コード例 #1
            return True

        return False

    def can_view_child_basic_profile(self, child):
        ac = self.get_ac(child)
        if ac:
            return True

        required_access = child.basic_prof_privacy

        if self.has_required_access(child, required_access):
            return True

        return False

    def can_view_child_extended_profile(self, child):
        ac = self.get_ac(child)
        if ac:
            return True

        required_access = child.ext_prof_privacy

        if self.has_required_access(child, required_access):
            return True

        return False

authority.register(Child, ChildPermission)
authority.register(User, UserPermission)
コード例 #2
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: zctyhj/kitsune
import authority

from kitsune.forums.models import Forum

class ForumPermission(authority.permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'forums_forum'
    checks = ('thread_edit', 'thread_sticky', 'thread_locked', 'thread_delete',
              'post_edit', 'post_delete', 'thread_move', 'view_in', 'post_in')
    # view_in: view the forum, its threads, and its posts
    # post_in: make new threads and posts in a forum

authority.register(Forum, ForumPermission)
コード例 #3
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: esauro/akademic
# Modelos a los que se les asocia permisos
from models import Pas

import logging

log = logging.getLogger('galotecnia')

class PasPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'paspermission'
    check = ('is_pas',)

    def asignar_recurso(self):
            profile = self.user.get_profile()
        except PersonaPerfil.DoesNotExist:
            # Si no tiene perfil no sabemos que tipo de persona es
            # por lo tanto, denegamos el acceso
            log.error(u"No existe perfil asociado al usuario %s" % self.user.username)
            return False
            pas = profile.pas
        except Pas.DoesNotExist:
            log.debug(u"El usuario %s no puede acceder a la informacion de porteria" % self.user.username)
            return False
        # TODO: Si hay mas personas que pueden asignar recursos, incluir aqui
        return True

authority.register(Pas, PasPermission)
コード例 #4
ファイル: perms.py プロジェクト: QuangCarota/vnoiwebsite
    def can_delete_post(self, post):
        # Admin can delete post
        return is_admin(self.user)

class TopicPermission(PostPermission):

    label = 'topic_permission'
    checks = 'can_toggle_pin'

    def can_toggle_pin(self, topic):
        # Only admin can pin topic
        return is_admin(self.user)

class VotePermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'vote_permission'
    checks = ('can_create_vote', )

    def can_create_vote(self, post):
        # Authenticated user can create vote
        return True

authority.register(Forum, ForumPermission)
authority.register(Vote, VotePermission)
authority.register(Post, PostPermission)
authority.register(Topic, TopicPermission)

コード例 #5
ファイル: project.py プロジェクト: 593in/transifex
                if any_team and not team:
                    user_teams = project.team_set.filter(
                    if user_teams:
                        return True
        return False
    submit_translations.short_description = _("Is allowed to submit "
        "translations to this project")

    def private(self, project=None):
        """Test if a user has access to a private project."""
        if project:
            if project.private:
                # To avoid doing all the checks below!
                if self.user.is_anonymous():
                    return False
                # Maintainers, writers (submitters, coordinators, members)
                return self.maintain(project) or \
                    self.submit_translations(project, any_team=True) or\
                    self.proofread(project, any_team=True)
                # The project is public so let them continue
                return True
        return False
    private.short_description=_('Is allowed to browse this private project')

authority.register(Project, ProjectPermission)
コード例 #6
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: ewheeler/vaxtrack
import authority
from authority import permissions
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from .models import Country

class CountryPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    label = "country_permission"
    checks = ("has_country_affiliation",)

    def has_country_affiliation(self, user, country):
        # allow staff and superusers to see all countries
        if user.is_staff() or user.is_superuser():
            return True
            profile = user.get_profile()
            if profile.country:
                # if the user declared affiliation with a country
                # during registration, allow them to view it
                if profile.country == country:
                    return True
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        return False

authority.register(Country, CountryPermission)
コード例 #7
                print "yay, you can review this flatpage!"
            return flatpage(request, url)

    Or the same view using the decorator permission_required::

            ('flatpages.flatpage', 'url__contains', 'url'))
        def review_flatpage(request, url):
            print "yay, you can review this flatpage!"
            return flatpage(request, url)

    Or you can use this permission in your templates like this::

