コード例 #1
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_request_post_deletion_as_maintainer(client: TestClient, auser: User,
                                             pkgbase: PackageBase):
    """ Test the POST route for creating a deletion request as maint works. """
    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/request"
    data = {"comments": "Test request.", "type": "deletion"}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=auser.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)

    # Check the pkgreq record got created and accepted.
    pkgreq = db.query(PackageRequest).first()
    assert pkgreq is not None
    assert pkgreq.ReqTypeID == DELETION_ID
    assert pkgreq.Status == ACCEPTED_ID

    # Should've gotten two emails.
    assert Email.count() == 2

    # A RequestOpenNotification should've been sent out.
    email = Email(1)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))

    # Check the content of the close notification.
    email = Email(2)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_request_post_orphan_autogenerated_closure(client: TestClient,
                                                   tu_user: User,
                                                   pkgbase: PackageBase,
                                                   pkgreq: PackageRequest):
    idle_time = config.getint("options", "request_idle_time")
    now = time.utcnow()
    with db.begin():
        pkgreq.ReqTypeID = ORPHAN_ID
        # Set the request time so it's seen as due (idle_time has passed).
        pkgreq.RequestTS = now - idle_time - 10

    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/disown"
    data = {"confirm": True}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=tu_user.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"

    assert Email.count() == 1
    email = Email(1)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#\d+\] Orphan Request for .+ Accepted$"
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))

    expr = r"\[Autogenerated\] Accepted orphan for .+\."
    assert re.search(expr, email.body)
コード例 #3
def test_update(user: User, user2: User, pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]
    with db.begin():
        user.UpdateNotify = 1

    notif = notify.UpdateNotification(user2.ID, pkgbase.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"AUR Package Update: {pkgbase.Name}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
{user2.Username} [1] pushed a new commit to {pkgbase.Name} [2].

If you no longer wish to receive notifications about this package,
please go to the package page [2] and select "Disable notifications".

[1] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/
[2] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/\
    assert expected == email.body
コード例 #4
def test_comment(user: User, user2: User, pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]

    with db.begin():
        comment = db.create(models.PackageComment,
                            Comments="This is a test comment.")

    notif = notify.CommentNotification(user2.ID, pkgbase.ID, comment.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"AUR Comment for {pkgbase.Name}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
{user2.Username} [1] added the following comment to {pkgbase.Name} [2]:

This is a test comment.

If you no longer wish to receive notifications about this package,
please go to the package page [2] and select "Disable notifications".

[1] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/
[2] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/\
    assert expected == email.body
コード例 #5
def test_close_request_closure_comment(user: User, user2: User,
                                       pkgreq: PackageRequest,
                                       pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]
    with db.begin():
        pkgreq.ClosureComment = "This is a test closure comment."

    notif = notify.RequestCloseNotification(user2.ID, pkgreq.ID, "accepted")
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == aur_request_ml
    assert email.headers.get("Cc") == ", ".join([user.Email, user2.Email])
    expected = f"[PRQ#{pkgreq.ID}] Orphan Request for {pkgbase.Name} Accepted"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
Request #{pkgreq.ID} has been accepted by {user2.Username} [1]:

This is a test closure comment.

[1] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_email.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_email_dump():
    """ Test that Email.dump() dumps a single email. """
    body = "Test email."
    sendmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", body)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    stdout = io.StringIO()
    content = stdout.getvalue()
    assert "== Email #1 ==" in content
コード例 #7
def test_suspended_ownership_change(user: User, pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    with db.begin():
        user.Suspended = 1

    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]
    notif = notify.ComaintainerAddNotification(user.ID, pkgbase.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    Email.reset()  # Clear the Email pool
    notif = notify.ComaintainerRemoveNotification(user.ID, pkgbase.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_merge_request(client: TestClient, user: User, tu_user: User,
                       pkgbase: PackageBase, target: PackageBase,
                       pkgreq: PackageRequest):
    """ Test merging a package with a pre - existing request. """
    with db.begin():
        pkgreq.ReqTypeID = MERGE_ID
        pkgreq.MergeBaseName = target.Name

    other_target = create_pkgbase(user, "other-target")
    other_request = create_request(MERGE_ID, user, pkgbase, "Other request.")
    other_target2 = create_pkgbase(user, "other-target2")
    other_request2 = create_request(MERGE_ID, user, pkgbase, "Other request2.")
    with db.begin():
        other_request.MergeBaseName = other_target.Name
        other_request2.MergeBaseName = other_target2.Name

