コード例 #1
async def _create_variable(server, parentnodeid, nodeid, qname, var, datatype=None, isproperty=False):
    addnode = ua.AddNodesItem()
    addnode.RequestedNewNodeId = nodeid
    addnode.BrowseName = qname
    addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Variable
    addnode.ParentNodeId = parentnodeid
    if isproperty:
        addnode.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasProperty)
        addnode.TypeDefinition = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.PropertyType)
        addnode.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent)
        addnode.TypeDefinition = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.BaseDataVariableType)
    attrs = ua.VariableAttributes()
    attrs.Description = ua.LocalizedText(qname.Name)
    attrs.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(qname.Name)
    if datatype:
        attrs.DataType = datatype
        attrs.DataType = _guess_datatype(var)

    attrs.Value = var
    if not isinstance(var.Value, (list, tuple)):
        attrs.ValueRank = ua.ValueRank.Scalar
        if var.Dimensions:
            attrs.ValueRank = len(var.Dimensions)
            attrs.ArrayDimensions = var.Dimensions
    attrs.WriteMask = 0
    attrs.UserWriteMask = 0
    attrs.Historizing = False
    attrs.AccessLevel = ua.AccessLevel.CurrentRead.mask
    attrs.UserAccessLevel = ua.AccessLevel.CurrentRead.mask
    addnode.NodeAttributes = attrs
    results = await server.add_nodes([addnode])
    return results[0].AddedNodeId
コード例 #2
 async def add_variable(self, obj):
     node = self._get_add_node_item(obj)
     attrs = ua.VariableAttributes()
     if obj.desc:
         attrs.Description = ua.LocalizedText(obj.desc)
     attrs.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(obj.displayname)
     attrs.DataType = obj.datatype
     if obj.value is not None:
         attrs.Value = self._add_variable_value(obj, )
     if obj.rank:
         attrs.ValueRank = obj.rank
     if obj.accesslevel:
         attrs.AccessLevel = obj.accesslevel
     if obj.useraccesslevel:
         attrs.UserAccessLevel = obj.useraccesslevel
     if obj.minsample:
         attrs.MinimumSamplingInterval = obj.minsample
     if obj.dimensions:
         attrs.ArrayDimensions = obj.dimensions
     node.NodeAttributes = attrs
     res = await self._get_server().add_nodes([node])
     await self._add_refs(obj)
     return res[0].AddedNodeId
コード例 #3
async def _create_object(server, parentnodeid, nodeid, qname, objecttype):
    addnode = ua.AddNodesItem()
    addnode.RequestedNewNodeId = nodeid
    addnode.BrowseName = qname
    addnode.ParentNodeId = parentnodeid
    if await make_node(server, parentnodeid).read_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.FolderType):
        addnode.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Organizes)
        addnode.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent)
    addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Object
    if isinstance(objecttype, int):
        addnode.TypeDefinition = ua.NodeId(objecttype)
        addnode.TypeDefinition = objecttype
    attrs = ua.ObjectAttributes()
    attrs.EventNotifier = 0
    attrs.Description = ua.LocalizedText(qname.Name)
    attrs.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(qname.Name)
    attrs.WriteMask = 0
    attrs.UserWriteMask = 0
    addnode.NodeAttributes = attrs
    results = await server.add_nodes([addnode])
    return results[0].AddedNodeId
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_xml.py プロジェクト: vnskoptsov/opcua-asyncio
async def test_xml_ext_obj_array(opc, tmpdir):
    arg = ua.Argument()
    arg.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Float)
    arg.Description = ua.LocalizedText("Nice description")
    arg.ArrayDimensions = [1, 2, 3]
    arg.Name = "MyArg"
    arg2 = ua.Argument()
    arg2.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Int32)
    arg2.Description = ua.LocalizedText("Nice description2")
    arg2.ArrayDimensions = [4, 5, 6]
    arg2.Name = "MyArg2"
    args = [arg, arg2]
    node = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlexportobj2", args)
    node2 = await _test_xml_var_type(opc,
    read_args = await node2.get_value()
    for i, arg in enumerate(read_args):
        assert args[i].Name == read_args[i].Name
        assert args[i].ArrayDimensions == read_args[i].ArrayDimensions
        assert args[i].Description == read_args[i].Description
        assert args[i].DataType == read_args[i].DataType
コード例 #5
 async def create_session(self):
     send a CreateSessionRequest to server with reasonable parameters.
     If you want o modify settings look at code of this methods
     and make your own
     desc = ua.ApplicationDescription()
     desc.ApplicationUri = self.application_uri
     desc.ProductUri = self.product_uri
     desc.ApplicationName = ua.LocalizedText(self.name)
     desc.ApplicationType = ua.ApplicationType.Client
     params = ua.CreateSessionParameters()
     # at least 32 random bytes for server to prove possession of private key (specs part 4,
     nonce = create_nonce(32)
     params.ClientNonce = nonce
     params.ClientCertificate = self.security_policy.host_certificate
     params.ClientDescription = desc
     params.EndpointUrl = self.server_url.geturl()
     params.SessionName = f"{self.description} Session{self._session_counter}"
     # Requested maximum number of milliseconds that a Session should remain open without activity
     params.RequestedSessionTimeout = self.session_timeout
     params.MaxResponseMessageSize = 0  # means no max size
     response = await self.uaclient.create_session(params)
     if self.security_policy.host_certificate is None:
         data = nonce
         data = self.security_policy.host_certificate + nonce
         data, response.ServerSignature.Signature)
     self._server_nonce = response.ServerNonce
     if not self.security_policy.peer_certificate:
         self.security_policy.peer_certificate = response.ServerCertificate
     elif self.security_policy.peer_certificate != response.ServerCertificate:
         raise ua.UaError("Server certificate mismatch")