        {% ifhasperm "flatpage_permission.review_flatpage" request.user flatpage %}
            Yes, you are allowed to review flatpage '{{ flatpage }}', aren't you?
        {% else %}
            Nope, sorry. You aren't allowed to review this flatpage.
        {% endifhasperm %}

    label = 'flatpage_permission'
    checks = ('review', 'top_secret')

    def top_secret(self, flatpage=None, lala=None):
        if flatpage and flatpage.registration_required:
            return self.browse_flatpage(obj=flatpage)
        return False
    top_secret.short_description=_('Is allowed to see top secret flatpages')

authority.register(FlatPage, FlatPagePermission)
コード例 #8
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: Akamad007/kitsune
from forums.models import Forum

import authority

class ForumPermission(authority.permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'forums_forum'
    checks = ('thread_edit', 'thread_sticky', 'thread_locked', 'thread_delete',
              'post_edit', 'post_delete', 'thread_move', 'view_in', 'post_in')
    # view_in: view the forum, its threads, and its posts
    # post_in: make new threads and posts in a forum

authority.register(Forum, ForumPermission)
コード例 #9
                    user_teams = project.team_set.filter(
                        Q(coordinators=self.user) | Q(members=self.user)
                        | Q(reviewers=self.user)).distinct()
                    if user_teams:
                        return True
        return False

    submit_translations.short_description = _("Is allowed to submit "
                                              "translations to this project")

    def private(self, project=None):
        """Test if a user has access to a private project."""
        if project:
            if project.private:
                # To avoid doing all the checks below!
                if self.user.is_anonymous():
                    return False
                # Maintainers, writers (submitters, coordinators, members)
                return self.maintain(project) or \
                    self.submit_translations(project, any_team=True) or\
                    self.proofread(project, any_team=True)
                # The project is public so let them continue
                return True
        return False

    private.short_description = _('Is allowed to browse this private project')

authority.register(Project, ProjectPermission)
コード例 #10
from django.test import TestCase
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission as DjangoPermission

import authority
from authority import permissions
from authority.models import Permission
from authority.exceptions import NotAModel, UnsavedModelInstance

class UserPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    checks = ('browse',)
    label = 'user_permission'
authority.register(User, UserPermission)

class BehaviourTest(TestCase):
    self.user will be given:
    - django permission add_user (test_add)
    - authority to delete_user which is him (test_delete)

    This permissions are given in the test case and not in the fixture, for
    later reference.
    fixtures = ['tests.json',]

    def setUp(self):
        self.user = User.objects.get(username='******')
        self.check = UserPermission(self.user)

    def test_no_permission(self):
コード例 #11
ファイル: perms.py プロジェクト: braskin/pd
        return False

    def can_view_child_basic_profile(self, child):
        ac = self.get_ac(child)
        if ac:
            return True

        required_access = child.basic_prof_privacy

        if self.has_required_access(child, required_access):
            return True

        return False

    def can_view_child_extended_profile(self, child):
        ac = self.get_ac(child)
        if ac:
            return True

        required_access = child.ext_prof_privacy

        if self.has_required_access(child, required_access):
            return True

        return False

authority.register(Child, ChildPermission)
authority.register(User, UserPermission)
コード例 #12
import authority
from authority import permissions
from characters.models import Sheet

from chronicles.models import Chronicle, ChronicleMember

class SheetPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'sheet_permission'
    check = ('fullview', 'change', 'delete', 'list', 'history',)

authority.register(Sheet, SheetPermission)

def can_something_sheet(request, sheet, role, checkperm, user=None, infodump=False):
    if user is None:
        user = request.user
    if user == sheet.player:
        if infodump:
            return (True, "Sheet owner")
            return True

    for chronicle in Chronicle.objects.all():
        chronicle_sheets = chronicle.content_objects(Sheet)
            cm = ChronicleMember.objects.get(user=user, chronicle=chronicle)
            if role == cm.membership_role:
                if infodump:
                    return (True, "%s in %s" % (cm.get_membership_role_display(), cm.chronicle.name))
                    return True
コード例 #13
ファイル: perms.py プロジェクト: flashmt/vnoiwebsite
import authority
from authority import permissions
from contests.models import ContestStandingTable

# Assume all user must be authenticated before check this permission
from vnoiusers.user_util import is_admin

class ContestPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'contest_permission'
    check = 'can_crawl_contest'

    def can_crawl_contest(self):
        # Admin can crawl contest
        return is_admin(self.user)

authority.register(ContestStandingTable, ContestPermission)
コード例 #14
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: esauro/akademic
            profesor = profile.profesor
        except Profesor.DoesNotExist:
                pas = profile.pas
            except Pas.DoesNotExist:
                log.debug(u"El usuario %s no puede reservar recursos" % self.user.username)
                return False
        return True

    def asignar_recurso(self, recurso = None):
        if recurso and not recurso.actualmenteDisponible:
            log.debug(u"El recurso %s no esta disponible actualmente")
            return False 
            profile = self.user.get_profile()
        except PersonaPerfil.DoesNotExist:
            # Si no tiene perfil no sabemos que tipo de persona es
            # por lo tanto, denegamos el acceso
            log.error(u"No existe perfil asociado al usuario %s" % self.user.username)
            return False
            pas = profile.pas
        except Pas.DoesNotExist:
            log.debug(u"El usuario %s no puede asignar el recursos" % self.user.username)
            return False
        return True

authority.register(Recurso, RecursoPermission)
コード例 #15
        if method != 'POST':
            return True

