def autodiscover(filename='crumbs'): """ Automatic discovering for available crumbs definitions Before looking at crumbs files, registry start from ``settings.AUTOBREADCRUMBS_TITLES`` items if setted, else an empty Dict. Then it try to load possible root crumb file defined in ``settings.AUTOBREADCRUMBS_ROOT_CRUMB`` (as a Python path). And finally load each crumbs file finded in ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``. Keyword Arguments: filename (string): Module filename to search for. Default to ``crumbs``, so it will search for a ```` file at root of every enabled module from ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``. Returns: list: List of successfully loaded Python paths. """ paths = [] # Directly fill registry from initial crumbs setting breadcrumbs_registry.update(getattr(settings, 'AUTOBREADCRUMBS_TITLES', {})) # Fill paths to discover from project level crumb file root_crumbs = getattr(settings, 'AUTOBREADCRUMBS_ROOT_CRUMB', None) if root_crumbs: paths.append(discover(root_crumbs)) # Fill paths to discover from installed apps apps = list(settings.INSTALLED_APPS) paths = paths + [discover(app, filename=filename) for app in apps] return filter(None, paths)
from autobreadcrumbs.registry import breadcrumbs_registry from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy breadcrumbs_registry.update({ 'bar': 'Bar', 'bar-ometer': "O'meter", })
from autobreadcrumbs.registry import breadcrumbs_registry from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy breadcrumbs_registry.update({ 'foo:index': 'Foo', 'foo:date': 'Year month', 'foo:pika': 'Pika', 'foo:pika-chu': ugettext_lazy('Chu'), 'foo:subfoo:index': ugettext_lazy('Sub'), 'foo:subfoo:plop': ugettext_lazy('Plop'), 'foo:slug': ugettext_lazy('Sluggy'), 'foo:invisible-chu': 'Chu', 'foo:controlled-true': (ugettext_lazy('Controlled true'), lambda x,y: True), 'foo:controlled-true-endpoint': 'Control Yep', 'foo:controlled-false': (ugettext_lazy('Controlled false'), lambda x,y: False), 'foo:controlled-false-endpoint': 'Control Nope', })
from autobreadcrumbs.registry import breadcrumbs_registry from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy breadcrumbs_registry.update({ 'foo:index': 'Foo', 'foo:date': 'Year month', 'foo:pika': 'Pika', 'foo:pika-chu': ugettext_lazy('Chu'), 'foo:subfoo:index': ugettext_lazy('Sub'), 'foo:subfoo:plop': ugettext_lazy('Plop'), 'foo:slug': ugettext_lazy('Sluggy'), 'foo:invisible-chu': 'Chu', 'foo:controlled-true': (ugettext_lazy('Controlled true'), lambda x, y: True), 'foo:controlled-true-endpoint': 'Control Yep', 'foo:controlled-false': (ugettext_lazy('Controlled false'), lambda x, y: False), 'foo:controlled-false-endpoint': 'Control Nope', })
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Application Crumbs """ from autobreadcrumbs.registry import breadcrumbs_registry from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy breadcrumbs_registry.update({ 'datebook:index': ugettext_lazy('Datebooks'), 'datebook:create': ugettext_lazy('Create a datebook'), 'datebook:author-detail': '{{ author.username }}', 'datebook:year-detail': '{{ year }}', 'datebook:month-detail': '{{ target_date|date:"F Y" }}', 'datebook:month-notes': ugettext_lazy('Notes for {{ target_date|date:"F Y" }}'), 'datebook:day-add': ugettext_lazy('Add {{ target_date|date:"l d F Y" }}'), 'datebook:day-edit': ugettext_lazy('Edit {{ target_date|date:"l d F Y" }}'), 'datebook:day-remove': ugettext_lazy('Remove {{ target_date|date:"l d F Y" }}'), 'datebook:day-models': ugettext_lazy('Day models'), 'datebook:day-model-edit': ugettext_lazy('Edit "{{ daymodel.title }}"'), 'datebook:dayentry-to-daymodel': ugettext_lazy('Make a model from {{ target_date|date:"l d F Y" }}'), })