    # `pkgreq`.ReqTypeID is already DELETION_ID.
    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/merge"
    comments = "Test merge closure."
    data = {"into": target.Name, "comments": comments, "confirm": True}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=tu_user.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{target.Name}"

    # Ensure that `pkgreq`.ClosureComment was left alone when specified.
    assert pkgreq.ClosureComment == comments

    # We should've gotten 3 emails: an accepting and two rejections.
    assert Email.count() == 3

    # Assert specific IDs match up in the subjects.
    accepted = Email(1).parse()
    subj = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Merge Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(subj, accepted.headers.get("Subject"))

    # In the accepted case, we already supplied a closure comment,
    # which stops one from being autogenerated by the algorithm.
    assert "[Autogenerated]" not in accepted.body

    # Test rejection emails, which do have autogenerated closures.
    rejected = Email(2).parse()
    subj = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Merge Request for [^ ]+ Rejected$" % other_request.ID
    assert re.match(subj, rejected.headers.get("Subject"))
    assert "[Autogenerated]" in rejected.body

    rejected = Email(3).parse()
    subj = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Merge Request for [^ ]+ Rejected$" % other_request2.ID
    assert re.match(subj, rejected.headers.get("Subject"))
    assert "[Autogenerated]" in rejected.body
コード例 #9
def test_tu_vote_reminders_only_unvoted(user: User, user2: User, user3: User,
                                        voteinfo: TUVoteInfo):
    # Vote with user2 and user3; leaving only user to be notified.
    create_vote(user2, voteinfo)
    create_vote(user3, voteinfo)

    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email

    subject, content = email_pieces(voteinfo)
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == subject
    assert email.body == content
コード例 #10
def test_comaintainer_removal(user: User, pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]
    notif = notify.ComaintainerRemoveNotification(user.ID, pkgbase.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"AUR Co-Maintainer Notification for {pkgbase.Name}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
You were removed from the co-maintainer list of {pkgbase.Name} [1].

[1] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_deletion_autorequest(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
                              pkgbase: PackageBase):
    """ Test deleting a package without a request. """
    # `pkgreq`.ReqTypeID is already DELETION_ID.
    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/delete"
    data = {"confirm": True}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=tu_user.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)

    assert resp.headers.get("location") == "/packages"
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    subject = r"^\[PRQ#\d+\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$"
    assert re.match(subject, email.headers.get("Subject"))
    assert "[Autogenerated]" in email.body
コード例 #12
def test_close_request_comaintainer_cc(user: User, user2: User,
                                       pkgreq: PackageRequest,
                                       pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]
    with db.begin():

    notif = notify.RequestCloseNotification(0, pkgreq.ID, "accepted")
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == aur_request_ml
    assert email.headers.get("Cc") == ", ".join([user.Email, user2.Email])
コード例 #13
def test_disown(user: User, user2: User, pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]
    notif = notify.DisownNotification(user2.ID, pkgbase.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"AUR Ownership Notification for {pkgbase.Name}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
The package {pkgbase.Name} [1] was disowned by {user2.Username} [2].

[1] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/
[2] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #14
def test_tu_vote_reminders(user: User, user2: User, user3: User,
                           voteinfo: TUVoteInfo):
    assert Email.count() == 3

    emails = [Email(i).parse() for i in range(1, 4)]
    subject, content = email_pieces(voteinfo)
    expectations = [
        # (to, content)
        (user.Email, subject, content),
        (user2.Email, subject, content),
        (user3.Email, subject, content)
    for i, element in enumerate(expectations):
        email, subject, content = element
        assert emails[i].headers.get("To") == email
        assert emails[i].headers.get("Subject") == subject
        assert emails[i].body == content
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_request_post_deletion(client: TestClient, auser2: User,
                               pkgbase: PackageBase):
    """ Test the POST route for creating a deletion request works. """
    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/request"
    data = {"comments": "Test request.", "type": "deletion"}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=auser2.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)

    pkgreq = pkgbase.requests.first()
    assert pkgreq is not None
    assert pkgreq.ReqTypeID == DELETION_ID
    assert pkgreq.Status == PENDING_ID

