コード例 #1
 wf = get_wf_neb_from_endpoints(
         'ICHARG': 2,
         'EDIFF': 5E-5,
         'EDIFFG': -0.01,
         'IBRION': 2
     }, {
         'ICHARG': 2,
         'EDIFF': 5E-5,
         'EDIFFG': -0.01,
         'IBRION': 2
     }, {
         'IMAGES': 5,
         'EDIFF': 1E-4,
         'EDIFFG': -0.03,
         'IBRION': 3,
         'IOPT': 2,
         'ENCUT': 520,
         'ISYM': 1,
         'ICHAIN': 0,
         'SPRING': -5,
         'LCLIMB': 'TRUE',
         'NSW': 200,
         'PREC': 'Accurate',
         'IALGO': 48,
         'ALGO': 'Fast',
         'LREAL': 'Auto',
         'ISIF': 2,
         'ISMEAR': 1,
         'SIGMA': 0.1
         "grid_density": kpoint
     }, {
         "grid_density": kpoint
     }, {
         "grid_density": kpoint
         '%s_%s_%d_%d_GSFE_NEB_Calcualtion_%s' %
         (formula, key.replace(" ", ""), kpoint, layer,
コード例 #2
def wf_nudged_elastic_band(structures, parent, c=None):
    Nudged elastic band (NEB) workflow from the given structures and config dict.

    'is_optimized' default False
    'neb_round' default 1

        Length of Structure list and "is_optimized" are used to determine the workflow:
        1 structure    # The parent structure & two endpoint indexes provided; need relaxation.
                       # The parent structure & two endpoint indexes provided; no need to relax.
        2 structures   # Two endpoints provided; need to relax two endpoints.
                       # Two relaxed endpoints provided; no need to relax two endpoints.
        >=3 structures # All images including two endpoints are provided.

        structures ([Structure]):
            1) The parent structure
            2) Two endpoint structures
            3) An initial NEB path that comprises both images and endpoints
        parent (Structure): parent structure used to get two endpoints.
        c (dict): workflow config dict, basic format:
            {"fireworks": [],  "common_params": {}, "additional_ep_params": {},
             "additional_neb_params": {}}. When the length of structures is 1, "site_indices" key
             must be included in c. Note that "fireworks" is a list corresponding to the order of
    if not (isinstance(structures, list) and len(structures) > 0):
        raise ValueError("structures must be a list of Structure objects!")

    # config initialization
    c = c or {}
    # TODO: @shyuep - config dict params are typically capitalized and intended to be global
    # params unless namespaced. e.g. NEB.COMMON_PARAMS if it's only settings for NEB
    # workflows. -computron
    spec = c.get("common_params", {})
    is_optimized = spec.get("is_optimized", False)

    # TODO: @shyuep: the whole point of preset workflows is that they are supposed to be simple.
    # e.g., give a structure or a list of structures, and forget about the rest. Here it looks like
    # one needs to construct some kind of complicated configuration dictionary. Pretty sure no one
    # apart from the people in your group have any idea how to use these functions or set up this
    # config dict (which should not be necessary in the first place). -computron

    if c.get("fireworks"):  # Check config dict file
        fw_list = [f['fw'] for f in c.get("fireworks")]
        neb_round = len([f for f in fw_list if "NEBFW" in f])

        if neb_round < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "At least one NEB Fireworks (NEBFW) is needed in the config dict!"

        if len(structures) == 1:
            assert "site_indices" in spec, "Site indices not provided in config dict!"
            assert len(spec["site_indices"]
                       ) == 2, "Only two site indices should be provided!"

            if is_optimized:
                assert len(fw_list) == neb_round + 1
                assert len(fw_list) == neb_round + 2
        elif len(structures) == 2:
            if is_optimized:
                assert len(fw_list) == neb_round
                assert len(fw_list) == neb_round + 1
    else:  # Default settings if config dict is not provided.
        neb_round = 1

    # Get user_incar_settings, user_kpoints_settings & additional_cust_args
    user_incar_settings = [{}] * (neb_round + 2)
    user_kpoints_settings = [{"grid_density": 1000}] * (neb_round + 2)
    additional_cust_args = [{}] * (neb_round + 2)

    # TODO: @shyuep - I have no idea what's going on here -computron
    if "fireworks" in c:
        for i in range(1, len(c["fireworks"]) + 1):
            user_incar_settings[-i] = c["fireworks"][-i].get(
                "user_incar_settings", {})
            user_kpoints_settings[-i] = c["fireworks"][-i].get(
                "user_kpoints_settings", {"grid_density": 1000})
            additional_cust_args[-i] = c["fireworks"][-i].get(
                "additional_cust_args", {})

    kwargs = {
        "user_incar_settings": user_incar_settings,
        "user_kpoints_settings": user_kpoints_settings,
        "additional_cust_args": additional_cust_args

    # Assign workflow using the number of given structures
    if len(structures) == 1:
        wf = get_wf_neb_from_structure(structure=structures[0],
    elif len(structures) == 2:
        wf = get_wf_neb_from_endpoints(parent=parent,
    else:  # len(structures) >= 3
        wf = get_wf_neb_from_images(parent=parent,

    return wf