def fastAudio(theFile, outFile, chunks: list, speeds: list, log, fps: float, machineReadable, hideBar): from wavfile import read, write import os import numpy as np log.checkType(chunks, 'chunks', list) log.checkType(speeds, 'speeds', list) def speedsOtherThan1And99999(a: list) -> bool: return len([x for x in a if x != 1 and x != 99999]) > 0 if (speedsOtherThan1And99999(speeds)): from audiotsm2 import phasevocoder from import ArrReader, ArrWriter if (len(chunks) == 1 and chunks[0][2] == 0): log.error('Trying to create an empty file.') if (not os.path.isfile(theFile)): log.error(' could not find file: ' + theFile) samplerate, audioData = read(theFile) newL = getNewLength(chunks, speeds, fps) # Get the new length in samples with some extra leeway. estLeng = int(newL * samplerate * 1.5) + int(samplerate * 2) # Create an empty array for the new audio. newAudio = np.zeros((estLeng, 2), dtype=np.int16) channels = 2 yPointer = 0 audioProgress = ProgressBar(len(chunks), 'Creating new audio', machineReadable, hideBar) for chunkNum, chunk in enumerate(chunks): audioSampleStart = int(chunk[0] / fps * samplerate) audioSampleEnd = int(audioSampleStart + (samplerate / fps) * (chunk[1] - chunk[0])) theSpeed = speeds[chunk[2]] if (theSpeed != 99999): spedChunk = audioData[audioSampleStart:audioSampleEnd] if (theSpeed == 1): yPointerEnd = yPointer + spedChunk.shape[0] newAudio[yPointer:yPointerEnd] = spedChunk else: spedupAudio = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int16) with ArrReader(spedChunk, channels, samplerate, 2) as reader: with ArrWriter(spedupAudio, channels, samplerate, 2) as writer: phasevocoder(reader.channels, speed=theSpeed).run(reader, writer) spedupAudio = writer.output yPointerEnd = yPointer + spedupAudio.shape[0] newAudio[yPointer:yPointerEnd] = spedupAudio myL = chunk[1] - chunk[0] mySamples = (myL / fps) * samplerate newSamples = int(mySamples / theSpeed) yPointer = yPointer + newSamples else: # Speed is too high so skip this section. yPointerEnd = yPointer audioProgress.tick(chunkNum) log.debug('\n - Total Samples: ' + str(yPointer)) log.debug(' - Samples per Frame: ' + str(samplerate / fps)) log.debug(' - Expected video length: ' + str(yPointer / (samplerate / fps))) newAudio = newAudio[:yPointer] write(outFile, samplerate, newAudio)
def fastAudio(ffmpeg, theFile, outFile, silentT, frameMargin, SAMPLE_RATE, audioBit, verbose, silentSpeed, soundedSpeed, needConvert, chunks=[], fps=30): if(not os.path.isfile(theFile)): print('Could not find file:', theFile) sys.exit(1) if(outFile == ''): fileName = theFile[:theFile.rfind('.')] outFile = f'{fileName}_ALTERED.wav' if(needConvert): # Only print this here so other scripts can use this function. print('Running from') import tempfile from shutil import rmtree TEMP = tempfile.mkdtemp() cmd = [ffmpeg, '-i', theFile, '-b:a', audioBit, '-ac', '2', '-ar', str(SAMPLE_RATE), '-vn', f'{TEMP}/fastAud.wav'] if(not verbose): cmd.extend(['-nostats', '-loglevel', '0']) theFile = f'{TEMP}/fastAud.wav' speeds = [silentSpeed, soundedSpeed] sampleRate, audioData = read(theFile) if(chunks == []): print('Creating chunks') chunks = getAudioChunks(audioData, sampleRate, fps, silentT, 2, frameMargin) # Get the estimated length of the new audio in frames. newL = getNewLength(chunks, speeds, fps) # Get the new length in samples with some extra leeway. estLeng = int((newL * sampleRate) * 1.5) + int(sampleRate * 2) # Create an empty array for the new audio. newAudio = np.zeros((estLeng, 2), dtype=np.int16) channels = 2 yPointer = 0 totalChunks = len(chunks) beginTime = time.time() for chunkNum, chunk in enumerate(chunks): audioSampleStart = int(chunk[0] / fps * sampleRate) audioSampleEnd = int(audioSampleStart + (sampleRate / fps) * (chunk[1] - chunk[0])) theSpeed = speeds[chunk[2]] if(theSpeed != 99999): spedChunk = audioData[audioSampleStart:audioSampleEnd] spedupAudio = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int16) with ArrReader(spedChunk, channels, sampleRate, 2) as reader: with ArrWriter(spedupAudio, channels, sampleRate, 2) as writer: phasevocoder(reader.channels, speed=theSpeed).run( reader, writer ) spedupAudio = writer.output yPointerEnd = yPointer + spedupAudio.shape[0] newAudio[yPointer:yPointerEnd] = spedupAudio myL = chunk[1] - chunk[0] mySamples = (myL / fps) * sampleRate newSamples = int(mySamples / theSpeed) yPointer = yPointer + newSamples else: # Speed is too high so skip this section. yPointerEnd = yPointer progressBar(chunkNum, totalChunks, beginTime, title='Creating new audio') if(verbose): print('yPointer', yPointer) print('samples per frame', sampleRate / fps) print('Expected video length', yPointer / (sampleRate / fps)) newAudio = newAudio[:yPointer] write(outFile, sampleRate, newAudio) if('TEMP' in locals()): rmtree(TEMP) if(needConvert): return outFile