    # A RequestOpenNotification should've been sent out.
    assert Email.count() == 1
    email = Email(1)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_email.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_email_glue():
    """ Test that Email.glue() decodes both base64 and decoded content. """
    body = "Test email."
    sendmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", body)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email1 = Email(1)
    email2 = Email(1)
    assert email1.glue() == email2.glue()
コード例 #17
def test_delete(user: User, user2: User, pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]
    notif = notify.DeleteNotification(user2.ID, pkgbase.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"AUR Package deleted: {pkgbase.Name}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
{user2.Username} [1] deleted {pkgbase.Name} [2].

You will no longer receive notifications about this package.

[1] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/
[2] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #18
def test_welcome(user: User):
    with db.begin():
        user.ResetKey = "12345678901234567890123456789012"

    notif = notify.WelcomeNotification(user.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    expected = "Welcome to the Arch User Repository"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
Welcome to the Arch User Repository! In order to set an initial
password for your new account, please click the link [1] below. If the
link does not work, try copying and pasting it into your browser.

[1] {aur_location}/passreset/?resetkey=12345678901234567890123456789012\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #19
def test_tu_vote_reminders(user: User):

    vote_id = 1
    notif = notify.TUVoteReminderNotification(vote_id)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"TU Vote Reminder: Proposal {vote_id}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
Please remember to cast your vote on proposal {vote_id} [1]. The voting period
ends in less than 48 hours.

[1] {aur_location}/tu/?id={vote_id}\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #20
def test_reset(user: User):
    with db.begin():
        user.ResetKey = "12345678901234567890123456789012"

    notif = notify.ResetKeyNotification(user.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    expected = "AUR Password Reset"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
A password reset request was submitted for the account test associated
with your email address. If you wish to reset your password follow the
link [1] below, otherwise ignore this message and nothing will happen.

[1] {aur_location}/passreset/?resetkey=12345678901234567890123456789012\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_request_post_deletion_autoaccept(client: TestClient, auser: User,
                                          pkgbase: PackageBase,
                                          caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture):
    """ Test the request route for deletion as maintainer. """

    now = time.utcnow()
    auto_delete_age = config.getint("options", "auto_delete_age")
    with db.begin():
        pkgbase.ModifiedTS = now - auto_delete_age + 100

    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/request"
    data = {"comments": "Test request.", "type": "deletion"}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=auser.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)

    pkgreq = db.query(PackageRequest).filter(
        PackageRequest.PackageBaseName == pkgbase.Name).first()
    assert pkgreq is not None
    assert pkgreq.ReqTypeID == DELETION_ID
    assert pkgreq.Status == ACCEPTED_ID

    # A RequestOpenNotification should've been sent out.
    assert Email.count() == 2

    # Check the content of the open notification.
    email = Email(1)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))

    # Check the content of the close notification.
    email = Email(2)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))

    # Check logs.
    expr = r"New request #\d+ is marked for auto-deletion."
    assert re.search(expr, caplog.text)
コード例 #22
def test_open_close_request(user: User, user2: User, pkgreq: PackageRequest,
                            pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    pkgbase = pkgbases[0]

    # Send an open request notification.
    notif = notify.RequestOpenNotification(user2.ID, pkgreq.ID,
                                           pkgreq.RequestType.Name, pkgbase.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == aur_request_ml
    assert email.headers.get("Cc") == ", ".join([user.Email, user2.Email])
    expected = f"[PRQ#{pkgreq.ID}] Orphan Request for {pkgbase.Name}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
{user2.Username} [1] filed an orphan request for {pkgbase.Name} [2]:

This is a request test comment.

