コード例 #1
    def run(self, init_theta, iters=1):
        theta = init_theta
            "theta": theta,
            "update_direction": None,
            "parameters": self.parameters

        for ii in range(iters):

            update_direction = self.get_update_direction(theta)
            theta_new = self.select_update(theta, update_direction)

                "theta": theta_new,
                "update_direction": update_direction,
                "parameters": self.parameters

            if np.array_equal(theta, theta_new):
                return theta

            theta = theta_new

        return theta
コード例 #2
 def test_rand(self):
     # Just make sure that things generated are on the manifold and that
     # if you generate two they are not equal.
     x = self.man.rand()
     np_testing.assert_array_less(la.norm(x), 1)
     y = self.man.rand()
     assert not np.array_equal(x, y)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_hyperbolic.py プロジェクト: pymanopt/pymanopt
 def test_random_point(self):
     # Just make sure that things generated are on the manifold and that
     # if you generate two they are not equal.
     x = self.manifold.random_point()
     np_testing.assert_array_less(np.linalg.norm(x, axis=-1), 1)
     y = self.manifold.random_point()
     assert not np.array_equal(x, y)
コード例 #4
    def test_randvec(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are in the tangent space and
        # that if you generate two they are not equal.
        x = self.man.rand()
        u = self.man.randvec(x)
        v = self.man.randvec(x)

        assert not np.array_equal(u, v)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_hyperbolic.py プロジェクト: pymanopt/pymanopt
    def test_random_tangent_vector(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are in the tangent space and
        # that if you generate two they are not equal.
        x = self.manifold.random_point()
        u = self.manifold.random_tangent_vector(x)
        v = self.manifold.random_tangent_vector(x)

        assert not np.array_equal(u, v)
コード例 #6
 def constraints(self, x):
     if np.array_equal(self.last_x, x):
         constraints = self.last_constraints.copy()  # speedup: just restore
         constraints = self.AG @ x - self.bh
         # backup {x: constraints}
         self.last_x = x.copy()
         self.last_constraints = constraints.copy()
     return constraints
コード例 #7
 def _add_path(self, path):
     present = False
     for multipath in self.value_path:
         if np.array_equal(multipath[0], path):
             present = True
             multipath[1] += path[1]
     if not present:
コード例 #8
def map_to_index_set(_map, threshold=0.9, max_set_size=K):
    thresholded_map = np.where(_map > threshold, _map, 0.0)
    map_diagonal = np.diag(thresholded_map)
    assert np.array_equal(np.diag(map_diagonal), thresholded_map)

    nonzeros = np.nonzero(map_diagonal)[0]
    assert len(nonzeros) <= max_set_size

    index_set = tuple(nonzeros)
    return index_set
コード例 #9
def experiment_test(experiment, f, init_theta, num_iters, outfile):
    thetas = experiment.run(init_theta, num_iters=num_iters)


    reloaded_expt = experiment.from_json(f, outfile)
    assert experiment.construct_dictionary(
    ) == reloaded_expt.construct_dictionary()

    reloaded_thetas = reloaded_expt.run(init_theta, num_iters=num_iters)
    assert np.array_equal(thetas, reloaded_thetas)
コード例 #10
ファイル: losses.py プロジェクト: dmeoli/optiml
 def step_size(self, X_batch, y_batch):
     if np.array_equal(X_batch, self.X):  # no mini batches
         if not hasattr(self, '_step_size'):
             n_samples = self.X.shape[0]
             L = self.svm.C / n_samples * np.linalg.norm(self.X) ** 2
             self._step_size = 1 / L
         yield self._step_size
         n_samples = X_batch.shape[0]
         L = self.svm.C / n_samples * np.linalg.norm(X_batch) ** 2
         yield 1 / L
コード例 #11
ファイル: linalg.py プロジェクト: crucis/ConvexOptimization
def is_pos_def(A):
    #A = remove_arraybox(A)
    #A = np.array(A, dtype=np.float64)
    if np.array_equal(A, A.T):
            return True
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
            return False
        except TypeError:
            return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(A) > 0)
        return False
コード例 #12
ファイル: covobs_test.py プロジェクト: fjosw/pyerrors
def test_covobs():
    val = 1.123124
    cov = .243423
    name = 'Covariance'
    co = pe.cov_Obs(val, cov, name)
    assert (co.dvalue == np.sqrt(cov))
    assert (co.value == val)

    do = 2 * co
    assert (do.covobs[name].grad[0] == 2)

    do = co * co
    assert (do.covobs[name].grad[0] == 2 * val)
    assert np.array_equal(do.covobs[name].cov, co.covobs[name].cov)

    pi = [16.7457, -19.0475]
    cov = [[3.49591, -6.07560], [-6.07560, 10.5834]]

    cl = pe.cov_Obs(pi, cov, 'rAP')
    pl = pe.misc.gen_correlated_data(pi, np.asarray(cov), 'rAPpseudo')

    def rAP(p, g0sq):
        return -0.0010666 * g0sq * (1 + np.exp(p[0] + p[1] / g0sq))

    for g0sq in [1, 1.5, 1.8]:
        oc = rAP(cl, g0sq)
        op = rAP(pl, g0sq)
        assert(np.isclose(oc.value, op.value, rtol=1e-14, atol=1e-14))

