コード例 #1
ファイル: calibstar.py プロジェクト: cwegg/weave-ifu
    def set_geometry(self,healpix=True):
        from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
        from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
        import astropy.coordinates as cc
        from numpy import unique

        self.ra_min = self.ra - 1.0
        self.ra_max = self.ra + 1.0
        self.dec_min = self.dec - 1.0
        self.dec_max = self.dec + 1.0

        if healpix:
            hp = HEALPix(nside=self.nside, order='nested', frame=cc.ICRS())
            self.healpix_indices = []
            ra = [self.ra_min,self.ra_min,self.ra_max,self.ra_max]
            dec = [self.dec_min,self.dec_max,self.dec_min,self.dec_max]

            dx = self.ra_max - self.ra_min
            dy = self.dec_max - self.dec_min

            for i in arange(500):

            for r,d in zip(ra,dec):
            self.healpix_indices = unique(self.healpix_indices)

コード例 #2
    def annular_search(self):
        from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
        from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
        import astropy.coordinates as cc
        hp = HEALPix(nside=self.nside, order='nested', frame=cc.ICRS())

        r_min = self.ra_min - self.ra
        r_max = self.ra_max - self.ra
        radius = self.ra_max - self.ra

        #get the healpix IDs covering an annulus centred on self.ra,dec

        in_annulus = []
        self.healpix_indices = []
        print 'Populating annulus and determining HEALPix coverage...'
        while (len(in_annulus)) < 500:
            rnd_ra = self.ra + (2 * (random.random() - 0.5) * radius)
            rnd_dec = self.dec + (2 * (random.random() - 0.5) * radius)
            rnd_dist = (((rnd_ra - self.ra)**2) +
                        ((rnd_dec - self.dec)**2))**0.5
            if rnd_dist > r_min:
                if rnd_dist < r_max:
                            SkyCoord(rnd_ra, rnd_dec, unit='deg')))
                    in_annulus.append([rnd_ra, rnd_dec])
                #print len(in_annulus)
        print '....done'
        self.healpix_indices = unique(self.healpix_indices)
        print self.healpix_indices
        target = self.select_target(annular=True)
        return target
コード例 #3
def test_calc_healpix_for_region():

    ahp = HEALPix(nside=NSIDE, order='ring', frame=TETE())
    ahp_test = HEALPix(nside=NSIDE, order='ring', frame=TETE())

    for target_params in [LMC_params, SMC_params]:
        r = generate_sky_maps.CelestialRegion(target_params)
        region_pixels = np.unique(r.pixels)

        corners = calc_box_corners_astropy(target_params)

        n_points = 500
        l = np.linspace(corners[0], corners[1], n_points) * u.deg
        b = np.linspace(corners[2], corners[3], n_points) * u.deg

        LL, BB = np.meshgrid(l, b)
        coords = np.stack((LL.flatten(), BB.flatten()), axis=1)
        pointings = SkyCoord(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], frame=Galactic())

        coords_in_region = calc_points_in_circle_original(
            target_params, coords)

        pixels = ahp_test.skycoord_to_healpix(coords_in_region)
        test_pixels = np.unique(pixels.flatten())

        assert np.all(region_pixels == test_pixels)
コード例 #4
    def set_geometry(self, healpix=True):
        from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
        from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
        import astropy.coordinates as cc
        from numpy import unique

        if self.lifu:
            self.g_dx = 3.75
            self.g_dy = 4.0

            #testing - let's make it bigger
            #        self.g_dx = 17.0
            #        self.g_dy = 20.0

            #needs to be about 20x larger in area
            #        self.g_dx = 16.8
            #        self.g_dy = 17.9

            self.ra_max = self.ra + ((27.7 + (0.5 * self.g_dx)) / 60.0)
            self.ra_min = self.ra + ((27.7 - (0.5 * self.g_dx)) / 60.0)
            self.dec_max = self.dec + ((0.5 * self.g_dy) / 60.0)
            self.dec_min = self.dec - ((0.5 * self.g_dy) / 60.0)

            self.ra_gc0 = self.ra + (27.7 / 60.0)
            self.dec_gc0 = self.dec

            self.ra_min = self.ra - 1.0
            self.ra_max = self.ra + 1.0
            self.dec_min = self.dec - 1.0
            self.dec_max = self.dec + 1.0

        if healpix:
            hp = HEALPix(nside=self.nside, order='nested', frame=cc.ICRS())
            self.healpix_indices = []
            ra = [self.ra_min, self.ra_min, self.ra_max, self.ra_max]
            dec = [self.dec_min, self.dec_max, self.dec_min, self.dec_max]

            dx = self.ra_max - self.ra_min
            dy = self.dec_max - self.dec_min

            for i in arange(500):
                ra.append(self.ra_min + (random.random() * dx))
                dec.append(self.dec_min + (random.random() * dy))

            for r, d in zip(ra, dec):
                    hp.skycoord_to_healpix(SkyCoord(r, d, unit='deg')))
            self.healpix_indices = unique(self.healpix_indices)