     # remember PolicyId's: we will use them in activate_session()
     ep = Client.find_endpoint(response.ServerEndpoints,
     self._policy_ids = ep.UserIdentityTokens
     #  Actual maximum number of milliseconds that a Session shall remain open without activity
     if self.session_timeout != response.RevisedSessionTimeout:
             "Requested session timeout to be %dms, got %dms instead",
             self.secure_channel_timeout, response.RevisedSessionTimeout)
         self.session_timeout = response.RevisedSessionTimeout
     self._renew_channel_task = self.loop.create_task(
     return response
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_xml.py プロジェクト: wmehling/opcua-asyncio
async def test_xml_ext_obj(opc, tmpdir):
    arg = ua.Argument()
    arg.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Float)
    arg.Description = ua.LocalizedText("Nice description")
    arg.ArrayDimensions = [1, 2, 3]
    arg.Name = "MyArg"
    node = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlexportobj2", arg)
    node2 = await _test_xml_var_type(opc,
    arg2 = await node2.read_value()
    assert arg.Name == arg2.Name
    assert arg.ArrayDimensions == arg2.ArrayDimensions
    assert arg.Description == arg2.Description
    assert arg.DataType == arg2.DataType
コード例 #7
 async def register_server(self, server, discovery_configuration=None):
     register a server to discovery server
     if discovery_configuration is provided, the newer register_server2 service call is used
     serv = ua.RegisteredServer()
     serv.ServerUri = server.get_application_uri()
     serv.ProductUri = server.product_uri
     serv.DiscoveryUrls = [server.endpoint.geturl()]
     serv.ServerType = server.application_type
     serv.ServerNames = [ua.LocalizedText(server.name)]
     serv.IsOnline = True
     if discovery_configuration:
         params = ua.RegisterServer2Parameters()
         params.Server = serv
         params.DiscoveryConfiguration = discovery_configuration
         return await self.uaclient.register_server2(params)
     return await self.uaclient.register_server(serv)
コード例 #8
async def create_object(parent, nodeid, bname, objecttype=None):
    create a child node object
    arguments are nodeid, browsename, [objecttype]
    or namespace index, name, [objecttype]
    if objectype is given (a NodeId) then the type node is instantiated inclusive its child nodes
    nodeid, qname = _parse_nodeid_qname(nodeid, bname)
    if objecttype is not None:
        objecttype = make_node(parent.server, objecttype)
        dname = ua.LocalizedText(qname.Name)
        nodes = await instantiate(parent, objecttype, nodeid, bname=qname, dname=dname)
        return nodes[0]
        return make_node(
            await _create_object(parent.server, parent.nodeid, nodeid, qname, ua.ObjectIds.BaseObjectType)
コード例 #9
ファイル: xmlimporter.py プロジェクト: roin93/opcua-asyncio
 def _add_variable_value(self, obj):
     Returns the value for a Variable based on the objects value type.
     _logger.debug("Setting value with type %s and value %s", obj.valuetype, obj.value)
     if obj.valuetype == "ListOfExtensionObject":
         values = []
         for ext in obj.value:
             extobj = self._make_ext_obj(ext)
         return ua.Variant(values, ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject)
     elif obj.valuetype == "ListOfGuid":
         return ua.Variant([uuid.UUID(guid) for guid in obj.value], getattr(ua.VariantType, obj.valuetype[6:]))
     elif obj.valuetype.startswith("ListOf"):
         vtype = obj.valuetype[6:]
         if hasattr(ua.ua_binary.Primitives, vtype):
             return ua.Variant(obj.value, getattr(ua.VariantType, vtype))
         elif vtype == "LocalizedText":
             return ua.Variant([getattr(ua, vtype)(Text=item["Text"], Locale=item["Locale"]) for item in obj.value])
             return ua.Variant([getattr(ua, vtype)(v) for v in obj.value])
     elif obj.valuetype == "ExtensionObject":
         extobj = self._make_ext_obj(obj.value)
         return ua.Variant(extobj, getattr(ua.VariantType, obj.valuetype))
     elif obj.valuetype == "Guid":
         return ua.Variant(uuid.UUID(obj.value), getattr(ua.VariantType, obj.valuetype))
     elif obj.valuetype == "LocalizedText":
         ltext = ua.LocalizedText()
         for name, val in obj.value:
             if name == "Text":
                 ltext.Text = val
             elif name == "Locale":
                 ltext.Locale = val
                     "While parsing localizedText value, unkown element: %s with val: %s",
         return ua.Variant(ltext, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
     elif obj.valuetype == "NodeId":
         return ua.Variant(ua.NodeId.from_string(obj.value))
         return ua.Variant(obj.value, getattr(ua.VariantType, obj.valuetype))
コード例 #10
async def test_data_type_dict_add_dictionary(srv):
    add_dictionary = getattr(srv.dict_builder, '_add_dictionary')
    dict_name = 'TestDict'
    dict_node = srv.srv.get_node(await add_dictionary(dict_name))
    assert await dict_node.read_browse_name() == ua.QualifiedName(
        dict_name, srv.idx)
    assert await dict_node.read_node_class() == ua.NodeClass.Variable
    assert (await dict_node.get_parent()).nodeid == ua.NodeId(
        ua.ObjectIds.OPCBinarySchema_TypeSystem, 0)
    assert ua.NodeId(
        0) == (await dict_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent
    assert await dict_node.read_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(
        ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeDictionaryType, 0)
    assert await dict_node.read_display_name() == ua.LocalizedText(dict_name)
    assert await dict_node.read_data_type() == ua.NodeId(
    assert await dict_node.read_value_rank() == -1
コード例 #11
async def new_enum(
    server: Union["Server", "Client"],
    idx: Union[int, ua.NodeId],
    name: Union[int, ua.QualifiedName],
    values: List[str],
) -> Node:
    edef = ua.EnumDefinition()
    counter = 0
    for val_name in values:
        field = ua.EnumField()
        field.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(Text=val_name)
        field.Name = val_name
        field.Value = counter
        counter += 1

