def TrackVelocity(x, k, vmax, acmax, Ta): ''' compute the velocity at each point along the track (given already-computed curvatures) assuming a certain accelration profile ''' v = np.minimum(np.abs(acmax / k)**0.5, vmax) # also compute arc distance between successive points in x given curvature # k; for now we'll just use the linear distance though as it's close enough s = np.abs(np.concatenate([x[1:] - x[:-1], x[:1] - x[-1:]])) va = 0 T = 0 vout = [] # first pass is just to get the initial velocity # let's assume it's zero # for i in range(1, len(k)): # va = va + (v[i] - va) / Ta for i in range(0, len(k)): a = (v[i] - va) / Ta # acceleration dt = s[i] / (va + a/2) # time to reach next waypoint va = np.minimum(va + dt * (v[i] - va) / Ta, v[i]) T += dt vout.append(va) return np.array(vout), T
def normalizing_flows(z_0, norm_flow_params): ''' z_0: [n_samples, D] u: [D,1] w: [D,1] b: [1] ''' current_z = z_0 all_zs = [] all_zs.append(z_0) for params_k in norm_flow_params: z_0_mean = params_k[0] a = np.abs(params_k[1]) b = params_k[2] # m_x = -1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(,u))) # u_k = u + (m_x -,u)) * (w/np.linalg.norm(w)) # print (a.shape) # print (current_z.shape) z_0_mean = np.reshape(z_0_mean, [len(current_z[0])]) h = 1./(a + np.abs(current_z - z_0_mean)) term1 = b * h * (current_z - z_0_mean) current_z = current_z + term1 all_zs.append(current_z) return current_z, all_zs
def intersect(sa, sb, image): xlima, ylima = sa.bounding_boxes[image] xlimb, ylimb = sb.bounding_boxes[image] widtha, heighta = xlima[1] - xlima[0], ylima[1] - ylima[0] widthb, heightb = xlimb[1] - xlimb[0], ylimb[1] - ylimb[0] return (np.abs(xlima[0] - xlimb[0])*2 < (widtha + widthb)) and \ (np.abs(ylima[0] - ylimb[0])*2 < (heighta + heightb))
def PhotometricError(iref, inew, R, T, points, D): # points is a tuple ([y], [x]); convert to homogeneous siz = iref.shape npoints = len(points[0]) f = siz[1] # focal length, FIXME Xref = np.vstack(((points[1] - siz[1]*0.5) / f, # x (siz[0]*0.5 - points[0]) / f, # y (left->right hand) np.ones(npoints))) # z = 1 # this is confusingly written -- i am broadcasting the translation T to # every column, but numpy broadcasting only works if it's rows, hence all # the transposes # print D * Xref Xnew = (, (D * Xref)).T + T).T # print Xnew # right -> left hand projection proj = Xnew[0:2] / Xnew[2] p = (-proj[1]*f + siz[0]*0.5, proj[0]*f + siz[1]*0.5) margin = 10 # int(siz[0] / 5) inwindow_mask = ((p[0] >= margin) & (p[0] < siz[0]-margin-1) & (p[1] >= margin) & (p[1] < siz[1]-margin-1)) npts_inw = sum(inwindow_mask) if npts_inw < 10: return 1e6, np.zeros(6 + npoints) # todo: filter points which are now out of the window oldpointidxs = (points[0][inwindow_mask], points[1][inwindow_mask]) newpointidxs = (p[0][inwindow_mask], p[1][inwindow_mask]) origpointidxs = np.nonzero(inwindow_mask)[0] E = InterpolatedValues(inew, newpointidxs) - iref[oldpointidxs] # dE/dk -> # d/dk r_p^2 = d/dk (Inew(w(r, T, D, p)) - Iref(p))^2 # = -2r_p dInew/dp dp/dw dw/dX dX/dk # = -2r_p * g(w(r, T, D, p)) * dw(r, T, D, p) # intensity gradients for each point Ig = InterpolatedGradients(inew, newpointidxs) # TODO: use tensors for this # gradients for R, T, and D gradient = np.zeros(6 + npoints) for i in range(npts_inw): # print 'newidx (y,x) = ', newpointidxs[0][i], newpointidxs[1][i] # Jacobian of w oi = origpointidxs[i] Jw = dw(Xref[0][oi], Xref[1][oi], D[oi], R, T) # scale back up into pixel space, right->left hand coords to get # Jacobian of p Jp = f * np.vstack((-Jw[1], Jw[0])) # print origpointidxs[i], 'Xref', Xref[:, i], 'Ig', Ig[:, i], \ # 'dwdRz', Jw[:, 2], 'dpdRz', Jp[:, 2] # full Jacobian = 2*E + Ig * Jp J = np.sign(E[i]) *[:, i], Jp) # print '2 E[i]', 2*E[i], 'Ig*Jp',[:, i], Jp) gradient[:6] += J[:6] # print J[:6] gradient[6+origpointidxs[i]] += J[6] print R, T, np.sum(np.abs(E)), npts_inw # return ((0.2*(npoints - npts_inw) +, E)), gradient) return np.sum(np.abs(E)) / (npts_inw), gradient / (npts_inw)
def compare_deltas(baseline=None, candidate=None, abs_tol=1e-5, rel_tol=0.01): # TODO: maybe add relative tolerance check epsilon = 1e-25 if baseline.shape != candidate.shape: return False diff_tensor = np.abs(baseline - candidate) rel_tensor1 = diff_tensor / (np.abs(baseline) + 1e-25) rel_tensor2 = diff_tensor / (np.abs(candidate) + 1e-25) max_error = np.max(diff_tensor) max_rel = max(np.max(rel_tensor1), np.max(rel_tensor2)) if max_error > abs_tol and max_rel > rel_tol: return False else: return True
def _add_penalty(self, loss, w): """Apply regularization to the loss.""" if self.penalty == "l1": loss += self.C * np.abs(w[:-1]).sum() elif self.penalty == "l2": loss += (0.5 * self.C) * (w[:-1] ** 2).mean() return loss
def plot_projection(P, feature_names): d = {} import pandas as pd for (i,v) in enumerate(P.T): idxs = np.argsort(-np.abs(v)) print 'v_%d' % i print pd.Series(v, index=feature_names).iloc[idxs].iloc[0:10]