コード例 #5
def plot_statistics_on_sky(data_dir, statistics):

    ahp = HEALPix(nside=NSIDE, order='ring', frame=TETE())

    coords = SkyCoord(statistics[:,0]*u.deg, statistics[:,1]*u.deg, frame='icrs')
    pixel_index = ahp.skycoord_to_healpix(coords)

    NPIX = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE)
    pixels = np.zeros((NPIX), dtype='int')

    pixels[pixel_index] = statistics[:,5]

    fig = plt.figure(1,(10,10))
    hp.mollview(pixels, title="Gaia Parallax Distribution")
コード例 #6
def healpix_pixels_in_sky_image(geometry: WCSGeometry, order: int, healpix_frame: str) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute HEALPix pixels within a given sky image.

    The algorithm used is as follows:

    * compute the sky position of every pixel in the image using the given ``geometry``
    * compute the HEALPix pixel index for every pixel using `healpy.pixelfunc.ang2pix`
    * compute the unique set of HEALPix pixel values that occur via `numpy.unique`

    geometry : `WCSGeometry`
        Sky image WCS geometry
    order : int
        HEALPix order
    healpix_frame : {'icrs', 'galactic', 'ecliptic'}
        HEALPix coordinate frame

    pixels : `numpy.ndarray`
        HEALPix pixel numbers

    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    >>> from hips import WCSGeometry
    >>> from hips.utils.healpix import healpix_pixels_in_sky_image
    >>> skycoord = SkyCoord(10, 20, unit="deg")
    >>> geometry = WCSGeometry.create(
    ...     skydir=skycoord, shape=(10, 20),
    ...     coordsys='CEL', projection='AIT',
    ...     cdelt=1.0, crpix=(1., 1.),
    ... )
    >>> healpix_pixels_in_sky_image(geometry, order=3, healpix_frame='galactic')
    array([321, 611, 614, 615, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622])
    hp = HEALPix(nside=2 ** order, order='nested', frame=healpix_frame)
    skycoord = geometry.pixel_skycoords  # .transform_to(healpix_frame)
    ipix = hp.skycoord_to_healpix(skycoord)
    return np.unique(ipix)
コード例 #7
class overlapRGESFootprintMetric(maf.BaseMetric):
    """Metric to evaluate the survey footprint overlap survey region for the Roman Galactic Exoplanet Survey

    Derived from the SpacialOverlapMetric by Michael Lund and revised and updated by Rachel Street

    fieldRA : float, RA in degrees of a given pointing
    fieldDec : float, Dec in degrees of a given pointing
    filter : str, filter bandpass used for a given observation
    def __init__(self,
                 cols=['fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth'],
        """Kwargs must contain:
        filters  list Filterset over which to compute the metric

        self.ra_col = 'fieldRA'
        self.dec_col = 'fieldDec'
        self.filterCol = 'filter'
        self.m5Col = 'fiveSigmaDepth'
        self.filters = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
        self.magLimit = 22.0
        cwd = os.getcwd()

        super().__init__(col=cols, metricName=metricName)

    def create_map(self):
        self.NSIDE = 64
        self.ahp = HEALPix(nside=self.NSIDE, order='ring', frame=TETE())

    def load_RGES_footprint(self):

        # Location of the RGES survey field in Galactic Coordinates.
        # This is defined as a single pointing, since the survey
        # region will be ~2sq deg and fully encompassed within a single Rubin pointing
        l_center = 2.216
        b_center = -3.14
        l_width = 3.5
        b_height = 3.5
        n_points = 50

        # Represent coordinate pointings within this region as a meshgrid
        halfwidth_l = l_width / 2.0
        halfheight_b = b_height / 2.0

        l_min = max((l_center - halfwidth_l), 0)
        l_max = min((l_center + halfwidth_l), 360.0)
        b_min = max((b_center - halfheight_b), -90.0)
        b_max = min((b_center + halfheight_b), 90.0)

        l = np.linspace(l_min, l_max, n_points) * u.deg
        b = np.linspace(b_min, b_max, n_points) * u.deg