[1] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/
[2] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/\
    assert email.body == expected

    # Now send a closure notification on the pkgbase we just opened.
    notif = notify.RequestCloseNotification(user2.ID, pkgreq.ID, "rejected")
    assert Email.count() == 2

    email = Email(2).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == aur_request_ml
    assert email.headers.get("Cc") == ", ".join([user.Email, user2.Email])
    expected = f"[PRQ#{pkgreq.ID}] Orphan Request for {pkgbase.Name} Rejected"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
Request #{pkgreq.ID} has been rejected by {user2.Username} [1].

[1] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/\
    assert email.body == expected

    # Test auto-accept.
    notif = notify.RequestCloseNotification(0, pkgreq.ID, "accepted")
    assert Email.count() == 3

    email = Email(3).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == aur_request_ml
    assert email.headers.get("Cc") == ", ".join([user.Email, user2.Email])
    expected = (f"[PRQ#{pkgreq.ID}] Orphan Request for "
                f"{pkgbase.Name} Accepted")
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = (f"Request #{pkgreq.ID} has been accepted automatically "
                "by the Arch User Repository\npackage request system.")
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_request_post_orphan_autoaccept(client: TestClient, auser: User,
                                        pkgbase: PackageBase,
                                        caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture):
    """ Test the standard pkgbase request route GET method. """
    now = time.utcnow()
    auto_orphan_age = config.getint("options", "auto_orphan_age")
    with db.begin():
        pkgbase.OutOfDateTS = now - auto_orphan_age - 100

    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/request"
    data = {
        "type": "orphan",
        "comments": "Test request.",
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=auser.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)

    pkgreq = pkgbase.requests.first()
    assert pkgreq is not None
    assert pkgreq.ReqTypeID == ORPHAN_ID

    # A Request(Open|Close)Notification should've been sent out.
    assert Email.count() == 2

    # Check the first email; should be our open request.
    email = Email(1)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Orphan Request for [^ ]+$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))

    # And the second should be the automated closure.
    email = Email(2)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Orphan Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))

    # Check logs.
    expr = r"New request #\d+ is marked for auto-orphan."
    assert re.search(expr, caplog.text)
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_orphan_request(client: TestClient, user: User, tu_user: User,
                        pkgbase: PackageBase, pkgreq: PackageRequest):
    """ Test the standard orphan request route. """
    user2 = create_user("user2", "*****@*****.**")
    with db.begin():

    idle_time = config.getint("options", "request_idle_time")
    now = time.utcnow()
    with db.begin():
        pkgreq.ReqTypeID = ORPHAN_ID
        # Set the request time so it's seen as due (idle_time has passed).
        pkgreq.RequestTS = now - idle_time - 10

    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/disown"
    comments = "Test orphan closure."
    data = {"comments": comments, "confirm": True}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=tu_user.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}"

    # We should have unset the maintainer.
    assert pkgbase.Maintainer is None

    # We should have removed the comaintainers.
    assert not pkgbase.comaintainers.all()

    # Ensure that `pkgreq`.ClosureComment was left alone when specified.
    assert pkgreq.ClosureComment == comments

    # Check the email we expect.
    assert Email.count() == 1
    email = Email(1).parse()
    subj = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Orphan Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(subj, email.headers.get("Subject"))
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_deletion_request(client: TestClient, user: User, tu_user: User,
                          pkgbase: PackageBase, pkgreq: PackageRequest):
    """ Test deleting a package with a preexisting request. """
    # `pkgreq`.ReqTypeID is already DELETION_ID.
    create_request(DELETION_ID, user, pkgbase, "Other request.")

