コード例 #1
    def _cumulative_hazard(self, params, T, *Xs):
        alpha_params = params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE["alpha_"]]
        alpha_ = np.exp(np.dot(Xs[0], alpha_params))

        beta_params = params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE["beta_"]]
        beta_ = np.exp(np.dot(Xs[1], beta_params))
        return np.log1p((T / alpha_) ** beta_)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mlfmmixsa.py プロジェクト: danieljtait/pydygp
    def _get_responsibilities(self, pi, g, beta, mu_ivp, alpha):
        """ Gets the posterior responsibilities for each comp. of the mixture.
        probs = [[]]*len(self.N_data)
        for i, ifx in enumerate(self._ifix):

            zM = self._forward(g, beta, mu_ivp[i], ifx)

            for q, yq in enumerate(self.Y_train_):
                logprob = norm.logpdf(
                    yq, zM[self.data_inds[q], :, q], scale=1/np.sqrt(alpha))

                # sum over the dimension component
                logprob = logprob.sum(-1)

                if probs[q] == []:
                    probs[q] = logprob

                    probs[q] = np.column_stack((probs[q], logprob))
        probs = [lp - pi for lp in probs]
        # subtract the maxmium for exponential normalize
        probs = [p - np.atleast_1d(p.max(axis=-1))[:, None]
                 for p in probs]
        probs = [np.exp(p) / np.exp(p).sum(-1)[:, None] for p in probs]

        return probs
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_autograd.py プロジェクト: Snazz2001/pymanopt
    def setUp(self):
        self.X = None
        self.cost = lambda X: np.exp(np.sum(X**2))

        n1 = self.n1 = 3
        n2 = self.n2 = 4
        n3 = self.n3 = 5

        Y = self.Y = rnd.randn(n1, n2, n3)
        A = self.A = rnd.randn(n1, n2, n3)

        # Calculate correct cost and grad...
        self.correct_cost = np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2))
        self.correct_grad = correct_grad = 2 * Y * np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2))

        # ... and hess
        # First form hessian tensor H (6th order)
        Y1 = Y.reshape(n1, n2, n3, 1, 1, 1)
        Y2 = Y.reshape(1, 1, 1, n1, n2, n3)

        # Create an n1 x n2 x n3 x n1 x n2 x n3 diagonal tensor
        diag = np.eye(n1 * n2 * n3).reshape(n1, n2, n3, n1, n2, n3)

        H = np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2)) * (4 * Y1 * Y2 + 2 * diag)

        # Then 'right multiply' H by A
        Atensor = A.reshape(1, 1, 1, n1, n2, n3)

        self.correct_hess = np.sum(H * Atensor, axis=(3, 4, 5))

        self.backend = AutogradBackend()
コード例 #4
def ackley(x):
    a, b, c = 20.0, -0.2, 2.0*np.pi
    len_recip = 1.0/len(x)
    sum_sqrs = sum(x*x)
    sum_cos = sum(np.cos(c*x))
    return (-a * np.exp(b*np.sqrt(len_recip*sum_sqrs)) -
            np.exp(len_recip*sum_cos) + a + np.e)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_autograd.py プロジェクト: Snazz2001/pymanopt
    def setUp(self):
        self.X = None
        self.cost = lambda X: np.exp(np.sum(X**2))

        m = self.m = 10
        n = self.n = 15

        Y = self.Y = rnd.randn(m, n)
        A = self.A = rnd.randn(m, n)

        # Calculate correct cost and grad...
        self.correct_cost = np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2))
        self.correct_grad = correct_grad = 2 * Y * np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2))

        # ... and hess
        # First form hessian tensor H (4th order)
        Y1 = Y.reshape(m, n, 1, 1)
        Y2 = Y.reshape(1, 1, m, n)

        # Create an m x n x m x n array with diag[i,j,k,l] == 1 iff
        # (i == k and j == l), this is a 'diagonal' tensor.
        diag = np.eye(m * n).reshape(m, n, m, n)

        H = np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2)) * (4 * Y1 * Y2 + 2 * diag)

        # Then 'right multiply' H by A
        Atensor = A.reshape(1, 1, m, n)

        self.correct_hess = np.sum(H * Atensor, axis=(2, 3))

        self.backend = AutogradBackend()
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_autograd.py プロジェクト: Snazz2001/pymanopt
    def setUp(self):
        self.X = None
        self.cost = lambda X: np.exp(np.sum(X**2))

        n = self.n = 15

        Y = self.Y = rnd.randn(1, n)
        A = self.A = rnd.randn(1, n)

        # Calculate correct cost and grad...
        self.correct_cost = np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2))
        self.correct_grad = correct_grad = 2 * Y * np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2))

        # ... and hess
        # First form hessian matrix H
        # Convert Y and A into matrices (row vectors)
        Ymat = np.matrix(Y)
        Amat = np.matrix(A)

        diag = np.eye(n)

        H = np.exp(np.sum(Y ** 2)) * (4 * Ymat.T.dot(Ymat) + 2 * diag)

        # Then 'left multiply' H by A
        self.correct_hess = np.array(Amat.dot(H))

        self.backend = AutogradBackend()
コード例 #7
    def callback(params, t, g):

        # log_weights = params[:10] - logsumexp(params[:10])
        print("Iteration {} lower bound {}".format(t, -objective(params, t)))
        # print (np.exp(log_weights))

        # mean = params[0]
        # log_std = params[1]
        # norm_flow_params = params[2]
        # print (len(params[2][0][0]))
        # print ('u', params[2][0])
        print ('u0', params[2][0][0])
        print ('u1', params[2][1][0])
        print ('w0', params[2][0][1])
        print ('w1', params[2][1][1])
        print ('b0', params[2][0][2])
        print ('b1', params[2][1][2])
        # print ('b', params[2][2])

        target_distribution = lambda x: np.exp(log_density(x))
        var_distribution    = lambda x: np.exp(variational_log_density(params, x))
        plot_isocontours(ax, target_distribution)
        plot_isocontours(ax, var_distribution, cmap=plt.cm.bone)

        # rs = npr.RandomState(0)
        # samples = variational_sampler(params, num_plotting_samples, rs)
        # plt.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], 'x')