    dtype = await server.nodes.enum_data_type.add_data_type(idx, name)
    await dtype.write_data_type_definition(edef)
    return dtype
コード例 #12
def test_text_with_locale():
    t0 = ua.LocalizedText('Root')
    t1 = ua.LocalizedText('Root', 'de-AT')
    t2 = ua.LocalizedText('Root', 'de-AT')
    t3 = ua.LocalizedText('Root', 'de-DE')
    t4 = ua.LocalizedText(locale='de-DE')
    t5 = ua.LocalizedText(locale='de-DE')
    assert t0 != t1
    assert t1 == t2
    assert t1 != t3
    assert t3 != t4
    assert t4 == t5
    t6 = struct_from_binary(ua.LocalizedText, ua.utils.Buffer(struct_to_binary(t1)))
    assert t1 == t6
コード例 #13
 async def _write_state(self, state: State):
     if not isinstance(state, State):
         raise ValueError(
             f"Statemachine: {self._name} -> state: {state} is not a instance of StateMachine.State class"
     await self._current_state_node.write_value(
         ua.LocalizedText(state.name, self.locale),
     if state.node:
         if self._current_state_id_node:
             await self._current_state_id_node.write_value(state.id)
         if self._current_state_name_node and state.name:
             await self._current_state_name_node.write_value(
                 state.name, ua.VariantType.QualifiedName)
         if self._current_state_number_node and state.number:
             await self._current_state_number_node.write_value(
                 state.number, ua.VariantType.UInt32)
         if self._current_state_effective_display_name_node and state.effectivedisplayname:
             await self._current_state_effective_display_name_node.write_value(
                 state.effectivedisplayname, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
コード例 #14
    def _set_endpoints(self,
        idtokens = []
        if "Anonymous" in self._policyIDs:
            idtoken = ua.UserTokenPolicy()
            idtoken.PolicyId = "anonymous"
            idtoken.TokenType = ua.UserTokenType.Anonymous

