, len(self.fits_hdu)): try: ext2 = str(ext) pngFile = koaid + '_CCD' + ext2 + '_HDU' + ext2.zfill( 2) + '.png' jpgFile = pngFile.replace('.png', '.jpg') # image data to convert image = self.fits_hdu[ext].data interval = ZScaleInterval() vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(image) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=AsinhStretch()) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.imshow(np.rot90(image), cmap='gray', origin='lower', norm=norm) plt.axis('off') # save as png, then convert to jpg plt.savefig(pngFile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) img ='RGB') basewidth = int(len(image) / 2) wpercent = basewidth / float(img.size[0]) hsize = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(wpercent))) img = img.resize((basewidth, hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS) os.remove(pngFile) plt.close() except: self.log_warn("MAKE_JPG_ERROR", jpgFile) return False return True
def plot_dss_image(hdu, cmap="gray", contrast=0.5, coord_format="dd:mm:ss", ax=None): """ Plot output of get_dss_data: hdu = get_dss_data(ra, dec) """ data, header =, hdu.header interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=contrast) zmin, zmax = interval.get_limits(data) if ax is None: fig = pl.figure(constrained_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=WCS(header)) ax.imshow(data, vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax, cmap=cmap) ax.set_xlabel("RA") ax.set_ylabel("DEC", y=0.9) title = f"{header['SURVEY']} ({header['FILTER']})\n" title += f"{header['DATE-OBS'][:10]}" ax.set_title(title) # set RA from hourangle to degree if hasattr(ax, "coords"): ax.coords[1].set_major_formatter(coord_format) ax.coords[0].set_major_formatter(coord_format) return ax
def plotSideBySide(self): self.coords1 = [] self.coords2 = [] fig1 = plt.figure() interval = ZScaleInterval() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot() limits = interval.get_limits(self.HSTImage1Data) ax1.imshow(self.HSTImage1Data, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1]) def onclick1(event): if event.dblclick: print(f'x = {event.xdata}, y = {event.ydata}') star, columnPix, rowPix = cutStar(event.xdata, event.ydata, self.HSTImage1Data) if np.abs(rowPix - event.xdata) < 15 and np.abs( columnPix - event.ydata) < 15: plt.scatter(rowPix, columnPix, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r', s=50) fig1.canvas.draw() self.coords1.append((rowPix, columnPix)) cid = fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick1) fig2 = plt.figure() ax2 = fig2.add_subplot() limits = interval.get_limits(self.HSTImage2Data) ax2.imshow(self.HSTImage2Data, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1]) def onclick2(event): if event.dblclick: print(f'x = {event.xdata}, y = {event.ydata}') star, columnPix, rowPix = cutStar(event.xdata, event.ydata, self.HSTImage2Data) if np.abs(rowPix - event.xdata) < 15 and np.abs( columnPix - event.ydata) < 15: plt.scatter(rowPix, columnPix, facecolors='none', edgecolors='b', s=50) fig2.canvas.draw() self.coords2.append((rowPix, columnPix)) cid = fig2.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick2)
def fits_to_png(self, file_path, dst_path, contrast=0.15): img = fits.getdata(file_path, ignore_missing_end=True) interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=contrast) min, max = interval.get_limits(img) img = (img - min) / (max - min) save_image(torch.from_numpy(img), dst_path)
def zscale_image(imgarr): ''' This zscales an image. ''' zscaler = ZScaleInterval() scaled_vals = zscaler.get_limits(imgarr) return direct_linscale_img(imgarr, scaled_vals[0], scaled_vals[1])
def specrect_plot(outpath, base_name, order_num, before, after): if const.upgrade: endPix = 2048 else: endPix = 1024 pl.figure('before, after spectral rectify', facecolor='white', figsize=(10, 10)) pl.cla() pl.suptitle('before, after spectral rectify, {}, order {}'.format( base_name, order_num), fontsize=14) pl.set_cmap('Blues_r') before_plot = pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) #before = imresize(before, (500, endPix), interp='bilinear') try: before[np.where(before < 0)] = np.median(before) norm = ImageNormalize(before, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=SquaredStretch()) before_plot.imshow(before, origin='lower', aspect='auto', norm=norm) #before_plot.imshow(exposure.equalize_hist(before), aspect='auto', origin='lower') except: before_plot.imshow(before, aspect='auto', origin='lower') before_plot.set_title('before') # obj_plot.set_ylim([1023, 0]) before_plot.set_xlim([0, endPix - 1]) after_plot = pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) #after = imresize(after, (500, endPix), interp='bilinear') try: after[np.where(after < 0)] = np.median(after) norm = ImageNormalize(after, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=SquaredStretch()) after_plot.imshow(after, origin='lower', aspect='auto', norm=norm) #after_plot.imshow(exposure.equalize_hist(after), aspect='auto', origin='lower') except: after_plot.imshow(after, aspect='auto', origin='lower') after_plot.set_title('after') # flat_plot.set_ylim([1023, 0]) after_plot.set_xlim([0, endPix - 1]) before_plot.minorticks_on() after_plot.minorticks_on() #pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(constructFileName(outpath, base_name, order_num, 'specrect.png'), bbox_inches='tight') pl.close()
