def updateMode2(self): if self.state == 0: if self.cnt > 120: self.nextState() elif self.state == 1: # 右の画面外に移動 if self.cnt == 1: obj = enemy.Splash.appendDr(self.coreX, self.coreY -8, gcommon.C_LAYER_SKY, math.pi, math.pi/6, 20) obj.ground = True obj = enemy.Splash.appendDr(self.coreX -16, self.coreY, gcommon.C_LAYER_SKY, math.pi, math.pi/6, 20) obj.ground = True obj = enemy.Splash.appendDr(self.coreX, self.coreY +8, gcommon.C_LAYER_SKY, math.pi, math.pi/6, 20) obj.ground = True if self.coreX < 300: self.coreX += 4 if self.cnt == 120: gcommon.scroll_flag = True # ボスコアを生成 ObjMgr.addObj(BossLast1Core(self.coreX, self.coreY, self.isBossRush)) if self.isBossRush == False: ObjMgr.addObj(enemy.Delay(BossLastBaseExplosion, [], 240)) if self.x <= -160: self.remove() self.rad = (self.rad + math.pi/30) % (math.pi * 2)
def update(self): if self.cnt % 3 == 0: obj = ObjMgr.addObj(enemy.Explosion(32 +random.randrange(64), random.randrange(gcommon.SCREEN_MAX_Y), gcommon.C_LAYER_GRD, gcommon.C_EXPTYPE_SKY_M)) obj.particle = False if self.cnt < 120: # 120超えるとサウンドなし BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MID_EXP)
def broken(self): for feeler in self.feelers: feeler.remove() for feelerShot in self.feelerShots: feelerShot.remove() for cell in self.bossCells: if cell.removeFlag == False: cell.remove() self.remove() enemy.removeEnemyShot() ObjMgr.objs.append( boss.BossExplosion(gcommon.getCenterX(self), gcommon.getCenterY(self), gcommon.C_LAYER_EXP_SKY)) GameSession.addScore(self.score) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_LARGE_EXP) enemy.Splash.append(gcommon.getCenterX(self), gcommon.getCenterY(self), gcommon.C_LAYER_EXP_SKY) if self.isBossRush: gcommon.debugPrint("Boss2 call NextEvent") if self.timerObj != None: self.timerObj.stop() self.timerObj = None ObjMgr.objs.append(enemy.NextEvent([0, None, 240])) else: ObjMgr.objs.append(enemy.Delay(enemy.StageClear, None, 240))
def update(self): self.bgStarV.update() self.mouseManager.update() if self.mouseManager.visible: n = gcommon.checkMouseMenuPos(self.markerRects) if n != -1: self.rectIndex = n else: if gcommon.checkLeftP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.rectIndex -= 1 if self.rectIndex < 0: self.rectIndex = self.endIndex elif gcommon.checkRightP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.rectIndex += 1 if self.rectIndex > self.endIndex: self.rectIndex = 0 elif gcommon.checkUpP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) if self.rectIndex < 7: self.rectIndex = 26 + 10 + self.rectIndex elif self.rectIndex >= 7 and self.rectIndex < 13: self.rectIndex = self.endIndex elif self.rectIndex >= 13 and self.rectIndex < ( 26 + 10): # アルファベット+数字 self.rectIndex -= 13 elif self.rectIndex >= (26 + 10) and self.rectIndex < ( 26 + 10 + 7): # 記号+BS+End self.rectIndex -= 10 elif gcommon.checkDownP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) if self.rectIndex >= 0 and self.rectIndex < 13: # アルファベット1段目 self.rectIndex += 13 elif self.rectIndex >= 13 and self.rectIndex < ( 13 + 10): # アルファベット2段目の途中 self.rectIndex += 13 elif self.rectIndex >= ( 13 + 10) and self.rectIndex < 26: # アルファベット2段目の途中から2段目最後まで self.rectIndex = 26 + 10 - 1 elif self.rectIndex >= 26 and self.rectIndex < (26 + 7): self.rectIndex += 10 elif self.rectIndex >= (26 + 7) and self.rectIndex < (26 + 10): self.rectIndex = 26 + 10 + 7 - 1 else: self.rectIndex -= 26 + 10 if gcommon.checkShotKeyP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) if self.cursorPos < 3 and self.rectIndex < self.backSpaceIndex: += self.allChars[self.rectIndex] self.cursorPos += 1 elif self.cursorPos > 0 and self.rectIndex == self.backSpaceIndex: =[:-1] self.cursorPos -= 1 elif self.rectIndex == self.endIndex: self.addRecord()
def update(self): if self.state == 0: if self.cnt == 0: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_BOSS_EXP) elif self.cnt > 120: #self.nextState() self.remove() elif self.state == 1: if self.cnt > 40: self.remove()
def broken(self): gcommon.breakObjects(self.bat1List) gcommon.breakObjects(self.worm4List) self.setState(100) self.shotHitCheck = False self.hitCheck = False enemy.removeEnemyShot() GameSession.addScore(self.score) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_LARGE_EXP) enemy.Splash.append(self.x + 59, self.y + 64, gcommon.C_LAYER_EXP_SKY) ObjMgr.objs.append(enemy.Delay(enemy.StageClear, None, 200))
def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent = 190 self.px = 150 self.dy = -2 = 88 = 32 self.size = 1.0 self.state = 0 self.cnt = 0 self.message = "THE END" self.objs = [] BGM.playOnce(BGM.ENDING)
def addScore(cls, score): __class__.score += score __class__.scoreCheck += score if __class__.scoreFirstExtend == False and __class__.scoreCheck >= 20000: __class__.playerStock += 1 __class__.scoreFirstExtend = True BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_EXTENDED, gcommon.SOUND_CH1) gcommon.debugPrint("First Extended") elif __class__.scoreCheck >= 50000: __class__.playerStock += 1 __class__.scoreCheck = 0 BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_EXTENDED, gcommon.SOUND_CH1) gcommon.debugPrint("Extended by 50000")