def loss_func(self, w): loss = 0.5 * np.mean((self.train_y_ -, w))**2) if self.penalty_ == "l1": # Lasso loss += self.alpha_ * np.sum(np.abs(w[:-1])) elif self.penalty_ == "l2": # Ridge loss += 0.5 * self.alpha_ * np.mean(w[:-1]**2) return loss
def SVGPathToTrackPoints(fname, spacing=TRACK_SPACING): path = svgpathtools.parse_path(open(fname).read()) # input: svg based on a 100px / m image def next_t(path, t, dist): p = path.point(t) L = path.length() # t += 1.0 / np.abs(path.derivative(t)) itr = 0 while itr < 20: itr += 1 p1 = path.point(t) err = np.abs(p1 - p) - dist d1 = path.derivative(t) if np.abs(err) < 1e-5: return t, p1, d1 / np.abs(d1) derr = np.abs(d1) * L # do a step in Newton's method (clipped because some of the # gradients in the curve are really small) t -= np.clip(err / derr, -1e-2, 1e-2) t = np.clip(t, 0, 1) return t, p, d1 / np.abs(d1) d0 = path.derivative(0) pts = [[path.point(0), d0 / np.abs(d0)]] t = 0 while t < 1: t, p, d = next_t(path, t, spacing) pts.append([p, d]) return pts
def GetTimeSeries(): TS = [] ERR = [] GYRO = [] ACCEL = [] lastim = None t0 = None for msg in parse.ParseLog(open('../rustlerlog-BMPauR')): if msg[0] == 'img': _, ts, im = msg if t0 is None: t0 = ts im = GammaCorrect(im) if lastim is not None: TS.append(ts - t0) ERR.append(np.sum(np.abs(lastim-im)) / (320*240)) GYRO.append(GYRO[-1]) ACCEL.append(ACCEL[-1]) lastim = im elif msg[0] == 'imu': _, ts, gyro, mag, accel = msg if t0 is None: t0 = ts TS.append(ts - t0) GYRO.append(gyro) ACCEL.append(accel) if len(ERR): ERR.append(ERR[-1]) else: ERR.append(0) return np.array(TS), np.array(ERR), np.array(GYRO), np.array(ACCEL)
def soft_thr(x, lambdaPar, lower=None, upper=None): out = np.sign(x) * np.fmax(np.abs(x) - lambdaPar, 0) if (lower != None): out[out < lower] = 0.0 if (upper != None): out[out > upper] = 0.0 return out
def TrackNormal(x): xx = np.concatenate([x[-1:], x, x[:1]]) p0 = xx[:-2] p2 = xx[2:] T = p2 - p0 # track derivative uT = np.abs(T) return T / uT
def initialize(deep_map, X,num_pseudo_params): smart_map = {} for layer,layer_map in deep_map.iteritems(): smart_map[layer] = {} for unit,gp_map in layer_map.iteritems(): smart_map[layer][unit] = {} cov_params = gp_map['cov_params'] lengthscales = cov_params[1:] if layer == 0: pairs = itertools.combinations(X, 2) dists = np.array([np.abs(p1-p2) for p1,p2 in pairs]) smart_lengthscales = np.array([np.log(np.median(dists[:,i])) for i in xrange(len(lengthscales))]) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = num_pseudo_params, init = 'k-means++') fit = smart_x0 = fit.cluster_centers_ #inds = npr.choice(len(X), num_pseudo_params, replace = False) #smart_x0 = np.array(X)[inds,:] smart_y0 = np.ndarray.flatten(smart_x0) #smart_y0 = np.array(y)[inds] smart_noise_scale = np.log(np.var(smart_y0)) else: smart_x0 = gp_map['x0'] smart_y0 = np.ndarray.flatten(smart_x0[:,0]) smart_lengthscales = np.array([np.log(1) for i in xrange(len(lengthscales))]) smart_noise_scale = np.log(np.var(smart_y0)) gp_map['cov_params'] = np.append(cov_params[0],smart_lengthscales) gp_map['x0'] = smart_x0 gp_map['y0'] = smart_y0 #gp_map['noise_scale'] = smart_noise_scale smart_map[layer][unit] = gp_map smart_params = pack_deep_params(smart_map) return smart_params
def test_abs(): fun = lambda x: 3.0 * np.abs(x) d_fun = grad(fun) check_grads(fun, 1.1) check_grads(fun, -1.1) check_grads(d_fun, 1.1) check_grads(d_fun, -1.1)
def taylor_sine(x): ans = currterm = x i = 0 while np.abs(currterm) > 0.001: currterm = -currterm * x ** 2 / ((2 * i + 3) * (2 * i + 2)) ans = ans + currterm i += 1 return ans
def fun(x): curr = x ans = curr for i in xrange(1000): curr = - curr * x**2 / ((2*i+3)*(2*i+2)) ans = ans + curr if np.abs(curr) < 0.2: break return ans
def next_t(path, t, dist): p = path.point(t) L = path.length() # t += 1.0 / np.abs(path.derivative(t)) itr = 0 while itr < 20: itr += 1 p1 = path.point(t) err = np.abs(p1 - p) - dist d1 = path.derivative(t) if np.abs(err) < 1e-5: return t, p1, d1 / np.abs(d1) derr = np.abs(d1) * L # do a step in Newton's method (clipped because some of the # gradients in the curve are really small) t -= np.clip(err / derr, -1e-2, 1e-2) t = np.clip(t, 0, 1) return t, p, d1 / np.abs(d1)
def hard_thr(x, lambdaPar, lower=None, upper=None): out = np.copy(x) out[np.abs(x) < lambdaPar] = 0.0 if (lower != None): out[out < lower] = 0.0 if (upper != None): out[out > upper] = 0.0 return out
def callback(weights, iter): if iter % 10 == 0: print "max of weights", np.max(np.abs(weights)) train_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, train_smiles)) cur_loss = loss_fun(weights, train_smiles, train_targets) training_curve.append(cur_loss) print "Iteration", iter, "loss", cur_loss, "train RMSE", rmse(train_preds, train_raw_targets), if validation_smiles is not None: validation_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, validation_smiles)) print "Validation RMSE", iter, ":", rmse(validation_preds, validation_raw_targets),