    [o.gamma_method() for o in cl]
    assert(pe.covariance(cl[0], cl[1]) == cov[0][1])
    assert(pe.covariance(cl[0], cl[1]) == cov[1][0])

    do = cl[0] * cl[1]
    assert(np.array_equal(do.covobs['rAP'].grad, np.transpose([pi[1], pi[0]]).reshape(2, 1)))
コード例 #13
def projection(v1, v2):
    """ Returns the projection of v2 onto v1.

        v1: A vector that is projected onto.
        v2: A vector that is projected.
        result: A vector projection.
    if not np.array_equal(v1, np.zeros(3)):
        result = (np.dot(v1, v2) / np.dot(v1, v1)) * v1
        result = np.zeros(3)
    return result
コード例 #14
    def run(self, init_theta, num_iters=1):
        theta = init_theta
        self.update_logs({"theta": theta})

        for ii in range(num_iters):
            theta_new = theta + self.minimizer.update(theta)
            self.update_logs({"theta": theta_new})

            if np.array_equal(theta, theta_new):
                return theta

            theta = theta_new

        return theta
コード例 #15
ファイル: losses.py プロジェクト: dmeoli/optiml
 def step_size(self, X_batch, y_batch):
     if np.array_equal(X_batch, self.X):  # no mini batches
         if not hasattr(self, '_step_size'):
             mu = 1
             n_samples = self.X.shape[0]
             L = (1 / n_samples * mu +  # Lipschitz constant wrt the regularization term (strictly convex)
                  self.svm.C / n_samples * np.linalg.norm(self.X) ** 2)  # Lipschitz constant wrt the loss term
             self._step_size = 1 / L
         yield self._step_size
         mu = 1
         n_samples = X_batch.shape[0]
         L = (1 / n_samples * mu +  # Lipschitz constant wrt the regularization term (strictly convex)
              self.svm.C / n_samples * np.linalg.norm(X_batch) ** 2)  # Lipschitz constant wrt the loss term
         yield 1 / L
コード例 #16
    def run(self, init_theta, num_iters, init_step=0.):
        theta = init_theta
        step = init_step
        self.update_logs({"theta": theta, "step": step})

        for ii in range(num_iters):
            step = self.minimizer(theta, step)
            theta_new = theta + step
            self.update_logs({"theta": theta_new, "step": step})

            if np.array_equal(theta, theta_new):
                return theta

            theta = theta_new

        return theta
コード例 #17
def generate_iostropic_circulant_cov_2d(k, autocorr_scale=1.):
    """returns covariance matrix for translation-invariant,
    isotropic multivariate gaussian defined on a discrete torus
    with side length k
    isotropic_circulant_1d = generate_isotropic_circulant_2d_vector(
        k, autocorr_scale)

    circ_mat = circulant_2d_vector_to_circulant_2d_matrix(

    # check symmetry
    assert np.array_equal(circ_mat, (circ_mat.T + circ_mat) / 2)

    # impose PSD
    cov_mat = apply_damping(circ_mat)

    return cov_mat
コード例 #18
def nearest_word(word_index, vectors):
    Params: word_index - Index of word in word vocabulary
            vectors - Set of vector associated with embedded words
    Output: Vocabulary index of the closest word
    min_dist = 1e6  # pseudo-infinity
    min_index = -1
    #vector of query word
    w_vector = vectors[word_index]
    #looping over list of vector
    for index, vector in enumerate(vectors):
        #finding Euclidean distance between query word vector and other word vector
        if euclidean_distance(vector,
                              w_vector) < min_dist and not np.array_equal(
                                  vector, w_vector):
            min_dist = euclidean_distance(vector, w_vector)
            min_index = index
    return min_index
コード例 #19
def CreateFullPath_i(Numberiterations, paths_, path_i, StepSet_exp, StepSet_gain):
    Zvec = np.asarray(camera_code(paths_['path_'+str(path_i)][index_i][0],paths_['path_'+str(path_i)][index_i][1],400 )).reshape((1,1))
    current_coords = paths_['path_'+str(path_i)]
    while (BreakFlag==0) and (index_i<Numberiterations):
        compare_coords = current_coords
        current_coords, Zexit, paths_['path_'+str(path_i)] = SnakeChoice(paths_,StepSet_exp, StepSet_gain, ParamSpcDims,path_i, index_i)
        print("this is Zvec: " + str(Zvec))
        if (-0.5 < (Zvec[index_i]-Zvec[index_i+1]) < 0.5):
            BreakFlag = 1
            print("Break condition met, negligible difference between consecutive Z values\n")
            print("Current Coords: "+ str(current_coords)+", Zexit: " + str(Zexit) + ", iterations performed: " +str(index_i) + "\n")
            if np.array_equal(compare_coords,current_coords) == 1:
                print("\n Break condition tripped by unchanged coords!")
        if (index_i+1 == Numberiterations):
            BreakFlag = 1
            print("\n Break condition met by reaching iteration limit!")
        print("Difference in consecutive Z vals: " + str(Zvec[index_i]-Zvec[index_i+1]))
        index_i += 1