コード例 #8
ファイル: test_lik_2.py プロジェクト: kacperChwialkowski/mcmc
def scalar_log_lik(theta_1, theta_2, x):
    arg = (x - theta_1)
    lik1 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * SIGMA_x ** 2 * np.pi) * np.exp(- np.dot(arg, arg) / (2 * SIGMA_x ** 2))
    arg = (x - theta_1 - theta_2)
    lik2 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * SIGMA_x ** 2 * np.pi) * np.exp(- np.dot(arg, arg) / (2 * SIGMA_x ** 2))

    return np.log(0.5 * lik1 + 0.5 * lik2)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_jacobian.py プロジェクト: thearn/adcomponent
    def test_multi_scalar(self):
        Tests functions with multiple scalar output

        def f1(x):
            # two scalar input
            return x**3, np.exp(3*x)

        df = jacobian(f1)(0.5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(3*0.5**2, df[0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(3*np.exp(3*0.5), df[1])

        def f2(params):
            # one list, one numpy array input
            x,y = params[0]
            A = params[1]
            return np.sum(A**2) + np.cos(x) + np.exp(0.5*y)

        df = jacobian(f2)
        A = np.array([[1.0, 2.0],[3.0, 4.0]])
        params = [[0.5, np.pi], A]
        diff = df(params)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff[0][0], -np.sin(0.5))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff[0][1], 0.5*np.exp(0.5*np.pi))
        self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(2*A - diff[1]) < 1e-10)
コード例 #10
ファイル: svi.py プロジェクト: chriscremer/Other_Code
 def log_density(x):
     x_, y_ = x[:, 0], x[:, 1]
     sigma_density = norm.logpdf(y_, 0, 1.35)
     mu_density = norm.logpdf(x_, -0.5, np.exp(y_))
     sigma_density2 = norm.logpdf(y_, 0.1, 1.35)
     mu_density2 = norm.logpdf(x_, 0.5, np.exp(y_))
     return np.logaddexp(sigma_density + mu_density, sigma_density2 + mu_density2)
コード例 #11
    def normalizing_flows(z_0, norm_flow_params):
        z_0: [n_samples, D]
        u: [D,1]
        w: [D,1]
        b: [1]

        current_z = z_0
        all_zs = []
        for params_k in norm_flow_params:

            u = params_k[0]
            w = params_k[1]
            b = params_k[2]

            # Appendix equations
            m_x = -1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(np.dot(w.T,u)))
            u_k = u + (-1. + np.log(1.+np.exp(np.dot(w.T,u))) - np.dot(w.T,u)) *  (w/np.linalg.norm(w))
            # u_k = u

            # [D,1]
            term1 = np.tanh(np.dot(current_z,w)+b)
            # [n_samples, D]
            term1 = np.dot(term1,u_k.T)
            # [n_samples, D]
            current_z = current_z + term1

        return current_z, all_zs
コード例 #12
	def predict(self, x):
		if self.prob_func_ == "sigmoid":
			prob = (1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-np.dot(x, self.coef_) - self.intercept_)))[:,np.newaxis]
			prob = np.concatenate((1.0-prob, prob), axis=1)
		else: # self.prob_func_ == "softmax"
			prob = np.exp(np.dot(x, self.coef_.T) + self.intercept_)
			prob /= np.sum(prob, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
		return np.array([self.classes_[i] for i in np.argmax(prob, axis=1)])
コード例 #13
ファイル: vbil.py プロジェクト: onenoc/lfvbae
def gradient_check():
    params = np.array([2,2])
    h = np.array([1e-5,0])
    print (np.exp(log_variational(params+h,0.5))-np.exp(log_variational(params,0.5)))/h[0]
    h = np.array([0,1e-5])
    print (np.exp(log_variational(params+h,0.5))-np.exp(log_variational(params,0.5)))/h[1]
    print gradient_log_variational(params,0.5,0)
    print gradient_log_variational(params,0.5,1)
コード例 #14
 def log_density(x, t):
     mu, log_sigma = x[:, 0], x[:, 1]
     sigma_density = norm.logpdf(log_sigma, 0, 1.35)
     mu_density = norm.logpdf(mu, -0.5, np.exp(log_sigma))
     sigma_density2 = norm.logpdf(log_sigma, 0.1, 1.35)
     mu_density2 = norm.logpdf(mu, 0.5, np.exp(log_sigma))
     return np.logaddexp(sigma_density + mu_density,
                         sigma_density2 + mu_density2)
コード例 #15
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: cpehle/diffmem
def softmax(xs):
  Initialization of weight tensors.
  Used when outputs must sum to 1.
  n = np.exp(xs)
  d = np.sum(np.exp(xs))
  return n/d
コード例 #16
    def callback(params, t, g):

        # log_weights = params[:10] - logsumexp(params[:10])
        print("Iteration {} lower bound {}".format(t, -objective(params, t)))
        # print (np.exp(log_weights))

        mean = params[0]
        log_std = params[1]

        print ('mean', mean)
        print ('std', np.exp(log_std))

        # print ('u0', params[2][0][0])
        # print ('u1', params[2][1][0])
        # print ('w0', params[2][0][1])
        # print ('w1', params[2][1][1])
        # print ('b0', params[2][0][2])
        # print ('b1', params[2][1][2])

        # x_inverse = 

        target_distribution = lambda x: np.exp(log_density(x))
        var_distribution    = lambda x: np.exp(variational_log_density(params, x))
        plot_isocontours(ax, target_distribution)
        plot_isocontours(ax, var_distribution, cmap=plt.cm.bone)

        #PLot the z0 density
        var_distribution0 = lambda x: np.exp(diag_gaussian_log_density(x, mean, log_std))
        plot_isocontours(ax, var_distribution0)

        for transform in params[2]:

            xlimits=[-6, 6]
            w = transform[1]
            b = transform[2]
            x = np.linspace(*xlimits, num=101)
            plt.plot(x, (-w[0]*x - b)/w[1], '-')
            u = transform[0]
            plt.plot(x, (-u[0]*x)/u[1], '-')

        #PLot variational samples
        samples = variational_sampler(params)
        plt.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], 'x')

        # #Plot q0 variational samples
        # rs = npr.RandomState(0)
        # samples = sample_diag_gaussian(mean, log_std, n_samples, rs) 
        # plt.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], 'x')