def test_pow(): fun = lambda x, y : to_scalar(x ** y) d_fun_0 = lambda x, y : to_scalar(grad(fun, 0)(x, y)) d_fun_1 = lambda x, y : to_scalar(grad(fun, 1)(x, y)) make_positive = lambda x : np.abs(x) + 1.1 # Numeric derivatives fail near zero for arg1, arg2 in arg_pairs(): arg1 = make_positive(arg1) check_grads(fun, arg1, arg2) check_grads(d_fun_0, arg1, arg2) check_grads(d_fun_1, arg1, arg2)
def fun(x): currterm = x ans = currterm for i in range(1000): print(i, end=' ') currterm = - currterm * x ** 2 / ((2 * i + 3) * (2 * i + 2)) ans = ans + currterm if np.abs(currterm) < 0.2: break # (Very generous tolerance!) return ans
def magcal_residual(MAG, a, mb): """ residual from all observations given magnetometer eccentricity, bias, gyro bias, and gyro scale""" A = np.array([ [a[0], a[1], a[2]], [0, a[3], a[4]], [0, 0, a[5]] ]) mag = - mb, A) return np.mean(np.abs(1 - np.einsum('ji,ji->j', mag, mag)))
def _apply_nonlinearity(self, nonlin, res): if nonlin == 'none' or nonlin == 'linear': return res if nonlin == 'relu': return 0.5 * (res + np.abs(res)) if nonlin == 'tanh': return np.tanh(res) if nonlin == 'softmax': res -= res.max() res = np.exp(res) return res / res.sum() raise Exception('unknown nonlinearity: "%s"' % nonlin)
def TrackCurvature(x): # use quadratic b-splines at each point to estimate curvature # i get almost the same formula i had before but it's off by a factor of 4! xx = np.concatenate([x[-1:], x, x[:1]]) p0 = xx[:-2] p1 = xx[1:-1] p2 = xx[2:] T = p2 - p0 # track derivative uT = np.abs(T) TT = 4*(p0 - 2*p1 + p2) k = (np.real(T)*np.imag(TT) - np.imag(T)*np.real(TT)) / (uT**3) return k
def callback(weights, iter): if iter % 10 == 0: print "max of weights", np.max(np.abs(weights)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() train_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, train_smiles[:num_print_examples])) cur_loss = loss_fun(weights, train_smiles[:num_print_examples], train_targets[:num_print_examples]) # V: refers to line number #78 i.e. # def loss_fun(weights, smiles, targets) of training_curve.append(cur_loss) print "Iteration", iter, "loss", cur_loss,\ "train RMSE", rmse(train_preds, train_raw_targets[:num_print_examples]), if validation_smiles is not None: validation_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, validation_smiles)) print "Validation RMSE", iter, ":", rmse(validation_preds, validation_raw_targets),
def gradient_descent(objFunc, w): dfunc = grad(objFunc) lrate = 0.000000001 a = [] for i in range(8000): a.append(objFunc(w)) improv = lrate * dfunc(w) w = w - improv if i % 500 == 0: lrate = lrate/10.0 if len(a) > 3 and (np.abs(a[-1] - a[-2]) < 0.00001): break return w,a
def neural_net_train(features,labels,num_iter = 2000,opt_method = 'forward_backward') : layer_sizes = [2,5,5,1] l2_reg = 2.0 param_scale = 0.5 init_params = neural_net_init(param_scale,layer_sizes) '''def plain_objective(params) : return lms_loss(params,features,labels,l2_reg)''' plain_objective = gen_objective(features,labels,l2_reg) objective_grad = auto_grad(plain_objective) print(" Iteration| Train accuracy") optimized_params = init_params gd_step = 0.2 for i in range(num_iter) : if opt_method == 'forward_backward' : optimized_params_ori = optimized_params value_old = plain_objective(optimized_params) flattened_grad,unflatten,x = flatten_func(objective_grad,optimized_params) x -= flattened_grad(x) * gd_step optimized_params = unflatten(x) value_new = plain_objective(optimized_params) if value_new < value_old : gd_step *= 1.618 else : gd_step *= 0.618 optimized_params = optimized_params_ori elif opt_method == 'stepest' : value_old = plain_objective(optimized_params) flattened_grad,unflatten,x = flatten_func(objective_grad,optimized_params) local_gd_step = gd_step best_gd_step = 0.0 for j in range(10) : x_test = x - flattened_grad(x) * local_gd_step last_optimized_params = unflatten(x_test) value_new = plain_objective(last_optimized_params) if value_new < value_old : best_gd_step = local_gd_step local_gd_step *= 1.618 else : local_gd_step *= 0.618 if auto_np.abs(best_gd_step - 0.0) < 0.00000000001 : gd_step *= 0.618 x -= flattened_grad(x) * best_gd_step optimized_params = unflatten(x) print_perf(optimized_params,i,features,labels) return optimized_params
def variational_log_density(params, samples): ''' samples: [n_samples, D] u: [D,1] w: [D,1] b: [1] Returns: [num_samples] ''' n_samples = len(samples) d = len(samples[0]) mean = params[0] log_std = params[1] norm_flow_params = params[2] # print (samples.shape) # samples = sample_diag_gaussian(mean, log_std, num_samples, rs) z_k, all_zs = normalizing_flows(samples, norm_flow_params) logp_zk = logprob(z_k) logp_zk = np.reshape(logp_zk, [n_samples, 1]) logq_z0 = diag_gaussian_log_density(samples, mean, log_std) logq_z0 = np.reshape(logq_z0, [n_samples, 1]) sum_nf = np.zeros([n_samples,1]) for params_k in range(len(norm_flow_params)): z_0_mean = norm_flow_params[params_k][0] a = np.abs(norm_flow_params[params_k][1]) b = norm_flow_params[params_k][2] # m_x = -1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(,u))) # u_k = u + (m_x -,u)) * (w/np.linalg.norm(w)) # [n_samples, D] # phi =[params_k],w)+b)**2), w.T) # [n_samples, 1] current_z = all_zs[params_k] z_0_mean = np.reshape(z_0_mean, [len(current_z[0])]) h = 1./(a + np.abs(current_z - z_0_mean)) h_prime = -1*(a+np.abs(current_z-z_0_mean))**2 * (np.abs(current_z)/current_z) term1 = (1+b*h)**(d-1) term2 = 1+ b * h + b * h_prime * np.abs(current_z-z_0_mean) term3 = term1 * term2 sum_nf = np.log(np.abs(term3)) sum_nf += sum_nf # return logq_z0 - sum_nf print (logq_z0.shape) log_qz = np.reshape(logq_z0 - sum_nf, [n_samples]) return log_qz
