コード例 #1
    def standard_normalizer(self, x):
        # compute the mean and standard deviation of the input
        x_means = np.nanmean(x, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        x_stds = np.nanstd(x, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

        # check to make sure thta x_stds > small threshold, for those not
        # divide by 1 instead of original standard deviation
        ind = np.argwhere(x_stds < 10**(-2))
        if len(ind) > 0:
            ind = [v[0] for v in ind]
            adjust = np.zeros((x_stds.shape))
            adjust[ind] = 1.0
            x_stds += adjust

        # fill in any nan values with means
        ind = np.argwhere(np.isnan(x) == True)
        for i in ind:
            x[i[0], i[1]] = x_means[i[0]]

        # create standard normalizer function
        normalizer = lambda data: (data - x_means) / x_stds

        # create inverse standard normalizer
        inverse_normalizer = lambda data: data * x_stds + x_means

        # return normalizer
        return normalizer, inverse_normalizer
コード例 #2
ファイル: preprocessing.py プロジェクト: zhoupc/ssm
def standardize(data, mask):

    data[~mask] = np.nan
    m = np.nanmean(data, axis=0)
    s = np.nanstd(data, axis=0)
    s[~np.any(mask, axis=0)] = 1
    y = (data - m) / s
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(y))
    return y
コード例 #3
ファイル: fitstar.py プロジェクト: jradavenport/flareninja
def sigma_clip(t, y, yerr, mask=None):

    if mask is not None:
        m = np.copy(mask)
        m = np.ones(len(t), dtype=bool)
    while True:
        mu = np.nanmean(y[m])
        sig = np.nanstd(y[m])
        m0 = y - mu < 3 * sig
        if np.all(m0 == m):
        m = m0

    #t, y, yerr = t[m], y[m], yerr[m]
    return m
コード例 #4
                       'maxiter': 5000,
                       'disp': True,
                       'ftol': 0
    PATH = ROOT_PATH + "/MMR_IVs/results/" + sname + "/"
    os.makedirs(PATH, exist_ok=True)
    np.save(PATH + 'LMO_errs_{}_nystr.npy'.format(seed),
            [opt_params, prev_norm, opt_test_err])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    snames = ['mnist_z', 'mnist_x', 'mnist_xz']
    for sname in snames:
        for seed in range(100):
            experiment(sname, seed)

        PATH = ROOT_PATH + "/MMR_IVs/results/" + sname + "/"
        ress = []
        for seed in range(100):
            filename = PATH + 'LMO_errs_{}_nystr.npy'.format(seed)
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                res = np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True)
                if res[-1] is not None:
                    ress += [res[-1]]
        ress = np.array(ress)
        ress = remove_outliers(ress)
        print(np.nanmean(ress), np.nanstd(ress))
コード例 #5
ファイル: flareHelpers.py プロジェクト: spencerw/tess_flare
def FINDflare(flux,
    The algorithm for local changes due to flares defined by
    S. W. Chang et al. (2015), Eqn. 3a-d
    Note: these equations originally in magnitude units, i.e. smaller
    values are increases in brightness. The signs have been changed, but
    coefficients have not been adjusted to change from log(flux) to flux.
    Note: this algorithm originally ran over sections without "changes" as
    defined by Change Point Analysis. May have serious problems for data
    with dramatic starspot activity. If possible, remove starspot first!
    flux : numpy array
        data to search over
    error : numpy array
        errors corresponding to data.
    N1 : int, optional
        Coefficient from original paper (Default is 3)
        How many times above the stddev is required.
    N2 : int, optional
        Coefficient from original paper (Default is 1)
        How many times above the stddev and uncertainty is required
    N3 : int, optional
        Coefficient from original paper (Default is 3)
        The number of consecutive points required to flag as a flare
    avg_std : bool, optional
        Should the "sigma" in this data be computed by the median of
        the rolling().std()? (Default is False)
        (Not part of original algorithm)
    std_window : float, optional
        If avg_std=True, how big of a window should it use?
        (Default is 25 data points)
        (Not part of original algorithm)
    returnbinary : bool, optional
        Should code return the start and stop indicies of flares (default,
        set to False) or a binary array where 1=flares (set to True)
        (Not part of original algorithm)

    med_i = np.nanmedian(flux)

    if debug is True:
        print("DEBUG: med_i = {}".format(med_i))

    if avg_std is False:
        sig_i = np.nanstd(flux)  # just the stddev of the window
        # take the average of the rolling stddev in the window.
        # better for windows w/ significant starspots being removed
        sig_i = np.nanmedian(
            pd.Series(flux).rolling(std_window, center=True).std())
    if debug is True:
        print("DEBUG: sig_i = ".format(sig_i))

    ca = flux - med_i
    cb = np.abs(flux - med_i) / sig_i
    cc = np.abs(flux - med_i - error) / sig_i

    if debug is True:
        print("DEBUG: N0={}, N1={}, N2={}".format(sum(ca > 0), sum(cb > N1),
                                                  sum(cc > N2)))

    # pass cuts from Eqns 3a,b,c
    ctmp = np.where((ca > 0) & (cb > N1) & (cc > N2))

    cindx = np.zeros_like(flux)
    cindx[ctmp] = 1

    # Need to find cumulative number of points that pass "ctmp"
    # Count in reverse!
    ConM = np.zeros_like(flux)
    # this requires a full pass thru the data -> bottleneck
    for k in range(2, len(flux)):
        ConM[-k] = cindx[-k] * (ConM[-(k - 1)] + cindx[-k])

    # these only defined between dl[i] and dr[i]
    # find flare start where values in ConM switch from 0 to >=N3
    istart_i = np.where((ConM[1:] >= N3) & (ConM[0:-1] - ConM[1:] < 0))[0] + 1

    # use the value of ConM to determine how many points away stop is
    istop_i = istart_i + (ConM[istart_i] - 1)

    istart_i = np.array(istart_i, dtype='int')
    istop_i = np.array(istop_i, dtype='int')

    if returnbinary is False:
        return istart_i, istop_i
        bin_out = np.zeros_like(flux, dtype='int')
        for k in range(len(istart_i)):
            bin_out[istart_i[k]:istop_i[k] + 1] = 1
        return bin_out