def show_packages_info(pacman_args: 'PacmanArgs', packages_of_user_names: List[str]) -> None: """ shows the information of packages, just as pacman -Si :param pacman_args: the parsed args :param packages_of_user_names: the targets to show the information of """ # pacman output run(["pacman"] + pacman_args.args_as_list(), stderr=DEVNULL) # output for aur packages for package_dict in get_aur_info(packages_of_user_names): for key, value in package_dict.items(): if type(value) is list: value = ' '.join(value) elif key in ["OutOfDate", "FirstSubmitted", "LastModified" ] and value is not None: value = datetime.fromtimestamp(value).replace( tzinfo=tzlocal()).strftime('%c') print("{}{} {}".format(Colors.BOLD(key.ljust(16)), Colors.BOLD(':'), value)) print() sys.exit(0)
def search_and_print(names: Sequence[str], installed_system, pacman_params: str, repo: bool, aur: bool): """ Searches for something and prints the results :param names: The things to search for :param installed_system: A system containing the installed packages :param pacman_params: parameters for pacman as string :param repo: search only in repo :param aur: search only in aur """ if not names: return if not aur: # escape for pacman to_escape = list("()+?|{}") for char in to_escape: pacman_params = pacman_params.replace(char, "\{}".format(char)) run("pacman {}".format(pacman_params), shell=True) if not repo: # see: regex_chars = list("^.+*?$[](){}\|") regex_patterns = [ regex.compile(name, regex.IGNORECASE) for name in names ] names_beginnings_without_regex = [] for name in names: index_start = -1 index_end = len(name) for i, char in enumerate(name): if char not in regex_chars and index_start == -1: index_start = i elif char in regex_chars and index_start != -1: # must be at least two consecutive non regex chars if i - index_start < 2: index_start = -1 continue index_end = i break if index_start == -1 or index_end - index_start < 2: aurman_error( "Your query {} contains not enough non regex chars!". format(Colors.BOLD(Colors.LIGHT_MAGENTA(name)))) raise InvalidInput( "Your query {} contains not enough non regex chars!". format(Colors.BOLD(Colors.LIGHT_MAGENTA(name)))) names_beginnings_without_regex.append(name[index_start:index_end]) found_names = set( ret_dict['Name'] for ret_dict in get_aur_info( [names_beginnings_without_regex[0]], True) if regex_patterns[0].findall(ret_dict['Name']) or isinstance(ret_dict['Description'], str) and regex_patterns[0].findall(ret_dict['Description'])) for i in range(1, len(names)): found_names &= set( ret_dict['Name'] for ret_dict in get_aur_info( [names_beginnings_without_regex[i]], True) if regex_patterns[i].findall(ret_dict['Name']) or isinstance(ret_dict['Description'], str) and regex_patterns[i].findall(ret_dict['Description'])) search_return = get_aur_info(found_names) for ret_dict in sorted(search_return, key=lambda x: float(x['Popularity']), reverse=True): repo_with_slash = Colors.BOLD(Colors.LIGHT_MAGENTA("aur/")) name = Colors.BOLD(ret_dict['Name']) if ret_dict['OutOfDate'] is None: version = Colors.BOLD(Colors.GREEN(ret_dict['Version'])) else: version = Colors.BOLD(Colors.RED(ret_dict['Version'])) first_line = "{}{} {} ({}, {})".format(repo_with_slash, name, version, ret_dict['NumVotes'], ret_dict['Popularity']) if ret_dict['Name'] in installed_system.all_packages_dict: if version_comparison( ret_dict['Version'], "=", installed_system.all_packages_dict[ ret_dict['Name']].version): first_line += " {}".format( Colors.BOLD(Colors.CYAN("[installed]"))) else: first_line += " {}".format( Colors.BOLD( Colors.CYAN("[installed: {}]".format( installed_system.all_packages_dict[ ret_dict['Name']].version)))) print(first_line) print(" {}".format(ret_dict['Description']))
def possible_completions(): if argv[3] == "--auto_complete_index": cur: str = '' index: int = int(argv[4]) - 1 line: List[str] = argv[7:] else: cur: str = argv[3] index: int = int(argv[5]) - 1 line: List[str] = argv[8:] for word in line: # sync operation is for us, everything else is not if word.startswith("-") and "S" in word or word == "--sync": break else: print("call_pacman") return # fetch valid options options = [] for option in pacman_options: if len(option) == 1: options.append("-{}".format(option)) else: options.append("--{}".format(option)) # show options if cur.startswith("-"): # remove already used options for word in line: if not word.startswith("-"): continue if word.startswith("--"): if word in options: options.remove(word) continue values = word[1:] for value in values: if "-{}".format(value) in options: options.remove("-{}".format(value)) print(" ".join(options)) return # get valid option before cur option = None opt_index = None for i in reversed(range(0, index)): word = line[i] if not word.startswith("-"): continue if word.startswith("--"): if word in options: option = word.replace("-", "") opt_index = i break continue for value in reversed(word[1:]): if "-{}".format(value) in options: option = value opt_index = i break # decide if we can show the available sync packages or not if option is not None: option_num_args = pacman_options[option][1] if option_num_args == 2 or (index - opt_index) <= option_num_args: return results = run( "expac -Ss '%n' ^{}".format(cur), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True ).stdout.splitlines() results.extend([ret_dict["Name"] for ret_dict in get_aur_info((cur,), True, True)]) print(" ".join(results))