        LL, BB = np.meshgrid(l, b)

        coords = SkyCoord(LL, BB, frame=Galactic())

        # Calculate the corresponding HEALpixels
        pixels = self.ahp.skycoord_to_healpix(coords)
        self.RGES_pixels = np.unique(pixels.flatten())

    def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None):

        # Only count observations with adequate S/N
        match = np.where(dataSlice[self.m5Col] >= self.magLimit)[0]

        # Extract the RA,Dec coordinates of the fields surveyed by matching observations the dataSlice
        # and calculate which HEALpixels these correspond to
        coords_icrs = SkyCoord(dataSlice[self.ra_col][match],
                               unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
        coords_gal = coords_icrs.transform_to(Galactic())

        surveyed_pixels = self.ahp.skycoord_to_healpix(coords_gal)
        surveyed_pixels = np.unique(surveyed_pixels.flatten())

        # Calculate the fraction of the RGES survey pixels included in the surveyed pixels
        overlapping_pixels = set(self.RGES_pixels).intersection(

        metric_value = float(len(overlapping_pixels)) / float(

        return metric_value
コード例 #8
def DeclRaToIndex(decl, RA):
    return hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, np.radians(-decl + 90.),
                                np.radians(360. - RA))

# Test location in the Galactic Bulge in decimal degrees
test_ra = (17.0 + 57.0 / 60.0 + 34.0 / 3600.0) * 15.0
test_dec = (29.0 + 13.0 / 60.0 + 15.0 / 3600.0) * -1.0
print('Input test coordinates, RA, DEC: ', test_ra, test_dec, 'deg')

# Should be ring order by default
phi = np.deg2rad(test_ra)
theta = np.deg2rad(test_dec) + np.pi / 2.0
print('Phi, theta = ', phi, theta, ' rads')
pixels_hp = hp.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta, phi, nest=False)
print('Pixels from Healpy: ', pixels_hp)
(return_dec, return_ra) = IndexToDeclRa(pixels_hp)
print('Recalculating RA, Dec in deg from pixel index: ', return_ra, return_dec)

#(theta, phi) = hp.pix2ang(NSIDE, ipix)
#ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
#dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)

# Astropy-healpix solution
ahp = HEALPix(nside=NSIDE, order='ring', frame=Galactic())
coords_icrs = SkyCoord(test_ra, test_dec, frame="icrs", unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
coords_gal = coords_icrs.transform_to(Galactic())
pixels_ap = ahp.skycoord_to_healpix(coords_icrs)
print('Pixels from astropy: ', pixels_ap)
コード例 #9
ファイル: moc.py プロジェクト: tboch/mocpy
    def from_image(cls, header, max_norder, mask=None):
        Creates a `~mocpy.moc.MOC` from an image stored as a FITS file.

        header : `astropy.io.fits.Header`
            FITS header containing all the info of where the image is located (position, size, etc...)
        max_norder : int
            The moc resolution.
        mask : `numpy.ndarray`, optional
            A boolean array of the same size of the image where pixels having the value 1 are part of
            the final MOC and pixels having the value 0 are not.

        moc : `~mocpy.moc.MOC`
            The resulting MOC.
        # load the image data
        height = header['NAXIS2']
        width = header['NAXIS1']

        # use wcs from astropy to locate the image in the world coordinates
        w = wcs.WCS(header)

        if mask is not None:
            # We have an array of pixels that are part of of survey
            y, x = np.where(mask)
            pix_crd = np.dstack((x, y))[0]
            # If we do not have a mask array we create the moc of all the image
            step_pix = 1
            Coords returned by wcs_pix2world method correspond to pixel centers. We want to retrieve the moc pix
            crossing the borders of the image so we have to add 1/2 to the pixels coords before computing the lonlat.
            The step between two pix_crd is set to `step_pix` but can be diminished to have a better precision at the 
            borders so that all the image is covered (a too big step does not retrieve all
            the moc pix crossing the borders of the image).
            x, y = np.mgrid[0.5:(width + 0.5 + step_pix):step_pix, 0.5:(height + 0.5 + step_pix):step_pix]
            pix_crd = np.dstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))[0]

        frame = wcs.utils.wcs_to_celestial_frame(w)
        world_pix_crd = SkyCoord(w.wcs_pix2world(pix_crd, 1), unit='deg', frame=frame)

        max_norder = np.uint8(max_norder)
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << max_norder), order='nested', frame=ICRS())
        ipix = hp.skycoord_to_healpix(world_pix_crd)
        ipix = ipix.astype(np.uint64)
        # remove doubles
        ipix = np.unique(ipix)

        shift = np.uint8(2) * (AbstractMOC.HPY_MAX_NORDER - max_norder)
        intervals_arr = np.vstack((ipix << shift, (ipix + np.uint64(1)) << shift)).T