        if "Basic256Sha256" in self._policyIDs:
            idtoken = ua.UserTokenPolicy()
            idtoken.PolicyId = 'certificate_basic256sha256'
            idtoken.TokenType = ua.UserTokenType.Certificate

        if "Username" in self._policyIDs:
            idtoken = ua.UserTokenPolicy()
            idtoken.PolicyId = "username"
            idtoken.TokenType = ua.UserTokenType.UserName

        appdesc = ua.ApplicationDescription()
        appdesc.ApplicationName = ua.LocalizedText(self.name)
        appdesc.ApplicationUri = self._application_uri
        appdesc.ApplicationType = self.application_type
        appdesc.ProductUri = self.product_uri

        edp = ua.EndpointDescription()
        edp.EndpointUrl = self.endpoint.geturl()
        edp.Server = appdesc
        if self.certificate:
            edp.ServerCertificate = uacrypto.der_from_x509(self.certificate)
        edp.SecurityMode = mode
        edp.SecurityPolicyUri = policy.URI
        edp.UserIdentityTokens = idtokens
        edp.TransportProfileUri = "http://opcfoundation.org/UA-Profile/Transport/uatcp-uasc-uabinary"
        edp.SecurityLevel = 0
コード例 #15
async def main():
    server = Server()
    await server.init()
    # setup our own namespace, not really necessary but should as spec
    uri = "http://examples.freeopcua.github.io"
    idx = await server.register_namespace(uri)
    # populating our address space
    myobj = await server.nodes.objects.add_object(idx, "MyObject")

    # Creating a custom event: Approach 1
    # The custom event object automatically will have members from its parent (BaseEventType)
    etype = await server.create_custom_event_type(
        idx, 'MyFirstEvent', ua.ObjectIds.BaseEventType,
        [('MyNumericProperty', ua.VariantType.Float),
         ('MyStringProperty', ua.VariantType.String)])
    myevgen = await server.get_event_generator(etype, myobj)