def QuadFitCurvatureMap(x): curv = [] for i in range(len(x)): # do a look-ahead quadratic fit, just like the car would do pts = x[(np.arange(6) + i) % len(x)] / 100 # convert to meters basis = (pts[1] - pts[0]) / np.abs(pts[1] - pts[0]) # project onto forward direction pts = (np.conj(basis) * (pts - pts[0])) p = np.polyfit(np.real(pts), np.imag(pts), 2) curv.append(p[0] / 2) return np.float32(curv)
def loss_func(self, w): prob = self.prob_func(w, self.train_x_) loss = np.array([0.0] * self.train_x_.shape[0]) for c in xrange(len(self.classes_)): loss += np.equal(self.train_y_, c) * prob[:,c] score = -np.sum(np.log(loss)) if self.penalty_ == "l1": # Lasso score += self.alpha_ * np.sum(np.abs(w)) elif self.penalty_ == "l2": # Ridge # ===FIXME=== # I don't know why scaler of L2 norm is "3.0" # according to definition of L2 norm, scaler must be "0.5" # but calc the same value with scikit-learn, scaler is "3.0" # (may be to avoid over learning?) score += 3.0 * self.alpha_ * np.mean(w**2) return score
def eigdecomp(self, x, k): # self.hvp.update_x(x) # d, U = doublePass(self.hvp, self.Omega, k, s=1, check=False) J = self.J(x) if len(np.shape(J)) == 1: J = np.array([J]) Gauss_Newton =, self.Gamma_noise_inv), J) d, U = np.linalg.eigh(Gauss_Newton) sort_perm = np.abs(d).argsort() sort_perm = sort_perm[::-1] d = d[sort_perm[:k]] U = U[:, sort_perm[:k]] return d, U
def _get_dx_wrt(dx, var, dx_scaling, dx_func=None): """Scale `dx` for a particular variable `var`.""" assert dx_scaling in [ "none", "median", "custom", ], "`dx_scaling` must be 'none' or 'median'." if dx_scaling == "none": dx_wrt = dx elif dx_scaling == "median": median_var = np.nanmedian(var) if median_var == 0: dx_wrt = dx else: dx_wrt = dx * np.abs(median_var) elif dx_scaling == "custom": dx_wrt = dx_func(var) return dx_wrt
def one_of_K_code(arr): """ Make a one-of-K coding out of the numpy array. For example, if arr = ([0, 1, 0, 2]), then return a 2d array of the form [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]] """ U = np.unique(arr) n = len(arr) nu = len(U) X = np.zeros((n, nu)) for i, u in enumerate(U): Ii = np.where(np.abs(arr - u) < 1e-8) #ni = len(Ii) X[Ii[0], i] = 1 return X
def nsp_ik(goal, q, nesterov=True): def cost(q): objective = (goal - fk(q[0:3], l1)) constraint = np.pi - q[2] return objective.T @ objective + \ constraint.T * constraint def g(q): return fk(q[0:2], l1) - fk(q[3:], l2) grad_cost = grad(cost) constraint_jac = jacobian(g) alpha = 0.01 nu = 0.9 max_itr = 100 v, n_itr = 0, 0 while np.any(np.abs(cost(q)) > EPS): # get constraint jacobian G = constraint_jac(q) Ginv = np.linalg.pinv(G) I = np.identity(Ginv.shape[0]) # matrix to projects into the null space of the constraint jacobian nsp = (I - G.T @ Ginv.T).T if nesterov: v = nu * v + alpha * grad_cost(q - nu * v) q -= nsp @ v else: q -= nsp @ (alpha * grad_cost(q)) draw_arm(q[0:3], l1, c1, swap=False) draw_arm(q[3:], l2, c2, clear=False) n_itr += 1 if n_itr > max_itr: break
def test_archaic_and_pairwisediffs(): #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) theta = 1 N_e = 1.0 join_time = 1.0 num_runs = 1000 def logit(p): return np.log(p / (1. - p)) def expit(x): return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x)) n_bases = 1000 model = momi.DemographicModel( N_e, muts_per_gen=theta/4./N_e/n_bases) model.add_time_param( "sample_t", random.uniform(0.001, join_time-.001) / join_time, upper=join_time) model.add_size_param("N", 1.0) model.add_leaf("a", N="N") model.add_leaf("b", t="sample_t", N="N") model.move_lineages("a", "b", join_time) data = model.simulate_data(length=n_bases, recoms_per_gen=0, num_replicates=num_runs, sampled_n_dict={"a": 2, "b": 2}) model.set_data(data.extract_sfs(1), use_pairwise_diffs=False, mem_chunk_size=-1) true_params = np.array(list(model.get_params().values())) #model.set_x([logit(random.uniform(.001, join_time-.001) / join_time), model.set_params([ logit(random.uniform(.001, join_time-.001) / join_time), random.uniform(-1, 1)], scaled=True) res = model.optimize(method="trust-ncg", hessp=True) inferred_params = np.array(list(model.get_params().values())) assert np.max(np.abs(np.log(true_params / inferred_params))) < .2