    return paths_['path_'+str(path_i)], Zvec
コード例 #20
def DDGMM(y, n_clusters, r, k, init, var_distrib, nj, it = 50, \
          eps = 1E-05, maxstep = 100, seed = None, perform_selec = True):
    ''' Fit a Generalized Linear Mixture of Latent Variables Model (GLMLVM)
    y (numobs x p ndarray): The observations containing categorical variables
    n_clusters (int): The number of clusters to look for in the data
    r (list): The dimension of latent variables through the first 2 layers
    k (list): The number of components of the latent Gaussian mixture layers
    init (dict): The initialisation parameters for the algorithm
    var_distrib (p 1darray): An array containing the types of the variables in y 
    nj (p 1darray): For binary/count data: The maximum values that the variable can take. 
                    For ordinal data: the number of different existing categories for each variable
    it (int): The maximum number of MCEM iterations of the algorithm
    eps (float): If the likelihood increase by less than eps then the algorithm stops
    maxstep (int): The maximum number of optimisation step for each variable
    seed (int): The random state seed to set (Only for numpy generated data for the moment)
    perform_selec (Bool): Whether to perform architecture selection or not
    returns (dict): The predicted classes, the likelihood through the EM steps
                    and a continuous representation of the data

    prev_lik = -1E16
    best_lik = -1E16
    tol = 0.01
    max_patience = 1
    patience = 0

    best_k = deepcopy(k)
    best_r = deepcopy(r)

    best_sil = -1
    new_sil = -1

    # Initialize the parameters
    eta = deepcopy(init['eta'])
    psi = deepcopy(init['psi'])
    lambda_bin = deepcopy(init['lambda_bin'])
    lambda_ord = deepcopy(init['lambda_ord'])
    lambda_categ = deepcopy(init['lambda_categ'])

    H = deepcopy(init['H'])
    w_s = deepcopy(
    )  # Probability of path s' through the network for all s' in Omega

    numobs = len(y)
    likelihood = []
    it_num = 0
    ratio = 1000
    np.random.seed = seed

    # Dispatch variables between categories
    y_bin = y[:,
              np.logical_or(var_distrib == 'bernoulli', var_distrib ==
    nj_bin = nj[np.logical_or(var_distrib == 'bernoulli',
                              var_distrib == 'binomial')].astype(int)
    nb_bin = len(nj_bin)

    y_categ = y[:, var_distrib == 'categorical']
    nj_categ = nj[var_distrib == 'categorical'].astype(int)
    nb_categ = len(nj_categ)

    y_ord = y[:, var_distrib == 'ordinal']
    nj_ord = nj[var_distrib == 'ordinal'].astype(int)
    nb_ord = len(nj_ord)

    L = len(k)
    k_aug = k + [1]
    S = np.array([np.prod(k_aug[l:]) for l in range(L + 1)])
    M = M_growth(1, r, numobs)

    assert nb_ord + nb_bin + nb_categ > 0

    # Compute the Gower matrix
    cat_features = np.logical_or(var_distrib == 'categorical',
                                 var_distrib == 'bernoulli')
    dm = gower_matrix(y, cat_features=cat_features)

    while (it_num < it) & ((ratio > eps) | (patience <= max_patience)):

        # The clustering layer is the one used to perform the clustering
        # i.e. the layer l such that k[l] == n_clusters
        clustering_layer = np.argmax(np.array(k) == n_clusters)

        ################################# S step ############################################

        # Draw from f(z^{l} | s, Theta) for all s in Omega

        mu_s, sigma_s = compute_path_params(eta, H, psi)
        sigma_s = ensure_psd(sigma_s)
        z_s, zc_s = draw_z_s(mu_s, sigma_s, eta, M)
        print('mu_s',  np.abs(mu_s[0]).mean())
        print('sigma_s',  np.abs(sigma_s[0]).mean())
        print('z_s0',  np.abs(z_s[0]).mean())
        print('z_s1',  np.abs(z_s[1]).mean(0)[:,0])

