def _get_author(author_name): def _check_name(author_name, author_db): name_en = author_db["name_en"].upper() if author_db["name_ja"] == None: name_ja = "" else: name_ja = "".join(author_db["name_ja"].split()) # print(author_name, "=>", name_en, name_ja) if author_name.upper() == name_en: return True elif len(name_ja) > 0 and (name_ja == "".join( author_name.split())): # Japanene Version return True elif len(name_en.split(",")) == 2 and len( author_name.split()) == 2: _name1 = [s.upper() for s in author_name.split()] _name2 = [s.strip() for s in name_en.split(",")] if (_name1[0] == _name2[0]) and ( _name1[1] == _name2[1]): # FamilyName + FirstName return True elif (_name1[0] == _name2[1]) and ( _name1[1] == _name2[0]): # FirstName + FamilyName return True return False for _author in [s.strip() for s in author_name.split()]: for author_db in get_authors(url_base, _author): if _check_name(author_name, author_db): return author_db return None
def material(id): work = librarymaterial.get_work(id) author = authors.get_author_by_work(id) free = loans.number_of_free(id) times_loaned = loans.times_loaned(id) a_list = authors.get_authors() type = materialtypes.get_type(id) t_list = materialtypes.get_types() return render_template("material.html", id=id, work=work, author=author, free=free, times_loaned=times_loaned, a_list=a_list, type=type, t_list=t_list)
def statistics(): if not accounts.is_admin(): flash("Ei oikeuksia ylläpitosivulle.", "warning") return redirect("/") auth_list = authors.get_authors() m_list = librarymaterial.get_material_by_name() type_list = materialtypes.get_types() acc_list = accounts.get_accounts() loan_history = loans.get_loan_history() return render_template("statistics.html", auth_list=auth_list, m_list=m_list, type_list=type_list, acc_list=acc_list, loan_history=loan_history)
def create_author_order(url_base, token, author_order_dict, logger=getLogger(__name__ + '.create_author_order')): """ Args. ----- - url : str, API Endpoint - token : str, Authentication Token - author_order_dict : dict object which contains ["bibtex_title", "authors",] Returns. -------- - True/False """ # Check payload key_expected, key_actual = set(["bibtex", "authors"]), set(author_order_dict.keys()) if not key_expected == key_actual: logger.warning( "Check author_order_dict. some keys are missing or it contains unsed keys. [diff={}]" .format(key_expected - key_actual)) raise ValueError("Check author_order_dict") # Get Bibtex Data url_get_bibtex = url_base + "bibtexs/" bibtexs = get_bibtexs(url_base, author_order_dict["bibtex"]["title"]) bibtexs_selected = [ bibtex for bibtex in bibtexs if (bibtex["title_en"] == author_order_dict["bibtex"]["title"]) or ( bibtex["title_ja"] == author_order_dict["bibtex"]["title"]) ] if len(bibtexs_selected) == 1: bibtex = bibtexs_selected[0] bibtex["title"] = author_order_dict["bibtex"]["title"] bibtex_id = bibtex["id"]"Get Bibtex data: {}".format(bibtex)) else: logger.warning( "There is some anbiguity to selected bibtex. [got {}]".format( len(bibtexs))) logger.warning("Search [{}] ==> {}".format(author_order_dict["bibtex"], bibtexs)) df_tmp = pd.DataFrame({ "bibtex_title": [author_order_dict["bibtex"]["title"]], "bibtex_id": [ -1, ], "no": [ 0, ], "author": [ author_order_dict["authors"], ], "status": [False], "msg": [ "Bibtex not found [Got{}]".format(len(bibtexs)), ], }) return df_tmp # Make Post Request url_post = url_base + "author-orders/" headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Token {}".format(token), } logger.debug("Make Requests:") logger.debug("- url : {}".format(url_post)) logger.debug("- headers: {}".format(headers)) logger.debug("- params : {}".format(author_order_dict)) df_ret = [] authors_list = [a.strip() for a in author_order_dict["authors"].split(",")] for no, _author in enumerate(authors_list): row = [ bibtex["title"], bibtex_id, no, _author, ] # Get Author Data url_get_author = url_base + "authors/" _author = _author.strip() authors = get_authors(url_base, _author) authors_selected = [ author for author in authors if (_author == author["name_en"].upper()) or ( _author == author["name_ja"].upper()) ] if len(authors_selected) == 1: author = authors_selected[0] author_id = author["id"]"Get Author data: {}".format(author)) else: logger.warning( "There is some anbiguity to selected author. [got {}]".format( len(authors))) logger.warning("Search [{}] ==> {}".format(_author, authors)) row = row + [ False, "Author is unknow [Got {}]".format(len(authors)) ] df_ret.append(row) continue # Post payload = { "bibtex_id": bibtex_id, "author_id": author_id, "order": no + 1, } r = url_post, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload), ) ## Check Responce"Response: status={}".format(r.status_code)) data = json.loads(r.text) logger.debug("Response: status={}, data={}".format( r.status_code, data)) if r.status_code == 201:"Success: Create new author_order.\n") row = row + [True, "Created"] df_ret.append(row) continue else: if str(data) == "['DB IntegrityError']": row = row + [True, str(data)] df_ret.append(row) continue logger.warning( "Failed: Cannot create new author_order. {} \n".format(data)) row = row + [False, str(data)] df_ret.append(row) continue return pd.DataFrame(df_ret, columns=[ "bibtex_titele", "bibtex_id", "no", "author", "status", "msg" ])
def authors_list(): a_list = authors.get_authors() return render_template("authors_list.html", a_list=a_list)