def scale_array_for_jpg(array): zscale = ZScaleInterval() try: low, upp = zscale.get_limits(array) except IndexError: low, upp = np.nanpercentile(array, (1, 99)) scaled_array = np.clip(array, low, upp) mi, ma = np.nanmin(scaled_array), np.nanmax(scaled_array) return ((scaled_array - mi) / (ma - mi) * ((2 << 7) - 1)).astype(np.uint8)
def update(val): n_norma = s_norma.val n_contr = s_contr.val # assign new values to contrast and normalise interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=n_contr) vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(img) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=PowerStretch(n_norma)) a.imshow(img, origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap='cividis') canvas.draw_idle()
def make_jpg(self): ''' Converts a FITS file to JPG image ''' # file to convert is lev0Dir/KOAID path = self.dirs['lev0'] koaid = self.fitsHeader.get('KOAID') filePath = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if koaid in files: filePath = ''.join((root, '/', koaid)) if not filePath: self.log.error('make_jpg: Could not find KOAID: ' + koaid) return False 'make_jpg: converting {} to jpeg format'.format(filePath)) #check if already exists? (JPG conversion is time consuming) #todo: Only allow skip if not fullRun? (ie Will we ever want to regenerate the jpg?) jpgFile = filePath.replace('.fits', '.jpg') if os.path.isfile(jpgFile): self.log.warning('make_jpg: file already exists. SKIPPING') return True # verify file exists try: if os.path.isfile(filePath): # image data to convert image = self.fitsHdu[0].data interval = ZScaleInterval() vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(image) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=AsinhStretch()) plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray', origin='lower', norm=norm) plt.axis('off') # save as png, then convert to jpg pngFile = filePath.replace('.fits', '.png') jpgFile = pngFile.replace('.png', '.jpg') plt.savefig(pngFile)'RGB').save(jpgFile) os.remove(pngFile) plt.close() else: #TODO: if this errors, should we remove .fits file added previously? self.log.error( 'make_jpg: file does not exist {}'.format(filePath)) return False except: self.log.error('make_jpg: Could not create JPG: ' + jpgFile) return False return True
def combine_cutouts( filenames, OT_coords, coords_type="world", output_name="cutout_comb.png", size=[200, 200], FoV=-1, title=None, fmts="png", ): """Create a png file with the cutouts from science image, reference image and substarcted image.""" # FIXME: need to optimise this function # May be provide the list of cutouts to create as inputs # to reuse the plt axes and avoid recreating a new pyplot # frame each time. datas, origins = _combined_cutouts(filenames, OT_coords, coords_type, size, FoV) norm1 = ImageNormalize( datas[0], # - np.median(data1), interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=LinearStretch(), ) norm2 = ImageNormalize( datas[1], # - np.median(data2), interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=LinearStretch(), ) norm3 = ImageNormalize( datas[2], # - np.median(data3), interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=LinearStretch(), ) # stretch=SinhStretch()) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5)) # Substracting by the median is a trick to highlight the source # when skybackground is important. It is not correct but just # used for illustration. # axs[1].imshow(data1 - np.median(data1), axs[1].imshow(datas[0], cmap="gray", origin=origins[0], norm=norm1) axs[1].set_xlabel("Science", size=20) # axs[2].imshow(data2 - np.median(data2), axs[2].imshow(datas[1], cmap="gray", origin=origins[1], norm=norm2) axs[2].set_xlabel("Reference", size=20) # axs[0].imshow(data3 #- np.median(data3), axs[0].imshow(datas[2], cmap="gray", origin=origins[2], norm=norm3) axs[0].set_xlabel("Residuals", size=20) if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, size=20) # Tight_layout() does not support suptitle so need to do it manually. fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.80]) fig.savefig(output_name) plt.close()
def make_thumbnail(oid: str, detection: Mapping, thumbnail_type: str): """Convert lossless FITS cutouts from ZTF images into PNGs :param oid: Fritz obj id :param detection: Tails detection dict :param thumbnail_type: <new|ref|sub> :return: """ stack = deepcopy(detection["cutouts"]) if thumbnail_type == "ref": index = 1 elif thumbnail_type == "sub": index = 2 else: index = 0 cutout_data = stack[..., index] # flip up/down # cutout_data = np.flipud(cutout_data) buff = io.BytesIO() plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(4, 4, forward=False) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) # replace nans with median: img = np.array(cutout_data) # replace dubiously large values xl = np.greater(np.abs(img), 1e20, where=~np.isnan(img)) if img[xl].any(): img[xl] = np.nan if np.isnan(img).any(): median = float(np.nanmean(img.flatten())) img = np.nan_to_num(img, nan=median) interval = ZScaleInterval(nsamples=img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]) limits = interval.get_limits(img) ax.imshow(img, origin="upper", cmap="bone", vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1]) plt.savefig(buff, dpi=42) plt.close("all") thumb = { "obj_id": oid, "data": base64.b64encode("utf-8"), "ttype": thumbnail_type, } return thumb