def update_Hess(H, new_x, prev_x, new_g, prev_g): if np.allclose(new_x, prev_x): return H s = new_x - prev_x y = new_g - prev_g sy =, y) Bs = np.linalg.solve(H, s) y_Bs = y - Bs if np.abs( s, y_Bs)) < 1e-8 * np.linalg.norm(s) * np.linalg.norm(y_Bs): # skip SR1 update return H Hy =, y) s_Hy = s - Hy H = H + np.outer(s_Hy, s_Hy) /, y) return H
def callback(weights, iter): if iter % 10 == 0: print("Iteration {}".format(iter)) print("\tmax of weights: {}".format(np.max(np.abs(weights)))) cur_loss = loss_fun(weights, train_smiles, train_targets) training_curve.append(cur_loss) print("\tloss {}".format(cur_loss)) train_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, train_smiles)) print("\ttrain {}: {}".format( nll_func_name, nll_func(train_preds, train_raw_targets))) if validation_smiles is not None: validation_preds = undo_norm( pred_fun(weights, validation_smiles)) print("\tvalidation {}: {}".format( nll_func_name, nll_func(validation_preds, validation_raw_targets)))
def test_z_update(self): # our manual update test_z_update = dp.z_update(mu, mu2, x, e_info_x, e_log_v, e_log_1mv) # autograd update get_auto_z_update = grad(dp.e_loglik_full, 6) auto_z_update = get_auto_z_update( x, mu, mu2, tau, e_log_v, e_log_1mv, e_z, e_info_x, e_logdet_info_x, prior_mu, prior_inv_wishart_scale, kappa, prior_dof, alpha) log_const = sp.misc.logsumexp(auto_z_update, axis = 1) auto_z_update = np.exp(auto_z_update - log_const[:, None]) #print(auto_z_update[0:5, :]) #print(test_z_update[0:5, :]) self.assertTrue(\ np.sum(np.abs(auto_z_update - test_z_update)) <= 10**(-8))
def Fundamental(Y): # initial guess: use peak of FFT to get to within one sample period T = float(len(Y)) / np.argmax(np.abs(np.fft.fft(Y)[:2000])) # (not really necessary, but why not) refine def mag(T): w = np.arange(0, len(Y)) * 2 * np.pi / T x = Y * np.exp(1j * w) # dx/dw = j Y exp(jw) # dx*/dw = -j Y exp(-jw) # d/dw = x* dx/dw + x dx*/dw # = Y exp(1j*w) return np.abs(np.sum(x)) # print T, mag(T) # print T+0.1, mag(T+0.1) # print T-0.1, mag(T-0.1) # print round(T), mag(round(T)) return round(T)
def callback(weights, iter): if iter % 10 == 0: print("max of weights", np.max(np.abs(weights))) train_preds = undo_norm( pred_fun(weights, train_smiles[:num_print_examples])) cur_loss = loss_fun(weights, train_smiles[:num_print_examples], train_targets[:num_print_examples]) training_curve.append(cur_loss) print("Iteration", iter, "loss", cur_loss,\ "train RMSE", rmse(train_preds, train_raw_targets[:num_print_examples]),) if validation_smiles is not None: validation_preds = undo_norm( pred_fun(weights, validation_smiles)) print( "Validation RMSE", iter, ":", rmse(validation_preds, validation_raw_targets), )
def erf(x): # constants a1 = 0.254829592 a2 = -0.284496736 a3 = 1.421413741 a4 = -1.453152027 a5 = 1.061405429 p = 0.3275911 # Save the sign of x sign = np.sign(x) x = np.abs(x) # A&S formula 7.1.26 t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p * x) y = 1.0 - (((( (a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t + a1) * t * np.exp(-x**2) return sign * y
def variational_objective(params, t): """Provides a stochastic estimate of the variational lower bound.""" W, U, B = unpack_params(params) z0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim_z), np.eye(dim_z), num_samples) z_prev = z0 sum_log_det_jacob = 0. for k in range(K): w, u, b = W[k], U[k], B[k] u_hat = (m(, u)) -, u)) * (w / np.linalg.norm(w)) + u affine = np.outer(h_prime(np.matmul(z_prev, w) + b), w) sum_log_det_jacob += np.log(eps + np.abs(1 + np.matmul(affine, u))) z_prev = z_prev + np.outer(h(np.matmul(z_prev, w) + b), u_hat) z_K = z_prev log_q_K = -0.5 * np.sum(np.log(2 * np.pi) + z0**2, 1) - sum_log_det_jacob log_p = np.log(eps + target(z_K)) return np.mean(log_q_K - log_p)
def propagate( co2dict, uncertainties_into, uncertainties_from, totals=None, equilibria_in=None, equilibria_out=None, dx=1e-6, dx_scaling="median", dx_func=None, ): """Propagate uncertainties from requested inputs to outputs.""" co2derivs = forward( co2dict, uncertainties_into, uncertainties_from, totals=totals, equilibria_in=equilibria_in, equilibria_out=equilibria_out, dx=dx, dx_scaling=dx_scaling, dx_func=dx_func, )[0] npts = np.shape(co2dict["PAR1"]) uncertainties_from = engine.condition(uncertainties_from, npts=npts)[0] components = { u_into: { u_from: np.abs(co2derivs[u_into][u_from]) * v_from for u_from, v_from in uncertainties_from.items() } for u_into in uncertainties_into } uncertainties = { u_into: np.sqrt( np.sum( np.array([ component for component in components[u_into].values() ])**2, axis=0, )) for u_into in uncertainties_into } return uncertainties, components
def _rf_epg(alpha, phi): if (np.abs(alpha) > 2 * np.pi): warnings.warn("alpha should be in radians", warnings.UserWarning) a = np.power(np.cos(alpha / 2.), 2) b = np.exp(2 * 1j * phi) * np.power(np.sin(alpha / 2.), 2) c = -1j * np.exp(1j * phi) * np.sin(alpha) d = np.exp(-2j * phi) * np.power(np.sin(alpha / 2.), 2) e = np.power(np.cos(alpha / 2.), 2) f = 1j * np.exp(-1j * phi) * np.sin(alpha) g = -1j / 2. * np.exp(-1j * phi) * np.sin(alpha) h = 1j / 2 * np.exp(1j * phi) * np.sin(alpha) i = np.cos(alpha) R = np.array([[a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i]]) return R