        # This MOC will be consistent when one will do operations on the moc (union, inter, ...) or
        # simply write it to a fits or json file
        interval_set = IntervalSet(intervals_arr)

        return cls(interval_set=interval_set)
コード例 #10
ファイル: comap2healpix.py プロジェクト: jgslunde/comap_aux
def map2healpix(mapname1, mapname2, mapname3, sb, freq):
    Function loading three maps at a given sideband and frequency to project 
    their pixels into a healpix format to obtain a full-sky map with
    all three maps. Assuming that all three input maps have the same resolution,
    to compute the Nside parameter.
    mapname1: str
        Filename of first map file to read (.h5 format HDF-file)
    mapname2: str
        Filename of second map file to read (.h5 format HDF-file)
    mapname3: str
        Filename of third map file to read (.h5 format HDF-file)
    sb: int
        Number of sideband to use (base 1 not 0, i.e first and second sideband
        are sb = 1 and sb = 2 respectively)
    freq: int
        Number of the frequency channel to use (base 1 not 0, i.e. first and second 
        are freq = 1 and freq = 2 respectively)

    x1, y1, hits1 = readMap(mapname1)  # Angular coord and # of hits per px of 1st map
    x2, y2, hits2 = readMap(mapname2)  # Angular coord and # of hits per px of 2nd map
    x3, y3, hits3 = readMap(mapname3)  # Angular coord and # of hits per px of 3rd map
    dx = np.array([x1[1] - x1[0], x2[1] - x2[0], x3[1] - x3[0]])
    dy = np.array([y1[1] - y1[0], y2[1] - y2[0], y3[1] - y3[0]])
    dx = np.max(
    )  # Right ascension resolution (the largest to ensure a nice HEALPix for all hitmaps)
    dy = np.max(
    )  # Declination resolution (the largest to ensure a nice HEALPix for all hitmaps)
    nx = len(x1)  # Number of pixels in horizontal direction
    ny = len(y1)  # Number of pixels in vertical direction
    Nside = int(
        round(np.sqrt(360 * 360 / (12 * np.pi * dx * dy)))
    )  # Nside parameter for healpix map (under the
    # assumption that each pixel in the input maps
    # is equal in area to the output healpix pixels).
    log2_Nside = np.log2(Nside)
    Nside = 2 ** (round(log2_Nside))  # Finding closest power of two for nside

    hits = np.zeros((3, nx, ny))  # Array of hits per pixel of all three maps

    lon1, lat1 = np.meshgrid(
        x1, y1, indexing="ij"
    )  # Making meshgrids om longitudes and latitudes
    lon2, lat2 = np.meshgrid(x2, y2, indexing="ij")
    lon3, lat3 = np.meshgrid(x3, y3, indexing="ij")

    lon1, lat1 = lon1.flatten(), lat1.flatten()  # Making 1D arrays of coordinate pairs
    lon2, lat2 = lon2.flatten(), lat2.flatten()
    lon3, lat3 = lon3.flatten(), lat3.flatten()

    c1_icrs = SkyCoord(
        ra=lon1, dec=lat1, frame="icrs", unit="deg"
    )  # Generate sky-coordinates in ICRS coordinates
    c2_icrs = SkyCoord(ra=lon2, dec=lat2, frame="icrs", unit="deg")
    c3_icrs = SkyCoord(ra=lon3, dec=lat3, frame="icrs", unit="deg")

    c1_gal = c1_icrs.transform_to(
    )  # Transforming hitmap coordinates from ICRS to Galactic coordinates
    c2_gal = c2_icrs.transform_to("galactic")
    c3_gal = c3_icrs.transform_to("galactic")

    heal = HEALPix(
        Nside, order="ring", frame="galactic"
    )  # Generating HEALPix object with ring-numbering

    px_indices1 = heal.skycoord_to_healpix(
    )  # Generating HEALPix indices for each hitmap
    px_indices2 = heal.skycoord_to_healpix(c2_gal)
    px_indices3 = heal.skycoord_to_healpix(c3_gal)

    hits[0, ...] = np.sum(
        hits1[:, sb - 1, freq - 1, :, :], axis=0
    )  # Co-adding hits of all detectors
    hits[1, ...] = np.sum(hits2[:, sb - 1, freq - 1, :, :], axis=0)
    hits[2, ...] = np.sum(hits3[:, sb - 1, freq - 1, :, :], axis=0)

