def __init__(self, fcl, am): self.fcl = fcl self.mcl = Config() self.mcl.add_section('MockMonitor') self.mcl.set('MockMonitor', 'monitorURL', '') self.threadsregistry = ThreadsRegistry() self.authmanager = am
class FactoryMock(object): def __init__(self, fcl, am): self.fcl = fcl self.mcl = Config() self.mcl.add_section('MockMonitor') self.mcl.set('MockMonitor','monitorURL','') self.threadsregistry = ThreadsRegistry() self.authmanager = am
def getConfig(self): """ get updated configuration from the Factory Config plugins """ newqcl = Config() for config_plugin in self.factory.config_plugins: tmpqcl = config_plugin.getConfig() newqcl.merge(tmpqcl) return newqcl
def getAuthConfig(self): """ get updated configuration from the Factory Config/Auth plugins """ self.log.debug('starting') newconfig = Config() for config_plugin in self.factory.auth_config_plugins: tmpconfig = config_plugin.getConfig() newconfig.merge(tmpconfig) self.log.debug('leaving with newconf = %s with %s sections.' % ( newconfig, len(newconfig.sections()))) return newconfig
def getConfigWMSQueue(self, wmsqueue): """ get the config sections only for a given wmsqueue """ conf = self.getConfig() out = Config() for section_name in conf.sections(): section = conf.getSection(section_name) if section.get(section_name, 'wmsqueue') == wmsqueue: out.merge(section) return out
def __init__(self, factory=None): self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory')"Creating new authmanager...") self.aconfig = Config() self.handlers = [] self.factory = factory if factory: self.sleep = int( self.factory.fcl.get('Factory', 'authmanager.sleep')) else: self.sleep = 5
def __init__(self, factory): _thread.__init__(self) self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory.confighandler') self.factory = factory self.reconfig = factory.fcl.generic_get('Factory', 'config.reconfig', 'getboolean', default_value=False) self.authmanagerenabled = factory.fcl.generic_get('Factory', 'authmanager.enabled', 'getboolean', default_value=False) self.interval = None if self.reconfig: self.interval = factory.fcl.generic_get('Factory','config.reconfig.interval', 'getint', default_value=3600) self.qcl = Config() self.acl = Config()
class AuthManager(object): """ Manager to maintain multiple credential Handlers, one for each target account. For some handlers, if they need to perform periodic checks, they will be run as threads. Others, which only hold information, will just be objects. """ def __init__(self, factory=None): self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory')"Creating new authmanager...") self.aconfig = Config() self.handlers = [] self.factory = factory if factory: self.sleep = int( self.factory.fcl.get('Factory', 'authmanager.sleep')) else: self.sleep = 5 def reconfig(self, newconfig): hdiff = ConfigsDiff(self.aconfig, newconfig) self.aconfig = newconfig self._addhandlers(hdiff.added()) def _addhandlers(self, newsections): for sect in newsections: try: pclass = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') except Exception, e: self.log.warn("No plugin attribute for section %s" % sect) if pclass == 'X509': self.log.debug("Creating X509 handler for %s" % sect) authpluginname = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') x509h = pluginmanager.getplugin( ['autopyfactory', 'plugins', 'authmanager', 'auth'], authpluginname, self, self.aconfig, sect) self.handlers.append(x509h) elif pclass == 'SSH': self.log.debug("Creating SSH handler for %s" % sect) authpluginname = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') sshh = pluginmanager.getplugin( ['autopyfactory', 'plugins', 'authmanager', 'auth'], authpluginname, self, self.aconfig, sect) self.handlers.append(sshh) else: self.log.warn("Unrecognized auth plugin %s" % pclass)
def _createConfig(self): ''' Creates and sets self.currentconfig and self.stringconfig as configured by files. ''' td = - self.lastconfigupdate totalseconds = td.seconds + (td.days * 24 * 3600) if totalseconds > self.sleep: self.log.debug("Configs older than %s seconds. Re-creating..." % self.sleep) self._filter() cp = Config() sc = '' # New string config. for i in range(len(self.activities)): tmpcp = Config() vo = self.vos[i] cloud = self.clouds[i] activity = self.activities[i] default = self.defaultsfiles[i] pilotmgr = self.pilotmanager[i] if default is not None: tmpfile = open(default) tmpcp.readfp(tmpfile) # to read the file over again for line in tmpfile.readlines(): sc += line for q in self.currentinfo: if q.vo_name == vo and\ == cloud and\ q.type == activity and\ q.pilot_manager == pilotmgr : for cq in q.ce_queues: try: qc = cq.getAPFConfig() tmpcp.merge(qc) # add content of Config object to the string representation sc += "\n" sc += qc.getContent() except Exception as e: self.log.error('Captured exception %s' % e) cp.merge(tmpcp) self.currentconfig = cp self.stringconfig = sc else: self.log.debug("Configs up to date.")