def DiederichOpper_II(N, patterns, weights, biases, sc, lr, tol): ''' rule II described in Diederich and Opper in (1987) Learning of Correlated Patterns in Spin-Glass Networks by Local Learning Rules ''' for i in range(N): # for each neuron independently for j in range(patterns.shape[0]): pattern = np.array(deepcopy(patterns[j].reshape(1, N))).squeeze() h_i = (weights[i, :] @ pattern.T + biases[i]) # if the new pattern is not already stable with margin 1 while (np.abs(1 - h_i * pattern[i])) > tol: weights[i, :] = deepcopy(weights[i, :] + lr * pattern[i] * pattern * (1 - h_i * pattern[i])) biases[i] = deepcopy(biases[i] + lr * pattern[i]) * (1 - h_i * pattern[i]) if sc == True: weights[i, i] = 0 h_i = (weights[i, :] @ pattern.T + biases[i]) return weights, biases
def ess_compute_Z(diagonal, num_peds, robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \ ped_mu_x, ped_mu_y, cov_robot_x, cov_robot_y, \ inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, cov_ped_x, cov_ped_y, \ inv_cov_ped_x, inv_cov_ped_y, \ one_over_cov_sum_x, one_over_cov_sum_y, normalize): delta0 = [0. for _ in range(num_peds)] norm_delta0 = [0. for _ in range(num_peds)] norm_delta0_normalized = [0. for _ in range(num_peds)] T = np.size(robot_mu_x) # for var in range(np.size(var_x_ess)): for ped in range(num_peds): # if normalize == True: # normalize_x = np.multiply(np.power(2*np.pi,-0.5), one_over_std_sum_x) # normalize_y = np.multiply(np.power(2*np.pi,-0.5), one_over_std_sum_y) # else: normalize_x = 1. normalize_y = 1. vel_x = robot_mu_x - ped_mu_x[ped] vel_y = robot_mu_y - ped_mu_y[ped] vel_x_2 = np.power(vel_x, 2) vel_y_2 = np.power(vel_y, 2) one_over_var_sum_x = np.diag(one_over_cov_sum_x[ped]) one_over_var_sum_y = np.diag(one_over_cov_sum_y[ped]) quad_x = np.multiply(one_over_var_sum_x, vel_x_2) quad_y = np.multiply(one_over_var_sum_y, vel_y_2) Z_x = np.multiply(normalize_x, np.exp(-0.5 * quad_x)) Z_y = np.multiply(normalize_y, np.exp(-0.5 * quad_y)) Z = np.multiply(Z_x, Z_y) norm_delta0[ped] = np.abs(np.sum(np.log1p(-Z))) norm_delta0_normalized = norm_delta0 / (np.sum(norm_delta0)) ess = 1. / np.sum(np.power(norm_delta0_normalized, 2)) ess = top_Z_indices = np.argsort(norm_delta0_normalized)[::-1] return ess, top_Z_indices
def __init__(self, means, variances, pmix=None): """ means: a k x d 2d array specifying the means. variances: a one-dimensional length-k array of variances pmix: a one-dimensional length-k array of mixture weights. Sum to one. """ k, d = means.shape if k != len(variances): raise ValueError('Number of components in means and variances do not match.') if pmix is None: pmix = old_div(np.ones(k),float(k)) if np.abs(np.sum(pmix) - 1) > 1e-8: raise ValueError('Mixture weights do not sum to 1.') self.pmix = pmix self.means = means self.variances = variances
def compute_f_fprime_t_avg_12_(W1,W2,perturbation,max_dist=1,burn_in=0.5): # max dist added 10/14/20 #Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,K,kappa,T,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h1,h2 = parse_W(W) Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,K,kappa,T,h1,h2,bl,amp = parse_W1(W1) XX,XXp,Eta,Xi = parse_W2(W2) fval = compute_f_(Eta,Xi,s02) fprimeval = compute_fprime_(Eta,Xi,s02) if share_residuals: resEta = Eta - u_fn(XX,fval,Wmx,Wmy,K,kappa,T) resXi = Xi - u_fn(XX,fval,Wsx,Wsy,K,kappa,T) resEta12 = np.concatenate((resEta,resEta),axis=0) resXi12 = np.concatenate((resXi,resXi),axis=0) else: resEta12 = 0 resXi12 = 0 dHH = np.zeros((nN,nQ*nS*nT)) dHH[:,np.arange(2,nQ*nS*nT,nQ)] = 1 dHH = np.concatenate((dHH*h1,dHH*h2),axis=0) YY = fval + perturbation YYp = fprimeval XX12 = np.concatenate((XX,XX),axis=0) YY12 = np.concatenate((YY,YY),axis=0) YYp12 = np.concatenate((YYp,YYp),axis=0) YYmean = np.zeros_like(YY12) YYprimemean = np.zeros_like(YY12) def dYYdt(YY,Eta1,Xi1): return -YY + compute_f_(Eta1,Xi1,s02) def dYYpdt(YYp,Eta1,Xi1): return -YYp + compute_fprime_(Eta1,Xi1,s02) for t in range(niter): if np.mean(np.abs(YY-fval)) < max_dist: Eta121 = resEta12 + u_fn(XX12,YY12,Wmx,Wmy,K,kappa,T) + dHH Xi121 = resXi12 + u_fn(XX12,YY12,Wmx,Wmy,K,kappa,T) YY12 = YY12 + dt*dYYdt(YY12,Eta121,Xi121) YYp12 = YYp12 + dt*dYYpdt(YYp12,Eta121,Xi121) elif np.remainder(t,500)==0: print('unstable fixed point?') if t>niter*burn_in: YYmean = YYmean + 1/niter/burn_in*YY12 YYprimemean = YYprimemean + 1/niter/burn_in*YYp12 #YYmean = YYmean + np.tile(bl,nS*nT)[np.newaxis,:] return YYmean,YYprimemean
def calc_loss_wrt_parameter_dict(self, param_dict, data_tuple): ''' Compute loss at given parameters Args ---- param_dict : dict Keys are string names of parameters Values are *numpy arrays* of parameter values Returns ------- loss : float scalar ''' # TODO compute loss y_N = data_tuple[2] yhat_N = self.predict(data_tuple[0], data_tuple[1], **param_dict) #loss_total = ag_np.sum(ag_np.square(yhat_N - y_N)) loss_total = ag_np.sum(ag_np.abs(yhat_N - y_N)) return loss_total