    # Creating a custom event: Approach 2
    custom_etype = await server.nodes.base_event_type.add_object_type(
        2, 'MySecondEvent')
    await custom_etype.add_property(2, 'MyIntProperty',
                                    ua.Variant(0, ua.VariantType.Int32))
    await custom_etype.add_property(2, 'MyBoolProperty',
                                    ua.Variant(True, ua.VariantType.Boolean))
    mysecondevgen = await server.get_event_generator(custom_etype, myobj)

    async with server:
        count = 0
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)
            myevgen.event.Message = ua.LocalizedText("MyFirstEvent %d" % count)
            myevgen.event.Severity = count
            myevgen.event.MyNumericProperty = count
            myevgen.event.MyStringProperty = "Property %d" % count
            await myevgen.trigger()
            await mysecondevgen.trigger(message="MySecondEvent %d" % count)

            count += 1
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_xml.py プロジェクト: pyrige/opcua-asyncio
async def test_xml_method(opc, tmpdir):
    await opc.opc.register_namespace("foo")
    await opc.opc.register_namespace("bar")
    o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_object(2, "xmlexportmethod")
    m = await o.add_method(2, "callme", func, [ua.VariantType.Double, ua.VariantType.String], [ua.VariantType.Float])
    # set an arg dimension to a list to test list export
    inputs = await m.get_child("InputArguments")
    val = await inputs.read_value()
    val[0].ArrayDimensions = [2, 2]
    desc = "My nce description"
    val[0].Description = ua.LocalizedText(desc)
    await inputs.write_value(val)
    # get all nodes and export
    nodes = [o, m]
    nodes.extend(await m.get_children())
    tmp_path = tmpdir.join("tmp_test_export.xml").strpath
    await opc.opc.export_xml(nodes, tmp_path)
    await opc.opc.delete_nodes(nodes)
    await opc.opc.import_xml(tmp_path)
    # now see if our nodes are here
    val = await inputs.read_value()
    assert 2 == len(val)
    assert [2, 2] == val[0].ArrayDimensions
    assert desc == val[0].Description.Text
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_xml.py プロジェクト: wmehling/opcua-asyncio
async def test_xml_localizedtext_with_locale(opc, tmpdir):
    o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(
        2, "xmlltext", ua.LocalizedText("mytext", "en-US"))
    await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text")
コード例 #18
def string_to_val(string, vtype):
    Convert back a string to a python or python-asyncua object
    Note: no error checking is done here, supplying null strings could raise exceptions (datetime and guid)
    string = string.strip()
    if string.startswith("["):
        string = string[1:-1]
        var = []
        for s in string.split(","):
            s = s.strip()
            val = string_to_val(s, vtype)
        return var

    if vtype == ua.VariantType.Null:
        val = None
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.Boolean:
        if string in ("True", "true", "on", "On", "1"):
            val = True
            val = False
    elif vtype in (ua.VariantType.SByte, ua.VariantType.Int16,
                   ua.VariantType.Int32, ua.VariantType.Int64):
        if not string:
            val = 0
            val = int(string)
    elif vtype in (ua.VariantType.Byte, ua.VariantType.UInt16,
                   ua.VariantType.UInt32, ua.VariantType.UInt64):
        if not string:
            val = 0
            val = int(string)
    elif vtype in (ua.VariantType.Float, ua.VariantType.Double):
        if not string:
            val = 0.0
            val = float(string)
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.XmlElement:
        val = ua.XmlElement(string)
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.String:
        val = string
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.ByteString:
        val = string.encode()
    elif vtype in (ua.VariantType.NodeId, ua.VariantType.ExpandedNodeId):
        val = ua.NodeId.from_string(string)
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.QualifiedName:
        val = ua.QualifiedName.from_string(string)
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.DateTime:
        val = parser.parse(string)
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.LocalizedText:
        val = ua.LocalizedText(string)
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.StatusCode:
        val = ua.StatusCode(string)
    elif vtype == ua.VariantType.Guid:
        val = uuid.UUID(string)
        # FIXME: Some types are probably missing!
        raise NotImplementedError
    return val
コード例 #19
    async def _create_data_type(self, type_name, nodeid=None, init=True):
        #name = _to_camel_case(type_name)
        name = type_name

