コード例 #1
def calcXdot(sizes, t, x, u, constants, restrictions):
    n = sizes['n']
    grav_e = constants['grav_e']
    Thrust = constants['Thrust']
    Isp = constants['Isp']
    r_e = constants['r_e']
    GM = constants['GM']
    CL0 = constants['CL0']
    CL1 = constants['CL1']
    CD0 = constants['CD0']
    CD2 = constants['CD2']
    s_ref = constants['s_ref']
    DampCent = constants['DampCent']
    DampSlop = constants['DampSlop']
    #alpha_min = restrictions['alpha_min']
    #alpha_max = restrictions['alpha_max']
    #beta_min = restrictions['beta_min']
    #beta_max = restrictions['beta_max']
    sin = numpy.sin
    cos = numpy.cos

    u1 = u[0]
    u2 = u[1]

    # calculate variables alpha and beta
    alpha = u1  #(alpha_max + alpha_min)/2 + tanh(u1)*(alpha_max - alpha_min)/2
    beta = u2  #(beta_max + beta_min)/2 + tanh(u2)*(beta_max - beta_min)/2

    # calculate variables CL and CD
    CL = CL0 + CL1 * alpha
    CD = CD0 + CD2 * (alpha)**2

    # calculate L and D

    dens = rho(x[0])
    pDynTimesSref = .5 * dens * (x[1]**2) * s_ref
    L = CL * pDynTimesSref
    D = CD * pDynTimesSref

    # calculate r
    r = r_e + x[0]

    # calculate grav
    grav = GM / r / r

    # calculate phi:
    dx = numpy.empty(n)

    # example rocket single stage to orbit with Lift and Drag
    sinGama = sin(x[2])
    dx[0] = x[1] * sinGama
    dx[1] = (beta * Thrust * cos(alpha) - D) / x[3] - grav * sinGama
    dx[2] = (beta * Thrust * sin(alpha) + L)/(x[3] * x[1]) + \
            cos(x[2]) * ( x[1]/r  -  grav/x[1] )
    dx[2] *= .5 * (1.0 + numpy.tanh(DampSlop * (t - DampCent)))
    dx[3] = -(beta * Thrust) / (grav_e * Isp)
    #if t < 3.0:
    #        print(t)
    #    dx[2] = 0.0
    return dx
コード例 #2
ファイル: itsModelCommon.py プロジェクト: Mattlk13/SOAR
    def __calcAedTab(self, tt, xx, uu) -> tuple:

        con = self.con
        LL = tt.copy()
        DD = tt.copy()
        CCL = tt.copy()
        CCD = tt.copy()
        QQ = tt.copy()
        for ii in range(0, len(tt)):

            h = xx[ii, 0]
            v = xx[ii, 1]
            alfat = uu[ii, 0]
            # Aerodynamics
            CL = con['CL0'] + con['CL1'] * alfat
            CD = con['CD0'] + con['CD2'] * (alfat**2)

            qdin = 0.5 * rho(h) * (v**2)
            L = qdin * con['s_ref'] * CL
            D = qdin * con['s_ref'] * CD

            LL[ii] = L
            DD[ii] = D
            CCL[ii] = CL
            CCD[ii] = CD
            QQ[ii] = qdin

        return LL, DD, CCL, CCD, QQ
コード例 #3
ファイル: itsModelCommon.py プロジェクト: Mattlk13/SOAR
def mdlDer(t: float, x: list, alfaProg: callable, betaProg: callable,
           aed: callable, earth: callable) -> list:

    # initialization
    h = x[0]
    v = x[1]
    gamma = x[2]
    M = x[3]

    if numpy.isnan(h):
        print('t: ', t)
        #  print('x: ', x)
        raise Exception('itsme saying: h is not a number')

    # Alpha control calculation
    alfat = alfaProg(t)

    # other calculations
    # btm = betaProg(t)*con['T']/M
    beta, Isp, T = betaProg(t)
    btm = beta * T / M
    sinGamma = numpy.sin(gamma)
    g = earth.g0 * (earth.R / (earth.R + h))**2 - (earth.we**2) * (earth.R + h)

