def __init__(self, car, capture_interval=2, folder_name="autcar_training", rotation=None): """ A capture object can be used to record training data while the car is driving @param car: The car object which is used to retrieve the current commands @param folder_name: The folder where training images and commands are stored @param capture_interval: Defines how often pictures are taken while recording. Default is 2 seconds @param rotation: Defines if camera images should be rotated. Default is none, use -1 for 180 degree rotation """ self.__folder_name = folder_name self.__car = car self.__cam = Camera(rotation=rotation) self.__frame = None self.__proc = Thread(target=self.__record_data) self.__stop_recording = False self.__capture_interval = capture_interval self.__counter = 0 self.__last_timestamp = 0
def __init__(self, model, car, capture_interval = 2, rotation = None): """ A Driver object is used to autonomously drive a car. It needs a car object and a path to a model file @param model: A file path to a trained ONNX model file @param car: The car object which is used to control the motor @param capture_interval: Defines how often pictures are taken. Default is 2 seconds @param rotation: Defines if camera images should be rotated. Default is none, use -1 for 180 degree rotation """ self.__car = car self.__cam = Camera(rotation=rotation) if(os.path.isfile(model) == False): raise Exception("Error: File %s does not exist. Did you train and create a model file?"%model) return self.__model_file = model self.__frame = None self.__proc = Thread(target=self.__drive_onnx) self.__stop_driving = False self.__capture_interval = capture_interval self.__counter = 0 self.__last_command = None self.__last_timestamp = 0
class Driver: def __init__(self, model, car, capture_interval = 2, rotation = None): """ A Driver object is used to autonomously drive a car. It needs a car object and a path to a model file @param model: A file path to a trained ONNX model file @param car: The car object which is used to control the motor @param capture_interval: Defines how often pictures are taken. Default is 2 seconds @param rotation: Defines if camera images should be rotated. Default is none, use -1 for 180 degree rotation """ self.__car = car self.__cam = Camera(rotation=rotation) if(os.path.isfile(model) == False): raise Exception("Error: File %s does not exist. Did you train and create a model file?"%model) return self.__model_file = model self.__frame = None self.__proc = Thread(target=self.__drive_onnx) self.__stop_driving = False self.__capture_interval = capture_interval self.__counter = 0 self.__last_command = None self.__last_timestamp = 0 def __pad_image(self, image): target_size = max(image.size) result ='RGB', (target_size, target_size), "white") try: result.paste(image, (int((target_size - image.size[0]) / 2), int((target_size - image.size[1]) / 2))) except: print("Error on image " + image) raise Exception('pad_image error') return result def __normalize(self, arr, desired_mean = 0, desired_std = 1): arr = arr.astype('float') for i in range(3): mean = arr[...,i].mean() std = arr[...,i].std() arr[...,i] = (arr[...,i] - mean)*(desired_std/std) + desired_mean return arr def __scale_image(self, image, scaling=(224,168)): try: return image.resize(scaling, Image.LINEAR) except: raise Exception('pad_image error') def __drive_keras(self): self.__last_timestamp = time.time() try: model = load_model(self.__model_file) except Exception as e: print("Model file not available") while True: if(self.__stop_driving): break # We constantly read new images from the cam to empty the VideoCapture buffer ret, frame = self.__frame = frame current_time = time.time() if(current_time - self.__last_timestamp > self.__capture_interval): self.__last_timestamp = current_time try: img = Image.fromarray(self.__frame) except Exception as e: print("Cant read image") try: processed_image = equalize(self.__scale_image(self.__pad_image(img))) except Exception as e: print("Err while reading image") X = np.array(processed_image)/255.0 X = np.expand_dims(X, axis=0) pred = model.predict(X) index = np.argmax(pred) if(index == 0): if(self.__last_command == "forward"): continue print("forward") self.__last_command = "forward" self.__car.move("forward", "medium") elif(index == 1): if(self.__last_command == "left"): continue print("left") self.__last_command = "left" self.__car.left("light", "forward") elif(index == 2): if(self.__last_command == "right"): continue print("right") self.__last_command = "right" self.__car.right("light", "forward") def __drive_tensorflow(self): self.__last_timestamp = time.time() with tf.Session() as sess: print("load graph") with gfile.FastGFile(self.__model_file, 'rb') as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( sess.graph.as_default() tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='') graph_nodes=[n for n in graph_def.node] softmax_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('Softmax612:0') while True: if(self.__stop_driving): break # We constantly read new images from the cam to empty the VideoCapture buffer ret, frame = self.__frame = frame current_time = time.time() if(current_time - self.__last_timestamp > self.__capture_interval): self.__last_timestamp = current_time try: img = Image.fromarray(self.__frame) except Exception as e: print("Cant read image") try: processed_image = equalize(self.__scale_image(self.__pad_image(img))) except Exception as e: print("Err while reading image") X = np.array([np.moveaxis(np.array(processed_image), -1, 0)])/255.0 pred =, {'Input501:0': X}) print(pred) index = np.argmax(pred) if(index == 0): if(self.