def __init__(self, config, authman=None): #self.log = logging.getLogger('%s' % config.sections()[0]) self.qcl = config self.apfqname = config.sections()[0] #if len(self.log.parent.handlers) < 1: # logStream = logging.StreamHandler() # FORMAT='%(asctime)s (UTC) [ %(levelname)s ] %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s(): %(message)s' # formatter = logging.Formatter(FORMAT) # formatter.converter = time.gmtime # to convert timestamps to UTC # logStream.setFormatter(formatter) # self.log.addHandler(logStream) # self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Mock objects logging.debug("Creating config for factory mock.") fcl = Config() fconf = self.qcl.get(self.apfqname, 'factoryconf') okread = logging.debug("Successfully read %s " % okread) ####from autopyfactory.threadsmanagement import ThreadsRegistry ####class FactoryMock(object): #### #### def __init__(self, fcl, am): #### self.fcl = fcl #### self.mcl = Config() #### self.mcl.add_section('MockMonitor') #### self.mcl.set('MockMonitor','monitorURL','') #### self.threadsregistry = ThreadsRegistry() #### self.authmanager = am #### ####self.factory = FactoryMock(fcl, authman) from autopyfactory.factory import Factory self.factory = Factory.getFactoryMock(fcl, authman) logging.debug('APFQueue init: initial configuration:\n%s' % self.qcl.getSection(self.apfqname).getContent()) try: self._plugins() except Exception, ex: logging.error('APFQueue: Exception getting plugins') raise ex
def __init__(self, **kwarg): self.log = core_utils.make_logger(baseLogger) self.config = Config() factoryconffile = os.path.expanduser('~/harvester/etc/autopyfactory/autopyfactory.conf') self.log.debug('Reading config: %s' % factoryconffile) okread = self.log.debug('Successfully read %s' % okread) # Setup Authmanager authconfigfile = os.path.expanduser(self.config.get('Factory','authConf')) ac = Config() self.log.debug('Reading config: %s' % authconfigfile) okread = self.log.debug('Successfully read %s' % okread) if APFGridSubmitter.authman is None : APFGridSubmitter.authman = AuthManager() APFGridSubmitter.authman.reconfig(ac) self.authman = APFGridSubmitter.authman APFGridSubmitter.authman.activate() # Setup factory mock object. from autopyfactory.factory import Factory if APFGridSubmitter.factorymock is None: APFGridSubmitter.factorymock = Factory.getFactoryMock(fcl=self.config, am=self.authman) # Setup AGIS if APFGridSubmitter.agis is None: APFGridSubmitter.agisobj = Agis(None, self.config, None) self.agisobj = APFGridSubmitter.agisobj self.log.debug("AGIS object: %s" % self.agisobj) # Setup logserver self.log.debug("Handling LogServer...") if self.config.generic_get('Factory', 'logserver.enabled', 'getboolean'):"LogServer enabled. Initializing...") self.logserver = LogServer(self.config)'LogServer initialized. Starting...') self.logserver.start() self.log.debug('LogServer thread started.') else:'LogServer disabled. Not running.') self.log.debug('APFGridSubmitter initialized.')
def __init__(self, factory=None): self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory')"Creating new authmanager...") self.aconfig = Config() self.handlers = [] self.factory = factory if factory: self.sleep = int(self.factory.fcl.get('Factory', 'authmanager.sleep')) else: self.sleep = 5
def __init__(self, fcl): """ fcl is a FactoryConfigLoader object. """ self.version = __version__ self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory')'AutoPyFactory version %s' % self.version) self.fcl = fcl # to decide if the main loop needs to stop or not self.shutdown = False # threads registry self.threadsregistry = ThreadsRegistry() # APF Queues Manager self.apfqueuesmanager = APFQueuesManager(self) self._authmanager() self._queues_monitor_conf() self._mappings() # Handle Log Serving self._initLogserver() # Collect other factory attibutes self.adminemail = self.fcl.get('Factory', 'factoryAdminEmail') self.factoryid = self.fcl.get('Factory', 'factoryId') self.smtpserver = self.fcl.get('Factory', 'factorySMTPServer') miners = self.fcl.generic_get('Factory', 'factoryMinEmailRepeatSeconds', get_function='getint', default_value=3600) self.minemailrepeat = int(miners) # Dictionary of emails sent, indexed by subject + message, with value # being a Date object of when it was sent. self.emaildict = {} self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name # to shutdown the factory when there are no active queues self.abort_no_queues = self.fcl.generic_get('Factory', 'abort_no_queues', get_function='getboolean', default_value=False) # the the queues config loader object, to be filled by a Config plugin self.qcl = Config() self._plugins() # Log some info... self.log.debug('Factory shell PATH: %s' % os.getenv('PATH'))"Factory: Object initialized.")
def __init__(self, config, authman=None): self.qcl = config self.apfqname = config.sections()[0] # Mock objects logging.debug("Creating config for factory mock.") fcl = Config() fconf = self.qcl.get(self.apfqname, 'factoryconf') okread = logging.debug("Successfully read %s " % okread) from autopyfactory.factory import Factory self.factory = Factory.getFactoryMock(fcl, authman) logging.debug('APFQueue init: initial configuration:\n%s' %self.qcl.getSection(self.apfqname).getContent()) try: self._plugins() except Exception as ex: logging.error('APFQueue: Exception getting plugins' ) raise ex logging.debug('APFQueue: Object initialized.')
def _createConfig(self): ''' Creates and sets self.currentconfig and self.stringconfig as configured by files. ''' td = - self.lastconfigupdate totalseconds = td.seconds + ( td.days * 24 * 3600) if totalseconds > self.sleep: self.log.debug("Configs older than %s seconds. Re-creating..." % self.sleep) self._filter() cp = Config() sc = '' # New string config. for i in range(len(self.activities)): tmpcp = Config() vo = self.vos[i] cloud = self.clouds[i] activity = self.activities[i] default = self.defaultsfiles[i] pilotmgr = self.pilotmanager[i] if default is not None: tmpfile = open(default) tmpcp.readfp(tmpfile) # to read the file over again for line in tmpfile.readlines(): sc += line for q in self.currentinfo: if q.vo_name == vo and\ == cloud and\ q.type == activity and\ q.pilot_manager == pilotmgr : for cq in q.ce_queues: try: qc = cq.getAPFConfig() tmpcp.merge(qc) # add content of Config object to the string representation sc += "\n" sc += qc.getContent() except Exception as e: self.log.error('Captured exception %s' % e) cp.merge(tmpcp) self.currentconfig = cp self.stringconfig = sc else: self.log.debug("Configs up to date.")
