コード例 #1
def test_random():
    # Sanity test to make sure that feature number positively impacts least squares error.
    num_points = 100
    num_data_per_point = 55
    learning_rate = 0.5
    x_in = np.random.normal(size=(num_data_per_point, num_points))
    for num_features in [1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 70]:
        ae = AutoEncoder(x_in, num_features, random_seed=1234)
        w_in = np.random.normal(size=(num_data_per_point, num_features))
        z_out, least_squares_test = ae.psi(w_in)
            f"(# features : Least squares error = ({num_features} : {least_squares_test})"
        print("Starting gradient decent...")
        loss_values = []  # Keep track of loss values over epochs
        for epoch in range(1000):
            z_grd, ls_grd, grd = ae.calc_g(
                w_in)  # Calculate Z, Error, and Gradient Matrix
            w_in = w_in - (learning_rate * grd
                           )  # Update W using Gradient Matrix
            loss_values.append(ls_grd)  # Log loss
            print(f"Epoch: {epoch}\t----------\tLoss: {ls_grd}")

        # print(loss_values)
            f"Gradient Loss Over Epochs (test) (num_features: {num_features})")