        # Draw from f(z^{l+1} | z^{l}, s, Theta) for l >= 1

        chsi = compute_chsi(H, psi, mu_s, sigma_s)
        chsi = ensure_psd(chsi)
        rho = compute_rho(eta, H, psi, mu_s, sigma_s, zc_s, chsi)

        # In the following z2 and z1 will denote z^{l+1} and z^{l} respectively
        z2_z1s = draw_z2_z1s(chsi, rho, M, r)

        # Compute the p(y| z1) for all variable categories

        py_zl1 = fy_zl1(lambda_bin, y_bin, nj_bin, lambda_ord, y_ord, nj_ord,
                        lambda_categ, y_categ, nj_categ, z_s[0])

        # Draw from p(z1 | y, s) proportional to p(y | z1) * p(z1 | s) for all s

        zl1_ys = draw_zl1_ys(z_s, py_zl1, M)

        ################################# E step ############################################

        # Compute conditional probabilities used in the appendix of asta paper

        pzl1_ys, ps_y, p_y = E_step_GLLVM(z_s[0], mu_s[0], sigma_s[0], w_s,

        # Compute p(z^{(l)}| s, y). Equation (5) of the paper

        pz2_z1s = fz2_z1s(t(pzl1_ys, (1, 0, 2)), z2_z1s, chsi, rho, S)
        pz_ys = fz_ys(t(pzl1_ys, (1, 0, 2)), pz2_z1s)

        # Compute MFA expectations

        Ez_ys, E_z1z2T_ys, E_z2z2T_ys, EeeT_ys = \
            E_step_DGMM(zl1_ys, H, z_s, zc_s, z2_z1s, pz_ys, pz2_z1s, S)

        ############################ M step #######################################

        # Compute MFA Parameters

        w_s = np.mean(ps_y, axis=0)
        eta, H, psi = M_step_DGMM(Ez_ys, E_z1z2T_ys, E_z2z2T_ys, EeeT_ys, ps_y,
                                  H, k)

        # Identifiability conditions

        # Update eta, H and Psi values
        H = diagonal_cond(H, psi)
        Ez, AT = compute_z_moments(w_s, eta, H, psi)
        eta, H, psi = identifiable_estim_DGMM(eta, H, psi, Ez, AT)

        del (Ez)

        # Compute GLLVM Parameters

        # We optimize each column separately as it is faster than all column jointly
        # (and more relevant with the independence hypothesis)

        lambda_bin = bin_params_GLLVM(y_bin, nj_bin, lambda_bin, ps_y, pzl1_ys, z_s[0], AT[0],\
                     tol = tol, maxstep = maxstep)

        lambda_ord = ord_params_GLLVM(y_ord, nj_ord, lambda_ord, ps_y, pzl1_ys, z_s[0], AT[0],\
                     tol = tol, maxstep = maxstep)

        lambda_categ = categ_params_GLLVM(y_categ, nj_categ, lambda_categ, ps_y, pzl1_ys, z_s[0], AT[0],\
                     tol = tol, maxstep = maxstep)

        ################## Clustering parameters updating #########################

        new_lik = np.sum(np.log(p_y))
        ratio = (new_lik - prev_lik) / abs(prev_lik)

        idx_to_sum = tuple(set(range(1, L + 1)) - set([clustering_layer + 1]))
        psl_y = ps_y.reshape(numobs, *k, order='C').sum(idx_to_sum)

        temp_class = np.argmax(psl_y, axis=1)
            new_sil = silhouette_score(dm, temp_class, metric='precomputed')
        except ValueError:
            new_sil = -1

        print('Silhouette score:', new_sil)
        if best_sil < new_sil:
            z = (ps_y[..., n_axis] * Ez_ys[clustering_layer]).sum(1)
            best_sil = deepcopy(new_sil)
            classes = deepcopy(temp_class)

            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
            plt.scatter(z[:, 0], z[:, 1])

        # Refresh the classes only if they provide a better explanation of the data
        if best_lik < new_lik:
            best_lik = deepcopy(prev_lik)

        if prev_lik < new_lik:
            patience = 0
            M = M_growth(it_num + 2, r, numobs)
            patience += 1

        ######################## Parameter selection  #############################

        is_not_min_specif = not (np.all(np.array(k) == n_clusters)
                                 & np.array_equal(r, [2, 1]))

        if look_for_simpler_network(
                it_num) & perform_selec & is_not_min_specif:
            r_to_keep = r_select(y_bin, y_ord, y_categ, zl1_ys, z2_z1s, w_s)

