コード例 #1
 def test_dtypes(self, dtype):
     arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=dtype)
     mask = afr._make_mask_circle_centre(arr, 1)
         np.array([[True, False, True], [False, False, False],
                   [True, False, True]]))
コード例 #2
# Get data
sublattice = am.dummy_data.get_scanning_distortion_sublattice()

# Plotting sublattice
signal = sublattice.signal
signal._plot.signal_plot.figure.savefig(os.path.join(my_path, 'distortion_signal.png'))

# Getting cropped atom
atom_i = 200
atom = sublattice.atom_list[atom_i]
atom_x, atom_y = atom.pixel_x, atom.pixel_y
radius = 6
atom_image = atom._get_image_slice_around_atom(sublattice.image, radius)[0]
atom_mask = afr._make_mask_circle_centre(atom_image, radius)
atom_image[atom_mask] = 0

# Getting line center of mass
line_x_com_list = []
for ix in range(2, atom_image.shape[1] - 2):
    line_mask_x = atom_mask[:, ix]
    com_x_offset = line_mask_x[:round(len(line_mask_x)/2)].sum()
    line_x = atom_image[:, ix][np.invert(line_mask_x)]
    line_x_com = center_of_mass(line_x)[0] + com_x_offset

line_x_com_range = range(len(line_x_com_list))
line_x_com_poly = np.polyfit(line_x_com_range, line_x_com_list, deg=1)
line_x_com_fit = np.poly1d(line_x_com_poly)(line_x_com_range)
line_x_variation = np.array(line_x_com_list) - np.array(line_x_com_fit)
コード例 #3
    def estimate_local_scanning_distortion(
            self, image_data, radius=6, edge_skip=2):
        """Get the amount of local scanning distortion from an atomic column.

        This is done by assuming the atomic column has a symmetrical shape,
        like Gaussian or Lorentzian. The distortion is calculated by getting
        the image_data around the atom, given by the radius parameter.
        This gives a square cropped version of the image_data, where the
        region outside the radius is masked. For each line in the horizontal
        direction, the center of mass is found. This gives a list of
        horizontal positions as a function of the vertical lines.
        To remove the effects like astigmatism and mistilt a linear fit is
        fitted to this list of horizontal positions. This fit is then
        subtracted from the horizontal position. The distortion for the
        vertical lines is then calculated by getting the standard deviation
        of this list of values.
        Getting the horizontal distortions is calculated in a similar fashion,
        but with a list of vertical positions as a function of the horizontal

        image_data : 2D NumPy array
        radius : int
            Radius of the masked and cropped image. Default 6.
        edge_skip : int
            When the cropped image is masked with a circle,
            the edges will consist of very few unmasked pixels.
            The center of mass of these lines will be unreliable, so they're
            by default skipped. edge_skip = 2 means the two lines closest to
            the edge of the cropped image will be skipped. Default 2.

        scanning_distortion : tuple
            Both horizontal and vertical directions. For standard raster scans,
            horizontal will be the fast scan direction,
            and y the slow scan direction. Thus the returned values will be:
            (fast scan, slow scan), where typically the slow scan direction has
            the largest amount of distortion.

        >>> sl = am.dummy_data.get_scanning_distortion_sublattice()
        >>> atom = sl.atom_list[50]
        >>> distortion = atom.estimate_local_scanning_distortion(sl.image)

        atom_image = self._get_image_slice_around_atom(image_data, radius)[0]
        atom_mask = afr._make_mask_circle_centre(atom_image, radius)
        atom_image[atom_mask] = 0

        line_x_com_list = []
        for ix in range(edge_skip, atom_image.shape[1] - edge_skip):
            line_mask_x = atom_mask[:, ix]
            com_x_offset = line_mask_x[:round(len(line_mask_x)/2)].sum()
            line_x = atom_image[:, ix][np.invert(line_mask_x)]
            if np.any(line_x):
                line_x_com = center_of_mass(line_x)[0] + com_x_offset

        line_x_com_range = range(len(line_x_com_list))
        line_x_com_poly = np.polyfit(line_x_com_range, line_x_com_list, deg=1)
        line_x_com_fit = np.poly1d(line_x_com_poly)(line_x_com_range)
        line_x_variation = np.array(line_x_com_list) - np.array(line_x_com_fit)

        line_y_com_list = []
        for iy in range(edge_skip, atom_image.shape[0] - edge_skip):
            line_mask_y = atom_mask[iy]
            com_y_offset = line_mask_y[:round(len(line_mask_y)/2)].sum()
            line_y = atom_image[iy][np.invert(line_mask_y)]
            if np.any(line_y):
                line_y_com = center_of_mass(line_y)[0] + com_y_offset

        line_y_com_range = range(len(line_y_com_list))
        line_y_com_poly = np.polyfit(line_y_com_range, line_y_com_list, deg=1)
        line_y_com_fit = np.poly1d(line_y_com_poly)(line_y_com_range)
        line_y_variation = np.array(line_y_com_list) - np.array(line_y_com_fit)

        line_x_std = np.std(line_x_variation)
        line_y_std = np.std(line_y_variation)
        return line_x_std, line_y_std
コード例 #4
 def test_radius_2(self):
     arr = np.zeros((3, 3))
     mask = afr._make_mask_circle_centre(arr, 2)
     np.testing.assert_equal(mask == 0, True)
コード例 #5
 def test_wrong_arr_dimensions(self):
     arr = np.zeros((3, 3, 4))
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         afr._make_mask_circle_centre(arr, 2)
コード例 #6
 def test_radius_2(self):
     arr = np.zeros((3, 3))
     mask = afr._make_mask_circle_centre(arr, 2)
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(mask, np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.bool))
コード例 #7
 def test_different_arr_shapes(self, shape):
     arr = np.zeros(shape)
     mask = afr._make_mask_circle_centre(arr, 2)
     assert arr.shape == mask.shape