def theta_sample(alpha, batch, lr=.2, EM_iter=EM_iter, SGD_iter=SGD_iter): """ Returns mc random samples of the posterior mean estimator, for doing Monte Carlo approx. This uses EM algorithm with _EM_iter_ iterations to converge to approx posterior. The output is an matrix of _d_ sampled means, times _mc_ samples. Shape = (d, mc) lr must be maximum 0.25 otherwise explosion occurs with reparam """ if model_name == "jaakkola": lv1 = np.abs(np.random.normal(0, 1, batch[1].shape)) # POSITIVE initial value of lambda(v) before maximization, same shape as Y for i in range(EM_iter): # EM algorithm updating (mu_P,S_P) and v in turn. S_P1 = S_P(alpha, batch, lv1) # Cov matrix (d x d) mu_P1 = mu_P(alpha, batch, S_P1) # Mean vector (d x 1) lv1 = lambda_v(batch, mu_P1, S_P1) # lambda(v) vector (n x 1) return np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_P1.reshape(-1), S_P1, mc).T if model_name == "SVI": # Prior MUST BE N(0,I) mu_P1 = np.copy(mu_0) # init posterior = prior N(0,I) rho_P1 = reparam_bwd(sigma_0) # init posterior = prior N(0,I) gradients_mu = np.empty((d,SGD_iter-1)) # init plotting for j in range(1, SGD_iter): epsilon = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), np.identity(d)).reshape(-1, 1) # generate noise ~ N(0,I) theta = np.nan_to_num( mu_P1 + reparam_fwd(rho_P1.reshape(-1,1)) * epsilon ) # nan to num is used to fix Autograd bug with sqrt(0) df_dthetha1 = np.nan_to_num( df_dtheta(theta, alpha, batch, mu_P1, rho_P1) ) grad_mu_P = np.nan_to_num( df_dthetha1 + df_dmu_P(theta, alpha, batch, mu_P1, rho_P1) ) grad_rho_P = np.nan_to_num( df_dthetha1 * (epsilon/(1 + np.exp(-rho_P1.reshape(-1,1)))) + df_drho_P(theta, alpha, batch, mu_P1, rho_P1).reshape(-1,1) ) mu_P1 -= lr/np.sqrt(j) * grad_mu_P # gradient descent rho_P1 -= lr/np.sqrt(j) * np.squeeze(grad_rho_P) # Plotting the SGD gradients_mu[:,j-1] = np.squeeze(mu_P1) if(False and alpha==0): plt.plot(gradients_mu.T) plt.xlabel("iteration") plt.ylabel("mu_P's values") plt.savefig("../plots/SGD_SVI.png") plt.clf() return np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_P1.reshape(-1), np.diag(reparam_fwd(rho_P1)**2), mc).T
def get_log_pc(self, v): logit_v = np.log(v) - np.log(1 - v) epsilon = self.epsilon_param if np.abs(epsilon) < 1e-8: return self.get_log_p0(v) if self.gustafson_style: log_epsilon = np.log(epsilon) return \ self.get_log_p0(v) + \ self.log_phi(logit_v) + \ log_epsilon - \ self.log_norm_pc else: # assert epsilon <= 1 return \ self.get_log_p0(v) + \ epsilon * self.log_phi(logit_v) - \ self.log_norm_pc
def plot_reverse_animation(self, fig, ax, x, y, z, threshold=1e-5, MAX=1000): frames = 48 current_angle = self.get_angle() # Update using reverse kinematic self.update_reverse_kinematic(x, y, z, threshold, MAX) new_angle = self.get_angle() # Angle change by frame diff_angle = new_angle - current_angle for i in range(len(diff_angle)): if np.abs(diff_angle[i]) > np.pi: if diff_angle[i] > 0: diff_angle[i] = diff_angle[i] - PI2 else: diff_angle[i] = PI2 + diff_angle[i] change_angle = diff_angle / frames lines = self.plot_arm(ax, current_angle) def get_plot(i): plot_angle = current_angle + i * change_angle first = self.get_arm_pos(1, *plot_angle) second = self.get_arm_pos(2, *plot_angle) third = self.get_arm_pos(3, *plot_angle) lines[0].set_data(*list(zip([0,0], first[:2]))) lines[0].set_3d_properties([0, first[2]]) lines[1].set_data(*list(zip(first[:2], second[:2]))) lines[1].set_3d_properties([first[2], second[2]]) lines[2].set_data(*list(zip(second[:2], third[:2]))) lines[2].set_3d_properties([second[2], third[2]]) return lines anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, get_plot, frames=48, interval=100, blit=True) return anim
def variational_log_density(params, samples): ''' samples: [n_samples, D] u: [D,1] w: [D,1] b: [1] Returns: [num_samples] ''' n_samples = len(samples) mean = params[0] log_std = params[1] norm_flow_params = params[2] z_k, all_zs = normalizing_flows(samples, norm_flow_params) logp_zk = logprob(z_k) logp_zk = np.reshape(logp_zk, [n_samples, 1]) logq_z0 = diag_gaussian_log_density(samples, mean, log_std) logq_z0 = np.reshape(logq_z0, [n_samples, 1]) sum_nf = np.zeros([n_samples,1]) for params_k in range(len(norm_flow_params)): u = norm_flow_params[params_k][0] w = norm_flow_params[params_k][1] b = norm_flow_params[params_k][2] # Appendix equations m_x = -1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(,u))) u_k = u + (m_x -,u)) * (w/np.linalg.norm(w)) # u_k = u # [n_samples, D] phi =[params_k],w)+b)**2), w.T) # [n_samples, 1] sum_nf = np.log(np.abs(, u_k))) sum_nf += sum_nf # return logq_z0 - sum_nf log_qz = np.reshape(logq_z0 - sum_nf, [n_samples]) return log_qz