def getMockQueueConfig(): cp = Config() cp.add_section('mock') cp.set('mock','batchstatusplugin', 'Condor') cp.set('mock','batchstatus.condor.queryargs', 'None') return cp
def getMockFactoryConfig(): cp = Config() cp.add_section('Factory') cp.set('Factory', 'batchstatus.condor.maxage', '60' ) cp.set('Factory', 'batchstatus.condor.sleep', '30' ) cp.set('Factory', 'factoryUser', 'autopyfactory' ) cp.set('Factory', 'factoryId', 'dummy-mock' ) return cp
class APFGridSubmitter(object): __metaclass__ = APFGridSubmitterSingleton factorymock = None authman = None agis = None logserver = None cleanlogs = None def __init__(self, **kwarg): self.log = core_utils.make_logger(baseLogger) self.config = Config() factoryconffile = os.path.expanduser('~/harvester/etc/autopyfactory/autopyfactory.conf') self.log.debug('Reading config: %s' % factoryconffile) okread = self.log.debug('Successfully read %s' % okread) # Setup Authmanager authconfigfile = os.path.expanduser(self.config.get('Factory','authConf')) ac = Config() self.log.debug('Reading config: %s' % authconfigfile) okread = self.log.debug('Successfully read %s' % okread) if APFGridSubmitter.authman is None : APFGridSubmitter.authman = AuthManager() APFGridSubmitter.authman.reconfig(ac) self.authman = APFGridSubmitter.authman APFGridSubmitter.authman.activate() # Setup factory mock object. from autopyfactory.factory import Factory if APFGridSubmitter.factorymock is None: APFGridSubmitter.factorymock = Factory.getFactoryMock(fcl=self.config, am=self.authman) # Setup AGIS if APFGridSubmitter.agis is None: APFGridSubmitter.agisobj = Agis(None, self.config, None) self.agisobj = APFGridSubmitter.agisobj self.log.debug("AGIS object: %s" % self.agisobj) # Setup logserver self.log.debug("Handling LogServer...") if self.config.generic_get('Factory', 'logserver.enabled', 'getboolean'):"LogServer enabled. Initializing...") self.logserver = LogServer(self.config)'LogServer initialized. Starting...') self.logserver.start() self.log.debug('LogServer thread started.') else:'LogServer disabled. Not running.') self.log.debug('APFGridSubmitter initialized.') def _print_config(self, config): s="" for section in config.sections(): s+= "[%s]\n" % section for opt in config.options(section): s+="%s = %s\n" % (opt, config.get(section, opt)) return s def submit_workers(self, workspec_list): ''' Submit workers to a scheduling system like batch systems and computing elements. This method takes a list of WorkSpecs as input argument, and returns a list of tuples. Each tuple is composed of a return code and a dialog message. Nth tuple in the returned list corresponds to submission status and dialog message for Nth worker in the given WorkSpec list. A unique identifier is set to WorkSpec.batchID when submission is successful, so that they can be identified in the scheduling system. :param workspec_list: a list of work specs instances :return: A list of tuples. Each tuple is composed of submission status (True for success, False otherwise) and dialog message :rtype: [(bool, string),] For UPQ PQ name, e.g. HARVESTER_BNL_APF_TEST/MCORE SCORE, SCORE_HIMEM, MCORE, and MCORE_HIMEM Workspec AGIS PQ/CEQ attribute. WorkSpec.minRamCount PQ.memory WorkSpec.nCore PQ.corecount WorkSpec.maxDiskCount PQ.maxwdir WorkSpec.maxWalltime PQ.maxtime ''' self.log.debug('start nWorkers={0}'.format(len(workspec_list))) self.log.debug("Update AGIS info...") qc = self.agisobj.getConfig() #self.log.debug('Agis config output %s' % self._print_config(qc)) #self.log.debug('Agis config defaults= %s' % qc.defaults() ) retlist = [] # wsmap is indexed by computing site: # { <computingsite> : [ws1, ws2, ws3 ], # <computingsite2> : [ws4, ws5] # } wsmap = {} jobmap = {} try: self.log.debug("Handling workspec_list with %d items..." % len(workspec_list)) for workSpec in workspec_list: self.log.debug("Worker(workerId=%s queueName=%s computingSite=%s nCore=%s status=%s " % (workSpec.workerID, workSpec.queueName, workSpec.computingSite, workSpec.nCore, workSpec.status) ) try: wslist = wsmap[workSpec.computingSite] wslist.append(workSpec) except KeyError: wsmap[workSpec.computingSite] = [workSpec] self.log.debug("wsmap = %s" % wsmap) for pq in wsmap.keys(): found = False apfqsections = [] for s in qc.sections(): qcq = qc.get(s, 'wmsqueue').strip() self.log.debug('Checking %s' % qcq) if qcq == pq: found = True apfqsections.append(s) self.log.debug("Found a queues config for %s" % pq )"Found %d sections for PQ %s" % (len(apfqsections), pq)) if found: # make apfq and submit self.log.debug("One or more Agis configs found for PQ. Choosing one...") section = random.choice(apfqsections) pqc = qc.getSection(section) ac = os.path.expanduser('~/harvester/etc/autopyfactory/autopyfactory.conf') pqc.set(section, 'factoryconf', ac) self.log.debug("Section config= %s" % pqc) self.log.debug("Making APF queue for PQ %s with label %s"% (pq, section)) apfq = SubmitAPFQueue( pqc, self.authman ) self.log.debug("Successfully made APFQueue") joblist = [] for ws in wsmap[pq]: jobentry = { "+workerid" : ws.workerID } joblist.append(jobentry) self.log.debug("joblist made= %s. Submitting..." % joblist) jobinfo = apfq.submitlist(joblist) self.log.debug("Got jobinfo %s" % jobinfo) wslist = wsmap[pq] self.log.debug("wslist for pq %s is length %s" % (pq, len(wslist))) for i in range(0, len(wslist)): self.log.debug("Setting ws.batchID to %s" % jobinfo[i].jobid ) wslist[i].batchID = jobinfo[i].jobid wslist[i].set_status(WorkSpec.ST_submitted) retlist.append((True, '')) else:'No AGIS config found for PQ %s skipping.' % pq) except Exception, e: self.log.error(traceback.format_exc(None)) self.log.debug("return list=%s " % retlist) return retlist