__last_command == "forward"): continue print("forward") self.__last_command = "forward" self.__car.move("forward", "medium") elif(index == 1): if(self.__last_command == "left"): continue print("left") self.__last_command = "left" self.__car.left("light", "forward") elif(index == 2): if(self.__last_command == "right"): continue print("right") self.__last_command = "right" self.__car.right("light", "forward") def __drive_onnx(self): self.__last_timestamp = time.time() sess = rt.InferenceSession(self.__model_file) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name while True: if(self.__stop_driving): break # We constantly read new images from the cam to empty the VideoCapture buffer ret, frame = self.__frame = frame current_time = time.time() if(current_time - self.__last_timestamp > self.__capture_interval): self.__last_timestamp = current_time try: # OpenCV reads BGR, Pillow reads RGB -> convert imgconv = cv2.cvtColor(self.__frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = Image.fromarray(imgconv) except Exception as e: print("Cant read image") try: processed_image = self.__scale_image(img) except: print("Err while reading image") r, g, b = processed_image.split() processed_image = Image.merge("RGB", (b, g, r)) X = np.array([np.moveaxis((np.array(processed_image).astype('float32')-128), -1, 0)]) pred =[label_name], {input_name: X.astype(np.float32)})[0] index = np.argmax(pred) if(index == 0): if(self.__last_command == "forward"): continue print("forward") self.__last_command = "forward" self.__car.move("forward", "medium") elif(index == 1): if(self.__last_command == "left"): continue print("left") self.__last_command = "left" self.__car.left("light", "forward") elif(index == 2): if(self.__last_command == "right"): continue print("right") self.__last_command = "right" self.__car.right("light", "forward") def __drive_onnx_new(self): self.__last_timestamp = time.time() sess = rt.InferenceSession(self.__model_file) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name index = Value("i", -1) def norm(_img): tt=np.asarray(_img).astype('float32') tt=tt/255 tt[0]=(tt[0]-0.485)/0.229 tt[1]=(tt[1]-0.456)/0.224 tt[2]=(tt[2]-0.406)/0.225 return tt while True: if(self.__stop_driving): break # We constantly read new images from the cam to empty the VideoCapture buffer ret, frame = self.__frame = frame current_time = time.time() if(current_time - self.__last_timestamp > self.__capture_interval): self.__last_timestamp = current_time try: # OpenCV reads BGR, Pillow reads RGB -> convert imgconv = cv2.cvtColor(self.__frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = Image.fromarray(imgconv) except Exception as e: print("Cant read image") try: processed_image = norm(self.__scale_image(img, (224, 168))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Error while reading image") X = np.array([np.moveaxis(processed_image, -1, 0)]) pred =[label_name], {input_name: X.astype(np.float32)})[0] index = np.argmax(pred) if(index == 0): if(self.__last_command == "forward"): continue print("forward") self.__last_command = "forward" self.__car.move("forward", "medium") elif(index == 1): if(self.__last_command == "left"): continue print("left") self.__last_command = "left" self.__car.left("light", "forward") elif(index == 2): if(self.__last_command == "right"): continue print("right") self.__last_command = "right" self.__car.right("light", "forward") def start(self): print("Auto driver started") try: self.__proc.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard interrupt") exit() def stop(self): self.__stop_driving = True
class Capture: def __init__(self, car, capture_interval=2, folder_name="autcar_training", rotation=None): """ A capture object can be used to record training data while the car is driving @param car: The car object which is used to retrieve the current commands @param folder_name: The folder where training images and commands are stored @param capture_interval: Defines how often pictures are taken while recording. Default is 2 seconds @param rotation: Defines if camera images should be rotated. Default is none, use -1 for 180 degree rotation """ self.__folder_name = folder_name self.__car = car self.__cam = Camera(rotation=rotation) self.__frame = None self.__proc = Thread(target=self.__record_data) self.__stop_recording = False self.__capture_interval = capture_interval self.__counter = 0 self.__last_timestamp = 0 def __save_frame(self, frame, folder_name, description): img_name = folder_name + "/" + str( self.__counter) + "_car_snapshot.png" cv2.imwrite(img_name, frame) with open(folder_name + '/training.csv', 'a') as f: f.write( str(self.__counter) + "_car_snapshot.png;" + str(description) + "\r\n") self.__counter = self.__counter + 1 def __record_data(self): if not os.path.exists(self.__folder_name): os.mkdir(self.__folder_name) self.__last_timestamp = time.time() while True: if (self.__stop_recording): break # We constantly read new images from the cam to empty the VideoCapture buffer ret, frame = self.__frame = frame current_time = time.time() if (current_time - self.__last_timestamp > self.__capture_interval): self.__save_frame(self.__frame, self.__folder_name, self.__car.current_command) self.__last_timestamp = current_time def start(self): self.__proc.start() def stop(self): self.__stop_recording = True
from autcar import Camera cam = Camera(rotation=-1) cam.listen()
from autcar import Car, Driver, Camera, Model car = Car() cam = Camera(rotation=-1) model = Model("driver_keras.onnx") driver = Driver(model, car, cam, execution_interval=2) driver.start()