コード例 #17
ファイル: tm.py プロジェクト: simonkamronn/autohmm
    def sample(self, n_samples=2000, observed_states=None, random_state=None):
        """Generate random samples from the self.

        n : int
            Number of samples to generate.

        observed_states : array
            If provided, states are not sampled.

        random_state: RandomState or an int seed
            A random number generator instance. If None is given, the
            object's random_state is used

        samples : array_like, length (``n_samples``)
                  List of samples

        states : array_like, shape (``n_samples``)
                 List of hidden states (accounting for tied states by giving
                 them the same index)
        if random_state is None:
            random_state = self.random_state
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

        samples = np.zeros(n_samples)
        states = np.zeros(n_samples)

        if observed_states is None:
            startprob_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_startprob))
            startdist = stats.rv_discrete(name='custm',
            states[0] = startdist.rvs(size=1)[0]

            transmat_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_transmat))
            transmat_cdf = np.cumsum(transmat_pdf, 1)

            nrand = random_state.rand(n_samples)
            for idx in range(1,n_samples):
                newstate = (transmat_cdf[states[idx-1]] > nrand[idx-1]).argmax()
                states[idx] = newstate
            states = observed_states

        mu = np.copy(self._mu_)
        precision = np.copy(self._precision_)
        for idx in range(n_samples):
            mean_ = self._mu_[states[idx]]
            var_ = np.sqrt(1/precision[states[idx]])
            samples[idx] = norm.rvs(loc=mean_, scale=var_, size=1,
        states = self._process_sequence(states)
        return samples, states
コード例 #18
ファイル: kernels.py プロジェクト: fw0/domain_adapt
def logloss(ys, ys_hat, ws=None):
    #print 'ws',ws.shape, 'ys',ys.shape, 'xs',xs.shape, 'B',B.shape
    if ws is None:
        return np.sum(np.log(1 + np.exp(-ys * ys_hat))) / float(len(ys)) #+ (0.5 * reg * np.dot(B, B)) #/ float(len(ys))
            return np.sum(ws * np.log(1 + np.exp(-ys * ys_hat))) / float(len(ys)) #+ (0.5 * reg * np.dot(B, B)) #/ float(len(ys))
コード例 #19
    def _log_1m_sf(self, params, T, *Xs):
        alpha_params = params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE["alpha_"]]
        log_alpha_ = np.dot(Xs[0], alpha_params)
        alpha_ = np.exp(log_alpha_)

        beta_params = params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE["beta_"]]
        log_beta_ = np.dot(Xs[1], beta_params)
        beta_ = np.exp(log_beta_)
        return -np.log1p((T / alpha_) ** -beta_)
コード例 #20
def devec_ackley(x):
    a, b, c = 20.0, -0.2, 2.0*np.pi
    len_recip = 1.0/len(x)
    sum_sqrs, sum_cos = 0.0, 0.0
    for i in x:
        sum_cos += np.cos(c*i)
        sum_sqrs += i*i
    return (-a * np.exp(b*np.sqrt(len_recip*sum_sqrs)) -
            np.exp(len_recip*sum_cos) + a + np.e)
コード例 #21
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: DoctorTeeth/diffmem
def softmax_grads(Ks, beta, i, j):
  return the grad of the ith element of weighting w.r.t. j-th element of Ks
  if j == i:
    num = beta*np.exp(Ks[i]*beta) * (np.sum(np.exp(Ks*beta)) - np.exp(Ks[i]*beta))
    num = -beta*np.exp(Ks[i]*beta + Ks[j]*beta)
  den1 = np.sum(np.exp(Ks*beta))
  return num / (den1 * den1)
コード例 #22
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: DoctorTeeth/diffmem
def beta_grads(Ks, beta, i):
  Karr = np.array(Ks)
  anum = Ks[i] * np.exp(Ks[i] * beta)
  aden = np.sum(np.exp(beta * Karr))
  a = anum / aden

  bnum = np.exp(Ks[i] * beta) * (np.sum(np.multiply(Karr, np.exp(Karr * beta))))
  bden = aden * aden
  b = bnum / bden
  return a - b
コード例 #23
    def _log_hazard(self, params, T, *Xs):
        alpha_params = params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE["alpha_"]]
        log_alpha_ = np.dot(Xs[0], alpha_params)
        alpha_ = np.exp(log_alpha_)

        beta_params = params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE["beta_"]]
        log_beta_ = np.dot(Xs[1], beta_params)
        beta_ = np.exp(log_beta_)

        return log_beta_ - log_alpha_ + np.expm1(log_beta_) * (np.log(T) - log_alpha_) - np.log1p((T / alpha_) ** beta_)
コード例 #24
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pernghwa/hawkesInfluence
 def compute_modfeat(self, w):
     mod_feat = self.conv_data_fea.copy()
     mod_dem = np.ones(mod_feat.shape)  ## need to change to accommodate non-binary features
     ws = np.array([w[k*self.F:(k+1)*self.F] for k in range(self.K)])
     w_tiled = np.array([ws for i in range(mod_feat.shape[0])])
     mod_feat = mod_feat * w_tiled
     mod_dem = mod_dem * w_tiled
     mod_feat = np.sum(np.exp(mod_feat), axis=2)
     mod_dem = np.sum(np.exp(mod_dem), axis=2)
     return mod_feat / mod_dem
コード例 #25
 def log_density(x):
     x: [n_samples, D]
     return: [n_samples]
     x_, y_ = x[:, 0], x[:, 1]
     sigma_density = norm.logpdf(y_, 0, 1.35)
     mu_density = norm.logpdf(x_, -2.2, np.exp(y_))
     sigma_density2 = norm.logpdf(y_, 0.1, 1.35)
     mu_density2 = norm.logpdf(x_, 2.2, np.exp(y_))
     return np.logaddexp(sigma_density + mu_density, sigma_density2 + mu_density2)
コード例 #26
ファイル: black_box_svi.py プロジェクト: AugustLONG/autograd
    def callback(params, t, g):
        print("Iteration {} lower bound {}".format(t, -objective(params, t)))

        target_distribution = lambda x : np.exp(log_posterior(x, t))
        plot_isocontours(ax, target_distribution)

        mean, log_std = unpack_params(params)
        variational_contour = lambda x: mvn.pdf(x, mean, np.diag(np.exp(2*log_std)))
        plot_isocontours(ax, variational_contour)
コード例 #27
ファイル: hh_dynamics.py プロジェクト: HIPS/optofit
def potassium_dynamics(V, n, t):
    # Use resting potential of zero
    V_ref = V+60

    # Compute the alpha and beta as a function of V
    an1 = 0.01*(V_ref+55.) /(1-np.exp(-(V_ref+55.)/10.))
    bn1 = 0.125 * np.exp(-(V_ref+65.)/80.)