        # right to change all the pages
        if self.change_page():
            return True
        if lang:
            # try the global language permission first
            perm = self.user.has_perm(
                'pages.can_manage_%s' % lang.replace('-', '_')
            if perm:
                return True
            # then per object permission
            perm_func = getattr(self, 'manage (%s)_page' % lang)
            if perm_func(page):
                return True
        # last hierarchic permissions because it's more expensive
        perm_func = getattr(self, 'manage hierarchy_page')
        if perm_func(page):
            return True
            for ancestor in page.get_ancestors():
                if perm_func(ancestor):
                    return True

        # everything else failed, no permissions
        return False

authority.register(Page, PagePermission)
コード例 #16
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: esauro/akademic
            return False

        # Usuario profesor
        for ga in alumno.grupoaulaalumno_set.exclude(grupo__seccion = 'Pendientes'):
            log.debug("GrupoAulas para el alumno: %s", ga)
            jefe = profesor.jefeestudios_set.all()
            for j in jefe:
                if j.nivel == ga.grupo.curso.ciclo.nivel:
                    return True 
            coordinador = profesor.coordinadorciclo_set.all()
            for c in coordinador:
                if c.ciclo == ga.grupo.curso.ciclo:
                    return True
            tutor = profesor.tutor_set.all()
            for t in tutor:
                if t.grupo == ga.grupo:
                    return True
                if asignatura:
                    clase = Horario.objects.get(grupo = ga.grupo, profesor = profesor, asignatura = asignatura)
                    clase = Horario.objects.get(grupo = ga.grupo, profesor = profesor)
                return True
            except Horario.DoesNotExist:
                log.error(u"El profesor %s no tiene privilegios para acceder a %s" % (profesor, alumno))
                return False
        return False

authority.register(Alumno, AlumnoPermission)
authority.register(GrupoAula, GrupoAulaPermission)
コード例 #17
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: deepgraphs/dgraphdb
__author__ = 'mpetyx'

import authority
from authority import permissions
from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage

class FlatpagePermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'flatpage_permission'

authority.register(FlatPage, FlatpagePermission)
コード例 #18
from authority.models import Permission
from authority.exceptions import NotAModel, UnsavedModelInstance
from authority.compat import get_user_model

# Load the form
from authority.forms import UserPermissionForm  # noqa

User = get_user_model()
FIXTURES = ['tests_custom.json']
QUERY = Q(email="*****@*****.**")

class UserPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    checks = ('browse',)
    label = 'user_permission'
authority.register(User, UserPermission)

class GroupPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    checks = ('browse',)
    label = 'group_permission'
authority.register(Group, GroupPermission)

class DjangoPermissionChecksTestCase(TestCase):
    Django permission objects have certain methods that are always present,
    test those here.

    self.user will be given:
    - django permission add_user (test_add)
コード例 #19
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: SpreadBand/SpreadBand
import authority
from authority import permissions

from .models import Band

class BandPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    label = 'band_permission'
    checks = ('add', 'change', 'manage')

authority.register(Band, BandPermission)

コード例 #20
        # right to change all the pages
        if self.change_page():
            return True
        if lang:
            # try the global language permission first
            perm = self.user.has_perm('pages.can_manage_%s' %
                                      lang.replace('-', '_'))
            if perm:
                return True
            # then per object permission
                perm_func = getattr(self, 'manage (%s)_page' % lang)
                if perm_func(page):
                    return True
                return False
        # last hierarchic permissions because it's more expensive
        perm_func = getattr(self, 'manage hierarchy_page')
        if perm_func(page):
            return True
            for ancestor in page.get_ancestors():
                if perm_func(ancestor):
                    return True

        # everything else failed, no permissions
        return False

authority.register(Page, PagePermission)
コード例 #21
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: esauro/akademic
from authority import permissions

# Modelos a los que se les asocia permisos
from models import Padre

import logging

log = logging.getLogger('galotecnia')

class PadrePermission(permissions.BasePermission):

    label = 'padres_permission'
    check = ('check_padre', )

    def check_padre(self):
            profile = self.user.get_profile()
        except PersonaPerfil.DoesNotExist:
            # Si no tiene perfil no sabemos que tipo de persona es
            # por lo tanto, denegamos el acceso
            log.error(u"No existe el perfil asociado al usuario %s" % self.user.username)
            return False
            padre = profile.padre
        except Padre.DoesNotExist:
            log.debug(u"El usuario %s no puede ver los recursos" % self.user.username)
            return False
        return True

authority.register(Padre, PadrePermission)