def broken(self): self.remove() enemy.removeEnemyShot() ObjMgr.objs.append(boss.BossExplosion(gcommon.getCenterX(self), gcommon.getCenterY(self), gcommon.C_LAYER_EXP_SKY)) GameSession.addScore(self.score) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_LARGE_EXP) enemy.Splash.append(gcommon.getCenterX(self), gcommon.getCenterY(self), gcommon.C_LAYER_EXP_SKY) if self.isBossRush: if self.timerObj != None: self.timerObj.stop() self.timerObj = None ObjMgr.objs.append(enemy.NextEvent([0, None, 120])) else: ObjMgr.objs.append(enemy.Delay(enemy.StageClear, None, 240))
def checkMyShipCollision(self): if gcommon.check_collision(self, ObjMgr.myShip): self.hitCheck = False if self.state == 0: # しばらくすると当たり判定 self.setState(1) else: self.setState(3) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_ITEM_GET, gcommon.SOUND_CH2) if self.hide: GameSession.addScore(1000) else: GameSession.addScore(500) return False
def broken(self): self.mode = 2 self.setState(0) self.hitCheck = False self.shotHitCheck = False self.removeAllShot() enemy.removeEnemyShot() BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_LARGE_EXP) enemy.Splash.append(gcommon.getCenterX(self), gcommon.getCenterY(self), gcommon.C_LAYER_EXP_SKY) GameSession.addScore(self.score) if self.isBossRush: if self.timerObj != None: self.timerObj.stop() self.timerObj = None
def doShot(self, shotGroups, x, y, n): if len(shotGroups) < self.shotMax: shotGroup = MyShotGroup(shotGroups) #shotGroup.shotGroups = shotGroups if self.weapon == 0: # Double self.shotMax = 2 #self.appendShot(shotGroup, self.createShot(x+12, y +4, 8, 0, 0)) self.appendShot(shotGroup, MyShotBDouble(x + 14, y + 7.5, 0)) self.appendShot(shotGroup, MyShotBDouble(x + 10, y + 4, 1)) if n == -1: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT) elif self.weapon == 1: self.shotMax = 2 self.appendShot(shotGroup, MyShotBDouble(x + 14, y + 7.5, 0)) self.appendShot(shotGroup, MyShotBDouble(x, y + 7.5, 2)) if n == -1: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT) elif self.weapon == 2: self.shotMax = 1 self.appendShot(shotGroup, MyShotBLaser(self.posList, self.posLate, n)) if n == -1: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT) else: self.shotMax = 2 self.appendShot(shotGroup, MyShotBRipple(x + 16, y + 7)) if n == -1: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT) shotGroups.append(shotGroup)
def shotMain(self): r = self.gunRad + math.pi px = self.gun_cx + math.cos(r + math.pi/20) * 30 py = self.gun_cy + math.sin(r + math.pi/20) * 30 enemy.enemy_shot_rad(px, py, 4.5, 1, r) px = self.gun_cx + math.cos(r + math.pi/20) * 25 py = self.gun_cy + math.sin(r + math.pi/20) * 25 enemyOthers.Spark1.create2(px, py, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) px = self.gun_cx + math.cos(r - math.pi/20) * 30 py = self.gun_cy + math.sin(r - math.pi/20) * 30 enemy.enemy_shot_rad(px, py, 4.5, 1, r) px = self.gun_cx + math.cos(r - math.pi/20) * 25 py = self.gun_cy + math.sin(r - math.pi/20) * 25 enemyOthers.Spark1.create2(px, py, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT2)
def shotDanmaku(self): if self.cnt & 31 == 31: speed = 2.5 enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52, self.y + 16, speed, 0, 35) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48, self.y + 22, speed, 0, 31) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48, self.y + 42, speed, 0, 33) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52, self.y + 48, speed, 0, 27) if GameSession.isHard(): enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52, self.y + 16, speed, 0, 37) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52, self.y + 48, speed, 0, 29) else: speed = 1.5 enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52, self.y + 16, speed, 1, 36) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52, self.y + 48, speed, 1, 28) if GameSession.isHard(): enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48, self.y + 22, speed, 1, 34) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48, self.y + 42, speed, 1, 30) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT2)
def shotFix4(self): ox = 0 if self.isLeft else 8 if self.shotFlag: enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48 + ox * 2, self.y + 22, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 + 3)) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52 + ox, self.y + 16, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 + 7)) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48 + ox * 2, self.y + 42, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 - 3)) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52 + ox, self.y + 48, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 - 7)) self.shotFlag = False else: enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48 + ox * 2, self.y + 22, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 + 1)) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52 + ox, self.y + 16, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 + 5)) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 48 + ox * 2, self.y + 42, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 - 1)) enemy.enemy_shot_dr(self.x + 52 + ox, self.y + 48, 4, 1, self.getDirection(32 - 5)) self.shotFlag = True BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT2)