def plot_epics(ids, kwargs=None): ''' ids: epic ids ''' #there were 240 pixels in 60 arcsec pix_size = 0.25 #arcsec/pix textloc, fontsize, pad, cmap, contrast, figsize = parse_kwargs(kwargs) rows = len(ids) cols = len(filters) if figsize is not None: fig, ax = pl.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=figsize) else: fig, ax = pl.subplots(rows, cols) for m, epic in enumerate(ids): foldername = str(epic) + '_' + str(filters) file_list = glob(foldername + '/*.fits') d = sort_filternames(file_list) file_list = [d[i] for i in sorted(d)] #print(file_list) interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=contrast) for n, f in enumerate(file_list): #open fits file img, hdr = get_data(f) band = hdr['HIERARCH FPA.FILTER'].split('.')[0] #get limits zmin, zmax = interval.get_limits(img) ax[m, n].imshow(img, origin='bottom', label='${}$'.format(band), cmap=cmap, vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax) ax[m, 2].set_title('{}'.format(epic), fontsize=fontsize, pad=pad) ax[m, n].yaxis.set_major_locator(pl.NullLocator()) ax[m, n].xaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) xpos, ypos = textloc ax[m, n].text(xpos, ypos, band, fontsize=fontsize, color='w') rad = img.shape[0] / pix_size x, y = img.shape[0] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2 circ = pl.Circle((x, y), rad, linewidth=2, alpha=0.4, edgecolor='w') ax[m, n].add_artist(circ) #fig.tight_layout() return fig
def make_jpg(self): ''' Converts HIRES FITS file to JPG image Output filename = KOAID_CCD#_HDU##.jpg # = 1, 2, 3... ## = 01, 02, 03... ''' # TODO: Can we merge this with instrument.make_jpg()? # file to convert is lev0Dir/KOAID koaid = self.get_keyword('KOAID') filePath = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dirs['lev0']): if koaid in files: filePath = ''.join((root, '/', koaid)) if not filePath: self.log.error('make_jpg: Could not find KOAID: ' + koaid) return False 'make_jpg: converting {} to jpeg format'.format(filePath)) koaid = filePath.replace('.fits', '') if os.path.isfile(filePath): for ext in range(1, len(self.fitsHdu)): try: ext2 = str(ext) pngFile = koaid + '_CCD' + ext2 + '_HDU' + ext2.zfill( 2) + '.png' jpgFile = pngFile.replace('.png', '.jpg') # image data to convert image = self.fitsHdu[ext].data interval = ZScaleInterval() vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(image) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=AsinhStretch()) plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray', origin='lower', norm=norm) plt.axis('off') # save as png, then convert to jpg plt.savefig(pngFile)'RGB').rotate(-90).save( jpgFile) os.remove(pngFile) plt.close() except: self.log.error('make_jpg: Could not create JPG: ' + jpgFile) else: self.log.error('make_jpg: file does not exist {}'.format(filePath)) return False return True
def plot_multi(file_list, epic, kwargs, aperture=None, show_centroid=True): textloc, fontsize, pad, cmap, contrast, figsize = parse_kwargs(kwargs) if figsize is not None: fig, ax = pl.subplots(1, len(file_list), figsize=figsize) else: fig, ax = pl.subplots(1, len(file_list)) #there were 240 pixels in 60 arcsec pix_size = 0.25 #arcsec/pix d = sort_filternames(file_list) file_list = [d[i] for i in sorted(d)] for n, fname in enumerate(file_list): img, hdr = get_data(fname) filter = hdr['HIERARCH FPA.FILTER'] band = filter.split('.')[0] assert img.shape[0] == img.shape[1] #square? interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=contrast) zmin, zmax = interval.get_limits(img) ax[n].imshow(img, origin='bottom', label='${}$'.format(band), cmap='gray', vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax) ax[n].yaxis.set_major_locator(pl.NullLocator()) ax[n].xaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) xpos, ypos = textloc ax[n].text(xpos, ypos, band, fontsize=fontsize, color='w') if aperture is not None: assert aperture.size == img.size ax[n].matshow(aperture, cmap=cmap, alpha=0.1, label='K2 aperture') else: rad = img.shape[0] * pix_size x, y = img.shape[0] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2 #aperture circ = pl.Circle((x, y), rad, linewidth=2, alpha=0.4, edgecolor='w') ax[n].add_artist(circ) #centroid if show_centroid: ax[n].text(x, y, '+', color='r', fontsize=fontsize) ax[n // 2].set_title('{}'.format(epic), fontsize=fontsize) #, pad=pad) fig.tight_layout() return fig