        if nodeid is None:
            # create data type node
            dt_node = ua.AddNodesItem()
            dt_node.RequestedNewNodeId = ua.NodeId(0, self._idx)
            dt_node.BrowseName = ua.QualifiedName(name, self._idx)
            dt_node.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.DataType
            dt_node.ParentNodeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Structure, 0)
            dt_node.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasSubtype, 0)
            dt_attributes = ua.DataTypeAttributes()
            dt_attributes.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(type_name)
            dt_node.NodeAttributes = dt_attributes

            res = await self._session_server.add_nodes([dt_node])
            data_type_node_id = res[0].AddedNodeId
            data_type_node_id = nodeid

        added = [data_type_node_id]

        if init:
            # create description node
            desc_node = ua.AddNodesItem()
            desc_node.RequestedNewNodeId = ua.NodeId(0, self._idx)
            desc_node.BrowseName = ua.QualifiedName(name, self._idx)
            desc_node.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Variable
            desc_node.ParentNodeId = self.dict_id
            desc_node.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent, 0)
            desc_node.TypeDefinition = ua.NodeId(
                ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeDescriptionType, 0)
            desc_attributes = ua.VariableAttributes()
            desc_attributes.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText(type_name)
            desc_attributes.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.String)
            desc_attributes.Value = ua.Variant(name, ua.VariantType.String)
            desc_attributes.ValueRank = -1
            desc_node.NodeAttributes = desc_attributes

            res = await self._session_server.add_nodes([desc_node])
            description_node_id = res[0].AddedNodeId

            # create object node which the loaded python class should link to
            obj_node = ua.AddNodesItem()
            obj_node.RequestedNewNodeId = ua.NodeId(0, self._idx)
            obj_node.BrowseName = ua.QualifiedName('Default Binary', 0)
            obj_node.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Object
            obj_node.ParentNodeId = data_type_node_id
            obj_node.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding, 0)
            obj_node.TypeDefinition = ua.NodeId(
                ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeEncodingType, 0)
            obj_attributes = ua.ObjectAttributes()
            obj_attributes.DisplayName = ua.LocalizedText('Default Binary')
            obj_attributes.EventNotifier = 0
            obj_node.NodeAttributes = obj_attributes

            res = await self._session_server.add_nodes([obj_node])
            bind_obj_node_id = res[0].AddedNodeId

            await self._link_nodes(bind_obj_node_id, data_type_node_id,

        return StructNode(self, data_type_node_id, type_name, added)
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_unit.py プロジェクト: FreeOpcUa/opcua-asyncio
def test_string_to_variant_localized_text():
    string = "_This is my nøåæ"
    obj = ua.LocalizedText(string)
    string_repr = f"LocalizedText(Locale=None, Text='{string}')"
    assert obj == string_to_val(string, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
    assert string_repr == val_to_string(obj)
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_unit.py プロジェクト: swamper123/opcua-asyncio
def test_string_to_variant_localized_text():
    string = "_This is my nøåæ"
    obj = ua.LocalizedText(string)
    assert obj == string_to_val(string, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
    assert string == val_to_string(obj)
コード例 #22
    # populating our address space
    myfolder = objects.add_folder(idx, "myEmptyFolder")
    myobj = objects.add_object(idx, "MyObject")
    myvar = myobj.add_variable(idx, "MyVariable", 6.7)
    myvar.set_writable()    # Set MyVariable to be writable by clients
    myarrayvar = myobj.add_variable(idx, "myarrayvar", [6.7, 7.9])
    myarrayvar = myobj.add_variable(idx, "myStronglytTypedVariable", ua.Variant([], ua.VariantType.UInt32))
    myprop = myobj.add_property(idx, "myproperty", "I am a property")
    mymethod = myobj.add_method(idx, "mymethod", func, [ua.VariantType.Int64], [ua.VariantType.Boolean])