def update(self): self.star_pos -= 0.25 if self.star_pos<0: self.star_pos += 256 self.mouseManager.update() if self.state == 0: if self.cnt == 20: if self.cnt > 20: if gcommon.checkUpP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.currentIndex -= 1 if self.currentIndex < 0: self.currentIndex = len(self.nextStageList) -1 elif gcommon.checkDownP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.currentIndex += 1 if self.currentIndex >= len(self.nextStageList): self.currentIndex = 0 elif gcommon.checkShotKeyP(): BGM.stop() BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_GAMESTART) self.state = 1 self.cnt = 0 else: for i, stageInfo in enumerate(self.nextStageList): rect = gcommon.Rect.createWH(stageInfo.x + StageSelect.nodeBaseX, stageInfo.y + StageSelect.nodeBaseY, 32, 16) if rect.contains(pyxel.mouse_x, pyxel.mouse_y): self.currentIndex = i else: #print(str(self.cnt)) if self.cnt > 40:[self.currentIndex].stage) self.currentStageInfo = self.nextStageList[self.currentIndex] self.cnt += 1
def doEffect(self, effectSound): # 跳弾表示 ObjMgr.addObj(enemy.Particle1(self.x + self.right, self.y, 0.0, 4, 50)) if effectSound: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_HIT, gcommon.SOUND_CH2)
def doEffect(self, effectSound): # 跳弾表示 enemy.Particle1.appendShotCenter(self) if effectSound: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_HIT, gcommon.SOUND_CH2)
def update(self): if gcommon.sync_map_y != 0: gcommon.cur_map_dy = 0 self.afterBurner = False if self.sub_scene == 1: # ゲーム中 self.actionButtonInput() elif self.sub_scene == 2: # 爆発中 if self.cnt > 90: # 爆発中を終了 if GameSession.playerStock == 0: #self.sub_scene = 10 self.setSubScene(10) self.cnt = 0 self.sprite = 1 self.x = -16 self.parent.OnPlayerStockOver() else: GameSession.playerStock -= 1 #--restart_game() #self.sub_scene=3 self.setSubScene(3) self.cnt = 0 self.sprite = 1 self.x = -16 elif self.sub_scene == 3: # 復活中 self.dx = 0 self.x += 1 if self.x >= gcommon.MYSHIP_START_X: self.cnt = 0 #self.sub_scene = 4 self.setSubScene(4) elif self.sub_scene == 4: # 無敵中 self.actionButtonInput() if self.cnt == 120: self.cnt = 0 self.sub_scene = 1 elif self.sub_scene == 5: # scene == 5 self.afterBurner = True # クリア時 if self.cnt == 0: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_AFTER_BURNER) if self.x < 256 + 32: if self.dx < 8: self.dx += 0.25 self.x += self.dx elif self.sub_scene == 6: pass else: # sub_scene = 10 # continue確認中 pass # 水しぶき if self.cnt % 10 == 0: if self.y + gcommon.map_y + 12 > gcommon.waterSurface_y and self.y + gcommon.map_y + 8 <= gcommon.waterSurface_y: enemy.Splash.appendDr3(self.x + 16, self.y + 8, gcommon.C_LAYER_GRD, math.pi + math.pi / 16, math.pi / 8, 6.0, 20, 50, 10) elif self.y + gcommon.map_y + 8 > gcommon.waterSurface_y: enemy.Splash.appendDr3(self.x, self.y + 8, gcommon.C_LAYER_GRD, math.pi, math.pi / 12, 2.0, 10, 20, 10) self.cnt += 1
def shot(self): if len(ObjMgr.shotGroups) < self.shotMax: shotGroup = MyShotGroup(ObjMgr.shotGroups) if self.weapon == 0: self.shotMax = 6 ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 12, self.y + 4, 8, 0, 0))) elif self.weapon == 1: self.shotMax = 5 dx = 8 * math.cos(math.pi - math.pi / 64 * self.roundAngle) dy = 8 * math.sin(math.pi - math.pi / 64 * self.roundAngle) ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 6, self.y + 4, dx, dy, 1))) ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 6, self.y + 4, dx, -dy, 1))) else: self.shotMax = 2 # 前 ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 12, self.y + 4, 6, 0, 2))) # やや斜め前 ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 12, self.y + 4, 5.5, 2.3, -3))) ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 12, self.y + 4, 5.5, -2.3, 3))) # 斜め前 ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 12, self.y + 4, 4.2, 4.2, -4))) ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x + 12, self.y + 4, 4.2, -4.2, 4))) # 斜め後 ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x - 2, self.y + 4, -4.2, 4.2, 4))) ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x - 2, self.y + 4, -4.2, -4.2, -4))) # 後ろ ObjMgr.shots.append( shotGroup.append( self.createShot(self.x - 2, self.y + 4, -6, 0, 2))) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT) ObjMgr.shotGroups.append(shotGroup)
def init(self):