def cutouts_plot(outpath, obj_base_name, flat_base_name, order_num, obj_img, flat_img, top_trace, bot_trace, trace): if const.upgrade: endPix = 2048 else: endPix = 1024 pl.figure('traces', facecolor='white', figsize=(10, 10)) pl.cla() pl.suptitle('order cutouts, {}, order {}'.format(obj_base_name, order_num), fontsize=14) pl.set_cmap('Blues_r') obj_plot = pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) norm = ImageNormalize(obj_img, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=SquaredStretch()) obj_plot.imshow(obj_img, origin='lower', aspect='auto', norm=norm) #try: # obj_plot.imshow(exposure.equalize_hist(obj_img), aspect='auto', origin='lower') #except: # obj_plot.imshow(obj_img, aspect='auto', origin='lower') obj_plot.plot(np.arange(endPix), top_trace, 'y-', linewidth=1.5) obj_plot.plot(np.arange(endPix), bot_trace, 'y-', linewidth=1.5) obj_plot.plot(np.arange(endPix), trace, 'y-', linewidth=1.5) obj_plot.set_title('object ' + obj_base_name) #obj_plot.set_xlim([0, endPix-1]) flat_plot = pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) norm = ImageNormalize(flat_img, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=SquaredStretch()) flat_plot.imshow(flat_img, origin='lower', aspect='auto', norm=norm) #try: # flat_plot.imshow(exposure.equalize_hist(flat_img), aspect='auto', origin='lower') #except: # flat_plot.imshow(flat_img, aspect='auto', origin='lower') flat_plot.plot(np.arange(endPix), top_trace, 'y-', linewidth=1.5) flat_plot.plot(np.arange(endPix), bot_trace, 'y-', linewidth=1.5) flat_plot.plot(np.arange(endPix), trace, 'y-', linewidth=1.5) flat_plot.set_title('flat ' + flat_base_name) #flat_plot.set_xlim([0, endPix-1]) obj_plot.minorticks_on() flat_plot.minorticks_on() #pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(constructFileName(outpath, obj_base_name, order_num, 'cutouts.png'), bbox_inches='tight') pl.close()
def plot_contourOnImage(fitsfile,total_mask_bool,verbose=False): # Read in image image,h = fits.getdata(fitsfile,header=True) # Create header with wcs contour_fits = fits.PrimaryHDU() = total_mask_bool.astype('int') contour_fits.header['CTYPE1'] = h['CTYPE1'] contour_fits.header['CRPIX1'] = h['CRPIX1'] contour_fits.header['CRVAL1'] = h['CRVAL1'] contour_fits.header['CTYPE2'] = h['CTYPE2'] contour_fits.header['CRPIX2'] = h['CRPIX2'] contour_fits.header['CRVAL2'] = h['CRVAL2'] contour_fits.header['CD1_1'] = h['CD1_1'] contour_fits.header['CD1_2'] = h['CD1_2'] contour_fits.header['CD2_1'] = h['CD2_1'] contour_fits.header['CD2_2'] = h['CD2_2'] try: contour_fits.header['EQUINOX'] = h['EQUINOX'] except: print('IMPORTANT NOTE!!!! Equinox of input image assumed to be 2000.0') print(' This is just for plotting checkim purposes') contour_fits.header['EQUINOX'] = 2000.0 # Save contour_image to file, with fitsfile WCS total_mask_fitsWithWCS = './contour.fits' contour_fits.writeto(total_mask_fitsWithWCS) printme = f'SAVED : {total_mask_fitsWithWCS}' print_verbose_string(printme,verbose=verbose) # Plot total_mask as contour on fits image fig = plt.figure(figsize=(48, 36)) f2 = aplpy.FITSFigure(fitsfile,figure=fig) f2.ticks.hide() f2.tick_labels.hide_x() f2.tick_labels.hide_y() f2.axis_labels.hide() interval = ZScaleInterval() vmin,vmax = interval.get_limits(image) f2.show_grayscale(invert=True, stretch='linear', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) f2.show_contour(data=total_mask_fitsWithWCS,linewidths=3.0,colors='MediumPurple') cont_name = fitsfile.replace('.fits','_skymask_contour.png') print(f'SAVED : {cont_name}') # Remove contour_image fits file clearit(total_mask_fitsWithWCS) printme = f'REMOVED: {total_mask_fitsWithWCS}' print_verbose_string(printme,verbose=verbose) return None
def display_image(self, ax = None, display = True): '''displays image''' with as f: im = f[0].data if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8, 8)) z = ZScaleInterval() zlim = z.get_limits( ax.imshow(-1*im, cmap = 'gray', vmin = -1*zlim[1], vmax = -1*zlim[0]) if display:
def display_map(map, scale="logZscale"): img =[0] image_data =[:, :] image_data =[:, :] / np.mean(image_data) for i, line in enumerate(image_data): for j, col in enumerate(line): image_data[i][j] = max([col, 0.00001]) print len(image_data) #image_data= image_data/((1-0.72)**2-1.03**2) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10)) ax.set_aspect('equal') if scale == "linZscale": norm = ImageNormalize(image_data, interval=ZScaleInterval(contrast=0.01), stretch=SqrtStretch()) im = ax.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray', norm=norm) plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) if scale == "logZscale": new_image_data = 2.5 * np.log(image_data) norm = ImageNormalize(new_image_data, interval=ZScaleInterval(contrast=0.000001), stretch=SqrtStretch()) im = ax.imshow(new_image_data - np.min(new_image_data), aspect='auto', cmap='gray') #plt.colorbar(im,ax=ax) circ = Circle((1000, 3000), 20, ec="red", fc=None, fill=False) circ2 = Circle((1000, 3000), 250, ec="green", fc=None, fill=False) #ax.add_patch(circ) #ax.add_patch(circ2) #plt.axis('off') locs2 = ax.get_xticks() print locs2 # locs2[1] = frequency_spline[0] temp_lab = ax.get_xticklabels() lab2 = np.round(np.multiply(0.00244140625, locs2[1:-1]), 1) print lab2 labels = [] ax.set(xlabel=r'$\theta_E$', ylabel=r'$\theta_E$') ax.set_xticks(locs2[1:-1], minor=False) ax.set_yticks(locs2[1:-1], minor=False) ax.set_xticklabels(lab2, minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels(lab2, minor=False) fig.savefig('mapA-B.png')
