def getIntegrals(self,fin,sels,hname="genmass",mean=False,isGen=False): folders = getObjects( getObjects( [fin], sels ), ["histograms"] ) histograms = map(lambda x: (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(x.GetPath())), filter(lambda y: hname in y.GetName() and ("Grav" in y.GetName() or "Spin0" in y.GetName()), getObjects([x]))), folders ) if isGen and self.options.split_by_r9: return self.computeIntegrals(histograms,mean,"HighR9")+self.computeIntegrals(histograms,mean,"LowR9") else: return self.computeIntegrals(histograms,mean)
def getIntegrals(self,fin,sels,hname="genmass",mean=False): folders = getObjects( getObjects( [fin], sels ), ["histograms"] ) histograms = map(lambda x: (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(x.GetPath())), filter(lambda y: hname in y.GetName() and "Grav" in y.GetName(), getObjects([x]))), folders ) if mean: fnc = lambda x: ( x.GetMean(), x.Integral()) else: fnc = lambda x: x.Integral() return map(lambda x: (x[0].replace("GenIso",""),map(lambda y: (self.getMassAndCoup(y.GetName()),self.getCategory(y.GetName()),fnc(y)), x[1])), histograms )
def getIntegrals(self, fin, sels, hname="genmass", mean=False): folders = getObjects(getObjects([fin], sels), ["histograms"]) histograms = map( lambda x: (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(x.GetPath())), filter(lambda y: hname in y.GetName() and "Grav" in y.GetName(), getObjects([x]))), folders) if mean: fnc = lambda x: (x.GetMean(), x.Integral()) else: fnc = lambda x: x.Integral() return map( lambda x: (x[0].replace("GenIso", ""), map( lambda y: (self.getMassAndCoup(y.GetName()), self.getCategory(y.GetName()), fnc(y)), x[1])), histograms)
def __call__(self, options, args): self.loadRootStyle() # ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath( "$ROOTSYS/include" ) ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit/test/plotting/bandUtils.cxx+" ) self.loadXsections(options.x_sections) if options.do_comparison: if len(options.compare_labels) > 0: assert (len(options.compare_labels) == len( options.compare_files)) else: options.compare_labels = map(guessLabel, options.compare_files) = map( lambda x: (getObjects([[0])]), x[1]), zip(options.compare_files, options.compare_labels)) self.plotComparisons(options) return if options.compare_expected: self.compareExpectedLivia(options, True, False) #orig #self.compareExpectedLivia(options, False, False) #boost self.compareExpectedLivia(options, False, True) #chiara return print options.couplings #if len(options.couplings) == 0: # flist = glob.glob("%s/higgsCombine%s*.%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, options.method) ) #else: #flist = ["%s/higgsCombineTest.%s.mA0300.root" %(options.input_dir, options.method)] flist = [ "%s/higgsCombine%sCombined.%s.mH125_2HDM.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, options.method) ] #flist = [ "%s/higgsCombine%sCombined.%s.mH125_2HDM.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, options.method)] print options.input_dir, flist tflist = {} for fname in flist: bname = os.path.basename(fname) coup = bname.split("_", 1) print coup coup = coup[1].split(".") print coup coup = coup[0].replace("k", "") print coup ## coup = bname.split("_",1)[1].split(".")[0].replace("k","") tfin = if not tfin: print("unable to open %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tree = tfin.Get("limit") if not tree: print("unable to find limit tree in %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tflist[coup] = tfin self.graphs = [] for coup, tfile in tflist.iteritems(): if options.do_limits: print coup, tfile self.plotLimit(options, coup, tfile) if options.do_pvalues: self.plotPval(options, coup, tfile) self.autosave() if len(options.couplings) == 0: graphs = "%s/graphs_%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.method), "recreate") else: graphs = "%s/graphs_%s_%s.root" % (options.input_dir, "_".join( options.couplings), options.method), "recreate") for gr in self.graphs: gr.Write() graphs.Close()
def __call__(self,options,args): self.loadRootStyle() ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(1.) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleXOffset(1.15) if options.do_comparison or options.do_nll: if len(options.compare_labels) > 0: assert( len(options.compare_labels) == len(options.compare_files) ) else: options.compare_labels = map(guessLabel, options.compare_files) if len(options.compare_obs) == 0: options.compare_obs = ["r"]*len(options.compare_files) assert( len(options.compare_obs) == len(options.compare_files) ) = map(lambda x: (getObjects([[0])]),x[1],x[2]), zip(options.compare_files,options.compare_labels,options.compare_obs) ) if options.do_nll: self.plotNLLScan(options) return # ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath( "$ROOTSYS/include" ) ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit/test/plotting/bandUtils.cxx+" ) self.loadXsections(options.x_sections) if options.do_comparison: self.plotComparisons(options) return print options.couplings if len(options.couplings) == 0: flist = glob.glob("%s/higgsCombine%s_k*.