コード例 #1
def thumbnailWrapper(inputFile, thumbnailWrapperSize):
    st_window = 0.5
    st_step = 0.5
    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        raise Exception("Input audio file not found!")

    [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(inputFile)
    if fs == -1:    # could not read file

    [A1, A2, B1, B2, Smatrix] = aS.music_thumbnailing(x, fs, st_window, st_step,

    # write thumbnailWrappers to WAV files:
    if inputFile.endswith(".wav"):
        thumbnailWrapperFileName1 = inputFile.replace(".wav", "_thumb1.wav")
        thumbnailWrapperFileName2 = inputFile.replace(".wav", "_thumb2.wav")
    if inputFile.endswith(".mp3"):
        thumbnailWrapperFileName1 = inputFile.replace(".mp3", "_thumb1.mp3")
        thumbnailWrapperFileName2 = inputFile.replace(".mp3", "_thumb2.mp3")
    wavfile.write(thumbnailWrapperFileName1, fs, x[int(fs * A1):int(fs * A2)])
    wavfile.write(thumbnailWrapperFileName2, fs, x[int(fs * B1):int(fs * B2)])
    print("1st thumbnailWrapper (stored in file {0:s}): {1:4.1f}sec" \
          " -- {2:4.1f}sec".format(thumbnailWrapperFileName1, A1, A2))
    print("2nd thumbnailWrapper (stored in file {0:s}): {1:4.1f}sec" \
          " -- {2:4.1f}sec".format(thumbnailWrapperFileName2, B1, B2))

    # Plot self-similarity matrix:
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect="auto")
    # Plot best-similarity diagonal:
    Xcenter = (A1 / st_step + A2 / st_step) / 2.0
    Ycenter = (B1 / st_step + B2 / st_step) / 2.0

    e1 = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse((Ycenter, Xcenter),
                                    thumbnailWrapperSize * 1.4, 3, angle=45,
                                    linewidth=3, fill=False)

    plt.plot([B1/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], [A1/ st_step, A1/ st_step], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B2/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], [A2/ st_step, A2/ st_step], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B1/ st_step, B1/ st_step], [A1/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B2/ st_step, B2/ st_step], [A2/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)

    plt.xlim([0, Smatrix.shape[0]])
    plt.ylim([Smatrix.shape[1], 0])


    plt.xlabel("frame no")
    plt.ylabel("frame no")
    plt.title("Self-similarity matrix")

コード例 #2
def fileChromagramWrapper(wav_file):
    if not os.path.isfile(wav_file):
        raise Exception("Input audio file not found!")
    [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(wav_file)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(x)
    specgram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis = sF.chromagram(x, fs, round(fs * 0.040),
                                                 round(fs * 0.040), True)
コード例 #3
def get_spectrogram(path, win, step, method):
    get_spectrogram() is a wrapper to
    pyAudioAnalysis.ShortTermFeatures.spectrogram() with a caching functionality

    :param path: path of the WAV file to analyze
    :param win: short-term window to be used in spectrogram calculation
    :param step: short-term step to be used in spectrogram calculation
    :return: spectrogram matrix, time array, freq array and sampling freq
    fs, s = io.read_audio_file(path)
    if method == "pyaudioanalysis":
        spec_val, spec_time, spec_freq = sF.spectrogram(
            s, fs, round(fs * win), round(fs * step), False, True)
    elif method == "librosa":
        s = np.double(s)
        s = s / (2.0**15)

        spec_val = np.abs(librosa.stft(s, round(fs * win), round(fs * step)))
        spec_freq = [
            float((f + 1) * fs) / (round(fs * step))
            for f in range(spec_val.shape[0])
        spec_time = [
            float(t * round(fs * step)) / fs for t in range(spec_val.shape[1])
    elif method == "shorttermfeatures":
        sF.feature_extraction(s, fs, round(fs * win), round(fs * step))
コード例 #4
def beatExtractionWrapper(wav_file, plot):
    if not os.path.isfile(wav_file):
        raise Exception("Input audio file not found!")
    [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(wav_file)
    F, _ = sF.feature_extraction(x, fs, 0.050 * fs, 0.050 * fs)
    bpm, ratio = aF.beat_extraction(F, 0.050, plot)
    print("Beat: {0:d} bpm ".format(int(bpm)))
    print("Ratio: {0:.2f} ".format(ratio))
コード例 #5
def extract_extract_audioAnalysis(audio_file, chuncksize=1):
    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(audio_file)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(x)
    overlap = chuncksize * Fs
    F, f_names = ShortTermFeatures.feature_extraction(x, Fs, Fs, overlap)  # takes approx. 2.5 mins to comple

    # return Zero Crossing Rate, Spectral Centroid, Spectral Spread, Spectral Entropy, Spectral Flux, Spectral Rolloff
    return F[0], F[3], F[4], F[5], F[6], F[7]
コード例 #6
def silenceRemovalWrapper(inputFile, smoothingWindow, weight):
    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        raise Exception("Input audio file not found!")