def display_image(img, minclip=5, maxclip=95, label=None, cmap='Greys_r', srcs=None, projection=None, calibrated=False, png=None): """Simple wrapper to display an image. """ from astropy.visualization import AsinhStretch as Stretch from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval as Interval from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize #from astropy.visualization import simple_norm #norm = simple_norm(img, min_percent=minclip, max_percent=maxclip) interval = Interval(contrast=0.5) vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(img) norm = ImageNormalize(interval=interval, stretch=Stretch(a=0.9)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), subplot_kw={'projection': projection}) im = ax.imshow(img, origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if projection: ax.coords.grid(color='red') ax.coords['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension') ax.coords['dec'].set_axislabel('Declination') else: ax.set_xlabel('Column Number (pixels)') ax.set_ylabel('Row Number (pixels)') # Mark the locations of stars. if srcs: from photutils import CircularAperture pos = np.transpose((srcs['xcentroid'], srcs['ycentroid'])) aps = CircularAperture(pos, r=12.) aps.plot(color='red', lw=1.5, alpha=0.6, axes=ax) # Make room for the colorbar fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.28, 0.05, 0.45]) c = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) if label: c.set_label(label) else: if calibrated: c.set_label(r'Intensity ($e^{-}/s$)') else: c.set_label('Intensity (ADU)') if png: print('Writing {}'.format(png)) fig.savefig(png)
def spatrect_plot(outpath, base_name, order_num, obj, flat): if const.upgrade: endPix = 2048 else: endPix = 1024 pl.figure('spatially rectified', facecolor='white', figsize=(10, 10)) pl.cla() pl.suptitle('spatially rectified, {}, order {}'.format( base_name, order_num), fontsize=14) pl.set_cmap('Blues_r') obj_plot = pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) norm = ImageNormalize(obj, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=SquaredStretch()) obj_plot.imshow(obj, origin='lower', aspect='auto', norm=norm) #try: # obj_plot.imshow(exposure.equalize_hist(obj), aspect='auto', origin='lower') #except: # obj_plot.imshow(obj, aspect='auto', origin='lower') obj_plot.set_title('object') # obj_plot.set_ylim([1023, 0]) obj_plot.set_xlim([0, endPix - 1]) flat_plot = pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) norm = ImageNormalize(flat, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch=SquaredStretch()) flat_plot.imshow(flat, origin='lower', aspect='auto', norm=norm) #try: # flat_plot.imshow(exposure.equalize_hist(flat), aspect='auto', origin='lower') #except: # flat_plot.imshow(flat, aspect='auto', origin='lower') flat_plot.set_title('flat') # flat_plot.set_ylim([1023, 0]) flat_plot.set_xlim([0, endPix - 1]) obj_plot.minorticks_on() flat_plot.minorticks_on() #pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(constructFileName(outpath, base_name, order_num, 'spatrect.png'), bbox_inches='tight') pl.close()
def quick_rgb(image_red, image_green, image_blue, contrast=0.25): # Determine limits for each channel interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=contrast) red_min, red_max = interval.get_limits(image_red) green_min, green_max = interval.get_limits(image_green) blue_min, blue_max = interval.get_limits(image_blue) # Determine overall limits vmin, vmax = min(red_min, green_min, blue_min), max(red_max, green_max, blue_max) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=LogStretch(), clip=True) # Make destination array rgbim = np.zeros(image_red.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8) for idx, im in enumerate((image_red, image_green, image_blue)): rescaled = (norm(im) * 255).astype(np.uint8) rgbim[:,:,idx] = rescaled return rgbim
def interval_select(self): radioBtn = self.sender() if radioBtn.isChecked(): if radioBtn.text() == 'MinMax': self.interval = MinMaxInterval() self.rbtn5.setChecked(False) self.rbtn6.setChecked(True) self.rbtn7.setChecked(False) self.rbtn8.setChecked(False) self.rbtn9.setChecked(False) main.refresh_norm() elif radioBtn.text() == 'Manual': main.manual_int() main.refresh_norm() elif radioBtn.text() == 'Percentile': main.percent_int() main.refresh_norm() elif radioBtn.text() == 'AsymmetricPercentile': main.asym_int() main.refresh_norm() elif radioBtn.text() == 'ZScale': self.interval = ZScaleInterval() self.rbtn5.setChecked(False) self.rbtn6.setChecked(False) self.rbtn7.setChecked(False) self.rbtn8.setChecked(False) self.rbtn9.setChecked(True) main.refresh_norm()
def show_sources(data, sources): """ Convenience method for plotting the identified sources Parameters ---------- data : FITS data to plot sources : Sources found in the FITS data Returns ------- """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) norm = ImageNormalize(data, stretch=LinearStretch(), interval=ZScaleInterval()) im = ax.imshow(data, norm=norm, cmap='gray', origin='lower') # Make apertures apertures = CircularAperture((sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid']),r=3) apertures.plot(color='red', lw=1.5, alpha=0.75) ax.grid(False) fig.savefig('example_image.png', format='png', dpi=275)