    inargx = ua.Argument()
    inargx.Name = "x"
    inargx.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Int64)
    inargx.ValueRank = -1
    inargx.ArrayDimensions = []
    inargx.Description = ua.LocalizedText("First number x")
    inargy = ua.Argument()
    inargy.Name = "y"
    inargy.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Int64)
    inargy.ValueRank = -1
    inargy.ArrayDimensions = []
    inargy.Description = ua.LocalizedText("Second number y")
    outarg = ua.Argument()
    outarg.Name = "Result"
    outarg.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Int64)
    outarg.ValueRank = -1
    outarg.ArrayDimensions = []
    outarg.Description = ua.LocalizedText("Multiplication result")

    multiply_node = myobj.add_method(idx, "multiply", multiply, [inargx, inargy], [outarg])
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_unit.py プロジェクト: FreeOpcUa/opcua-asyncio
def test_text_simple():
    t = ua.LocalizedText('Root')
    b = struct_to_binary(t)
    buf = ua.utils.Buffer(b)
    t2 = struct_from_binary(ua.LocalizedText, buf)
    assert t == t2
コード例 #24
async def test_xml_localizedtext_array(opc, tmpdir):
    o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlltext_array",
                                                 [ua.LocalizedText("erert"), ua.LocalizedText("erert33")])
    await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text_array")
    await opc.opc.delete_nodes([o])
コード例 #25
def enum_to_stringlist(a_enum):
    items = []
    for value in a_enum:
    return items
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_xml.py プロジェクト: wmehling/opcua-asyncio
async def test_xml_localizedtext_array_with_locale(opc, tmpdir):
    o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlltext_array", [
        ua.LocalizedText(text="erert", locale="en"),
        ua.LocalizedText(text="erert33", locale="de")
    await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text_array")
コード例 #27
async def test_data_type_dict_create_data_type(srv):
    type_name = 'CustomizedStruct2'
    created_type = await srv.dict_builder.create_data_type(type_name)
    assert isinstance(created_type, StructNode)
    # Test data type node
    type_node = srv.srv.get_node(created_type.data_type)
    assert await type_node.read_browse_name() == ua.QualifiedName(
        type_name, srv.idx)
    assert await type_node.read_node_class() == ua.NodeClass.DataType
    assert (await type_node.get_parent()).nodeid == ua.NodeId(
        ua.ObjectIds.Structure, 0)
    assert ua.NodeId(
        0) == (await type_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasSubtype
    assert await type_node.read_display_name() == ua.LocalizedText(type_name)

    # Test description node
    n = srv.srv.get_node(srv.dict_builder.dict_id)
    desc_node = await n.get_child(f"{srv.dict_builder._idx}:{type_name}")
    assert await desc_node.read_browse_name() == ua.QualifiedName(
        type_name, srv.idx)
    assert await desc_node.read_node_class() == ua.NodeClass.Variable
    assert (await desc_node.get_parent()).nodeid == srv.dict_builder.dict_id
    assert ua.NodeId(
        0) == (await desc_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent
    assert await desc_node.read_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(
        ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeDescriptionType, 0)

    assert await desc_node.read_display_name() == ua.LocalizedText(type_name)
    assert await desc_node.read_data_type() == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.String)
    assert await desc_node.read_value() == type_name
    assert await desc_node.read_value_rank() == -1