    # Compute the channel state updates
    dndt = an1 * (1.0-n) - bn1*n

    return dndt
コード例 #28
ファイル: pylqr_trajctrl.py プロジェクト: navigator8972/pylqr
def PyLQR_TrajCtrl_GeneralTest():
    #build RBF basis
    rbf_basis = np.array([
        [-1.0, -1.0],
        [-1.0, 1.0],
        [1.0, -1.0],
        [1.0, 1.0]
    gamma = 1
    T = 100
    R = 1e-5
    # rbf_funcs = [lambda x, u, t, aux: np.exp(-gamma*np.linalg.norm(x[0:2]-basis)**2) + .01*np.linalg.norm(u)**2 for basis in rbf_basis]
    rbf_funcs = [
    lambda x, u, t, aux: -np.exp(-gamma*np.linalg.norm(x[0:2]-rbf_basis[0])**2) + R*np.linalg.norm(u)**2,
    lambda x, u, t, aux: -np.exp(-gamma*np.linalg.norm(x[0:2]-rbf_basis[1])**2) + R*np.linalg.norm(u)**2,
    lambda x, u, t, aux: -np.exp(-gamma*np.linalg.norm(x[0:2]-rbf_basis[2])**2) + R*np.linalg.norm(u)**2,
    lambda x, u, t, aux: -np.exp(-gamma*np.linalg.norm(x[0:2]-rbf_basis[3])**2) + R*np.linalg.norm(u)**2

    weights = np.array([.75, .5, .25, 1.])
    weights = weights / (np.sum(weights) + 1e-6)

    cost_func = lambda x, u, t, aux: np.sum(weights * np.array([basis_func(x, u, t, aux) for basis_func in rbf_funcs]))

    lqr_traj_ctrl = PyLQR_TrajCtrl(use_autograd=True)
    lqr_traj_ctrl.build_ilqr_general_solver(cost_func, n_dims=rbf_basis.shape[1], T=T)

    n_eval_pnts = 50
    coords = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, n_eval_pnts)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(coords, coords)

    z = [[cost_func(np.array([xv[i, j], yv[i, j]]), np.zeros(2), None, None) for j in range(yv.shape[1])] for i in range(len(xv))]

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.contour(xv, yv, z)
    n_queries = 5
    u_array = np.random.rand(2, T-1).T * 2 - 1
    for i in range(n_queries):
        #start from a perturbed point
        x0 = np.random.rand(2) * 4 - 2
        syn_traj = lqr_traj_ctrl.synthesize_trajectory(x0, u_array)
        #plot it
        ax.plot([x0[0]], [x0[1]], 'k*', markersize=12.0)
        ax.plot(syn_traj[:, 0], syn_traj[:, 1], linewidth=3.5)


コード例 #29
ファイル: eit.py プロジェクト: jcockayne/bayesian_pdes
    def do_transform(self, item):
        if type(item) is not tuple:
            item = (item,)
        def printer(*args):
            if self.__verbosity__ > 0:

        printer('Attempting to get {}'.format(item))

        A_t, B_t = self.operators
        A_bar_t, B_bar_t = self.operators_bar

        A_1, A_2, A_3, B = self.__op_cache__.operators
        A_1_bar, A_2_bar, A_3_bar, B_bar = self.__op_cache__.operators_bar

        exp_kappa_int = np.exp(self.__kappa_int__).reshape((len(self.__kappa_int__), 1))
        exp_kappa_bdy = np.exp(self.__kappa_bdy__).reshape((len(self.__kappa_bdy__), 1))
        grad_kappa_x = self.__grad_kappa_x__.reshape((len(self.__grad_kappa_x__), 1))
        grad_kappa_y = self.__grad_kappa_y__.reshape((len(self.__grad_kappa_y__), 1))

        all_things = [()]

        printer(exp_kappa_int.shape, exp_kappa_bdy.shape, grad_kappa_x.shape, grad_kappa_y.shape)

        # first explode out the objects required
        for i in item:
            if i == A_t:
                all_things = sum([[a + (A_1,), a + (A_2,), a + (A_3,)] for a in all_things], [])
            elif i == A_bar_t:
                all_things = sum([[a + (A_1_bar,), a + (A_2_bar,), a + (A_3_bar,)] for a in all_things], [])
            elif i == B_t:
                all_things = [a + (B,) for a in all_things]
            elif i == B_bar_t:
                all_things = [a + (B_bar,) for a in all_things]
                all_things = [a + (i,) for a in all_things]
        printer('Mapped {} to {}'.format(item, all_things))

        def __ret(x, y, fun_args=None):
            return self.calc_result(
        return __ret
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_jacobian.py プロジェクト: thearn/adcomponent
        def f2(params):
            # mixed inputs
            x = params[0] # float
            A = params[1] # 2d array
            B = params[2] # 1d array

            return np.exp(B**2)/x * A
コード例 #31
ファイル: exponentialnn.py プロジェクト: MartinMikkelsen/ppnm
def sigmoid(z):
    return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z))
コード例 #32
 def log_likelihoods(self, data, input, mask, tag, x):
     mus = self.forward(x, input, tag)
     etas = np.exp(self.inv_etas)
     lls = -0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * etas) - 0.5 * (data[:, None, :] - mus)**2 / etas
     return np.sum(lls * mask[:, None, :], axis=2)
def self_weighted_logit(x):
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-np.dot(x, x)))
コード例 #34
    def sig(x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-1 * x))