%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, options.method) ) else: flist = [ "%s/higgsCombine%s_k%s.%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, coup, options.method) for coup in options.couplings ] print options.input_dir, flist tflist = {} for fname in flist: bname = os.path.basename(fname) coup = bname.split("_",1) print coup coup = coup[1].split(".") print coup coup = coup[0].replace("k","") print coup ## coup = bname.split("_",1)[1].split(".")[0].replace("k","") tfin = if not tfin: print ("unable to open %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tree = tfin.Get("limit") if not tree: print ("unable to find limit tree in %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tflist[coup] = tfin self.graphs = [] for coup,tfile in tflist.iteritems(): if options.do_limits: print coup, tfile self.plotLimit(options,coup,tfile) if options.do_pvalues: self.plotPval(options,coup,tfile) self.autosave() if len(options.couplings) == 0: graphs ="%s/graphs_%s.root" % (options.input_dir,options.method),"recreate") else: graphs ="%s/graphs_%s_%s.root" % (options.input_dir,"_".join(options.couplings),options.method),"recreate") for gr in self.graphs: gr.Write() graphs.Close()
def compareSensitivity(self,options,args): ## bias_limits = filter(lambda x: "expected_" in x.GetName(), getObjects( [], types=["TGraph"] ) ) if options.limit_bias_file else [] no_bias_limits = filter(lambda x: "expected_" in x.GetName(), getObjects( [], types=["TGraph"] ) ) if options.limit_no_bias_file else [] bias_zscans = filter(lambda x: "_bias" in x.GetName(), getObjects( [], types=["TGraph"] ) ) if options.zscan_bias_file else [] no_bias_zscans = filter(lambda x: "_nobias" in x.GetName(), getObjects( [], types=["TGraph"] ) ) if options.zscan_bias_file else [] biases = getObjects( [], types=["TGraph"] ) if options.bias_file else [] ## print bias_limits, no_bias_limits, bias_zscan, no_bias_zscan, biases print bias_zscans, no_bias_zscans, coups = map( lambda x: x.GetName().replace("expected_",""), bias_limits ) print coups common = [["SetLineStyle",0],["SetMarkerSize",1],["SetLineWidth",2]] styles = [ [["colors",ROOT.kRed],["SetMarkerStyle",ROOT.kFullCircle]], [["colors",ROOT.kBlue],["SetMarkerStyle",ROOT.kFullTriangleUp]], [["colors",ROOT.kGreen],["SetMarkerStyle",ROOT.kFullDiamond]], [["colors",ROOT.kGreen+1],["SetMarkerStyle",ROOT.kOpenDiamond]], ] for coup in coups: bias_limit = filter(lambda x: x.GetName().endswith("_%s" % coup), bias_limits ) no_bias_limit = filter(lambda x: x.GetName().endswith("_%s" % coup), no_bias_limits ) bias_zscan = filter(lambda x: x.GetName().startswith("%s_" % coup), bias_zscans ) no_bias_zscan = filter(lambda x: x.GetName().startswith("%s_" % coup), no_bias_zscans ) bias_terms = filter(lambda x: x.GetName().startswith("%s_" % coup), biases ) for g in bias_limit: g.SetTitle("expected limit bias") for g in no_bias_limit: g.SetTitle("expected limit no bias") for g in bias_zscan: g.SetTitle("expected #sigma #times BR (Z_{0}=3) bias") for g in no_bias_zscan: g.SetTitle("expected #sigma #times BR (Z_{0}=3) no bias") for g in bias_terms: g.SetTitle("bias term %s" % g.GetName().split("_")[-1]) print bias_zscan, no_bias_zscan if len(bias_limit) > 0: graphs = bias_limit+no_bias_limit+bias_terms map( lambda x: style_utils.apply(x[0],common+x[1]), zip(graphs,styles) ) canv = ROOT.TCanvas("limits_comparison_%s" % coup,"limits_comparison_%s" % coup) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5,0.6,0.8,0.9) legend.AddEntry(None,"#tilde{#kappa} = 0.%s" % coup[1:],"") ypoints = reduce( lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda g: [g.GetY()[ip] for ip in xrange(g.GetN())], graphs ) ) ymin = min( ypoints ) ymax = max( ypoints ) graphs[0].Draw("al") graphs[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.5*ymin,1.5*ymax) for g in graphs[1:]: g.Draw("l") for g in graphs: legend.AddEntry(g,g.GetTitle(),"l") legend.Draw() self.keep([canv,graphs,legend]) self.autosave(True) if len(bias_zscan) > 0: graphs = bias_zscan+no_bias_zscan+bias_terms map( lambda x: style_utils.apply(x[0],common+x[1]), zip(graphs,styles) ) canv = ROOT.TCanvas("zscans_comparison_%s" % coup,"zscans_comparison_%s" % coup) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5,0.6,0.8,0.9) legend.AddEntry(None,"#tilde{#kappa} = 0.%s" % coup[1:],"") ypoints = reduce( lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda g: [g.GetY()[ip] for ip in xrange(g.GetN())], graphs ) ) ymin = min( ypoints ) ymax = max( ypoints ) graphs[0].Draw("al") graphs[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.5*ymin,1.5*ymax) for g in graphs[1:]: g.Draw("l") for g in graphs: legend.AddEntry(g,g.GetTitle(),"l") legend.Draw() print canv self.keep([canv,graphs,legend]) self.autosave(True)