    # aerodynamics
    qdinSrefM = 0.5 * rho(h) * (v**2) * aed.s_ref / M
    LM = qdinSrefM * (aed.CL0 + aed.CL1 * alfat)
    DM = qdinSrefM * (aed.CD0 + aed.CD2 * (alfat**2))

    if v < 1e-8:
        v = 1e-8

    # states derivatives
    return [
        v * sinGamma,  # coefficient
        btm * numpy.cos(alfat) - g * sinGamma - DM,  # coefficient
        btm * numpy.sin(alfat) / v +
        (v / (h + earth.R) - g / v) * numpy.cos(gamma) + (LM / v) +
        2 * earth.we,  # coefficient
        -btm * M / (earth.g0 * Isp)
    ]  # coefficient
コード例 #4
def calcGrads(sizes, x, u, pi, constants, restrictions):
    Grads = dict()

    N = sizes['N']
    n = sizes['n']
    m = sizes['m']
    p = sizes['p']
    #q = sizes['q']
    #N0 = sizes['N0']

    # Pre-assign functions
    sin = numpy.sin
    cos = numpy.cos
    tanh = numpy.tanh
    array = numpy.array

    grav_e = constants['grav_e']
    Thrust = constants['Thrust']
    Isp = constants['Isp']
    scal = constants['costScalingFactor']
    r_e = constants['r_e']
    GM = constants['GM']
    s_f = constants['s_f']
    CL0 = constants['CL0']
    CL1 = constants['CL1']
    CD0 = constants['CD0']
    CD2 = constants['CD2']
    s_ref = constants['s_ref']
    DampCent = constants['DampCent']
    DampSlop = constants['DampSlop']

    alpha_min = restrictions['alpha_min']
    alpha_max = restrictions['alpha_max']
    beta_min = restrictions['beta_min']
    beta_max = restrictions['beta_max']
    u1 = u[:, 0]
    u2 = u[:, 1]

    Grads['dt'] = 1.0 / (N - 1)

    phix = numpy.zeros((N, n, n))
    phiu = numpy.zeros((N, n, m))

    if p > 0:
        phip = numpy.zeros((N, n, p))
        phip = numpy.zeros((N, n, 1))

    fx = numpy.zeros((N, n))
    fu = numpy.zeros((N, m))
    fp = numpy.zeros((N, p))

    # Gradients from example rocket single stage to orbit with Lift and Drag
    psix = array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    psip = array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0]])

    # Calculate variables (arrays) alpha and beta
    aExp = .5 * (alpha_max - alpha_min)
    alpha = (alpha_max + alpha_min) / 2 + tanh(u1) * aExp
    bExp = .5 * (beta_max - beta_min)
    beta = (beta_max + beta_min) / 2 + tanh(u2) * bExp

    # calculate variables CL and CD
    CL = CL0 + CL1 * alpha
    CD = CD0 + CD2 * (alpha)**2

    # calculate L and D; atmosphere: numerical gradient
    dens = numpy.empty(N)
    del_rho = numpy.empty(N)
    for k in range(N):
        dens[k] = rho(x[k, 0])
        del_rho[k] = (rho(x[k, 0] + .1) - dens[k]) / .1

    pDynTimesSref = .5 * dens * (x[:, 1]**2) * s_ref
    L = CL * pDynTimesSref
    D = CD * pDynTimesSref

    # calculate r
    r = r_e + x[:, 0]

    # calculate grav
    grav = GM / r / r

    for k in range(N):
        sinGama = sin(x[k, 2])
        cosGama = cos(x[k, 2])

        sinAlpha = sin(alpha[k])
        cosAlpha = cos(alpha[k])

