コード例 #1
 def ds_from_filelist(filelist):
     meshes = []
     mesheslist = []
     for file in filelist:
     return (DatasetCollection(datasets=mesheslist))
コード例 #2
 def ds_from_dir(dir_path, center_scale=False):
     c = [join(dir_path, x) for x in listdir(dir_path)]
     files = [
         f for f in c
         if isfile(f) and splitext(f)[1] in DatasetFactory.__ftypes
     if not files:
         msg = 'No appropriate files were found in ' + dir_path
         raise OSError(msg)
     meshes = []
     mesheslist = []
     for file in files:
         meshes.append(MeshFactory.mesh_from_file(file, center_scale))
     return (DatasetCollection(datasets=mesheslist))
コード例 #3
#Test script for the mesh factory
from auto3dgm_nazar.mesh.meshfactory import MeshFactory

#Test case 0: Giving out a non-sense file
#Conditions: filestring refers to a non existing file
#Expect: When I try to create a mesh, I get an error
filestring = '/home/safari/Desktop/tutkimus/Slicer/HackathonJAN/testdata/20_Test_Teeth_PLY/Non-existing file.ply'
In [27]: filestring='/home/safari/Desktop/tutkimus/Slicer/HackathonJAN/testdata/20_Test_Teeth_PLY/Non-existing file.ply'

In [28]: MeshFactory.mesh_from_file(filestring)
OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-dce76620cc80> in <module>()
----> 1 MeshFactory.mesh_from_file(filestring)

/home/safari/Desktop/tutkimus/Slicer/HackathonJAN/gitstuff/auto3dgm/auto3dgm/mesh/meshfactory.py in mesh_from_file(file_path)
     52             msg = 'File {} not present or not allowed filetype: {}'.format(
     53                 file_path, ', '.join(allowed_filetypes))
---> 54             raise OSError(msg)
     56     @staticmethod

OSError: File /home/safari/Desktop/tutkimus/Slicer/HackathonJAN/testdata/20_Test_Teeth_PLY/Non-existing file.ply not present or not allowed filetype: .ply, .obj, .stl
# Result: Success!

#Test case 1: Giving out an invalid
#Conditions: filestring refers to a file type not supported
#Expect: When I try to create a mesh, I get an error