コード例 #1
ファイル: auralFix_app.py プロジェクト: darth-dodo/auralFix
def main():
        ~ auralFix - Music discovery tool using PRAW AND youtube-dl ~

    - Extract user information from csv (aural_users.csv)
    - Can edit top_from time period(wk=1, mon=2, yr=3, all_time=4) GLOBAL/user subs
    - Can edit max_songs [GLOBAL for all subs per user]

    - Pass each user's information to 'reddit_fix'
    - Reddit_fix scrapes reddit.com/r/*user_subreddits* for music links and creates
    - Ensures folder structure exists
    - Downloads music to appropriate folder
    - Moves csv to archives folder for reference and buying/liking music from
    - Sends an email to the user once all the user's music is available: subs and
      total songs scraped
    - Active participation via csv

    - Show a popup notif to Root user
    - Root folder is linked to cloud
    - File structure provided in aural_tree.txt
    - Script is set up in cron to run every 2 weeks

    # Creating a list containing the dictionary of all the users details
    user_details = csv2dict("aural_users.csv")

    # cleaup threshold in days
    data_threshold = CLEANUP_THRESHOLD

    # Folder hooked to cloud

    if not os.path.exists(r"auralCloud"):

    user_prompt = raw_input(
        "Do you want to delete the previous (data older than "
        + str(data_threshold)
        + ")\nEnter 'Y'/blank to proceed or 'N' to cancel"

    if user_prompt in ["y", "Y", ""]:
        # prev data cleanup
        aural_path = os.getcwd()
        print aural_path
        remove_old_files(dir_to_search=aural_path, threshold_in_days=data_threshold)

    for i, enum in enumerate(user_details):

        # for each user in the csv

        user_name = user_details[i]["Name"]
        user_email = user_details[i]["Email"]
        user_subs_str = user_details[i]["Subreddits"]
        user_period_pref = user_details[i]["top_from"]
        user_max_songs = user_details[i]["max_songs"]
        user_subs = user_details[i]["Subreddits"].split(",")
        subs_2_scrape = [user_subs[i].strip() for i, enum in enumerate(user_subs)]

        user_songs_count = 0

        print "\nName >> " + user_name + "\nEmail >> " + user_email + "\n"

        # creating folder name for User if not present
        if not os.path.exists(user_name):

        # scraping each of the user's subreddits for music
        for i, enum in enumerate(subs_2_scrape):

            # for each subreddit of the particular user selected
            print "\t~ Scraping subreddit " + subs_2_scrape[
            ] + " for user > " + user_name + "\n\tTime period pref is > " + user_period_pref + "\n\tMax songs per subreddit > " + user_max_songs

            curr_sub = subs_2_scrape[i]
            userSub_song_count = 0

            auralWorker = Reddit_fix()
            userSub_song_count = auralWorker.sub2muzak(
                sub_name=curr_sub, num_posts=user_max_songs, period=user_period_pref

            # print 'userSub_song_count', userSub_song_count
            user_songs_count += int(userSub_song_count)


        # checking user's active participation and scraping user csv links

        userLinks = csv2Music()

        os.chdir("..")  # up to all users folder

        # sending root user popup notifs
        notif_msg = ">> Finished up scraping " + str(len(subs_2_scrape)) +\
            " subs for user ~ " + user_name
        auralNotifs(msg=notif_msg, count=str(user_songs_count))

        # emailer
コード例 #2
ファイル: reddit_fix.py プロジェクト: darth-dodo/auralFix
    def sub2muzak(self, sub_name='listentothis', num_posts=20, period=2):
        subreddit_name = sub_name
        num_posts = int(num_posts)
        period = int(period)
        title = []
        links = []
        sub_date = []
        # print 'period:: ', period
        # print subreddit_name,'\t',num_posts,'\t',period
        # separate if-elif blks coz we get a praw container

        if (period == 1):

            # print 'Period > top_from_week'
            for submission in self.agent.get_subreddit(subreddit_name).get_top_from_week(limit=num_posts):
                auth = ["youtu.be", "soundcloud", "bandcamp", "youtube.com"]

                for i, items in enumerate(auth):
                    if auth[i] in submission.url:
                        print submission.url
                            (submission.title).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
                            (submission.url).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))

        elif(period == 2):

            # print 'Period > top_from_month'
            for submission in self.agent.get_subreddit(subreddit_name).get_top_from_month(limit=num_posts):
                auth = ["youtu.be", "soundcloud", "bandcamp", "youtube.com"]

                for i, items in enumerate(auth):
                    if auth[i] in submission.url:
                            (submission.title).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
                            (submission.url).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))

        elif(period == 3):

            # print 'Period > top_from_year'
            for submission in self.agent.get_subreddit(subreddit_name).get_top_from_year(limit=num_posts):
                auth = ["youtu.be", "soundcloud", "bandcamp", "youtube.com"]

                for i, items in enumerate(auth):
                    if auth[i] in submission.url:
                            (submission.title).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
                            (submission.url).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))

        elif(period == 4):

            # print 'Period > top_from_all_time'
            for submission in self.agent.get_subreddit(subreddit_name).get_top_from_all(limit=num_posts):
                auth = ["youtu.be", "soundcloud", "bandcamp", "youtube.com"]

                for i, items in enumerate(auth):
                    if auth[i] in submission.url:
                            (submission.title).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
                            (submission.url).encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))

        # pprint.pprint(links)

# figure out overlapping music conundrum

        # def unixtime2normal(unixtime):
        #     normal_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(unixtime)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        #     return normal_time

        # print 'Title lenght', len(title)
        # print 'Title links', len(links)
        # print 'Title utc', sub_date
        # created_time = map(unixtime2normal, sub_date)
        # print 'normal_time', created_time

        source = dict(zip(title, links))

        csv_name = subreddit_name + '_' + str(datetime.date.today()) + '_.csv'
        songs_per_subs = 0

        # print '\t\t> Reddit fix csv:',csv_name
        if len(source) > 0:

            for i in source:
                writer = csv.writer(open(csv_name, 'wb'))
                for k, v in source.items():
                    writer.writerow([k, v])

            # print 'Done with extracting link!\ncsv filename > ', csv_name
            print '\t\tDownloading links!'
            # os.system('pwd')

# create an object of the csv2Music class and then call the method
# redditMuzak
            downloader = csv2Music()
            songs_per_subs = downloader.redditMuzak(csv_name)

            return songs_per_subs

            return songs_per_subs