コード例 #1
    def _log_StirlingNegativePowers_(var, precision):
        Helper function to calculate the logarithm of Stirling's approximation
        formula from the negative powers of ``var`` on, i.e., it skips the
        summands `n \log n - n + (\log n)/2 + \log(2\pi)/2`.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- an integer specifying the number of exact summands.
          If this is negative, then the result is `0`.


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=-1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=0)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=3)
            1/12*m^(-1) - 1/360*m^(-3) + 1/1260*m^(-5) + O(m^(-7))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <m^ZZ> over Rational Field
        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ

        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        if precision < 0:
            return A.zero()
        n = A.gen()

        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        from sage.arith.srange import srange

        result = sum((bernoulli(k) / k / (k-1) / n**(k-1)
                      for k in srange(2, 2*precision + 2, 2)),
        return result + (1 / n**(2*precision + 1)).O()
コード例 #2
    def _log_StirlingNegativePowers_(var, precision):
        Helper function to calculate the logarithm of Stirling's approximation
        formula from the negative powers of ``var`` on, i.e., it skips the
        summands `n \log n - n + (\log n)/2 + \log(2\pi)/2`.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- an integer specifying the number of exact summands.
          If this is negative, then the result is `0`.


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=-1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=0)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            ....:     'm', precision=3)
            1/12*m^(-1) - 1/360*m^(-3) + 1/1260*m^(-5) + O(m^(-7))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <m^ZZ> over Rational Field
        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ

        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        if precision < 0:
            return A.zero()
        n = A.gen()

        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        from sage.arith.srange import srange

        result = sum((bernoulli(k) / k / (k - 1) / n**(k - 1)
                      for k in srange(2, 2 * precision + 2, 2)), A.zero())
        return result + (1 / n**(2 * precision + 1)).O()
コード例 #3
    def HarmonicNumber(var, precision=None, skip_constant_summand=False):
        Return the asymptotic expansion of a harmonic number.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``skip_constant_summand`` -- (default: ``False``) a
          boolean. If set, then the constant summand ``euler_gamma`` is left out.
          As a consequence, the coefficient ring of the output changes
          from ``Symbolic Constants Subring`` (if ``False``) to
          ``Rational Field`` (if ``True``).


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))


            sage: ex = asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            sage: n = ex.parent().gen()
            sage: ex.compare_with_values(n,                      # rel tol 1e-6
            ....:      lambda x: sum(1/k for k in srange(1, x+1)), [5, 10, 20])
            [(5, 0.0038125360?), (10, 0.00392733?), (20, 0.0039579?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n')
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4)
            - 1/252*n^(-6) + 1/240*n^(-8) - 1/132*n^(-10)
            + 691/32760*n^(-12) - 1/12*n^(-14) + 3617/8160*n^(-16)
            - 43867/14364*n^(-18) + 174611/6600*n^(-20) - 77683/276*n^(-22)
            + 236364091/65520*n^(-24) - 657931/12*n^(-26)
            + 3392780147/3480*n^(-28) - 1723168255201/85932*n^(-30)
            + 7709321041217/16320*n^(-32)
            - 151628697551/12*n^(-34) + O(n^(-36))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:     'n', precision=5, skip_constant_summand=True)
            log(n) + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Rational Field
            sage: for p in range(5):
            ....:     print asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:         'n', precision=p)
            log(n) + O(1)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + O(n^(-1))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + O(n^(-4))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('m', precision=5)
            log(m) + euler_gamma + 1/2*m^(-1) - 1/12*m^(-2) + 1/120*m^(-4) + O(m^(-6))
        if not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
            coefficient_ring = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            coefficient_ring = QQ

        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ * log({n})^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        n = A.gen()

        if precision is None:
            precision = A.default_prec

        from sage.functions.log import log
        result = A.zero()
        if precision >= 1:
            result += log(n)
        if precision >= 2 and not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.constants import euler_gamma
            result += coefficient_ring(euler_gamma)
        if precision >= 3:
            result += 1 / (2 * n)

        from sage.arith.srange import srange
        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        for k in srange(2, 2*precision - 4, 2):
            result += -bernoulli(k) / k / n**k

        if precision < 1:
            result += (log(n)).O()
        elif precision == 1:
            result += A(1).O()
        elif precision == 2:
            result += (1 / n).O()
            result += (1 / n**(2*precision - 4)).O()

        return result
コード例 #4
    def log_Stirling(var, precision=None, skip_constant_summand=False):
        Return the logarithm of Stirling's approximation formula
        for factorials.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``skip_constant_summand`` -- (default: ``False``) a
          boolean. If set, then the constant summand `\log(2\pi)/2` is left out.
          As a consequence, the coefficient ring of the output changes
          from ``Symbolic Constants Subring`` (if ``False``) to
          ``Rational Field`` (if ``True``).