def initStage(cls, stage, restart): gcommon.breakableMapData = False pyxel.tilemap(0).refimg = 1 gcommon.waterSurface_y = 256 * 8.0 gcommon.scrollController = None # タイルマップクリア __class__.clearTilemap() if stage == "1A": #pyxel.load("assets/graslay_vehicle01.pyxres", False, False, True, True) pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay1.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = False gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay1.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/graslay1b.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay1.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 if restart or GameSession.gameMode == gcommon.GAMEMODE_CUSTOM: # 初期スタートは発艦時にBGM開始されているので、BGM流すのはリスタート・カスタム時だけ elif stage == "2A": # 生物 #pyxel.load("assets/graslay_dangeon22.pyxres", False, False, True, True) pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = False gcommon.draw_star = False gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay2.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay2.mapatr") elif stage == "2B": # 洞窟 pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_cave.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_cave-2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 2 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = False gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = True MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/stage_cave.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/stage_caveb.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/stage_cave.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 elif stage == "3B": # 倉庫 pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_warehouse.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_warehouse-2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = False gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/stage_warehouse0.pyxmap") # 手前に見えるマップ MapData.loadMapData(2, "assets/stage_warehouse1.pyxmap") # 奥に見えるマップ MapData.loadMapData(5, "assets/stage_warehousei.pyxmap") # アイテム用マップ MapData.loadMapData(7, "assets/stage_warehouseb.pyxmap") # 遠景 pyxel.tilemap(0).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(2).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(7).refimg = 1 # background MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/stage_warehouse.mapatr") elif stage == "3A": # 高速スクロール pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay3.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 1 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False gcommon.breakableMapData = True MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay3-0.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/graslay3-1.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(2, "assets/graslay3b.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay3.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(2).refimg = 1 elif stage == "3C": # 巨大戦艦 pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_battleship.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_battleship-2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/stage_battleship.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/stage_battleship-2.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/stage_battleship.mapatr") MapData.loadMapAttribute2("assets/stage_battleship-2.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(0).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 2 elif stage == "4A": # 遺跡 pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay4.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = False gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay4.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/graslay4b.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay4.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 elif stage == "4B": # 迷宮 pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_labyrinth.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_labyrinth2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/stage_labyrinth.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/stage_labyrinth2.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(7, "assets/stage_labyrinthb.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/stage_labyrinth.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(7).refimg = 1 elif stage == "5A": # ファクトリー pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay_factory.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay_factory-2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay_factory.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/graslay_factoryb.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay_factory.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 elif stage == "5B": # 火 pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_fire.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_fire2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/stage_fire0.pyxmap") # 基地 MapData.loadMapData(2, "assets/stage_fire1.pyxmap") # 火 MapData.loadMapData(7, "assets/stage_fireb.pyxmap") # 遠景? MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/stage_fire.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(0).