            # If r_l == 0, delete the last l + 1: layers
            new_L = np.sum([len(rl) != 0 for rl in r_to_keep]) - 1

            k_to_keep = k_select(w_s, k, new_L, clustering_layer)

            is_L_unchanged = L == new_L
            is_r_unchanged = np.all(
                [len(r_to_keep[l]) == r[l] for l in range(new_L + 1)])
            is_k_unchanged = np.all(
                [len(k_to_keep[l]) == k[l] for l in range(new_L)])

            is_selection = not (is_r_unchanged & is_k_unchanged
                                & is_L_unchanged)

            assert new_L > 0

            if is_selection:

                eta = [eta[l][k_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                eta = [eta[l][:, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]

                H = [H[l][k_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                H = [H[l][:, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                H = [H[l][:, :, r_to_keep[l + 1]] for l in range(new_L)]

                psi = [psi[l][k_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                psi = [psi[l][:, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                psi = [psi[l][:, :, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]

                if nb_bin > 0:
                    # Add the intercept:
                    bin_r_to_keep = np.concatenate([[0],
                                                    np.array(r_to_keep[0]) + 1
                    lambda_bin = lambda_bin[:, bin_r_to_keep]

                if nb_ord > 0:
                    # Intercept coefficients handling is a little more complicated here
                    lambda_ord_intercept = [
                        lambda_ord_j[:-r[0]] for lambda_ord_j in lambda_ord
                    Lambda_ord_var = np.stack(
                        [lambda_ord_j[-r[0]:] for lambda_ord_j in lambda_ord])
                    Lambda_ord_var = Lambda_ord_var[:, r_to_keep[0]]
                    lambda_ord = [np.concatenate([lambda_ord_intercept[j], Lambda_ord_var[j]])\
                                  for j in range(nb_ord)]

                if nb_categ > 0:
                    lambda_categ_intercept = [
                        lambda_categ[j][:, 0] for j in range(nb_categ)
                    Lambda_categ_var = [
                        lambda_categ_j[:, -r[0]:]
                        for lambda_categ_j in lambda_categ
                    Lambda_categ_var = [
                        lambda_categ_j[:, r_to_keep[0]]
                        for lambda_categ_j in lambda_categ

                    lambda_categ = [np.hstack([lambda_categ_intercept[j][..., n_axis], Lambda_categ_var[j]])\
                                   for j in range(nb_categ)]

                w = w_s.reshape(*k, order='C')
                new_k_idx_grid = np.ix_(*k_to_keep[:new_L])

                # If layer deletion, sum the last components of the paths
                if L > new_L:
                    deleted_dims = tuple(range(L)[new_L:])
                    w_s = w[new_k_idx_grid].sum(deleted_dims).flatten(
                    w_s = w[new_k_idx_grid].flatten(order='C')

                w_s /= w_s.sum()

                k = [len(k_to_keep[l]) for l in range(new_L)]
                r = [len(r_to_keep[l]) for l in range(new_L + 1)]

                k_aug = k + [1]
                S = np.array([np.prod(k_aug[l:]) for l in range(new_L + 1)])
                L = new_L

                patience = 0
                best_r = deepcopy(r)
                best_k = deepcopy(k)

                # Identifiability conditions
                H = diagonal_cond(H, psi)
                Ez, AT = compute_z_moments(w_s, eta, H, psi)
                eta, H, psi = identifiable_estim_DGMM(eta, H, psi, Ez, AT)

            print('New architecture:')
            print('k', k)
            print('r', r)
            print('L', L)
            print('S', S)
            print("w_s", len(w_s))

        prev_lik = deepcopy(new_lik)
        it_num = it_num + 1

    out = dict(likelihood = likelihood, classes = classes, z = z, \
               best_r = best_r, best_k = best_k)
    return (out)
コード例 #21
def check_symmetry(y):
    m = vector_to_smatrix(y)
    ans = np.array_equal(m, m.T)
    #print ans
    return ans
コード例 #22
def M1DGMM(y, n_clusters, r, k, init, var_distrib, nj, it = 50, \
          eps = 1E-05, maxstep = 100, seed = None, perform_selec = True,\
              dm =  [], max_patience = 1, use_silhouette = True):# dm small hack to remove 
    ''' Fit a Generalized Linear Mixture of Latent Variables Model (GLMLVM)
    y (numobs x p ndarray): The observations containing mixed variables
    n_clusters (int): The number of clusters to look for in the data
    r (list): The dimension of latent variables through the first 2 layers
    k (list): The number of components of the latent Gaussian mixture layers
    init (dict): The initialisation parameters for the algorithm
    var_distrib (p 1darray): An array containing the types of the variables in y 
    nj (p 1darray): For binary/count data: The maximum values that the variable can take. 
                    For ordinal data: the number of different existing categories for each variable
    it (int): The maximum number of MCEM iterations of the algorithm
    eps (float): If the likelihood increase by less than eps then the algorithm stops
    maxstep (int): The maximum number of optimisation step for each variable
    seed (int): The random state seed to set (Only for numpy generated data for the moment)
    perform_selec (Bool): Whether to perform architecture selection or not
    use_silhouette (Bool): If True use the silhouette as quality criterion (best for clustering) else use
                            the likelihood (best for data augmentation).
    returns (dict): The predicted classes, the likelihood through the EM steps
                    and a continuous representation of the data