    n = kerns[0].shape[0]
コード例 #35
 def sigmoid(x):
     return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x))
コード例 #36
ファイル: preprocessing.py プロジェクト: deng-xinyi/ssm
def mixture_of_gaussian_em(data,
    Use expectation-maximization (EM) to compute the maximum likelihood
    estimate of the parameters of a Gaussian mixture model.  The datapoints
    x_i are assumed to come from the following model:
        z_i ~ Cate(pi) 
        x_i | z_i ~ N(mu_{z_i}, Sigma_{z_i})
    the parameters are {pi_q, mu_q, Sigma_q} for q = 1...Q 
        - data x_i are vectors in R^M
        - covariance is diagonal S_q = diag([S_{q1}, .., S_{qm}])
    N, M = data.shape  ### concatenate all marks; N = # of spikes, M = # of mark dim

    if init_params is not None:
        pi, mus, inv_sigmas = init_params
        assert pi.shape == (Q, )
        assert np.all(pi >= 0) and np.allclose(pi.sum(), 1)
        assert mus.shape == (M, Q)
        assert inv_sigmas.shape == (M, Q)
        pi = np.ones(Q) / Q
        mus = npr.randn(M, Q)
        inv_sigmas = -2 + npr.randn(M, Q)

    if weights is not None:
        assert weights.shape == (N, ) and np.all(weights >= 0)
        weights = np.ones(N)

    for itr in range(num_iters):
        ## E-step:
        ## output: number of spikes by number of mixture
        ## attribute spikes to each Q element
        sigmas = np.exp(inv_sigmas)
        responsibilities = np.zeros((N, Q))
        responsibilities += np.log(pi)
        for q in range(Q):
            responsibilities[:, q] = np.sum(
                -0.5 * (data - mus[None, :, q])**2 / sigmas[None, :, q] -
                0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * sigmas[None, :, q]),
            # norm.logpdf(...)

        responsibilities -= logsumexp(responsibilities, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        responsibilities = np.exp(responsibilities)

        ## M-step:
        ## take in responsibilities (output of e-step)
        ## compute MLE of Gaussian parameters
        ## mean/std is weighted means/std of mix
        for q in range(Q):
            pi[q] = np.average(responsibilities[:, q])
            mus[:, q] = np.average(data,
                                   weights=responsibilities[:, q] * weights,
            sqerr = (data - mus[None, :, q])**2
            inv_sigmas[:, q] = np.log(1e-8 + np.average(
                sqerr, weights=responsibilities[:, q] * weights, axis=0))

    return mus, inv_sigmas, pi
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_logreg.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/diffopt
def logreg_loss(x, D, z, lbda):
    res = - x * np.dot(D, z)
    return np.mean(np.log1p(np.exp(res))) + .5 * lbda * np.sum(z ** 2)
コード例 #38
 def test_logsumexp5():
     combo_check(autograd.scipy.misc.logsumexp, [0])([R(2, 3, 4)],
                                                     b=[np.exp(R(2, 3, 4))],
                                                     axis=[None, 0, 1],
                                                     keepdims=[True, False])
コード例 #39
    def G(self, t):
		Separation of variables: t-dependent
        return np.exp(-self.ll * t)
コード例 #40
ファイル: objective.py プロジェクト: yalechang/MCVC
def NegELBO(param, prior, X, S, Ncon, G, M, K):
    param: length (2M + 2M + MG + 2G + GNK + GDK + GDK + GK + GK) 
        variational parameters, including:
        1) tau_a1: len(M), first parameter of q(alpha_m)
        2) tau_a2: len(M), second parameter of q(alpha_m)
        3) tau_b1: len(M), first parameter of q(beta_m)
        4) tau_b2: len(M), second parameter of q(beta_m)
        5) phi: shape(M, G), phi[m,:] is the paramter vector of q(c_m)
        6) tau_v1: len(G), first parameter of q(nu_g)
        7) tau_v2: len(G), second parameter of q(nu_g)
        8) mu_w: shape(G, D, K), mu_w[g,d,k] is the mean parameter of 
        9) sigma_w: shape(G, D, K), sigma_w[g,d,k] is the std parameter of 
        10) mu_b: shape(G, K), mu_b[g,k] is the mean parameter of q(b^g_k)
        11) sigma_b: shape(G, K), sigma_b[g,k] is the std parameter of q(b^g_k)

    prior: dictionary
        the naming of keys follow those in param
        {'tau_a1':val1, ...}

    X: shape(N, D)
        each row represents a sample and each column represents a feature

    S: shape(n_con, 4)
        each row represents a observed constrain (expert_id, sample1_id,
        sample2_id, constraint_type), where
        1) expert_id: varies between [0, M-1]
        2) sample1 id: varies between [0, N-1]
        3) sample2 id: varies between [0, N-1]
        4) constraint_type: 1 means must-link and 0 means cannot-link

    Ncon: shape(M, 1)
        number of constraints provided by each expert

    G: int
        number of local consensus in the posterior truncated Dirichlet Process

    M: int
        number of experts

    K: int
        maximal number of clusters among different solutions, due to the use of
        discriminative clustering, some local solution might have empty


    eps = 1e-12

    # get sample size and feature size
    [N, D] = np.shape(X)

    # unpack the input parameter vector
    [tau_a1, tau_a2, tau_b1, tau_b2, phi, tau_v1, tau_v2, mu_w, sigma_w,\
            mu_b, sigma_b] = unpackParam(param, N, D, G, M, K)

    # compute eta given mu_w and mu_b
    eta = np.zeros((0, K))
    for g in np.arange(G):
        t1 = np.exp(np.dot(X, mu_w[g]) + mu_b[g])
        t2 = np.transpose(np.tile(np.sum(t1, axis=1), (K, 1)))
        eta = np.vstack((eta, t1 / t2))
    eta = np.reshape(eta, (G, N, K))

    # compute the expectation terms to be used later
    E_log_Alpha = digamma(tau_a1) - digamma(tau_a1 + tau_a2)  # len(M)
    E_log_OneMinusAlpha = digamma(tau_a2) - digamma(tau_a1 + tau_a2)  # len(M)
    E_log_Beta = digamma(tau_b1) - digamma(tau_b1 + tau_b2)  # len(M)
    E_log_OneMinusBeta = digamma(tau_b2) - digamma(tau_b1 + tau_b2)  # len(M)

