def test_run_deploy_qsub_fail_local(local_pathlib): runs, path = local_pathlib run = runs[0] run["environment"] = "qsub" inputs = get_inputs(run, path) assert deploy_run_qsub(runs[0], inputs, path, exec_errors=True) == False
def test_run_deploy_normal(context): runs, path = context inputs = get_inputs(runs[0], path) deploy_run_normal(runs[0], inputs, path) if not hasattr(path, "to_string"): assert os.path.exists( os.path.join(str(path), 'output/1_run_test_name/output.txt')) assert os.path.exists( os.path.join(str(path), 'output/1_run_test_name/output2.other')) else: expected = """Folder("test_tmp") File("config.yml") Folder("input") File("") File("") File("") Folder("output") Folder("1_run_test_name") File("config_1.yaml") File("") File("") File("output.txt") File("output2.other") File("") Folder("subfolder") File("dont_delete.txt")""" assert path.to_string(file_content=False) == expected assert path["output/1_run_test_name/"]._content == [ "test value replace frag" ]
def test_get_inputs(context): runs, path = context inputs = get_inputs(runs[0], path) assert sorted(list(inputs["files"].keys())) == ['', ''] assert list(inputs["scripts"].keys()) == [""] assert inputs["cmnds"] == [ "echo test_echo > output.txt", "cat > output2.txt", "mkdir subfolder; echo a > subfolder/to_delete.txt; echo b > subfolder/dont_delete.txt", "mkdir deletefolder; echo c > deletefolder/some.text" ]
def test_run_deploy_qsub_pass_remote(remote): runs, path = remote run = runs[0] run["environment"] = "qsub" inputs = get_inputs(run, path) # Travis doesn't allow setting global variable in command line if os.getenv('CI', False) and os.getenv('TMPDIR', False): if not os.path.exists(os.environ['TMPDIR']): os.makedirs(os.environ['TMPDIR']) temppath = mkdtemp(dir=os.environ['TMPDIR']) else: temppath = mkdtemp() try: with mock.patch( "atomic_hpc.deploy_runs._QSUB_CMNDLINE", "TMPDIR={0}; chmod +x run.qsub; ./run.qsub".format( str(temppath))): assert deploy_run_qsub(runs[0], inputs, path, exec_errors=True) == True finally: shutil.rmtree(temppath) # outfile = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(str(path), 'output/1_run_test_name/run.qsub')) # with as f: # assert "TMPDIR={0}; chmod +x run.qsub; ./run.qsub".format(str(temppath)) == outpath = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(str(path), 'output/1_run_test_name')) assert outpath.exists() expected = [ 'output/1_run_test_name/config_1.yaml', 'output/1_run_test_name/', 'output/1_run_test_name/', 'output/1_run_test_name/output.txt', 'output/1_run_test_name/output2.other', 'output/1_run_test_name/run.qsub', 'output/1_run_test_name/', 'output/1_run_test_name/subfolder', 'output/1_run_test_name/subfolder/dont_delete.txt' ] assert sorted([str(p.relative_to(path)) for p in outpath.glob("**/*")]) == sorted(expected) outfile = pathlib.Path( os.path.join(str(path), 'output/1_run_test_name/output2.other')) with as f: assert "test value replace frag" ==
def test_create_qsub(context): runs, path = context inputs = get_inputs(runs[0], path) out = _create_qsub(runs[0], "path/to/dir", inputs["cmnds"]) expected = """#!/bin/bash --login #PBS -N 1_run_test_nam #PBS -l walltime=1:10:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=16 #PBS -j oe echo "<qstat -f $PBS_JOBID>" qstat -f $PBS_JOBID echo "</qstat -f $PBS_JOBID>" # number of cores per node used export NCORES=16 # number of processes export NPROCESSES=16 # Make sure any symbolic links are resolved to absolute path readlink -f "." &> /dev/null || readlink_fail=true if [[ ! "$readlink_fail" = true ]]; then export PBS_O_WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $PBS_O_WORKDIR) else export PBS_O_WORKDIR=$(readlink $PBS_O_WORKDIR) fi # Set the number of threads to 1 # This prevents any system libraries from automatically # using threading. export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 echo Running: 1_run_test_name # load required modules module load quantum-espresso intel-suite mpi start_in_temp=true if [ "$start_in_temp" = true ] ; then if [ -z ${TMPDIR+x} ]; then echo "the TMPDIR variable does not exist" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "$TMPDIR" ]; then echo "the TMPDIR variable is empty" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "running in: $TMPDIR" cd $TMPDIR # copy required input files from $WORKDIR to $TMPDIR # if running on multiple nodes, then the files need to be copied to each one if [ ! -z ${PBS_NODEFILE+x} ]; then echo '$PBS_NODEFILE' found: $PBS_NODEFILE readarray -t PCLIST < $PBS_NODEFILE # get unique items IFS=$' ' PCLIST=($(printf "%s\n" "${PCLIST[@]}" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')) unset IFS # echo "running on nodes: ${PCLIST[*]}" for PC in "${PCLIST[@]}"; do echo "copying input files to node $PC" ssh $PC "if [ ! -d $TMPDIR ];then mkdir -p $TMPDIR;echo 'temporary directory on '$PC;fi" ssh $PC cp -pR path/to/dir/* $TMPDIR # echo `ssh $PC ls $TMPDIR` done else cp -pR path/to/dir/* $TMPDIR fi else echo "running in: path/to/dir" cd path/to/dir fi # main commands to run echo test_echo > output.txt cat > output2.txt mkdir subfolder; echo a > subfolder/to_delete.txt; echo b > subfolder/dont_delete.txt mkdir deletefolder; echo c > deletefolder/some.text # remove output files for path in $(find */to_delete.txt); do if [ -e $path ]; then rm -Rf $path; fi; done for path in $(find deletefolder); do if [ -e $path ]; then rm -Rf $path; fi; done for path in $(find tmp.*); do if [ -e $path ]; then rm -Rf $path; fi; done # rename output files find . -depth -name '*2.txt*' -execdir bash -c 'mv -i "$1" "${1//2.txt/2.other}"' bash {} \; if [ "$start_in_temp" = true ] ; then # copy output files from $TMPDIR to $WORKDIR cp -pR $TMPDIR/* path/to/dir cd path/to/dir fi """ # print(out) assert out == expected
def test_get_inputs_missing_file(context): runs, path = context run = runs[0] run["input"]["files"] = {"other_file": ""} with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = get_inputs(run, path)
def test_get_inputs_missing_file_in_script(context): runs, path = context run = runs[0] run["input"]["files"] = {} with pytest.raises(KeyError): _ = get_inputs(run, path)