        #cosu1 = cos(u1[k])
        #cosu2 = cos(u2[k])

        r2 = r[k]**2
        r3 = r2 * r[k]
        V = x[k, 1]
        V2 = V * V
        m = x[k, 3]
        m2 = m * m
        fVel = beta[k] * Thrust * cosAlpha - D[
            k]  # forces on velocity direction
        fNor = beta[k] * Thrust * sinAlpha + L[k]  # forces normal to velocity
        fdg = .5 * (1.0 + numpy.tanh(DampSlop * (k * pi[0] /
                                                 (N - 1) - DampCent)))
        #        print("k =",k,", fdg =",fdg)
        #        input("?")
        # Expanded notation:
        DAlfaDu1 = aExp * (1 - tanh(u1[k])**2)
        DBetaDu2 = bExp * (1 - tanh(u2[k])**2)
        #        if k < N0:# calculated for 3s of no maneuver
        #            phix[k,:,:] = pi[0]*array([[0.0                                                  ,sinGama                   ,V*cosGama         ,0.0      ],
        #                                       [2*GM*sinGama/r3 - (0.5*CD[k]*del_rho[k]*s_ref*V2)/m  ,-CD[k]*dens[k]*s_ref*V/m  ,-grav[k]*cosGama  ,-fVel/m2 ],
        #                                       [0.0                                                  ,0.0                       ,0.0               ,0.0      ],
        #                                       [0.0                                                  ,0.0                       ,0.0               ,0.0      ]])
        #            phiu[k,:,:] = pi[0]*array([[0.0                                  ,0.0                          ],
        #                                       [-beta[k]*Thrust*sinAlpha*DAlfaDu1/m  ,Thrust*cosAlpha*DBetaDu2/m   ],
        #                                       [0.0                                  ,0.0                          ],
        #                                       [0.0                                  ,-Thrust*DBetaDu2/(grav_e*Isp)]])
        #        else:
        #            phix[k,:,:] = pi[0]*array([[0.0                                                              ,sinGama                                                                                        ,V*cosGama                      ,0.0          ],
        #                                       [2*GM*sinGama/r3 - (0.5*CD[k]*del_rho[k]*s_ref*V2)/m              ,-CD[k]*dens[k]*s_ref*V/m                                                                       ,-grav[k]*cosGama               ,-fVel/m2     ],
        #                                       [cosGama*(-V/r2+2*GM/(V*r3)) + (0.5*CL[k]*del_rho[k]*s_ref*V)/m   ,-beta[k]*Thrust*sinAlpha/(m*V2) + cosGama*((1/r[k])+grav[k]/(V2)) + 0.5*CL[k]*dens[k]*s_ref/m  ,-sinGama*((V/r[k])-grav[k]/V)  ,-fNor/(m2*V) ],
        #                                       [0.0                                                              ,0.0                                                                                            ,0.0                            ,0.0          ]])
        #            phiu[k,:,:] = pi[0]*array([[0.0                                                                                ,0.0                           ],
        #                                       [(-beta[k]*Thrust*sinAlpha*DAlfaDu1 - CD2*alpha[k]*dens[k]*s_ref*V2*DAlfaDu1)/m   ,Thrust*cosAlpha*DBetaDu2/m    ],
        #                                       [(beta[k]*Thrust*cosAlpha*DAlfaDu1/V + 0.5*CL1*dens[k]*s_ref*(V)*DAlfaDu1)/m        ,Thrust*sinAlpha*DBetaDu2/(m*V)],
        #                                       [0.0                                                                                ,-Thrust*DBetaDu2/(grav_e*Isp) ]])