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(2).refimg = 1 elif stage == "6A": # 最終ステージA pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay_last.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/graslay_last-1.png") #pyxel.image(2).load(0,0,"assets/graslay_last-2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay_last.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/graslay_lastb.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay_last.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 elif stage == "6B": # 最終ステージB pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_enemybase.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/stage_enemybase-2.png") #pyxel.image(2).load(0,0,"assets/graslay_last-2.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = True gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False gcommon.breakableMapData = True gcommon.scrollController = ScrollController1( __class__.scrollTable6B) MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/stage_enemybase.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/stage_enemybase-2.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(2, "assets/stage_enemybase-3.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(7, "assets/stage_enemybaseb.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/stage_enemybase.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(2).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(4).refimg = 1 pyxel.tilemap(7).refimg = 1 elif stage == "B1": #pyxel.load("assets/graslay_vehicle01.pyxres", False, False, True, True) #pyxel.image(1).load(0,0,"assets/banana1.png") gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 gcommon.long_map = False gcommon.draw_star = True gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay1.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapData(1, "assets/graslay1b.pyxmap") MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay1.mapatr") pyxel.tilemap(1).refimg = 1 #elif self.stage == 3: # pyxel.image(1).load(0,0,"assets\gra-den3a.png") # pyxel.image(2).load(0,0,"assets\gra-den3b.png") # gcommon.draw_star = True # bossRushScrollConteroller3A = [ # [0, ScrollController1.LOOP_X, 64*8, 96*8], # 0 # [0, ScrollController1.SET_SCROLL, 2.0, 0.0], # 1 # ] # class InitStage3A(EnemyBase): # def __init__(self, t): # super(__class__, self).__init__() # pyxel.image(1).load(0,0,"assets/graslay3.png") # gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 # gcommon.long_map = False # gcommon.draw_star = True # gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False # gcommon.breakableMapData = False # MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/graslay3rush.pyxmap") # MapData.loadMapData(2, "assets/graslay3b.pyxmap") # MapData.loadMapAttribute("assets/graslay3.mapatr") # pyxel.tilemap(2).refimg = 1 # gcommon.scrollController = ScrollController1(bossRushScrollConteroller3A) # ObjMgr.setDrawMap(MapDraw3rush()) # def update(self): # gcommon.eventManager.nextEvent() # self.remove() # class EndStage3A(EnemyBase): # def __init__(self, t): # super(__class__, self).__init__() # gcommon.scrollController = None # ObjMgr.setDrawMap(None) # gcommon.cur_scroll_x = 0.5 # gcommon.cur_scroll_y = 0.0 # def update(self): # gcommon.eventManager.nextEvent() # self.remove() # class InitStage3B(EnemyBase): # def __init__(self, t): # super(__class__, self).__init__() # pyxel.image(1).load(0,0,"assets/stage_warehouse.png") # pyxel.image(2).load(0,0,"assets/stage_warehouse-2.png") # self.layer = gcommon.C_LAYER_UNDER_GRD # gcommon.sync_map_y = 0 # gcommon.long_map = False # gcommon.draw_star = True # gcommon.eshot_sync_scroll = False # gcommon.breakableMapData = False # MapData.loadMapData(0, "assets/stage_warehouse-rush.pyxmap") # 手前に見えるマップ # pyxel.tilemap(0).refimg = 1 # ObjMgr.setDrawMap(None) # gcommon.cur_scroll_x = 0.0 # gcommon.cur_scroll_y = 0.0 # gcommon.map_x = 0 # gcommon.map_y = 0 # gcommon.debugPrint("InitStage3B") # def update(self): # if self.cnt < 90: # pass # else: # gcommon.eventManager.nextEvent() # self.remove() # def draw(self): # if self.state == 0: # x = math.pow(1 - (self.cnt/90.0), 3) # pyxel.bltm(x * 256, 4, 0, 40, 0, 32, 24, 3)
def addPlayerStock(cls): __class__.playerStock += 1 BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_EXTENDED, gcommon.SOUND_CH1)