    # Test object node
    obj_node = (await type_node.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding))[0]
    assert await obj_node.read_browse_name() == ua.QualifiedName(
        'Default Binary', 0)
    assert await obj_node.read_node_class() == ua.NodeClass.Object
    assert (await obj_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding
                                          ))[0].NodeId == type_node.nodeid
    assert ua.NodeId(
        0) == (await obj_node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding
    assert await obj_node.read_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(
        ua.ObjectIds.DataTypeEncodingType, 0)
    assert await obj_node.read_display_name() == ua.LocalizedText(
        'Default Binary')
    assert len(await obj_node.read_event_notifier()) == 0

    # Test links, three were tested above
    struct_node = srv.srv.get_node(ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Structure, 0))
    struct_children = await struct_node.get_children(
    assert type_node in struct_children
    dict_node = srv.srv.get_node(srv.dict_builder.dict_id)
    dict_children = await dict_node.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent
    assert desc_node in dict_children
    assert obj_node in await type_node.get_children(ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding)
    assert desc_node in await obj_node.get_children(
    assert obj_node.nodeid == (await desc_node.get_references(
コード例 #28
async def test_xml_localizedtext(opc, tmpdir):
    o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlltext",
    await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text")
    await opc.opc.delete_nodes([o])
コード例 #29
async def test_root(opc):
    root = opc.opc.get_root_node()
    assert ua.QualifiedName('Root', 0) == await root.get_browse_name()
    assert ua.LocalizedText('Root') == await root.get_display_name()
    nid = ua.NodeId(84, 0)
    assert nid == root.nodeid
コード例 #30
async def main():
    # optional: setup logging
    # logger = logging.getLogger("asyncua.address_space")
    # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    # logger = logging.getLogger("asyncua.internal_server")
    # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    # logger = logging.getLogger("asyncua.binary_server_asyncio")
    # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    # logger = logging.getLogger("asyncua.uaprocessor")
    # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    # logger = logging.getLogger("asyncua.subscription_service")
    # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

    # now setup our server
    server = Server()
    await server.init()
    # server.set_endpoint("opc.tcp://localhost:4840/freeopcua/server/")
    server.set_server_name("FreeOpcUa Example Server")

    # setup our own namespace
    uri = "http://examples.freeopcua.github.io"
    idx = await server.register_namespace(uri)

    # get Objects node, this is where we should put our custom stuff
    objects = server.get_objects_node()

    # populating our address space
    await objects.add_folder(idx, "myEmptyFolder")
    myobj = await objects.add_object(idx, "MyObject")
    myvar = await myobj.add_variable(idx, "MyVariable", 6.7)
    await myvar.set_writable()  # Set MyVariable to be writable by clients
    myarrayvar = await myobj.add_variable(idx, "myarrayvar", [6.7, 7.9])
    await myobj.add_variable(idx, "myStronglytTypedVariable",
                             ua.Variant([], ua.VariantType.UInt32))
    await myobj.add_property(idx, "myproperty", "I am a property")
    await myobj.add_method(idx, "mymethod", func, [ua.VariantType.Int64],

    inargx = ua.Argument()
    inargx.Name = "x"
    inargx.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Int64)
    inargx.ValueRank = -1
    inargx.ArrayDimensions = []
    inargx.Description = ua.LocalizedText("First number x")
    inargy = ua.Argument()
    inargy.Name = "y"
    inargy.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Int64)
    inargy.ValueRank = -1
    inargy.ArrayDimensions = []
    inargy.Description = ua.LocalizedText("Second number y")
    outarg = ua.Argument()
    outarg.Name = "Result"
    outarg.DataType = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Int64)
    outarg.ValueRank = -1
    outarg.ArrayDimensions = []
    outarg.Description = ua.LocalizedText("Multiplication result")

    await myobj.add_method(idx, "multiply", multiply, [inargx, inargy],
    await myobj.add_method(idx, "multiply_async", multiply_async,
                           [inargx, inargy], [])
    await myobj.add_method(idx, "func_async", func_async,
                           [ua.VariantType.Int64], [])

    async with server:
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)