def fastAudio(ffmpeg, theFile, outFile, chunks, speeds, audioBit, samplerate, debug, needConvert, log, fps=30): if (not os.path.isfile(theFile)): log.error('Could not find file ' + theFile) if (needConvert): # Only print this here so other scripts can use this function. print('Running from') import tempfile from shutil import rmtree TEMP = tempfile.mkdtemp() cmd = [ ffmpeg, '-i', theFile, '-b:a', audioBit, '-ac', '2', '-ar', str(samplerate), '-vn', f'{TEMP}/fastAud.wav' ] if (not debug): cmd.extend(['-nostats', '-loglevel', '0']) theFile = f'{TEMP}/fastAud.wav' samplerate, audioData = read(theFile) newL = getNewLength(chunks, speeds, fps) # Get the new length in samples with some extra leeway. estLeng = int(newL * samplerate * 1.5) + int(samplerate * 2) # Create an empty array for the new audio. newAudio = np.zeros((estLeng, 2), dtype=np.int16) channels = 2 yPointer = 0 totalChunks = len(chunks) beginTime = time.time() for chunkNum, chunk in enumerate(chunks): audioSampleStart = int(chunk[0] / fps * samplerate) audioSampleEnd = int(audioSampleStart + (samplerate / fps) * (chunk[1] - chunk[0])) theSpeed = speeds[chunk[2]] if (theSpeed != 99999): spedChunk = audioData[audioSampleStart:audioSampleEnd] if (theSpeed == 1): yPointerEnd = yPointer + spedChunk.shape[0] newAudio[yPointer:yPointerEnd] = spedChunk else: spedupAudio = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int16) with ArrReader(spedChunk, channels, samplerate, 2) as reader: with ArrWriter(spedupAudio, channels, samplerate, 2) as writer: phasevocoder(reader.channels, speed=theSpeed).run(reader, writer) spedupAudio = writer.output yPointerEnd = yPointer + spedupAudio.shape[0] newAudio[yPointer:yPointerEnd] = spedupAudio myL = chunk[1] - chunk[0] mySamples = (myL / fps) * samplerate newSamples = int(mySamples / theSpeed) yPointer = yPointer + newSamples else: # Speed is too high so skip this section. yPointerEnd = yPointer progressBar(chunkNum, totalChunks, beginTime, title='Creating new audio') log.debug('yPointer: ' + str(yPointer)) log.debug('samples per frame: ' + str(samplerate / fps)) log.debug('Expected video length: ' + str(yPointer / (samplerate / fps))) newAudio = newAudio[:yPointer] write(outFile, samplerate, newAudio) if ('TEMP' in locals()): rmtree(TEMP) if (needConvert): conwrite('')
from audiotsm2 import phasevocoder, soundstretch phasevocoder('sine.wav', 'out.wav', speed=3) soundstretch('sine.wav', 'out2.wav', speed=3)
def fastAudio(ffmpeg: str, theFile: str, outFile: str, chunks: list, speeds: list, audioBit, samplerate, needConvert: bool, temp: str, log, fps: float): if (len(chunks) == 1 and chunks[0][2] == 0): log.error('Trying to create empty audio.') if (not os.path.isfile(theFile)): log.error(' could not find file: ' + theFile) if (needConvert): cmd = [ffmpeg, '-y', '-i', theFile] if (audioBit is not None): cmd.extend(['-b:a', str(audioBit)]) cmd.extend( ['-ac', '2', '-ar', str(samplerate), '-vn', f'{temp}/faAudio.wav']) if (log.is_ffmpeg): cmd.extend(['-hide_banner']) else: cmd.extend(['-nostats', '-loglevel', '8']) theFile = f'{temp}/faAudio.wav' samplerate, audioData = read(theFile) newL = getNewLength(chunks, speeds, fps) # Get the new length in samples with some extra leeway. estLeng = int(newL * samplerate * 1.5) + int(samplerate * 2) # Create an empty array for the new audio. newAudio = np.zeros((estLeng, 2), dtype=np.int16) channels = 2 yPointer = 0 totalChunks = len(chunks) beginTime = time.time() for chunkNum, chunk in enumerate(chunks): audioSampleStart = int(chunk[0] / fps * samplerate) audioSampleEnd = int(audioSampleStart + (samplerate / fps) * (chunk[1] - chunk[0])) theSpeed = speeds[chunk[2]] if (theSpeed != 99999): spedChunk = audioData[audioSampleStart:audioSampleEnd] if (theSpeed == 1): yPointerEnd = yPointer + spedChunk.shape[0] newAudio[yPointer:yPointerEnd] = spedChunk else: spedupAudio = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int16) with ArrReader(spedChunk, channels, samplerate, 2) as reader: with ArrWriter(spedupAudio, channels, samplerate, 2) as writer: phasevocoder(reader.channels, speed=theSpeed).run(reader, writer) spedupAudio = writer.output yPointerEnd = yPointer + spedupAudio.shape[0] newAudio[yPointer:yPointerEnd] = spedupAudio myL = chunk[1] - chunk[0] mySamples = (myL / fps) * samplerate newSamples = int(mySamples / theSpeed) yPointer = yPointer + newSamples else: # Speed is too high so skip this section. yPointerEnd = yPointer progressBar(chunkNum, totalChunks, beginTime, title='Creating new audio') log.debug('\n - Total Samples: ' + str(yPointer)) log.debug(' - Samples per Frame: ' + str(samplerate / fps)) log.debug(' - Expected video length: ' + str(yPointer / (samplerate / fps))) newAudio = newAudio[:yPointer] write(outFile, samplerate, newAudio) if (needConvert): conwrite('')