def update(self): if self.state == 0: self.x -= 1 if self.x <= 256 - 88: self.nextState() self.body.x = self.x + 20 self.anchor.x = self.body.x - 8 self.anchor.y = self.body.y + 16 elif self.state == 1: if self.cnt > 30: self.nextState() elif self.state == 2: if self.mode == 0: # 上に移動 self.body.y -= 2 if self.body.y < self.body_min_y: self.body.y = self.body_min_y self.setMode(1) elif self.mode == 1: # 下に移動 self.body.y += 2 if self.body.y > self.body_max_y: self.body.y = self.body_max_y self.nextState() self.setBodyAnchorPos() elif self.state == 3: # 下端からショットを打ちながら上端まで移動 self.body.y -= 1 if self.body.y < self.body_min_y: self.body.y = self.body_min_y self.nextState() elif self.cnt % self.mainShotCycle == 0: ObjMgr.addObj(Boss3Shot(self.x, self.body.y + 12, 4)) ObjMgr.addObj(Boss3Shot(self.x, self.body.y + 37, 4)) enemyOthers.Spark1.create(self.body, 2, 12, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) enemyOthers.Spark1.create(self.body, 2, 37, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT3) self.setBodyAnchorPos() elif self.state == 4: cy = gcommon.getCenterY(ObjMgr.myShip) if cy > self.body.y + 25: self.body.y += 1 if self.body.y > self.body_max_y: self.body.y = self.body_max_y elif cy < self.body.y + 23: self.body.y -= 1 if self.body.y < self.body_min_y: self.body.y = self.body_min_y self.setBodyAnchorPos() if self.cnt % self.shotCycle == 0: enemy.enemy_shot_multi(self.x + 20, self.y + 27, 2, 0, 5, 5) enemyOthers.Spark1.create2(self.x + 20, self.y + 27, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) enemy.enemy_shot_multi(self.x + 20, self.y + 176 - 27, 2, 0, 5, 5) enemyOthers.Spark1.create2(self.x + 20, self.y + 176 - 27, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT2) if self.cnt > 180: self.nextState() elif self.state == 5: if self.mode == 0: # アンカーが伸びる if self.modeCnt == 0: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_BOSS3_ANCHOR) self.anchor.x -= 8 if self.anchor.x <= 0: self.anchor.x = 0 self.nextMode() elif self.mode == 1: # アンカーが伸びきった if self.modeCnt > 30: self.nextMode() else: self.modeCnt += 1 elif self.mode == 2: # アンカーが縮む self.anchor.x += 4 if self.anchor.x >= self.body.x - 8: self.anchor.x = self.body.x - 8 self.nextMode() elif self.mode == 3: if self.modeCnt > 30: self.nextState() else: self.modeCnt += 1 elif self.state == 6: # 上に移動 self.body.y -= 2 if self.body.y < self.body_min_y: self.body.y = self.body_min_y self.nextState() self.setBodyAnchorPos() elif self.state == 7: # 上端からショットを打ちながら下端まで移動 self.body.y += 1 if self.body.y > self.body_max_y: self.body.y = self.body_max_y self.nextState() elif self.cnt % self.mainShotCycle == 0: ObjMgr.addObj(Boss3Shot(self.x, self.body.y + 12, 4)) ObjMgr.addObj(Boss3Shot(self.x, self.body.y + 37, 4)) enemyOthers.Spark1.create(self.body, 2, 12, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) enemyOthers.Spark1.create(self.body, 2, 37, gcommon.C_LAYER_E_SHOT) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_SHOT2) self.setBodyAnchorPos() elif self.state == 8: # 中心に移動 self.body.y -= 1 if self.body.y < 72: self.body.y = 72 self.nextState() self.setBodyAnchorPos() elif self.state == 9: # 体当たり・戻る if self.mode == 0: # 体当たり self.x -= 4 if self.x <= -8: self.x = -8 self.nextMode() elif self.mode == 1: # 左端まで移動した後の停止状態 if self.modeCnt > 30: self.nextMode() else: self.modeCnt += 1 elif self.mode == 2: # 戻る self.x += 2 if self.x >= 256 - 88: self.x = 256 - 88 self.setState(2) self.cycleCount += 1 self.setBodyAnchorPos() r = random.randrange(0, 15) if r == 0: enemy.Splash.appendParam(self.x + 16, self.y, gcommon.C_LAYER_GRD, math.pi - math.pi / 32, math.pi / 16, speed=6.0, lifeMin=20, lifeMax=50, count=10, color=10) elif r == 5: enemy.Splash.appendParam(self.x + 16, self.y + 176, gcommon.C_LAYER_GRD, math.pi + math.pi / 32, math.pi / 16, speed=6.0, lifeMin=20, lifeMax=50, count=10, color=10) # マップループ if gcommon.map_x >= 6800 + 256: gcommon.map_x -= 8 * 4
def update(self): if self.state == 0: if self.x <= 170: self.nextState() elif self.state == 1: if self.cnt == 80: self.layer = gcommon.C_LAYER_SKY self.ground = False self.dx = 0.05 self.dy = 0.0 self.nextState() elif self.state == 2: self.x += self.dx self.y += self.dy if self.x > 150: self.dx = 0 self.hp = boss.BOSS_2_HP # ここでHPを入れなおす self.setState(4) gcommon.debugPrint("x=" + str(self.x) + " y=" + str(self.y) + " dx=" + str(self.dx) + " dy=" + str(self.dy)) elif self.state == 4: self.x += self.dx self.y += self.dy self.brake = False mode = boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][0] if mode == 0: if self.subcnt == boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3]: self.nextTbl() elif mode == 1: if self.x < boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3]: self.dx *= 0.95 self.dy *= 0.95 self.brake = True if abs(self.dx) < 0.01: self.dx = 0 self.nextTbl() else: self.addDxDy() elif mode == 2: if self.x > boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3]: self.dx *= 0.95 self.dy *= 0.95 self.brake = True if abs(self.dx) < 0.01: self.dx = 0 self.nextTbl() else: self.addDxDy() elif mode == 3: # 上制限(上移動) if self.y < boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3]: self.dx *= 0.95 self.dy *= 0.95 self.brake = True if abs(self.dy) <= 0.01: self.nextTbl() else: self.addDxDy() elif mode == 4: # 下制限(下移動) if self.y > boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3]: self.dx *= 0.95 self.dy *= 0.95 self.brake = True if abs(self.dy) <= 0.01: self.nextTbl() else: self.addDxDy() elif mode == 5: # 触手伸ばす if self.subcnt == 1: self.feelers[0].subDr = -1 self.feelers[1].subDr = 1 self.feelers[2].subDr = -1 self.feelers[3].subDr = 1 