    E_log_Nu = digamma(tau_v1) - digamma(tau_v1 + tau_v2)  # len(G)
    E_log_OneMinusNu = digamma(tau_v2) - digamma(tau_v1 + tau_v2)  # len(G)
    E_C = phi  # shape(M, G)
    E_W = mu_w  # shape(G, D, K)
    E_WMinusMuSqd = sigma_w**2 + (mu_w - prior['mu_w'])**2  # shape(G, D, K)
    E_BMinusMuSqd = sigma_b**2 + (mu_b - prior['mu_b'])**2  # shape(G, K)
    E_ExpB = np.exp(mu_b + 0.5 * sigma_b**2)  # shape(G, K)

    E_logP_Alpha = (prior['tau_a1']-1) * E_log_Alpha + \
            (prior['tau_a2']-1) * E_log_OneMinusAlpha -  \
            gammaln(prior['tau_a1']+eps) - \
            gammaln(prior['tau_a2']+eps) + \

    E_logP_Beta = (prior['tau_b1']-1) * E_log_Beta + \
            (prior['tau_b2']-1) * E_log_OneMinusBeta - \
            gammaln(prior['tau_b1']+eps) - \
            gammaln(prior['tau_b2']+eps) + \

    E_logQ_Alpha = (tau_a1-1)*E_log_Alpha + (tau_a2-1)*E_log_OneMinusAlpha - \
            gammaln(tau_a1 + eps) - gammaln(tau_a2 + eps) + \
            gammaln(tau_a1+tau_a2 + eps)

    E_logQ_Beta = (tau_b1-1)*E_log_Beta + (tau_b2-1)*E_log_OneMinusBeta - \
            gammaln(tau_b1 + eps) - gammaln(tau_b2 + eps) + \
            gammaln(tau_b1+tau_b2 + eps)

    E_logQ_C = np.sum(phi * np.log(phi + eps), axis=1)

    eta_N_GK = np.reshape(np.transpose(eta, (1, 0, 2)), (N, G * K))

    # compute three terms and then add them up
    L_1, L_2, L_3 = [0., 0., 0.]
    # the first term and part of the second term
    for m in np.arange(M):
        idx_S = range(sum(Ncon[:m]), sum(Ncon[:m]) + Ncon[m])
        tp_con = S[idx_S, 3]

        phi_rep = np.reshape(np.transpose(np.tile(phi[m], (K, 1))), G * K)
        E_A = np.dot(eta_N_GK, np.transpose(eta_N_GK * phi_rep))
        E_A_use = E_A[S[idx_S, 1], S[idx_S, 2]]
        tp_Asum = np.sum(E_A_use)
        tp_AdotS = np.sum(E_A_use * tp_con)

        L_1 = L_1 + Ncon[m]*E_log_Beta[m] + np.sum(tp_con)*\
                (E_log_OneMinusBeta[m]-E_log_Beta[m]) + \
                tp_AdotS * (E_log_Alpha[m] + E_log_Beta[m] - \
                E_log_OneMinusAlpha[m] - E_log_OneMinusBeta[m]) + \
                tp_Asum * (E_log_OneMinusAlpha[m] - E_log_Beta[m])

        fg = lambda g: phi[m, g] * np.sum(E_log_OneMinusNu[0:g - 1])

        L_2 = L_2 + E_logP_Alpha[m] + E_logP_Beta[m] + \
                np.dot(phi[m],E_log_Nu) + np.sum(map(fg, np.arange(G)))

    # the second term
    for g in np.arange(G):
        tp_Nug = (prior['gamma']-1)*E_log_OneMinusNu[g] + \

        t1 = np.dot(X, mu_w[g])
        t2 = 0.5 * np.dot(X**2, sigma_w[g]**2)
        t3 = np.sum(eta[g], axis=1)
        t_mat_i = logsumexp(np.add(mu_b[g] + 0.5 * sigma_b[g]**2, t1 + t2),
        tp_Zg = np.sum(eta[g] * np.add(t1, mu_b[g])) - np.dot(t3, t_mat_i)

        t5 = -np.log(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*prior['sigma_w']) - \
                0.5/(prior['sigma_w']**2) * (sigma_w[g]**2 + \
        tp_Wg = np.sum(t5)
        t6 = -np.log(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*prior['sigma_b']+eps) - \
                0.5/(prior['sigma_b']**2) * (sigma_b[g]**2 + \
        tp_bg = np.sum(t6)
        L_2 = L_2 + tp_Nug + tp_Zg + tp_Wg + tp_bg

    # the third term
    L_3 = np.sum(E_logQ_Alpha + E_logQ_Beta + E_logQ_C)
    for g in np.arange(G):
        tp_Nug3 = (tau_v1[g]-1)*E_log_Nu[g]+(tau_v2[g]-1)*E_log_OneMinusNu[g] -\
                np.log(gamma(tau_v1[g])+eps) - np.log(gamma(tau_v2[g])+eps) + \
        tp_Zg3 = np.sum(eta[g] * np.log(eta[g] + eps))
        tp_Wg3 = np.sum(-np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma_w[g] + eps) - 0.5)
        tp_bg3 = np.sum(-np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma_b[g] + eps) - 0.5)
        L_3 = L_3 + tp_Nug3 + tp_Zg3 + tp_Wg3 + tp_bg3

    # Note the third term should have a minus sign before it
    ELBO = L_1 + L_2 - L_3
    #ELBO = L_1 + L_2

    return -ELBO
コード例 #41
ファイル: objective.py プロジェクト: yalechang/MCVC
def ELBO_terms(param, prior, X, S, Ncon, G, M, K):
    eps = 1e-12

    # get sample size and feature size
    [N, D] = np.shape(X)

    # unpack the input parameter vector
    [tau_a1, tau_a2, tau_b1, tau_b2, phi, tau_v1, tau_v2, mu_w, sigma_w,\
            mu_b, sigma_b] = unpackParam(param, N, D, G, M, K)

    # compute eta given mu_w and mu_b
    eta = np.zeros((0, K))
    for g in np.arange(G):
        t1 = np.exp(np.dot(X, mu_w[g]) + mu_b[g])
        t2 = np.transpose(np.tile(np.sum(t1, axis=1), (K, 1)))
        eta = np.vstack((eta, t1 / t2))
    eta = np.reshape(eta, (G, N, K))

    # compute the expectation terms to be used later
    E_log_Alpha = digamma(tau_a1) - digamma(tau_a1 + tau_a2)  # len(M)
    E_log_OneMinusAlpha = digamma(tau_a2) - digamma(tau_a1 + tau_a2)  # len(M)
    E_log_Beta = digamma(tau_b1) - digamma(tau_b1 + tau_b2)  # len(M)
    E_log_OneMinusBeta = digamma(tau_b2) - digamma(tau_b1 + tau_b2)  # len(M)