    [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(inputFile)
    segmentLimits = aS.silence_removal(x, fs, 0.05, 0.05,
                                       smoothingWindow, weight, True)
    for i, s in enumerate(segmentLimits):
        strOut = "{0:s}_{1:.3f}-{2:.3f}.wav".format(inputFile[0:-4], s[0], s[1])
        wavfile.write(strOut, fs, x[int(fs * s[0]):int(fs * s[1])])
コード例 #7
def file_regression(input_file, model_name, model_type):
    # Load classifier:

    if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
        print("fileClassification: wav file not found!")
        return -1, -1, -1

    regression_models = glob.glob(model_name + "_*")
    regression_models2 = []
    for r in regression_models:
        if r[-5::] != "MEANS":
    regression_models = regression_models2
    regression_names = []
    for r in regression_models:
        regression_names.append(r[r.rfind("_") + 1::])

    # LOAD ONLY THE FIRST MODEL (for mt_win, etc)
    if model_type == 'svm' or model_type == "svm_rbf" or \
            model_type == 'randomforest':
        _, _, _, mid_window, mid_step, short_window, short_step, compute_beat \
            = load_model(regression_models[0], True)

    # read audio file and convert to mono
    samping_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(input_file)
    signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
    # feature extraction:
    mid_features, s, _ = \
        aF.mid_feature_extraction(signal, samping_rate, mid_window * samping_rate,
                                  mid_step * samping_rate,
                                  round(samping_rate * short_window),
                                  round(samping_rate * short_step))
    # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
    mid_features = mid_features.mean(axis=1)
    if compute_beat:
        beat, beat_conf = aF.beat_extraction(s, short_step)
        mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat)
        mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat_conf)

    R = []
    for ir, r in enumerate(regression_models):
        if not os.path.isfile(r):
            print("fileClassification: input model_name not found!")
            return (-1, -1, -1)
        if model_type == 'svm' or model_type == "svm_rbf" \
                or model_type == 'randomforest':
            model, mean, std, _, _, _, _, _ = load_model(r, True)
        curFV = (mid_features - mean) / std  # normalization
        R.append(regression_wrapper(model, model_type,
                                    curFV))  # classification
    return R, regression_names
コード例 #8
def mid_feature_extraction_to_file(file_path,
    This function is used as a wrapper to:
    a) read the content of a WAV file
    b) perform mid-term feature extraction on that signal
    c) write the mid-term feature sequences to a np file
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(file_path)
    signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
    if store_short_features:
        mid_features, short_features, _ = \
            mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_step),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   (sampling_rate * short_step))
        # save st features to np file
        np.save(output_file + "_st", short_features)
        if plot:
            print("Short-term np file: " + output_file + "_st.npy saved")
        if store_csv:
            # store st features to CSV file
            np.savetxt(output_file + "_st.csv",
            if plot:
                print("Short-term CSV file: " + output_file + "_st.csv saved")
        mid_features, _, _ = \
            mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_step),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_step))
        # save mt features to np file
        np.save(output_file, mid_features)
        if plot:
            print("Mid-term np file: " + output_file + ".npy saved")
        if store_csv:
            np.savetxt(output_file + ".csv", mid_features.T, delimiter=",")
            if plot:
                print("Mid-term CSV file: " + output_file + ".csv saved")
コード例 #9
def file_classification(input_file, model_name, model_type):
    # Load classifier:

    if not os.path.isfile(model_name):
        print("fileClassification: input model_name not found!")
        return -1, -1, -1

    if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
        print("fileClassification: wav file not found!")
        return -1, -1, -1

    if model_type == 'knn':
        classifier, mean, std, classes, mid_window, mid_step, short_window, \
            short_step, compute_beat = load_model_knn(model_name)
        classifier, mean, std, classes, mid_window, mid_step, short_window, \
            short_step, compute_beat = load_model(model_name)

    # read audio file and convert to mono
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(input_file)
    signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)

    if sampling_rate == 0:
        # audio file IO problem
        return -1, -1, -1
    if signal.shape[0] / float(sampling_rate) <= mid_window:
        return -1, -1, -1

    # feature extraction:
    mid_features, s, _ = \
        aF.mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                  mid_window * sampling_rate,
                                  mid_step * sampling_rate,
                                  round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                  round(sampling_rate * short_step))
    # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
    mid_features = mid_features.mean(axis=1)
    if compute_beat:
        beat, beat_conf = aF.beat_extraction(s, short_step)
        mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat)
        mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat_conf)
    feature_vector = (mid_features - mean) / std  # normalization

    # classification
    class_id, probability = classifier_wrapper(classifier, model_type,
    return class_id, probability, classes
コード例 #10
def directory_feature_extraction_no_avg(folder_path, mid_window, mid_step,
                                        short_window, short_step):
    This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE
    files of a particular folder without averaging each file.