def getAPFConfig(self): """ Returns ConfigParser object representing config """ self.cp = Config() sect = '%s-%s' % ( self.parent.panda_resource, self.ce_host ) sect = str(sect) self.cp.add_section(sect) # Unconditional config self.cp.set( sect, 'enabled', 'True') self.cp.set( sect, 'batchqueue', self.panda_queue_name) self.cp.set( sect, 'wmsqueue', self.parent.panda_resource ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmitplugin', self.submitplugin ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.%s.gridresource' % self.submitpluginstr , self.gridresource ) #if self.parent.type == 'analysis': # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u user' ) #else: # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u managed' ) try: self.apf_scale_factor = ((( 1.0 / float(self.parent.parent.numfactories) ) / len(self.parent.ce_queues) ) / float(self.parent.parent.jobsperpilot) ) except ZeroDivisionError: self.log.error("Division by zero. Something wrong with scale factory calc.") self.apf_scale_factor = 1.0 self.cp.set( sect, 'sched.scale.factor', str(self.apf_scale_factor) ) #HTCondor CE if self.ce_flavour == 'htcondor-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes', pr ) if self.parent.maxrss is not None: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxrss) ) else: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxmemory) ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+xcount', str(self.parent.corecount) ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+voactivity', '"%s"' % self.parent.type ) if self.ce_queue_name not in ['default','']: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', '"%s"' % self.ce_queue_name) if self.ce_queue_maxwctime: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxWallTime', '%s' % self.ce_queue_maxwctime) # Globus if self.ce_flavour in ['osg-ce','globus']: self.cp.set( sect, 'globusrsl.%s.queue' % self.gramversion, self.gramqueue ) # Cream-specific JDL if self.ce_flavour == 'cream-ce': self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.environ', self.creamenv ) if self.creamattr is not None: self.cp.set(sect, 'creamattr', self.creamattr) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes' , '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,cream_attributes = %(creamattr)s,notification=Never' ) else: self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes' , '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never' ) # Arc-CE if self.ce_flavour == 'arc-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' pr = '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never' self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes', pr ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', self.ce_queue_name ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.nordugridrsl', self.nordugridrsl ) self.cp.set( sect, 'nordugridrsl.nordugridrsladd', self.rsladd ) self.cp.set( sect, 'nordugridrsl.queue', self.ce_queue_name ) self.cp.set( sect, 'nordugridrsl.addenv.RUCIO_ACCOUNT', 'pilot' ) return self.cp
class AgisCEQueue(object): """ Represents a single CE queue within a Panda queue description. """ def __init__(self, parent, cedict): self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory.config') self.parent = parent self.panda_queue_name = parent.panda_queue_name self.ce_name = cedict['ce_name'] # self.ce_endpoint = cedict['ce_endpoint'] # self.ce_host = self.ce_endpoint.split(":")[0] self.ce_state = cedict['ce_state'].lower() # 'active' self.ce_status = cedict['ce_status'].lower() # self.ce_queue_status = cedict['ce_queue_status'].lower() self.ce_flavour = cedict['ce_flavour'].lower() # GLOBUS self.ce_version = cedict['ce_version'].lower() # GT5 self.ce_queue_name = cedict['ce_queue_name'] # default self.ce_jobmanager = cedict['ce_jobmanager'].lower() # condor self.ce_queue_maxcputime = cedict['ce_queue_maxcputime'] # in seconds self.ce_queue_maxwctime = cedict['ce_queue_maxwctime'] # in seconds self.apf_scale_factor = 1.0 # Empty/default attributes: self.gridresource = None self.submitplugin = None self.submitpluginstr = None self.gramversion = None self.gramqueue = None self.creamenv = None self.creamattr = '' self.condorattr = None self.maxmemory = None self.maxtime = None if self.ce_flavour in ['osg-ce','globus']: self._initglobus() elif self.ce_flavour == 'htcondor-ce': self._initcondorce() elif self.ce_flavour == 'cream-ce': self._initcream() elif self.ce_flavour == 'arc-ce': self._initarc() elif self.ce_flavour == 'lcg-ce': self.log.debug("Ignoring old CE type 'LCG-CE'") else: self.log.warning("CEQueue %s has unknown ce_flavour: %s" % (self.ce_name, self.ce_flavour)) def _initcondorce(self): self.gridresource = self.ce_endpoint.split(':')[0] self.submitplugin = 'CondorOSGCE' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorosgce' def _initglobus(self): self.gridresource = '%s/jobmanager-%s' % (self.ce_endpoint, self.ce_jobmanager) if self.ce_version == 'gt2': self.submitplugin = 'CondorGT2' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorgt2' elif self.ce_version == 'gt5': self.submitplugin = 'CondorGT5' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorgt5' self.gramversion = 'gram5' self.gramqueue = self.ce_queue_name def _initcream(self): self.gridresource = '%s/ce-cream/services/CREAM2 %s %s' % (self.ce_endpoint, self.ce_jobmanager, self.ce_queue_name) self.submitplugin = 'CondorCREAM' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorcream' if self.parent.pilot_version not in ['current']: self.creamenv = 'RUCIO_ACCOUNT=pilot PILOT_HTTP_SOURCES=%s' % self.parent.pilot_version else: self.creamenv = 'RUCIO_ACCOUNT=pilot' # glue 1.3 uses minutes and this / operator uses floor value # self.maxtime = self.parent.maxtime / 60 self.maxmemory = self.parent.maxmemory self.cputime = self.parent.corecount * self.maxtime # maxrss and maxtime are expected to be set in AGIS for all queues if self.parent.corecount: self.creamattr = 'CpuNumber=%d;WholeNodes=false;SMPGranularity=%d;' % (self.parent.corecount, self.parent.corecount) if self.parent.corecount: cputime = self.parent.corecount * self.maxtime else: cputime = self.maxtime self.creamattr += 'CERequirements = "other.GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime == %d ' % cputime self.creamattr += '&& other.GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime == %d ' % self.maxtime self.creamattr += '&& other.GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize == %d' % self.parent.maxrss if self.parent.maxswap: maxvirtual = self.parent.maxrss + self.parent.maxswap self.creamattr += ' && other.GlueHostMainMemoryVirtualSize == %d";' % maxvirtual else: self.creamattr += '";' def _initarc(self): # ignore :port part self.gridresource = self.ce_endpoint.split(':')[0] self.submitplugin = 'CondorNordugrid' self.submitpluginstr = 'condornordugrid' self.maxmemory = self.parent.maxmemory #### self.maxtime = self.ce_queue_maxwctime self.maxtime = self.parent.maxtime self.nordugridrsl = '(jobname = arc_pilot)' self.rsladd = '(runtimeenvironment = APPS/HEP/ATLAS-SITE-LCG)(runtimeenvironment = ENV/PROXY)' self.rsladd += '(count = %d)' % self.parent.corecount self.rsladd += '(countpernode = %d)' % self.parent.corecount if self.parent.maxrss: percore = self.parent.maxrss/self.parent.corecount self.rsladd += '(memory = %d)' % percore else: percore = self.parent.maxmemory/self.parent.corecount self.rsladd += '(memory = %d)' % percore if self.maxtime: self.rsladd += '(walltime = %d)' % self.maxtime if self.maxtime: self.rsladd += '(cputime = %d)' % (self.maxtime * self.parent.corecount) def getAPFConfigString(self): """ Returns string of valid APF configuration for this queue-ce entry. Calculates scale factor based on how many other CEs serve this PQ """ cp = self.getAPFConfig() sio = StringIO() s = cp.write(sio) return sio.getvalue() def getAPFConfig(self): """ Returns ConfigParser object representing config """ self.cp = Config() sect = '%s-%s' % ( self.parent.panda_resource, self.ce_host ) sect = str(sect) self.cp.add_section(sect) # Unconditional config self.cp.set( sect, 'enabled', 'True') self.cp.set( sect, 'batchqueue', self.panda_queue_name) self.cp.set( sect, 'wmsqueue', self.parent.panda_resource ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmitplugin', self.submitplugin ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.