    E_log_Nu = digamma(tau_v1) - digamma(tau_v1 + tau_v2)  # len(G)
    E_log_OneMinusNu = digamma(tau_v2) - digamma(tau_v1 + tau_v2)  # len(G)
    E_C = phi  # shape(M, G)
    E_W = mu_w  # shape(G, D, K)
    E_WMinusMuSqd = sigma_w**2 + (mu_w - prior['mu_w'])**2  # shape(G, D, K)
    E_BMinusMuSqd = sigma_b**2 + (mu_b - prior['mu_b'])**2  # shape(G, K)
    E_ExpB = np.exp(mu_b + 0.5 * sigma_b**2)  # shape(G, K)

    E_logP_Alpha = (prior['tau_a1']-1) * E_log_Alpha + \
            (prior['tau_a2']-1) * E_log_OneMinusAlpha -  \
            gammaln(prior['tau_a1']+eps) - \
            gammaln(prior['tau_a2']+eps) + \

    E_logP_Beta = (prior['tau_b1']-1) * E_log_Beta + \
            (prior['tau_b2']-1) * E_log_OneMinusBeta - \
            gammaln(prior['tau_b1']+eps) - \
            gammaln(prior['tau_b2']+eps) + \

    E_logQ_Alpha = (tau_a1-1)*E_log_Alpha + (tau_a2-1)*E_log_OneMinusAlpha - \
            gammaln(tau_a1 + eps) - gammaln(tau_a2 + eps) + \
            gammaln(tau_a1+tau_a2 + eps)

    E_logQ_Beta = (tau_b1-1)*E_log_Beta + (tau_b2-1)*E_log_OneMinusBeta - \
            gammaln(tau_b1 + eps) - gammaln(tau_b2 + eps) + \
            gammaln(tau_b1+tau_b2 + eps)

    E_logQ_C = np.sum(phi * np.log(phi + eps), axis=1)

    eta_N_GK = np.reshape(np.transpose(eta, (1, 0, 2)), (N, G * K))

    # compute three terms and then add them up
    L_1, L_2, L_3 = [0., 0., 0.]
    # the first term and part of the second term
    for m in np.arange(M):
        idx_S = range(sum(Ncon[:m]), sum(Ncon[:m]) + Ncon[m])
        tp_con = S[idx_S, 3]

        phi_rep = np.reshape(np.transpose(np.tile(phi[m], (K, 1))), G * K)
        E_A = np.dot(eta_N_GK, np.transpose(eta_N_GK * phi_rep))
        E_A_use = E_A[S[idx_S, 1], S[idx_S, 2]]
        tp_Asum = np.sum(E_A_use)
        tp_AdotS = np.sum(E_A_use * tp_con)

        L_1 = L_1 + Ncon[m]*E_log_Beta[m] + np.sum(tp_con)*\
                (E_log_OneMinusBeta[m]-E_log_Beta[m]) + \
                tp_AdotS * (E_log_Alpha[m] + E_log_Beta[m] - \
                E_log_OneMinusAlpha[m] - E_log_OneMinusBeta[m]) + \
                tp_Asum * (E_log_OneMinusAlpha[m] - E_log_Beta[m])

        fg = lambda g: phi[m, g] * np.sum(E_log_OneMinusNu[0:g - 1])

        L_2 = L_2 + E_logP_Alpha[m] + E_logP_Beta[m] + \
                np.dot(phi[m],E_log_Nu) + np.sum(map(fg, np.arange(G)))

    # the second term
    for g in np.arange(G):
        tp_Nug = (prior['gamma']-1)*E_log_OneMinusNu[g] + \

        t1 = np.dot(X, mu_w[g])
        t2 = 0.5 * np.dot(X**2, sigma_w[g]**2)
        t3 = np.sum(eta[g], axis=1)
        t_mat_i = logsumexp(np.add(mu_b[g] + 0.5 * sigma_b[g]**2, t1 + t2),
        tp_Zg = np.sum(eta[g] * np.add(t1, mu_b[g])) - np.dot(t3, t_mat_i)

        t5 = -np.log(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*prior['sigma_w']) - \
                0.5/(prior['sigma_w']**2) * (sigma_w[g]**2 + \
        tp_Wg = np.sum(t5)
        t6 = -np.log(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*prior['sigma_b']+eps) - \
                0.5/(prior['sigma_b']**2) * (sigma_b[g]**2 + \
        tp_bg = np.sum(t6)
        L_2 = L_2 + tp_Nug + tp_Zg + tp_Wg + tp_bg

    # the third term
    L_3 = np.sum(E_logQ_Alpha + E_logQ_Beta + E_logQ_C)
    for g in np.arange(G):
        tp_Nug3 = (tau_v1[g]-1)*E_log_Nu[g]+(tau_v2[g]-1)*E_log_OneMinusNu[g] -\
                np.log(gamma(tau_v1[g])+eps) - np.log(gamma(tau_v2[g])+eps) + \
        tp_Zg3 = np.sum(eta[g] * np.log(eta[g] + eps))
        tp_Wg3 = np.sum(-np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma_w[g] + eps) - 0.5)
        tp_bg3 = np.sum(-np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma_b[g] + eps) - 0.5)
        L_3 = L_3 + tp_Nug3 + tp_Zg3 + tp_Wg3 + tp_bg3