    prev_lik = - 1E16
    best_lik = -1E16
    best_sil = -1 
    new_sil = -1 
    tol = 0.01
    patience = 0
    is_looking_for_better_arch = False
    # Initialize the parameters
    eta = deepcopy(init['eta'])
    psi = deepcopy(init['psi'])
    lambda_bin = deepcopy(init['lambda_bin'])
    lambda_ord = deepcopy(init['lambda_ord'])
    lambda_cont = deepcopy(init['lambda_cont'])
    lambda_categ = deepcopy(init['lambda_categ'])

    H = deepcopy(init['H'])
    w_s = deepcopy(init['w_s']) # Probability of path s' through the network for all s' in Omega
    numobs = len(y)
    likelihood = []
    silhouette = []
    it_num = 0
    ratio = 1000
    np.random.seed = seed
    out = {} # Store the full output
    # Dispatch variables between categories
    y_bin = y[:, np.logical_or(var_distrib == 'bernoulli',var_distrib == 'binomial')]
    nj_bin = nj[np.logical_or(var_distrib == 'bernoulli',var_distrib == 'binomial')].astype(int)
    nb_bin = len(nj_bin)
    y_ord = y[:, var_distrib == 'ordinal']    
    nj_ord = nj[var_distrib == 'ordinal'].astype(int)
    nb_ord = len(nj_ord)
    y_categ = y[:, var_distrib == 'categorical']
    nj_categ = nj[var_distrib == 'categorical'].astype(int)
    nb_categ = len(nj_categ)    
    y_cont = y[:, var_distrib == 'continuous'].astype(float)
    nb_cont = y_cont.shape[1]
    # Set y_count standard error to 1
    y_cont = y_cont / y_cont.std(axis = 0, keepdims = True)
    L = len(k)
    k_aug = k + [1]
    S = np.array([np.prod(k_aug[l:]) for l in range(L + 1)])    
    M = M_growth(1, r, numobs)
    assert nb_bin + nb_ord + nb_cont + nb_categ > 0 
    if nb_bin + nb_ord + nb_cont + nb_categ != len(var_distrib):
        raise ValueError('Some variable types were not understood,\
                         existing types are: continuous, categorical,\
                         ordinal, binomial and bernoulli')

    # Compute the Gower matrix
    if len(dm) == 0:
        cat_features = np.logical_or(var_distrib == 'categorical', var_distrib == 'bernoulli')
        dm = gower_matrix(y, cat_features = cat_features)
    # Do not stop the iterations if there are some iterations left or if the likelihood is increasing
    # or if we have not reached the maximum patience and if a new architecture was looked for
    # in the previous iteration
    while ((it_num < it) & (ratio > eps) & (patience <= max_patience)) | is_looking_for_better_arch:

        # The clustering layer is the one used to perform the clustering 
        # i.e. the layer l such that k[l] == n_clusters
        if not(isnumeric(n_clusters)):
            if n_clusters == 'auto':
                clustering_layer = 0
                raise ValueError('Please enter an int or "auto" for n_clusters')
            assert (np.array(k) == n_clusters).any()
            clustering_layer = np.argmax(np.array(k) == n_clusters)

        ################################# S step ############################################

        # Draw from f(z^{l} | s, Theta) for all s in Omega
        mu_s, sigma_s = compute_path_params(eta, H, psi)
        sigma_s = ensure_psd(sigma_s)
        z_s, zc_s = draw_z_s(mu_s, sigma_s, eta, M)
        # Draw from f(z^{l+1} | z^{l}, s, Theta) for l >= 1
        chsi = compute_chsi(H, psi, mu_s, sigma_s)
        chsi = ensure_psd(chsi)
        rho = compute_rho(eta, H, psi, mu_s, sigma_s, zc_s, chsi)