%s.gridresource' % self.submitpluginstr , self.gridresource ) #if self.parent.type == 'analysis': # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u user' ) #else: # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u managed' ) try: self.apf_scale_factor = ((( 1.0 / float(self.parent.parent.numfactories) ) / len(self.parent.ce_queues) ) / float(self.parent.parent.jobsperpilot) ) except ZeroDivisionError: self.log.error("Division by zero. Something wrong with scale factory calc.") self.apf_scale_factor = 1.0 self.cp.set( sect, 'sched.scale.factor', str(self.apf_scale_factor) ) #HTCondor CE if self.ce_flavour == 'htcondor-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes', pr ) if self.parent.maxrss is not None: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxrss) ) else: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxmemory) ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+xcount', str(self.parent.corecount) ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+voactivity', '"%s"' % self.parent.type ) if self.ce_queue_name not in ['default','']: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', '"%s"' % self.ce_queue_name) if self.ce_queue_maxwctime: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxWallTime', '%s' % self.ce_queue_maxwctime) # Globus if self.ce_flavour in ['osg-ce','globus']: self.cp.set( sect, 'globusrsl.%s.queue' % self.gramversion, self.gramqueue ) # Cream-specific JDL if self.ce_flavour == 'cream-ce': self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.environ', self.creamenv ) if self.creamattr is not None: self.cp.set(sect, 'creamattr', self.creamattr) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes' , '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,cream_attributes = %(creamattr)s,notification=Never' ) else: self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes' , '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never' ) # Arc-CE if self.ce_flavour == 'arc-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' pr = '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never' self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes', pr ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', self.ce_queue_name ) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.nordugridrsl', self.nordugridrsl ) self.cp.set( sect, 'nordugridrsl.nordugridrsladd', self.rsladd ) self.cp.set( sect, 'nordugridrsl.queue', self.ce_queue_name ) self.cp.set( sect, 'nordugridrsl.addenv.RUCIO_ACCOUNT', 'pilot' ) return self.cp def __str__(self): s = "AgisCEQueue: " s += "PQ=%s " % self.panda_queue_name s += "wmsqueue=%s " % self.parent.panda_resource s += "submitplugin=%s " % self.submitplugin s += "host=%s " % self.ce_host s += "endpoint=%s " %self.ce_endpoint s += "gridresource=%s " % self.gridresource s += "maxtime=%s " % self.parent.maxtime return s
class AuthManager(object): """ Manager to maintain multiple credential Handlers, one for each target account. For some handlers, if they need to perform periodic checks, they will be run as threads. Others, which only hold information, will just be objects. """ def __init__(self, factory=None): self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory')"Creating new authmanager...") self.aconfig = Config() self.handlers = [] self.factory = factory if factory: self.sleep = int(self.factory.fcl.get('Factory', 'authmanager.sleep')) else: self.sleep = 5 def reconfig(self, newconfig): hdiff = ConfigsDiff(self.aconfig, newconfig) self.aconfig = newconfig self._addhandlers(hdiff.added()) def _addhandlers(self, newsections): for sect in newsections: try: pclass = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') except Exception as e: self.log.warn("No plugin attribute for section %s" % sect) if pclass == 'X509': self.log.debug("Creating X509 handler for %s" % sect ) authpluginname = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') x509h = pluginmanager.getplugin(['autopyfactory', 'plugins', 'authmanager', 'auth'], authpluginname, self, self.aconfig, sect) self.handlers.append(x509h) elif pclass == 'SSH': self.log.debug("Creating SSH handler for %s" % sect ) authpluginname = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') sshh = pluginmanager.getplugin(['autopyfactory', 'plugins', 'authmanager', 'auth'], authpluginname, self, self.aconfig, sect) self.handlers.append(sshh) else: self.log.warn("Unrecognized auth plugin %s" % pclass ) def activate(self): """ start all Handlers, if needed """ for ah in self.handlers: if isinstance(ah, threading.Thread) : self.log.debug("Handler [%s] is a thread. Starting..." % ah.start() else: self.log.debug("Handler [%s] is not a thread. No action." % def listNames(self): """ Returns list of valid names of Handlers in this Manager. """ names = [] for h in self.handlers: names.append( return names # # API for X509Handler # def getProxyPath(self, profilelist): """ Check all the handlers for matching profile name(s). profiles argument is a list """ pp = None for profile in profilelist: self.log.debug("Getting proxy path for profile %s" % profile) ph = None for h in self.handlers: self.log.debug("Finding handler. Checking %s" % if == profile: ph = h break if ph: self.log.debug("Found handler %s. Getting proxypath..." % pp = ph.getProxyPath() self.log.debug("Proxypath is %s" % pp) if pp: break if not pp: subject = "Proxy problem on %s" % self.factory.factoryid messagestring = "Unable to get valid proxy from configured profiles: %s" % profilelist self.factory.sendAdminEmail(subject, messagestring) raise InvalidAuthFailure("Problem getting proxy for profile %s" % profilelist) return pp # # API for SSHKeyHandler # def getSSHKeyPair(self, profile): """ Returns tuple (public, private, pass) key/phrase string from profile. """ pass def getSSHKeyPairPaths(self, profile): """ Returns tuple (public, private, pass) key/passfile paths to files from profile. """ h = self._getHandler(profile) pub = h.getSSHPubKeyFilePath() priv = h.getSSHPrivKeyFilePath() pasf = h.getSSHPassFilePath()'Got file paths for pub, priv, pass for SSH profile %s' % profile) return (pub,priv,pasf) def _getHandler(self, profile): """ """ handler = None for h in self.handlers: self.log.debug("Finding handler. Checking %s" % if == profile: self.log.debug("Found handler for %s" % handler = h if handler is None: raise InvalidAuthFailure('No handler for %s ' % profile) return handler
