コード例 #1
def test_invalid_view_name():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        manager.active = "c"
コード例 #2
def test_set_ylabel():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    manager.set_ylabel(Toast(Output()), "hello")

    assert manager._changed
    assert a.ylabel == "hello"
    assert b.ylabel is None
コード例 #3
def test_set_plot_width():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    manager.set_plot_width(Toast(Output()), 3)

    assert manager._changed
    assert a.plot_width == 3
    assert b.plot_width is None
コード例 #4
def test_defrost():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")


    assert manager._changed
    assert a.defrosted
    assert not b.defrosted
コード例 #5
def test_max_series_length():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    manager.update_max_series_length(Toast(Output()), 20)

    assert manager._changed
    assert a.max_series_length == 20
    assert b.max_series_length is None
コード例 #6
def test_change_colour():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    manager.change_colour(Toast(Output()), "df", "red")

    assert manager._changed
    assert a.colour == ("df", "red")
    assert b.colour == ()
コード例 #7
def test_rename_variable():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    manager.rename_variable(Toast(Output()), "df", "ddf")

    assert manager._changed
    assert a.rename == ("df", "ddf")
    assert b.rename == ()
コード例 #8
def test_show_variable():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    manager.show_variable(Toast(Output()), "df")

    assert manager._changed
    assert a.showed == "df"
    assert b.showed == ""
コード例 #9
def test_set_active():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    assert manager.active == "a"
    assert manager.active_view is a

    manager.active = "b"

    assert manager.active == "b"
    assert manager.active_view is b
コード例 #10
def test_active():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {
        "a": TestView(),
        "b": TestView()
    }, "a")
    assert manager.active == "a"

    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {
        "a": TestView(),
        "b": TestView()
    }, "b")
    assert manager.active == "b"
コード例 #11
def test_redraw_filter_pandas():
    df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]})
    shell = MockIPythonShell({"n": 1, "df": df})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "a")

    assert manager._changed


    assert not manager._changed

    assert a.variables == {"df": df}
    assert b.variables == {}
コード例 #12
    def with_params(user_ns: Dict[str, Any] = None, toast: Toast = None):
        if user_ns is None:
            user_ns = {}

        if toast is None:
            toast = mock_toast

        shell = MockIPythonShell(user_ns)
        plotter = MockPlotter(toast)
        handler = PlotterModel(plotter)
        view_manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell,
                                   {"graph": handler}, "graph")
        magic = _make_magic(shell, toast, view_manager)

        return magic
コード例 #13
def test_view_names():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {
        "a": TestView(),
        "b": TestView()
    }, "a")

    assert sorted(manager.view_names) == ["a", "b"]
コード例 #14
    def with_params(
        user_ns: Dict[str, Any],
        reserved: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        toast: Toast = None
    ) -> Tuple[MockIPythonShell, MockPlotter, PlotterModel]:
        if toast is None:
            toast = mock_toast

        # initialise mocks with parameters
        shell = MockIPythonShell(user_ns)
        plotter = MockPlotter(toast)

        # initialise cell event handler instance
        handler = PlotterModel(plotter)

        view_manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell,
                                   {"graph": handler}, "graph")
        # optionally add reserved names
        if reserved is not None:
            view_manager._reserved = reserved


        return shell, plotter, handler
コード例 #15
def load_ipython_extension(shell):
    """Load the IPython extension. Called by `%load_ext ...`.

    This function initialises the widget output area, the autoplot display area defined
    in `AutoplotDisplay` and the `Plotter` instance. It also attaches adds
    the IPython event listeners defined in `CellEventHandler` and registers the magic
    commands defined in `AutoplotMagic`.

    shell: IPython.InteractiveShell
        The active IPython shell.
    js_output = widgets.Output()

    toast = Toast(js_output)
    plotter_model = PlotterModel(Plotter(toast))
    dtaler = DTaler()
    view_manager = ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {
        "graph": plotter_model,
        "dtale": dtaler
    }, "graph")

    def _autoplot_post_run_cell(*args):
        if args:
            success = args[0].success
            # IPython 5.x didn't use to pass the result as a parameter of post_run_cell
            success = IPython.get_ipython().last_execution_succeeded
        if success:

    # Unregister previous events registered with this class (eg.: when the plugin reloads)
    for name, funcs in shell.events.callbacks.items():
        for func in funcs:
            if _autoplot_post_run_cell.__name__ == func.__name__:
                shell.events.unregister(name, func)
    shell.events.register("post_run_cell", _autoplot_post_run_cell)

    apm = _make_magic(shell, toast, view_manager)
コード例 #16
def test_invalid_view_name_constructor():
    shell = MockIPythonShell({})
    a = TestView()
    b = TestView()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ViewManager(AutoplotDisplay(), shell, {"a": a, "b": b}, "c")