def print_wf_values(theta1=0.0, theta2=0.0, use_j=False, B=0.0): wf = Wavefunction(use_jastrow=use_j) # Adjust numpy output so arrays are printed with higher precision float_formatter = "{:.15g}".format np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float_kind':float_formatter}) if use_j: VP = np.array([theta1, theta2, B]) print("Values for theta = ",theta1,theta2," and jastrow B = ",B) else: VP = np.array([theta1, theta2]) print("Values for theta = ",theta1,theta2," and no jastrow") r1 = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) r2 = np.array([0.0, 1.1, 2.2]) psi_val = wf.psi(r1, r2, VP) print(" wf = ",psi_val," log wf = ",np.log(np.abs(psi_val))) g0 = wf.grad0(r1, r2, VP)/psi_val print(" grad/psi for particle 0 = ",g0[0],g0[1],g0[2]) # Using the laplacian of log psi to match internal QMCPACK values lap_0 = wf.lap0(r1, r2, VP) print(" laplacian of log psi for particle 0 = ",lap_0) lap_1 = wf.lap1(r1, r2, VP) print(" laplacian for log psi particle 1 = ",lap_1) eloc = wf.local_energy(r1, r2, VP) print(" local energy = ",eloc) dp = wf.dpsi(r1, r2, VP) print(" parameter derivative of log psi = ",dp / psi_val) deloc = wf.dlocal_energy(r1, r2, VP) print(" parameter derivative of local energy = ",deloc) print("")
def run_cavi(self, tau, nu, phi_mu, phi_var, max_iter=200, tol=1e-6): params = packing.flatten_params(tau, nu, phi_mu, phi_var) self.trace.reset() diff = np.float('inf') while diff > tol and self.trace.stepnum < max_iter: self.cavi_updates(tau, nu, phi_mu, phi_var) new_params = packing.flatten_params(tau, nu, phi_mu, phi_var) diff = np.max(np.abs(new_params - params)) self.trace.update(params, diff) if not np.isfinite(diff): print('Error: non-finite parameter difference.') break params = new_params if self.trace.stepnum >= max_iter: print('Warning: CAVI reached max_iter.') print('Done with CAVI.') return tau, nu, phi_mu, phi_var
def predict(self, test_x, is_diag=1): sn2 = np.exp(self.theta[0]) hyp = self.theta[1:] tmp = self.kernel(test_x, self.train_x, hyp) py =, self.alpha) ''' ps2 = sn2 + self.kernel(test_x, test_x, hyp) -, chol_inv(self.L, tmp.T)) if is_diag: ps2 =np.diag(ps2) ''' tmp1 = chol_inv(self.L, tmp.T) # ps2 =, chol_inv(self.L, tmp.T)) if is_diag: ps2 = self.for_diag + sn2 - (tmp * tmp1.T).sum(axis=1) else: ps2 = sn2 -, tmp1) + self.kernel(test_x, test_x, hyp) ps2 = np.abs(ps2) py = py * self.std + self.mean ps2 = ps2 * (self.std**2) return py, ps2
def __init__(self, n, penalty='huber', alpha=1.0): assert (alpha > 0.0) self.alpha = alpha self.alpha_sq = alpha ** 2 self.penalty = penalty.lower() if (self.penalty == 'quadratic'): self.phi = lambda z: 0.5 * np.power(z, 2.0) elif (self.penalty == 'pseudo-huber'): self.phi = lambda z: self.alpha_sq * (np.sqrt(1.0 + np.power(z, 2.0) / self.alpha_sq) - 1.0) elif (self.penalty == 'huber'): self.phi = lambda z: np.where(np.abs(z) <= alpha, 0.5 * np.power(z, 2.0), alpha * np.abs(z) - 0.5 * self.alpha_sq) elif (self.penalty == 'welsch'): self.phi = lambda z: 1.0 - np.exp(-0.5 * np.power(z, 2.0) / self.alpha_sq) elif (self.penalty == 'trunc-quad'): self.phi = lambda z: np.minimum(0.5 * np.power(z, 2.0), 0.5 * self.alpha_sq) else: assert False, "unrecognized penalty function {}".format(penalty) super().__init__(n, 1) # make sure node is properly constructed self.eps = 1.0e-4 # relax tolerance on optimality test
def predict(self, test_x, is_diag=1): output_scale = np.exp(self.theta[0]) sigma2_tag = np.exp(self.theta[self.dim+2]) C = self.kernel(self.src_x, self.tag_x, self.theta) L_C = np.linalg.cholesky(C) alpha_C = chol_inv(L_C, self.train_y.T) k_star_s = self.kernel2(test_x, self.src_x, self.theta) k_star_t = self.kernel1(test_x, self.tag_x, self.theta) k_star = np.hstack((k_star_s, k_star_t)) py =, alpha_C) Cvks = chol_inv(L_C, k_star.T) if is_diag: ps2 = output_scale + sigma2_tag - (k_star * Cvks.T).sum(axis=1) else: ps2 = self.kernel1(test_x, test_x, self.theta) + sigma2_tag -, Cvks) ps2 = np.abs(ps2) py = py * self.std + self.mean ps2 = ps2 * (self.std**2) return py, ps2
def lanczos(dx, a=3): """Lanczos kernel Parameters ---------- dx: float amount to shift image a: int Lanczos window size parameter Returns ------- result: array-like 1D Lanczos kernel """ if np.abs(dx) > 1: raise ValueError("The fractional shift dx must be between -1 and 1") window = np.arange(-a + 1, a + 1) + np.floor(dx) y = np.sinc(dx - window) * np.sinc((dx - window) / a) return y, window.astype(int)
def forwardFilter( self, knownLatentStates=None ): if( knownLatentStates is not None ): assert np.abs( knownLatentStates - knownLatentStates.astype( int ) ).sum() == 0.0 knownLatentStates = knownLatentStates.astype( int ) if( knownLatentStates.size == 0 ): self.chainCuts = None else: # Assert that knownLatentStates is sorted assert np.any( np.diff( knownLatentStates[ :, 0 ] ) <= 0 ) == False # Mark that we are cutting the markov chain at these indices self.chainCuts = knownLatentStates else: self.chainCuts = None return super( CategoricalHMM, self ).forwardFilter()