def getMockFactoryConfig(): cp = Config() cp.add_section('Factory') cp.set('Factory', 'batchstatus.condor.maxage', '60') cp.set('Factory', 'batchstatus.condor.sleep', '30') cp.set('Factory', 'factoryUser', 'autopyfactory') cp.set('Factory', 'factoryId', 'dummy-mock') return cp
def getMockQueueConfig(): cp = Config() cp.add_section('mock') cp.set('mock', 'batchstatusplugin', 'Condor') cp.set('mock', 'batchstatus.condor.queryargs', 'None') return cp
def getAPFConfig(self): """ Returns ConfigParser object representing config """ self.cp = Config() sect = '%s-%s' % (self.parent.panda_resource, self.ce_host) sect = str(sect) self.cp.add_section(sect) # Unconditional config self.cp.set(sect, 'enabled', 'True') self.cp.set(sect, 'batchqueue', self.panda_queue_name) self.cp.set(sect, 'wmsqueue', self.parent.panda_resource) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmitplugin', self.submitplugin) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.%s.gridresource' % self.submitpluginstr, self.gridresource) #if self.parent.type == 'analysis': # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u user' ) #else: # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u managed' ) try: self.apf_scale_factor = ( ((1.0 / float(self.parent.parent.numfactories)) / len(self.parent.ce_queues)) / float(self.parent.parent.jobsperpilot)) except ZeroDivisionError: self.log.error( "Division by zero. Something wrong with scale factory calc.") self.apf_scale_factor = 1.0 self.cp.set(sect, 'sched.scale.factor', str(self.apf_scale_factor)) #HTCondor CE if self.ce_flavour == 'htcondor-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes', pr) if self.parent.maxrss is not None: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxrss)) else: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxmemory)) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+xcount', str(self.parent.corecount)) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+voactivity', '"%s"' % self.parent.type) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', '"%s"' % self.ce_queue_name) if self.ce_queue_maxwctime: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxWallTime', '%s' % self.ce_queue_maxwctime) # Globus if self.ce_flavour in ['osg-ce', 'globus']: self.cp.set(sect, 'globusrsl.%s.queue' % self.gramversion, self.gramqueue) # Cream-specific JDL if self.ce_flavour == 'cream-ce': self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.environ', self.creamenv) if self.creamattr is not None: self.cp.set(sect, 'creamattr', self.creamattr) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes', '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,cream_attributes = %(creamattr)s,notification=Never' ) else: self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes', '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never') # Arc-CE if self.ce_flavour == 'arc-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' pr = '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never' self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes', pr) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', self.ce_queue_name) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.nordugridrsl', self.nordugridrsl) self.cp.set(sect, 'nordugridrsl.nordugridrsladd', self.rsladd) self.cp.set(sect, 'nordugridrsl.queue', self.ce_queue_name) self.cp.set(sect, 'nordugridrsl.addenv.RUCIO_ACCOUNT', 'pilot') return self.cp
class AgisCEQueue(object): """ Represents a single CE queue within a Panda queue description. """ def __init__(self, parent, cedict): self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory.config') self.parent = parent self.panda_queue_name = parent.panda_queue_name self.ce_name = cedict['ce_name'] # self.ce_endpoint = cedict['ce_endpoint'] # self.ce_host = self.ce_endpoint.split(":")[0] self.ce_state = cedict['ce_state'].lower() # 'active' self.ce_status = cedict['ce_status'].lower() # self.ce_queue_status = cedict['ce_queue_status'].lower() self.ce_flavour = cedict['ce_flavour'].lower() # GLOBUS self.ce_version = cedict['ce_version'].lower() # GT5 self.ce_queue_name = cedict['ce_queue_name'] # default self.ce_jobmanager = cedict['ce_jobmanager'].lower() # condor self.ce_queue_maxcputime = cedict['ce_queue_maxcputime'] # in seconds self.ce_queue_maxwctime = cedict['ce_queue_maxwctime'] # in seconds self.apf_scale_factor = 1.0 # Empty/default attributes: self.gridresource = None self.submitplugin = None self.submitpluginstr = None self.gramversion = None self.gramqueue = None self.creamenv = None self.creamattr = '' self.condorattr = None self.maxmemory = None self.maxtime = None if self.ce_flavour in ['osg-ce', 'globus']: self._initglobus() elif self.ce_flavour == 'htcondor-ce': self._initcondorce() elif self.ce_flavour == 'cream-ce': self._initcream() elif self.ce_flavour == 'arc-ce': self._initarc() elif self.ce_flavour == 'lcg-ce': self.log.debug("Ignoring old CE type 'LCG-CE'") else: self.log.warning("CEQueue %s has unknown ce_flavour: %s" % (self.ce_name, self.ce_flavour)) def _initcondorce(self): self.gridresource = self.ce_endpoint.split(':')[0] self.submitplugin = 'CondorOSGCE' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorosgce' def _initglobus(self): self.gridresource = '%s/jobmanager-%s' % (self.ce_endpoint, self.ce_jobmanager) if self.ce_version == 'gt2': self.submitplugin = 'CondorGT2' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorgt2' elif self.ce_version == 'gt5': self.submitplugin = 'CondorGT5' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorgt5' self.gramversion = 'gram5' self.gramqueue = self.ce_queue_name def _initcream(self): self.gridresource = '%s/ce-cream/services/CREAM2 %s %s' % ( self.ce_endpoint, self.ce_jobmanager, self.ce_queue_name) self.submitplugin = 'CondorCREAM' self.submitpluginstr = 'condorcream' if self.parent.pilot_version not in ['current']: self.creamenv = 'RUCIO_ACCOUNT=pilot PILOT_HTTP_SOURCES=%s' % self.parent.pilot_version else: self.creamenv = 'RUCIO_ACCOUNT=pilot' # glue 1.3 uses minutes and this / operator uses floor value # self.maxtime = self.parent.maxtime / 60 self.maxmemory = self.parent.maxmemory self.cputime = self.parent.corecount * self.maxtime # maxrss and maxtime are expected to be set in AGIS for all queues if self.parent.corecount: self.creamattr = 'CpuNumber=%d;WholeNodes=false;SMPGranularity=%d;' % ( self.parent.corecount, self.parent.corecount) if self.parent.corecount: cputime = self.parent.corecount * self.maxtime else: cputime = self.maxtime self.creamattr += 'CERequirements = "other.GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime == %d ' % cputime self.creamattr += '&& other.GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime == %d ' % self.maxtime self.creamattr += '&& other.GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize == %d' % self.parent.maxrss if self.parent.maxswap: maxvirtual = self.parent.maxrss + self.parent.maxswap self.creamattr += ' && other.GlueHostMainMemoryVirtualSize == %d";' % maxvirtual else: self.creamattr += '";' def _initarc(self): # ignore :port part self.gridresource = self.ce_endpoint.split(':')[0] self.submitplugin = 'CondorNordugrid' self.submitpluginstr = 'condornordugrid' self.maxmemory = self.parent.maxmemory #### self.maxtime = self.ce_queue_maxwctime self.maxtime = self.parent.maxtime self.nordugridrsl = '(jobname = arc_pilot)' self.rsladd = '(runtimeenvironment = APPS/HEP/ATLAS-SITE-LCG)(runtimeenvironment = ENV/PROXY)' self.rsladd += '(count = %d)' % self.parent.corecount self.rsladd += '(countpernode = %d)' % self.parent.corecount if self.parent.maxrss: percore = self.parent.maxrss / self.parent.corecount self.rsladd += '(memory = %d)' % percore else: percore = self.parent.maxmemory / self.parent.corecount self.rsladd += '(memory = %d)' % percore if self.maxtime: self.rsladd += '(walltime = %d)' % self.maxtime if self.maxtime: self.rsladd += '(cputime = %d)' % (self.maxtime * self.parent.corecount) def getAPFConfigString(self): """ Returns string of valid APF configuration for this queue-ce entry. Calculates scale factor based on how many other CEs serve this PQ """ cp = self.getAPFConfig() sio = StringIO() s = cp.write(sio) return sio.getvalue() def getAPFConfig(self): """ Returns ConfigParser object representing config """ self.cp = Config() sect = '%s-%s' % (self.parent.panda_resource, self.ce_host) sect = str(sect) self.cp.add_section(sect) # Unconditional config self.cp.set(sect, 'enabled', 'True') self.cp.set(sect, 'batchqueue', self.panda_queue_name) self.cp.set(sect, 'wmsqueue', self.parent.panda_resource) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmitplugin', self.submitplugin) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.%s.gridresource' % self.submitpluginstr, self.gridresource) #if self.parent.type == 'analysis': # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u user' ) #else: # self.cp.set( sect, 'executable.arguments' , '%(executable.defaultarguments)s -u managed' ) try: self.apf_scale_factor = ( ((1.0 / float(self.parent.parent.numfactories)) / len(self.parent.ce_queues)) / float(self.parent.parent.jobsperpilot)) except ZeroDivisionError: self.log.error( "Division by zero. Something wrong with scale factory calc.") self.apf_scale_factor = 1.0 self.cp.set(sect, 'sched.scale.factor', str(self.apf_scale_factor)) #HTCondor CE if self.ce_flavour == 'htcondor-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes', pr) if self.parent.maxrss is not None: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxrss)) else: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxMemory', str(self.parent.maxmemory)) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+xcount', str(self.parent.corecount)) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+voactivity', '"%s"' % self.parent.type) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', '"%s"' % self.ce_queue_name) if self.ce_queue_maxwctime: self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorosgce.condor_attributes.+maxWallTime', '%s' % self.ce_queue_maxwctime) # Globus if self.ce_flavour in ['osg-ce', 'globus']: self.cp.set(sect, 'globusrsl.%s.queue' % self.gramversion, self.gramqueue) # Cream-specific JDL if self.ce_flavour == 'cream-ce': self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.environ', self.creamenv) if self.creamattr is not None: self.cp.set(sect, 'creamattr', self.creamattr) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes', '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,cream_attributes = %(creamattr)s,notification=Never' ) else: self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condorcream.condor_attributes', '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never') # Arc-CE if self.ce_flavour == 'arc-ce': pr = 'periodic_remove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 604800)' pr = '%(req)s,%(hold)s,%(remove)s,notification=Never' self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes', pr) self.cp.set( sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.condor_attributes.+remote_queue', self.ce_queue_name) self.cp.set(sect, 'batchsubmit.condornordugrid.nordugridrsl', self.nordugridrsl) self.cp.set(sect, 'nordugridrsl.nordugridrsladd', self.rsladd) self.cp.set(sect, 'nordugridrsl.queue', self.ce_queue_name) self.cp.set(sect, 'nordugridrsl.addenv.RUCIO_ACCOUNT', 'pilot') return self.cp def __str__(self): s = "AgisCEQueue: " s += "PQ=%s " % self.panda_queue_name s += "wmsqueue=%s " % self.parent.panda_resource s += "submitplugin=%s " % self.submitplugin s += "host=%s " % self.ce_host s += "endpoint=%s " % self.ce_endpoint s += "gridresource=%s " % self.gridresource s += "maxtime=%s " % self.parent.maxtime return s
formatstr = FORMAT26 log = logging.getLogger() hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter(formatstr) hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(hdlr) log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Override with command line switches if info: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Override with command line switches log.debug("Logging initialized.") fconfig = Config() if fconfig_file is not None: fconfig_file = os.path.expanduser(fconfig_file) got_config = log.debug("Read config file %s, return value: %s" % (fconfig_file, got_config)) else: # Create valid config... fconfig.add_section('Factory') # Set unconditional defaults fconfig.set( 'Factory', 'config.queues.agis.baseurl', '' ) fconfig.set('Factory', 'config.queues.agis.sleep', '3600')
