def __init__(self, order: asyncpg.Record) -> None: self.order_id = int(order.get('order_id')) self.weight = float(order.get('weight')) self.region = int(order.get('region')) self.delivery_hours = [ TimeSpan(time_) for time_ in order.get('delivery_hours') ]
def __init__(self, status: asyncpg.Record) -> None: = int(status.get('id')) self.courier_id = int(status.get('courier_id')) self.order_id = int(status.get('order_id')) if assigned_time := status.get('assigned_time', None): self.assigned_time = parse_date(assigned_time)
def __init__(self, ctx, record: asyncpg.Record): super().__init__(ctx) self.member_id = record["member_id"] self.render_settings = get_user_settings(self.member_id) # Attributes for the User object (Needs to be constructed with the data fetched from the database) self.fame = record["fame"] self.created_at = record["created_at"] = record["sex"] self.preference = record["preference"] self.birth = record["birth"] self.age = self.calculate_age(record["birth"]) = record["name"] = record["country"] = record["bio"] # Like limits self.likes = record.get("likes") self.superlikes = record.get("superlikes") # These will have a value if it has been fetched when swiping self.compat = record.get("compat") # if we're using a specific filter self.filter = record.get("filter")
def _from_db_full(auth_code: Record) -> AuthCode: account_main_dict = filter_keys_by_substr(auth_code, ACCOUNT_MAIN) return AuthCode(id=auth_code.get(AUTH_CODE_ID), created_at=auth_code.get(AUTH_CODE_CREATED_AT), edited_at=auth_code.get(AUTH_CODE_EDITED_AT), account_main=AccountMainDeserializer.deserialize( account_main_dict, DES_ACCOUNT_MAIN_FROM_DB_FULL), code=auth_code.get(AUTH_CODE_CODE))
def load_record(r: Record) -> FnRecord: fn_name = r.get("fn_name") args = [s.strip() for s in r.get("args").split(",")] def to_fn_arg(arg_str: str) -> FnArg: parts = arg_str.split(" ") return FnArg(name=parts[0], type=parts[1]) return FnRecord(name=fn_name, args=[to_fn_arg(arg) for arg in args])
def deserialize(self, rowdata: Record) -> None: self.level = rowdata.get('level') self.message = rowdata.get('message') = rowdata.get('pid') self.time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(rowdata.get('time')) self.function_id = rowdata.get('functionID') self.logger_id = rowdata.get('loggerID') self.hostname_id = rowdata.get('hostnameID')
async def _modify_entry(self, ctx, user: UserProfile, swipe: bool, entry: asyncpg.Record, superlike=False): # Update fame for the target if it was swiped right on if swipe: fame = 1 # Gives more fame if you superlike someone if superlike: fame = 3 query = "UPDATE users SET fame=$1 WHERE member_id = $2" await ctx.db.execute(query, user.fame + fame, user.member_id) # If the entry exists if entry: superlike = entry.get("superlike", False) status = entry["status"] # It's a match if status and swipe: # dispatches the image creation and sending of the matched image, user)) # delete the targets entry, and the authors if an entry existed since earlier query = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE (member_id = $1 AND target_id = $2) OR (member_id = $2 AND target_id = $1)" await ctx.db.execute(query,, user.member_id) # we also add an entry to the matches table query = "INSERT INTO matches (source_id, target_id, date) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)" await ctx.db.execute(query,, user.member_id, #Return as we do not need to do any insertion or updating of previous entries return # If we had an earlier entry with this user, we update it if we didn't match compat = user.compat if compat is not None: # If we disliked, we up the compat if not swipe: compat += 1 query = "UPDATE entries SET status = $1, date = $2, compat = $3, superlike = $4 WHERE member_id = $5 AND target_id = $6" await ctx.db.execute(query, swipe,, compat, superlike,, user.member_id) # If it's a new user, we have to add an entry if we didn't match else: query = "INSERT INTO entries (member_id, target_id, status, date, compat, superlike) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)" await ctx.db.execute(query,, user.member_id, swipe,, 0, superlike)
def __init__(self, courier: asyncpg.Record) -> None: self.courier_id = int(courier.get('courier_id')) self.courier_type = courier.get('type') self.regions = [int(region) for region in courier.get('regions')] self.working_hours = [ TimeSpan(time_) for time_ in courier.get('working_hours') ] self.coeff = int(courier.get('c')) self.payload = int(courier.get('payload'))
def deserialize(self, rowdata: Record) -> None: = rowdata.get('name')
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, row: asyncpg.Record): self.__guild_id: int = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_GUILD_ID) self.__prefix: str = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_PREFIX) self.__use_pagination: bool = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_USE_PAGINATION) daily_channel_id = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CHANNEL_ID) can_post_daily = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CAN_POST) daily_latest_message_id = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_ID) daily_post_mode = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_DELETE_ON_CHANGE) daily_notify_id = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_NOTIFY_ID) daily_notify_type = convert_to_autodaily_notify_type( row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_NOTIFY_TYPE)) daily_latest_message_created_at = row.get( _COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_CREATED_AT) daily_latest_message_modified_at = row.get( _COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_MODIFIED_AT) try: channel = bot.get_channel(daily_channel_id) except Exception as error: channel = None print(f'Could not get channel for id {daily_channel_id}: {error}') if channel is None and daily_channel_id is not None: print(f'Could not get channel for id {daily_channel_id}') try: self.