        - folder_path:          the path of the WAVE directory
        - mid_window, mid_step:    mid-term window and step (in seconds)
        - short_window, short_step:    short-term window and step (in seconds)
        - X:                A feature matrix
        - Y:                A matrix of file labels
        - filenames:

    wav_file_list = []
    signal_idx = np.array([])
    mid_features = np.array([])
    types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff', '*.ogg')
    for files in types:
        wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, files)))

    wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list)

    for i, file_path in enumerate(wav_file_list):
        sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(file_path)
        if sampling_rate == 0:
        signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
        mid_feature_vector, _, _ = \
            mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   round(mid_window * sampling_rate),
                                   round(mid_step * sampling_rate),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_step))

        mid_feature_vector = np.transpose(mid_feature_vector)
        if len(mid_features) == 0:  # append feature vector
            mid_features = mid_feature_vector
            signal_idx = np.zeros((mid_feature_vector.shape[0], ))
            mid_features = np.vstack((mid_features, mid_feature_vector))
            signal_idx = np.append(
                signal_idx, i * np.ones((mid_feature_vector.shape[0], )))

    return mid_features, signal_idx, wav_file_list
コード例 #11
def train_hmm_from_file(wav_file, gt_file, hmm_model_name, mid_window, mid_step):
    This function trains a HMM model for segmentation-classification
    using a single annotated audio file
     - wav_file:        the path of the audio filename
     - gt_file:         the path of the ground truth filename
                       (a csv file of the form <segment start in seconds>,
                       <segment end in seconds>,<segment label> in each row
     - hmm_model_name:   the name of the HMM model to be stored
     - mt_win:          mid-term window size
     - mt_step:         mid-term window step
     - hmm:            an object to the resulting HMM
     - class_names:     a list of class_names

    After training, hmm, class_names, along with the mt_win and mt_step
    values are stored in the hmm_model_name file

    seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs = read_segmentation_gt(gt_file)
    flags, class_names = segments_to_labels(seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs, mid_step)
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(wav_file)
    features, _, _ = \
        mtf.mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   mid_window * sampling_rate,
                                   mid_step * sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * 0.050),
                                   round(sampling_rate * 0.050))
    class_priors, transumation_matrix, means, cov = \
        train_hmm_compute_statistics(features, flags)
    hmm = hmmlearn.hmm.GaussianHMM(class_priors.shape[0], "diag")

    hmm.covars_ = cov
    hmm.means_ = means
    hmm.startprob_ = class_priors
    hmm.transmat_ = transumation_matrix

    save_hmm(hmm_model_name, hmm, class_names, mid_window, mid_step)

    return hmm, class_names
コード例 #12
def hmm_segmentation(audio_file, hmm_model_name, plot_results=False,
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(audio_file)

    with open(hmm_model_name, "rb") as f_handle:
        hmm = cpickle.load(f_handle)
        class_names = cpickle.load(f_handle)
        mid_window = cpickle.load(f_handle)
        mid_step = cpickle.load(f_handle)

    features, _, _ = \
        mtf.mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   mid_window * sampling_rate,
                                   mid_step * sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * 0.050),
                                   round(sampling_rate * 0.050))

    # apply model
    labels = hmm.predict(features.T)
    labels_gt, class_names_gt, accuracy, cm = \
        load_ground_truth(gt_file, labels, class_names, mid_step, plot_results)
    return labels, class_names, accuracy, cm
コード例 #13
def annotation2files(wavFile, csvFile):
        Break an audio stream to segments of interest, 
        defined by a csv file
        - wavFile:    path to input wavfile
        - csvFile:    path to csvFile of segment limits
        Input CSV file must be of the format <T1>\t<T2>\t<Label>
    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(wavFile)
    with open(csvFile, 'r') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='|')
        for j, row in enumerate(reader):
            T1 = float(row[0].replace(",","."))
            T2 = float(row[1].replace(",","."))            
            label = "%s_%s_%.2f_%.2f.wav" % (wavFile, row[2], T1, T2)
            label = label.replace(" ", "_")
            xtemp = x[int(round(T1*Fs)):int(round(T2*Fs))]            
            print(T1, T2, label, xtemp.shape)
            wavfile.write(label, Fs, xtemp)  
コード例 #14
def directory_feature_extraction(folder_path,
    This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE files of a 
    particular folder.