    return (L_1, L_2, L_3)
コード例 #42
 def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):
     part1 = -1. * self.a * anp.exp(-1. * self.b * anp.sqrt((1. / self.n_var) * anp.sum(x * x, axis=1)))
     part2 = -1. * anp.exp((1. / self.n_var) * anp.sum(anp.cos(self.c * x), axis=1))
     out["F"] = part1 + part2 + self.a + anp.exp(1)
コード例 #43
def rbf_covariance(cov_params, x, xp):
    output_scale = np.exp(cov_params[0])
    lengthscales = np.exp(cov_params[1:])
    diffs = np.expand_dims(x /lengthscales, 1)\
          - np.expand_dims(xp/lengthscales, 0)
    return output_scale * np.exp(-0.5 * np.sum(diffs**2, axis=2))
コード例 #44
ファイル: exponentialnn.py プロジェクト: MartinMikkelsen/ppnm
def g_analytic(x, gamma = 2, g0 = 10):
    return g0*np.exp(-gamma*x)
コード例 #45
 def classical(p):
     "Classical node, requires autograd.numpy functions."
     return anp.exp(anp.sum(quantum(p[0], anp.log(p[1]))))
コード例 #46
def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
コード例 #47
ファイル: test_logreg.py プロジェクト: tomMoral/diffopt
def grad_analytic(x, D, lbda, step, n_iter):
    n, p = D.shape
    z = gradient_descent(x, D, lbda, step, n_iter)
    return -np.dot(D, z) / (1. + np.exp(x * np.dot(D, z))) / n
コード例 #48
def f(x):
    return np.sum([
            np.exp(-y_train[i] * np.dot(scale_parameter * A_train[i], x)) + 1)
        for i in range(len(A_train))
コード例 #49
def softmax(X, axis=0):
    return np.exp(X - logsumexp(X, axis=axis, keepdims=True))
コード例 #50
ファイル: test_scipy.py プロジェクト: zhenyaonu/autograd
 def test_logsumexp3():
     combo_check(autograd.scipy.misc.logsumexp, [0],
                 modes=['fwd', 'rev'])([R(4)],
                                       axis=[None, 0],
                                       keepdims=[True, False])
コード例 #51
 def softmax(x):
     """Compute softmax values for each sets of scores in x."""
     e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
     return e_x / e_x.sum()
コード例 #52
 def fun1(B, Bdims):
     if Bdims: Bdims = list(range(len(Bdims)))
     return np.einsum(np.exp(B**2), Bdims, np.transpose(B), Bdims[::-1], [])
コード例 #53
def build_toy_dataset(n_data=80, noise_std=0.1, D=1):
    rs = npr.RandomState(0)
    inputs = np.concatenate(
        [np.linspace(0, 3, num=n_data / 2),
         np.linspace(6, 8, num=n_data / 2)])
    targets = np.cos(inputs) + rs.randn(n_data) * noise_std
    inputs = (inputs - 4.0) / 2.0
    inputs = inputs.reshape((len(inputs), D))
    targets = targets.reshape((len(targets), D)) / 2.0
    return inputs, targets

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Specify inference problem by its unnormalized log-posterior.
    rbf = lambda x: np.exp(-x**2)
    relu = lambda x: np.maximum(x, 0.0)

    # Implement a 3-hidden layer neural network.
    num_weights, predictions, logprob = \
        make_nn_funs(layer_sizes=[1, 20, 20, 1], nonlinearity=rbf)

    inputs, targets = build_toy_dataset()
    objective = lambda weights, t: -logprob(weights, inputs, targets)

    # Set up figure.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), facecolor='white')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)

    def callback(params, t, g):
コード例 #54
 def fun0(B, Bdims):
     return einsum2.einsum2(np.exp(B**2), Bdims, np.transpose(B),
                            Bdims[::-1], [])
コード例 #55
 def sample(self, z, x, input=None, tag=None):
     T = z.shape[0]
     z = np.zeros_like(z, dtype=int) if self.single_subspace else z
     mus = self.forward(x, input, tag)
     etas = np.exp(self.inv_etas)
     return mus[np.arange(T), z, :] + np.sqrt(etas[z]) * npr.randn(T, self.N)
コード例 #56
def test_exp():
    fun = lambda x : 3.0 * np.exp(x)
    d_fun = grad(fun)
    check_grads(fun, npr.randn())
    check_grads(d_fun, npr.randn())
コード例 #57
from autograd import grad

task_params = {
    'target_name': 'measured log solubility in mols per litre',
    'data_file': 'delaney.csv'
N_train = 800
N_val = 20
N_test = 20

model_params = dict(
    fp_length=50,  # Usually neural fps need far fewer dimensions than morgan.
    fp_depth=4,  # The depth of the network equals the fingerprint(radius.)
    conv_width=20,  # Only the neural fps need this parameter.
    h1_size=100,  # Size of hidden layer of network on top of fps.
train_params = dict(num_iters=100,

# Define the architecture of the network that sits on top of the fingerprints.
vanilla_net_params = dict(
                 model_params['h1_size']],  # One hidden layer.

def train_nn(pred_fun,
コード例 #58
def main():

    #====== Setup =======

    n_iters, n_samples = 2500, 500
    init_vals = np.random.randn(n_samples, 1)

    allsamps = []
    logprob = bimodal_logprob

    #====== Tests =======

    t = dt.datetime.now()
    print('running 1d tests ...')
    samps = langevin(logprob,
    print('done langevin in', dt.datetime.now() - t, '\n')

    samps = MALA(logprob,
    print('done MALA in', dt.datetime.now() - t, '\n')

    samps = RK_langevin(logprob,
    print('done langevin_RK in', dt.datetime.now() - t, '\n')

    t = dt.datetime.now()
    samps = RWMH(logprob,
    print('done RW MH in', dt.datetime.now() - t, '\n')

    t = dt.datetime.now()
    samps = HMC(logprob,
                num_iters=n_iters // 5,
    print('done HMC in', dt.datetime.now() - t, '\n')

    #====== Plotting =======

    lims = [-5, 5]
    names = ['langevin', 'MALA', 'langevin_RK', 'RW MH', 'HMC']
    f, axes = plt.subplots(len(names), sharex=True)
    for i, (name, samps) in enumerate(zip(names, allsamps)):

        sns.distplot(samps, bins=1000, kde=False, ax=axes[i])
        axb = axes[i].twinx()

        zs = np.linspace(*lims, num=250)
        axes[i].twinx().plot(zs, np.exp(bimodal_logprob(zs)), color='orange')

        title = name

コード例 #59
def diag_gaussian_log_density(x, mu, log_std):
    return np.sum(norm.logpdf(x, mu, np.exp(log_std)), axis=-1)
コード例 #60
ファイル: ho2d.py プロジェクト: fieldplay/pyCHAMP
    def values(self, param, pos):

        b0 = param[0]
        pos = pos.T
        v = np.exp(-b0 * (pos[0])**2) * np.exp(-b0 * (pos[1])**2)
        return v