def __call__(self,options,args): self.loadRootStyle() # ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath( "$ROOTSYS/include" ) ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit/test/plotting/bandUtils.cxx+" ) self.loadXsections(options.x_sections) if options.do_comparison: if len(options.compare_labels) > 0: assert( len(options.compare_labels) == len(options.compare_files) ) else: options.compare_labels = map(guessLabel, options.compare_files) = map(lambda x: (getObjects([[0])]),x[1]), zip(options.compare_files,options.compare_labels) ) self.plotComparisons(options) return if options.compare_expected: #self.compareExpectedLivia(options, True, False) #orig #self.compareExpectedLivia(options, False, False) #boost self.compareExpectedLivia(options, False, True) #chiara return print options.couplings #if len(options.couplings) == 0: # flist = glob.glob("%s/higgsCombine%s*.%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, options.method) ) #else: flist = [ "%s/higgsCombine%sCombined.%s.mH125_2HDM.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, options.method)] print options.input_dir, flist tflist = {} for fname in flist: bname = os.path.basename(fname) coup = bname.split("_",1) print coup coup = coup[1].split(".") print coup coup = coup[0].replace("k","") print coup ## coup = bname.split("_",1)[1].split(".")[0].replace("k","") tfin = if not tfin: print ("unable to open %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tree = tfin.Get("limit") if not tree: print ("unable to find limit tree in %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tflist[coup] = tfin self.graphs = [] for coup,tfile in tflist.iteritems(): if options.do_limits: print coup, tfile self.plotLimit(options,coup,tfile) if options.do_pvalues: self.plotPval(options,coup,tfile) self.autosave() if len(options.couplings) == 0: graphs ="%s/graphs_%s.root" % (options.input_dir,options.method),"recreate") else: graphs ="%s/graphs_%s_%s.root" % (options.input_dir,"_".join(options.couplings),options.method),"recreate") for gr in self.graphs: gr.Write() graphs.Close()
def __call__(self, options, args): self.loadRootStyle() ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(1.) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleXOffset(1.15) if options.do_comparison or options.do_nll: if len(options.compare_labels) > 0: assert (len(options.compare_labels) == len( options.compare_files)) else: options.compare_labels = map(guessLabel, options.compare_files) if len(options.compare_obs) == 0: options.compare_obs = ["r"] * len(options.compare_files) assert (len(options.compare_obs) == len(options.compare_files)) = map( lambda x: (getObjects([[0])]), x[1], x[2]), zip(options.compare_files, options.compare_labels, options.compare_obs)) if options.do_nll: self.plotNLLScan(options) return # ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath( "$ROOTSYS/include" ) ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro( "$CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit/test/plotting/bandUtils.cxx+" ) self.loadXsections(options.x_sections) if options.do_comparison: self.plotComparisons(options) return print options.couplings if len(options.couplings) == 0: flist = glob.glob( "%s/higgsCombine%s_k*.%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, options.method)) else: flist = [ "%s/higgsCombine%s_k%s.%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.label, coup, options.method) for coup in options.couplings ] print options.input_dir, flist tflist = {} for fname in flist: bname = os.path.basename(fname) coup = bname.split("_", 1) print coup coup = coup[1].split(".") print coup coup = coup[0].replace("k", "") print coup ## coup = bname.split("_",1)[1].split(".")[0].replace("k","") tfin = if not tfin: print("unable to open %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tree = tfin.Get("limit") if not tree: print("unable to find limit tree in %s" % fname) sys.exit(-1) tflist[coup] = tfin self.graphs = [] for coup, tfile in tflist.iteritems(): if options.do_limits: print coup, tfile self.plotLimit(options, coup, tfile) if options.do_pvalues: self.plotPval(options, coup, tfile) self.autosave() if len(options.couplings) == 0: graphs = "%s/graphs_%s.root" % (options.input_dir, options.method), "recreate") else: graphs = "%s/graphs_%s_%s.root" % (options.input_dir, "_".join( options.couplings), options.method), "recreate") for gr in self.graphs: gr.Write() graphs.Close()