def focus_detect(path): interval = ZScaleInterval() files = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)) and f.endswith('.fits')] files.sort() avg_energy_spectrum = 0 energy_spectrums = [] for f in files: tmp = fits.getdata(f) tmp = tmp[500:1500, 500:1500] tmp = tmp.astype(float) freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(tmp)) energy_spectrum = freq * freq.conj() energy_spectrums.append(energy_spectrum) avg_energy_spectrum += energy_spectrum / float(len(files)) m = [] for e in energy_spectrums: e /= avg_energy_spectrum m.append(np.mean(np.real(e))) #plt.imshow(interval(np.real(e))) #plt.imshow(interval(np.real(avg_energy_spectrum))) plt.figure() plt.plot(m)
def make_rrl_finder_chart(target_stem, ra, dec): target_stem = re.sub('\.', '_', target_stem) target_stem = re.sub('-', '', target_stem) target_stem = sgr_setup.get_target_stem(target_stem) coords = str(ra) +' ' +str(dec) ra= SkyCoord(coords, unit=(u.deg, u.deg)).ra dec = SkyCoord(coords, unit=(u.deg, u.deg)).dec fitsfile = target_stem + '_e1_3p6um.fits' print ra, dec inputfile = fitsfile fitsdata =[0].data interval = ZScaleInterval() zmin, zmax = interval.get_limits(fitsdata) fig = mp.figure(figsize=(10,10)) mosaic = aplpy.FITSFigure(inputfile, figure = fig) mosaic.show_grayscale(vmin=zmin,vmax=zmax, invert='true') ### manually implimenting zscale mosaic.tick_labels.set_font(size='small') mosaic.tick_labels.set_xformat("hh:mm:ss") mosaic.set_theme('publication') mosaic.show_markers(ra.deg, dec.deg, edgecolor='magenta', facecolor='magenta', marker='o', s=100, alpha=0.3) mosaic.show_markers(ra.deg, dec.deg, edgecolor='magenta', facecolor='magenta', marker='o', s=300, alpha=0.1) + '_location.pdf')
def image_thumbnails(dataMap,photCat,band='g',objid=None, nbin=None,old=False,trim=None): from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages # load object database objs = photCat.bokPhot try: objs['frameIndex'] = objs['frameId'] except: pass if objid is not None: obj_ii = np.where(objs['objId']==objid)[0] objs = objs[obj_ii] tmpObsDb = dataMap.obsDb.copy() tmpObsDb['mjd_mid'] = tmpObsDb['mjd'] + (tmpObsDb['expTime']/2)/(3600*24.) objs = bokrmphot.join_by_frameid(objs,tmpObsDb) objs = objs.group_by(['objId','filter']) # configure figures nrows,ncols = 8,6 figsize = (7.0,10.25) subplots = (0.11,0.07,0.89,0.93,0.00,0.03) size = 65 zscl = ZScaleInterval() nplot = nrows*ncols if old: outdir = 'bokcutouts_old/' else: outdir = 'bokcutouts/' ccdcolors = ['darkblue','darkgreen','darkred','darkmagenta'] if True and'rmqso': diffphot ='bok%s_photflags.fits'%band) errlog = open('bokflags_%s_err.log'%band,'a') bitstr = [ 'TinyFlux','BigFlux','TinyErr','BigErr','BigOff'] frameid = np.zeros(diffphot['MJD'].shape,dtype=np.int32) for i in range(len(diffphot)): jj = np.where(diffphot['MJD'][i]>0)[0] for j in jj: dt = diffphot['MJD'][i,j]-tmpObsDb['mjd_mid'] _j = np.abs(dt).argmin() if np.abs(dt[_j]) > 5e-4: raise ValueError("no match for ",i,diffphot['MJD'][i,j]) else: frameid[i,j] = tmpObsDb['frameIndex'][_j] diffphot['frameIndex'] = frameid matched = diffphot['MJD'] == 0 # ignoring these plt.ioff() for k,obj in zip(objs.groups.keys,objs.groups): objId = k['objId'] _band = k['filter'] if _band != band: continue if'rmqso' and objId >= 850: break cutfile = outdir+'bok%s%03d_%s.fits' % (, obj['objId'][0],band) pdffile = cutfile.replace('.fits','.pdf') if os.path.exists(pdffile) or len(obj)==0: continue pdf = PdfPages(pdffile) cutfits = # number cutouts matches number observations if len(cutfits)-1 != len(obj): errlog.write('[RM%03d]: %d cutouts, %d obs; skipping\n' % (obj['objId'][0],len(cutfits)-1,len(obj))) pnum = -1 for i,(obs,hdu) in enumerate(zip(obj,cutfits[1:])): sys.stdout.write('\rRM%03d %4d/%4d' % (obs['objId'],(i+1),len(obj))) sys.stdout.flush() ccdNum = obs['ccdNum'] cut = try: z1,z2 = zscl.get_limits(cut[cut>0]) except: try: z1,z2 = np.percentile(cut[cut>0],[10,90]) except: z1,z2 = cut.min(),cut.max() if not old: # rotate to N through E if ccdNum==1: cut = cut[:,::-1] elif ccdNum==2: cut = cut[::-1,::-1] elif ccdNum==3: pass elif ccdNum==4: cut = cut[::-1,:] # except now flip x-axis so east is right direction cut = cut[:,::-1] if trim is not None: cut = cut[trim:-trim,trim:-trim] if nbin is not None: cut = block_reduce(cut,nbin,np.mean) # if pnum==nplot+1 or pnum==-1: if pnum != -1: pdf.savefig() plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.subplots_adjust(*subplots) pnum = 1 ax = plt.subplot(nrows,ncols,pnum) plt.imshow(cut,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest', vmin=z1,vmax=z2,,aspect='equal') framestr1 = '(%d,%d,%d)' % (obs['ccdNum'],obs['x'],obs['y']) framestr2 = '%.3f' % (obs['mjd']) utstr = obs['utDate'][2:]+' '+obs['utObs'][:5] frameclr = ccdcolors[obs['ccdNum']-1] ax.set_title(utstr,size=7,color='k',weight='bold') t = ax.text(0.01,0.98,framestr1, size=7,va='top',color=frameclr, transform=ax.transAxes) t.set_bbox(dict(color='white',alpha=0.45,boxstyle="square,pad=0")) t = ax.text(0.01,0.02,framestr2, size=7,color='blue', transform=ax.transAxes) t.set_bbox(dict(color='white',alpha=0.45,boxstyle="square,pad=0")) if obs['flags'][2] > 0: t = ax.text(0.03,0.7,'%d' % obs['flags'][2], size=10,ha='left',va='top',color='red', transform=ax.transAxes) if True and'rmqso': _j = np.where(diffphot['frameIndex'][objId] == obs['frameIndex'])[0] if len(_j)>0: matched[objId,_j] = True flg = diffphot['FLAG'][objId,_j] if flg > 0: flgstr = [ s for bit,s in enumerate(bitstr) if (flg & (1<<bit)) > 0 ] t = ax.text(0.97,0.8,'\n'.join(flgstr), size=10,ha='right',va='top',color='red', transform=ax.transAxes) else: errlog.write('no diff phot for %d %.4f %.4f\n' % (objId,obs['mjd'],obs['mjd_mid'])) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) pnum += 1 if True and'rmqso': jj = np.where(~matched[objId])[0] if len(jj)>0: errlog.write('unmatched for %d:\n'%objId) for j in jj: errlog.write(' %.5f %d\n'% (diffphot['MJD'][objId,j],diffphot['FLAG'][objId,j])) try: pdf.savefig() plt.close() except: pass pdf.close() plt.ion() if True and'rmqso': errlog.close()
def on_key(event): global xxList, yyList, imgList, imgNum global fig, brushSize, maskImg global stokesDir # Handle brush sizing if event.key == '1': brushSize = 1 elif event.key == '2': brushSize = 2 elif event.key == '3': brushSize = 3 elif event.key == '4': brushSize = 4 elif event.key == '5': brushSize = 5 elif event.key == '6': brushSize = 6 # Increment the image number if event.key == 'right' or event.key == 'left': if event.key == 'right': #Advance to the next image imgNum += 1 # If there are no more images, then loop back to begin of list if imgNum > imgList.size - 1: imgNum = 0 if event.key == 'left': #Move back to the previous image imgNum -= 1 # If there are no more images, then loop back to begin of list if imgNum < 0: imgNum = imgList.size - 1 # Build the image scaling intervals img = imgList[imgNum] zScaleGetter = ZScaleInterval() thisMin, thisMax = zScaleGetter.get_limits( thisMax *= 10 #******************************* # Update the displayed mask #******************************* # Check which mask files might be usable... baseFile = os.path.basename(img.filename).split('_I')[0] maskFile = os.path.join(stokesDir, baseFile + '_mask.fits') if os.path.isfile(maskFile): # If the mask for this file exists, use it print('using this mask: ',os.path.basename(maskFile)) maskImg = else: # If none of those files exist, build a blank slate # Build a mask template (0 = not masked, 1 = masked) maskImg = ai.reduced.ReducedScience( (*0).astype(np.int16), header = img.header ) maskImg.filename = maskFile # Grab the pixel positons yy, xx, = yyList[imgNum], xxList[imgNum] # Update contour plot (clear old lines redo contouring) ax.collections = [] ax.contour(xx, yy,, levels=[0.5], colors='white', alpha = 0.2) # Reassign image display limits axImg.set_clim(vmin = thisMin, vmax = thisMax) # Display the new images and update extent axImg.set_data( axImg.set_extent((xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max())) # Update the annotation ax.set_title(os.path.basename(img.filename)) # Update the display fig.canvas.draw() # Save the generated mask if event.key == 'enter': # Write the mask to disk print('Writing mask for file {}'.format(maskImg.filename)) maskImg.write(clobber=True) # Clear out the mask values if event.key == 'backspace': try: # Clear out the mask array = (*0).astype(np.int16) # Update contour plot (clear old lines redo contouring) ax.collections = [] ax.contour(xx, yy,, levels=[0.5], colors='white', alpha = 0.2) # Update the display fig.canvas.draw() except: pass
def on_key(event): global fileList, targetList, fig, imgNum, brushSize global maskDir, maskImg global prevImg, thisImg, nextImg global prevAxImg, thisAxImg, nextAxImg global prevTarget, thisTarget, nextTarget global prevMin, thisMin, nextMin global prevMax, thisMax, nextMax global prevLabel, thisLabel, nextLabel # Handle brush sizing if event.key == '1': brushSize = 1 elif event.key == '2': brushSize = 2 elif event.key == '3': brushSize = 3 elif event.key == '4': brushSize = 4 elif event.key == '5': brushSize = 5 elif event.key == '6': brushSize = 6 # Increment the image number if event.key == 'right' or event.key == 'left': if event.key == 'right': #Advance to the next image imgNum += 1 # Read in the new files prevImg = thisImg thisImg = nextImg nextImg =[(imgNum + 1) % len(fileList)]) # Update target info prevTarget = thisTarget thisTarget = nextTarget nextTarget = targetList[(imgNum + 1) % len(fileList)] # Build the image scaling intervals zScaleGetter = ZScaleInterval() # Compute new image display minima prevMin = thisMin thisMin = nextMin nextMin, _ = zScaleGetter.get_limits( # Compute new image display maxima prevMax = thisMax thisMax = nextMax _, nextMax = zScaleGetter.get_limits( if event.key == 'left': #Move back to the previous image imgNum -= 1 # Read in the new files nextImg = thisImg thisImg = prevImg prevImg =[(imgNum - 1) % len(fileList)]) # Update target info nextTarget = thisTarget thisTarget = prevTarget prevTarget = targetList[(imgNum - 1) % len(fileList)] # Build the image scaling intervals zScaleGetter = ZScaleInterval() # Compute new image display minima nextMin = thisMin