        # In the following z2 and z1 will denote z^{l+1} and z^{l} respectively
        z2_z1s = draw_z2_z1s(chsi, rho, M, r)
        # Compute the p(y| z1) for all variable categories
        py_zl1 = fy_zl1(lambda_bin, y_bin, nj_bin, lambda_ord, y_ord, nj_ord, \
                        lambda_categ, y_categ, nj_categ, y_cont, lambda_cont, z_s[0])
        # Draw from p(z1 | y, s) proportional to p(y | z1) * p(z1 | s) for all s
        zl1_ys = draw_zl1_ys(z_s, py_zl1, M)
        ################################# E step ############################################
        # Compute conditional probabilities used in the appendix of asta paper
        pzl1_ys, ps_y, p_y = E_step_GLLVM(z_s[0], mu_s[0], sigma_s[0], w_s, py_zl1)

        # Compute p(z^{(l)}| s, y). Equation (5) of the paper
        pz2_z1s = fz2_z1s(t(pzl1_ys, (1, 0, 2)), z2_z1s, chsi, rho, S)
        pz_ys = fz_ys(t(pzl1_ys, (1, 0, 2)), pz2_z1s)
        # Compute MFA expectations
        Ez_ys, E_z1z2T_ys, E_z2z2T_ys, EeeT_ys = \
            E_step_DGMM(zl1_ys, H, z_s, zc_s, z2_z1s, pz_ys, pz2_z1s, S)

        ############################ M step #######################################
        # Compute MFA Parameters 

        w_s = np.mean(ps_y, axis = 0)      
        eta, H, psi = M_step_DGMM(Ez_ys, E_z1z2T_ys, E_z2z2T_ys, EeeT_ys, ps_y, H, k)

        # Identifiability conditions

        # Update eta, H and Psi values
        H = diagonal_cond(H, psi)
        Ez, AT = compute_z_moments(w_s, eta, H, psi)
        eta, H, psi = identifiable_estim_DGMM(eta, H, psi, Ez, AT)
        # Compute GLLVM Parameters
        lambda_bin = bin_params_GLLVM(y_bin, nj_bin, lambda_bin, ps_y, pzl1_ys, z_s[0], AT[0],\
                     tol = tol, maxstep = maxstep)
        lambda_ord = ord_params_GLLVM(y_ord, nj_ord, lambda_ord, ps_y, pzl1_ys, z_s[0], AT[0],\
                     tol = tol, maxstep = maxstep)
        lambda_categ = categ_params_GLLVM(y_categ, nj_categ, lambda_categ, ps_y, pzl1_ys, z_s[0], AT[0],\
                     tol = tol, maxstep = maxstep)

        lambda_cont = cont_params_GLLVM(y_cont, lambda_cont, ps_y, pzl1_ys, z_s[0], AT[0],\
                     tol = tol, maxstep = maxstep)

        ################## Clustering parameters updating #########################
        new_lik = np.sum(np.log(p_y))
        ratio = abs((new_lik - prev_lik)/prev_lik)
        idx_to_sum = tuple(set(range(1, L + 1)) - set([clustering_layer + 1]))
        psl_y = ps_y.reshape(numobs, *k, order = 'C').sum(idx_to_sum) 

        temp_class = np.argmax(psl_y, axis = 1)
            new_sil = silhouette_score(dm, temp_class, metric = 'precomputed')
        except ValueError:
            new_sil = -1
        # Store the params according to the silhouette or likelihood
        is_better = (best_sil < new_sil) if use_silhouette else (best_lik < new_lik)
        if is_better:
            z = (ps_y[..., n_axis] * Ez_ys[clustering_layer]).sum(1)
            best_sil = deepcopy(new_sil)
            classes = deepcopy(temp_class)
            plt.scatter(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], c = classes)
            # Store the output
            out['classes'] = deepcopy(classes)
            out['best_z'] = deepcopy(z_s[0])
            out['Ez.y'] = z
            out['best_k'] = deepcopy(k)
            out['best_r'] = deepcopy(r)
            out['best_w_s'] = deepcopy(w_s)
            out['lambda_bin'] = deepcopy(lambda_bin)
            out['lambda_ord'] = deepcopy(lambda_ord)
            out['lambda_categ'] = deepcopy(lambda_categ)
            out['lambda_cont'] = deepcopy(lambda_cont)

            out['eta'] = deepcopy(eta)            
            out['mu'] = deepcopy(mu_s)
            out['sigma'] = deepcopy(sigma_s)
            out['psl_y'] = deepcopy(psl_y)
            out['ps_y'] = deepcopy(ps_y)