    The resulting feature vector is extracted by long-term averaging the
    mid-term features.
    Therefore ONE FEATURE VECTOR is extracted for each WAV file.

        - folder_path:        the path of the WAVE directory
        - mid_window, mid_step:    mid-term window and step (in seconds)
        - short_window, short_step:    short-term window and step (in seconds)

    mid_term_features = np.array([])
    process_times = []

    types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff', '*.mp3', '*.au', '*.ogg')
    wav_file_list = []
    for files in types:
        wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, files)))

    wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list)
    wav_file_list2, mid_feature_names = [], []
    for i, file_path in enumerate(wav_file_list):
        print("Analyzing file {0:d} of {1:d}: {2:s}".format(
            i + 1, len(wav_file_list), file_path))
        if os.stat(file_path).st_size == 0:
            print("   (EMPTY FILE -- SKIPPING)")
        sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(file_path)
        if sampling_rate == 0:

        t1 = time.clock()
        signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
        if signal.shape[0] < float(sampling_rate) / 5:
            print("  (AUDIO FILE TOO SMALL - SKIPPING)")
        if compute_beat:
            mid_features, short_features, mid_feature_names = \
                mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                       round(mid_window * sampling_rate),
                                       round(mid_step * sampling_rate),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_step))
            beat, beat_conf = beat_extraction(short_features, short_step)
            mid_features, _, mid_feature_names = \
                mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                       round(mid_window * sampling_rate),
                                       round(mid_step * sampling_rate),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_step))

        mid_features = np.transpose(mid_features)
        mid_features = mid_features.mean(axis=0)
        # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
        if (not np.isnan(mid_features).any()) and \
                (not np.isinf(mid_features).any()):
            if compute_beat:
                mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat)
                mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat_conf)
            if len(mid_term_features) == 0:
                # append feature vector
                mid_term_features = mid_features
                mid_term_features = np.vstack(
                    (mid_term_features, mid_features))
            t2 = time.clock()
            duration = float(len(signal)) / sampling_rate
            process_times.append((t2 - t1) / duration)
    if len(process_times) > 0:
        print("Feature extraction complexity ratio: "
              "{0:.1f} x realtime".format(
                  (1.0 / np.mean(np.array(process_times)))))
    return mid_term_features, wav_file_list2, mid_feature_names
コード例 #15
def train_hmm_from_directory(folder_path, hmm_model_name, mid_window, mid_step):
    This function trains a HMM model for segmentation-classification using
    a where WAV files and .segment (ground-truth files) are stored
     - folder_path:     the path of the data diretory
     - hmm_model_name:  the name of the HMM model to be stored
     - mt_win:          mid-term window size
     - mt_step:         mid-term window step
     - hmm:            an object to the resulting HMM
     - class_names:    a list of class_names

    After training, hmm, class_names, along with the mt_win
    and mt_step values are stored in the hmm_model_name file

    flags_all = np.array([])
    class_names_all = []
    for i, f in enumerate(glob.glob(folder_path + os.sep + '*.wav')):
        # for each WAV file
        wav_file = f
        gt_file = f.replace('.wav', '.segments')
        if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
            seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs = read_segmentation_gt(gt_file)
            flags, class_names = \
                segments_to_labels(seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs, mid_step)
            for c in class_names:
                # update class names:
                if c not in class_names_all:
            sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(wav_file)
            feature_vector, _, _ = \
                mtf.mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                           mid_window * sampling_rate,
                                           mid_step * sampling_rate,
                                           round(sampling_rate * 0.050),
                                           round(sampling_rate * 0.050))

            flag_len = len(flags)
            feat_cols = feature_vector.shape[1]
            min_sm = min(feat_cols, flag_len)
            feature_vector = feature_vector[:, 0:min_sm]
            flags = flags[0:min_sm]

            flags_new = []
            # append features and labels
            for j, fl in enumerate(flags):

            flags_all = np.append(flags_all, np.array(flags_new))

            if i == 0:
                f_all = feature_vector
                f_all = np.concatenate((f_all, feature_vector), axis=1)