def repository_patterns(app_name, fedora_prefix='', custom_patterns=None, custom_extended_search_params=None, breadcrumbs_app_name=None, via_indexer=True): """ Returns a generic set of url patterns for a repository collection :param app_name: if not None, install the url patterns into the application namespace :param fedora_prefix: prefix inside the fedora repository in case only a part of repository is handled by the patterns :param custom_patterns: array of url patterns that should be included at the end of the patterns :param custom_extended_search_params: a dictionary that can have the following keys: dict( facets=(), orderings=( ('title@lang', _('Sort by title (asc)')), ('-title@lang', _('Sort by title (desc)')), ), title='Documents' ) :param breadcrumbs_app_name: in case the patterns are embedded into an existing application, do not set app_name but set this argument to application's appname to get correct breadcrumbs :param via_indexer: can be either a boolean or a callable accepting a request. If true, use indexer (elasticsearch) to access the object. If false, use fedora to get the object. :return: an array of patterns to be included to url patterns """ extended_search_params = dict(facets=(), orderings=( ('title@lang', _('Sort by title (asc)')), ('-title@lang', _('Sort by title (desc)')), ), title='Documents', create_button_title='Create a New Document', fedora_prefix=fedora_prefix) if custom_extended_search_params: for k, v in custom_extended_search_params.items(): extended_search_params[k] = v urlpatterns = [ url('^$', fedoralink_ui.views.GenericDetailView.as_view( fedora_prefix=fedora_prefix, always_use_indexer=via_indexer), name="index"), url(r'^((?P<collection_id>.*)/)?search(?P<parameters>.*)$', fedoralink_ui.views.GenericSearchView.as_view( **extended_search_params), name='extended_search'), url('^(?P<id>.*)/addSubcollection$', (fedoralink_ui.views.GenericSubcollectionCreateView.as_view( fedora_prefix=fedora_prefix, success_url="oarepo:detail", parent_collection=lambda x: FedoraObject.objects.get( pk=fedora_prefix), success_url_param_names=('id', ))), name='addSubcollection'), url('^(?P<id>.*)/add$', (fedoralink_ui.views.GenericCreateView.as_view( fedora_prefix=fedora_prefix, success_url="oarepo:detail", parent_collection=lambda x: FedoraObject.objects.get( pk=fedora_prefix), success_url_param_names=('id', ))), name='add'), url('^(?P<id>.*)/edit$', (fedoralink_ui.views.GenericEditView.as_view( success_url="oarepo:detail", fedora_prefix=fedora_prefix)), name="edit"), url('^(?P<id>.*)$', fedoralink_ui.views.GenericDetailView.as_view( fedora_prefix=fedora_prefix, always_use_indexer=via_indexer), name="detail"), ] if custom_patterns: urlpatterns.append(custom_patterns) if getattr(settings, 'USE_BREADCRUMBS'): from autobreadcrumbs.registry import breadcrumbs_registry from fedoralink_ui.templatetags.fedoralink_tags import rdf2lang import django.utils.translation from django.core.cache import cache def breadcrumb_detail(request, crumb): # print(request, crumb.path,, crumb.title, crumb.view_args, crumb.view_kwargs) id = crumb.view_kwargs['id'] lang = django.utils.translation.get_language() return get_title(id, lang) def get_title(id, lang): if id.endswith('/'): id = id[:-1] def _get_title(): try: idd = id if fedora_prefix: idd = fedora_prefix + '/' + idd return rdf2lang(FedoraObject.objects.get(pk=idd).title, lang=lang) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return None return cache.get_or_set( 'title__%s__%s' % (fedora_prefix + '/' + id, lang), _get_title, 3600) breadcrumbs_registry.update({ '%s:detail' % (breadcrumbs_app_name if breadcrumbs_app_name else app_name): breadcrumb_detail, }) if app_name: return [ url(r'^', include(urlpatterns, namespace=app_name, app_name=app_name)) ] else: return urlpatterns
""" This file contain a syntax error for some test purpose. Don't correct it. """ from autobreadcrumbs.registry import breadcrumbs_registry from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy breadcrumbs_registry.update({