        # Refresh the classes only if they provide a better explanation of the data
        if best_lik < new_lik:
            best_lik = deepcopy(prev_lik)
        if prev_lik < new_lik:
            patience = 0
            M = M_growth(it_num + 2, r, numobs)
            patience += 1
        ######################## Parameter selection  #############################
        min_nb_clusters = 2
        if isnumeric(n_clusters): # To change when add multi mode
            is_not_min_specif = not(np.all(np.array(k) == n_clusters) & np.array_equal(r, [2,1]))
            is_not_min_specif = not(np.all(np.array(k) == min_nb_clusters) & np.array_equal(r, [2,1]))
        is_looking_for_better_arch = look_for_simpler_network(it_num) & perform_selec & is_not_min_specif
        if is_looking_for_better_arch:
            r_to_keep = r_select(y_bin, y_ord, y_categ, y_cont, zl1_ys, z2_z1s, w_s)
            # If r_l == 0, delete the last l + 1: layers
            new_L = np.sum([len(rl) != 0 for rl in r_to_keep]) - 1 
            k_to_keep = k_select(w_s, k, new_L, clustering_layer, not(isnumeric(n_clusters)))
            is_L_unchanged = (L == new_L)
            is_r_unchanged = np.all([len(r_to_keep[l]) == r[l] for l in range(new_L + 1)])
            is_k_unchanged = np.all([len(k_to_keep[l]) == k[l] for l in range(new_L)])
            is_selection = not(is_r_unchanged & is_k_unchanged & is_L_unchanged)
            assert new_L > 0
            if is_selection:           
                eta = [eta[l][k_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                eta = [eta[l][:, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                H = [H[l][k_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                H = [H[l][:, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                H = [H[l][:, :, r_to_keep[l + 1]] for l in range(new_L)]
                psi = [psi[l][k_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                psi = [psi[l][:, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                psi = [psi[l][:, :, r_to_keep[l]] for l in range(new_L)]
                if nb_bin > 0:
                    # Add the intercept:
                    bin_r_to_keep = np.concatenate([[0], np.array(r_to_keep[0]) + 1]) 
                    lambda_bin = lambda_bin[:, bin_r_to_keep]
                if nb_ord > 0:
                    # Intercept coefficients handling is a little more complicated here
                    lambda_ord_intercept = [lambda_ord_j[:-r[0]] for lambda_ord_j in lambda_ord]
                    Lambda_ord_var = np.stack([lambda_ord_j[-r[0]:] for lambda_ord_j in lambda_ord])
                    Lambda_ord_var = Lambda_ord_var[:, r_to_keep[0]]
                    lambda_ord = [np.concatenate([lambda_ord_intercept[j], Lambda_ord_var[j]])\
                                  for j in range(nb_ord)]
                # To recheck
                if nb_cont > 0:
                    # Add the intercept:
                    cont_r_to_keep = np.concatenate([[0], np.array(r_to_keep[0]) + 1]) 
                    lambda_cont = lambda_cont[:, cont_r_to_keep]  
                if nb_categ > 0:
                    lambda_categ_intercept = [lambda_categ[j][:, 0]  for j in range(nb_categ)]
                    Lambda_categ_var = [lambda_categ_j[:,-r[0]:] for lambda_categ_j in lambda_categ]
                    Lambda_categ_var = [lambda_categ_j[:, r_to_keep[0]] for lambda_categ_j in lambda_categ]

                    lambda_categ = [np.hstack([lambda_categ_intercept[j][..., n_axis], Lambda_categ_var[j]])\
                                   for j in range(nb_categ)]  

                w = w_s.reshape(*k, order = 'C')
                new_k_idx_grid = np.ix_(*k_to_keep[:new_L])
                # If layer deletion, sum the last components of the paths
                if L > new_L: 
                    deleted_dims = tuple(range(L)[new_L:])
                    w_s = w[new_k_idx_grid].sum(deleted_dims).flatten(order = 'C')
                    w_s = w[new_k_idx_grid].flatten(order = 'C')
                w_s /= w_s.sum()
                # Refresh the classes: TO RECHECK
                #idx_to_sum = tuple(set(range(1, L + 1)) - set([clustering_layer + 1]))
                #ps_y_tmp = ps_y.reshape(numobs, *k, order = 'C').sum(idx_to_sum)
                #np.argmax(ps_y_tmp[:, k_to_keep[0]], axis = 1)

                k = [len(k_to_keep[l]) for l in range(new_L)]
                r = [len(r_to_keep[l]) for l in range(new_L + 1)]
                k_aug = k + [1]
                S = np.array([np.prod(k_aug[l:]) for l in range(new_L + 1)])    
                L = new_L

                patience = 0
                # Identifiability conditions
                H = diagonal_cond(H, psi)
                Ez, AT = compute_z_moments(w_s, eta, H, psi)
                eta, H, psi = identifiable_estim_DGMM(eta, H, psi, Ez, AT)
            print('New architecture:')
            print('k', k)
            print('r', r)
            print('L', L)
            print("w_s", len(w_s))
        prev_lik = deepcopy(new_lik)
        it_num = it_num + 1

    out['likelihood'] = likelihood
    out['silhouette'] = silhouette