    # compute HMM statistics
    class_priors, transmutation_matrix, means, cov = \
        train_hmm_compute_statistics(f_all, flags_all)
    # train the HMM
    hmm = hmmlearn.hmm.GaussianHMM(class_priors.shape[0], "diag")
    hmm.covars_ = cov
    hmm.means_ = means
    hmm.startprob_ = class_priors
    hmm.transmat_ = transmutation_matrix

    save_hmm(hmm_model_name, hmm, class_names_all, mid_window, mid_step)

    return hmm, class_names_all
コード例 #16
def mid_term_file_classification(input_file, model_name, model_type,
                                 plot_results=False, gt_file=""):
    This function performs mid-term classification of an audio stream.
    Towards this end, supervised knowledge is used,
    i.e. a pre-trained classifier.
        - input_file:        path of the input WAV file
        - model_name:        name of the classification model
        - model_type:        svm or knn depending on the classifier type
        - plot_results:      True if results are to be plotted using
                             matplotlib along with a set of statistics

          - segs:           a sequence of segment's endpoints: segs[i] is the
                            endpoint of the i-th segment (in seconds)
          - classes:        a sequence of class flags: class[i] is the
                            class ID of the i-th segment
    labels = []
    accuracy = 0.0
    class_names = []
    cm = np.array([])
    if not os.path.isfile(model_name):
        print("mtFileClassificationError: input model_type not found!")
        return labels, class_names, accuracy, cm

    # Load classifier:
    if model_type == "knn":
        classifier, mean, std, class_names, mt_win, mid_step, st_win, \
         st_step, compute_beat = at.load_model_knn(model_name)
        classifier, mean, std, class_names, mt_win, mid_step, st_win, \
         st_step, compute_beat = at.load_model(model_name)
    if compute_beat:
        print("Model " + model_name + " contains long-term music features "
                                      "(beat etc) and cannot be used in "
        return labels, class_names, accuracy, cm
    # load input file
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(input_file)

    # could not read file
    if sampling_rate == 0:
        return labels, class_names, accuracy, cm

    # convert stereo (if) to mono
    signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)

    # mid-term feature extraction:
    mt_feats, _, _ = \
        mtf.mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   mt_win * sampling_rate,
                                   mid_step * sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * st_win),
                                   round(sampling_rate * st_step))
    posterior_matrix = []

    # for each feature vector (i.e. for each fix-sized segment):
    for col_index in range(mt_feats.shape[1]):
        # normalize current feature v
        feature_vector = (mt_feats[:, col_index] - mean) / std

        # classify vector:
        label_predicted, posterior = \
            at.classifier_wrapper(classifier, model_type, feature_vector)

        # update probability matrix
    labels = np.array(labels)

    # convert fix-sized flags to segments and classes
    segs, classes = labels_to_segments(labels, mid_step)
    segs[-1] = len(signal) / float(sampling_rate)
    # Load grount-truth:
    labels_gt, class_names_gt, accuracy, cm = \
        load_ground_truth(gt_file, labels, class_names, mid_step, plot_results)

    return labels, class_names, accuracy, cm
コード例 #17
def speaker_diarization(filename, n_speakers, mid_window=2.0, mid_step=0.2,
                        short_window=0.05, lda_dim=35, plot_res=False):
        - filename:        the name of the WAV file to be analyzed
        - n_speakers       the number of speakers (clusters) in
                           the recording (<=0 for unknown)
        - mid_window (opt)    mid-term window size
        - mid_step (opt)    mid-term window step
        - short_window  (opt)    short-term window size
        - lda_dim (opt     LDA dimension (0 for no LDA)
        - plot_res         (opt)   0 for not plotting the results 1 for plotting
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(filename)
    signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
    duration = len(signal) / sampling_rate

    base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),

    classifier_all, mean_all, std_all, class_names_all, _, _, _, _, _ = \
        at.load_model_knn(os.path.join(base_dir, "knn_speaker_10"))
    classifier_fm, mean_fm, std_fm, class_names_fm, _, _, _, _,  _ = \
        at.load_model_knn(os.path.join(base_dir, "knn_speaker_male_female"))

    mid_feats, st_feats, _ = \
        mtf.mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   mid_window * sampling_rate,
                                   mid_step * sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window * 0.5))

    mid_term_features = np.zeros((mid_feats.shape[0] + len(class_names_all) +
                                  len(class_names_fm), mid_feats.shape[1]))