__guild = bot.get_guild(self.__guild_id) except Exception as error: self.__guild = None print(f'Could not get guild for id {self.__guild_id}: {error}') if self.__guild is None and self.__guild_id is not None: print(f'Could not get channel for id {daily_channel_id}') notify = None if daily_notify_id and daily_notify_type and self.__guild: if daily_notify_type == AutoDailyNotifyType.USER: notify = self.__guild.get_member(daily_notify_id) elif daily_notify_type == AutoDailyNotifyType.ROLE: notify = self.__guild.get_role(daily_notify_id) self.__autodaily_settings: AutoDailySettings = AutoDailySettings( self.__guild, channel, can_post_daily, daily_latest_message_id, daily_post_mode, notify, daily_latest_message_created_at, daily_latest_message_modified_at)
def __init__(self, bot: Bot, row: asyncpg.Record) -> None: self.__bot = bot self.__guild_id: int = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_GUILD_ID) self.__prefix: str = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_PREFIX) self.__use_pagination: bool = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_USE_PAGINATION) self.__bot_news_channel_id: int = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_BOT_NEWS_CHANNEL_ID) self.__use_embeds: bool = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_USE_EMBEDS) self.__guild: Guild = None self.__bot_news_channel: TextChannel = None daily_channel_id = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CHANNEL_ID) can_post_daily = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CAN_POST) daily_latest_message_id = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_ID) daily_post_mode = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CHANGE_MODE) daily_latest_message_created_at = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_CREATED_AT) daily_latest_message_modified_at = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_MODIFIED_AT) self.__autodaily_settings: AutoDailySettings = AutoDailySettings(self.__bot, self.__guild_id, daily_channel_id, can_post_daily, daily_latest_message_id, daily_post_mode, daily_latest_message_created_at, daily_latest_message_modified_at)
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, row: asyncpg.Record): self.__guild_id: int = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_GUILD_ID) self.__prefix: str = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_PREFIX) self.__use_pagination: bool = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_USE_PAGINATION) self.__bot_news_channel_id: int = row.get( _COLUMN_NAME_BOT_NEWS_CHANNEL_ID) self.__use_embeds: bool = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_USE_EMBEDS) self.__guild: discord.Guild = None self.__bot_news_channel: discord.TextChannel = None daily_channel_id = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CHANNEL_ID) can_post_daily = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CAN_POST) daily_latest_message_id = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_ID) daily_post_mode = row.get(_COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_CHANGE_MODE) daily_latest_message_created_at = row.get( _COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_CREATED_AT) daily_latest_message_modified_at = row.get( _COLUMN_NAME_DAILY_LATEST_MESSAGE_MODIFIED_AT) try: channel = bot.get_channel(daily_channel_id) except Exception as error: channel = None print(f'Could not get channel for id {daily_channel_id}: {error}') if channel is None and daily_channel_id is not None: print(f'Could not get channel for id {daily_channel_id}') try: self.__guild = bot.get_guild(self.__guild_id) except Exception as error: self.__guild = None print(f'Could not get guild for id {self.__guild_id}: {error}') if self.__guild is None and self.__guild_id is not None: print(f'Could not get channel for id {daily_channel_id}') try: self.__bot_news_channel = bot.get_channel( self.__bot_news_channel_id) except Exception as error: self.__bot_news_channel = None print( f'Could not get channel for id {self.__bot_news_channel_id}: {error}' ) if self.__bot_news_channel is None and self.__bot_news_channel_id is not None: print(f'Could not get channel for id {self.__bot_news_channel_id}') self.__autodaily_settings: AutoDailySettings = AutoDailySettings( self.__guild, channel, can_post_daily, daily_latest_message_id, daily_post_mode, daily_latest_message_created_at, daily_latest_message_modified_at)
def deserialize(self, rowdata: Record) -> None: self.path = rowdata.get('path')
def record_to_activation(record: Record): return Activation(identifier=record['identifier'], reading_identifier=record['reading_identifier'], activation_count=record['activation_count'], sensor_identifier=record['sensor_identifier'], timestamp=record.get('timestamp', None))
def converter(record: asyncpg.Record): return clazz(**dict([(field, record.get(field)) for field in field_names])) # type: ignore