class AuthManager(object): """ Manager to maintain multiple credential Handlers, one for each target account. For some handlers, if they need to perform periodic checks, they will be run as threads. Others, which only hold information, will just be objects. """ def __init__(self, factory=None): self.log = logging.getLogger('autopyfactory')"Creating new authmanager...") self.aconfig = Config() self.handlers = [] self.factory = factory if factory: self.sleep = int( self.factory.fcl.get('Factory', 'authmanager.sleep')) else: self.sleep = 5 def reconfig(self, newconfig): self.log.debug("Performing reconfig() for auth handlers...") hdiff = ConfigsDiff(self.aconfig, newconfig) self.aconfig = newconfig self.log.debug("Deleting removed handlers...") self._delhandlers(hdiff.removed()) self.log.debug("Deleting modified handlers...") self._delhandlers(hdiff.modified()) self.log.debug("Re-creating modified handlers...") self._addhandlers(hdiff.modified()) self.log.debug("Adding new handlers...") self._addhandlers(hdiff.added())"Completed reconfig() on auth handlers.") def _addhandlers(self, newsections): for sect in newsections: try: pclass = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') except Exception as e: self.log.warn("No plugin attribute for section %s" % sect) if pclass == 'X509': self.log.debug("Creating X509 handler for %s" % sect) authpluginname = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') x509h = pluginmanager.getplugin( ['autopyfactory', 'plugins', 'authmanager', 'auth'], authpluginname, self, self.aconfig, sect) self.handlers.append(x509h) elif pclass == 'SSH' or 'GSISSH': self.log.debug("Creating SSH handler for %s" % sect) authpluginname = self.aconfig.get(sect, 'plugin') sshh = pluginmanager.getplugin( ['autopyfactory', 'plugins', 'authmanager', 'auth'], authpluginname, self, self.aconfig, sect) self.handlers.append(sshh) else: self.log.warn("Unrecognized auth plugin %s" % pclass) def _delhandlers(self, delsections): for sect in delsections: try: handler = self._gethandlerbyname(sect) if handler is not None: if isinstance(handler, threading.Thread): try: handler.join() except Exception: self.log.warning( 'attempt to join() thread for handler %s failed, handler is not active' % # In any case, remove the handler object... self.handlers.pop(handler) except Exception: self.log.warning( 'attempt to join() thread for handler %s failed, handler is not active' % def _gethandlerbyname(self, name): h = None for h in self.handlers: if == name: self.log.debug("Found handler %s" % name) return h return h def activate(self): """ start all Handlers, if needed """ for ah in self.handlers: if isinstance(ah, threading.Thread): self.log.debug("Handler [%s] is a thread. Starting..." % ah.start() else: self.log.debug("Handler [%s] is not a thread. No action." % def listNames(self): """ Returns list of valid names of Handlers in this Manager. """ names = [] for h in self.handlers: names.append( return names # # API for X509Handler # def getProxyPath(self, profilelist): """ Check all the handlers for matching profile name(s). profiles argument is a list """ pp = None for profile in profilelist: self.log.debug("Getting proxy path for profile %s" % profile) ph = None for h in self.handlers: self.log.debug("Finding handler. Checking %s" % if == profile: ph = h break if ph: self.log.debug("Found handler %s. Getting proxypath..." % pp = ph.getProxyPath() self.log.debug("Proxypath is %s" % pp) if pp: break if not pp: subject = "Proxy problem on %s" % self.factory.factoryid messagestring = "Unable to get valid proxy from configured profiles: %s" % profilelist self.factory.sendAdminEmail(subject, messagestring) raise InvalidAuthFailure("Problem getting proxy for profile %s" % profilelist) return pp # # API for SSHKeyHandler # def getSSHKeyPair(self, profile): """ Returns tuple (public, private, pass) key/phrase string from profile. """ pass def getSSHKeyPairPaths(self, profile): """ Returns tuple (public, private, pass) key/passfile paths to files from profile. """ h = self._getHandler(profile) pub = h.getSSHPubKeyFilePath() priv = h.getSSHPrivKeyFilePath() pasf = h.getSSHPassFilePath()'Got file paths for pub, priv, pass for SSH profile %s' % profile) return (pub, priv, pasf) # # API for GSISSHKeyHandler # def getGSISSHKey(self, profile): """ Returns GSI proxy string from profile """ pass def getGSISSHKeyPaths(self, profile): """ Returns GSI proxy (private key) from path as a string """ h = self._getHandler(profile) priv = h.getGSISSHPrivKeyFilePath()'Got file paths for proxy for GSISSH profile %s' % profile) return priv def _getHandler(self, profile): """ """ handler = None for h in self.handlers: self.log.debug("Finding handler. Checking %s" % if == profile: self.log.debug("Found handler for %s" % handler = h if handler is None: raise InvalidAuthFailure('No handler for %s ' % profile) return handler
formatstr = FORMAT26 log = logging.getLogger() hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter(formatstr) hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(hdlr) log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Override with command line switches if info: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Override with command line switches log.debug("Logging initialized.") fconfig=Config() if fconfig_file is not None: fconfig_file = os.path.expanduser(fconfig_file) got_config = log.debug("Read config file %s, return value: %s" % (fconfig_file, got_config)) else: # Create valid config... fconfig.add_section('Factory') # Set unconditional defaults fconfig.set('Factory', 'config.queues.agis.baseurl', '' ) fconfig.set('Factory', 'config.queues.agis.sleep', '3600' ) fconfig.set('Factory', 'config.queues.agis.jobsperpilot', '1.5' ) fconfig.set('Factory', 'config.queues.agis.numfactories', '4') """
def getMockMappingsConfig(): mappingsconf = '''[NATIVECONDORBATCHSTATUS] 0 = unexpanded 1 = idle 2 = running 3 = removed 4 = completed 5 = held 6 = submission_err [CONDORBATCHSTATUS-JOBSTATUS2INFO] 0 = pending 1 = pending 2 = running 3 = done 4 = done 5 = pending 6 = running [CONDOREC2BATCHSTATUS-JOBSTATUS2INFO] 0 = pending 1 = pending 2 = running 3 = done 4 = done 5 = pending 6 = running [PANDAWMSSTATUS-JOBSSTATISTICSPERSITE2INFO] pending = notready defined = notready assigned = notready waiting = notready throttled = notready activated = ready starting = running sent = running running = running holding = running transferring = running finished = done failed = failed cancelled = failed [CONDORWMSSTATUS-JOBSTATUS2INFO] 0 = ready 1 = ready 2 = running 3 = done 4 = done 5 = failed 6 = running''' buf = StringIO.StringIO(mappingsconf) cp = Config() cp.readfp(buf) return cp