    for index in range(mid_feats.shape[1]):
        feature_norm_all = (mid_feats[:, index] - mean_all) / std_all
        feature_norm_fm = (mid_feats[:, index] - mean_fm) / std_fm
        _, p1 = at.classifier_wrapper(classifier_all, "knn", feature_norm_all)
        _, p2 = at.classifier_wrapper(classifier_fm, "knn", feature_norm_fm)
        start = mid_feats.shape[0]
        end = mid_feats.shape[0] + len(class_names_all)
        mid_term_features[0:mid_feats.shape[0], index] = mid_feats[:, index]
        mid_term_features[start:end, index] = p1 + 1e-4
        mid_term_features[end::, index] = p2 + 1e-4

    mid_feats = mid_term_features    # TODO
    feature_selected = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 41,
                        42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]

    mid_feats = mid_feats[feature_selected, :]

    mid_feats_norm, mean, std = at.normalize_features([mid_feats.T])
    mid_feats_norm = mid_feats_norm[0].T
    n_wins = mid_feats.shape[1]

    # remove outliers:
    dist_all = np.sum(distance.squareform(distance.pdist(mid_feats_norm.T)),
    m_dist_all = np.mean(dist_all)
    i_non_outliers = np.nonzero(dist_all < 1.2 * m_dist_all)[0]

    # TODO: Combine energy threshold for outlier removal:
    # EnergyMin = np.min(mt_feats[1,:])
    # EnergyMean = np.mean(mt_feats[1,:])
    # Thres = (1.5*EnergyMin + 0.5*EnergyMean) / 2.0
    # i_non_outliers = np.nonzero(mt_feats[1,:] > Thres)[0]
    # print i_non_outliers

    mt_feats_norm_or = mid_feats_norm
    mid_feats_norm = mid_feats_norm[:, i_non_outliers]

    # LDA dimensionality reduction:
    if lda_dim > 0:

        # extract mid-term features with minimum step:
        window_ratio = int(round(mid_window / short_window))
        step_ratio = int(round(short_window / short_window))
        mt_feats_to_red = []
        num_of_features = len(st_feats)
        num_of_stats = 2
        for index in range(num_of_stats * num_of_features):

        # for each of the short-term features:
        for index in range(num_of_features):
            cur_pos = 0
            feat_len = len(st_feats[index])
            while cur_pos < feat_len:
                n1 = cur_pos
                n2 = cur_pos + window_ratio
                if n2 > feat_len:
                    n2 = feat_len
                short_features = st_feats[index][n1:n2]
                mt_feats_to_red[index + num_of_features].\
                cur_pos += step_ratio
        mt_feats_to_red = np.array(mt_feats_to_red)
        mt_feats_to_red_2 = np.zeros((mt_feats_to_red.shape[0] +
                                      len(class_names_all) +
        limit = mt_feats_to_red.shape[0] + len(class_names_all)
        for index in range(mt_feats_to_red.shape[1]):
            feature_norm_all = (mt_feats_to_red[:, index] - mean_all) / std_all
            feature_norm_fm = (mt_feats_to_red[:, index] - mean_fm) / std_fm
            _, p1 = at.classifier_wrapper(classifier_all, "knn",
            _, p2 = at.classifier_wrapper(classifier_fm, "knn", feature_norm_fm)
            mt_feats_to_red_2[0:mt_feats_to_red.shape[0], index] = \
                mt_feats_to_red[:, index]
            mt_feats_to_red_2[mt_feats_to_red.shape[0]:limit, index] = p1 + 1e-4
            mt_feats_to_red_2[limit::, index] = p2 + 1e-4
        mt_feats_to_red = mt_feats_to_red_2
        mt_feats_to_red = mt_feats_to_red[feature_selected, :]
        mt_feats_to_red, mean, std = at.normalize_features([mt_feats_to_red.T])
        mt_feats_to_red = mt_feats_to_red[0].T
        labels = np.zeros((mt_feats_to_red.shape[1], ))
        lda_step = 1.0
        lda_step_ratio = lda_step / short_window
        for index in range(labels.shape[0]):
            labels[index] = int(index * short_window / lda_step_ratio)
        clf = sklearn.discriminant_analysis.\
        clf.fit(mt_feats_to_red.T, labels)
        mid_feats_norm = (clf.transform(mid_feats_norm.T)).T

    if n_speakers <= 0:
        s_range = range(2, 10)
        s_range = [n_speakers]
    cluster_labels = []
    sil_all = []
    cluster_centers = []
    for speakers in s_range:
        k_means = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=speakers)
        cls = k_means.labels_        
        means = k_means.cluster_centers_