self.feelers[0].setMode(1) self.feelers[1].setMode(1) self.feelers[2].setMode(1) self.feelers[3].setMode(1) if self.subcnt == boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3]: self.feelers[0].setMode(2) self.feelers[1].setMode(2) self.feelers[2].setMode(2) self.feelers[3].setMode(2) self.nextTbl() elif mode == 6: # 触手縮める if self.subcnt == 1: self.feelers[0].setMode(3) self.feelers[1].setMode(3) self.feelers[2].setMode(3) self.feelers[3].setMode(3) if self.subcnt == boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3]: self.nextTbl() elif mode == 100: # 指定インデックスに移動 self.tblIndex = boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][3] self.cycleCount += 1 self.subcnt = 0 attack = boss2tbl[self.tblIndex][4] if attack == 1: # 触手伸ばす攻撃 #if self.cycleCount & 1 == 0: if self.subcnt == 1: self.shotBoss2Feeler(self.x + 16, self.y + 29, math.pi * 0.75) BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_FEELER_GROW) elif self.subcnt == 20: self.shotBoss2Feeler(self.x + 16, self.y + 8, math.pi * 1.25) elif self.subcnt == 40 and GameSession.isNormalOrMore(): self.shotBoss2Feeler(self.x + 50, self.y + 8, math.pi * 1.5) elif self.subcnt == 60 and GameSession.isHard(): self.shotBoss2Feeler(self.x + 50, self.y + 29, math.pi * 0.5) self.subcnt += 1 elif self.state == 900: self.x -= 1 if self.x <= 150: self.dx = 0.0 self.dy = 0.0 self.timerObj = enemy.Timer1.create(30) self.hp = boss.BOSS_2_HP self.setState(4)
def init(self): pyxel.image(1).load(0, 0, "assets/launch1.png") pyxel.image(2).load(0, 0, "assets/launch2.png")
def update(self): gcommon.star_pos -= 0.2 if gcommon.star_pos < 0: gcommon.star_pos += 255 if self.state == 0: #self.x += self.dx self.dx = (self.targetX - self.x) * 0.075 if self.dx < -2: self.dx = -2 elif abs(self.dx) < 0.1: self.nextState() return self.x += self.dx gcommon.star_pos += self.dx #if self.x > -120: # self.nextState() #if self.y <gcommon.MYSHIP_START_Y -50: # self.nextState() elif self.state == 1: self.wx = self.x + 116 self.wy = self.y + 50 self.nextState() elif self.state == 2: # 自機発艦準備 if (self.y + 64) > += 0.25 self.y2 += 0.25 if self.cnt > 60 and self.cnt < 90: self.afterBurner = 1 BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_AFTER_BURNER) elif self.cnt >= 90: self.nextState() self.mdx = 1 elif self.state == 3: # 発艦 self.x += self.dx gcommon.star_pos += self.dx if self.dx > -3: self.dx -= 0.25 += self.mdx if self.cnt > 90: self.afterBurner = 2 self.mdx -= 0.01 if self.cnt & 7 == 0 and self.mdx > 0 and < 150: self.objs.append( enemy.Particle1(, + 10, math.pi + math.pi / 8, 8, 50)) if self.mdx <= -1.5: self.nextState() elif self.state == 4: self.x += -3 self.dx = (gcommon.MYSHIP_START_X - * 0.1 if self.dx < -3: self.dx = -3 gcommon.star_pos += self.dx self.mdx = (gcommon.MYSHIP_START_X - * 0.1 if self.mdx < -1.5: self.mdx = -1.5 += self.mdx if int( == gcommon.MYSHIP_START_X: newObjs = [] for obj in self.objs: if obj.removeFlag == False: obj.update() newObjs.append(obj) self.objs = newObjs self.cnt += 1
def update100(self): self.mouseManager.update() if self.state >= 100 and self.state < 200: if self.mouseManager.visible: n = gcommon.checkMouseMenuPos(self.menuRects) if n != -1: self.menuPos = n if gcommon.checkUpP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.menuPos = (self.menuPos - 1) % 5 elif gcommon.checkDownP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.menuPos = (self.menuPos + 1) % 5 elif pyxel.btnp(pyxel.KEY_T): return if self.menuPos == TITLEMENU_START: n = -1 if self.mouseManager.visible: n = gcommon.checkMouseMenuPos(self.difficultyRects) if gcommon.checkLeftP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 0): if self.difficulty > 0: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.difficulty -= 1 return elif gcommon.checkRightP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 1): if self.difficulty < 2: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.difficulty += 1 return elif gcommon.checkShotKeyRectP( self.menuRects[TITLEMENU_START]): BGM.stop() BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_GAMESTART) # ここですぐにはゲームスタートしない self.state = 200 self.cnt = 0 return elif self.menuPos == TITLEMENU_CUSTOMSTART: if gcommon.checkShotKeyRectP( self.menuRects[TITLEMENU_CUSTOMSTART]): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) return elif self.menuPos == TITLEMENU_BOSSRUSHSTART: if gcommon.checkShotKeyRectP( self.menuRects[TITLEMENU_BOSSRUSHSTART]): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) return elif self.menuPos == TITLEMENU_OPTION: if gcommon.checkShotKeyRectP(self.menuRects[TITLEMENU_OPTION]): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) return elif self.menuPos == TITLEMENU_EXIT: if gcommon.checkShotKeyRectP(self.menuRects[TITLEMENU_EXIT]): pyxel.quit() if self.state == 102: # 明るくなる if self.subCnt > 3: self.subState += 1 self.subCnt = 0 if self.subState == len(TitleScene.colorTable3): self.subState = len(TitleScene.colorTable3) - 1 self.state = 103 self.subCnt += 1 elif self.state == 103: # 戻る if self.subCnt > 3: self.subState -= 1 self.subCnt = 0 if self.subState == 0: self.state = 104 self.cnt = 0 return self.subCnt += 1 elif self.state == 104: if self.subCnt > 32: self.state = 100 self.cnt = 0 return self.subCnt += 1 elif self.state == 200: # GAME START if self.cnt > 40: self.cnt += 1 if self.cnt >= 5 * 60: self.cnt = 0 if self.state == 100: self.state = 102 self.subState = 0 self.subCnt = 0