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling('n', precision=7)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + 1/12*n^(-1)
            - 1/360*n^(-3) + 1/1260*n^(-5) + O(n^(-7))

        .. SEEALSO::



            sage: expansion = asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling('n', precision=7)
            sage: n = expansion.parent().gen()
            sage: expansion.compare_with_values(n, lambda x: x.factorial().log(), [5, 10, 20])  # rel tol 1e-6
            [(5, 0.000564287?), (10, 0.0005870?), (20, 0.0006?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling('n')
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + 1/12*n^(-1)
            - 1/360*n^(-3) + 1/1260*n^(-5) - 1/1680*n^(-7) + 1/1188*n^(-9)
            - 691/360360*n^(-11) + 1/156*n^(-13) - 3617/122400*n^(-15)
            + 43867/244188*n^(-17) - 174611/125400*n^(-19) + 77683/5796*n^(-21)
            - 236364091/1506960*n^(-23) + 657931/300*n^(-25)
            - 3392780147/93960*n^(-27) + 1723168255201/2492028*n^(-29)
            - 7709321041217/505920*n^(-31) + O(n^(-33))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=7, skip_constant_summand=True)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/12*n^(-1) - 1/360*n^(-3) +
            1/1260*n^(-5) + O(n^(-7))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Rational Field
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=0)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=1)
            n*log(n) + O(n)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=2)
            n*log(n) - n + O(log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=3)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + O(1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=4)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + O(n^(-1))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=5)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + 1/12*n^(-1)
            + O(n^(-3))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'm', precision=7, skip_constant_summand=True)
            m*log(m) - m + 1/2*log(m) + 1/12*m^(-1) - 1/360*m^(-3) +
            1/1260*m^(-5) + O(m^(-7))
        if not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
            coefficient_ring = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            coefficient_ring = QQ

        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ * log({n})^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        n = A.gen()

        if precision is None:
            precision = AsymptoticRing.__default_prec__

        from sage.functions.log import log
        result = A.zero()
        if precision >= 1:
            result += n * log(n)
        if precision >= 2:
            result += -n
        if precision >= 3:
            result += log(n) / 2
        if precision >= 4 and not skip_constant_summand:
            result += log(2*coefficient_ring('pi')) / 2

        result += AsymptoticExpansionGenerators._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            var, precision - 4)

        if precision < 1:
            result += (n * log(n)).O()
        elif precision == 1:
            result += n.O()
        elif precision == 2:
            result += log(n).O()
        elif precision == 3:
            result += A(1).O()

        return result
コード例 #5
    def HarmonicNumber(var, precision=None, skip_constant_summand=False):
        Return the asymptotic expansion of a harmonic number.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``skip_constant_summand`` -- (default: ``False``) a
          boolean. If set, then the constant summand ``euler_gamma`` is left out.
          As a consequence, the coefficient ring of the output changes
          from ``Symbolic Constants Subring`` (if ``False``) to
          ``Rational Field`` (if ``True``).


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))


            sage: ex = asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n', precision=5)
            sage: n = ex.parent().gen()
            sage: ex.compare_with_values(n,                      # rel tol 1e-6
            ....:      lambda x: sum(1/k for k in srange(1, x+1)), [5, 10, 20])
            [(5, 0.0038125360?), (10, 0.00392733?), (20, 0.0039579?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('n')
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4)
            - 1/252*n^(-6) + 1/240*n^(-8) - 1/132*n^(-10)
            + 691/32760*n^(-12) - 1/12*n^(-14) + 3617/8160*n^(-16)
            - 43867/14364*n^(-18) + 174611/6600*n^(-20) - 77683/276*n^(-22)
            + 236364091/65520*n^(-24) - 657931/12*n^(-26)
            + 3392780147/3480*n^(-28) - 1723168255201/85932*n^(-30)
            + 7709321041217/16320*n^(-32)
            - 151628697551/12*n^(-34) + O(n^(-36))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:     'n', precision=5, skip_constant_summand=True)
            log(n) + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Rational Field
            sage: for p in range(5):
            ....:     print asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber(
            ....:         'n', precision=p)
            log(n) + O(1)
            log(n) + euler_gamma + O(n^(-1))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2))
            log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + O(n^(-4))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber('m', precision=5)
            log(m) + euler_gamma + 1/2*m^(-1) - 1/12*m^(-2) + 1/120*m^(-4) + O(m^(-6))
        if not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
            coefficient_ring = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            coefficient_ring = QQ