    # Create a notification record for another user. They should then
    # also receive a DeleteNotification.
    user2 = create_user("test2", "*****@*****.**")
    create_notification(user2, pkgbase)

    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/delete"
    comments = "Test closure."
    data = {"comments": comments, "confirm": True}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=tu_user.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert resp.headers.get("location") == "/packages"

    # Ensure that `pkgreq`.ClosureComment was left alone when specified.
    assert pkgreq.ClosureComment == comments

    # We should've gotten three emails. Two accepted requests and
    # a DeleteNotification.
    assert Email.count() == 3

    # Both requests should have gotten accepted and had a notification
    # sent out for them.
    for i in range(Email.count() - 1):
        email = Email(i + 1).parse()
        expr = r"^\[PRQ#\d+\] Deletion Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$"
        assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))

    # We should've also had a DeleteNotification sent out.
    email = Email(3).parse()
    subject = r"^AUR Package deleted: [^ ]+$"
    assert re.match(subject, email.headers.get("Subject"))
    body = r"%s [1] deleted %s [2]." % (tu_user.Username, pkgbase.Name)
    assert body in email.body
コード例 #26
def test_merge(user: User, user2: User, pkgbases: List[PackageBase]):
    source, target = pkgbases[:2]
    notif = notify.DeleteNotification(user2.ID, source.ID, target.ID)
    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"AUR Package deleted: {source.Name}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
{user2.Username} [1] merged {source.Name} [2] into {target.Name} [3].

If you no longer wish receive notifications about the new package,
please go to [3] and click "Disable notifications".

[1] {aur_location}/account/{user2.Username}/
[2] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{source.Name}/
[3] {aur_location}/pkgbase/{target.Name}/\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_orphan_without_requests(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
                                 pkgbase: PackageBase):
    """ Test orphans are automatically accepted past a certain date. """
    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/disown"
    data = {"confirm": True}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=tu_user.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)

    errors = get_errors(resp.text)
    expected = r"^No due existing orphan requests to accept for .+\.$"
    assert re.match(expected, errors[0].text.strip())

    assert Email.count() == 0
コード例 #28
def test_notify_main(user: User):
    """ Test TU vote reminder through aurweb.notify.main(). """

    vote_id = 1
    args = ["aurweb-notify", "tu-vote-reminder", str(vote_id)]
    with mock.patch("sys.argv", args):

    assert Email.count() == 1

    email = Email(1).parse()
    assert email.headers.get("To") == user.Email
    expected = f"TU Vote Reminder: Proposal {vote_id}"
    assert email.headers.get("Subject") == expected

    expected = f"""\
Please remember to cast your vote on proposal {vote_id} [1]. The voting period
ends in less than 48 hours.

[1] {aur_location}/tu/?id={vote_id}\
    assert email.body == expected
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_merge_autorequest(client: TestClient, user: User, tu_user: User,
                           pkgbase: PackageBase, target: PackageBase):
    """ Test merging a package without a request. """
    with db.begin():
        pkgreq.ReqTypeID = MERGE_ID
        pkgreq.MergeBaseName = target.Name

    # `pkgreq`.ReqTypeID is already DELETION_ID.
    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/merge"
    data = {"into": target.Name, "confirm": True}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=tu_user.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert resp.headers.get("location") == f"/pkgbase/{target.Name}"

    # Should've gotten one email; an [Autogenerated] one.
    assert Email.count() == 1

    # Test accepted merge request notification.
    email = Email(1).parse()
    subj = r"^\[PRQ#\d+\] Merge Request for [^ ]+ Accepted$"
    assert re.match(subj, email.headers.get("Subject"))
    assert "[Autogenerated]" in email.body
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_requests.py プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/aurweb
def test_request_post_merge(client: TestClient, auser: User,
                            pkgbase: PackageBase, target: PackageBase):
    """ Test the request route for merge as maintainer. """
    endpoint = f"/pkgbase/{pkgbase.Name}/request"
    data = {
        "type": "merge",
        "merge_into": target.Name,
        "comments": "Test request.",
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post(endpoint, data=data, cookies=auser.cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)

    pkgreq = pkgbase.requests.first()
    assert pkgreq is not None
    assert pkgreq.ReqTypeID == MERGE_ID
    assert pkgreq.Status == PENDING_ID
    assert pkgreq.MergeBaseName == target.Name

    # A RequestOpenNotification should've been sent out.
    assert Email.count() == 1
    email = Email(1)
    expr = r"^\[PRQ#%d\] Merge Request for [^ ]+$" % pkgreq.ID
    assert re.match(expr, email.headers.get("Subject"))