thisMin = prevMin prevMin, _ = zScaleGetter.get_limits( # Compute new image display maxima nextMax = thisMax thisMax = prevMax _, prevMax = zScaleGetter.get_limits( #******************************* # Update the displayed mask #******************************* # Check which mask files might be usable... prevMaskFile = os.path.join(maskDir, os.path.basename(prevImg.filename)) thisMaskFile = os.path.join(maskDir, os.path.basename(thisImg.filename)) nextMaskFile = os.path.join(maskDir, os.path.basename(nextImg.filename)) if os.path.isfile(thisMaskFile): # If the mask for this file exists, use it print('using this mask: ',os.path.basename(thisMaskFile)) maskImg = elif os.path.isfile(prevMaskFile) and (prevTarget == thisTarget): # Otherwise check for the mask for the previous file print('using previous mask: ',os.path.basename(prevMaskFile)) maskImg = elif os.path.isfile(nextMaskFile) and (nextTarget == thisTarget): # Then check for the mask of the next file print('using next mask: ',os.path.basename(nextMaskFile)) maskImg = else: # If none of those files exist, build a blank slate # Build a mask template (0 = not masked, 1 = masked) maskImg = thisImg.copy() maskImg.filename = thisMaskFile maskImg = maskImg.astype(np.int16) # Make sure the uncertainty array is removed from the image try: del maskImg.uncertainty except: pass # Update contour plot (clear old lines redo contouring) axarr[1].collections = [] axarr[1].contour(xx, yy,, levels=[0.5], colors='white', alpha = 0.2) # Reassign image display limits prevAxImg.set_clim(vmin = prevMin, vmax = prevMax) thisAxImg.set_clim(vmin = thisMin, vmax = thisMax) nextAxImg.set_clim(vmin = nextMin, vmax = nextMax) # Display the new images prevAxImg.set_data( thisAxImg.set_data( nextAxImg.set_data( # Update the annotation axList = fig.get_axes() axList[1].set_title(os.path.basename(thisImg.filename)) prevStr = (str(prevImg.header['OBJECT']) + '\n' + str(prevImg.header['FILTNME2'] + '\n' + str(prevImg.header['HWP']))) thisStr = (str(thisImg.header['OBJECT']) + '\n' + str(thisImg.header['FILTNME2'] + '\n' + str(thisImg.header['HWP']))) nextStr = (str(nextImg.header['OBJECT']) + '\n' + str(nextImg.header['FILTNME2'] + '\n' + str(nextImg.header['HWP']))) prevLabel.set_text(prevStr) thisLabel.set_text(thisStr) nextLabel.set_text(nextStr) # Update the display fig.canvas.draw() # Save the generated mask if event.key == 'enter': # Make sure the header has the right values maskImg.header = thisImg.header # TODO: make sure the mask ONLY has what it needs # i.e., remove uncertainty and convert to np.ubyte type. # Write the mask to disk maskBasename = os.path.basename(thisImg.filename) maskFullname = os.path.join(maskDir, maskBasename) print('Writing mask for file {}'.format(maskBasename)) maskImg.write(maskFullname, clobber=True) # Clear out the mask values if event.key == 'backspace': # Clear out the mask array = * np.byte(0) # Update contour plot (clear old lines redo contouring) axarr[1].collections = [] axarr[1].contour(xx, yy,, levels=[0.5], colors='white', alpha = 0.2) # Update the display fig.canvas.draw()
maskImg = thisImg.copy() maskImg.filename = maskFile maskImg = maskImg.astype(np.int16) # Generate 2D X and Y position maps maskShape = maskImg.shape grids = np.mgrid[0:maskShape[0], 0:maskShape[1]] xx = grids[1] yy = grids[0] # Build the image displays # Start by preparing a 1x3 plotting area fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True) # Build the image scaling intervals zScaleGetter = ZScaleInterval() # Compute image count scaling prevMin, prevMax = zScaleGetter.get_limits( thisMin, thisMax = zScaleGetter.get_limits( nextMin, nextMax = zScaleGetter.get_limits( # prevMin = np.median( - 0.25*np.std( # prevMax = np.median( + 2*np.std( # thisMin = np.median( - 0.25*np.std( # thisMax = np.median( + 2*np.std( # nextMin = np.median( - 0.25*np.std( # nextMax = np.median( + 2*np.std( # Populate each axis with its image prevAxImg = = axarr[0], cmap='viridis',
#Plot the polynomial y_range = arange(float(xmin), float(xmax)) n = (2 * y_range - (xmax + xmin)) / (xmax - xmin) poly_leg = legval(n, coefs) trace_curve = poly_leg + aper_center[0] low_limit = trace_curve + aper_low[0] high_limit = trace_curve + aper_high[0] #Plot Background region idx_background = [i for i in range(len(file_lines)) if '\t\tsample' in file_lines[i]] background_line = file_lines[idx_background[0]].split()[1:] for region in background_line: limits_region = map(float, region.split(':')) low_limit_region = trace_curve + limits_region[0] high_limit_region = trace_curve + limits_region[1] Axis.fill_betweenx(y_range, low_limit_region, high_limit_region, alpha=0.1, facecolor='yellow') IntensityLimits = ZScaleInterval() int_min, int_max = IntensityLimits.get_limits(image_data)[0], IntensityLimits.get_limits(image_data)[1] Axis.imshow(image_data, cmap='bone', origin='lower', vmin = int_min, vmax = int_max, interpolation='nearest') Axis.plot(trace_curve, y_range, color='red') #Axis.plot(low_limit, y_range, color='red') #Axis.plot(high_limit, y_range, color='red') Axis.fill_betweenx(y_range, low_limit, high_limit, alpha=0.3, facecolor='purple') plt.axis('tight')