        phix[k, :, :] = pi[0] * array(
            [[0.0, sinGama, V * cosGama, 0.0],
                 2 * GM * sinGama / r3 -
                 (0.5 * CD[k] * del_rho[k] * s_ref * V2) / m, -CD[k] *
                 dens[k] * s_ref * V / m, -grav[k] * cosGama, -fVel / m2
                 cosGama * (-V / r2 + 2 * GM / (V * r3)) +
                 (0.5 * CL[k] * del_rho[k] * s_ref * V) / m,
                 -beta[k] * Thrust * sinAlpha / (m * V2) + cosGama *
                 ((1 / r[k]) + grav[k] /
                  (V2)) + 0.5 * CL[k] * dens[k] * s_ref / m, -sinGama *
                 ((V / r[k]) - grav[k] / V), -fNor / (m2 * V)
             ], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        phix[k, 2, :] *= fdg
        phiu[k, :, :] = pi[0] * array(
            [[0.0, 0.0],
             [(-beta[k] * Thrust * sinAlpha * DAlfaDu1 -
               CD2 * alpha[k] * dens[k] * s_ref * V2 * DAlfaDu1) / m,
              Thrust * cosAlpha * DBetaDu2 / m],
             [(beta[k] * Thrust * cosAlpha * DAlfaDu1 / V +
               0.5 * CL1 * dens[k] * s_ref *
               (V) * DAlfaDu1) / m, Thrust * sinAlpha * DBetaDu2 /
              (m * V)], [0.0, -Thrust * DBetaDu2 / (grav_e * Isp)]])
        phiu[k, 2, :] *= fdg
        phip[k, :, :] = array(
            [[V * sinGama], [fVel / m - grav[k] * sinGama],
             [fNor / (m * V) + cosGama * ((V / r[k]) - (grav[k] / V))],
             [-(beta[k] * Thrust) / (grav_e * Isp)]])
        phip[k, 2, :] *= fdg
        fu[k, :] = array(
            [0.0, (pi[0] * Thrust * DBetaDu2) / (grav_e * Isp * (1 - s_f))])
        fp[k, 0] = (Thrust * beta[k]) / (grav_e * Isp * (1 - s_f))


    Grads['phix'] = phix
    Grads['phiu'] = phiu
    Grads['phip'] = phip
    Grads['fx'] = fx * scal
    Grads['fu'] = fu * scal
    Grads['fp'] = fp * scal
    #    Grads['gx'] = gx
    #    Grads['gp'] = gp
    Grads['psix'] = psix
    Grads['psip'] = psip
    return Grads
コード例 #5
def calcPhi(sizes, x, u, pi, constants, restrictions):
    N = sizes['N']
    #N0 = sizes['N0']
    n = sizes['n']
    grav_e = constants['grav_e']
    Thrust = constants['Thrust']
    Isp = constants['Isp']
    r_e = constants['r_e']
    GM = constants['GM']
    CL0 = constants['CL0']
    CL1 = constants['CL1']
    CD0 = constants['CD0']
    CD2 = constants['CD2']
    s_ref = constants['s_ref']
    DampCent = constants['DampCent']
    DampSlop = constants['DampSlop']
    alpha_min = restrictions['alpha_min']
    alpha_max = restrictions['alpha_max']
    beta_min = restrictions['beta_min']
    beta_max = restrictions['beta_max']
    sin = numpy.sin
    cos = numpy.cos
    tanh = numpy.tanh
    u1 = u[:, 0]
    u2 = u[:, 1]

    # calculate variables alpha and beta
    alpha = (alpha_max + alpha_min) / 2 + tanh(u1) * (alpha_max -
                                                      alpha_min) / 2
    beta = (beta_max + beta_min) / 2 + tanh(u2) * (beta_max - beta_min) / 2

    # calculate variables CL and CD
    CL = CL0 + CL1 * alpha
    CD = CD0 + CD2 * (alpha)**2

    # calculate L and D
    # TODO: making atmosphere.rho vectorized (array compatible) would increase
    # performance significantly!

    dens = numpy.empty(N)
    for k in range(N):
        dens[k] = rho(x[k, 0])

    pDynTimesSref = .5 * dens * (x[:, 1]**2) * s_ref
    L = CL * pDynTimesSref
    D = CD * pDynTimesSref