        sil_1 = []; sil_2 = []
        for c in range(speakers):
            # for each speaker (i.e. for each extracted cluster)
            clust_per_cent = np.nonzero(cls == c)[0].shape[0] / float(len(cls))
            if clust_per_cent < 0.020:
                # get subset of feature vectors
                mt_feats_norm_temp = mid_feats_norm[:, cls == c]
                # compute average distance between samples
                # that belong to the cluster (a values)
                dist = distance.pdist(mt_feats_norm_temp.T)
                sil_temp = []
                for c2 in range(speakers):
                    # compute distances from samples of other clusters
                    if c2 != c:
                        clust_per_cent_2 = np.nonzero(cls == c2)[0].shape[0] /\
                        mid_features_temp = mid_feats_norm[:, cls == c2]
                        dist = distance.cdist(mt_feats_norm_temp.T,
                                                       + clust_per_cent_2)/2.0)
                sil_temp = np.array(sil_temp)
                # ... and keep the minimum value (i.e.
                # the distance from the "nearest" cluster)
        sil_1 = np.array(sil_1)
        sil_2 = np.array(sil_2)
        sil = []
        for c in range(speakers):
            # for each cluster (speaker) compute silhouette
            sil.append((sil_2[c] - sil_1[c]) / (max(sil_2[c], sil_1[c]) + 1e-5))
        # keep the AVERAGE SILLOUETTE

    imax = int(np.argmax(sil_all))
    # optimal number of clusters
    num_speakers = s_range[imax]

    # generate the final set of cluster labels
    # (important: need to retrieve the outlier windows:
    # this is achieved by giving them the value of their
    # nearest non-outlier window)
    cls = np.zeros((n_wins,))
    for index in range(n_wins):
        j = np.argmin(np.abs(index-i_non_outliers))
        cls[index] = cluster_labels[imax][j]
    # Post-process method 1: hmm smoothing
    for index in range(1):
        # hmm training
        start_prob, transmat, means, cov = \
            train_hmm_compute_statistics(mt_feats_norm_or, cls)
        hmm = hmmlearn.hmm.GaussianHMM(start_prob.shape[0], "diag")
        hmm.startprob_ = start_prob
        hmm.transmat_ = transmat            
        hmm.means_ = means; hmm.covars_ = cov
        cls = hmm.predict(mt_feats_norm_or.T)                    
    # Post-process method 2: median filtering:
    cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 13)
    cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 11)

    class_names = ["speaker{0:d}".format(c) for c in range(num_speakers)]

    # load ground-truth if available
    gt_file = filename.replace('.wav', '.segments')
    # if groundtruth exists
    if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
        seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs = read_segmentation_gt(gt_file)
        flags_gt, class_names_gt = segments_to_labels(seg_start, seg_end,
                                                      seg_labs, mid_step)

    if plot_res:
        fig = plt.figure()    
        if n_speakers > 0:
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
        ax1.axis((0, duration, -1, len(class_names)))
        ax1.plot(np.array(range(len(cls))) * mid_step + mid_step / 2.0, cls)

    if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
        if plot_res:
            ax1.plot(np.array(range(len(flags_gt))) *
                     mid_step + mid_step / 2.0, flags_gt, 'r')
        purity_cluster_m, purity_speaker_m = \
            evaluate_speaker_diarization(cls, flags_gt)
        print("{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}".format(100 * purity_cluster_m,
                                        100 * purity_speaker_m))
        if plot_res:
            plt.title("Cluster purity: {0:.1f}% - "
                      "Speaker purity: {1:.1f}%".format(100 * purity_cluster_m,
                                                        100 * purity_speaker_m))
    if plot_res:
        plt.xlabel("time (seconds)")
        if n_speakers <= 0:
            plt.plot(s_range, sil_all)
            plt.xlabel("number of clusters")
            plt.ylabel("average clustering's sillouette")
    return (np.array(range(len(cls))) * mid_step + mid_step / 2.0,cls)
コード例 #18
def speaker_diarization(filename, n_speakers, mid_window=2.0, mid_step=0.2,
                                                                    short_window=0.05, lda_dim=35, plot_res=False):
        - filename:        the name of the WAV file to be analyzed
        - n_speakers       the number of speakers (clusters) in
                           the recording (<=0 for unknown)
        - mid_window (opt)    mid-term window size
        - mid_step (opt)    mid-term window step
        - short_window  (opt)    short-term window size
        - lda_dim (opt     LDA dimension (0 for no LDA)
        - plot_res         (opt)   0 for not plotting the results 1 for plotting
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(filename)
    signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
    duration = len(signal) / sampling_rate
    base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),

    classifier_all, mean_all, std_all, class_names_all, _, _, _, _, _ = \
        at.load_model_knn(os.path.join(base_dir, "knn_speaker_10"))
    classifier_fm, mean_fm, std_fm, class_names_fm, _, _, _, _,  _ = \
        at.load_model_knn(os.path.join(base_dir, "knn_speaker_male_female"))