        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ * log({n})^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        n = A.gen()

        if precision is None:
            precision = A.default_prec

        from sage.functions.log import log
        result = A.zero()
        if precision >= 1:
            result += log(n)
        if precision >= 2 and not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.constants import euler_gamma
            result += coefficient_ring(euler_gamma)
        if precision >= 3:
            result += 1 / (2 * n)

        from sage.arith.srange import srange
        from sage.arith.all import bernoulli
        for k in srange(2, 2 * precision - 4, 2):
            result += -bernoulli(k) / k / n**k

        if precision < 1:
            result += (log(n)).O()
        elif precision == 1:
            result += A(1).O()
        elif precision == 2:
            result += (1 / n).O()
            result += (1 / n**(2 * precision - 4)).O()

        return result
コード例 #6
    def log_Stirling(var, precision=None, skip_constant_summand=False):
        Return the logarithm of Stirling's approximation formula
        for factorials.


        - ``var`` -- a string for the variable name.

        - ``precision`` -- (default: ``None``) an integer. If ``None``, then
          the default precision of the asymptotic ring is used.

        - ``skip_constant_summand`` -- (default: ``False``) a
          boolean. If set, then the constant summand `\log(2\pi)/2` is left out.
          As a consequence, the coefficient ring of the output changes
          from ``Symbolic Constants Subring`` (if ``False``) to
          ``Rational Field`` (if ``True``).


        An asymptotic expansion.


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling('n', precision=7)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + 1/12*n^(-1)
            - 1/360*n^(-3) + 1/1260*n^(-5) + O(n^(-7))

        .. SEEALSO::



            sage: expansion = asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling('n', precision=7)
            sage: n = expansion.parent().gen()
            sage: expansion.compare_with_values(n, lambda x: x.factorial().log(), [5, 10, 20])  # rel tol 1e-6
            [(5, 0.000564287?), (10, 0.0005870?), (20, 0.0006?)]
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling('n')
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + 1/12*n^(-1)
            - 1/360*n^(-3) + 1/1260*n^(-5) - 1/1680*n^(-7) + 1/1188*n^(-9)
            - 691/360360*n^(-11) + 1/156*n^(-13) - 3617/122400*n^(-15)
            + 43867/244188*n^(-17) - 174611/125400*n^(-19) + 77683/5796*n^(-21)
            - 236364091/1506960*n^(-23) + 657931/300*n^(-25)
            - 3392780147/93960*n^(-27) + 1723168255201/2492028*n^(-29)
            - 7709321041217/505920*n^(-31) + O(n^(-33))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Symbolic Constants Subring


            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=7, skip_constant_summand=True)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/12*n^(-1) - 1/360*n^(-3) +
            1/1260*n^(-5) + O(n^(-7))
            sage: _.parent()
            Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ> over Rational Field
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=0)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=1)
            n*log(n) + O(n)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=2)
            n*log(n) - n + O(log(n))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=3)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + O(1)
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=4)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + O(n^(-1))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'n', precision=5)
            n*log(n) - n + 1/2*log(n) + 1/2*log(2*pi) + 1/12*n^(-1)
            + O(n^(-3))
            sage: asymptotic_expansions.log_Stirling(
            ....:     'm', precision=7, skip_constant_summand=True)
            m*log(m) - m + 1/2*log(m) + 1/12*m^(-1) - 1/360*m^(-3) +
            1/1260*m^(-5) + O(m^(-7))
        if not skip_constant_summand:
            from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
            coefficient_ring = SR.subring(no_variables=True)
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            coefficient_ring = QQ

        from asymptotic_ring import AsymptoticRing
        A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='{n}^ZZ * log({n})^ZZ'.format(n=var),
        n = A.gen()

        if precision is None:
            precision = AsymptoticRing.__default_prec__

        from sage.functions.log import log
        result = A.zero()
        if precision >= 1:
            result += n * log(n)
        if precision >= 2:
            result += -n
        if precision >= 3:
            result += log(n) / 2
        if precision >= 4 and not skip_constant_summand:
            result += log(2 * coefficient_ring('pi')) / 2

        result += AsymptoticExpansionGenerators._log_StirlingNegativePowers_(
            var, precision - 4)

        if precision < 1:
            result += (n * log(n)).O()
        elif precision == 1:
            result += n.O()
        elif precision == 2:
            result += log(n).O()
        elif precision == 3:
            result += A(1).O()

        return result