    # calculate r
    r = r_e + x[:, 0]

    # calculate grav
    grav = GM / r / r

    # calculate phi:
    phi = numpy.empty((N, n))

    # example rocket single stage to orbit with Lift and Drag
    sinGama = sin(x[:, 2])
    phi[:, 0] = pi[0] * x[:, 1] * sinGama
    phi[:, 1] = pi[0] * (
        (beta * Thrust * cos(alpha) - D) / x[:, 3] - grav * sinGama)
    phi[:, 2] = pi[0] * ((beta * Thrust * sin(alpha) + L) /
                         (x[:, 3] * x[:, 1]) + cos(x[:, 2]) *
                         (x[:, 1] / r - grav / x[:, 1]))
    #    phi[0,2] = 0.0
    #    for k in range(N0):
    #        phi[k,2] = 0.0
    dt = 1.0 / (N - 1)
    t = pi[0] * numpy.arange(0, 1.0 + dt, dt)
    phi[:,2] = pi[0] * ( (beta * Thrust * sin(alpha) + L)/(x[:,3] * x[:,1]) +
                          cos(x[:,2]) * ( x[:,1]/r  -  grav/x[:,1] )) * \
    phi[:, 3] = -(pi[0] * beta * Thrust) / (grav_e * Isp)

    return phi
コード例 #6
ファイル: itsModelCommon.py プロジェクト: ronaldochaves/SOAR
def mdlDer(t: float, x: list, alfaProg: callable, betaProg: callable,
           aed: callable, earth: callable, allResults: bool) -> list:

    # initialization
    h = x[0]
    v = x[1]
    gamma = x[2]
    M = x[3]

    if numpy.isnan(h):
        print('t: ', t)
        #  print('x: ', x)
        raise Exception('itsme saying: h is not a number')

    # Alpha control calculation
    alfat = alfaProg(t)

    # other calculations
    # btm = betaProg(t)*con['T']/M
    beta, Isp, T = betaProg(t)
    btm = beta * T / M
    sinGamma = numpy.sin(gamma)
    g = earth.g0 * (earth.R / (earth.R + h))**2 - (earth.we**2) * (earth.R + h)

    # aerodynamics
    qdinSrefM = 0.5 * rho(h) * (v**2) * aed.s_ref / M
    LM = qdinSrefM * (aed.CL0 + aed.CL1 * alfat)
    DM = qdinSrefM * (aed.CD0 + aed.CD2 * (alfat**2))

    if v < 1e-8:
        v = 1e-8

    # states derivatives
    ans = [
        v * sinGamma,  # coefficient
        btm * numpy.cos(alfat) - g * sinGamma - DM,  # coefficient
        btm * numpy.sin(alfat) / v +
        (v / (h + earth.R) - g / v) * numpy.cos(gamma) + (LM / v) +
        2 * earth.we,  # coefficient
        -btm * M / (earth.g0 * Isp)
    ]  # coefficient

    if allResults:

        sol = dict()
        sol['t [s]'] = t
        sol['h [km]'] = h
        sol['v [km]'] = v
        sol['gamma [rad]'] = gamma
        sol['M [kg]'] = M
        sol['dhdt [km/s]'] = ans[0]
        sol['a [km/s2]'] = ans[1]
        sol['dgdt [rad/s]'] = ans[2]
        sol['dmdt [kg/s]'] = ans[3]
        sol['L [kN]'] = LM * M
        sol['D [kN]'] = DM * M
        dens, Patm, Tatm, asound = atm(h)
        sol['rho [kg/km3]'] = dens
        sol['Patm [kPa]'] = Patm
        sol['Tatm [k]'] = Tatm
        sol['v_{sound} [km/s]'] = asound
        sol['Mach [-]'] = v / asound
        sol['qdin [kPa]'] = 0.5 * dens * (v**2)
        sol['Peff [kN]'] = g * M
        sol['Cl [-]'] = aed.CL0 + aed.CL1 * alfat
        sol['Cd [-]'] = aed.CD0 + aed.CD2 * (alfat**2)
        sol['theta [rad]'] = alfat + gamma
        sol['btm [km/s2]'] = btm

        a, e, E, momAng, ph, ah, h = orbitCalculation(x, earth)

        sol['semi-major axis [km]'] = a
        sol['eccentricity [-]'] = e
        sol['E [GJ]'] = E
        sol['momAng [GNm]'] = momAng
        sol['ph [km]'] = ph
        sol['ah [km]'] = ah

        ans = sol

    return ans