    hits_list = np.zeros(
        (3, nx * ny)
    )  # List to contain hits of each pixel to be mapped to HEALPix format
    m = np.zeros(heal.npix)  # Array to contain the projected HEALPix pixels

    m[px_indices1] = hits[0, ...].flatten()  # Filling up HEALPix array with hitmaps
    m[px_indices2] = hits[1, ...].flatten()
    m[px_indices3] = hits[2, ...].flatten()
    lons = np.zeros_like(m)
    lats = np.zeros_like(m)
    lons[px_indices1], lons[px_indices2], lons[px_indices3] = lon1, lon2, lon3
    lats[px_indices1], lats[px_indices2], lats[px_indices3] = lat1, lat2, lat3
    temp = np.zeros((len(m[np.where(m!=0)]), 3))
    temp[:, 0] = np.arange(0, len(m))[np.where(m!=0)]
    temp[:, 1], temp[:, 2] = lons[np.where(m!=0)], lats[np.where(m!=0)] 
    np.savetxt("comap2healpix.txt", temp, header = "HEALPix number, lon, lat (for some of the hits, where lon/lat are non-zero)")
    return m
コード例 #11
    def from_image(cls, header, max_norder, mask_arr=None):
        Create a `~mocpy.moc.MOC` from an image stored as a fits file

        header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header`
            fits header containing all the info of where the image is located (position, size, etc...)
        max_norder : int
            the moc resolution
        mask_arr : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            a 2D boolean array of the same size of the image where pixels having the value 1 are part of
            the final MOC and pixels having the value 0 are not.

        moc : `mocpy.MOC`
            the MOC object loaded from the ``mask_arr`` and ``header`` extracted from the image
        # load the image data
        height = header['NAXIS2']
        width = header['NAXIS1']

        # use wcs from astropy to locate the image in the world coordinates
        w = wcs.WCS(header)

        if mask_arr is not None:
            # We have an array of pixels that are part of of survey
            y, x = np.where(mask_arr)
            pix_crd = np.dstack((x, y))[0]
            # If we do not have a mask array we create the moc of all the image
            step_pix = 1
            Coords returned by wcs_pix2world method correspond to pixel centers. We want to retrieve the moc pix
            crossing the borders of the image so we have to add 1/2 to the pixels coords before computing the lonlat.
            The step between two pix_crd is set to `step_pix` but can be diminished to have a better precision at the 
            borders so that all the image is covered (a too big step does not retrieve all
            the moc pix crossing the borders of the image).
            x, y = np.mgrid[0.5:(width + 0.5 + step_pix):step_pix,
                            0.5:(height + 0.5 + step_pix):step_pix]
            pix_crd = np.dstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))[0]

        frame = wcs.utils.wcs_to_celestial_frame(w)
        world_pix_crd = SkyCoord(w.wcs_pix2world(pix_crd, 1),

        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << max_norder), order='nested', frame=ICRS())
        ipix = hp.skycoord_to_healpix(world_pix_crd)
        # remove doubles
        ipix = np.unique(ipix)

        shift = 2 * (AbstractMOC.HPY_MAX_NORDER - max_norder)
        intervals_arr = np.vstack((ipix << shift, (ipix + 1) << shift)).T

        # This MOC will be consistent when one will do operations on the moc (union, inter, ...) or
        # simply write it to a fits or json file
        interval_set = IntervalSet.from_numpy_array(intervals_arr)

        return cls(interval_set=interval_set)
コード例 #12
ra, dec = df_master["RA"], df_master["dec"]

#using HEALPix to split the celestial sky into equal area sectors
hp = HEALPix(nside=16, order='ring', frame=ICRS())

#making a holding array to hold the sectors for each galaxy
hold = np.array([])

for i in range(len(ra)):
    This loops over all the galaxies, at each one it takes the galaxies coordinates
    and uses skycoord_to_healpix to find what HEALPix sector that galaxies belongs to,
    the result is then appended to the hold array
    coords = SkyCoord(ra[i], dec[i], unit="deg")
    sector = hp.skycoord_to_healpix(coords)
    hold = np.append(hold, sector)

#adding the sector identifyier data to the master file
df_master["Sector"] = hold

for j in range(hp.npix):
    This loops over the sectors defined by HEALPix, grabbing the corresponding 
    galaxies from the main file and creating a new csv file for that sector
    #isolating the galaxies in the sector
    sec = df_master.iloc[np.where(df_master["Sector"] == j)]

    #making a name for the current sector
    name = str("Sector_{}".format(j))