    mid_feats, st_feats, _ = \
        mtf.mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   mid_window * sampling_rate,
                                   mid_step * sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window * 0.5))

    mid_term_features = np.zeros((mid_feats.shape[0] + len(class_names_all) +
                                  len(class_names_fm), mid_feats.shape[1]))

    for index in range(mid_feats.shape[1]):
        feature_norm_all = (mid_feats[:, index] - mean_all) / std_all
        feature_norm_fm = (mid_feats[:, index] - mean_fm) / std_fm
        _, p1 = at.classifier_wrapper(classifier_all, "knn", feature_norm_all)
        _, p2 = at.classifier_wrapper(classifier_fm, "knn", feature_norm_fm)
        start = mid_feats.shape[0]
        end = mid_feats.shape[0] + len(class_names_all)
        mid_term_features[0:mid_feats.shape[0], index] = mid_feats[:, index]
        mid_term_features[start:end, index] = p1 + 1e-4
        mid_term_features[end::, index] = p2 + 1e-4

    mid_feats = mid_term_features    # TODO
    feature_selected = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 41,
                        42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]

    mid_feats = mid_feats[feature_selected, :]

    mid_feats_norm, mean, std = at.normalize_features([mid_feats.T])
    mid_feats_norm = mid_feats_norm[0].T
    n_wins = mid_feats.shape[1]

    dist_all = np.sum(distance.squareform(distance.pdist(mid_feats_norm.T)),
    m_dist_all = np.mean(dist_all)
    i_non_outliers = np.nonzero(dist_all < 1.2 * m_dist_all)[0]

    mt_feats_norm_or = mid_feats_norm
    mid_feats_norm = mid_feats_norm[:, i_non_outliers]
    if n_speakers <= 0:
        s_range = range(2, 10)
        s_range = [n_speakers]
    cluster_labels = []
    sil_all = []
    cluster_centers = []

    for speakers in s_range:
        k_means = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=speakers)
        cls = k_means.labels_        
        means = k_means.cluster_centers_
        sil_1 = []; sil_2 = []
        for c in range(speakers):
            # for each speaker (i.e. for each extracted cluster)
            clust_per_cent = np.nonzero(cls == c)[0].shape[0] / float(len(cls))
            if clust_per_cent < 0.020:
                mt_feats_norm_temp = mid_feats_norm[:, cls == c]
                dist = distance.pdist(mt_feats_norm_temp.T)
                sil_temp = []
                for c2 in range(speakers):
                    if c2 != c:
                        clust_per_cent_2 = np.nonzero(cls == c2)[0].shape[0] /\
                        mid_features_temp = mid_feats_norm[:, cls == c2]
                        dist = distance.cdist(mt_feats_norm_temp.T,
                                                       + clust_per_cent_2)/2.0)
                sil_temp = np.array(sil_temp)
        sil_1 = np.array(sil_1)
        sil_2 = np.array(sil_2)
        sil = []
        for c in range(speakers):
            sil.append((sil_2[c] - sil_1[c]) / (max(sil_2[c], sil_1[c]) + 1e-5))

    imax = int(np.argmax(sil_all))
    num_speakers = s_range[imax]
    cls = np.zeros((n_wins,))
    for index in range(n_wins):
        j = np.argmin(np.abs(index-i_non_outliers))
        cls[index] = cluster_labels[imax][j]
    for index in range(1):
        start_prob, transmat, means, cov = \
            train_hmm_compute_statistics(mt_feats_norm_or, cls)
        hmm = hmmlearn.hmm.GaussianHMM(start_prob.shape[0], "diag")
        hmm.startprob_ = start_prob
        hmm.transmat_ = transmat            
        hmm.means_ = means; hmm.covars_ = cov
        cls = hmm.predict(mt_feats_norm_or.T)                    
    # Post-process method 2: median filtering:
    cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 13)
    cls = scipy.signal.medfilt(cls, 11)

    class_names = ["speaker{0:d}".format(c) for c in range(num_speakers)]

    if plot_res:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))    
        if n_speakers > 0:
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
        ax1.axis((0, duration, -1, len(class_names)))
        list_labels = np.array(range(len(cls))) * mid_step + mid_step
        ax1.plot(np.array(range(len(cls))) * mid_step + mid_step, cls)

    if plot_res:
        plt.xlabel("time (seconds)")
        if n_speakers <= 0:
            plt.plot(s_range, sil_all)
            plt.xlabel("number of clusters")
            plt.ylabel("average clustering's sillouette")
    return cls, sampling_rate, len(signal)