def update(self): self.star_pos -= 0.25 if self.star_pos<0: self.star_pos += 256 self.mouseManager.update() if self.state == 0: if self.cnt == 20: if self.cnt > 20: if gcommon.checkUpP(): if self.currentStageInfo.parentList != None: lst = self.currentStageInfo.parentList[0].nextStageList if len(lst) > 1: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.currentIndex -= 1 if self.currentIndex < 0: self.currentIndex = len(lst) -1 self.currentStageInfo = lst[self.currentIndex] elif gcommon.checkDownP(): if self.currentStageInfo.parentList != None: lst = self.currentStageInfo.parentList[0].nextStageList if lst != None and len(lst) > 1: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.currentIndex += 1 if self.currentIndex >= len(lst): self.currentIndex = 0 self.currentStageInfo = lst[self.currentIndex] elif gcommon.checkRightP(): lst = self.currentStageInfo.nextStageList if lst != None: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) if self.currentIndex >= len(lst): self.currentIndex = len(lst) -1 self.currentStageInfo = self.currentStageInfo.nextStageList[self.currentIndex] #gcommon.debugPrint("index = " + str(self.currentIndex) + " " + self.currentStageInfo.stage) elif gcommon.checkLeftP(): if self.currentStageInfo.parentList != None: BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.currentStageInfo = self.currentStageInfo.parentList[0] self.currentIndex = 0 #gcommon.debugPrint("index = " + str(self.currentIndex) + " " + self.currentStageInfo.stage) elif gcommon.checkShotKeyP(): BGM.stop() BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_GAMESTART) self.state = 1 self.cnt = 0 else: if self.mouseManager.visible: stageInfo = self.getMouseSelectedStageInfo(self.rootStageInfo) if stageInfo != None: self.currentStageInfo = stageInfo else: #print(str(self.cnt)) if self.cnt > 40: self.cnt += 1
def update(self): self.star_pos -= 0.25 if self.star_pos<0: self.star_pos += 200 self.mouseManager.update() if self.cnt >= 6*60: self.cnt = 0 if self.state == 0: if gcommon.checkUpP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.menuPos -= 1 if self.menuPos == MENU_WEAPON_OPTION and Settings.weaponType == gcommon.WeaponType.TYPE_A: self.menuPos = MENU_WEAPON_TYPE if self.menuPos < 0: self.menuPos = 4 if gcommon.checkDownP(): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) self.menuPos += 1 if self.menuPos == MENU_WEAPON_OPTION and Settings.weaponType == gcommon.WeaponType.TYPE_A: self.menuPos = MENU_GAME_START if self.menuPos > 4: self.menuPos = 0 if self.mouseManager.visible: n = gcommon.checkMouseMenuPos(self.menuRects) if n != -1: self.menuPos = n if self.menuPos == MENU_PLAYER_STOCK: n = -1 if self.mouseManager.visible: n = gcommon.checkMouseMenuPos(self.playerStockRects) if gcommon.checkRightP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 1): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) Settings.playerStock += 1 if Settings.playerStock > 99: Settings.playerStock = 99 elif gcommon.checkLeftP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 0): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) Settings.playerStock -= 1 if Settings.playerStock < 1: Settings.playerStock = 1 elif self.menuPos == MENU_WEAPON_TYPE: n = -1 if self.mouseManager.visible: n = gcommon.checkMouseMenuPos(self.weaponTypeRects) if gcommon.checkRightP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 1): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) Settings.weaponType = gcommon.WeaponType.TYPE_B elif gcommon.checkLeftP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 0): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) Settings.weaponType = gcommon.WeaponType.TYPE_A elif self.menuPos == MENU_WEAPON_OPTION: n = -1 if self.mouseManager.visible: n = gcommon.checkMouseMenuPos(self.multipleRects) if gcommon.checkRightP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 1): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) Settings.multipleCount += 1 if Settings.multipleCount > 20: Settings.multipleCount = 20 elif gcommon.checkLeftP() or (gcommon.checkShotKeyP() and n == 0): BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) Settings.multipleCount -= 1 if Settings.multipleCount < 0: Settings.multipleCount = 0 elif self.menuPos == MENU_GAME_START: n = -1 if gcommon.checkShotKeyP(): BGM.stop() BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_GAMESTART) Settings.saveSettings() self.state = 1 self.cnt = 0 elif self.menuPos == MENU_EXIT: if gcommon.checkShotKeyRectP(self.menuRects[MENU_EXIT]): Settings.saveSettings() BGM.sound(gcommon.SOUND_MENUMOVE) else: # GAME START if self.cnt > 40: self.cnt += 1